Christmas Abasement

Stories about boys ending up in compromising situations, preferably naked and embarrassed, as the name suggests.
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steam train
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Christmas Abasement

Post by steam train »

Christmas Abasement
By Steam Train
Copyright 2014/2024 by Steam Train, all rights reserved

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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.

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Abasement: to humble or to reduce or lower, as in rank, office, reputation, or estimation.

Christmas Abasement
By Steam Train

It was two days before Christmas and school was on holidays. The scene in the living room of the Carter household was quite crowded and anything but festive, well at least it was not festive as far as fourteen year old eight grader Trent Carter was concerned.

Trent was standing in the centre of his living room, with a thick old leather belt, a bowl of warm water, a razor, shaving cream and a hand towel laid out in front of him on the living room floor. Trent had a very forlorn look on his face and his body posture indicated he wished he could be anywhere else rather then being the centre of attention of the group gathered around him in his own living room.

His mother was sitting on the couch facing him with a look of expectation and satisfaction. Carol Carter had been telling her husband Bruce for the last couple of years that he needed to be firmer with his disciple. Only yesterday she had again had a tearful discussion with her husband about the need for stronger discipline for their three children after Trent had again mouthed off at her over a simple request to help tidy up the living room.

Sitting next to her was her thirteen year old daughter Samantha who everyone called Sam. Squeezed in next to her on the couch were her closest friends, twelve year olds Sandy and Jess who were all in seventh grade together. All three girls were smiling at Trent and fidgeting with excitement and expectation at actually being allowed to witness Trent's punishment.

Trent was already blushing slightly from this attention despite the fact that nothing yet had really happened. All sorts of embarrassing and humiliating thoughts however were racing through his brain.

Sitting on the floor in front of the couch was Liam, Trent's twelve year old brother along with his best friend from sixth grade, eleven year old Daniel. Both boys looked as excited as the girls.

<<Surely dad was not really serious about this. When I was caught red handed by dad I expected a grounding for pantsing my brother in front of the girls and my friends, but this! >> thought Trent.

Whilst he thought this Trent looked down and blushed in embarrassment at his three eighth grade friends who were sitting on the floor next to his brother. Adam and Shawn were close friends but James was there in sufferance. Trent did not really like James, but he was a close friend of Adam. James had a smile of deep satisfaction on his face, he was obviously going to enjoy seeing Trent punished. Trent had often made life hard for him and truth be known James thought Trent was a show off and had little or no sympathy at all for Trent in his current predicament.

"Well son, everyone is settled" Bruce Carter announced from his lounge chair next to the sofa, "It's time to begin!"

"Dad, " Trent pleaded, "You can't be serious about making me do this? I am really sorry for pulling down Liam's pants, I will accept any grounding you give me"

"I told you only last night young man, that you were on your last warning, and that anymore misbehaviour this week would result in severe pain or severe humiliation or both as a punishment. Besides you didn't just pull down your brothers jeans, you yanked down his boxers too and when he was trying to recover his clothing from around his ankles, you pulled them completely off him and then stripped him of his polo shirt leaving him totally naked in front of your sister and all these boys and girls."

"He didn't have much worth hiding anyway" Trent blurted out.

His newly turned twelve year old brother Liam joined Trent in the blushing department as he was reminded by Trent's cruel comment that his sister, Sandy, Jess, Adam, Shawn, James and his best friend Daniel had all seen that he was no longer a totally prepubescent little boy, his cock had recently lengthened and thickened a bit, his balls had dropped and he had a very light dusting of a few hairs just above his cock.

"You son, are a bully and a show off. You delighted in humiliating your brother in front of there boys and girls just to big note yourself, not caring at all about Liam's feelings. Well you forced your brother to be stark naked, so soon we are all about to see you just as naked!"

"No dad, don't do this in front of everyone ......" Trent pleaded his voice embarrassingly breaking with the emotional strain. "Do it in my bedroom .... please dad!"

"Humiliation, my dad used to say, was an integral part of a good punishment, it would be nowhere as humiliating if you were punished in private" Mr Carter stated as he reached forward from his lounge chair and picked up the old thick leather belt that was positioned next to the shaving gear. "Your punishment, son, is happening right here in front of everyone."

"Noooo ... please dad"

"However you do have one choice. You can choose to either receive your first ever spanking, naked with this belt, which my dad used on me when I was your age. Trust me, from my own experience, it is excruciating to receive and by the time I am finished with you, you will be doing a naked spanked dance in front of your friends and everyone else here!"

Trent blushed even more as that comment bought giggles and smiles from the eager audience.

"Or you can forgo the pain of my daddy's old belt and instead choose humiliation in front of everyone here by having all your pubes shaved off so you are even more hairless and smooth than your brother who you tormented about his near baldness when you exposed him earlier!"

"Dad ....." Trent whimpered.

"Well son what is your choice? I think it's well and truly time we got on with what Trent's got coming to him, don't you, fellas?"

The eager audience heartily agreed.

Mr Carter then cautioned, "Now, remember, boys and girls, Trent is going to learn a major lesson tonight, but I want you to learn one, too, none of you are yet too old that you cannot be punished like Trent. So watch carefully, learn from this experience and don't feel sorry or embarrassed for Trent, he brought this on himself."

"Dad, " Trent again pleaded, "Please don't make me do this? You know I am real modest and don't ever get naked in front of the family, Sam and Liam have never seen me naked since we all were babies and even you and mom have never seen me naked since like I was nine or ten. Even my best friends here have never seen me naked and I've never been spanked and I don't want to be spanked! But I promise I will accept a whole months total grounding if you don't do this"

Mrs Carter intervened at this point, "As far as I am concerned, you and for that matter all the teens of your generation are far too modest." Carol Carter paused at that moment and turned her gaze on Sam and her two friends who were sitting next to her and then gazed down at her younger son and the boys sitting on the floor with him. All of the boys and girls blushed at her gaze. Turning her eyes back to Trent she continued, "You had your warning young man and choose to ignore it as per usual so make up your mind by the count of three or I will ask your father to administer both punishments! One ...... Two ......... "

<<Oh, God' Trent thought, 'I will be totally naked no matter which choice I make, I don't want to be naked, they will all laugh at me ... but it will have to be the shaving, it's horrific that my friends will see me naked but I sure don't want my friends to see me spanked! I've never been spanked and I suspect I won't be able to take the pain like a man, I'm not good with pain... anyway, as they will see me completely naked no matter which option I choose, it has to be the shaving, dad's going to disappointed but oh god stripping naked in public is going to be the most embarrassing moment ever in my life! Ohhhh .... mum is counting three.... >>

"Shaving, ..... I choose the shaving ..... " Trent managed to announce just in time.

"Well Trent, what are you waiting for? Time for a little embarrassment, son! Take off all your clothes," Mr Carter commanded.

All eyes were on Trent as he whimpered "Dad...please ...... ".

Mr Carter raised himself menacingly from his lounge chair when Trent failed to move, but sat down again when Trent finally began removing his joggers.

<<Fuck I have to start stripping... oh, this is a nightmare... dad and mom are so mean ... ok off go my joggers and socks and now for my polo shirt ... I've got nervous goose bumps ... shit next it will be my jeans ... oh it will be unbearable all of them seeing me in my underpants...oh fuck! >>

There were ever growing smiles all around the captivated audience as Trent unwillingly began undressing.

Mrs Carter commented, "Now it gets interesting" as Trent stood bare footed and chested in front of everyone.

"It sure is" her daughter Sam responded with eagerness, enthusiasm and excitement.

Trent had to use all his willpower to undo his jeans and let them fall to the floor exposing his red boxer shorts. His cheeks were blushing as red as his boxers as he stepped out of his jeans.

"You can stop for a moment, Trent." Mr Carter ordered.

"Take a good look, everybody." Mr Carter ordered but in fact they were already looking. "Imagine how Liam felt when you stripped him in front of all these boys and girls? Doesn't feel too good to be standing there just wearing your underpants knowing that soon they will be gone too and that you will be naked, does it, son?"

"Noooo ..... sir?"

"Especially as you are standing in front of these very same boys and girls who you so much wanted to show off in front of! Well now you are really going to get the chance to show off!"

"Ohhh... please dad ....."

"No son, it's time that the boys and girls got to see what you have to show off, it's time for them to see what you look like totally naked!"

"Nooooooo ..... "

Are you all ready to see Trent stark naked, guys?"

"Yes, ... yes!" the audience including Mrs Carter enthusiastically responded.

"Okay" Mr Carter laughed. "Trent ... you've got a captive audience, so let's get you naked and really show them something. Grab the waistband of your boxers and when I count to 'three' I want you to pull your underpants down all the way to the floor."

"Dad, please... i can't ..... "

"Shall I get your sister and brother to come up and do it?"

"No, no!"

"Then it's time for your grand unveiling." At that comment the excited audience snickered.

"Ok everyone, here we go. One .............. two ................... three!"

Trent's cheeks were burning with shame as he pulled his underpants to the ground exposing to all those present for the first time his still totally hairless genitals!

"And there's my fourteen year old smarty pants son, Trent Carter completely naked, like I promised! Have a good look ...... ohhhhhhh ... would you look at that ..... he's still totally bald,!!!" Mr Carter exclaimed. "Who would have thought that Liam would be more developed than his older brother."

<< Oh ... why did I get myself into this mess?...oh, how I wish I had never pantsed Liam...I didn't think any adults would see me do it ... my face feels so hot, I must be blushing red in the face, they can all see I'm totally embarrassed ... why do I blush so much?...oh, this is terrible... dad has ordered that I have to take off my underpants on the count of three... they will all see me totally naked .... they will see I have no pubes, even Liam had a few, I have none ... ohhhhhh fuck ...... "One" ... ohhhh, this really sucks!...I have to let them see me naked ... all of them ... girls and boys .... they will all see me naked ... oh fuck ......."Two" I know they're just loving this, oh they will soon see that I have no pubes ...... fuck, fuck fuck ..... "Three" ..... I'll close my eyes and ......... here I go ...... shit shit shit ..... down they go ..... ohhhhh they are all laughing at me ... they can see I am still bald, I'll never get over this ... oh fuck!!! ..... >>

With the laughing the realisation quickly hit Trent of what he had just done ..... he opened his eyes, everyone was staring at him, but no one was looking at his face. He was now completely naked and exposed!

The look of shock in his mother's eyes, instantly made Trent look down to where she and everyone else was staring, at his totally hairless groin with his penis straining towards the ceiling at a humiliating full erection. He was of average development for a fourteen year old, his penis was still thin but had at least four and a half to five inches of length at its current full erection. His balls, though not of any spectacular size had dropped and his scrotum was hanging down for all to see. It was his total lack of any body hair below his neck line that was the the most surprising revelation.

His sister Sam had broken out laughing, quickly followed by her girl friends and the other boys.

Ashamed, Trent started to cover-up, even though it was really too late for that. But as he did so, he caught his father shaking his head remonstratingly and reaching for the belt. It took every effort of will power that he could exert to keep his hands from covering up his exposed hairless genitals.

When her son had lowered his underwear down to his ankles, Carol Carters eyes had been instinctively drawn downwards as she looked at her fourteen year old son naked for the first time in over five years.

If her son had been blushing before, it was as nothing to the beet-red his face now turned when he saw that her eyes were looking straight at his penis ... his smooth totally hairless penis!

"Oh my god! It's... it's... not very big!" Sandy squealed out in amazement,..."it's totally hairless..." her friend Jess exclaimed as she then momentarily looked up at the profusely blushing fourteen year old, "I thought that as you were older... that... oh my god, that you'd have pubes, even Liam has a few pubes."

"You're... you're... bald, totally and utterly bald" James exclaimed out aloud still in shock but relishing the fact that Trent Carter was so under developed, he thought << fuck even his penis and balls are not very big, in fact his younger brother Liam was almost as big down there and certainly he at least had some pubic fuzz. >>

Trent hung his head in shame. This was just so totally humiliating!

"Well," Mr Carter said, searching for something, anything, to say in the shock of how undeveloped Trent was for his fourteen years of age "We definitely won't be shaving off your pubes, you don't even appear to have any peach fuzz like your brother that I could remove!."

Sam was still laughing her head off at how under developed her older brother was and her younger brother Liam was laughing as well. Most of the others present were laughing as well but as laughter is infectious it was hard to tell who were laughing at Trent and who were just laughing because it was contagious.

Trent looked away in shame ... this was hard on him, his most private secret, his lack of pubes was now revealed, his younger brother he had discovered, even had some pubic fuzz. He didn't know if he could survive the humiliation if his current feelings were any indication.

The absolute worse was when he looked over and saw his mother trying to hide her laughter whilst beside her Sam was still laughing uncontrollably!

"Step out of your underwear, son." said Mr Carter.

"Trent sure doesn't look like a fourteen year old teenager now he is naked does he?" asked Liam in revenge.

The audience again chuckled and giggled.

"How does it feel, son, knowing these boys and girls are seeing everything you've got, even what was your best kept secret, that you're still a hairless little boy "

Liam cheered and applauded that comment. Revenge was so sweet!

"You just stand right there, son, and let everybody get a good look at you without your clothes on."

Sam, Sandy and Jess leaned back on the sofa and put their hands behind their heads, fully enjoying their unrestricted view of Trent's naked hairless body. On the floor both Adam and Shawn had leaned forward trying to hide the bulges in their jeans.

"Wow, I can't get over that he has no pubes" James who was next to them exclaimed!

"Enjoying this, guys?" Mr Carter asked Trent's other two friends, Adam and Shawn who blushed suspecting that Mr Carter had noticed their arousal.

"Gosh, yes, Mr Carter " Shawn answered and Adam nodded with enthusiasm. Both were really aroused at seeing their friend abased in such a way.

"We're really teaching Trent a lesson aren't we?" Liam's friend Daniel added.

"We are, Daniel, but as Trent doesn't have any pubes to shave off, I think a good spanking with my dads old belt will teach an even better lesson that Trent won't forget for a long, long time!"

"Please dad not the belt ......I choose shaving, you can still shave me!." wailed Trent who was in abject fear of being spanked.

Mr Carter showed no compassion and immediately got out of his chair and pulled the fearful Trent by the arm over to the living room desk, telling him to bend over it, with his already tearful face flat on the surface. He then made minor adjustments to his petrified sons position so that his bottom was presented at an ideal spanking angle.

Swishing the old belt through the air for the first time since it had had been used on him many years ago, Bruce Carter felt wonderful, and seeing his sons hairless legs trembling made the sensation all the sweeter. Yes, Mr Carter thought, Carol is correct I should have done this years ago!

Mr Carter didn't waste any time and raised the belt, before bringing it down in a swift arc to meet its target. Despite being out of practice, the first stroke landed right across the centre of Trent's buttocks.

Trent let out a loud yelp, upon receiving his first ever stroke of a spanking, it sounded as much of surprise as of pain.

The second stroke was delivered just below the first, achieved a more satisfying acknowledgement, a louder, higher pitched cry of pain as Trent suffered the sensations of the second stroke of his first ever spanking. Mr Carter maintained the same level of severity for the remaining four strokes of Trent's punishment, each stroke bringing a higher pitched young boy descant scream out of his son.

Sure enough Mr Carter had been correct for when the spanking was over and fourteen year old Trent Carter was let up off the table, he did a wild spankers dance across the living room in front of a very appreciative audience, oblivious to the fact that his totally hairless penis and balls were flopping around for everyone to see. All Trent was concerned about was the enormous burning pain that was resonating from his once lilly white buttocks as a consequence of his first ever spanking!

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Re: Christmas Abasement

Post by TeenFan »

I've been one to use "Group Dynamics" in humiliation situations, and this is one big group. Family and friends witnessing such a spectacle, I
like it a lot.

However, it being a Christmas story is only incidental. This could have taken place at any time of the year. I'd like to see some more
Christmas added to a Part Two, such as being made to make Angels out in the snow (that would cause some embarrassing shrinkage). Perhaps
the only thing he gets to wear is a ribbon and a bow on his boner.

I noticed this was originally written ten years ago, though I'm hoping a sequel might happen.
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Re: Christmas Abasement

Post by tim409 »

TeenFan wrote: Sat Dec 14, 2024 4:18 pm I've been one to use "Group Dynamics" in humiliation situations, and this is one big group. Family and friends witnessing such a spectacle, I
like it a lot.

However, it being a Christmas story is only incidental. This could have taken place at any time of the year. I'd like to see some more
Christmas added to a Part Two, such as being made to make Angels out in the snow (that would cause some embarrassing shrinkage). Perhaps
the only thing he gets to wear is a ribbon and a bow on his boner.

I noticed this was originally written ten years ago, though I'm hoping a sequel might happen.
The girls could tie ribbons around his balls or do body painting with his genitals as the center of attention and they could have him jump up and down as they sing JINGLE BALLS (jingle them up and down, jingle those balls all around as we watch the cock stand tall.
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Re: Christmas Abasement

Post by Skylar21 »

When boys are punished, it should be carried out publicly, before family and his friends. Knowing that is the case the young male may think twice before doing something stupid. :cry:

If nudity is involved in the punishment, so much the better. The boy learns that he can't hide behind a tough facade. He must display the truth. :oops: I'm in favor of naked spankings before a boy's friends and family. Let his victim be in the audience as well, or let his victim administer part of the spanking.
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Re: Christmas Abasement

Post by tim409 »

Skylar21 wrote: Sat Dec 14, 2024 8:58 pm When boys are punished, it should be carried out publicly, before family and his friends. Knowing that is the case the young male may think twice before doing something stupid. :cry:

If nudity is involved in the punishment, so much the better. The boy learns that he can't hide behind a tough facade. He must display the truth. :oops: I'm in favor of naked spankings before a boy's friends and family. Let his victim be in the audience as well, or let his victim administer part of the spanking.
I agreed, and although boys should be punished in the nude in the presence of the family including his sisters both older and younger than he is, if his sisters have girlfriends over, they should be allowed to stay and watch especially if the offense was to a girl or the mother. He should also be given nude corner time with his hands on his head facing the room so he has time to think about how to correct his behavior.

Girls on the other hand should be punished in their room and only when dressed.
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