Super Sweet 16 Disaster! by KennyBee

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Super Sweet 16 Disaster! by KennyBee

Post by PhilMarlowe »

KennyBee wrote: Super Sweet 16 Disaster! by KennyBee

Okay, maybe I went too far. But she started it!
Honestly, if this went to a court of law, the jury would say “Not guilty! Her sister totally started it.”
But I’m getting ahead of myself. You don’t know me any better than my imaginary jury, and you certainly don’t know my sister. But you know the type, right? Madison is 20 and has never had to work for anything in her life, because she’s beautiful. And I mean Hollywood beautiful. Tall, slim, long dark hair that cascades over her shoulders.
Her face is a mysterious wonder - how many guys have gotten lost lost in those big hazel eyes whilst talking to her? I’ve seen it happen. One minute they’re giving her their best lines, and she just bats her eyelids and they start stuttering and forgetting what they were saying. When that happens, Madison just laughs at them and walks away back to her clique. She’s a goddess, she’s everything all the girls at school want to be.
She’s everything I want to be.
Did I mention her body?
If you’d ever seen her, I wouldn’t need to. Every inch of her would be memorised and worshipped by you. Her long legs, her perfect round bubble butt, her nonexistent waist that somehow leads to the most perfect boobs I’ve ever seen. I know, I know, I’m her sister, but seriously, how did she claim all the good genes in the family?
That’s not to say I’m an unattractive girl, by any means. I’ve had my fair share of compliments and interest from boys. I’m just a bit shorter than her, a bit stockier, my butt’s a bit bigger, my boobs a bit smaller. But you could say that about every girl in the school.
Anyway, I hope I’ve set the scene. To recap, I’m pretty. Madison is a goddam 100% knockout.

It all went down at my Super 16th birthday party.

Look…we only turn 16 once, right? So I wanted a big pool party. Somehow, I’d convinced my parents to go out at 7pm, leaving just 50 of us kids, with Madison in charge.
Now I don’t want you to think I don’t like Madison. I’m envious of her, sure. But she’s my sister and I love her. I would never, ever dream of publicly humiliating her. But I do believe in one thing. An eye for an eye.

Okay, so I had been drinking. With my parents gone, we had snuck in some alcohol. Madison didn’t know. She was too busy texting about 8 different guys at once. I was hanging in the hot tub next to the pool with some friends, and decided I needed another beer. I climbed out of the tub and padded barefoot along past Madison to where I knew the beers were stored round the side, out of her sight. As I walked, I was aware of several of the guys staring at me in my red bikini, and I felt good. Sure, I’m no Madison, but I still had a great body. And I did not mind showing it off in a bikini!

Revelling in the attention, I grabbed a beer and poured it into a glass. As I was walking past Madison I heard a guy wolf whistle at me. “Yo Annie, give us a twirl!”
And I did. I twirled round, showing everyone my young, tight body. From somewhere in the pool I heard someone say “She’s got a better ass than Madison!” I looked at Madison. She must have also heard, because she looked up at me.
“Sit down, fat-ass. You’re blocking my sun.”
“Shut up Madison. It’s my birthday,” I said.
“Don’t tell me to…wait, what are you drinking?” she said, spotting my beer.
I hid it behind my back. “Nothing!”
“Give it here!” she commanded. The partygoers had lapsed into silence by this point. I couldn’t believe it! It was my super 16th birthday, and my big sister was about to chew me out in front of everyone! I could feel my face starting to flush. Madison took my beer from me and sniffed it.
“As I thought,” she said coldly.
My face was getting redder and redder with anger.
“Just shut up Madison and give it back! You can’t stand you’re not the centre of attention, and that…that….”
I never got to finish my sentence. I was going to say that ‘maybe I look better than you in a bikini!’ Instead, Madison lifted up my beer and tipped the contents out onto my head. That shut me up pretty fast. Madison smiled.
“You were getting pretty red. Thought I’d better cool you down.”
We just stood there facing each other for what honestly felt like hours, her smiling like the cat with the cream. My anger began to give way to another feeling, maybe the worst feeling someone can have at their special birthday party.
So I slapped her.
Not hard, just a sisterly ‘you shouldn’t have done that’ type slap. And then things went from bad to worse.

I thought Madison might lose her cool. Now literally everyone at the party was staring at us. I regretted the slap. If a fight broke out, I’m wearing a small red bikini and Madison was fully dressed in a white tee shirt and black shorts. But Madison just looked at me, straight in the eye. My anger was wearing off and I felt my bottom lip start to tremble, knowing how much trouble I was now in.
“I’m sorry,” I whispered, beer still running down my face from where Madison had poured it.
Madison finally turned away from me and faced the crowd of eager young faces.
“What do you think guys…she’s 16 today. Is that too old for a spanking?”
I felt my stomach do somersaults and my knees turn to jelly. What the hell did she just say? A spanking?? From who, her? At my party? In front of everyone? In just my little bikini? I started to protest but was silenced by the roar of approval from the crowd. I honestly don’t think most of them were taking it seriously, just playing along. At least, I hope not. Maybe they really did want to see me publicly spanked?

Madison, grinning from ear to ear, grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me forwards while she sat back down on her chair. I landed with my belly on her knees, winding me a bit. She yanked both my arms behind my back and held them there with one strong hand. As I regained my breath, I looked out towards my friends. They were laughing and cheering and goading us on!

Later, when the madness was over, I had asked some of them why they were cheering. My best friend Lucy had said “We just thought it was a bit of fun, y’know. Like a birthday spanking. Maybe she’d swat you once or twice on the behind and then be done with it. We didn’t know she’d…y’know…pull them down…” At that, Lucy had broken eye contact with me, embarrassed to be bringing it up.

Madison pushed my by my arms further forward, sliding me across her knees until my face was almost touching the ground, and my big butt was pointing skywards. The crowd cheered (Later I was told it was because Madison had raised her hand ready to spank me) and I shouted out “Let me go, you bitch! It’s my party!”

You have to believe me, I had never sworn in my life till that point. And I think it was totally justified! If my mom had been here, Madison could never have gotten away with this. Instead, Madison addressed the crowd again.

“This is what happens to naughty little girls who drink underage and have potty mouths!” she said. Naughty little girls! I was about to say something back when I felt it. Her hand. I…sorry, it’s still hard for me to talk about. I sometimes wish I’d just died from shame before she could do it. But I didn’t, and so I felt Madison’s hand on the lower half of my skimpy bikini. Her fingers felt cold against my butt, but they weren’t there long. To the biggest cheer I think I’d ever heard, Madison pulled my bikini right down over my…my butt. My bare, naked butt. There I was, 16 years old, bent over my sisters knee in front of everyone, and she had just pulled my bikini down and exposed my big chubby naked bottom to the world. I could hear gasps of shock. The cheering crowd was almost silent now, watching, waiting. I struggled, trying to break free, but her grip was too strong. I tried to kick my feet, but my bikini was now resting around my ankles and I couldn’t get momentum.

I wish I had maintained a dignified silence, but instead I started crying and begging. God, I was begging! Madison was humiliating me, but I was making it worse by begging. Looking back I feel so utterly pathetic.
“Please Madison, don’t! Please! Please! It’s my party! Let me go! Not in front of everyone! They can see my bottom! Pleeeeease Madison, not in front of all my friends, they can see my bottom!” Big tears rolled down my face as I kicked and struggled and cried and begged.
“Please don’t do this, I’ll…OWWWWW!”
The spanking had begun. And she wasn’t fooling! Her hand struck my butt with a noise like a whip crack and, yes, I yelled “OWWWWW!” I could hear Madison laughing at me. She slapped me again, this time on the other cheek. And again. And again. And again. She smacked me on both cheeks. Sometimes she seemed to spank me right in between my cheeks. Sometimes she slapped the very top of my butt, sometimes the very bottom. My poor bare ass must have been doing a merry dance for everyone, getting slapped all over. She even smacked the tops of my thighs, which hurt like hell. She really knew what she was doing, I guess. And what was I doing through all of this? Two things.
Crying, and screaming “OWWWWW!”
I don’t know what hurt most, the bare ass spanking or the shame of all my friends seeing it.
Then, mercifully, Madison stopped. There was silence, apart from my heavy breathing and thick, guttural sobs. I just stared down at the ground. I couldn’t raise my head, couldn’t look anyone in the eye. I was too ashamed.
Then I heard a boy in the crowd shout at Madison “Hey let her go, come on! Don’t do that!”
Wait, do what? What was she going to do now?
Madison replied to the boy. “Shut up, pipsqueak or you’re next up here. So if you don’t want everyone to laugh at your tiny shrivelled dick, then keep quiet.”
That shut him up.
Then she spoke to me.
“So, you like drinking now, huh? And you have a potty mouth? Well here’s a beer for you.”
I didn’t understand until I felt her pour a beer all over my bare ass. It felt weird and unpleasant, let me tell you. Then she must have put the glass down and started spanking me again! I just closed my eyes and lay there, bent over my sister’s knee, cold beer running down my ass crack and down my thighs to where my bikini sat at my ankles, my big wobbly bottom getting spanked over and over in front of all my friends, each spank making a wet slapping sound as my naked butt bounced and jiggled around and I just cried and cried and cried, wishing for it all to end soon.

And end it did.

She finally stopped and let go of my arms. I lay there for a few seconds longer, whimpering and sobbing. Somehow, despite my stinging bottom, I managed to reach down and find my bikini bottoms and slid them up my legs, all this while still lying over Madsion’s knee. I raised my hips up a bit to fully bring my bikini up and cover my front, before standing up. I stood there, snivelling, my hands over my eyes. I didn’t know where to go, what to do! I felt sick, and just wanted to be anywhere but here. Madison looked at me.
“Annie” she said softly, delicately. I turned to look at her. She looked furious!
“YOU!” (she leaned forwards towards my bikini bottoms again)
“ARE” (she hooked the fingers of one hand into the waistband)
“STILL” (My heart sank as I thought she was going to pull them down again)
“BLOCKING” (Instead, with her other hand, she pushed me backwards, hard)
“MY” (I fell backwards towards the pool, Madison’s hand still on my bikini briefs)
“SUN!!” (There was a horrible tearing sound as my bikini bottoms ripped apart in Madison’s hand)

For a second, I was suspended in mid air, wearing nothing but a skimpy bikini top. Then I hit the water. I turned and swam as fast as I could towards the house. I reached the edge of the pool and threw myself out, then started running across the grass to the house. I was well aware that my stark naked bottom, still red from the spanking, was all anyone was looking at, but I didn’t care. I just wanted two things.

To end this cruel humiliation at the hands of my sister
jimmythehand wrote: Excellent start - please continue (nm) by jimmythehand
KennyBee wrote: part 2 by KennyBee

Oh is that what she told you, yeah?

Sounds like Annie all right. Sounds like Annie.

Okay, okay, most of it’s true, I’ll admit it. But she had it coming, that little princess. It’s always ‘oh woe is me’ with her. Well let me tell you, that bitch deserved what she got. She deserved to be spanked bare-assed in front of all her friends. I only wish I could have done it in front of the whole neighbourhood.

As for the last part, it was an honest mistake! I only meant to give her a little shove. When I saw her falling backwards into the pool, I tried to stop her. Maybe it was a mistake to try and hold her by the bikini…but you should have seen her face! And when she ran out of the pool into the house, her little fat butt going BOING BOING bouncing away, I just cracked up.

But did she tell you what she did to me after? She didn’t need to probably. I imagine you’ve seen the videos by now, the gifs, the memes. I’m internet famous now, for all the wrong, most humiliating reasons.

She took it way too far, her and all her nasty little friends.

She was gone about 30 minutes, and came back out all red faced and puffy eyed. She had put all her clothes back on, which was fine, I’d seen enough of her stupid fat ass by then. I smiled and waved. “Quick, someone get Annie a cushion, her ass must sting like hell!” I shouted to no one in particular. Ha, I’d ruined her dumb birthday party. Nothing says ‘I’m an adult now’ like getting a bare-ass spanking from your sister in front of all your friends, and probably some guy she’s totally crushing on.

I had no idea she would be bold enough to get revenge. I knew I could easily overpower her. What I hadn’t counted on was her getting a little help.

A lot of help.

There I was, innocently relaxing by the pool, when this big bitch walks up to me, blocking my sun. Gaaaawd, will these stupid little girls never learn? I hate when people do that. My tan is absolutely perfect, and I need it to stay that way.

“Get out of my sun” I said, “unless you want to end up like my sister.” I patted my knee, reminding her where she would end up, and smiled at her. What happened next was a bit of a blur. This bitch, I think her name was Liz or something equally lame, grabbed my by the hair! My beautiful hair! She yanked me out of my seat and started walking me around the pool! In front of everybody! I tried to slap her, but she just tugged on my hair harder. This girl was 2 years younger than me, but she was a lot stronger. She kept talking to me, some bullshit about saying sorry, I shouldn’t have done that, yadda yadda yadda. I kept shouting at her to shut up and let me go.

Next thing I know? I’m in the pool! She threw me, by my hair, into the pool! She ruined my hair, she ruined my make up and she ruined my clothes! I was so mad. She was clearly poor and couldn’t afford nice clothes like me, so she wanted to ruin mine. Some people have no class.

I was so mad! Everyone was laughing at me! I could hear them. Now, as I’m sure you know, I’m not used to that. People turn their heads when I walk by. Guys jaws drop, their eyes follow my butt. Girls want to be me sooooo bad! Am I the most popular girl in school? Duh, of course I am you dumbass. Now shut up, or do you not want to hear the rest of the story?

I looked down and saw my white tee had gone see through. Luckily, I was wearing a really nice bra, red, lacy and sexy. Did I mention my tits? I don’t need to, I can see you looking at them right now, you pervert. Anyway, nice bra or not, I didn’t want all those little horny bastards looking at me, so I swam (gracefully of course) towards the edge of the pool and got out. I knew my black shorts would be clinging to my butt and that those horrible people would be ogling it, but whatever. That was as close as they would ever get.

Or so I thought.

Now call me naive, but when my sister stood at the edge of the pool, I genuinely thought she was going to help me out. (‘Who needs brains when you’ve got tits’ my sister would probably say, in that sarcastic way of hers). But no, she reached down past my hands, grabbed my tee and pulled it off over my head! I couldn’t believe it! Again, everyone started laughing at me. At ME, Madison Hart! How dare they! I closed my arms over my soaked wet bra and looked around for someone to help me. But they were ALL laughing at me! I jumped out the pool and quickly covered my bra again, walking towards my sister.

Then someone grabbed me from behind! It was that Liz bitch again. She lifted my arms up and locked them behind my head so that everyone could get a good look at my boobs! Then she lifted me off the ground and started shaking me back and forth, causing my boobs to jiggle about in front of everyone! I was mortified.

“Let me go, don’t you know who I am?” I was shouting. They didn’t listen! I could see my sister’s stupid smug grin, seeing me like this, humiliated in public! Ha, well the joke was on her. SHE was the one who’d been spanked on her bare…at this point, the realisation started. I had a very bad feeling about this.

My sister smiled at me.

“You know what they say, sis. An eye for an eye. Tit for tat. And we ALL wanna see those tits!”

I had no idea what the dumb bitch was talking about, but then she went and did it. She put her hands on the cups of my bra and pulled them both down, exposing my beautiful breasts! Exposing them to about 50 16 year olds, boys as well as girls! It would have been better if she’d taken the whole bra off, because the way they were squeezed out over the top of the cups was even more embarrassing. I started shouting again, and this caused Liz to pick me up and shake me again, then bounce me up and down like a big baby! I felt sick, seeing everyone’s eyes on my naked chest, being bounced around like a play thing!

Now I’ll admit, I’ve been involved in this sort of thing before. But never on the receiving end! Never! I remember getting my friends to depants some dumb broad in the school canteen once. And this other time there was this girl I hated cos she was a total goth, so we stripped her to her panties in the park and made her run home crying. The thing is, it’s so much fun to humiliate someone. Never had I considered what it felt like to be the one being humiliated!

It felt awful. I was near tears myself when my sister, Annie, started to tug my shorts down! I was terrified, absolutely terrified that my panties would come down too. I pleaded with my sister not to do it, but she continued. My shorts were wet and sticking to my body, but she yanked them down over my butt (did I mention what a cute bubble butt I have) and thankfully, my panties pretty much stayed in place. However, at the sight of my wet, red lacy undies everyone started cheering like someone just scored a touchdown or something. Annie pulled my shorts right down, over my long legs and took them right off my body. There I was, in front of everyone, my boobs spilling out of my red lacy bra, and my matching red panties now on display too. I crossed my legs to try and cover my crotch. I was very aware of the cool breeze on my stripped body. Then that big bitch behind me released my arms for a second. Before I had a chance to realise though, I was twirled round like a marionette and found myself braless! I clasped my hands over my chest, one hand on each boob. The cold air on my wet body caused my nipples to harden, and I tightened my hands to cover them.

I’m embarrassed to say that here was I where I started begging them, like my pathetic sister had done. Well, it wasn’t fair, she had deserved it!

And then things went bad. Annie grabbed the back of my panties and I thought ‘This is it - I’m gonna be stripped naked in front of all these teenagers!’

But I was wrong. She pulled hard on my panties, pulled them right up, so far that the lacy fabric must have disappeared right up my poor butt crack! In front of everyone, my sister had turned my sexy panties into a skimpy little thong, and everyone could see my totally naked bottom! I shrieked in pain and shame, and then my sister started walking away, still gripping my panties in her hand. My hands over my naked boobs, I had to walk along beside her. She was walking me round the pool, making sure everyone got an eyeful of me. Then she sped up. My horrible sister started to jog around the pool, dragging me by my undies. I also jogged to keep up with her, then ran as she sped up even more! Soon, I had to let go of my boobs to try and keep my balance as we ran round and round the slippery pool, my naked, exposed breasts bouncing all over the place! I could see people filming me, filming my naked humiliation, my breasts swinging around, my butt, with it’s pure white tan lines, bouncing and wobbling before their eyes!

Then I slipped and fell, but Annie didn’t stop! She kept pulling me, the wedgie going deeper and deeper into me. I turned onto my back but still she dragged me, and now, to my horror, I felt my little red panties cutting into my pussy! Annie dragged me backwards, over the grass. I was unable to get to my feet, and all I could do was put both hands over my pubic region to cover the massive wedgie that was going on down there.

Stripped and wedgied and dragged around my own back yard, begging for Annie to stop, or for someone to help. And then some more people did come to help, but not the way I wanted. Three of the guys helped Liz and Annie lift me up, way off the ground, and hang me, by my red, lacy panties, on a strong tree branch.

They let me go and there I was, beautiful Madison Hart, dangling before them, utterly shamed, utterly humiliated, and pretty much utterly naked. My panties by now were so far up my vajayjay that you could barely see them. My breasts, still soaken wet, gleamed in the evening sunshine. I could see a sea of camera phones filming me. I could hear so much laughter.

Only then did I start crying.

And only then did the spanking begin. Everyone at the entire party got a go. I was like a human piñata, and boy after girl stepped up to whack me hard on my big white bare bottom. I wanted my panties to break, but somehow they held. I screamed, I cried, I sobbed, I begged, but they didn’t stop until everyone present had given my bare rump a damned good spanking.

Did I deserve it? You be the judge.
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