The Great Jerk-Off Spectacular_ New January 28

Stories about boys ending up in compromising situations, preferably naked and embarrassed, as the name suggests.
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Re: The Great Jerk-Off Spectacular_ New October 13

Post by TeenFan »

The Great Jerk-Off Spectacular
Chapter 12. A Blind Feel

After Steven reported to the school nurse, to get his parts examined for Testiculitis, his good friend Abigail was eager to ask detailed questions.
Every boy in the 8th grade had to see the nurse that week, but Abigail picked on Steven because she wanted to know exactly what getting felt up
by the nurse....well, felt like.

"Were her hands cold when she grabbed you down there?"
"I think the nurse is hot. Do you find her to be attractive, Stevie?"
"She did what? She pulled on it? Wow...that is so funny?"
"Did you...did it get hard?"
"You ain't lying are you? The nurse complimented your development?
"What did she say about your big puffy nipples? Are you growing boobies?"

This conversation was during lunch, as the two of them sat mostly alone at a table. The other kids at the table were on the other side, several
chairs away, and since neither Steven nor Abigail are in the popular groups of students, nobody pays much attention to them (except for those
girls who are interested in a certain hidden part of Steven).

"Meet me after the final period. Meet me at the Library," and with that Abigail got up to leave.

* * * * *

When Steven walked into the Library, the last bell to sound the end of the last class was fifteen minutes ago. Only the librarian lady could
be seen, and she was busy doing something on the checkout desk computer. The librarian looked up at him, then went back to her work.

In a far corner of the library Steven found Abigail looking out a window that looks out onto the playground area.

"Okay, Abby...what did you want to see me about?"

"I want to see what the nurse saw. I want to touch it like the nurse did."

Steven looks at his friend, slack jawed and dumbfounded. Abigail had never asked to grab his dick. As far as Steven knows, Abigail has only
gotten to see dicks in the locker room, but the only one she touched was that guy at the swimming pool, the one who popped a boner
through the slit of his boxers. Admittedly she did get a good feel of that one. Now she wants to feel the private parts of her best male friend!

"C'mon...that's crazy. Where do you think we could do this?"

"Right over at that closet. Nobody will be going in there at this time. The Librarian will be leaving any minute now. She doesn't lock the
doors if you are worried about that."

Abigail has everything figured out, except for how Steven feels about getting felt up.

"I don't know about this. I really don't want you to see it."

Abigail is persistent as usual. "Will you let me touch it? I promise not to look. I'll keep my eyes closed."

Knowing girls are not the most trustworthy creatures on the planet, Steven is unsure of such an arrangement. He'd have to trust that Abigail
would keep her word and keep her eyes chance.

"Alright. We'll go into that closet. But the light stay off. You got that. If the lights come on I'll punch your lights out."

Abigail takes Steven by the hand, and she apparently agreed to the request as she stopped trying to negotiate. The closet door is pulled open,
and the two kids slip into the darkness inside. The closet is full of boxes of books and other stuff, so there was only enough room for them to
face each other. The door eases closed, the latch clicks, and the miniature world of the closet is plunged into blackness.

"Tell me when your underwear is all the way down," Abigail says.

"All the way down? I was just gonna slip it out through my boxers."

"I've already seen a guy do that. I want to feel what the nurse felt. Did you get to keep your undies up when she checked your balls?"

Steven knew she had a point. How can one do a physical checkup on a guy's sex organs if one has their underwear up around the waist?
Steven drops his jeans down past his knees. He sucks in his breath a few times to calm his nerves. He can't see a thing except a line of light
coming in from the bottom of the door. Steven lowers his boxers down to the meet his jeans.

"Okay, Abby. I got em lowered. I hope your hands are warm."

Fortunately, Abigail's hands were not cold, but it still sent a chill through Steven's body when he felt fingers fumbling around in the dark. The
fingers first found the end of his dick and they wrapped around the head like the tentacles of an invisible octopus. Then the hand wraps around
fully around the shaft. Steven can't help but tremble and lets out a little groan.

"Are you hard?...No, it's not. It's still squishy." Abigail gives the penis a couple hard squeezes. "I'm reaching down lower."

The unseen hand slides down, and it wraps around his ball sack. The fingers then focus on finding and feeling each individual testicle.

"It feels so warm there, almost sweaty. Do boys have sweaty balls? I heard something about that?"

Steven isn't about to say if he has "Sweaty Balls". He has no idea how the sweat glands, the moisture produced compares with anyone else.
The rest of him is starting to sweat. He can feel some sliding down the back of his neck.

Steven's breathing picked up when Abigail takes her other hand, wraps it around the dick. Now she has him both ways, and the dick hand is
starting to stroke him up and down. He can feel himself getting harder. The blood must be rushing to pump it up.

"Wow. I can feel it getting bigger. Steven, this is so awesome." Abigail started laughing and she laughed louder as the stroking got more

Steven could feel himself getting fully aroused and erected. He can't see what is happening to him, but feeling it is good enough. He feels
things happening, physical signs that he's getting too hot n horny. "Abby, you need to stop that."

"Stop what. I'm only checking you for Testiculitis. I must be thorough if I do my job properly."

Good grief...Abigail is acting like she's the school nurse. If she doesn't stop she's going to get more that she bargained for.

"Hold still Stevie...why are you backing up against the door. Stop bumping it will you."

Suddenly the closet is filled with light as the door swings outward. Steven gasps. Abigail squeals. The two kids become frozen in fear as
the Librarian stares at them. It must have been instantly noticeable that Steven's slacks are down below the knees, and how could she not
notice the girl's hand wrapped around the boy's penis. Abigail lets go, putting her hands up to her face.

For Steven the worst was feeling how his dick jerked and twitched, rising and falling in rapid succession. He leans down to grab his underwear.

"Stop right there young man. Don't touch nothing."

Frozen in fear, Steven raises himself back up as his dick continues to throb and bob.

Abigail starts talking, "I'm sorry Mrs. Feingold. We weren't really doing any - -"

"Weren't doing what? I can see what you two were doing. And you should be ashamed of yourself, Abigail. I can see that Steven here is a fine
specimen, but that's no excuse for doing that on school property. Better do that in the woods like everybody else does."

"We won't do it again," Steven says, his voice sounding weak and whiny.

"I don't care if you do," the Librarian scolded them. "Just do it where nobody can catch you. Now...what can we do to fix this. No, no...don't put
that thing away yet. I tell you what. I won't take you to the principal's office in exchange for..for whatever money you two have in your pockets."

Abigail pulled three dollars out of her pocket, and she handed it over to Mrs. Feingold. Steven can't reach his pockets, so the Librarian went
through the pockets for him. She searched the front pockets and the back pockets. The whole time Mrs. Feingold's face was mere inches from
the still hard and pulsing penis sticking up, and Steven could feel the woman's breath blowing on it. The old woman snatched three quarters and a five-dollar bill. It was quite a haul for not turning the naughty pair in to the school authorities.

After pocketing the money, the Librarian finally let Steven yank his clothes up.

"If I ever need a favor, I'll be calling on you two," Mrs. Feingold added one more stipulation to the robbery and blackmail. Then the wicked
pair of 8th graders were allowed to leave the library, but not before Steven got a hard pinch on the butt by the even more wicked librarian.

Steven and his friend ran for the school's front door, wasting no time for talking.

* * * * *
Neither of them told anybody what happened. Considering what they had been caught doing, both Abigail and Steven thought they got off lucky...that is, until Mrs. Feingold called in her request of a favor.
Last edited by TeenFan on Thu Nov 28, 2024 9:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Great Jerk-Off Spectacular_ New November 28

Post by Jeepman89 »

Very exciting turn of events. I wonder what favour the librarian has in mind?
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Re: The Great Jerk-Off Spectacular_ New November 28

Post by Trundle »

Telling them one say she will call in a favour and they have to do it is very ominous, I love it ! :D

Really wonder what it could be that she might want? I hope it's something embarrassing for Steven. Is this how Charlie gets involved somehow?
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Re: The Great Jerk-Off Spectacular_ New November 28

Post by TeenFan »

Trundle wrote: Fri Nov 29, 2024 10:34 am Telling them one say she will call in a favour and they have to do it is very ominous, I love it ! :D

Really wonder what it could be that she might want? I hope it's something embarrassing for Steven. Is this how Charlie gets involved somehow?
I mentioned an idea I had with Marble. How Steven and Abigail could end up helping Mrs. Feingold host a party.
Marble said he had an idea for Charlie, and the gathering was for a book club. We both had wine in the mix.
Something like this is likely to pop up in the near future...but who will end up writing that chapter???
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Re: The Great Jerk-Off Spectacular_ New November 28

Post by TeenFan »

The Great Jerk-Off Spectacular
Chapter 13. Wrestle Mania Part One, the setup.

With Abigail spending more time helping Mrs. Feingold in the library, she as able to spend some time on the computer. She was able to find
some cool information on one of the students on her personal HIT LIST. Using some info she got from Niraj, she was able to look up where in
India his family was living for a while, before they permanently moved to America.

Abigail showed Steven the video she found. At first he could not see the significance of it, but it didn't take long for Abigail to show him how
useful the video could be. This short video was of a traditional Indian wrestling practice. Niraj was younger, like only twelve years old. He was
wearing a bright red Langot, the skimpy underwear that Indian boys wear while working out and doing athletics.

Abigail thought Niraj looks so cute in his very revealing wrestling costume, but that was not the embarrassing thing. In the video, Niraj is
wrestling with a smaller, slightly chubby white American kid...and Niraj lost the match!

Here is the video:

Abigail thought Niraj looked so cute in that small outfit. It showed almost everything. His bulge was so obvious and can't be hidden.

"We need to get Niraj to wrestle someone from the wrestling team. Someone who will challenge him, push his buttons, make Niraj have
to defend his honor."

Steven went to a kid named Hogan Flair, who was the best wrestler on the team. After a few days of working out the details, with Abigail
providing the necessary ingredients in how to make an Indian boy mad as hell, Hogan sprung the trap. Hogan would get Niraj to take on one
of the girls on the wrestling team, and he'll do it while wearing a traditional Langot.

Hogan found Niraj sitting on the bleachers in the gym during PE class. Hogan sat down next to Niraj, and pulled out his phone. Looking up
a video he started to laugh. Niraj looks over at him several times, but he doesn't say anything.

Hogan taps Niraj on the shoulder. "You know that wrestling you guys do over there in India...that is so corny and fake. Do they really
roll around in the dirt like that?"

Niraj gets incensed by this. He sits up straight and in a dignified voice he says, "Kushti is a martial arts form that has been around for just
as long as Greco-Roman wrestling, probably longer."

Hogan laughs, and he points to a teenage wrestler in the video. "That thing he has on looks like underwear. It's shameful."

Niraj stands up defiantly. "That may be underwear, but we wear it proudly and we are not ashamed of our bodies like you shy Americans. Back
in India I used to be part of a wrestling club. I wore the Kushti like everyone else."

"Well...if you are so proud of it. I dare you to put one on here in front of everyone. I double dare you to wrestle in it. I bet you couldn't even
beat a girl."
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Re: The Great Jerk-Off Spectacular_ New December 7

Post by tim409 »

Abigail thought Niraj looks so cute in his very revealing wrestling costume,

Those costumes are very modest compared to many wrestling singlets worn by high school and college boys like these in which with some you may even be able to tell if they are circumcised or if the foreskin is pulled back. ... ImgDetMain ... ImgRaw&r=0 ... ImgRaw&r=0
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Re: The Great Jerk-Off Spectacular_ New December 7

Post by TeenFan »

The Great Jerk-Off Spectacular
Chapter 14. Wrestle Mania Part Two, Making an Entrance

It was a select list of students who were made privy to the knowledge of the upcoming wrestling match. Anybody and everybody would eagerly
show up to witness a cool bout between Niraj and a girl. With the match scheduled to take place in the cozy confines of the wrestling team's
practice room, there is only so much room for an audience.

All the wrestling team members will be there. Hogan Flair, the team captain, set up the day and time to coincide with a coach's convention. All
the coaches will be out of town that Friday, so little chance of anyone walking in at the wrong moment. Steven and Abigail will be there, and so
will the entire 8th grade cheerleader squad. In all it will be approximately 25 students roughly divided equally between boys and girls. Steven
gets the task of keeping Niraj out of the locker room, the section near the entrance, until the cheer team had quietly snuck through the boy's
locker room.

There are two girls on the 8th grade wrestling team. There isn't a separate "Girl's" entrance to the practice room, so the two girls were granted permission to go through the locker room. The two girls were told not to dilly-dally and keep on moving quickly as they traverse the expanse
from the main doors to the lockers over to the entrance to the separate practice room that has two wrestling mats on the floor. It wasn't
uncommon for a boy or several boys to exit the showers just as Mandela and Lori happened to come through, already dressed out in their shorts
and sport bra. When anyone complained about being caught with his cock out the coach just told them "Modesty don't matter until High School. Just deal with it."

The time for the match was set up for 4:00, about half an hour after school finished. Steven and Niraj entered the locker area, and Steven
steered the brave combatant to the far corner out of sight of any entrance or exit doors. Niraj dropped his gym bag on the bench and he started
to undress. Steven sat down and he watched while trying to NOT watch too closely. It feels awkward to sit there as one watches another person take their clothes off. You have to keep up a conversation, otherwise it looks like you are just sitting there staring at a nearly naked guy. That could creep anyone out.

To keep things appearing normal, Steven asked some questions. "What did you do to keep yourself in shape?" Steven asks, along with a few other generic questions on fitness.

Even though Niraj was only half Indian, the other half being mostly Romanian, he looked like 100% Indian. Steven noted how the skin on Niraj
is a caramel colored brown on his untanned, nowhere near white looking butt and hips. The skin on the chest and thighs was even darker, the legs completely smooth. The muscle tone is lean and sinewy, making Niraj look athletic, but how strong is he? It will soon be determined if he can outmuscle a girl.

Seeing Niraj naked, for the first time Steven thought about genetics and the mystery of why people look the way they do. Steven has seen tall
guys who had average sized parents. Is it that way for the penis? Does a guy with a big one need a daddy who has a big one? Could it just be random?

Niraj digs through his bag, pulling out a well-worn looking long red cloth. With deliberate and slow motions he wraps the material around
his waist and underneath the crotch, tucking here and adjusting there. Steven thinks back to the video shot two years earlier back in Niraj's
hometown in India. One thing is definitely clear, Niraj is a lot taller and a lot bulgier than he appeared as a twelve year old wrestler.

With ten minutes to go till it was time, Steven watches as Niraj does some warmup exercises. The lanky lad even sat down on the concrete
floor, crossed his legs and raised his arms in the classic yoga pose for peaceful thoughts making.

"Okay Niraj, it's about to be 4:00. You ready to rumble?"

Niraj appears to be quite confident as he places his gym bag into a locker. Then strolling boldly along, he and Steven pass through the door
marked with the sign "Wrestling Team Only".

Niraj stops walking only two paces beyond that door. He sees what he expected, the wrestling team. He sees something else expected which
is one or two girls in wrestling singlets. But what caught him off guard is the dozen long haired, short skirted cheerleaders gathered on the
far side of the wrestling mat. Those girls are such an eye opener that Niraj didn't even notice Abigail in her regular jeans and t-shirt and
baseball cap. Abigail looks almost like a boy in comparison to the very feminine cheerleaders who are so bouncy and full of bubbly energy all
the time.

The girls take one look at Niraj and they burst out laughing. Niraj takes one look at the group of girls, and he wants to turn around and run.
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Re: The Great Jerk-Off Spectacular_ New December 9

Post by Jeepman89 »

Let the wrestling begin!
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Re: The Great Jerk-Off Spectacular_ New December 9

Post by Trundle »

Nowhere to run boy!

Can't wait to see this wrestling match.

Oh and by the way, the best wrestler at school is called Hogan Flair? :lol: I like it.
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Re: The Great Jerk-Off Spectacular_ New December 9

Post by TeenFan »

The Great Jerk-Off Spectacular
Chapter 15. Friendly Touch n Feel

When Niraj stopped walking toward the group gathered to watch the wrestling match, Steven actually has to grab his arms, yank them behind
his back and gently push the suddenly reluctant combatant toward the mat.

"Come on Niraj. You can't back out now. You'll never hear the end of it."

"But...but, there are cheerleaders here. Nobody said anything about that." Niraj looks around the room, his head moving from one side to the
other. It must not look like a friendly crowd to him, and Niraj would be right. Nobody is there to cheer on the Indian/American boy who hasn't
practiced his traditional style in a couple years.

The gathered group of wrestlers, the guys all dressed in gray athletic shorts, some with t-shirts on and some shirtless, spread out around the
room. Several of them took up a spot near the only door in and out and at that point there is no way for Niraj to escape.

"Is that a diaper he's wearing?" one of the male wrestlers says, and this gets a loud roar of laughter going, as the cheerleaders make their Ra-Ra
moves and hop up and down.

Hogan, the captain of the wrestling team, steps forward into the center of the circle inside the large square blue mat. Hogan shakes Niraj's
hand, says he's glad to see some real international competition. Niraj doesn't have anything to say, just nods his head as if he agrees with
everything the captain is saying.

"The match will be a simple one. Just pin the opponent's shoulders to the mat for two seconds. This is a true version of freestyle wrestling, as
there may be a mix of both American collegiate and Indian techniques, or some MMA as in mixed-martial-arts. Any kind of grappling holds are
okay to use. No punching or kicking allowed, and none of that punk assed Pro Wrestling shit people watch on tv....Now in this corner we have
the challenger, Niraj. He will have his choice of which opponent to battle with. Niraj, you can pick Mandela or Lori."

Two choices of girl to grapple with. The first one is Mandela. She is a big boned black girl who looks like a female clone of the famous boxer
George Foreman, a true heavyweight. Though Niraj is significantly taller than Mandela, if he chooses her then he will be outweighed by twenty
or thirty pounds.

The second choice is Lori, a white girl with blond hair tied back in a short ponytail. She is Five Feet Four inches tall. She is slender at the waist, though amazingly thick in the thighs and calves as Lori also does gymnastics. Steven looks at the two girls standing side by side and there is no
way he would take on the big bad Mandela in a fight, and to nobody's surprise the one chosen by Niraj is Lori.

The wrestling singlet Lori has on looks like a one piece swim suit, except there are some short leggings that cover up the uppermost
part of her thighs. Lori is modestly dressed in comparison to the nearly naked Niraj.

As the two combatants take up position on opposite sides of the large circle that is 32 feet in diameter. Stephen can hear the cat-calls, the
whistles used to show disapproval, along with the boos and hisses. These sounds accompany Niraj as he steps into the circled area.
The cheerleaders are making some interesting remarks about the physical appearance of the Indian wrestler.

"He's as skinny as a snake"
"Is that a snake he has tucked into that underwear?"
"Can he make his snake rise using a flute?"
"Cute bum he's got behind him."

In a mocking gesture, the head cheerleader who is a full head taller than the other girls, having fake platinum blond hair and silver eyeshadow
that really showed off the extra large fake eyelashes, having a tight top filled out to nearly overflowing...a total tease and a tramp but she don't care about reputation...Dana "Dandelion" Donner steps up behind Niraj to give him a suggestive and sexy rubdown. Dana rubs the back of his
shoulders and then she reaches around to massage the pectoral muscles. The guys start laughing again when they see it, and Dana finishes
up by grabbing the firm, curvy butt to give Niraj a good friendly squeeze. Niraj looks like he wants to crawl into a corner he is so nervous. It's obvious he's not used to attention like this. When Dana pushes the Indian wrestler forward, it becomes clear the ulterior purpose of the touchy-feely visit. The previously tight tuck of the end of the red Langot cloth into the back end has become partly pulled out.

In his nervous and jumpy state of mind, Niraj didn't notice the little bit of wardrobe sabotage.
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