English is not my native langage, I initialy wrote it in french, then I decide to use Google Translate to post it here.
I hope that the traduction won't distort it to much.
Chapter 1: The Medical Visit
Dawn was breaking over the village of Pilori sur Semence. The sun's rays were piercing the hilly horizon, rocking the roofs and facades of the still-sleeping town with an orange hue. Apart from the few early morning workers, everything was calm at the end of August. In one of the few housing estates in the town, the warm glow of dawn was progressing until it lit up the Lepetit family's house. Not used to closing his shutters, Denis, still in a deep sleep, felt the first rays of the sun caress his face. He opened one eye to look at the time on his alarm clock, placed fifty centimeters away from him on his bedside table. After a few seconds, he managed to decipher the time displayed, 6:32. Denis had no vision problems, but he often had misty eyes when he woke up, like so many other people. He had gotten into the bad habit of going to bed late during the entire vacation. Now that the start of the school year was approaching, he was going to have to make the effort to go to bed earlier in order to get his fill of sleep. Denis was a pretty good sleeper. His head fell back into his huge pillow right away. He allowed himself a little extra respite before going downstairs to have breakfast. Why get up so early? After all, it wasn't the start of the school year yet...
"DENIS!!" He heard someone shout from the kitchen. It was his mother, Adèle Lepetit.
With an effort that seemed colossal to him, Denis blurted out his answer:
"Ohh mom, please, let me sleep for another hour..." He didn't realize that no one but himself had heard his reply.
A few minutes passed before Denis, who had fallen back into the realm of Morpheus, heard someone knocking on his door.
"But mom... I'm sleeping... a little more and I'm going down..." He struggled to articulate, his mouth half glued to his pillow.
"Mom said that if you weren't in the kitchen in 5 minutes, she would come and get you." A thin voice then replied from the other side of the door. Denis recognized his little sister, Alice.
Denis didn't want to provoke his mother by not obeying her request. He sighed before answering his sister.
"Tell her I'm coming."
He heard Alice come back down the stairs.
How come his sister got up so early? She was on vacation too. Denis didn't think any more and got out of bed. He stretched in front of the large mirror attached to the door of his wall closet. The 18-year-old looked at himself for a moment. He was slim and slender, 1m82 for 70kg. A shock of brown hair on his head, brown eyes with green tints. He didn't find himself particularly attractive, but he knew that he wasn't unpleasant to look at either. His gaze lingered for a moment on his briefs. Denis slept in his underwear for a good part of the year, generally between the months of May and October. He guessed a small bump that suggested that nothing impressive was hidden behind his fabric protection.
Denis heard the sound of dishes coming from the kitchen. He came out of his stasis and hurried to put on shorts and a t-shirt before his mother came up to get him and discovered him in his nightwear.
Arriving in the kitchen, he smelled the hot chocolate. Alice was sitting at the round table, placed in the center of the room. His younger sister was 14 and would be starting high school in a few days. In doing so, she would be joining the same establishment as him. Denis had just repeated his final year of high school. The summer was quite difficult for him knowing that the vast majority of his friends were going to start their adult lives far from this corner of the countryside where they had grown up until then. Antoine, Maxime, Kevin, Sébastien… and so many other friends who had enrolled in universities or grandes écoles. Same thing for the girls, although Denis had always been shy with girls. There were a few with whom he had made friends, but always through his group of friends, a very practical male core to get in touch with the female gender. But all that had fallen to the ground in June. At the end of the class councils, Denis learned the scathing news, he would have to repeat his final year. He was not completely abandoned in class, he was not a problem student and he was hardly noticed. However, he did not have the average in certain subjects. In the Saint-Michel high school, we did not joke about grades. Obtaining the Baccalaureate nevertheless comforted Denis somewhat, who told himself that he would at least not have to retake these exams.
His mother had been annoyed at first, reproaching him for not having worked hard enough. Then when she learned that he had passed his Baccalaureate, she softened a little. Nevertheless, she set certain rules for the coming year. If she allowed Denis to keep his computer in his room, she took away the key to it. She suspected him of locking himself in the door to spend hours on his video games or worse, masturbating in front of his screen. She had told him directly, and in Alice's presence. Denis had been so destabilized that he hadn't known what to say. He had blushed so much that his sister had made fun of him by saying that if he blushed, it was because it was true. She wasn't wrong, Denis locked himself away for both video games and masturbation. But now that he could no longer lock his door, he had rarely had the opportunity to touch himself. He had taken advantage of the few rare times during the summer when he had found himself alone at home to relieve himself of this pressure that he was accumulating in his testicles.
Let's get back to Alice drinking her hot chocolate. The young teenager had styled her brown hair in a neat braid that she let fall between her shoulder blades. She was growing, where her big brother had almost finished it. She had already stopped growing since the 4th grade but her body continued to grow in some places. She now had a chest developed enough to look like an adult. Her hips and buttocks were also taking the shape of those of a young woman. Alice had become aware of her new assets, and if at first she had only used them on boys in her class at middle school, she had discreetly tested these new charms on her brother during the past holidays. Nothing too bad, in reality she had done nothing provocative except observe Denis's gaze when she wore pants that highlighted her curves or when she wore a slightly low-cut top. She had realized that Denis' eyes were fixed quite often on her chest. She was more amused than disturbed.
Denis took his place at the round table, facing his sister.
"Hello, big boy!" His mother said, throwing him a quick glance before getting busy emptying the dishwasher.
“Good morning, Mom. Why do you want us to get up so early today? School doesn’t start until next week.” Denis asked, wanting to know what had forced her to leave her bed so early.
“We need to go get you both some clothes for the start of the school year, not to mention school supplies.”
Alice was excited to go shopping with her mother in the city. In their village, there were only small shops for basic necessities. There was also a post office, two bars, two schools and a middle school. The very one Alice was eager to leave. Not that she didn't like it there, it's just that she was so eager to discover something else.
Finally going to high school, seeing more people, all that made her impatient to start the school year. Denis, for his part, was just eager to arrive the following summer to finally join his friends at university.
"I already have all the clothes I need, do I have to come?" the young man complained.
"Yes, you will come, if only to do the shopping for YOUR supplies yourself. »
"Very well, very well..." He told himself that his mother was not wrong, if he had been able to go to a university this year, he would have had to manage the purchase of his supplies and so many other things. It's just that in this case, he would have to go shopping accompanied by his mother and sister.
"Your father must call this afternoon, I would like us to be back before 1 p.m. so that we can eat peacefully and I can have him on the phone without worries."
Adèle's husband, Julien Lepetit, was a technician in the merchant navy. He spent a good part of the year at sea and saw his family very little. It was a complicated life for him as well as for Adèle, who had nevertheless accepted it. The young mother of 37 years had lived like this for almost 10 years. The Lepetit couple had held on, despite the disjointed rhythm of their relationship.
"The shops won't be open so early, will they?" Denis asked.
"We'll pick up Sarah before we go to town, I promised Elodie I'd take her with us to help her with her back-to-school shopping," Adele replied.
Sarah was Alice's best friend. She lived with her divorced mother, Elodie, in a neighboring village that wasn't on the road to town. It would be a detour but Adele didn't really mind, when she could help a friend, she did. Elodie and Adele had known each other since their daughters had ended up in the same class in kindergarten. As single women (or almost single women), they stuck together whenever they could.
"And you haven't forgotten?" Adele asked, taking the time to look at her son, while continuing to take plates out of the dishwasher.
Alice smiled, knowing what her mother was referring to.
Denis took a moment to think, but he didn't see what his mother was talking about. Adèle, seeing her son's bewildered expression, sighed before letting go;
"I remind you that you have your doctor's appointment. We have to be there by 8:30"
How could he have forgotten that!

Denis took the time to finish his cereal. He asked his sister if she also had a medical appointment.
"No need, I'm going to take the drawing option at the high school"
"And for horse riding?" He replied.
Alice seemed doubtful. Her mother intervened:
"Her club said that last year's certificate would still be valid this year."
Great, Denis thought, she's always lucky and I always have some messes and other unpleasant things happen to me.
Breakfast ended and Adèle gave the children 20 minutes to get ready before leaving.
Denis contented himself with brushing his teeth, washing his face with soap and running his hand through his hair after putting a little hairspray in it to set it. Alice passed by the bathroom entrance at that moment. Seeing her brother in shorts and a T-shirt looking at himself in the mirror, she smiled;
"Are you getting all dolled up to see the new doctor?"
Denis turned his head, raising an eyebrow.
"The new doctor, we've always been with Doctor Leverge..." What was this story again, he wondered.
"He retired apparently, Mom told me a woman had taken his place..."
Denis went to the top of the stairs that led to the ground floor;
"Mom!! Is it true that Doctor Leverge retired?!"

A few seconds later, which seemed far too long to him, Adèle replied:
"Yes, it's a young doctor who's replacing him, a certain Doctor Lesein, the secretary told me she was very good."
Better and better, Denis thought to himself, he was definitely getting one good news after another, he thought ironically.
"Come on, it's time to go, let's hurry up!" Adèle exclaimed, looking at her watch. Denis climbed into the passenger seat, next to his mother, while Alice took a seat in the back of the car.
On leaving the village, Denis noticed that his mother was not heading towards the city.
"Where are you going, Mom?"
Sitting in the back, Alice glanced in the rearview mirror and enjoyed the incomprehension she read in her brother's eyes.
"I told you we were going to pick up Sarah, you're not awake yet," she said mockingly.
"But we're not going to take her to the doctor while I do my medical examination?!"
"And why not?" Adèle replied.
"We can just pick her up right after, it's the same thing, and then she'll be bored while I'm with the doctor. »
"No Denis, we're not going to make this detour, I'm telling you that the doctor's office is right next to the shopping area. What you're proposing would add 30km to our journey."
"And then, she won't be bored," added Alice, "she'll keep me company while you get examined by THE doctor..."

Denis was surprised by his sister's exit, he didn't know what to say and just looked down, staring at the glove compartment and blushing slightly.
When they arrived in front of Elodie's house, Alice sent a message to Sarah with her phone to let her know they were coming. Only a few seconds later, the door of the house opened and a young girl came out. Sarah was blonde, she let her hair fall over her shoulders, the last strands forming silky curls. The young girl was smiling and came to take a seat next to her friend in the back of the vehicle.
What Denis didn't know was that Alice had already warned Sarah that they would start their trip to town with a medical check-up for Denis. Neither of them really knew how things were going to go, but they had exchanged a few hypotheses and fantasies, imagining embarrassing situations that Denis could find himself in.
During the trip, the young man couldn't help but look in the rearview mirror after hearing a chuckle in the back seat. The two girls were whispering things in each other's ears and giggling. Denis looked down when his gaze met Sarah's in the reflection of the mirror. For the rest of the trip, he just kept his gaze fixed on his knees.

Adèle smirked when she guessed the source of her son's embarrassment. She remained silent, her gaze fixed on the road.