Bad day for a run

Stories about boys ending up in compromising situations, preferably naked and embarrassed, as the name suggests.
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Re: Bad day for a run

Post by Vader »

Bad day for a run.


It had been several weeks since Melissa had showed James the pic, she had of him from the sister's website and told him she had seen the video that was also the same day Sharon and Shannon e-mailed him about him possibly doing more nude demonstrations for the farm tours James had politely declined the offer and they had made no more contact with him to try and convince him to change his mind Melissa had kept her promise to James and had not told anyone about the website the video on it his embarrassing robbery nor had she shared the pic she had of him from the website. Of course, that didn't stop her from occasionally messing with him sometimes Melisssa would have her phone out when James and some other people were around, and act engrossed in what she was looking at till someone asked her what's so interesting she would look at James and tell them really interesting photo want to see James eyes would get wide as she showed them of course it was never naked fully erect James she would then show James and give a little smile and quick wink James would roll his eyes and give her an oh come on look. Other than these little jokes Melissa never did anything to embarrass or humiliate James nor ask any favors of him that would require him to be naked until now.

As Friday came and they were getting ready wrap up the week Melissa came to James's office and told him she needed his help with something James figured it was something work related and ask what she needed? She told James a friend of Her's was getting married, and she was in charge of her bachelorette party which was tomorrow she continued I found out just a little over an hour ago the stripper I hired for the party was in a car accident and suffered a broken leg and the company I used to hire him does not have anyone else available and I can't get anyone through another company at this late hour. James had a sinking feeling he knew what was coming next, he looked at Melissa and asked you're not going to ask me to do what I think you are? If you mean, ask you to be the stripper for the party yes, I have the outfit he was going to wear you two are more or less the same height, weight and build so that shouldn't be a problem James look if had any other option or could get someone else I would never be asking you this James told her I believe you but I can't be doing something like that with people we work with their Melissa eyes brightened she told him no one from work would be there the bride doesn't live here or know anyone who works here so none of our coworkers will be there and the place for the party is two hour drive from here. Come on James please I really need your help I mean no offense, but I have seen you naked and erect and know you have what it takes to give the ladies a good time James was far from sure he wanted to do this, but Melissa had been true to her word about not telling anyone what happened to him during the week off and felt like he couldn't let her down now. You're sure no one from work will be there positive she replied alright James said but let's not make a habit of this.

Since Melissa knew the address of the party location James drove to her place and they rode there together they made the usual idle chit chat as the arrived at the party location a hotel that the penthouse had been rented for the party Melissa told James I really do appreciate you doing this I know you really didn't want to James told her you kept your word about the robbery and farm stuff so I can help you for a night. They had arrived early so Melissa could make sure things were set up right and James could change without a room full of women around James asked what the part is I'm playing here tonight she told him a bartender you will just be pouring wine or beer you want have to mix any drinks she told James when the women start calling for their entertainment I will say the bartender serves more than drinks and that will be your que. You can change in there melissa said pointing to a room near the back as James made his way Melissa followed him saying hey got to make sure the outfit fits as James undressed Melissa made a point not to continually stare when he pulled the G-String on he said this is not good what Melissa asked this G-String is on the small side Melissa turned and saw he was right it covered his cock and balls but not by much this thing barley fits now if get hard oh you will Melissa interrupted I will be lucky to keep anything covered. I thought you said the guy who was supposed to do this, and I were the same size I never saw him naked with full hard on so it's not like I could compare on this and there is nothing we can do about it now James knew was right and continued and the rest of the outfit fit him fine.
As the women started arriving for the party James played his role of the bartender with no issues when the bride to be arrived, they did the usual bachelorette party stuff with James staying uninvolved serving the drinks of course he knew that wouldn't last after an hour and half the inebriated women started calling for the real entertainment. Melissa then gave James his que telling the women the bartender serves more than drinks and some dance music started and James stepped out from behind the bar and began his routine his dancing was hardly professional but good enough and as his clothes started coming off his dancing became secondary there was cheering and whooping when James was down to just the tear away pants and G-String the women started getting more hands on running their hands over his chest and abs and James could already feel the effect on his penis. James was not looking forward to this but knew he had to do it and tore the pants off leaving him in just the G-String the women really started having their fun then not just running their hands over his chest and abs but up and down his legs as well as grabbing and slapping his ass at this point his cock was really starting to grow inside the too small G-String the bride took over pulling him close to her and grinding up against him while squeezing his ass as she moved behind him his cock and balls now barely contained came into full view for rest of the women one shouted it looks like his penis is trying to break free I think your right the bride shouted lets help it before James could do or say anything she grabbed hold of his G-String and pulled it straight down and off leaving him totally naked.

Now free of the G-String James rock hard cock was now sticking straight out and the drunk women wasted no time making it the center of their attention James was held from behind some gave him hand jobs others played with his balls and others orally pleasured his cock of course their actions were getting James close to losing it the soon to be bride called them off telling them no one but her would finish this she then went back and forth between using her mouth and hands on his cock unlike on the farm she had no interest in dragging things out and after a few minutes when she was doing him by hand got an impressive orgasm from him. After achieving this the women seemed less interested in him breaking off in small groups and getting their own drinks James found the G-String and put it back on gathered up the rest of the bartender outfit and retreated behind the bar Melisssa told James he could go change back into his clothes and she would tell them they had to leave and take him home James thanked her and did just that. As they drove back Melissa told James she was sorry they stripped totally naked and got him off she told him she had heard that could happen but really didn't think it would tonight, James told her he hoped nothing like that would happen but wasn't shocked when it did, and he knew trying fight them off would just make them all the rowdier. When they got back to Melissas place James came in for a few moments before heading home Melissa told him the company, she hired the original stripper from refunded her the money and she wanted him to have it he told her it wasn't necessary, but she insisted telling him he definitely earned it she walked up James and playfully tried to stuff the money down his pants he held his hand out and told her this would do. After James left Melissa took her phone out after he was stripped naked and the women started working his cock and James had his attention elsewhere, she recorded the events from that moment to his orgasm and began to watch she would tell no one about this video not even James as she doubted, he would appreciate it this was for her eyes only for her enjoyment and pleasure.
Last edited by Vader on Mon Dec 02, 2024 3:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Bad day for a run

Post by Jeepman89 »

As reluctant as he was to be a male stripper, he did a good job and even came for the drunken ladies! Now there's more footage of him totally naked and cumming.
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Re: Bad day for a run

Post by tim409 »

I think he needs to do another stint at the farm with another larger group of school girls from grade school on up through high school. No reason that girls of all ages could not take that tour including all the girls have hands on experience too. Can't wait for all the ladies at work to want to see him in real life and for all the ladies to "milk" him too. And of course, I love it that he is a perfect gentleman and does not try to see or touch any of the ladies or girls although they all have seen and felt all his private parts.
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Re: Bad day for a run

Post by Vader »

Bad day for a run


It had been about three months since James's night as male stripper he was relieved that nothing from that night had become known to anyone at work other than Melissa who had kept all of it to herself they were just hanging out one day after work one day when Melissa told him she had something to tell him. He told sure anything she told him she had been helping out with a women's group who helped females who had been in toxic relationships do you mean physically abusive? No, she told him, but they often belittled them made them feel bad about themselves and often bullied them into doing embarrassing stuff. James told her that was a great thing she was doing thanks she said anyway this group helps these females build their confidence back up and to believe in themselves again and for one of the final parts they needed a guy to help out including her there were six volunteers helping out and they asked us all to give the name of a guy they knew who might be willing to help and why and well I gave yours.
Really why James asked?
Melissa told him honestly; I couldn't think of anyone else and told them you are nice guy who did me a fairly big favor recently. James sat up when she said that she told him relax I didn't go into detail just you did me a favor thanks James told her I was ok with helping you out, but I really would prefer that night does not become public knowledge what is they are wanting a guy to help out with James asked? Melissa told him truthfully; I don't know they just asked for a name and why they gave it and told us they would let us who they choose in a few days and for whoever gave the name to see if he would help so I will let you know if they happen to pick you.

A few days later Melissa came into James's office shut the door and told him she must have done a good job selling what a nice helpful guy you are they picked you and it would be this Saturday at 8pm if you're willing to help out. What is it they will be wanting me to do he asked? they didn't say Melissa told him they said you would get all the details Saturday if you decided to come James told her I will come and see what this is and go from there Melisssa told him great I will let them know. At the end of the day Friday Melissa gave James the address and told him she would meet him there It took James an hour to get there as he arrived; he saw Melissa just getting out of her car glad you found it she called to him it doesn't really stand out James noted yeah that's to make it difficult to find in case one of the jerk exes starts looking for it. As they entered the building there were about twenty women inside James noticed there four teens there looking about 15-16 years old Melissa introduced James to Rhonda who ran it and a couple of her assistants after that James asked what they needed him for tonight. Rhonda told him one of the things all the women here was bullying them into parading around naked for them entertaining them in some cases even inviting their friends over to watch sports and have them serve them naked and entertain them we need a male here to help them get closure and none of the Exes are going to do that James had a very uneasy feeling about what they were going to want from him.

James looked at Rhonda and said you aren't expecting me to strip naked and do the same type of things for them their exes had them do yes, she replied having a man come in and agree to do this shows them they are respected and that are decent guys out there and they don't have to settle for assholes like those they were with. James was stunned by the admission of this he glanced at Melissa and even she seemed surprised by it James sympathized with the women but told them he couldn't do this Rhonda asked what the reasons he wouldn't were first he said anyone could walk in here while he was doing this, second, he had a reputation and job he couldn't risk that getting out and last you have 20 women with cell phones who could start recording this and post it who knows where and if any of them started doing that there is no way you could stop them or keep them from posting it.
Rhonda told James every female here signed a non-disclosure agreement stating they could not share or discuss what happens here tonight, James told them that helps but there is still the matter of someone who doesn't belong here finding their way in and the cell phones it was at this moment Melissa said I believe I have the answer for both of those James. Rhonda and her assistants turned to Melissa she continued the door is wood with no glass or anything to see through there are no windows and you can't get in through the emergency exit so just lock the door James now had two of his three reasons for not doing this eliminated and the cell phones Rhonda asked? Hold on Melissa said she went into a utility closet and rummaged around a few minutes later she came out with some bags and a marker we have all the ladies put their name on a bag put their phone in it and we keep them secured until this is done. They all turned back to James and asked so what is your answer with his concerns for refusing eliminated and James having no others he reluctantly agreed and prepared himself to be naked yet again in front of a group of women.
Last edited by Vader on Thu Dec 05, 2024 3:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Bad day for a run

Post by Jeepman89 »

Looking forward to his next stint getting naked for a group of females.
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Re: Bad day for a run

Post by Vader »

Bad day for a run.


James was again about to be naked in front of a group of women while he felt bad for what these women, he felt there had to be a way he could have helped that did not require him to be naked his thoughts were interrupted by Rhonda telling the group he had agreed to help them James noticed some slight smiles and reserved grins from the group suggesting to him they kne w already knew what his part in this would be as well as his state of dress. Rhonda continued to help you close the door on your past with your asshole exes Melissa will give you each paper and pen and you will write down an embarrassing incident they put you through and our very helpful James will do it with you being the ones in power and then being able to put them and their influence over you in the past for good. Now a couple of things Rhonda told them first we won't be having James do all of these that would hardly be fair to him second it has to be something that we discussed here you can't just make something to fulfil a fantasy there was some slight disappointment from them with that but a sigh of relief from James it wasn't much, but it was something.

The women finished filling out the paper they were given and handed them to Rhonda she looked through them and picked the first she told them this one says that one time your ex had friends over and he had them remove one piece of your clothes each till you were naked this will be a good one to start with. One of the women in the group pointed out by her count James had on eight articles of clothes and there were 20 of them so how will they decide which eight take something off him? Melissa again had the answer she told them hold one and went back to the closet where she found the bags earlier when she came back, she had a bag she told them there was a checkers game in there and she put 12 red ones in the bag and 8 black ones those who draw the black ones remove the clothes and you go in the order you drew them first to last. James was more than a little shocked by this being naked in front of the women would already be humiliating but having the women come up and strip him naked one piece of clothing at a time increased it and to make it even worse two of the teens got the last two black checkers and would be the ones to take off his final articles of clothes and render him completely naked.

Rhonda had James come up and stand about 15 yards back from the group and asked the 8 women who drew the black checkers to line up as prepared himself as best he could for what was coming a rather silly discussion broke out about his shoes and socks and if the pair should be considered one article or if they should be individual James couldn't help but smile to himself over women who were about to strip him debating this. Rhonda ended this by saying they would be individual she gave no reason for why, but James suspected it was because she was ready for him to be naked with that settled the first woman approached him there was no big fanfare she just untied his show and removed it in fact she and the next couple of women seemed a little uneasy doing this but those who removed his jacket and shirt seemed more at ease and comfortable doing it the only things he had left on were his pants and underwear and it was now the two teens time. The first one walked up to James with surprising confidence looking him straight in the eyes she reached out undid his belt then unfastened and unzipped his pants she then took them by the waistband and slowly began to lower them this was something James did not see coming as she continued removing his pants finally having the bunched up at his feet one at a time she lifted his leg and pulled them all the way off. As the second teen approached James to remove his final piece of clothing, he could swear he saw a slight smile on her face unlike the other women who stood in front of him as they stripped him, she walked behind him to give the group a full view as his underwear came down and off. She took hold of his underwear at the bottom on each leg and began to pull them down even more slowly than the other teen did his pants as the teen continued James's penis and balls were getting more and more exposed having this teen finish stripping him was humiliating enough but her dragging out made it even more humiliating. Besides the humiliation this very slow stripping was also causing James unwanted arousal, and his cock was quickly getting stiff as she finally finished pulling his underwear down and off his cock popped straight out. James was now standing in front of 20 women totally naked as well as fully erect thinking this was just the first note of the group, and he had no idea how many more to go.
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Re: Bad day for a run

Post by Jeepman89 »

What happens now that he is completely bare naked in front of all those women and girls?
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Re: Bad day for a run

Post by Vader »

Jeepman89 wrote: Fri Dec 06, 2024 3:53 am What happens now that he is completely bare naked in front of all those women and girls?
Got couple of ideas floating around the wacky expanse that is my mind one rather routine the other less so.
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Re: Bad day for a run

Post by Vader »

Bad day for a run


As James stood there waiting for Rhonda to go through those notes deciding what would be next for him the eyes of all 20 females, he was standing in front of were trained on him making him more conscious of his nudity than he already had been he also noticed the smiles and grins from the women that had been slight and subdued were becoming bigger Rhonda finally spoke lets go with this next. The attention turned to Rhonda which James was grateful for as for a few moments his naked body was not the groups focus Rhonda continued we have one who had to serve booze and food naked and be groped and fondled while doing so we don't have booze, but we do have bottled water, and some snacks James can serve you ladies' while you have some fun with the body part our parts of your choice. As James served the women, they ran their hands all over his body sometimes grabbing his ass other times his cock or reaching between his legs and squeezing his balls some did all three for James given what happened at the bachelorette party and at the farm this while embarrassing had become rather routine for him, but all the attention assured, he remained fully erect.

After finishing this James headed back to the front of the group his erect penis bobbing up and down as he went, he turned and faced the group wanting to cover his penis and balls but also knowing how silly that would be at this point as Rhonda read the remaining notes and came to one where she started giggling this should be interesting, she said James did not like the sound of that at all. She read had to stand bent over the back of chair holding onto th e seat while my ass was slapped like playing bongos James's jaw hit the floor at hearing this while what had been timed and nervous women erupted in cheers and laughter at this one of the women asked how we decide who gets to play his ass? Rhonda asked Melissa to see if there were any playing cards in the room, she found the checkers Melissa told her there were and retrieved them Rhond told the group those who drew the black checkers earlier are out for the other 12 high card gets to be the drummer she spread the cards out and ironically a queen turned out to be the high card. With that settled a chair was pulled out and two women escorted James to the chair where he was bent over and took hold of the seat on either side the women who drew the high card was about 30 with short black hair stood behind James moved his legs apart and prepared to begin her drum solo on his ass.

She began her slapping of James ass slowly increasing the tempo as she went eventually getting into a specific rhythm as she went, and the rest of the group started clapping in time with her slaps on his ass after a bit of this someone yelled out play something we can dance too this caught the woman playing his ass by surprise and she stopped to James relief and the groups disappointment she told them give me a minute James tried to stand up but she stopped him telling the group she has it. She started whacking James's ass to a conga beat the rest of the women loved this and quickly formed a conga line as James's butt cheeks were being played like bongos the group danced with the line going in front of James down near the end of the room reversed and came back behind him after a couple of minutes, they started switching out so the woman at the head of the group started drumming on his ass and the one that had been went to the end of the line. This continued until all 20 females had their chance to play the conga on his ass and that ended this event the saving grace for James was that they didn't slap his ass as hard or as painfully as they could have, and he didn't think it could get more humiliating than this as the group settled down from their conga dance party Rhonda was looking through the groups notes and James heard her say hmmm lap dancing oh fuck James though I was wrong.
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Re: Bad day for a run

Post by Jeepman89 »

His ass used as a conga drum was hilarious! Lap dancing next? This should be good.
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