Stuck In Fence (Complete)

Stories about boys ending up in compromising situations, preferably naked and embarrassed, as the name suggests.
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Stuck In Fence (Complete)

Post by NudeBaG »

Stuck In Fence
(Another simple ‘One Off’ story)

12 year old Timothy, 11 year old Matthew and 12 year old Todd gather along the back wooden fence of the recess field as they usually do every recess period.
The back fence doesn’t back up to anything, it’s just a property divide.
(From this point on, the story will be told from the perspective of 12 year old Timothy.)

“You really wanna go ALL the way back to the building to pee? We only have 20 minutes left!” Todd said.
“Just go to the bushes like usual.” Matthew shrugged.
I looked to the bushes Matthew was reffering to.
Our teacher, Ms Cumbers was posted too close to them for my liking.
Todd was running his hand along the wooden fence as we walked.
I was walking with them like always, but I had to pee REALLY bad.
“Guys, I gotta go!” I said, feeling like I was about to start the tell-tale ‘peepee dance’.
Just as we stopped, Todd’s fingers ran across a hole in the wooden fence.
“Hey! Why don’t you go through there? Hahaha!” Todd pointed at the hole in the fence.
“Ha. Ha.” I laughed sarcastically. “Like it would fit.” I shot back.
“Oh? You think your dick is too big for that hole? Bullshit!” Matthew said.
Todd knelt down and looked through the hole.
He straightened back up.
“No way dude! You could totally put it in there and pee!” Todd said.
I stepped up to the hole.
I bent to examine it.
It was strangely perfectly round.
It wasn’t a big hole, but upon inspection, I knew I could 100% fit my penis through it.
“Just do it and go so we can get a game of tag in!” Matthew said.
The fence was over 6 feet tall.
Way taller than any of us.
I knelt and looked through the hole.
There was a well maintained field, about 60 feet, that backed up to some woods.
No buildings or roads.
No people.
I HAD to pee.
“Fine. Keep an eye out.” I huffed.
I positioned my pelvis in front of the hole.
I undid my belt, unbuttoned my pants and pulled down the front of my briefs.
I pulled my little penis out (I’m 12, remember.)
I quickly and carefully stuck my penis through the hole.
I felt the wood press against my little balls.
It was gnarled, but weathered and smoothed.
Feeling my penis flop freely on the other side of the fence felt strange.
“Told you it would fit.” Todd smirked.
“Now go, so we can play!” Matthew said.
“Shut up and keep an eye out!” I said.
Feeling the air on my penis had an effect.
I started urinating, but this freed the pressure in my penis, allowing the ‘exposed’ situation to take effect.
We could hear my urine splashing on the grass on the other side of the fence.
“Ahhhhhhh.” I sighed, feeling the relief of release flow through me and out of my penis.
I closed my eyes.
All I could hear for a few moments was the sound of my urine soaking the grass on the other side of the fence.
“Hey! What are you guys doing?” A highpitched voice squeeked from behind me.
“Huh?!” I gasped.
I instinctively pressed my pelvis as close to the fence as possible.
“Oh!” Todd gasped. “Just hanging.” He covered.
“Cool! We were wondering if you guys wanted to play.” Another girly voice said.
I looked over my shoulder.
It was Meredith, an 11 year old girl and Grace, a 12 year old girl in our class.
I gently tugged back, ready to tuck myself back in my pants.
“Ow!” I gasped.
“Tim?” Meredith asked.
My heart sank.
I decided to pull back and tuck myself away as quickly as possible.
I pulled back, but there was a problem.
“Ow!” I gasped again, only louder.
My penis wasn’t budging!
I quickly assessed the situation.
“No no no no!” I mumbled.
I could feel it.
I had gotten a boner, which made my penis swell, getting it firmly STUCK in the whole!
“Dude!” Todd nudged me. “You good?” He whispered.
“I’m stuck.” I whispered.
“What?” Todd asked.
“I’m stuck!” I repeated, only louder.
Todd and Matthew shared a panicked look.
“Stuck?” Meredith asked.
Meredith was a nice, but nerdy blonde, 11 year old girl.
She was kinda chubby, and had glasses, but she had a really sweet personality.
“What do you mean stuck?” Grace asked.
Grace was a cute, mousey, 12 year old redhead.
I closed my eyes tight, trying to will myself flaccid, while simultaneously trying to come up with an explaination for my situation.
But Matthew dashed those hopes.
“Timothy is stuck in the fence.” Matthew pointed at my pelvis, which was still stuck flush with the fence.
“Huh?” Meredith asked, confused.
“He had to go pee, so we found a hole in the fence.” Matthew said bluntly.
“Dude!” I gasped.
Meredith and Grace also gasped.
“Oh! Um,” Meredith paused.
“You got a button stuck or something?” Meredith asked innocently.
“Nah! His wiener is stuck in the hole!” Matthew said.
I wanted to hit him, but couldn’t move!
“His ‘wee-ner’?” Meredith asked, like it were a foreign word.
She gasped again, presumably in realization.
Grace also gasped.
“Oh! You mean his- penis?” Meredith looked at Grace with glee.
Grace tried not to laugh.
“Oh! We’ll go get Ms Cumbers!” Meredith said before she and Grace turned and jogged toward the teacher!
“No! Wait!” I gasped.
“Dude!” Todd gasped. “They’re running to Ms Cumbers!”
“Come on man! You gotta put that thing away!” Matthew warned.
“I can’t! I’m stuck!” I yelped.
A little too loud, as several more of my classmates heard.
“Oh shit!” Todd gasped.
I looked over my other shoulder.
Meredith and Grace were coming back across the field WITH Ms Cumbers, along with several other classmates!
A group of 12 girls was coming our way!
I tugged against the fence, but the rough, tight wood, made me think twice before hastily removing my penis!
“Ow! No! Fuck!” I gasped.
The wood was too tight and rough around my erect penis!
“Shit, dude!” Matthew said before he and Todd quickly walked away.
I watched them disappear behind some bushes.
“Timothy?” Ms Cumbers asked behind me.
My teacher suddenly appeared next to me!
I could tell my classmates had gathered all around me.
I could see several of my female classmates gathering at my sides!
“Timothy? Meredith and Grace said you were stuck?” She asked calmly.
“Uh, Um-“ I stammered. “N-No?”
“Yes he is!” Meredith yelped. “He tried to pee through the fence, now his wiener is stuck!” She said.
“See?” Grace pointed.
I heard several of my female classmates giggle!
I felt like fainting, but my penis being stuck kept me standing!
The grass crunched behind me.
I turned to see Ms Cumbers kneeling at my side!
“Oh! My goodness!” Ms Cumbers gasped.
“Um, well. Timothy, are you really stuck?” She asked.
“Y-Yes.” I said quietly.
I heard giggles and looked over my shoulder again.
Meredith was whispering with Grace and several of my female classmates!
“Okay. Timothy, is your button or belt caught on the fence?” Ms Cumbers asked.
“N-No?” I stammered.
I looked back down at Ms Cumbers.
“How are you stuck, Timothy?” She asked.
I heard more giggles.
“My, my-um-“ I couldn’t say it!
But I didn’t have to.
“His penis is stuck in the fence!” Meredith yelled.
There was a wave of gasps and laughter from my gathered classmates.
“Oh!” Ms Cumbers gasped.
I trembled and started to fall, but pain shot through my penis and I regained my strength.
“Ah!” I gasped.
“Okay.” Ms Cumbers said calmly. “Timothy, just stay still, okay?.”
I nodded.
Ms Cumbers lifted my shirt a bit, revealing the flaps of my undone jeans!
The 12 girls gathered around closer!
“Oh!” Ms Cumbers gasped, wincing a bit.
“It’s really in there, huh? Does it hurt? Timothy?” Ms Cumbers asked.
“Y-yes.” I said quietly.
Ms Cumbers again tried to stick her fingers between my hip and the fence.
I felt her finger tips wriggle between my hip and the fence.
“Ow!” I yelped.
Ms Cumbers pulled her hand back.
“Okay. Okay.” She said calmly.
She stood up.
Ms Cumbers put her hands on my shoulders.
“Relax. It’s going to be okay, Timothy. But…” Ms Cumbers squeezed my shoulders gently.
“I need to get a better look at what’s going on.”
Ms Cumbers knelt again, this time, more behind me.
“Just hold still, Timothy.”
I felt Ms Cumbers’ fingers slip inside my pants and underwear!
Slowly, and gently, I felt my pants and underpants being lowered!
“W-Wha-?!” I gasped.
“Hold still. Deep breath. On 3. 1, 2, 3!” Ms Cumbers yanked downward, fast!
I did take a breath, but lost it the instant my pants and underpants came down!
I heard the collective ‘Gasp!’ from my female classmates, followed immediately by the giggling of the 12 young girls!
Fortunately, my shirt was long enough to cover my ass!
Ms Cumbers again tried to slide her hand between my hip and the fence.
I felt her fingers wedge and crawl across my hip!
Her fingers stopped when she touched my scrotum!
“Ah!” I gasped.
“Did that hurt?! I’m sorry, Timothy, I just need to see everything so we can get you out of here.” Ms Cumbers pulled her hand away.
Unfortunately, her touching me there had my hormones surging, and I was now fully erect and stuck completely!
“What on earth were you thinking?” Ms Cumbers asked, looking up at me.
I couldn’t answer.
“If you had to go to the bathroom, why wouldn’t you go inside?” She asked.
She stood up.
“Hmmm. Maybe some lotion-“ She mumbled under her breath.
“Timothy, stay calm. I’m going to go get some lotion to try and see if we can slide you out of here, okay?”
Ms Cumbers turned to leave.
“N-No! Please!” I begged, trembling.
Ms Cumbers put her hands on my shoulders.
“Okay, okay. Calm down. I’m here.” She sighed.
Ms Cumbers turned to the gathered students.
“Could someone go grab the lotion from my desk?” She asked.
“I’ll go too!”
I heard the voices of Meredith and Grace, followed by the sound of them running away.
“Timothy, I need to take your shirt off so I can see and help you more.” Ms Cumbers tugged upward on the shoulders of my shirt.
She then grabbed the bottom of my shirt, and pulled it upward!
Since I was already holding the top of the fence, keeping my arns upward, it was easy for her to remove my shirt, leaving me topless, with my pants and underwear around my ankles, giving my 12 female classmates an unobstructed view of my naked backside!
I felt the warm pre-spring breeze blow across my bare ass, making me tense.
This resulted in more giggles and coos from the gathered girls.
Ms Cumbers knelt again at my side.
She wedged her hand between my hip and the fence once more.
I again felt her fingertips touch the side of my scrotum!
“Ah!” I winced.
“Sorry, Timothy.” Ms Cumbers said. “Wow! You really stuck it all the way in there, huh?”
“Here’s the lotion, Ms- Oh!” I heard Meredith gasp.
“Hmhmhm! What happened to his shirt?!” Grace chuckled.
I looked back over my shoulder to see both girls grinning at my bare ass.
I felt shame flow through me.
My classmates were all seeing my naked ass!
My full naked backside!
I could feel my butt jiggling as I trembled.
Ms Cumbers pulled her hand out again and stood.
“Thank you, girls. I had to take his shirt off to get a better look at the situation.” Ms Cumbers said, taking the large pump-bottle of lotion from Meredith.
Ms Cumbers again knelt at my side.
“Hold still, Timothy.” She instructed as she squirted a pump of lotion into her hand.
She then slid her hand between my hip and the fence again, spreading the lotion around my pubic area as best she could.
“Ah!” I gasped.
“Does that hurt?” Ms Cumbers asked.
“N-No. It’s cold.” I muttered.
“Hmmm. Maybe that’ll help.” Ms Cumbers smirked.
She stood and positioned herself on my other side and repeated the process.
It felt incredibly tantilizing having Ms Cumbers touch my pubic area!
“Hold still Timothy. I wan’t to make sure we get you as lotioned up as possible, okay?” She said as she coated my pubic area in lotion.
Ms Cumbers shifted to kneel behind me.
It was incredibly embarassing having her face so close to my naked butt!
“Step a little wider for me, okay?”
I did as she instructed.
I heard more gasps and giggles from the girls again.
Ms Cumbers pumped more lotion into her hand.
“Just relax, Timothy. I know it’s cold.” She said calmly.
I then felt Ms Cumbers lotioned hand slide between my legs and spread lotion onto my balls!
I raised up on my tip toes in response, but that only made things worse!
“Ah! Ow! Ow! Ow!” I winced as my now erect penis pulsed against the rough wooden hole.
“Sorry sorry sorry! I know it hurts.” Ms Cumbers said calmly.
She sat the bottle of lotion on the grass next to her.
“There. Let’s see if we can get you out of here, okay Timothy?” She said.
I just nodded.
Ms Cumbers rose up and stood directly behind me, placing her hands on my shoulders.
I heard a few moans of disappointment from my female classmates as Ms Cumbers blocked their view of my backside.
Ms Cumbers slid her hands down my back and onto my hips.
They way it felt was strangely WAY more sensual than calming.
“Ah!” I gasped.
“Okay, Timothy. On three. One, two, three.” Ms Cumbers pulled back on my hips.
I felt my lotion coated balls and pubic area pull away from the wood of the fence, but my penis was still firmly stuck!
“Ah! Ow ow ow! No!” I pushed my pelvis back against the fence.
The rough wood hurt so much, I thought if she pulled me any more, the fence might ‘de-glove’ my penis!
“Okay! Okay! It’s okay, Timothy. I’ve got you. I’ve got you.” Ms Cumbers rubbed my back gently.
“Let me think of how to get you out of here.”
Ms Cumbers thought for a few moments as my classmates continued to giggle.
“Okay. Timothy, I’m going to take the lotion and walk to the other side of the fence so I can put it on your penis.”
All the girls giggled excitedly at the word.
Ms Cumbers stepped to the side to pick up the lotion, revealing my naked backside to my classmates again.
I didn’t want her leaving me alone with my full butt exposed to all my female classmates!
Plus, her hands on my shoulders had a calming effect.
“No no no! Please! Don’t leave me!” I protested.
Ms Cumbers quickly stood again and gently rubbed my shoulders.
There a few dissppointed moans from my classmates.
“Okay. Okay. Calm down. It’s going to be okay. But we need to put lotion on your penis so it will slide out of the fence.”
Hearing this made all the girls giggle.
“Please don’t leave me!” I begged.
“I know. I know. I won’t. Don’t worry.” Ms Cumbers looked back at my classmates.
11 year old Meredith was quick to respond.
“I’ll go!” Meredith chirped, making my other female classmates gasp.
“Me too!” Grace chymed in.
A few other girls voiced their willingness as well, but Ms Cumbers was quick to grant those 2 permission.
Metedith picked up the lotion.
She and Grace blatently looked at my butt as they stood close now.
Meredith was a nice, but nerdy blonde, 11 year old girl.
She was kinda chubby, and had glasses, but she had a really sweet personality.
Grace was a cute, tomboyish, 12 year old redhead, but she was really cute.
“Be careful walking around the fence, and let me know when you are on the other side from us, okay?” Ms Cumbers instructed.
“Okay!” Meredith chirped.
“Will do!” Grace said.
The 2 girls quickly ran to the end of the fence and around it, giggling the whole time!
Ms Cumbers rubbed my shoulders.
“It’s okay, Tim. It’s okay.” She said to me.
A couple minutes later, I heard Meredith and Grace gasp on the other side of the fence.
My heart sank with the realization:
These 2 female classmates of mine were seeing my fully erect penis!
“Meredith? Grace? Are you there?” Ms Cumbers asked.
“Yes.” Meredith said.
“Hmhm! Yeah! We’re here!” Grace said.
I could hear them whispering and giggling on the other side of the fence.
“Okay. Can you see Timothy’s penis?” Ms Cumbers asked.
She then gasped and squeezed my shoulders.
“Oh! Shoot!” She muttered under her breath.
“I’m sorry Tim! I didn’t think this through!” Ms Cumbers whispered in my ear.
“Yes. Hmhm!” Meredith chuckled.
“We can see his penis.” Grace said, sounding like she was holding back laughter.
“Okay. First, does it look okay?” Ms Cumbers asked.
More chuckles from everyone.
Though Ms Cumbers was still partially shielding my backside, my other classmates were gathered around, trying and succeeding to sneak a peak.
“Um, I think so? Hmhm!” Meredith chuckled.
“Yeah it looks good! Er- I mean, fine. It looks fine! Hmhm!” Grace giggled.
“Okay. Well that’s good at least.” Ms Cumbers sighed.
“So there’s no blood, scrapes or discoloration? It looks normal?” Ms Cumbers asked.
More whispers from Meredith and Grace.
“No. No blood or scrapes. Hmhm!” Grace said.
“It is kinda swollen though.” Meredith said.
“Hmmm. Swelling could be bad.” Ms Cumbers muttered, concerned. “The last thing we want is to damage your penis.”
I was now panicked.
The thought of ‘damaging’ my penis hadn’t even crossed my mind!
“Tim, are you in pain?” Ms Cumbers asked.
“N-No? I mean, yeah. Maybe?” I muttered.
I was so flustered, scared and embarassed I couldn’t think!
“Tim, I need to make sure there’s still good circulation. Okay?” Ms Cumbers said.
I didn’t know what she meant, but I just desperately wanted out of this situation, so I nodded timidly.
Ms Cumbers yelled over the fence.
“Okay. Before you put the lotion on it, I need one of you to just place your index finger on it. Just to make sure Timothy still has feeling in it, okay?” She instructed.
There was a pause.
“Girls? I need one of you to touch Timothy’s penis. Okay?” Ms Cumbers repeated.
Several classmates behind me gasped, as well as the 2 on the other side of the fence.
“What?! No! Please!” I protested.
Ms Cumbers squeezed my shoulders.
“Relax, Tim. Relax.” She whispered calmly.
A moment later, I felt delicate fingers gently pressing on and rubbing along my penis!
“Ah!” I gasped.
The fingers on my penis pulled away.
“Tim? Are you okay?” Ms Cumbers asked.
“Um.” I couldn’t answer.
“Grace? Meredith?” Ms Cumbers asked.
“Yes?” Grace responded.
“Did Tim feel that?” Meredith asked.
Ms Cumbers squeezed my shoulders.
“Yes, I believe so. Okay. Girls, go ahead and put the lotion on Tim’s penis. We need to try and get him out of here.” Ms Cumbers instructed.
There were more whispers from the other side of the fence, as well as from behind and around me, then we heard the plunger of the lotion bottle being pressed.
“Ah!” I gasped again as I felt delicate fingers rubbing the cool lotion along the top of my shaft!
“Make sure you spread the lotion on heavy. We need Tim’s penis to be as slippery as possible to avoid damage when we pull him out of the fence, okay?” Ms Cumbers instructed.
I felt my penis getting harder and harder!
I could feel one of the girls’ fingers rubbing the lotion up and down my penis!
We could actually hear the sound of the lotion squelching between their fingers and my penis!
The hand on my penis kept rubbing from the fence to the head repeatedly!
Either Grace or Meredith was rubbing the lotion on my penis!
I couldn’t believe it!
It tickled-
It hurt-
And it felt amazing!
Then, I REALLY felt it.
My muscles tensed and my balls tightened.
There was a rapid building ‘tingle’ in my penis and a ringing in my ears!
“Ah! Ah! Ah!” I gasped.
“Tim? Are you okay?” Ms Cumbers asked, pulling back gently on my hips.
“Oh! Oh gaaaaaaah!” I moaned as I felt my orgasm rip through my body!
“Oh! OH!”
“Wha-?! Oh my god!”
Grace and Meredith gasped from the other side of the fence.
I felt my penis slide free from the hand AND the hole in the fence.
I fell backwards into Ms Cumbers’ arms, and she fell to the grass, landing on her butt.
She had her arms under mine, wrapped around my chest.
My stiff penis bobbed up and down as 2 more squirts of cum shot up and splattered my chest and belly, as well as Ms Cumbers’ arms!
All my female classmates gasped in shock as my naked body spasmed with orgasm, squirting cum onto my torso!
“Oh! Oh my goodness! Tim!” Ms Cumbers gasped.
I tried to cover, but with Ms Cumbers’ arms around my chest, I couldn’t reach!
My female classmates crowded around, getting a perfect, unobstructed view of my hairless, stiff little penis and balls!
“Oh my god!”
“What’s that?!”
“Oh! Gosh!”
I tried kicking my legs to get them under me so I could stand, but my pants and undies were still bundled around my ankles!
My struggling also made my rapidly deflating penis flop around, making some girls giggle!
I looked at the hole in the fence, and saw a pretty blue eye staring back at me!
“Oh my!” Ms Cumbers scooted back and got her legs beneath her.
She stood, lifting me to my feet.
My deflated little penis and shrinking balls bounced as my classmates gathered closer, taking in every inch of my hairless, nude body!
Ms Cumbers let go, moving her arms from around me, allowing me to finally cover my little penis and balls.
I pulled my pants up and looked to Ms Cumbers for my shirt.
“Tim! Are you okay?” She asked sweetly, dripping with concern.
My entire class had just seen me naked AND with an erection!
And even worse, 1 of 2 of them made me orgasm!
I was NOT okay!
Ms Cumbers knelt in front of me again.
She grabbed my wrists and moved my hands away from my pants!
“Tim! Hold still! I need to check your penis for damage!” She said authoritatively.
She looked me in the eyes as she said this.
“Just relax. It’s okay. I’ve got you.” She said calmly.
I really was concerned, so, trembling, I moved my hands.
Ms Cumbers gingerly lowered my pants and undies back to my ankles.
More gasps and giggles as my female classmates gathered to get another good look.
At this time, Grace and Meredith had come back around the fence to join us.
“Oh! Whoa!” Meredith gasped.
“Hmhm!” Grace giggled.
“Okay. Let’s see.” Ms Cumbers gently pinched the head of my penis and moved it around, examining every inch! (Not that there were many inches to examine at this point.)
“Does this hurt, Tim?” She asked, angling and stretching my penis gently at different angles.
“N-No.” I shook my head.
“Okay. Good.” Ms Cumbers then held my soft shaft in the crook of her thumb and index finger and gently moved up and down.
“Does this hurt?” She asked, looking back up at me.
I just shook my head ‘no’.
I looked around.
All my female classmates were staring, giggling, pointing and whispering to one another.
I wanted to run, but was genuinely concerned that I’d damaged my penis!
Ms Cumbers gently ran her fingers all over my genitals, rubbing and squeezing and asking if ‘this’ or ‘that’ hurt.
All the while, my classmates watched with wide eyes and even wider smiles.
“Well. Aside from some redness, nothing looks too bad.” She smiled sweetly and looked up at me. “I think your little penis is going to be just fine!”
I heard a few girls chuckle.
Ms Cumbers picked up my shirt and stood.
I kept perfectly still, letting everyone get a good long look at my limp little penis, tiny balls and bare ass.
“Um, Tim?” Ms Cumbers said.
I looked up at her.
She looked at me, then looked around at everyone who were obviously staring at me, then looked back at me.
“I think maybe we’ve seen enough of your little penis for the day, don’t you?” She smirked.
Realizing my embarassing situation was over, I quickly pulled up my pants as girls giggled and let out moans of disappointment.
I held out my hand for my shirt, but Ms Cumbers shook her head.
“You should go wash off in the bathroom first.” She nodded at my cum covered torso.
I felt shame flow through me.
“Go wash up, and I’ll give you your shirt when you get back to class.”
I quickly ran to the bathroom.
I cleaned up and looked in the mirror.
I looked at my skinny torso and arms.
I pictured myself naked, wondering how my classmates thought of me, now that they’d seen litererally everything.
I took a deep breath and headed to class.
As I walked in, all eyes darted to me.
There were obvious giggles and stares, but I timidly walked to Ms Cumbers’ desk, where she handed me my shirt.
I took hold of it, but before she let go, Ms Cumbers had me lean in so she could whisper.
“I won’t say anything to your parents or the principle, so you won’t be in trouble.” She whispered.
I hadn’t even thought about that!
What kind of trouble would I get in?!
“I’ve also told your classmates not to tell anyone.” She said calmly. “I think letting everyone see you naked was punishment enough, right?” She asked.
I nodded aggressively.
“But first,” Ms Cumbers glanced at the class. “Timothy? Is your penis alright?”
Everyone giggled.
I looked at Grace and Meredith.
They were watching expectantly at the back of the class.
“Y-Yes.” I muttered.
“I can’t hear you. Timothy! This is important! Is your penis okay?!” She repeated.
More giggles and whispers from the class.
“Yes!” I said looking back at Ms Cumbers.
She sat back and let me have my shirt.
I quickly put it on and rushed to my seat, which happened to be between Grace and Meredith!
As I approached, Grace looked like she was trying not to laugh.
Meredith was bright red and staring at my crotch.
I just quickly sat down and stared at my desk.
After a few moments, Meredith leaned over to me.
“Are you okay?” She whispered.
I just shrugged, though I was trying not to burst into tears.
Grace then leaned over as well.
“Is your penis okay?” She asked.
I looked at her in shock.
She was trying not to laugh.
I just nodded sharply and shrugged.
A few more moments passed, and Meredith leaned over again.
“Really though, IS your penis okay?” She asked sincerely.
“I, I think so.” I said with trembling whisper.
Grace leaned over.
“Do you want us to check it after school?” Grace asked.
I looked at her, stunned.
She was still her sweet, slightly reserved self, but that question caught me off guard!
Meredith chuckled.
“Hmhm! Yeah, we were talking, and we just want to make sure we didn’t hurt your penis.”
I was stunned hearing these 2 girls talk about me like this-talk TO ME like this!
“Eh hem!” Ms Cumbers cleared her throat and she shot us a disapproving look.
We nodded and continued paying attention.
Grace leaned over again.
“Just sit at the back of the bus, and we’ll check it.”

Epilogue: Back of The Bus

As class let out, the stares, whispers and giggles from MORE than just my classmates let me know that word of my ‘incident’ had indeed gotten out.
I boarded my bus and immediately saw Grace and Meredith in the back ‘bench’ seat.
I made my way down the aisle and chose to sit next to Meredith, as I’d always felt she was more ‘reserved’ and I felt safer with her.
Though, one of these 2 girls had made me cum earlier that day.
“Hey!” Meredith greeted me cheerfully.
“Um, hi.” I said timidly.
Grace then slid to pin me between her and Meredith.
We sat in silence as the remaining students boarded the bus.
Fortunately, our bus had fewer students than others, only about 10 students, and non of them had been witness to the fence incident.
“Is your penis okay?” Meredith asked.
“Um,” Even though I anticipated this, hearing Meredith say ‘penis’ made me nervous.
Grace put her hand on my thigh.
“We’ll check in a minute.” She smiled sweetly.
We sat quietly as the last student boarded.
We pulled out of the lot and began our route.
Fortunately, the other 10 or so students sat toward the front of the bus for quick exit.
Grace squeezed my thigh.
“Let’s check your penis.” Without hesitation, she lifted my shirt and began unbuttoning my pants!
“Ah! Um-“ I tugged my shirt back down, but Meredith grabbed my arm!
“We just want to make sure you’re okay.” She said sweetly.
Grace unbuttoned my pants and unzipped them.
“Just pull them down a bit.” She said.
I sighed and slid my pants and underpants down, just below my butt, so only my penis and balls were exposed.
The girls stared down at my flaccid little penis and balls.
Meredith gasped.
My little penis was flopped to the left, pointing at Grace.
Grace gently pinched my penis in her fingers and examined it.
“It doesn’t hurt?” She asked.
“N-Not anymore.” I said.
“It’s different than before.” Meredith said.
I didn’t know how to react, and instinctively felt shame.
I went to cover, but Meredith grabbed my arm.
“Don’t.” She said.
I looked at her, but she was fixated on my genitals.
Meredith reached down and grabbed my balls!
“Ah! Ah!” I gasped.
She held my balls in her hand, but froze.
“Does this hurt?” Meredith asked.
“N-no.” I sighed..
Grace was still examining my penis.
“It must have been like this when you put it in the fence, huh?” Grace asked.
“Yeah. It was bigger when it was in the fence.” Meredith added.
I trembled, replaying the events of the day.
“You must have really had to go, huh?” Meredith asked.
“Huh?” Was all I could muster.
I was in shock, I think.
“I mean, you stuck it in a little hole, just to pee?” Meredith smirked.
My shock turned to shame, but I didn’t want to stand to pull my pants up, for fear of drawing attention.
“Can I feel it? Grace?” Meredith asked.
Grace moved her fingers down to my balls.
Meredith then rested her fingers on my limp little penis.
I looked at Meredith.
She smiled and blushed.
“Hmhm!” She chuckled.
Grace used her thumb and index finger to locate and gently examine each of my testicles!
“Wow!” She whispered.
“Hey Tim?” Grace said.
“Yeah?” I sighed.
“I like the way your penis looks. Hmhm!” She laughed.
Merideth gasped, but then chuckled.
“Me too. Even though it isn’t big anymore. Hmhm!” Meredith giggled and adjusted her glasses.
I didn’t get another erection the whole bus ride, even though Grace and Meredith never left my genitals alone.
They touched, pinched, squeezed, rubbed and examined every part of my crotch.
They both took great amusement from my balls, since my limp penis refused to get another erection after the days events.
The bus stopped again and Meredith stood.
“See you tomorrow!” She adjusted her glasses and walked to the front of the bus.
Grace continued to play with my limp little penis until we reached my stop.
“Um, I gotta go.” I said, moving to pull my pants back up.
Grace still had her fingers on my penis.
She gently patted it.
She leaned down.
“See you tomorrow. Hehe!” She whispered, seemingly to my penis.
I stood and exited the bus.
Grace waved to me out the window.
I waved back.
I turned to head down the street to my house.
As I walked along a large, fenced in yard, I noticed a perfectly round hole in one of the planks.
I winced and ran the rest of the way home.
Last edited by NudeBaG on Wed Dec 04, 2024 1:00 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Stuck In Fence

Post by Jeepman89 »

A brilliant story, NudeBag! I'm always amazed at your imagination and how you can come up with so many great CFNM stories. I can always imagine exactly what's happening because of your descriptive sentences and realistic dialogue. I know it's a one off story but of course I can imagine what could happen the next day at school with the girls wanting to get him naked again and playing with his penis. Well done!
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Re: Stuck In Fence

Post by Lola »

Awesome story! It's odd but somehow it works! I loved it. These are the creative stories i like to read
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Re: Stuck In Fence

Post by NudeBaG »

I really appreciate the feedback!
I actually just went back through and added quite a bit that I think many will enjoy, so might be worth a re-read.
It corrects some characterizations I wasn’t happy with.
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Re: Stuck In Fence

Post by Jeepman89 »

Yes, the additions were perfect!
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Re: Stuck In Fence

Post by tim409 »

Jeepman89 wrote: Sat Nov 23, 2024 4:45 pm A brilliant story, NudeBag! I'm always amazed at your imagination and how you can come up with so many great CFNM stories. I can always imagine exactly what's happening because of your descriptive sentences and realistic dialogue. I know it's a one off story but of course I can imagine what could happen the next day at school with the girls wanting to get him naked again and playing with his penis. Well done!
Maybe the teacher will check him out in front of the whole class again which could include two or three more girls who were not there the day before. She could ask the two girls to come up to them and ask if his penis looks different than the day before too and even suggest they show her how they got him free of the fence, all with the class not only looking on, but the girls invited to come up and have a closer look.
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Re: Stuck In Fence

Post by NudeBaG »

I understand and deeply appreciate the desire for extensions/continuations of some of my stories.
It really means a lot.
That being said, if I write something as a one-off, it’s most likely going to stay that way.
With the exception of “Magic” and my current “Caught By Sister And Her Friends”, I just don’t want too many on going stories.
They take away from one another.
Odds are, they go unfinished as I get sidetracked/bored, and NO ONE wants an unfinished story.

That was the driving force behind me finally convincing JeepMan to finish SBG (which I had an absolute BLAST co-writing) as well as Willy’s Halloween Adventure.
I know that with the majority of these stories, we feel almost entitled to new chapters or expansions of the story.
But as a creator, when the well runs dry and you’ve written what you feel is a satisfying conclusion, you just don’t feel like continuing a story that, in your mind, is done.
In some cases, you can allow others to take up the reigns (as JeepMan allowed me to do) but to ask for more after the fact?
It’s almost painful for me.

I’ve been writing one-offs as ideas come to me, and it’s easy enough.
But, for instance, my story, Magic.
I would LOVE to dive back into that world and finish what I started, but I had some technical issues a while back and lost my ENTIRE ‘bible’ I had created with character bios, world building details and plot ideas.
For me to re-create all that?
It’s truly a daunting task.
I would have to re-read the entire story and rebuild my Bible as I went.
And that’s where the problem lies.
I’m NEVER satisfied with my own work.
Re-reading my own work, all I see are the flaws or things I’d do differently.
I had an ending in mind for Magic, but it was still a ways off.

I’m sorry if I rambled, or came off as rude in any way.
I just feel like if an author states that something is a one off, or done, then the audience should (kind of) accept that🤷🏻
It really is flattering, and I am INCREDIBLY appreciative that people want more, but more doesn’t always live up to the hype.
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Re: Stuck In Fence (Complete)

Post by cfnmfan »

Sorry to make my answer here but I apparently can't do it on the private way (Because I need to participate more on the topics I suppose).

I love your stories Nudebag, the kind one's where one boy/guy is put in a shame situation in front of a lot of girls/women. So my favorites topics are CFNM, ENM, SPH...

I prefer when the boy/guy is the only male of the story, I think that put an higher attention on him. All the girls can focus on that unique guy and he is the only one who is in difficulty.
I like many environements for the stories (school, family, justice, hospital, sport...)
Justice is not very frequent here. There are quite a few punishment stories with a mum punishing her son, but I can't remember finding here an ENM story of a guy humiliated by a justice decision in front of an all girls audience.
I would love to discover that kind of story here (the legendary author Ladylover/KC Crozetti had written a few ones in his saga Double Standard).

My favorites authors here are Nudebag, Datom, Blondie and Executionus (sorry if I forget some)
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Re: Stuck In Fence (Complete)

Post by NudeBaG »

Thank you very much for your kind words☺️
It means a lot.
I’m kind of winding down on my stories in this field, trying to wrap up the loose ends I have left.
There may be a few more one offs coming, but don’t expect too much more.
I intend to finish “Caught By Friend’s Sister And Her Friends” but after that, I might be done.
I appreciate the support, I feel like I’m hitting the bottom of my creative well in this field✌🏻
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