Bad day for a run

Stories about boys ending up in compromising situations, preferably naked and embarrassed, as the name suggests.
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Re: Bad day for a run

Post by Jeepman89 »

Not quite the ending he expected I guess. I can't wait to see what's on that link.
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Re: Bad day for a run

Post by Vader »

Jeepman89 wrote: Tue Nov 26, 2024 1:36 am Not quite the ending he expected I guess. I can't wait to see what's on that link.
Something James never saw coming in fact he didn’t even know it existed.
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Re: Bad day for a run

Post by Vader »

Bad day for a run.


It took James only a matter of seconds to see what they were talking there was information stating a lot of their income came from donations and to please donate and see the sights lower was the link that said click here to donate and in between was a picture of James naked of course with a full-blown erection. At seeing this James said out loud what the fuck! He could tell by the setting this was taken shortly after the two got back to the farm and put him in the outdoor shower to clean him up and have some fun with him James knew this was right after Sharon had cut the zip ties off him and he exited the shower after getting out and finally have his hands freed, he stretched his arms above his head looking straight up and that was when Shannon must have taken the pic James never knew or even suspected the picture existed until now.
As James was getting over the shock of seeing that pic a troubling thought entered his head what might be on the video, he didn't know about oh hell he wondered did they put they put the video of the schoolgirls and Erica jerking his penis on there he did not want to see the video but felt he had no choice he clicked the link and saw the video titled naked day on the farm and clicked play. He sat there watching the video his embarrassment rising even though he was alone but the only video on there of his cock being stroked was at the end of the video by him it wasn't much but at least no one would see a group of schoolgirls working his penis.

James was still more than a little pissed that they put that pic on the site and was about to respond with a high degree outrage as leaving the stuff with girls and Erica out of the video did not make up for that. As he began to type his response it suddenly dawned on him, they still had the video of him with the girls and Erica and if he started ranting at them, they could add it the video as bonus footage or post some place far more embarrassing.
James calmed himself and wrote a more measured response telling he was glad their financial situation was improving but he was really uncomfortable with the picture on with the donation link and asked would they take it down? As he sent the e-mail; he had little doubt what the response would be, but he had to try. The response was what he thought it would be that he had nothing to be embarrassed by and would understand his reaction if it had been cold outside or the water had been cold and had been dealing with a shrinkage issue but that was clearly not the case. They told James to check the comments section, and he would see many females very appreciative of his pics and video and they were too good to remove. It had become very clear to James the donation link pic and video was there to stay. At this point James figured the best thing he could was just ride it out and hope the interest in both would fade.

With nothing else to do James packed up and prepared to head home on Sunday and head back to work Monday he arrived home midafternoon Sunday and unpacked he had gotten no more e-mails from the sisters and hoped to put the last week well behind him. He arrived at work Monday and all the other people in his department shared what they did during the week off he simply told them he rented the cabin and just took it easy, and it was a quiet uneventful week at ten James headed to the break room for coffee he was joined moments later by Melissa a cute woman with brownish blonde hair and a nice figure she and James got along really well it was nothing sexual or romantic not even any innocent flirting just good friends. Melissa sat down at the table with James they were the only ones in the breakroom she looked at James and said so uneventful week it sure didn't seem like it James looked confused, so she took out her phone opened it and there set as the wallpaper on her phone was the donation link pic of James in his naked erect glory.
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Re: Bad day for a run

Post by Jeepman89 »

Not what James wanted to see on her phone! LOL
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Re: Bad day for a run

Post by Vader »

Jeepman89 wrote: Wed Nov 27, 2024 2:10 am Not what James wanted to see on her phone! LOL
Will Melissa take advantage of this with James or show him compassion and keep what she knows to herself? The answer is in the mind of one-off beat person.
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Re: Bad day for a run

Post by Qwerto1232 »

It will be nice continuing if she would take advantige. But not necessary in evil way exposing him to coworkers. Just to have fun with him.
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Re: Bad day for a run

Post by Vader »

Bad day for a run.


James's heart skipped a beat as saw on Melissa's phone the picture of him from the sister's website where did you find that James asked? Melissa smiled at him oh you know where I found it the question is why are you on the site naked with your penis sticking straight out? While we're at it why is there also video of you on the site doing various things naked including pleasuring yourself? Melissa continued there is clearly a story to tell so share James told her alright but please tell me you haven't showed that pic to anyone or told anyone about that website video she assured she hadn't told anyone about either she wanted to get story from him before doing anything. James took a deep breath and told her the whole story from the robbery to him stroking himself at the end of the video this time leaving nothing out. Melissa had a very entertained way about her when she first showed him the pic but as James told her everything James saw her mood change and she became more understanding and sympathetic to what he had gone through.
Melissa said it was hard to believe Sharon and Shannon made him do all that before they would get him some clothes James agreed saying they defiantly took advantage of the situation but at least they kept their word if they had gone back on it, it's not like he would have been in any position to do anything if they hadn't. James finally asked Melissa how did you even find that site?

Melissa told him through an odd set of circumstances my sister and I meet up with a friend we grew up with Friday during the week off when we got to what's new part of our conversation, she told us her 15-year-old daughter and some of her classmates went on a field trip to a farm and when she got home, she couldn't wait to tell me about the naked man there doing different farm task. We honestly thought she was making it up but didn't say anything when we were alone, I asked her what farm this was she said she would send me the link to their website about an hour after I got home, she texted it to me. As she continued Melissa told James when I clicked on the link, I wasn't expecting anything out of the ordinary I sure wasn't expecting to see you naked with full erection I was just curious when I clicked on the video link again was not expecting to see you naked doing your various task.
James said to her all right we both know everything about how this happened and how you found out about please tell me you aren't going to share any of this with anyone else? Melissa told him don't worry I think you have been through enough so all this will remain our secret of course I'm keeping some big secrets for you so I might need you to do me some favors in the same nude state you were in at the farm.

Melissa sat closer to James putting her hand on his thigh after all I'm keeping some big secrets for you that should get some big favors in return James was floored by what Melissa was saying to him this was something he never imagined she would do. Melissa you are not really going to have me do stuff naked so you will keep all this secret, are you? Why not she responded your very easy on the eyes when naked and don't have any physical shortcomings if you know what I mean James told her you know if the roles were reversed, I would never do this to you Melissa with a very serious look told him yes, I do know that she then broke into a big grin and told him that's why I'm just messing with you.
Your what? I'm just messing with you the expression on your face was priceless I promise I'm not going to tell anyone about the video or the website or show the pic to anyone or make you do any nude favors very funny James told her you really had me going Melissa told him I am keeping the pic I won't use it as my phones wallpaper but it's too sexy to get rid of fair enough James told her he looked at the clock and told her he had to get back to work she said she did to and they headed to their respective office. When James got back to his office his phone beeped, and he saw he had an
e=mail on his personal account when he opened it, he saw it was from the sisters what now James's thought. He started reading they told him since the video went up there had been an increase in tour request and there had also been inquiries about if James giving demonstrations like on the video and they wanted to know if he would be interested in making some future appearances on special occasions they told with the increase in donations they would be able to pay him this was something James had no interest in doing but knowing they had the video of him with the schoolgirls and Erica he was diplomatic in his response. He told them he was glad things were improving for the farm, but this was not something he wanted to do again he added he was sure they could find a guy to that for them especially if he was being paid. The reply came quickly they told him they considered that, but it wouldn't be the same without him and if he ever changed his mind to let them know James let out a sigh of relief this along with the assurances from Melissa told him this was behind him.

Melissa back in her office took to doing various task but was having trouble staying focused she took her phone out and took another look at her picture of James she was being honest and sincere with him when she promised him not to tell anyone about all of his naked activities, a promise she would keep she was also being sincere and honest with him when she promised not to get any naked favors from him. As she was sitting at her desk looking at James sexy naked body and rock-hard cock there was a small part of her that was not sure she would be able to keep that promise.
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Re: Bad day for a run

Post by Jeepman89 »

I hope she doesn't keep that promise! LOL
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Re: Bad day for a run

Post by Vader »

Jeepman89 wrote: Thu Nov 28, 2024 2:40 am I hope she doesn't keep that promise! LOL
Haven't decided kind of why I left it open. As James is not a jerk, he is more just a victim of circumstances and being in the wrong place at the wrong time and Melissa really has no ill will towards him, but she is enjoying her picture of him naked and might not be able to fight that temptation.
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Re: Bad day for a run

Post by Vader »

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