Bad day for a run
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Re: Bad day for a run
Bad day for a run.
Sharon and Shannon were leading James and the rest of the group to his next task the farm classic milking a cow as the group made their way there the girls from the tour were getting bolder in taking advantage of James nudity as he was walking behind the sisters the girls basically surrounded him with the girls closest to him slapping, pinching and grabbing his ass while a few others would actually squeeze his balls or grab his cock with the girls farther out shielding them from view as one group had their fun they would switch with the girls on the outside. James tried to block them but there were too many hands for him to deal with the girl's laughter finally got the teachers attention and she turned and told them to knock it off James noted her tone was not very authoritative and she was most likely getting a kick out of the girl's actions it ended a few moments later when Sharon announced we're here.
The girls moved off and let James go ahead to see they had the cow secured to keep it from bolting or kicking Shannon ask James if he was familiar with milking a cow, he told her yes, he had done it as kid great she said then let's get started. Sharon brought a pail to put under the cow's udders and a stool for James to sit on he was grateful for this as his ass would not be on display for once and his back would be too the girls he was only half right as Sharon had the girls move around to the front of the cow to get a better view of the milking it also gave them a great frontal view of James which he had no doubt she knew would be the case. With everyone in place Sharon told James get to milking James took hold of the udders and went to work none of the girls had ever seen a cow milked before and commented that looks painful for them another said she hoped James arms didn't tire before he was done one girl commented James should have bought the cow dinner before doing that which cracked the whole group up. James finally finished the milking and was happy that other than a few silly jokes nothing embarrassing had taken place unfortunately for James one of the younger girls on the tour commented that his penis looked kind of like what was under the cow and asked could he be milked to Sharon told them the result would be different than the cow but yes, he could milked and asked them would they like a demonstration? James shot her a what the hell look she smiled at him and whispered to him one-word clothes at that moment James knew he too was going to get milked.
James stood there not believing what was going to happen to him Sharon told the girls unlike on the cow James penis would have to be hard for him to be milked she then began fondling his balls to accomplish this with his cock erect she took hold of his penis and told the girls you stroke up and down like so oh and if any of you are wondering this doesn't hurt him in fact he enjoys it she stroked his cock a few more times and then did something James never saw coming though maybe he should have she said show of hands and asked how many of you would like to try milking James? To no one's surprise every girl's hand went up what did surprise everyone especially James was that the hands of Jane and Ericas daughters went up as well at this point the only thought that entered James's mind was oh shit. Alright Sharon asks who wants to be first before anyone could move Ericas twins and Janes daughter ran up shouting me, me Sharon looked back at her sisters who shrugged their shoulders as if to say why not what was already a humiliating situation for James went into overdrive as each young girl took hold of his penis and began stroking him the only saving grace was Sharon only let them go for about ten seconds but they let go of him happy they had been the first. As the girls from the tour had their turn Sharon limited them to about 20-25 seconds each to make sure James didn't blow and they all got their chance to work his cock as the last girls time ended James was thrilled that was over and he was on step closer to this all being over at that moment one of the girls jokingly commented we didn't get anything out of him there was some laughter over that until Erica spoke up saying I can take care of that.
Oh, hell James's thought his penis had just been worked on by 18 girls granted three of them were very young now he was going to get jerked off by a grown woman he was not sure how much more of this his cock could take. As Erica walked by him, she gave his ass a little pat she then reached down and took hold of his cock she got a firm grip on him and began slowly stroking him for James this was far different than with the girls as Erica clearly had a good deal of skill at milking a guy. Erica was in no hurry to bring James to orgasm she would loosen and tighten her grip vary the speed she stroked him sometimes she would use her other hand and tickle his balls. As she continued to take him close to losing it the ease back, she could hear low moans of pleasure starting to come from him for James this was becoming increasingly madding needing and wanting release so badly only to have her keep denying it James noticed that the girls who had been cheering her on had gone silent when he glanced over at them they were looking on in amazement that she was able to work his cock like this and not bring him to orgasm some looked like they were taking mental notes. As Erica continued to stroke James's penis, she could hear his moans getting louder and his legs were starting to tremble, and she knew he was at the end of his rope and decided it was time to take him over the finish line she tightened her grip and picked up the pace and in about 10 to 15 seconds James exploded as he began shooting his load it looked like a volcano blowing the girls began cheering again as James had an orgasm like nothing he had ever had before whenever he thought that was it Erica would squeeze some more out of him she finally released her grip on his cock and a spent James dropped to his knees. Before heading back to join her sisters Erica leaned to close to James and told him your welcome.
Sharon and Shannon were leading James and the rest of the group to his next task the farm classic milking a cow as the group made their way there the girls from the tour were getting bolder in taking advantage of James nudity as he was walking behind the sisters the girls basically surrounded him with the girls closest to him slapping, pinching and grabbing his ass while a few others would actually squeeze his balls or grab his cock with the girls farther out shielding them from view as one group had their fun they would switch with the girls on the outside. James tried to block them but there were too many hands for him to deal with the girl's laughter finally got the teachers attention and she turned and told them to knock it off James noted her tone was not very authoritative and she was most likely getting a kick out of the girl's actions it ended a few moments later when Sharon announced we're here.
The girls moved off and let James go ahead to see they had the cow secured to keep it from bolting or kicking Shannon ask James if he was familiar with milking a cow, he told her yes, he had done it as kid great she said then let's get started. Sharon brought a pail to put under the cow's udders and a stool for James to sit on he was grateful for this as his ass would not be on display for once and his back would be too the girls he was only half right as Sharon had the girls move around to the front of the cow to get a better view of the milking it also gave them a great frontal view of James which he had no doubt she knew would be the case. With everyone in place Sharon told James get to milking James took hold of the udders and went to work none of the girls had ever seen a cow milked before and commented that looks painful for them another said she hoped James arms didn't tire before he was done one girl commented James should have bought the cow dinner before doing that which cracked the whole group up. James finally finished the milking and was happy that other than a few silly jokes nothing embarrassing had taken place unfortunately for James one of the younger girls on the tour commented that his penis looked kind of like what was under the cow and asked could he be milked to Sharon told them the result would be different than the cow but yes, he could milked and asked them would they like a demonstration? James shot her a what the hell look she smiled at him and whispered to him one-word clothes at that moment James knew he too was going to get milked.
James stood there not believing what was going to happen to him Sharon told the girls unlike on the cow James penis would have to be hard for him to be milked she then began fondling his balls to accomplish this with his cock erect she took hold of his penis and told the girls you stroke up and down like so oh and if any of you are wondering this doesn't hurt him in fact he enjoys it she stroked his cock a few more times and then did something James never saw coming though maybe he should have she said show of hands and asked how many of you would like to try milking James? To no one's surprise every girl's hand went up what did surprise everyone especially James was that the hands of Jane and Ericas daughters went up as well at this point the only thought that entered James's mind was oh shit. Alright Sharon asks who wants to be first before anyone could move Ericas twins and Janes daughter ran up shouting me, me Sharon looked back at her sisters who shrugged their shoulders as if to say why not what was already a humiliating situation for James went into overdrive as each young girl took hold of his penis and began stroking him the only saving grace was Sharon only let them go for about ten seconds but they let go of him happy they had been the first. As the girls from the tour had their turn Sharon limited them to about 20-25 seconds each to make sure James didn't blow and they all got their chance to work his cock as the last girls time ended James was thrilled that was over and he was on step closer to this all being over at that moment one of the girls jokingly commented we didn't get anything out of him there was some laughter over that until Erica spoke up saying I can take care of that.
Oh, hell James's thought his penis had just been worked on by 18 girls granted three of them were very young now he was going to get jerked off by a grown woman he was not sure how much more of this his cock could take. As Erica walked by him, she gave his ass a little pat she then reached down and took hold of his cock she got a firm grip on him and began slowly stroking him for James this was far different than with the girls as Erica clearly had a good deal of skill at milking a guy. Erica was in no hurry to bring James to orgasm she would loosen and tighten her grip vary the speed she stroked him sometimes she would use her other hand and tickle his balls. As she continued to take him close to losing it the ease back, she could hear low moans of pleasure starting to come from him for James this was becoming increasingly madding needing and wanting release so badly only to have her keep denying it James noticed that the girls who had been cheering her on had gone silent when he glanced over at them they were looking on in amazement that she was able to work his cock like this and not bring him to orgasm some looked like they were taking mental notes. As Erica continued to stroke James's penis, she could hear his moans getting louder and his legs were starting to tremble, and she knew he was at the end of his rope and decided it was time to take him over the finish line she tightened her grip and picked up the pace and in about 10 to 15 seconds James exploded as he began shooting his load it looked like a volcano blowing the girls began cheering again as James had an orgasm like nothing he had ever had before whenever he thought that was it Erica would squeeze some more out of him she finally released her grip on his cock and a spent James dropped to his knees. Before heading back to join her sisters Erica leaned to close to James and told him your welcome.
- Jeepman89
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Re: Bad day for a run
Great chapter for sure, Vader! I loved the milking by all the girls and the finally with Erica getting him to blow his load!
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Re: Bad day for a run
Don't want to come off like I'm patting myself on the back, but I do like this one a lot not sure what I have left will top it.Jeepman89 wrote: Thu Nov 21, 2024 3:34 am Great chapter for sure, Vader! I loved the milking by all the girls and the finally with Erica getting him to blow his load!
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Re: Bad day for a run
Bad day for a run.
James was starting to recover from the intense orgasm Erica had brought him too and was beginning to feel major embarrassment and humiliation at how she was able to control him and have him put on such a display in front of the group of schoolgirls. Sharon and Shannon came up to him helped him up and ask did you enjoy yourself? James's anger flashed for a moment, and he snapped back would you enjoy being brought to orgasm in front of 15 teenage boys? The sisters pointed out to him he could have pulled away from Erica or stopped her anytime he wanted but you chose not to you let her stroke you off until you blew and based on how big your orgasm was you clearly enjoyed it. Sharon told him if it helps ease your embarrassment you are in the home stretch of being done and getting clothes James couldn't say it eased his embarrassment and humiliation but knowing he was close to the end of this was a relief.
The had an apple tree and James next task was picking apples from it the branches were high enough he had to get ladder to reach them. This took James a good while as he had too continually go up and down the ladder and move it around to different places under the tree the girls did not show the enthusiasm with this as they did the cow milking or to be more accurate Erica's milking of James, but they did enjoy seeing his ass cheeks jiggle and his penis and balls bounce around as he went up and down the ladder as well as seeing his muscles flex out every time he had to stretch to reach an apple. Sharon and Shannon as well as their sisters were enjoying this James task and had him going longer than they otherwise would have but finally told him that was good enough they had a few more task for James but they noticed that the girls while being polite in watching what job they had him doing increasingly they were more interested in talking amongst themselves about Erica's milking of James understandable for teenage girls and they decided to wrap things up a little early. They had him do a couple of simple repairs and some cleaning in the barn and told the group that concluded the tour.
Everyone headed back to the house in what had become the norm for James today occasionally one of the girls would grab or slap his ass when they got back Sharon told the girls she hoped they enjoyed the tour and found it informative that brought some giggling and laughter from the group and one of the girls commented they certainly saw and learned more things than they thought they would today. At this point the teacher told them alright girls on the bus we need to get going as the girls got on the bus the teacher thanked the sisters for the tour as she headed to the bus, she noticed James had his back to her and decided she might as well have a bit of fun as well she came up on James and delivered a hard slap to his bare ass and gave it a squeeze and thanked him for the very educational day for the girls. After the tour left Jane and Erica told them they needed to get on the road their daughters all ran up to give James a hug and probably a little more, but the moms stopped them telling them they have had enough fun today and to go wait in the car which they reluctantly did Jane did give him a hug and again gave his ass a squeeze telling him she was going to miss that tight firm thing Erica came up to him but just shook his hand she smiled at him and told him I already gave you a memorable goodbye. After they left and it was just the three of them again, they told James he should get cleaned up so he can do his final task for the video he was taken back by this and asked what more could they need Shannon told him we needed something special for the end of the video and honestly, we didn't know what that would be but today we found inspiration. James had no clue what that meant but was sure it would be embarrassing and humiliating for him.
James was starting to recover from the intense orgasm Erica had brought him too and was beginning to feel major embarrassment and humiliation at how she was able to control him and have him put on such a display in front of the group of schoolgirls. Sharon and Shannon came up to him helped him up and ask did you enjoy yourself? James's anger flashed for a moment, and he snapped back would you enjoy being brought to orgasm in front of 15 teenage boys? The sisters pointed out to him he could have pulled away from Erica or stopped her anytime he wanted but you chose not to you let her stroke you off until you blew and based on how big your orgasm was you clearly enjoyed it. Sharon told him if it helps ease your embarrassment you are in the home stretch of being done and getting clothes James couldn't say it eased his embarrassment and humiliation but knowing he was close to the end of this was a relief.
The had an apple tree and James next task was picking apples from it the branches were high enough he had to get ladder to reach them. This took James a good while as he had too continually go up and down the ladder and move it around to different places under the tree the girls did not show the enthusiasm with this as they did the cow milking or to be more accurate Erica's milking of James, but they did enjoy seeing his ass cheeks jiggle and his penis and balls bounce around as he went up and down the ladder as well as seeing his muscles flex out every time he had to stretch to reach an apple. Sharon and Shannon as well as their sisters were enjoying this James task and had him going longer than they otherwise would have but finally told him that was good enough they had a few more task for James but they noticed that the girls while being polite in watching what job they had him doing increasingly they were more interested in talking amongst themselves about Erica's milking of James understandable for teenage girls and they decided to wrap things up a little early. They had him do a couple of simple repairs and some cleaning in the barn and told the group that concluded the tour.
Everyone headed back to the house in what had become the norm for James today occasionally one of the girls would grab or slap his ass when they got back Sharon told the girls she hoped they enjoyed the tour and found it informative that brought some giggling and laughter from the group and one of the girls commented they certainly saw and learned more things than they thought they would today. At this point the teacher told them alright girls on the bus we need to get going as the girls got on the bus the teacher thanked the sisters for the tour as she headed to the bus, she noticed James had his back to her and decided she might as well have a bit of fun as well she came up on James and delivered a hard slap to his bare ass and gave it a squeeze and thanked him for the very educational day for the girls. After the tour left Jane and Erica told them they needed to get on the road their daughters all ran up to give James a hug and probably a little more, but the moms stopped them telling them they have had enough fun today and to go wait in the car which they reluctantly did Jane did give him a hug and again gave his ass a squeeze telling him she was going to miss that tight firm thing Erica came up to him but just shook his hand she smiled at him and told him I already gave you a memorable goodbye. After they left and it was just the three of them again, they told James he should get cleaned up so he can do his final task for the video he was taken back by this and asked what more could they need Shannon told him we needed something special for the end of the video and honestly, we didn't know what that would be but today we found inspiration. James had no clue what that meant but was sure it would be embarrassing and humiliating for him.
- Jeepman89
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Re: Bad day for a run
Love the girls constantly grabbing and slapping his naked ass. At least he got lots of hugs by the girls which he must have enjoyed and I'm sure he had a boner the whole time. I wonder what they have in mind to do to him for the last part of the video?
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Re: Bad day for a run
Semi one if not full on.Jeepman89 wrote: Sat Nov 23, 2024 1:45 am Love the girls constantly grabbing and slapping his naked ass. At least he got lots of hugs by the girls which he must have enjoyed and I'm sure he had a boner the whole time. I wonder what they have in mind to do to him for the last part of the video?
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Re: Bad day for a run
Bad day for a run.
James was uneasy about what this final thing the sisters wanted for their video was but after spending the day milking a cow and getting milked himself as well as pulling a plow picking apples and cleaning in a barn and being naked for all of it, he did need a shower. The sisters told him after he was done with the shower to meet them on the front porch unlike his first shower here, he was not using the outside one his hands were not bound behind him and the sisters were not washing him this was the first time since his ill-fated run he felt even the slightest bit normal. He almost hated getting out of the shower, but he finally did get out and he found they left him a small hand towel to dry himself with but not big enough to cover himself which at this point did not surprise him at all after drying himself the best he could with the small towel he headed downstairs and out to the front porch with his unease growing to see what the two had planned for his final part in this video.
James came out to the front porch and saw they had what looked like one of those beach chairs you could recline back and lay on the sister motioned him over and had him lay on them they told him let's get started first we have to get you posed right all James could think was oh crap. They adjusted the back of the chair, so he was not laying down flat Shannon told him to put his left leg off the side of the chair with his foot flat on the ground Sharon had him drape his right leg over the arm of the chair they then had him put his left arm behind his head this left James fully exposed and he was starting to see what his final task for the video was going to be. The sisters told him this last part of the video was going to be called relaxing after a hard day on the farm they continued they got the idea from watching Erica bring him to that huge orgasm and they knew right then that would be the big ending the video needed and he would need to repeat that task as best he could James protested this telling them it was one thing to have him do actual farm task naked but this had nothing to do with farming the sister gave a sly smile and asked him does this mean you want to call off our deal? James looked confused and they continued our deal was you do what we asked you too in video and when it's finished, we get you clothes and take you back to your cabin if you are not going to do this last part, we have no deal and, in the morning, you can begin your long naked walk back to your cabin and hope you don't get discovered and tied up again.
The fact he was basically being blackmailed was not lost on James nor was the fact that him being able to walk from here back to his cabin totally naked and not be discovered was all, but impossible James asked them after this it's over and you do what you promised? Of course, you will get clothes and be taken to your cabin all right James said let's get this done as James got back in the pose, they first put him in Sharon began too lightly tickle his balls and gently run her fingers up and down the shaft of his cock just helping you get to the starting line she told him. Shannon told him couple of things before you start don't go trying to rush through this just to get it over Sharon will signal you when to blast off next, we want an orgasm as big as Erica got from you or as close as you can get use the memory of her jerking you off for this if you need to with that settled let's get started. Resigned to this James took his cock in his hand and slowly began to stroke himself he like Erin did earlier in the day he varied how tight his grip was and how fast he pumped his cock anytime Sharon thought he was getting too close to shooting his load she would hand signal him to slow down or loosen his grip at times he did use the memory of Erica working him to get the orgasm they wanted he sure didn't want them claiming he didn't live up to the deal. James noticed Sharon seemed to be enjoying dragging this out much like Erica did earlier for James having masturbate for this video was embarrassing enough but having Sharon giving him instructions on how to was increasing his humiliation. Sharon could see James body tensing up and that he was close to losing it and decided the pump was sufficiently primed and gave him the ok to blow James wasted no time with this and rapidly began stroking himself and exploded in short order having his second huge orgasm of the day it might not have matched the one Erica brought him to but it was still impressive as James started to recover from his latest orgasm the sisters congratulated him on keeping his part of the deal and told him they would get him some clothes in the morning.
James was uneasy about what this final thing the sisters wanted for their video was but after spending the day milking a cow and getting milked himself as well as pulling a plow picking apples and cleaning in a barn and being naked for all of it, he did need a shower. The sisters told him after he was done with the shower to meet them on the front porch unlike his first shower here, he was not using the outside one his hands were not bound behind him and the sisters were not washing him this was the first time since his ill-fated run he felt even the slightest bit normal. He almost hated getting out of the shower, but he finally did get out and he found they left him a small hand towel to dry himself with but not big enough to cover himself which at this point did not surprise him at all after drying himself the best he could with the small towel he headed downstairs and out to the front porch with his unease growing to see what the two had planned for his final part in this video.
James came out to the front porch and saw they had what looked like one of those beach chairs you could recline back and lay on the sister motioned him over and had him lay on them they told him let's get started first we have to get you posed right all James could think was oh crap. They adjusted the back of the chair, so he was not laying down flat Shannon told him to put his left leg off the side of the chair with his foot flat on the ground Sharon had him drape his right leg over the arm of the chair they then had him put his left arm behind his head this left James fully exposed and he was starting to see what his final task for the video was going to be. The sisters told him this last part of the video was going to be called relaxing after a hard day on the farm they continued they got the idea from watching Erica bring him to that huge orgasm and they knew right then that would be the big ending the video needed and he would need to repeat that task as best he could James protested this telling them it was one thing to have him do actual farm task naked but this had nothing to do with farming the sister gave a sly smile and asked him does this mean you want to call off our deal? James looked confused and they continued our deal was you do what we asked you too in video and when it's finished, we get you clothes and take you back to your cabin if you are not going to do this last part, we have no deal and, in the morning, you can begin your long naked walk back to your cabin and hope you don't get discovered and tied up again.
The fact he was basically being blackmailed was not lost on James nor was the fact that him being able to walk from here back to his cabin totally naked and not be discovered was all, but impossible James asked them after this it's over and you do what you promised? Of course, you will get clothes and be taken to your cabin all right James said let's get this done as James got back in the pose, they first put him in Sharon began too lightly tickle his balls and gently run her fingers up and down the shaft of his cock just helping you get to the starting line she told him. Shannon told him couple of things before you start don't go trying to rush through this just to get it over Sharon will signal you when to blast off next, we want an orgasm as big as Erica got from you or as close as you can get use the memory of her jerking you off for this if you need to with that settled let's get started. Resigned to this James took his cock in his hand and slowly began to stroke himself he like Erin did earlier in the day he varied how tight his grip was and how fast he pumped his cock anytime Sharon thought he was getting too close to shooting his load she would hand signal him to slow down or loosen his grip at times he did use the memory of Erica working him to get the orgasm they wanted he sure didn't want them claiming he didn't live up to the deal. James noticed Sharon seemed to be enjoying dragging this out much like Erica did earlier for James having masturbate for this video was embarrassing enough but having Sharon giving him instructions on how to was increasing his humiliation. Sharon could see James body tensing up and that he was close to losing it and decided the pump was sufficiently primed and gave him the ok to blow James wasted no time with this and rapidly began stroking himself and exploded in short order having his second huge orgasm of the day it might not have matched the one Erica brought him to but it was still impressive as James started to recover from his latest orgasm the sisters congratulated him on keeping his part of the deal and told him they would get him some clothes in the morning.
- Jeepman89
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Re: Bad day for a run
Bad day for a run.
Even though the sisters assured James, they would get him clothes in the morning he was concerned they wouldn't follow through but kept his concerns to himself he didn't want to say anything that might anger them and give them a reason to change their mind. The sisters going to work on editing and getting the video they had taken ready to add to their website and asked him if he would like to join them, he politely declined as he was really not in the mood to see himself stark naked pulling a plow and especially not seeing himself masturbate to an orgasm Sharon told him OK and to relax and make himself at home. Sure, James's thought relax and make yourself at home when your fully nude and the ladies of the house are editing a video of you in your naked state to put on a website no problem.
James had a little to eat but was pretty drained after his long physically active day along with the embarrassment of the day and turned in at 10pm he slept soundly through the night and well into the morning. Shannon came into the room at 10.30 in the morning and saw James just beginning to stir she saw the sheet covering him had slipped down to the small of his back knowing this would be her last day to enjoy James bare ass she pulled the sheet all the way off and gave his naked behind a nice hard slap the shocked James jumped at this looking at Shannon with surprise she smiled at him and told him wake up sweet cheeks your clothes are here.
Those words were music to Jame's ears He was quickly out of the bed heading to get the clothes from Sharon, she handed him the bags and told him as promised James thanked them for keeping their part of the deal and headed to get dressed the sisters called to James you haven't worn clothes in few days do you want us to help you get dressed? He responded I'm sure I can manage as he started getting dressed, he had to admit it did feel a little odd suddenly wearing clothes again, but it was a welcome odd feeling he came back, and the sisters told him he looked nice though he looked nicer Naked. James asked how long before they could take him back to his cabin? They told him they could leave now if he was ready, he told them that would great as they started to pile into the truck Shannon told him if you would prefer to ride back naked, they would be fine with-it James told them I will keep the clothes on thanks the ride back took about an hour and fifteen minutes James was grateful he did not actually try and walk back as he now knew there was no way he would have made it unseen. When they finally arrived at his cabin James thanked them for their help even though they took advantage of his naked situation he didn't want to imagine how much worse it might have been without their help.
James entered his cabin, and he was relived everything was undisturbed as he left it unlocked when he went on his fateful run suffice it to say he never expected to be gone as long as he was the cabin had a safe which James had left his credit cards, wallet, cash as well as his laptop in. James used the phone in the cabin to get the number on his stolen phone deactivated and then went to get a new one after that was done, he checked his e-mails it was just basic stuff mostly work updates nothing major. James thought about heading home early but decided to stay for the full time he had rented the cabin for, but he dam sure wasn't going on any more runs while here. James spent the next day just relaxing doing nothing he planned on doing the same thing Saturday he checked his e-mail again and found just one it said from the farm sisters James was confused over how they could have gotten his e-mail curious he opened it how they got the e-mail was explained right away they told him Erica was very skilled with computers and could find information very easily they had asked her to find his so they could tell him the video was up on their website. The e-mail continued we have already had more interest in tours since it went live and there have been more than a few inquiries about if you will be available for them, we have also had an increase in donations thanks to help from you with an addition to spice up the donation link we have included a link to the site if you want to see the improvements. James didn't have any idea what they were talking about in regard to the donation link and was not sure he wanted to his every instinct was telling him don't click on the link to the site, but he knew he had to see what they were talking about that sense of dread he felt at various times at the farm returned as he clicked on the link.
Even though the sisters assured James, they would get him clothes in the morning he was concerned they wouldn't follow through but kept his concerns to himself he didn't want to say anything that might anger them and give them a reason to change their mind. The sisters going to work on editing and getting the video they had taken ready to add to their website and asked him if he would like to join them, he politely declined as he was really not in the mood to see himself stark naked pulling a plow and especially not seeing himself masturbate to an orgasm Sharon told him OK and to relax and make himself at home. Sure, James's thought relax and make yourself at home when your fully nude and the ladies of the house are editing a video of you in your naked state to put on a website no problem.
James had a little to eat but was pretty drained after his long physically active day along with the embarrassment of the day and turned in at 10pm he slept soundly through the night and well into the morning. Shannon came into the room at 10.30 in the morning and saw James just beginning to stir she saw the sheet covering him had slipped down to the small of his back knowing this would be her last day to enjoy James bare ass she pulled the sheet all the way off and gave his naked behind a nice hard slap the shocked James jumped at this looking at Shannon with surprise she smiled at him and told him wake up sweet cheeks your clothes are here.
Those words were music to Jame's ears He was quickly out of the bed heading to get the clothes from Sharon, she handed him the bags and told him as promised James thanked them for keeping their part of the deal and headed to get dressed the sisters called to James you haven't worn clothes in few days do you want us to help you get dressed? He responded I'm sure I can manage as he started getting dressed, he had to admit it did feel a little odd suddenly wearing clothes again, but it was a welcome odd feeling he came back, and the sisters told him he looked nice though he looked nicer Naked. James asked how long before they could take him back to his cabin? They told him they could leave now if he was ready, he told them that would great as they started to pile into the truck Shannon told him if you would prefer to ride back naked, they would be fine with-it James told them I will keep the clothes on thanks the ride back took about an hour and fifteen minutes James was grateful he did not actually try and walk back as he now knew there was no way he would have made it unseen. When they finally arrived at his cabin James thanked them for their help even though they took advantage of his naked situation he didn't want to imagine how much worse it might have been without their help.
James entered his cabin, and he was relived everything was undisturbed as he left it unlocked when he went on his fateful run suffice it to say he never expected to be gone as long as he was the cabin had a safe which James had left his credit cards, wallet, cash as well as his laptop in. James used the phone in the cabin to get the number on his stolen phone deactivated and then went to get a new one after that was done, he checked his e-mails it was just basic stuff mostly work updates nothing major. James thought about heading home early but decided to stay for the full time he had rented the cabin for, but he dam sure wasn't going on any more runs while here. James spent the next day just relaxing doing nothing he planned on doing the same thing Saturday he checked his e-mail again and found just one it said from the farm sisters James was confused over how they could have gotten his e-mail curious he opened it how they got the e-mail was explained right away they told him Erica was very skilled with computers and could find information very easily they had asked her to find his so they could tell him the video was up on their website. The e-mail continued we have already had more interest in tours since it went live and there have been more than a few inquiries about if you will be available for them, we have also had an increase in donations thanks to help from you with an addition to spice up the donation link we have included a link to the site if you want to see the improvements. James didn't have any idea what they were talking about in regard to the donation link and was not sure he wanted to his every instinct was telling him don't click on the link to the site, but he knew he had to see what they were talking about that sense of dread he felt at various times at the farm returned as he clicked on the link.
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