Necrofantasy_New December 11

Stories about boys ending up in compromising situations, preferably naked and embarrassed, as the name suggests.
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Re: Necrofantasy_New December 9

Post by TeenFan »

Themarble wrote: Mon Dec 09, 2024 4:48 pm I am wondering what will happen next! Perhaps another time skip?
It will only be a small jump in time. Timothy will still be fourteen when the next big event happens.
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Re: Necrofantasy_New December 9

Post by TeenFan »

Chapter 37. Murder Mystery

Timothy was quite the shy guy growing up. Even after all those bared naked experiences he was as timid as ever. The kids at school think he's a
little strange. Tim has seen every episode of "Stranger Things" and he tells others real life is boring, not like it should be. Most kids ignored
Timothy, but when he was reading a book during lunch a girl sat down next to him. Tim looked over, recognized the face but he couldn't recall
the name.

"That's a really cool book. I read that one," the girl said.

Tim was immediately intrigued with her. After all, what are the chances a girl his age would find a book about Jack the Ripper to be cool?
The girl's name is Mara, and she's in the 7th grade. The other boys don't look at Mara, her big round glasses accentuate a roundish face with long
black hair that is without any bounce or curl to it. He clothes are also plain, mostly grays and browns. Timothy doesn't care what she looks like
if she's into the same morbid and macabre subjects that fascinate him.

Tim is surprised to find out Mara lives just a couple streets over from him, within easy walking distance, and he didn't even know it.

"I don't run around much outside," Mara says.

"Neither do I."

* * * * *

For the next couple weeks Tim and Mara meet at the library. In a quiet corner they discussed favorite books and movies. Mara has an amazingly
large knowledge about murder mystery type fiction. She watches old Sherlock Holmes movies but never got into Nancy Drew. Both have a
favorite movie in common, "Sleepy Hollow" the Johnny Depp movie. In that version Ichabod Crane is an agent who works with the police as a
crime scene investigator. The film is a horror comedy, perfect for kids like Tim and Mara.

Tim and Mara are sitting together in the cafeteria when Mara says, "Can you come over to my house? A week from now. On Saturday?"

Tim is caught by surprise by the invitation. Outside of family he'd never been invited to anything before. "Um, maybe. What did you have in
mind to do?" As soon as he said it Tim wanted to kick himself. What difference was it what Mara wanted to do. Just say yes and find out
what it is later. Don't ask questions, moron.

"I want to play a homicide investigation. I'll set up the scene and you react to it. You have to figure out what happened in the house, and if it
was a crime. My dad has an old Polaroid camera, still has some film for it. I want you to take pictures."

* * * * *

The most eagerly awaited Saturday ever dawned with clear skies and warm weather. This is in May, the last month of the school year. It's too
soon to think about the future, but it has crossed Tim's mind that next school year he will be in High School, while Mara will still be languishing in Middle School. They won't be able to see each other at the library. Better take full advantage of this invitation to Mara's house.

Tim had been given detailed instructions.
1. Find Key to front door.
2. Search the house.
3. Investigate the scene.
4. Take notes and photographs
4.B. Be thorough--Don't miss nothing.

The front door to Mara's house is locked, as it should be. Searching the bushes and under the welcome mat reveals no key. Searching the yard
and everywhere, the key is found under a layer of dirt in a flowerpot on the porch.

Inside the house none of the lights are on. For a while Tim searched in the shadows, but then he realized there was no rule against turning on the blasted lights.

In the kitchen there are two doors. The first one is a storage pantry. The second door opened onto a stairway that went down into a dimly lit basement. As he descended the stairs Tim felt more like an intruder, a prowler than an officer of the law.

Finding a light switch at the bottom of the stairs, the room lights up with near dazzling brilliance in comparison to the previous doom like gloom.
A game room is revealed with several pinball machines and other arcade type games. A Shoot the Hoop basket is set up in another corner.
In the center of it all is a pool table.

Tim gasps when he sees something on the pool table. Lying near the middle of it is the prone body of a girl. It's Mara, and it looks like she's
been murdered.

Timothy steps closer, hardly believing his eyes. Mara is splayed out on her back. The clothes she has on are disheveled and torn, with most
of the buttons of her shirt popped off. A scarf is wrapped around her throat, and what appears like blood is seeping down the left side of her
chin. The girl's eyes are open, staring up at the ceiling. It all looks so real that Timothy almost ran for the stairs to find a telephone. Then
he noticed Mara's chest moving. She's alive and breathing. all looked so real. It really had him fooled.

With the exception of breathing motion, Mara's body is motionless. Mara looks so much like a dead person it's eerie. It's creepy and the next
thing Tim notices is the pressure in his pants. It's unbelievable, and reaching down Tim feels the bulge pressing outward. He's actually getting
turned on by this. Mara's face looks serene and calm, belying the horror of the faked death had it been real.

"Oh right...I'm the detective. Got to survey the scene," Tim says out loud, and as he begins to look around for clues the first thing he sees is
the Polaroid camera lying on top of a small table. Next to the camera is a notepad and a pen.

"Okay, I'm almost at Number 4. Take notes and photographs."

Tim grabs the notepad and the pen. He is the crime scene investigator now. He must not miss any detail. The first detail that captures Tim's
attention is the shirt Mara has on. He'd already noticed the buttons scattered across the pool table, assuming they had come from the shirt
Mara has on, but looking closer at that shirt, that more than halfway open shirt...there's no sign of a bra underneath that shirt!
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Re: Necrofantasy_New December 10

Post by Trundle »

Would have never guessed the story would move onto something like this, I'm very intrigued as I don't have a clue where the story will go next.

Can't wait to find out, I wonder if Tim will somehow be embarrassed in front of his new female friend...
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Re: Necrofantasy_New December 10

Post by TeenFan »

Chapter 38. Dead On Arrival, part one

Timothy was nearly floored when he saw no indication of a bra under the messed up and torn shirt that Mara has on. It was so unexpected.
Considering Mara's boob size, which was fairly large for a thirteen year old, one would expect her to have a bra of some sort under her
shirt. Come to think of it, Tim has no idea if Mara normally wore a bra on or not. She was always so conservatively dressed, and usually wearing
more than one layer of clothing. Mara never wore fancy schmancy fashionable things and she never showed off any skin. On occasion Tim did
wonder what girls wore under their school outfits, but he never thought about Mara that way.

Timothy writes down the things he observes: Torn shirt, Buttons scattered on Pool Table, Eyes stare at ceiling. Blue eyes very pretty
blue eyes. No sign of forced entry. House appeared to be undisturbed. Neckerchief around neck. Wearing pajama bottoms? Shirt spread
open near the top showing off lot of skin. Tons of cans of tuna in the pantry.

Tim had to stop and chuckle at that last entry about the tuna cans. He's getting lost among the trees and can't see the forest. Tim remembers
something important. What is done even before the CSI guy shows up? Yep. The coroner has to tell the detective two important things:

"Oops, I'm forgetting something. Have to figure out how she died first."

Placing the notepad and pen down onto the surface of the pool table, Timothy takes a closer look at the body. He takes a look at his watch.
An eerie and odd feeling came over Tim, and he looked at Mara's face. The eyes were looking at him. When he glanced over the eyes went back
to looking up at the ceiling. Mara is keeping her head still, but those eyes are wandering. It made a chill run through his body.

" for the hard part. Cause of Death". Leaning over the body, Timothy slowly unwraps the brightly colored scarf from Mara's tender
throat. There is a red and black smudgy discoloration that goes all the way around the neck. Lifting up the head while pulling up the body confirmed this discoloration goes all the way around. As the head and upper body are put back down on the pool table the body shifted
just slightly and that white shirt (must make note the shirt is white) opens just a wee bit more and suddenly Tim gets a glimpse of one of Mara's

Timothy pulls his hands back instantly, but this causes even more of the shirt to spread open, and the right boob becomes almost completely uncovered. Mara is more slender than Tim though she was. The large boobs made him think she had a tummy that was filled out, but seeing
much of the girl's torso exposed shows some ribcage bones visible, and the collarbone sticks out significantly. Only slender people have bones
that stick out so much. So how can her tits be so large?

Another thing to make note of...a strong mental note if never one to be written down...the nipple on the breast is amazingly wide and quite
pointy in the center. The color of it is so dark brown, such a contrast with the white skin that looks like it never sees the sun. There are no
tan lines around that breast.

Timothy grabs the notepad. He writes down: Victim does not wear a bikini at the pool. Skin without any suntan.

What he wanted to write down, but couldn't bring himself to do it, was to describe how much that nipple was sticking upward. He also noticed
the breathing seems to have picked up. The lovely nipple was moving up and down.

"Oh shit. I didn't check to see if she was still alive. What is wrong with me?"

Timothy places the fingers of his right hand across the throat as he finds the pulse. He leans over the face, ear listening for a hint of breath.
Tim's head is turned down to the right, as he gets a closeup look at the girl's heaving chest.

"That confirms it. This girl is dead."

Never before has Timothy ever uttered words so thrilling and erotic. He can almost hear his own heartbeat going
he feels something throbbing to the same rhythmic pattern down in his pants.
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Re: Necrofantasy_New December 11

Post by protonboy2023 »

Hope this one continues.
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Re: Necrofantasy_New December 11

Post by TeenFan »

protonboy2023 wrote: Tue Jan 14, 2025 5:53 am Hope this one continues.
Soon. Very soon.
This one got put on hold when I began the Elf Christmas story.
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