Peter at the beach

Stories about boys ending up in compromising situations, preferably naked and embarrassed, as the name suggests.
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Re: Peter at the beach

Post by SummerOf87 »

TeenFan wrote: Sat Nov 09, 2024 11:17 am I liked the part where the mother says, "Even if the swimsuit was dry, he is so dirty with sand I won't let him put it back on."

Growing up in the US, I never saw a kid naked on the beach, or any kind of public swimming pool. I now have seen many movies made in
Europe, where the kids are wearing underwear to swim in, that it must have been the normal way to swim in public for kids in many countries.
Unfortunately, today people are more covered up than they were decades ago. Swim teams don't even use Speedo briefs for competition,
using the thigh length Jammers instead (this started in the late 1990's).

Naked swimming for boys was common in the US up until the 1970s, but mostly in single gender situations. Once it became required to let
boys and girls share the same pool times then suits became required.
I try to write in english without any help so I'm sorry for the bad grammar.

European here. The acceptance of nudity change in time and space around Europe. For example, if I remember correctly in Spain there are no national law against public nudity, so beach are in fact clothing optional and you can see people walking naked inside city. But in recent times many municipality made local law to ban public nudity. Also in Czech I believe the situation is similar.

In central/north Europe nude is more tolerate in certain situation, for example sauna are traditional naked in german speaking country and in the italian region of Südtirol, but in the rest of Italy you can't join a sauna in the nude.

In east europe and ex Yougoslavia nudity or at least bottomless for boys is common, for girl is very less common. But young girl in thong/topless are a common spot. Adult strip naked frequently at beach and topless/thong are an usual outfit for adult women.

French beaches for decades were the home of the combo thong+topless for girl and woman, in the last years the situation changed a lot.

Italian are very very shy, boys and girls are always in swimsuits and usually if you spot woman in topless or thong at 90% they are tourists. BUT things changed in recent years and now is full of girls and women in thong, but topless is still a taboo.
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Re: Peter at the beach

Post by Qwerto1232 »

Good second chapter.
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Re: Peter at the beach

Post by kathyenf »

SummerOf87 wrote: Sat Nov 09, 2024 11:45 am
TeenFan wrote: Sat Nov 09, 2024 11:17 am I liked the part where the mother says, "Even if the swimsuit was dry, he is so dirty with sand I won't let him put it back on."

Growing up in the US, I never saw a kid naked on the beach, or any kind of public swimming pool. I now have seen many movies made in
Europe, where the kids are wearing underwear to swim in, that it must have been the normal way to swim in public for kids in many countries.
Unfortunately, today people are more covered up than they were decades ago. Swim teams don't even use Speedo briefs for competition,
using the thigh length Jammers instead (this started in the late 1990's).

Naked swimming for boys was common in the US up until the 1970s, but mostly in single gender situations. Once it became required to let
boys and girls share the same pool times then suits became required.
I try to write in english without any help so I'm sorry for the bad grammar.

European here. The acceptance of nudity change in time and space around Europe. For example, if I remember correctly in Spain there are no national law against public nudity, so beach are in fact clothing optional and you can see people walking naked inside city. But in recent times many municipality made local law to ban public nudity. Also in Czech I believe the situation is similar.

In central/north Europe nude is more tolerate in certain situation, for example sauna are traditional naked in german speaking country and in the italian region of Südtirol, but in the rest of Italy you can't join a sauna in the nude.

In east europe and ex Yougoslavia nudity or at least bottomless for boys is common, for girl is very less common. But young girl in thong/topless are a common spot. Adult strip naked frequently at beach and topless/thong are an usual outfit for adult women.

French beaches for decades were the home of the combo thong+topless for girl and woman, in the last years the situation changed a lot.

Italian are very very shy, boys and girls are always in swimsuits and usually if you spot woman in topless or thong at 90% they are tourists. BUT things changed in recent years and now is full of girls and women in thong, but topless is still a taboo.
The U.S. is a very strange place. We are known throughout the World as a place of loose standards, progressive ideas, perversion, debauchery...but we are an extremely repressed society with very few places to go nude legally. A large part of our population is more accepting of the portrayal of brutality, violence, and death on-screen than seeing a naked breast. People were as much upset over Janet Jackson "accidentally" exposing a nipple on tv as they are over school shootings. I live in a very weird country.
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Re: Peter at the beach

Post by SummerOf87 »

Part three

When the group reached the towels, Peter noticed that Matt and Alex's mothers were there with his mother and Barbara. Matt's mother seemed annoyed at the sight of her son in his wet clothes.

"Matt," his mother called, "I told you to take your boxers off if you wanted to swim or shower!"
Peter looked at Matt again, and confirmed his first impression, he was wearing boxers, not swim trunks. He sometimes saw children (and also adults) wearing underwear at the beach, so initially he wasn't very surprised.

"Sorry, but my son is a little dumb," Matt's mother said to the other mothers, "he went out this morning without putting on his swimsuit."

Dumb was an understatement, Peter thought, having studied Matt in the hours before. He was tall and athletic, and probably would have been the classic heart-breaking athlete in high school, but he was also probably the type who would die one day because he couldn't remember how to breathe.

His mother reached him, took off his shirt first (yes, the genius had showered in his t-shirt) and then his boxers. If Peter was pretty average, or so he thought looking at others teammates in the locker room, Matt was literally playing in another league. And he didn't even have a single hair on his body yet.

Suddenly all the girls lost interest in Peter, but Matt didn't seem ashamed or even understand the situation. Only Peter's father laughed and said "maybe it was less embarrassing for Peter to be the only one naked" giving voice to what everyone present thought, except probably Matt himself.

Peter had some peace and quiet while Matt had to share girls attention. It was almost lunch time and Peter had gone off to get some water with a bucket. Suddenly he felt a slap on his bare bottom. He turned to see Diana standing in front of him lip biting. They were far enough away from the towels that no one could hear or pay attention to them.

"Did you think I forgot about you?" Diana said, bit liping. Her eyes dropped below Peter's belly button and she added, "Matt might be bigger than you down there, but I'm sure I can help you with that." Diana really had no idea what to do exactly, and before Peter could reply she slapped his penis vigorously a few times. Peter dropped the bucket and ran away in pain, covering himself with one hand. When he reached the towels the others were getting ready for lunch.

Matt, Alex, Sarah, and their mothers went back to their towels while Peter and the others headed to one of the tables on the beach. Diana sat in front of Peter. The boy took his first bite when he made a weird noise and jumped. "Eat slower, Peter, or you'll choke," his father scolded him. Everyone laughed, especially Diana who moments before had stretched her leg under the table, playing with her foot between Peter's legs.

Peter didn't know what to do, he couldn't tell her to stop and he couldn't even get up. Soon the sandwiches would be gone, his mother would get out the fruit, and then lunch would be over. He couldn't leave the table like that.

Peter decided to take the hard way. While Diana was still playing, he concentrated on Barbara's D-cup and it was soon over. It was Diana this time who made a strange noise while Peter smirked.
Peter, biting into the last sandwich, made sure to get his legs dirty and quickly cleaned them with a napkin. He had won this time.

Diana remained a little distant and thoughtful for the rest of the day.

As they were getting ready to leave, Peter heard his mother and Barbara talking.

"See you next weekend," Peter's mother said to Barbara. "Oh, we're here tomorrow too. I don't work," Barbara explained, "and I love to take the kids to the beach every day. If you want Peter can come with us."
"That would be great, right Peter?" ask his mom. Peter wasn't so enthusiastic but he nodded. "Just a suggestion," Barbara added, "maybe if you shaved off Peter's few hairs, everyone would think he was younger and he wouldn't be ashamed anymore." Peter looked at her in horror. The two mothers laughed and Peter thought it was just a joke. When they said goodbye, Diana hugged Peter and, to his surprise, she gave him a kiss on the cheek, making him blush.

That evening Peter was in the bathtub when his mother took the razor and shaving cream. "Mom, what are you doing?" Peter asked. "Barbara is right. It was embarrassing to see you on the beach, you acted like you had something to hide. Have you seen Matt instead? I think that since you have this hair you think you are a man, but you are still a boy." Her mother proceeded with a firm and confident hand.

The next morning Peter was woken up early by his mother because Barbara and the girls would come to pick him up soon. Peter, in his underwear and t-shirt went to his mother "I can't find my swimsuit". "Oh, Peter, it's in the laundry." his mother replied. "I can't go to the beach without a swimsuit like..." but as he was finishing the sentence, Peter saw his mother's face. "You can't go to the beach without a swimsuit like you did yesterday? Come on Peter, the girls already saw you naked yesterday!" his mother said laughing, and added "When you came back from the shower you didn't ask about your trunks anymore, it means you got used to being naked". The doorbell rang at that moment. His mother took off Peter's underwear, leaving him only in a t-shirt that at least this time reached his knees, even though he knew that he would have to take it off at the beach, and pushed him out the door.

Peter climbed into the back of Barbara's minivan. Olivia was sitting in the front next to her mother, while in the back there was only Diana.

"It's nice to see you" Diana immediately said to Peter. "Today we're going to have a lot of fun" she added, moving her eyes from Peter's face to beetwen his legs.

"It's going to be a long summer" thought Peter, who still hadn't realized that he had found his first girlfriend, but at the cost of his dignity.

The End.
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Re: Peter at the beach

Post by NudeBaG »

Really enjoying this!
Wonder if Diana knows what happened under the table
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Re: Peter at the beach

Post by Lovesick »

Oh, this was nice. I love a good beach story. I especially liked the bottomlessness, the adults' nonchalance towards Peter's embarrassment and humiliation, and how Matt doesn't seem to mind being stripped naked.
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