The following takes place eight years after the events in Parts I-III.
Section 1
The upsurge in sexual activity in the Townsends’ and Langfords’ marriages following their adoption of CFNM soon bore an additional dividend as both wives became pregnant with their fourth child at just about the same time. The two went through pregnancy together and gave birth within a week of each other. As fortune would have it, Annie’s child was a boy and Laura’s a girl. Besides giving both mothers two of each, it meant once more that the two families would have a boy and a girl very close in age to each other. In this case, almost twins. And indeed, the two children often referred to themselves as “The C&C Twins” (Collin and Cassandra), even though of course they were not twins or even related at all other than through the marriage of their respective oldest siblings.
The two children were now seven years old. They were part of a generation that was distinct from older children and adults in never knowing life before CFNM, an attribute that was to shape their attitudes in some very distinctive ways. That included not only those born after the start of the “revolution”, but those who were born beforehand but were not old enough to have retained any significant memories of life before CFNM. The oldest of them were in the early stages of puberty. The boys and girls of that age and younger had several notable beliefs that were equal but in opposite directions, not in opposition to each other but complementary, a yin and yang.
These two children were seldom apart when the two families were together (other than times dictated by Cassandra’s necessary privacy requirements as a girl) and frequently together at other times as well. They sat next to each other at school, and always did their homework together, connecting by phone and/or laptop when not physically in the same place.
It was a day early in March. As they had been doing frequently for years, the Townsend family had spent the night at the Langford home.
In the bedroom that she shared with Collin when the two spent the night under the same roof, Cassandra awoke first of the two, as she usually did. At such times, Cassandra, dressed in one of her number of pairs of pajamas, did not leave it to a clock to wake Collin up. Instead, when it was time for him to awaken she threw off her covers, got out of bed, walked over to the bed where he lay, naked and uncovered, and gave him a good smack on the rump. Sometimes two or three, if he did not react to the first one.
Since Sofia was there, she took care of bathing Danny in his morning shower. Cassandra and Collin would not take their baths until evening. So her next order of business, once Collin was out of bed, was to shoo him out of the bedroom and shut the door so she could change into her school clothes.
Since the days were still on the cool side, she, like most of the other girls in her age group, chose to wear three clothing layers. Over a full-length bodysuit she put on an undershirt and underpants, then over that a long-sleeved shirt and jeans.
For all of their closeness, the two could hardly have been more unlike in appearance. Collin’s dark hair was close-cropped. Cassandra’s, an auburn color, extended almost to the small of her back; it was something she took great pride in and Collin was frequently recruited when they were together to help care for it. Collin almost never wore a stitch – since outgrowing diapers, he had spent most of his life naked -- while Cassandra was rarely seen with any part of her body uncovered other than her hands and maybe her feet. And while Collin’s body was devoid of any adornment, Cassandra boasted a variety of rings, necklaces, bracelets, and the newest popular addition for girls: a tiara in her hair. This was not merely for adornment, but meant to symbolize her claim of privilege over males, especially her male peers. For all that she adored Collin, she did not for a moment consider him her equal.
One of the beliefs of those who only knew life under CFNM was the girls’ belief that they should bathe all of the boys, regardless of age. – which was mirrored by Collin’s firm belief that he should never bathe himself, if possible, but rather have a girl do it, or at least a female. So when the two were together, Cassandra always bathed Collin. Otherwise, Sofia usually took up the task. If she did not, Collin usually would refuse to bathe himself until some other female, usually his mother, agreed to do it. But that was not all. Cassandra also wanted to bathe Danny when Sofia was not around, although he was a full decade older and Cassandra wasn’t tall enough to reach his entire body. That latter problem could be solved by use of a stool to climb on. Eventually, Danny had agreed to it.
As I shall relate, this particular belief would soon be extended.
Besides their close-knit relationship with each other, Collin and Cassandra were also members of a group of eight – four boys and four girls – who spent a great deal of time together. One boy and girl were genuine twins. The girls all resembled Cassandra in having very long hair, plenty of jewelry, and tiara. And like Cassandra, they were all wearing three clothing layers. While the boys all matched Collin’s very short hair and totally bare skin uncovered by any sort of clothing or adornment. And in fact, that same pattern would be true of virtually every girl and boy at their school.
As usual the group of eight gathered to walk to school together. Being in winter, although winters were overall mild in most of Californium, it was still cool enough for the girls to all show up in a light jacket over their long-sleeved shirt and pants and the two layers of clothing they were wearing underneath.
Another behavior unique to those who only knew life under CFNM is that both sexes tried, clothing-wise, to “push the envelope”, but in opposite directions. The boys saw wearing clothing at all to be something “girly”. When the weather turned cooler, their older counterparts didn’t think twice about putting on clothing to go outside. So when Danny found that morning uncomfortably cool for going naked outside, he had put on clothing to go to school, expecting to remove it later in the day after he arrived when he would be indoors and the day would get warmer. Not so these younger boys. They had a tendency to challenge each other to see how cold it could get and still go out and about naked, an endeavor in which parents had occasionally felt themselves forced to intervene lest the boys push themselves beyond the bounds of safety. Conversely, the girls tried hard to not only keep fully covered up but to keep on all of their clothing layers, no matter how warm it got.
Many conservative owners of retail stores and other establishments had responded to the “CFNM Revolution” by adopting “No Nudity” rules, (although ever-increasing male nudity had caused some to have second thoughts and drop their rule rather than alienate potential customers.) The usual response of these “next generation” boys to those rules was to ignore them. That led to a number of confrontations with employees of those establishments trying to enforce the rule. But as the number of these boys steadily increased over time, that meant confrontations became more and more frequent. One by one, many of those establishments threw in the towel and rescinded their “No Nudity” rule. That also led to most department stores and clothing retailers to throw in the towel on what was left of boys’ clothing sections; other than a sampling made available to try on for size, boys’ clothing was now mostly available only online. A semblance of men’s clothing sections still remained, albeit with very reduced square footage. Much of what had been men’s and boys’ clothing sections was converted to additional women’s and/or girls’ clothing areas.
So on this morning, although the thermometer was struggling to top fifty degrees, the boys all still showed up to their meeting spot naked.
They were all in the same second-grade class. The teacher, Mrs. Holcomb, was a cheerful-dispositioned woman in her early thirties. Having already taught multiple classes of second graders who only knew life under CFNM, she had a good idea of what attitudes to expect from her students.
Collin and Cassandra had desks next to each other, with Cassandra’s on the right, so if she had some task to do at her desk that only required using her right hand, she could use her left hand to run it over Collin’s naked body. Seating was arranged so as far as possible, everyone had a person of opposite sex on every side of them.
The day began with an English lesson. After an hour, the bell rang for the first recess. “Who wants to be door monitor?”, Mrs. Holcomb asked, addressing the boys. Most of them put up their hands. “Collin, I don’t think I’ve picked you in a while.” Collin walked over to the door, delightedly even though it meant he would be the last one out, and put his hand on the knob. When he got to the door, Mrs. Holcomb said “OK, girls, go out.” The girls all stood up and headed to the door; when the first one was a few steps away, Collin pulled the door open. When the last girl was out, Mrs. Holcomb said “OK, boys” and it was their turn to leave. Not until everyone else was outside did Collin follow suit and head over to where Cassandra and her companions were. This procedure was repeated at the start of every recess, lunch period, and end of day – the girls always leaving first -- except with a different boy each time holding the door. All part of “girls first” (or women, or females first), which had become standard practice in any situation where it was advantageous to be first.
When they returned from lunch, Mrs. Holcomb told each girl to pair up with a boy. Collin and Cassandra, of course, immediately paired up with each other. When all was done, she asked “Who doesn’t have a partner?” since there was one extra girl in the class. When one girl raised her hand (somewhat reluctant to show herself as the lone single), Mrs. Holcomb said to her, “Why don’t you join up with Hallie and Aaron?”, saying so because Aaron was the biggest boy in the class. Her reason became apparent in a moment.
“OK”, she continued, “we’ll be doing an art project, using paint with either fingers or brushes, you get to choose. Boys, I’ll provide paper for you to paint on. Girls, your partner will be your canvas. See if you can work in his penis or butt into your work, as something they resemble. You might visualize his penis as a banana, for example. Boys, this paint washes off easily, so we’ll wash you all off at the end. Now you boys all need to do your work standing up at the counters here so the girls will have space to do their work.”
For the next hour, all the children got diligently to work. When afternoon recess came, since they would continue afterwards, Mrs. Holcomb told the boys to be careful not to let any of the paint come off, so not to brush up against anything. She had picked a day when no rain was in the forecast for this project to avoid that issue.
About fifteen minutes before the end of the school day, Mrs. Holcomb called time. She asked if any boys wanted to show their work. After a couple volunteered to do so, she then turned to the girls.
“I painted a coconut tree on Benny,” said one girl.
“And his buttocks, are they the coconuts?””
Another girl had painted a floor lamp on her partner. His penis became the on/off cord, as she demonstrated, grabbing his penis and pulling down on it to turn it “on”.
“OK,” said Mrs. Holcomb, “now let’s go wash all you boys off.” She led everyone outside where there was a garden hose and told the boys to line up in a horizontal line. She attached a hose-end sprayer to the end of the hose so that it would dispense a soft spray. “This water might feel a little cold,” she told the boys, “but I know you all go out naked even when it’s pretty cold, so it shouldn’t feel much different from that.”
After school was over, Cassandra and Collin went back to the Langford home together along with four of their other companions for some after-school homework and socializing. On coming home, they retired to Cassandra’s room for a while. When they emerged, they found their parents seated on the living room furniture with another couple that Cassandra didn’t recognize who appeared to be about thirty years old. The woman was dressed in a long-sleeved dress shirt and slacks. The man was naked.
“Cassandra, Collin, this is Mr. and Mrs. Harris.”, said Laura Langford. “Your father and I became friends with them not long ago.”
“Hello,” said Cassandra. She whispered something to one of the other girls, who pulled out her cell phone. “Mr. Harris, what is your first name?” asked Cassandra. She did not add a reason for the question.
“It’s ‘Ryan’”.
After a moment of tapping in her phone, Cassandra’s companion showed it to her. Upon seeing what it showed, Cassandra walked up to Mr. Harris.
“Mr. Harris, please stand up.”
If Mr. Harris was surprised at receiving this seeming command from a seven-year-old girl, he didn’t show it. Instead, he did as he was asked. Cassandra beckoned for the other two girls with her to approach, and motioned for the three of them to arrange themselves so that they surrounded him.
The most radical and impactful attitude of the children of Californium who did not know life before CFNM was that the girls believed that males – of any age – had no right of personal boundaries at all, and could be touched at will on any part of their body. (Once again, there was a related male attitude: the boys fully accepted the idea that females of any age could freely touch or handle them on any part of their bodies at any time.) In actuality, most girls asked before doing so, but they accepted a compromise: once an adult male gave approval one time, it wasn’t necessary to ask him again. What the girl had pulled up on her phone was an app that recorded and displayed the names and pictures of males who had previously given such approval. They had found Ryan Harris in that app.
For the next several minutes, the girls had their hands on Ryan Harris’ naked body, or as much of it as they were tall enough to reach, with a focus, not surprisingly, on his groin area. They ran their hands repeatedly up and down his body, grabbed his penis, smacked and pinched his butt-cheeks. After his penis stiffened and rose up in response, it became their focus as they took delight in pushing up or down on it as far as they could and letting go so that it bobbed up and down, especially when it smacked his stomach in doing so. Meanwhile, her parents acted as if they had seen her do that multiple times before. Which in fact, they had. When the girls stopped, Cassandra said simply “Thank you”. The children then retired to the kitchen.
For the girls, while touching someone that way (especially an adult) was undeniably a sexual experience, and young children in that time had an increased sense of sexual self-awareness, their ability to enjoy it sexually was nevertheless limited by their pre-pubescent physical state. For them, it was more just plain fun to do. The effect of that event on the adults, however, was considerably stronger.
It was not until the end of the day, when the Harrises were preparing for bed and standing in front of the bathroom mirror in what had become the standard sleepwear for couples in Californium (pajamas or, as in this case, long nightgown for the woman, nudity for the man), when they talked about what had happened. “A group of seven-year-old girls used your body as a living, naked sex toy, and you didn’t object,” Lynette Harris said to her husband. “I find it impossible to imagine that any woman would have tolerated a group of boys doing anything like that do her. But I think that you are far from the only male that would have acted just like you did. I know you liked it; your penis gave you away. Don’t worry, I’m not upset or bothered by that at all. In fact, it’s kind of a turn-on. I find it wondrous that men can enjoy being treated as sex objects like that so much. I wonder if our child is a girl, if she will do what those girls did.” It had not been long since she learned that she was pregnant with their first child. “But there is something that seeing that makes me want to do. Now,” she indicated a spot just outside the bathroom, “You are going to go stand right there until I have done it.”
After he moved to the indicated place, she walked over to him and began re-enacting, to the best of her memory, what had happened at the Langford home, only she spent twice as long doing it. Like the children, she made a particular focus on his genitals and buttocks. Several times she repeated while doing so “A group of seven-year-old girls used your body as a naked sex toy”. When she finished, she grabbed his now fully erect penis one more time and said “You passed the test” with a laugh.
The two climbed into bed. She continued to fondle his naked body, still saying “A group of seven-year-old girls used your body as a naked sex toy” as he began kissing her. As her excitement level built and her breathing became more and more rapid, she shortened the expression to just “naked sex toy” over and over. The Harrises were experiencing what Laura and Jeff, Alana and Adam, and so many other couples were also: CFNM put a charge into their sex life and the stronger the CFNM, the stronger the charge.
And as Laura and Jeff Langford were locked in passionate embrace at that same time, their passion was energized as well by the vision of Ryan Harris’ naked body being groped and fondled by a group of seven-year-old girls dancing through their heads.
To be continued…
Vignettes of Californium, part XII – The Next Generation
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Vignettes of Californium, part XII – The Next Generation
Last edited by ogden_edsl on Fri Feb 28, 2025 6:51 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Vignettes of Californium, part XII – The Next Generation
"This was not merely for adornment, but meant to symbolize her claim of privilege over males, especially her male peers. For all that she adored Collin, she did not for a moment consider him her equal."
I assume that since it was ingrained from birth, the males know that girls are their superiors and that includes adult males know that even 7 year old girls are their superiors too,. It is about time males learn their place.
Love this chapter.
I assume that since it was ingrained from birth, the males know that girls are their superiors and that includes adult males know that even 7 year old girls are their superiors too,. It is about time males learn their place.
Love this chapter.
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Re: Vignettes of Californium, part XII – The Next Generation
Section 2
“I want to bathe Father”, the message read.
It had been a few months since the events described above. Another new attitude of the “new generation” had been making the rounds. Like most of the others, it had originated with the older children of the group – 11-12 year-olds – and made its way through social media and related channels down to younger ones.
Males, it was saying, should not even be the rightful owners of their own bodies. Instead, their bodies “belonged” to the most appropriate female relative(s): during boyhood, to one’s mother and sisters, and then in adulthood to one’s girlfriend or wife.
It was for that reason that Cassandra had sent her request to her mother, and not to her father.
Laura thought things over. She was not really surprised to have received it. She knew that her daughter and those of her age group carried around attitudes about CFNM that went beyond what those of her own age, or her older children’s ages, practiced. That Cassandra’s action with Ryan showed the extent to which they practiced an attitude of complete access to male bodies. And some of it had to do with the extent that females were to control males, especially male relatives. And she had already been bathing Danny, a boy ten years her senior. If you wanted to conclusively demonstrate female control over males, what better way than, while still a child, to exercise such control over one’s own father? Plus, Danny would soon head off to college, which would leave Jeff as the sole full-time male resident of the household. And, the practice of girls bathing boys had spread beyond those of childhood years. Both of her older children were doing it as adults, in their respective roles as male or female. Perhaps she should give it a try herself.
“Let’s do it together, you and I”, she typed out her reply. “Soon. I’ll let you know when. We’ll talk about your doing it solo later.”
That Friday evening, after dinner was done and everything in the kitchen cleaned up, Laura took Cassandra aside and told her “If you still want to do what you asked, come into our bedroom tomorrow morning. Let’s say, 7:30”
Never one to miss an opportunity like that one, Cassandra opened the door to her parents’ bedroom at precisely 7:30 the next morning. Jeff and Laura were awake but still in bed and not quite ready to get up. “Here, come sit down on the bed,” said Laura. At Laura’s request, Cassandra went through the radical new CFNM ideas and practices of the youngest generation, and they spent a little while talking about them, including that newest one about ownership of the male body, making Jeff recall what he had seen Cassandra do with Ryan Harris.
Then Jeff and Laura got out of bed, and Jeff climbed naked into the bathtub while Laura and Cassandra changed into one-piece bathing suits before following him there.
“Do you want to do his front side or his back side?” Laura asked Cassandra. Cassandra was silent for a moment, considering the choices, before saying that she would take his back side. Laura handed Cassandra a bar of soap and a wash cloth, and they climbed into the tub on either side of Jeff, who had provided a step stool for Cassandra to use to reach his upper body, Laura being on the side nearest the controls. Laura told Jeff to face her, and turned the water to the shower head on.
Cassandra climbed on the step stool and proceeded to soap and scrub her father’s back. When she was done, Jeff turned so the water would rinse his back while Cassandra climbed off the stool and put it aside. When Jeff turned back around, she began to work from his ankles up to his thighs. And when they were done, that left his butt to do. Cassandra spent a fair amount of time smacking his butt-cheeks over and over again. At her age, she was not yet strong enough to do so with real impact, but nevertheless she relished the symbolism of the moment – that, effectively, he could not spank her (with a law having been passed in Californium making it illegal to spank girls), but she could spank him. Thus was the reason that she had chosen his back side.
After the shower was done, the three of them climbed out and the two females proceeded to take towels and dry off the same respective parts of his body that they had washed.
Cassandra, for the first time, had an idea to propose as a change to one of the new CFNM rules – in this case, the latest one. However, there was not any single authoritative source. So she and Collin went online together and spent some time looking around for possible places. In the end, she selected a couple of message boards to post her suggestion.
The rule said that adult men’s bodies belonged to their wives or girlfriends. To which Cassandra proposed to add and daughters.
There was also no single authoritative way to know whether her proposal would become generally adopted. But later that day, Collin informed her that he had looked at the replies to her proposal, and they were definitely favorable.
A big reason that Laura and Jeff’s sex life had taken a big jump in frequency since converting to CFNM – essentially, to every night – was that virtually every day provided them with new CFMN experiences to spice things up. It was doubly so when those experiences were of a type that was totally new to them – like that morning. That night, when the two of them had sex, they did so in a different way from how they had ever done so before, although in the same clothing – Laura wearing a long nightgown, and Jeff naked. Inspired by the events of the morning, Laura took complete control. Jeff moved only in obedience to, and as dictated by, her commands. Her hands ran all over his naked body, and as Cassandra had done, she repeatedly smacked him on his butt, but being an adult her slaps had impact. She wanted them to hurt him at least somewhat, not out of any feeling of sadism but rather that first doing so would make it more memorable for him and second it reinforced the feeling of control she wanted to exercise that night.
And all through that night’s intercourse, from when she first put her hands on his body to the final climax, much like what Lynette Harris had done she kept repeating the same thing, in a soft voice or a whisper: “Your body belongs to me”.
“I want to bathe Father”, the message read.
It had been a few months since the events described above. Another new attitude of the “new generation” had been making the rounds. Like most of the others, it had originated with the older children of the group – 11-12 year-olds – and made its way through social media and related channels down to younger ones.
Males, it was saying, should not even be the rightful owners of their own bodies. Instead, their bodies “belonged” to the most appropriate female relative(s): during boyhood, to one’s mother and sisters, and then in adulthood to one’s girlfriend or wife.
It was for that reason that Cassandra had sent her request to her mother, and not to her father.
Laura thought things over. She was not really surprised to have received it. She knew that her daughter and those of her age group carried around attitudes about CFNM that went beyond what those of her own age, or her older children’s ages, practiced. That Cassandra’s action with Ryan showed the extent to which they practiced an attitude of complete access to male bodies. And some of it had to do with the extent that females were to control males, especially male relatives. And she had already been bathing Danny, a boy ten years her senior. If you wanted to conclusively demonstrate female control over males, what better way than, while still a child, to exercise such control over one’s own father? Plus, Danny would soon head off to college, which would leave Jeff as the sole full-time male resident of the household. And, the practice of girls bathing boys had spread beyond those of childhood years. Both of her older children were doing it as adults, in their respective roles as male or female. Perhaps she should give it a try herself.
“Let’s do it together, you and I”, she typed out her reply. “Soon. I’ll let you know when. We’ll talk about your doing it solo later.”
That Friday evening, after dinner was done and everything in the kitchen cleaned up, Laura took Cassandra aside and told her “If you still want to do what you asked, come into our bedroom tomorrow morning. Let’s say, 7:30”
Never one to miss an opportunity like that one, Cassandra opened the door to her parents’ bedroom at precisely 7:30 the next morning. Jeff and Laura were awake but still in bed and not quite ready to get up. “Here, come sit down on the bed,” said Laura. At Laura’s request, Cassandra went through the radical new CFNM ideas and practices of the youngest generation, and they spent a little while talking about them, including that newest one about ownership of the male body, making Jeff recall what he had seen Cassandra do with Ryan Harris.
Then Jeff and Laura got out of bed, and Jeff climbed naked into the bathtub while Laura and Cassandra changed into one-piece bathing suits before following him there.
“Do you want to do his front side or his back side?” Laura asked Cassandra. Cassandra was silent for a moment, considering the choices, before saying that she would take his back side. Laura handed Cassandra a bar of soap and a wash cloth, and they climbed into the tub on either side of Jeff, who had provided a step stool for Cassandra to use to reach his upper body, Laura being on the side nearest the controls. Laura told Jeff to face her, and turned the water to the shower head on.
Cassandra climbed on the step stool and proceeded to soap and scrub her father’s back. When she was done, Jeff turned so the water would rinse his back while Cassandra climbed off the stool and put it aside. When Jeff turned back around, she began to work from his ankles up to his thighs. And when they were done, that left his butt to do. Cassandra spent a fair amount of time smacking his butt-cheeks over and over again. At her age, she was not yet strong enough to do so with real impact, but nevertheless she relished the symbolism of the moment – that, effectively, he could not spank her (with a law having been passed in Californium making it illegal to spank girls), but she could spank him. Thus was the reason that she had chosen his back side.
After the shower was done, the three of them climbed out and the two females proceeded to take towels and dry off the same respective parts of his body that they had washed.
Cassandra, for the first time, had an idea to propose as a change to one of the new CFNM rules – in this case, the latest one. However, there was not any single authoritative source. So she and Collin went online together and spent some time looking around for possible places. In the end, she selected a couple of message boards to post her suggestion.
The rule said that adult men’s bodies belonged to their wives or girlfriends. To which Cassandra proposed to add and daughters.
There was also no single authoritative way to know whether her proposal would become generally adopted. But later that day, Collin informed her that he had looked at the replies to her proposal, and they were definitely favorable.
A big reason that Laura and Jeff’s sex life had taken a big jump in frequency since converting to CFNM – essentially, to every night – was that virtually every day provided them with new CFMN experiences to spice things up. It was doubly so when those experiences were of a type that was totally new to them – like that morning. That night, when the two of them had sex, they did so in a different way from how they had ever done so before, although in the same clothing – Laura wearing a long nightgown, and Jeff naked. Inspired by the events of the morning, Laura took complete control. Jeff moved only in obedience to, and as dictated by, her commands. Her hands ran all over his naked body, and as Cassandra had done, she repeatedly smacked him on his butt, but being an adult her slaps had impact. She wanted them to hurt him at least somewhat, not out of any feeling of sadism but rather that first doing so would make it more memorable for him and second it reinforced the feeling of control she wanted to exercise that night.
And all through that night’s intercourse, from when she first put her hands on his body to the final climax, much like what Lynette Harris had done she kept repeating the same thing, in a soft voice or a whisper: “Your body belongs to me”.
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Re: Vignettes of Californium, part XII – The Next Generation
Males, it was saying, should not even be the rightful owners of their own bodies. Instead, their bodies “belonged” to the most appropriate female relative(s): during boyhood, to one’s mother and sisters, and then in adulthood to one’s girlfriend or wife.
I love that the males do not even own their own bodies. I have been to many CFNM parties and when a woman unrelated to a naked male wanted to touch a male's genitals, she did not ask the male, she asked the woman he was with. Males have no say while at a CFNM as the women own him and they own his penis and testicles too.
It was for that reason that Cassandra had sent her request to her mother, and not to her father. Nice touch as I said above. I believe that since women and girls are superior to most of us males, the things done in Vignettes of Californium make common sense
I love that the males do not even own their own bodies. I have been to many CFNM parties and when a woman unrelated to a naked male wanted to touch a male's genitals, she did not ask the male, she asked the woman he was with. Males have no say while at a CFNM as the women own him and they own his penis and testicles too.
It was for that reason that Cassandra had sent her request to her mother, and not to her father. Nice touch as I said above. I believe that since women and girls are superior to most of us males, the things done in Vignettes of Californium make common sense
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Re: Vignettes of Californium, part XII – The Next Generation
Several weeks passed. Cassandra was delighted to find that the online response to her proposal continued to trend favorably, and more and more instances of the rule incorporated her change. And while her mother was not aware of that specific rule, she was aware that those of Cassandra’s age group were significantly more sex-differentiating than her own, and girls Cassandra’s age wanted to exercise much more control over males, including adults. And following that morning of her and Cassandra’s joint bathing of her husband, she increasingly dictated that he would not do it himself except when needing to do so in a rush. Once a week or so, she and Cassandra would again step into the shower with Jeff, giving Cassandra chances to do his front side as well, while other times a week – initially once or twice but then increasingly so – Laura would do Jeff by herself.
One day, Laura called for Cassandra. “I’ll let you fly solo in the shower with your father now, if you want.” Cassandra did. “OK, tomorrow then, he’s all yours.” It would be a Saturday, so he didn’t have to go anywhere in the morning. And although she did not truly consider herself to own Jeff’s body, she did not seek his approval or even tell him in advance.
Collin was there also, and so was Danny. Cassandra intended to do both of them as well.
Before starting on Collin, Cassandra took her own bath, in private of course. Then she started new bath water while putting on one of her swimsuits, of the type favored by girls of the new generation, extending well down her legs. When the bath was ready, she called for Collin, who was down in the family room with everyone else. Collin knew he should not keep his “twin” waiting and came at once. Like all of the other males there, he had no clothing to remove before stepping into the tub and sitting down.
Cassandra spent some time soaping his chest and upper back, then rinsed him down. She then told him to stand up, but Collin, whose mind had wandered, didn’t do so. That sort of thing had happened a few times before. Those times, she had just repeated it. This time, she decided after thinking for a moment, she wanted to do something different. She left the bathroom momentarily. When she returned, she was holding something in her hand.
“Stand up,” she said a second time. Collin heard her this time and did so. Whereupon she used what was in her hand – a paddle -- to smack him on the butt. He gave a little yelp.
“Did that hurt?” she asked.
“Sort of.”
“If it is about your body, you must do as I tell you. The first time. We agreed that I own your body, remember? I will not tell you to do anything bad or that will get you in trouble.” Strictly speaking, she was wanting to do that one time, just to show him that she could and to show her control over him. He had given her an excuse to do it right then.
She proceeded to soap the remainder of his body, giving him a few smacks on the rear for good measure – although not very hard – and, as she typically did, taking extra time with his genitals. Once she was done, she rinsed him down.
“Do you want to sit in the tub some more?”
“Then call me when you are ready to step out.” She had no intent of letting him dry himself; she would do that too.
The next morning, Cassandra came into Danny’s room to get him for bathing. She was dressed in the same bathing suit that she had bathed Collin in. But the families being together meant that Sofia was there too, and she was long-accustomed to being the one to bathe Danny. On this day, she agreed to share him with Cassandra.
Danny was lying naked (as always) and uncovered (as always, when Sofia was there) on his bed. Sofia was sitting up in her bed, in pajamas. “If you’re ready, we can get Danny up now,” Sofia said. She walked over to Danny and slapped him lightly a few times on his bare bottom. Once Danny was up, Cassandra and Danny went to the bathroom, to use the shower this time, while Sofia put on her bathing suit (one-piece as always). For Danny, Cassandra needed her step-stool. Sofia agreed to let her have his front side. So once they were all in the shower and Cassandra turned the water on, she started with his chest and arms, then moved down to do his legs before doing what was in between. As with Collin, she spent the longest time working on his genitals, first soaping his penis down repeatedly before lifting it up to do likewise with his balls. As likewise happened when Sofia did it, her hands all over his genitals caused his penis to become more and more erect. Meanwhile, Sofia gave his bottom a good smacking, drawing, as Collin had done, a small yelp of surprise.
“What was that for?” he asked.
“Cassandra asked me to do that,” replied Sofia. “She says it’s to tell you that we girls have power over you, including the power to punish you.”
Danny nodded. That pleased Sofia; it meant that he was accepting it.
As soon as they had finished drying Danny, Cassandra was ready to do her father. She found him in the family room reading the newspaper. Going up to him, she took one of his hands in hers and said “It’s time for you.” As she had expected, she did not need to say anything more, as her mother had told him what to expect; he put down the paper and stood up, exposing his naked body completely to her gaze. She looked him up and down for a moment, enjoying the sight, before leading him to the shower.
This time she worked the most slowly of any of them. This was not the first time that she had worked her way over his naked body, starting with his legs, then over his chest and back, but this time it felt different, having him all to herself instead of sharing him with her mother. She felt a much greater sense of power and control over him than she had before. She had talked on the web that the idea of females owning male bodies could include daughters owning their fathers’. Now for her it was real. She could not claim to own his body completely, but at least in part. The feeling grew stronger each time she told him to turn around, and stronger yet as she worked her way towards what at one time would have been considered his private parts. It made her try to smack him on his bare butt-cheeks in the same fashion that she had done with Collin and Sofia had done with Danny, and although she was not sure that it even stung at all he must have been aware of her doing it. She observed his penis stiffen somewhat during all this, and although she did not yet fully understand it, she was aware that he was feeling excitement of a sexual nature. Lastly she soaped his genitals, where the feeling of control was strongest of all. As she did so, then lifted his penis to do likewise with his balls, she felt it stiffen even more.
When she was done with the shower, she told him to step out of it into the sink area and stand still while she lifted the step-stool out of the shower and placed it next to him again, then proceeded to towel him dry.
Shortly afterward, she found her father, Danny, and Collin downstairs together.
“I want to see the result of my work,” she said to them. “The three of you, so stand over there with your backs to the wall. Put your hands to your side.” They all did so, without objection. Cassandra stood in front of them looking up and down their naked bodies, her father's penis still partially erect. Her mother and Sofia came over and stood with her, so then there were two lines facing each other, one of males all naked, and the other of the females all well covered. After a couple of minutes, Cassandra said to the three males “Turn around and face the wall,” giving the ladies a view of their bare butts. After the females had had her fill, she said “Turn around and face me again.” It was a few more minutes before she released them.
After that, the family dynamics were changed. Jeff accepted that as a girl, his seven-year-old daughter should, at least in a number of respects related to their bodies, have authority over him and not vice versa, although any rules that she might set for him would be subject to her mother’s approval. When it was necessary to give parenting directives to Cassandra, Jeff and Laura agreed that whenever possible, they should come from Laura as a fellow female. And likewise, it was recognized that Cassandra would have authority over Danny, although there too she could be required to yield that authority, this time to Sofia.
Cassandra eagerly shared her experiences, and the new dynamic, with both her social group –- the other girls declaring that they too would like to have the same arrangement in their own households –- and her online network.
And once a week or so, Cassandra would again step in the shower with her father, either with her mother or by herself once more.
One day, Laura called for Cassandra. “I’ll let you fly solo in the shower with your father now, if you want.” Cassandra did. “OK, tomorrow then, he’s all yours.” It would be a Saturday, so he didn’t have to go anywhere in the morning. And although she did not truly consider herself to own Jeff’s body, she did not seek his approval or even tell him in advance.
Collin was there also, and so was Danny. Cassandra intended to do both of them as well.
Before starting on Collin, Cassandra took her own bath, in private of course. Then she started new bath water while putting on one of her swimsuits, of the type favored by girls of the new generation, extending well down her legs. When the bath was ready, she called for Collin, who was down in the family room with everyone else. Collin knew he should not keep his “twin” waiting and came at once. Like all of the other males there, he had no clothing to remove before stepping into the tub and sitting down.
Cassandra spent some time soaping his chest and upper back, then rinsed him down. She then told him to stand up, but Collin, whose mind had wandered, didn’t do so. That sort of thing had happened a few times before. Those times, she had just repeated it. This time, she decided after thinking for a moment, she wanted to do something different. She left the bathroom momentarily. When she returned, she was holding something in her hand.
“Stand up,” she said a second time. Collin heard her this time and did so. Whereupon she used what was in her hand – a paddle -- to smack him on the butt. He gave a little yelp.
“Did that hurt?” she asked.
“Sort of.”
“If it is about your body, you must do as I tell you. The first time. We agreed that I own your body, remember? I will not tell you to do anything bad or that will get you in trouble.” Strictly speaking, she was wanting to do that one time, just to show him that she could and to show her control over him. He had given her an excuse to do it right then.
She proceeded to soap the remainder of his body, giving him a few smacks on the rear for good measure – although not very hard – and, as she typically did, taking extra time with his genitals. Once she was done, she rinsed him down.
“Do you want to sit in the tub some more?”
“Then call me when you are ready to step out.” She had no intent of letting him dry himself; she would do that too.
The next morning, Cassandra came into Danny’s room to get him for bathing. She was dressed in the same bathing suit that she had bathed Collin in. But the families being together meant that Sofia was there too, and she was long-accustomed to being the one to bathe Danny. On this day, she agreed to share him with Cassandra.
Danny was lying naked (as always) and uncovered (as always, when Sofia was there) on his bed. Sofia was sitting up in her bed, in pajamas. “If you’re ready, we can get Danny up now,” Sofia said. She walked over to Danny and slapped him lightly a few times on his bare bottom. Once Danny was up, Cassandra and Danny went to the bathroom, to use the shower this time, while Sofia put on her bathing suit (one-piece as always). For Danny, Cassandra needed her step-stool. Sofia agreed to let her have his front side. So once they were all in the shower and Cassandra turned the water on, she started with his chest and arms, then moved down to do his legs before doing what was in between. As with Collin, she spent the longest time working on his genitals, first soaping his penis down repeatedly before lifting it up to do likewise with his balls. As likewise happened when Sofia did it, her hands all over his genitals caused his penis to become more and more erect. Meanwhile, Sofia gave his bottom a good smacking, drawing, as Collin had done, a small yelp of surprise.
“What was that for?” he asked.
“Cassandra asked me to do that,” replied Sofia. “She says it’s to tell you that we girls have power over you, including the power to punish you.”
Danny nodded. That pleased Sofia; it meant that he was accepting it.
As soon as they had finished drying Danny, Cassandra was ready to do her father. She found him in the family room reading the newspaper. Going up to him, she took one of his hands in hers and said “It’s time for you.” As she had expected, she did not need to say anything more, as her mother had told him what to expect; he put down the paper and stood up, exposing his naked body completely to her gaze. She looked him up and down for a moment, enjoying the sight, before leading him to the shower.
This time she worked the most slowly of any of them. This was not the first time that she had worked her way over his naked body, starting with his legs, then over his chest and back, but this time it felt different, having him all to herself instead of sharing him with her mother. She felt a much greater sense of power and control over him than she had before. She had talked on the web that the idea of females owning male bodies could include daughters owning their fathers’. Now for her it was real. She could not claim to own his body completely, but at least in part. The feeling grew stronger each time she told him to turn around, and stronger yet as she worked her way towards what at one time would have been considered his private parts. It made her try to smack him on his bare butt-cheeks in the same fashion that she had done with Collin and Sofia had done with Danny, and although she was not sure that it even stung at all he must have been aware of her doing it. She observed his penis stiffen somewhat during all this, and although she did not yet fully understand it, she was aware that he was feeling excitement of a sexual nature. Lastly she soaped his genitals, where the feeling of control was strongest of all. As she did so, then lifted his penis to do likewise with his balls, she felt it stiffen even more.
When she was done with the shower, she told him to step out of it into the sink area and stand still while she lifted the step-stool out of the shower and placed it next to him again, then proceeded to towel him dry.
Shortly afterward, she found her father, Danny, and Collin downstairs together.
“I want to see the result of my work,” she said to them. “The three of you, so stand over there with your backs to the wall. Put your hands to your side.” They all did so, without objection. Cassandra stood in front of them looking up and down their naked bodies, her father's penis still partially erect. Her mother and Sofia came over and stood with her, so then there were two lines facing each other, one of males all naked, and the other of the females all well covered. After a couple of minutes, Cassandra said to the three males “Turn around and face the wall,” giving the ladies a view of their bare butts. After the females had had her fill, she said “Turn around and face me again.” It was a few more minutes before she released them.
After that, the family dynamics were changed. Jeff accepted that as a girl, his seven-year-old daughter should, at least in a number of respects related to their bodies, have authority over him and not vice versa, although any rules that she might set for him would be subject to her mother’s approval. When it was necessary to give parenting directives to Cassandra, Jeff and Laura agreed that whenever possible, they should come from Laura as a fellow female. And likewise, it was recognized that Cassandra would have authority over Danny, although there too she could be required to yield that authority, this time to Sofia.
Cassandra eagerly shared her experiences, and the new dynamic, with both her social group –- the other girls declaring that they too would like to have the same arrangement in their own households –- and her online network.
And once a week or so, Cassandra would again step in the shower with her father, either with her mother or by herself once more.
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Re: Vignettes of Californium, part XII – The Next Generation
I love the way this is progressing as now even 7 year old girls are able to supervise adult males. I also love the way the girls are assuming their status as the superior gender while the males are accepting that it is not the male, but the women and girls who are superior to most males.
Personally, I think this would be a realistic progression if we did have a true CFNM society such as this and it is something worth trying. I would love to live in this society even though I would be one of those who would be naked all the time.
Personally, I think this would be a realistic progression if we did have a true CFNM society such as this and it is something worth trying. I would love to live in this society even though I would be one of those who would be naked all the time.
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