Mystery Email ( Part 76 March 13th )

Stories about boys ending up in compromising situations, preferably naked and embarrassed, as the name suggests.
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Re: Mystery Email ( Part 41 October 29th )

Post by Vader »

Jeepman89 wrote: Tue Oct 29, 2024 12:41 pm Love all the girls getting involved in the tickling and groping session and Lexie going for a naked horsey ride! It will get even more exciting for them as they take a naked Rob out into the garden where all the girls can get a ride. It's hilarious that Aditty insists on filming all the action as well!
Rob might end going from IT guy to full time nude model rather he wants too or not.
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Re: Mystery Email ( Part 42 November 1st )

Post by Debbifan »

Part Forty-Two

I had to move forward to the patio door on all fours with Lexie still straddling my back and occasionally slapping my ass. All the while the younger girls ran around squealing, Denise looked on indulgently and Aditty filmed. I baulked at grazing my knees by continuing in that fashion across the paving slabs of the patio and so Lexie jumped off and I was allowed to walk over onto the grass. "OK, down like a horsey again" Lexie demanded. "Who's next ?"

"Me, me" cried Phoebe and she leapt onto my back. I began a circuit of the garden. I knew the yard was pretty much sheltered from view but there was that little used path on the far side of Doris's garden and with the amount of noise the girls were making I was worried someone might come to investigate. Phoebe refused to get off my back once and I had completed a full circle, despite Clara and Jody wanting their turn. I had to go round again and this time she reluctantly got off at Lexie's insistence. Clara took her place. "Here, you can use this on the horsey" said Cindy, taking a stick from the compost heap and offering it to her younger cousin as a riding crop, which the small black girl was not afraid to use !

The precedent having been established, I made two circuits of the garden on all fours with Clara on my back but even that did not satisfy her and she refused to get off to give Jody a turn. Things quickly deteriorated. Jody tried to jump on my back as well and push her sister off. During their squabbling and fighting, I tipped onto my side, momentarily shaking them off. However, as I rolled over onto my back, the two girls both jumped on top of me, quickly followed by Phoebe and Cindy. "Wrestle !" cried Lexie. "Tickle !" laughed Denise.

I was feeling too weak now to do much to resist the attentions of the seven girls. "We'll take his arms" Denise said and she and Aditty held my arms firm at right angles to my body. Before I knew it. Lexie and Cindy had grabbed my ankles and were proceeding to lift my legs up and back over my shoulder. "Nooo" I yelled but there was not much that I could do about it. I was now upturned and exposed in the most lewd fashion. Phoebe reached in and grabbed hold of my balls, tugging them back. "You like doing that don't you Phoebe ?" Lexie laughed. "It's fun" Phoebe confirmed. She was showing no inclination to let go any time soon. It was while I was stuck in this extreme position that an authoritative female voice called out from the path on the far side of Doris's garden. "What's all this noise girls ?"

"Oh, sorry mum, we were just playing" Aditty called across to her mother. "It must be some wild kind of game, we can hear you all down the street" the convenience store owner replied. "Aren't you and Denise supposed to be studying ?" she added. "We're just taking a break" Denise answered this time. "Mum's gone to the cinema."

"Oh yes, she called me and asked me if I wanted to go but I couldn't leave the boy in charge of the store for that long. I'm just taking the dog for a quick walk. But isn't Rob supposed to be there with you girls ?" Aditty's mother Anoushka wanted to know. "That's what Alison told me."

"Er, yeah, he is" her daughter mumbled. "Well where is he then ?" Anoushka demanded.
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Re: Mystery Email ( Part 42 November 1st )

Post by Jeepman89 »

The girls are having a great time and in full control of poor Rob. Will Aditty’s mom find out what’s happening with the bare naked man hanging out with those 7 young girls? This story keeps getting better and better.
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Re: Mystery Email ( Part 42 November 1st )

Post by Vader »

This is one going to be one fun video for Lexie to play for the adults when they get back. The current position they have him in would be great for tickling his balls.
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Re: Mystery Email ( Part 42 November 1st )

Post by Vader »

Rob needs to work on his stamina and strength having the girls being able to physically dominate him so easily is a rather sad state for him. That said he really doesn’t put up much effort to stop them either it would be a pretty dull story if he did.
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Re: Mystery Email ( Part 42 November 1st )

Post by Debbifan »

Vader wrote: Fri Nov 01, 2024 8:53 pm Rob needs to work on his stamina and strength having the girls being able to physically dominate him so easily is a rather sad state for him. That said he really doesn’t put up much effort to stop them either it would be a pretty dull story if he did.
Well, the thing is that he could overpower them but he doesn't want to hurt them and is scared of doing so. So all his physical resistance is inhibited by this consideration and the girls take advantage of it.
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Re: Mystery Email ( Part 42 November 1st )

Post by Vader »

Debbifan wrote: Sat Nov 02, 2024 8:40 pm
Vader wrote: Fri Nov 01, 2024 8:53 pm Rob needs to work on his stamina and strength having the girls being able to physically dominate him so easily is a rather sad state for him. That said he really doesn’t put up much effort to stop them either it would be a pretty dull story if he did.
Well, the thing is that he could overpower them but he doesn't want to hurt them and is scared of doing so. So all his physical resistance is inhibited by this consideration and the girls take advantage of it.
Totally agree he is trying not to hurt anyone but he could more easily put a stop to this if he really wanted to but at the moment the girls have him literally by his balls.
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Re: Mystery Email ( Part 43 November 5th )

Post by Debbifan »

Part Forty-Three

"Well, where is he then ?" Aditty's mother Anoushka repeated, with a slight smile on her face. The girls scrambled off of me and I was able to hesitantly get to my feet. "Oh, hello there Mrs. Patel" I managed to call, hoping that the hedge still shielded me and she could only see my top half. "Goodness Rob, it's not that hot today is it ?" she called, confirming that she could only see that I was topless. "I've just been working on Alison's garden here and worked up quite a sweat" I answered lamely. "That's good of you. I know Alison's missing a man about the house. I hope the girls are behaving, they were kicking up quite a racket. I could hear them out in the road" Anoushka commented. "Oh, sorry about that. Keep the noise down girls" I replied. "They've been good as gold really."

With that, Phoebe leaped on my back. "Piggy back !" she cried. Anoushka laughed. "Well, I'll leave you to it, you seem to have your hands full. Are you coming to pose for us at Sky's final class on Thursday ?" I confirmed that I would be there and hoped Anoushka didn't register the slap Phoebe administered to my bare ass as she insisted we set off around the garden ! Clara and Jody were determined to have their turns too, while the older girls laughed. But when Cindy wanted a turn, Lexie grew jealous and called things to a halt. "Look at the state of you Rob" she admonished me. "Anyone would think you hadn't had a shower a couple of hours ago. And there's mud all down your legs."

"Well, whose fault's that ?" I whined petulantly. "Whatever, we need to clean you up again. I'll get the hose" Lexie continued. "Not the hose" I protested. "OK" Lexie relented. "We'll get some buckets and soap" she decided. I stood there on the patio as the younger girls eagerly returned with a couple of buckets of water and Lexie took charge. "You three girls can wash his legs" she instructed Phoebe, Clara and Jody. "Cindy can wash his back."

"What are you going to wash ?" Denise laughed indulgently at her younger sister, while Aditty continued to record. Lexie responded by grabbing hold of my cock. "Lexie !" I protested. "Oh, shush" she responded. "The girls wanted to see what happened in the corridor at school and it's perfect to do it out here" "What, Lexie, no, stop it" but the mischievous teen had already retracted my foreskin and was running her hand up and down my shaft. Rough housing with the girls had already had a decisive impact on my erection and I was unable to hold out for long. The younger girls jumped back in delight as a steady flow began to emerge ! "Quiet girls, we don't want my mum coming back" Aditty cautioned them. "I think we're going to need the hose after all" Denise laughed.

So it was that I was once more hosed down on the patio with freezing cold water. "It's gone all small" commented Phoebe. "Well, not that small" replied Denise charitably. Nobody was certain exactly when the adults would be back from the movies and so the girls retired to watch a teen soap while I made them all coffee. Not a moment too soon as it happened, since Alison and Monica arrived back shortly afterwards. Doris had gone back next door to rest. After telling us how much they had enjoyed Oppenheimer, I confirmed that the girls had behaved impeccably and been perfectly quiet and ladylike throughout the afternoon. "Here, I can show you" said Aditty, taking up her phone and beginning to connect it to the TV !
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Re: Mystery Email ( Part 43 November 5th )

Post by Vader »

I’m pretty sure Robs embarrassment is about to go into orbit.
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Re: Mystery Email ( Part 43 November 5th )

Post by Jeepman89 »

I knew Rob couldn’t hold out much longer to the delight of the girls present. What will the adults think when they watch the footage of the day’s shenanigans?
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