Decided to try doing a story here don't know how this will go first time I have tried this good bad or in-between here it is.
Madison school for girls was a private school that taught freshman through senior grades and had a swim team it had mostly female teachers and administrators but a few male as well one a calculus teacher Mister Anderson who had been using his school class to get girls on the team who were struggling in it and in danger of failing and being dropped from the team to send him embarrassing photos of themselves usually topless wearing just a thong bikini bottoms his victims were usually sophomores who were too embarrassed to say anything Anderson was confident he was in no danger of being found out but that was about to change when one of the girls Amanda finally told the senior swim team Amber what he had been doing.
Amber was not totally shocked by this as she had stories about this but figured they were just gossip but after hearing one of her team members make this claim now seeing the photos he had her e=mail him her anger was growing and getting payback on Anderson had become her main goal. Amber decided she would need help with this and recruited three other senior members of the swim team Amy, Karen and Lynn the four decided they needed information on Anderson to start the revenge ball rolling Amber kept in touch with Ashley who had graduated two years earlier and knew of a rumor she along Amy. Lynn and Karen could use if true. The rumor as it turned out was on Friday after the school was empty Mister Anderson would go to the school pool and skinny dip Amber had Amy and Karen find out if there would be an unlocked door she could get in without being seen and for Lynn to find out what kind of car he drove so they would know if he was there on Friday a couple of days later they got together and informed Amber what his car was and that there was indeed an unlocked door she could get in unnoticed this Friday the first major step in their revenge would take place.
Friday came and the four checked the teachers parking and found Anderson's car there they then headed to the pool Amber told them she would go in and had the others keep watch in case someone showed up. As Amber made her way quietly inside she could hear someone at the pool as she got closer she found a spot where she could stay hidden but still have a clear view of the pool and there was Mister Anderson full on naked.
He had already been in the pool and had not dried off she saw he had neither a towel with him or his clothes nearby clearly thinking he didn't need them Amber had to say for a guy who was in his early 40s he had a pretty good body he apparently thought so as well as he started doing body builder poses Amber nearly started laughing at the sight of this but caught herself got her phone out and started taking pics she got lucky as she was getting full front views or close to it so it was clear who the person was. As he was doing his poses Amber saw his penis was becoming erect after he was done with his posing Mister Anderson began to fondle himself Amber having a good idea where this was heading switched her phone from photo to video a good call as he as sat down on the bleachers with his legs spread and began pleasuring himself Amber zoomed in to get a better video and enjoyed the show it wasn't overly long till he had his orgasm at this point Amber decided she had enough for now and headed out to join Amy. Lynn and Karen. She showed them the photos and video she took and they all agreed it was good start but they would need some more to really humiliate him.
The girls went to Ambers house to discuss their next step Karen suggested since they had some leverage over him now they have him do the same poses he has had the girls he has been threating do the others liked idea but weren't sure it would humiliate more than what they already have
The others were intrigued by this but wondered would they actually be able to get him to do that Karen pointed out Mister Anderson has a very self important elitist way about him and he would likely do anything to keep his after hours pool activities from becoming public they all liked the idea but knew they would have to come up with more.
Over the weekend Karen got the idea of having Anderson doing pics in the shower a very cold shower as the effects of cold water on a guys cock and balls created an embarrassing effect the others loved this idea and they decided to contact their target through the e-mail he had the girls send him pictures too. They used the sender name karma and the subject line you have been abusing your power and attached a couple of pics he had the girl send him they then added you have been a naughty boy and attached one of his body builder pose pics and about ten seconds of his jerking off video they continued you know there is more than this and I know you don't want this to become public especially in the school. They girls now gave him his instructions this Friday you will go the pool per usual and strip naked and wait for instructions obviously you will tell no one about this and if you do not follow your instructions to the letter you will quickly become the talk of the school do you understand? I f so you will respond with the one word answer yes.
They got the yes reply quickly now it was waiting for Friday as the day came and drew to an end the soon to be naked Mister Anderson was feeling a growing sense of unease while the four girls were feeling a sense of excitement about putting this man in his place. The day ended and the school emptied and Anderson slowly made the walk to the pool when he arrived he looked around for someone but it was empty he considered taking off and calling their bluff but he knew the pic of his nude pose and the short video clip of him stroking his cock meant this was no bluff with a deep breath he stripped off all his clothes trying to prepare himself for what was coming. Amber, Amy, Karen and Lynn saw him enter the building Amy snuck in to check on what was happening she quickly returned and informed her cohorts that he had actually stripped completely naked they decided to let him stew for a bit and waited for ten minutes before going in When the four entered and saw Anderson Amber proclaimed well look what we found there is no way of knowing what or who Anderson thought was going to show up but his reaction showed it was not four senior members of the swim team his hands quickly went to cover his exposed cock and balls Amber put a stop that telling him uh, uh we will be having none of that you are ours to command till we say otherwise an expression of dread spread over his face as it dawned on him he had just meet the senders of the e-mail.
Mister Anderson quickly tried to go into teacher mode demanding to know what this is and what the girls are doing here all of the girls found him standing in front of them completely naked trying to take an authoritative tone highly amusing Amber made it simple for him we know what you have been doing with the younger girls on the team and your now going to pay for it. He told them he had no idea what they were talking about and was leaving Mister Anderson would get a shock literally as unknown to him Amy pulled out a taser and gave him a shock on his bare ass caught totally by surprise he yelled out in pain and fell to his knees Amy told him he was going nowhere and would do what they told him or the next shock would be on his balls. His anger flashed yelling at them they would never do such a thing Karen laughed at him reminding him they got him here and had him strip naked he couldn't really believe his balls were off limits as he turned his attention to Karen Amy came up on him unseen and did indeed taser his balls he screamed in pain as he feel to the ground clutching his cock and balls the realization of the trouble he was in finally sinking in.
As Anderson continued clutching his balls Lynn observed they might have to try spanking him as he slowly got to his knees Amber asked would you like to continue with this or are you going to behave and be an obedient little naked man the now beaten down Mister Anderson meekly replied he would behave continue Amber added he continued and be an obedient little naked man he stated while staring at the floor. Lets test your obedience Amber said Lynn suggested a spanking so you join her at the bleachers where she will put you over her lap and spank your bare ass as humiliating as this would he knew another shot to his nuts with the taser would be far worse he slowly got to his feet and made his way to the waiting Lynn as he arrived she reached out grabbed his cock and pulled him across her lap and began spanking him at hard and steady clip as the pain and humiliation set in he started begging her to stop Amber decided he had enough Lynn pushed him off her lap they all then saw he had an erection well Karen commented it seems our mister Anderson enjoys being naked and spanked. The four girls decided it was time for him to strike some nude poses these are a couple of examples of the kind of poses they will make Mister Anderson do. ... 25x966.jpg ... /07/20.jpg
As they finished having the beaten Mister Anderson pose for these pics Amber decided it was time for him to have shower and asked Amy to start it and be sure it's a very, very cold shower.
Amber and Karen got on either side of him and led him to the shower Amy smiling said its ready for you get in Amber and Karen took him to the shower entrance each gave him a hard slap on his ass and shoved him in as the ice cold water hit him he yelled in shock and quickly jumped out. No one told you could get out Amy told him get back in there till we give you permission to get out she added sternly you know what happens if you misbehave the threat was clear to Anderson and he braced himself and got back in it didn't take long for the freezing water to have the predictable impact on his penis and balls as the shrinkage set in he tried to turn his back to them but they quickly had him turn around and told him no covering up and pictures were taken of him in this highly embarrassing state with that done they told him he could get for which he was grateful but wouldn't be for long.
After getting out of the shower Amber told him they were done with for the day and he could leave he turned to get his clothes but they were not where he left them the girls snickered as he began to frantically look for them Karen finally told him we didn't want anything to happen to your clothes so Lynn took them and locked them in your car and tossed him his keys with a bit of luck you might be able to get there without being not that you have any other option. He headed to the doors with Amber, Amy and Karen following. As he made his way outside there were areas and buildings where he could have at least a degree of cover but as he got closer to the parking lot that ended as he got to the corner of the last building he realized he would have to go at least 50 yards to get to the lot and his car out in the open where anyone could see knowing this was not going to change he took of running all out praying no one saw him. After what seemed like an eternity he reached his car unlocked it pulled on his pants threw his shirt on speed out of there. In his haste to get his clothes he failed to notice Lynn was not there after bringing his keys back to the pool Lynn told them there still a few cars in the lot and she should be able to get a nice video of him making that last stretch to his car as Lynn joined up with Amber, Amy and Karen she showed them the hilarious video of Mister Anderson running all out with his cock and balls bouncing all around. Lynn told them you know we graduate this year when we are gone and off to college there is a good chance this guy goes right back to doing this to the girls again I know Amber said I have an idea on how to prevent that and maybe even let Amanda and some of the other girls get hands on payback on him.
Lynn and the other girls were curious how they would do this Amber reminded them after every sports group finishes their season the school has an assembly in the auditorium where they highlight the teams accomplishments and hand out awards and it ends with a video of the seasons highlights we have some great Photographics and video of Anderson that could be added to the end of the video. They all loved the idea but how could they get it added. Amber told them she knows the girl Jessica who does the video and she is good friends with Amanda who told them about Anderson and was sure she would be more than happy to help. When she heard the details Jessica was more than willing to do this and she would let them know when she would need the videos and photos to add to the swim team video. A week later she told them to get her the video and pics it didn't take her long to add that was on Tuesday the assembly was going to be that Friday now they just had to make sure the star of the video would be there. After his last class Amber, Amy, Lynn and Karen approached Mister Anderson and reminded him about the assembly and told him that since he had been a big part of their season they wanted him to be there and sit with them and they would be really upset if he declined the subtle threat was not lost on him and he agreed the day arrived and Anderson took a seat in the middle between the four girls everything went as usual with these assemblies and then the end of the season video started showing all the season highlights as it came to an end or so it appeared the words mister Anderson revealed appeared on the screen. There were confused mummering's through the auditorium moments later the scenes of the very naked mister Anderson began playing the reactions quickly changed to laughter and cheers Anderson himself was almost in a state of shock at the sight of this as the his shower pics played he tried to bolt but the girls held him tight as the laughter became thunderous as the final scene the video of him making the dash to his car played Anderson could take no more and broke free from the girls and made a dash out of there he didn't stop at getting out of the auditorium he headed for his car again he however only got a short distance before he was tripped up and went sprawling dazed he looked up and saw Amanda and several of the other girls he got to send him pics remember us Amanda asked.
Amber had told Amanda that there was a very good chance Anderson would be bolting out of the assembly and school heading for the parking lot and if she and some of the other girls were waiting they would be able to enforce some naked payback on him personally. Before the dazed Anderson could move or respond the Eight girls descended on him and quickly stripped all his clothes off and Amanda quickly snapped a few pics the plan she originally got from Anber was to end with this but seeing the totally naked Anderson laying there looking up at them emboldened her and she decided to take this farther. As he started to try and get up Amanda placed her foot on his cock and balls mashing down telling him stay there were not done yet she told the other girls to go through his clothes and find his wallet, car keys and phone the other girls were surprised by this but did it and found them quickly this is for what you did to use and you have earned she told him she turned to one of the girls Lisa who had a gym back and told her to gather all his clothes and put them in her bag which she happily did Amanda told the increasingly humiliated Mister Anderson we are going to show you a little mercy by letting you keep your phone, keys and wallet but we are keeping your clothes as souvenirs and you will have to earn your keys, phone and wallet. Amanda told him this is what will happen we will walk to your car you will keep your hands at your sides if anyone asked you why are naked you will tell them you like being naked and embarrassed you will let anyone who wants to take pics do so and they will be able to slap, pinch, grope or fondle any part of you they like refuse and we leave you here as you are so lets go. Knowing he really had no choice he got up and they began his humiliating trek. There was not a large number of people outside but they did run into four groups of two to three people each he had to give his pre planned response on why he was naked to all groups all took pics of him most slapped or pinched his ass and some even grabbed and slapped his cock this attention was causing him to become erect and by the time they reached his car he was fully erect you did your part Amanda told him so here is your stuff before she could give them to him Lisa who had his clothes in her bag said I think he needs to do one more thing first. All eyes turned to Lisa she continued he should get rid of that erection he is sporting first great idea Amanda said Lisa please record this for us she turned back to Anderson you start stroking your cock and don't stop till you climax with no option he did as told it took him a couple of minutes to accomplish his task he was then given his keys, phone and wallet and allowed to go on his naked way.
It was announced that Mister Anderson had quit his teaching job at the school after school all the girls involved in his humiliation got together to relive the events none of them were sure if he would ever get another teaching though they doubted it they did all agree that the plan to totally humiliate him had been a complete success.
Swim team payback
- Jeepman89
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Re: Swim team payback
A great first story, Vader! I love the revenge that the girls got on Mr. Anderson. I hope you continue writing stories here as you have a lot of great ideas to share when it comes to CFNM.
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Re: Swim team payback
For me it’s a matter of finding time and good idea that one took several days and more than a few changes before I posted it.Jeepman89 wrote: Thu Oct 24, 2024 1:48 pm A great first story, Vader! I love the revenge that the girls got on Mr. Anderson. I hope you continue writing stories here as you have a lot of great ideas to share when it comes to CFNM.
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