My friend exposes his brother's girlfriend to me

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My friend exposes his brother's girlfriend to me

Post by Petrichor »

There's only been one enf situation that I actually witnessed myself. (My ex-girlfriend told me about an encounter involving one of her friends which was incredibly hot... I might write that up at some point.)

When I was in my late teens, my friends and I couldn't afford to go out drinking in town all that often (and some of our friends weren't 18 yet, which also made things difficult) so my best friend Jake used to invite me and 3 or 4 other guys around to his house on a Friday night. We'd order a pizza, play xbox and drink a few cans of beer. We'd usually stay overnight and sleep on the sofa.

One night, it was just me, Jake and his older brother (not sure why the other guys weren't there, maybe they had been busy or had left early). A couple of hours into the evening, Jake's brother invited a couple of girls over. I knew one of them because she had been in my tutor group at school, she was a slim blonde girl that I'd had a crush on when I was younger. The other girl, the one I didn't know, was her friend - I can't remember her name, so I'm just gonna call her Lucy.

Jake's brother fancied the fuck out of Lucy, hence inviting her over that night. Not sure what he saw in her... she was pretty cute, but nothing compared to her friend (the blonde I knew from school). Lucy must have been a couple years older than me, maybe early 20s, sort of thickset but not fat, with medium sized boobs and long straight black hair (not dark brown, but actual black, it was probably dyed). Can't remember what she was wearing, it was a cold winter evening so probably jeans and a jumper or something, certainly not anything sexy or revealing.

Both girls were planning to stay the night - they had both brought their pyjamas - and I remember being pretty excited about seeing the blonde girl in her nightwear. Unfortunately, she never got changed, and around midnight she called her dad to come pick her up and take her home. Bummer :(

Anyway, Lucy did stay over. She wasn't drinking, but she was loud and bubbly, had a real good sense of humour. She and Jake's brother really hit it off. Jake's brother invited her to sleep up in his room rather than on the sofa with me and Jake (bummer again, lol). Lucy went into the bathroom to change into her pyjamas, whilst Jake's brother went upstairs to his room to "change the bedding" (in reality, probably to clear up all his dirty underwear and fap-rags and stuff).

When Lucy came out the bathroom, she was wearing a pair of baggy tracksuit bottoms and a tight vest top. Obviously she wasn't wearing a bra, there was a little bit of sag to her boobs. There was a gap between her bottoms and top revealing her belly button, it was an outie. I clearly remember that she kept pulling her bottoms up above her waist, but they kept dropping slightly to show her cute little outie. I remember being a bit turned on by this - she kept chatting to us as normal, but she'd keep tugging her bottoms up every couple of minutes or so. Lucy obviously knew that Jake and I were checking out her navel at every opportunity, because she mentioned that although her friend had a belly button piercing, she couldn't get one because of her outie.

Jake's brother shouted to Lucy from upstairs ("the bedroom's ready", or something like that). Lucy leant over to pick up her overnight bag from beside the sofa, revealing the top of the crack of her (fairly wide) butt. She straightened up, her bag in one hand and a glass of water in the other. She turned to Jake and said good night, then turned to me to do the same. I was sat on a low bean bag, so my face was about level with her cute little belly button.

Like I mentioned, seeing her navel - although it's a pretty innocent part of a person's anatomy - was sort of arousing. I can only assume Jake felt the same, or guessed what I was feeling, because he stepped up behind her, crouched, and pulled down her tracksuit bottoms to her knees. He didn't do it particularly quickly - I'm not sure if I'm just remembering it this way now, but it was like in slow-motion. Lucy wasn't wearing any underwear.

I can still clearly picture Lucy, standing there, holding a glass of water in one hand and her bag in the other, her tracksuit bottoms around her knees, in a sort of shocked silence, for what seemed like five whole seconds.

Then she squealed, and dropped the glass of water (but not the bag - I guess in her panic she knew she had to drop SOMETHING and didn't care which) and covered her crotch with her hand. I sort of squealed too (yeah, not my proudest moment, lol) and then shouted at Jake, "What the fuck, man?!" and I made a big thing of looking away, trying to be a gentleman.

Still, that image of Lucy... wow! She hadn't been wearing any underwear, and my face had been pretty much level with her navel, less than a foot away from me. She was shaved, but with a little bit of stubble. She had prominent inner lips which stuck out slightly, darker than her outer lips, and they clung to one another. I remember one lip was slightly longer than the other. I can also remember very clearly thinking to myself, incredibly stupidly, as though it was some universal truth, "Wow, outie belly button = outie pussy," even though I wasn't that naive even back then.

Lucy was mortified. Her whole face was red. I think she was too embarrassed to be angry (though she had every right to be). She put her bag in front of her crotch, then bent over to hoist up her tracksuit bottoms with her free hand, just as Jake knelt down to pick up the glass she'd dropped (to get an eyeful from behind, I guess). Then she started apologising for squealing! Jake apologised for being a dick and said that he had expected her to be wearing underwear, and I pretended to be angry with Jake for being so immature. She wouldn't make eye contact with me, maybe because she knew I'd seen all her goods up close. Jake fetched her a fresh glass of water, Lucy told Jake not to tell his brother, and she scurried upstairs.

Jake's brother came down shortly after. He seemed a bit confused, convinced he was on to a sure thing that night with Lucy in bed, only to be told that she was tired and wanted to sleep. Jake burst out laughing and told him what happened. I actually felt a little sorry for his brother, he was upset that Jake had given me an eyeful of the girl he fancied before he'd even seen her naked. Jake kept ribbing him, saying he'd seen her dangling lips from behind as she bent over. Jake's brother got really sullen so I didn't stay much longer, and walked home.

I think Jake's brother did hook up with Lucy after that night, but I don't remember how long it lasted (it wasn't long). But I do remember that Lucy's pussy was the subject of my conversations with Jake for weeks afterwards!
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Re: My friend exposes his brother's girlfriend to me

Post by Cetra »

Great story! Would love to hear the one your ex told you too
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Re: My friend exposes his brother's girlfriend to me

Post by MunchingOnDaCookies »

Great story! Would also love to hear the story your ex told you!
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Re: My friend exposes his brother's girlfriend to me

Post by Petrichor »

Thanks guys. Yeah, I'll write up the story my ex gf told me... I found it incredibly hot, but it's because I know the people involved, so not sure how interesting you'll find it :p

I'll try to write it up later today :)
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Re: My friend exposes his brother's girlfriend to me

Post by Petrichor »

So, I promised to write up something my ex girlfriend told me about an encounter with one of her friends.

Me and my ex gf, Sally, used to have a pretty awesome sex life. We got it on almost every night, she was insatiable. This was back when we were about 18 or 19, so I was in my prime - but there's still only so many times a guy can get it up in a single night!

If Sally was desperate for another round, she'd try to get me in the mood by playing with me, or letting me watch her play with herself. Or - this was one of my particular kinks - she'd tell me about times she'd seen her friends naked, and she'd describe them to me. These would be girls I'd met at parties, girls who'd come round to our house for dinner, or girls who were the partners of some of my friends. Let me tell you, there's something incredibly hot about knowing intimate details of girls you see on a daily basis.

Anyway, there was this one night in bed, I'd pleased Sally at least twice, and I was dozing in exhausted, euphoric bliss - and Sally started stroking me, eager to go another round. I sorta groaned and said I needed some rest. To give some context, I'd had a crappy day at college, my best mate Jake had recently started going out with a new girl (one of Sally's friends) which meant we hadn't been able to spend much time together, and I was in a generally shitty mood.

Of course, Sally knew my kinks and what would get me in the mood, so she offered to tell me about her friend Abi (Jake's new girlfriend). Sally and Abi had had lunch together the previous day, and Abi had been telling her about her new boyfriend Jake (which sorta pissed me off actually, because if Abi could make time to see Sally, why couldn't Jake make time to catch up with me?).

Anyway, Sally had known Abi since junior school, they used to be best friends and although they now had different groups of friends, they still got on really well and met up regularly. Abi had stayed over at our house a few times in the past, so I knew her fairly well - she was a short, slim, cute little brunette, definitely a hottie (occasionally, I'd fap to a memory of Abi in her bikini, from when we'd all gone to the beach together earlier that year). So when Sally said she'd tell me about Abi, I almost instantly perked up, heh heh :)

Sally said this happened in the summer holidays between secondary school and college, about six months before we got together (she and Abi would have been 16 or 17 years old). Sally, Omar (her boyfriend at the time), Abi and her boyfriend Ray, had all gone to Omar's house one afternoon because his parents were away on holiday, and they had a hot-tub at the bottom of the garden. Beside the hot tub, down a couple of steps, was a small hut. It used to be a sauna that Omar's dad had made, but it was now used mostly to store the patio furniture and to use as a changing room. It had a large window looking out in the direction of the hot tub. Sally and her friends took it in turns to get changed in the hut, they made sure the window blinds were closed so no-one got an eyeful. Omar was last to get changed, then he opened the blinds and mucked about - you know, like walking past the window and crouching, so it looked like he was walking down stairs, that sort of stuff.

Then they all got in the hot tub and spent ages in there. By the time they were finished, it was getting dark. Abi got out first and went into the hut to get dried and dressed. Because it was dark, she switched the light on inside. Of course, the blinds were wide open... but Sally said no-one really gave this a second thought right then, she and Omar and Ray were chatting away and pretty much oblivious. Then, a few minutes later, Omar said "fuck, look at Abi!" and they all turned to the window. She was stark naked, looking out of the window, combing through her wet hair with her fingers.

Ray was sort of stunned, not liking the idea of his girlfriend being seen naked like that, and he said "what the hell is she doing?!" But it was pretty obvious that because it was dark outside, and the light was on inside the hut, everyone could see in but Abi couldn't see out - in fact, she was using the dark window as a mirror.

By this point in the story, my dick had properly woken up, and I asked Sally to describe Abi to me so I could imagine her. Sally started by saying that Abi was just as cute back then as she is now, with a sort of cheeky elfin face and freckles, long brown curly hair, and a slim, toned body. She had a henna tattoo on her arm, a sort of Celtic design. Sally kept telling me little details like that, trying to string it out whilst she stroked me.

I asked how much of Abi's body they could see through the window. Sally said that the hut was only a couple of yards away, and it was down a few steps in a lower part of the garden, so from the hot tub they were looking slightly down through the window and could see Abi quite clearly from her knees up. Sally said that Abi had tiny, firm-looking breasts, with wide, really dark areolae and little nipples.

"What was her pussy like?" I asked. Sally said she was shaved, with a little bit of red razor rash. She had puffy outer labia, a shade darker than the rest of her skin. Her labia were parted slightly, with just a little bit of one of her inner lips poking out, baby pink against her darker outer lips.

I asked Sally why her lip was poking out. "Do you think she knew she was on show, that she was getting horny?" but Sally said no, she didn't think so, that was just the way her pussy was with one lip peeking out.

Ray clearly wasn't happy with Sally and Omar seeing his girlfriend like this, so he got out of the hot tub, went down the steps, and went into the hut. The light went out straight away, then the blind was drawn. They could hear Ray asking Abi what she was doing, Abi was then replying angrily, "WTF do you think I'm doing?", then Ray said that they could all see her though the window - and Abi suddenly went quiet. They spoke in hushed tones for a few minutes, then they both came out, Abi now fully dressed. (Sally said that later, Abi told her what she and Ray had spoken about - basically, Abi had asked Ray how much Omar had seen of her through the window, and Ray had told her EVERYTHING, even her little pink pussy pokie.)

I asked Sally if Abi had been embarrassed, she said yeah, totally embarrassed. Her face wasn't red or anything, but she had looked sort of scared, or like she might start crying, especially when she made eye contact with Omar. She later told Sally how her stomach was really tight, and she had little prickles all over her back, like really bad nervousness. She also said that Ray had been embarrassed and jealous, he really didn't like the idea that other people had seen her tiny tits and little lip.

So by now, I was sporting a full-on boner, Sally was gently stroking it, and I was more than prepared to go a third round with her... and then, with her cool hand still wrapped around my shaft, she said something like, "you're quite a bit bigger than Jake". I was like WTF?! and Sally said that she and Abi had discussed me and Jake at lunch the previous day, stuff like sex-life, dick size, etc. I admit, I'm not ashamed of my size, soft or hard, but I think I'm pretty average - so it was cool knowing I had a bigger cock than Jake, and I liked the idea that Abi knew it too!

I have to say, the sex that night was freaking awesome. Sally was on top, I was lying there being ridden to an amazing orgasm, thinking of Abi combing her wet hair, picturing her tiny tits, and imagining the gut-wrenching embarrassment she felt when she found out her friends had seen her through the window...

Although it was only Sally telling me about her friend, it was like Abi had been utterly revealed to me. I knew what Abi looked like naked, and I couldn't wait to see her again in real life - perhaps with Jake - so I could think to myself, "Hey Jake, don't fret about your little wiener" or "Hello Abi, how's your little lip?" ;)

There you go! There're the only true embarrassed stories I have. (Got a fair few other nude experiences, like skinny-dipping with some school-friends on a camping trip, visiting a nude spa in Berlin with my current girlfriend, and so on, but nothing that meets the ENF definition.)
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Re: My friend exposes his brother's girlfriend to me

Post by Freesub »

Damn, that's really hot! You're lucky to have a partner who doesn't mind you enjoying the nudity of other attractive women, even if just using your imagination

It's really interesting how we want to see the everyday women around us naked a lot more than some super beautiful celebrity we only see in the movies.
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Re: My friend exposes his brother's girlfriend to me

Post by Clearwater »

I had a sister 4 years older than I was, when I was 13 she was 17, naturally most of her friends were the same age. I had hit a growth spurt the summer before school started, so now I was actually taller than my sisters, and since I played a lot of sports I was not a skinny beanpole any longer. My sister was frequently having sleepovers, so all these hot girls who were seniors were parading around in nightgowns, they were all modest, but since they were braless, the jiggling was a big turn on to me. I was such a nice little brother, I'd make popcorn for them and they would actually tease and flirt with me since I was about the same size as the guys in their classes. Plus, if they had a movie on, they used to chase a pesky little brother away, now they would scoot over to make room for me.

One was my favorite that I had a crush on, Sissy, she had long blond hair, cute smile and she had always been nice to me. My sister used to tease me, she saw me staring at her and knew I had a crush, but she rubbed it in that I didn't have a shot, likely she was right. One night they were watching a horror movie and asked me to watch it with them, I sat on the sofa where Sissy was stretched out, on the far end by her feet. It was a cold December night, next thing, Sissy put her bare feet under my t-shirt against my bare stomach, I almost jumped a foot, "You're so warm and my feet are freezing". So she kept them there, until she put her bare feet under my leg, then scooted them up so her feet popped up between my legs. They were closer to my knees, I put my hands over her toes to warm them up, she actually moaned a little. My sister turned from the movie to give us a nasty look. I was praying she would scoot her feet up and start rubbing my cock with them, I did get a few nudges on my boner but nothing sustained. I went to bed that night with good spank bank material.

The next morning was Sunday church, I had stayed up a little late so when I came to breakfast, my mother told me I was running late, so I just grabbed a donut and a milk. My mother said "all of your sisters friends are gone, go take a shower and get dressed." I went to the family shower in the hall, some body had left the door closed, but since everyone was gone, I just went in. There was Sissy drying off, I guess mom missed one, Sissy covered up her perky tits, but left her light blond bush totally exposed, she apologized for forgetting to lock the door, but did not get flustered or upset, she said "I'll be done in a sec, I'll turn the shower back on for you", she stretched out her incredible nude body and turned the shower on for me, put on a robe and left. Sorry mom, my shower is going to take a little longer.

Years later, I saw Sissy at my sister's second wedding, she was just as thin and cute as she was almost 30 years earlier, My wife was with me, I introduced her to Sissy, luckily my wife had to get up to see someone she knew, I thanked Sissy for being so sweet to me when I was 13, she laughed, she asked me is I liked the little show she planned for me. I told her I relived that over in my head hundreds of times, she said, "so, I filled your spank bank". That was my intention.

But she lived for away, we were both happily married, one day my sister called me to say the 'My old flame" had passed away from breast cancer. Sad.
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