The Last Straw (new 1/26)

Stories about girls getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated by anyone or anything.
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Re: The Last Straw (new 10/11)

Post by Diapal »

Amazing chapter!! Looking forward to the next one!!
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Re: The Last Straw (new 10/11)

Post by Skylar21 »

What a chapter! and what a deal maker Frankie is becoming. :D Making Mary stand during the negotiation is a nice use of his authority.

Posing for family vacation photos will be interesting. ;)

Of course I want more! Please. :!:
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Re: The Last Straw (new 10/11)

Post by neverdoubted »

Skylar21 wrote: Sat Oct 12, 2024 7:46 pm What a chapter! and what a deal maker Frankie is becoming. :D Making Mary stand during the negotiation is a nice use of his authority.

Posing for family vacation photos will be interesting. ;)

Of course I want more! Please. :!:
coming right up!
~ NeverDoubted

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The Last Straw - Chapter 15

Post by neverdoubted »

I watched Mary's face turn red with anger. The old me would have considered this a warning sign that I had pushed her too far and needed to back off and apologize before she labeled me a pervert or something. The new me held my ground.

"Are you CRAZY?!" she exclaimed, "No way!"

Well, that sure didn't take long. Having already warned her what would happen if she dared to reject my finest offer, I didn't feel bad about closing up shop to send a message. Cutting her off before she could even get wound up about the inappropriate trade I had just proposed, I suddenly jumped to my feet.

"Fine!" I shot back, unexpectedly sweeping up my things and throwing my pack over my shoulder, "if that's the way you want it. Have fun walking back to the car alone - without my help or my clothes."

Before she could register what was even happening, I had marched right through the door and abandoned her. Finally realizing she might have made a mistake - See? She's not too senseless to know when she's done wrong! - Mary called out to me before I got too far away and she lost track of me.

"Frankie, wait!"

But I had a head of steam and did not stop or even slow my pace until I was around the corner of and halfway down the back side of the next building. I turned to see my naked stepsister scrambling to catch up to me.

"What?" I asked, expressing annoyance that we were even having this conversation.

Now that we were back out in the open, she had reverted to her regular, embarrassed girl pose - covering as much of her exposed body as her little, insufficient hands could.

"Look, I-I'm sorry, ok?" she tried to backtrack, "I was just surprised, is all. And...I shouldn't have called you that." Looking up at me hopefully, she batted her eyes and asked, "we can still trade for the shirt, and I'll think about...that other part?"

Throwing up my arms in frustration, I shook my head in disbelief. Maybe my father was right. Maybe she was too pretty for her own good.

Making an exaggerated gesture back toward the office, I chastised her. "What did we just talk about, Mary? Remember five seconds ago when I told you to take the first deal while you still had a chance? You nodded your head and everything! Are you really that-"

"Excuse me," a voice interrupted. A cowboy had approached the scene unnoticed while we were otherwise engaged in our quarrel.

"Is everything ok, ma'am?" he asked, noting her lack of clothes and agitated emotional state, "is this man bothering you?"

My suddenly shy stepsister got real quiet. Clamming up, she hugged her bare body more tightly and stared at the ground. But she did manage to acquit me with a small, squeaky, "no".

Still fuming, I turned to appraise this man who had intruded on our private exchange. Indisputably a cowboy head to toe, his outfit, if anything, was a little over the top. In fact, he looked like an extra from one of those cheesy John Wayne movies I was talking about. He had no qualms about letting his eyes roam freely up and down my naked companion. That told me everything I needed to know about his character and his real motivation for intruding.

"It's nothing," I assured the man. Holding out my hand, I said, "I'm Frank. And this is Mary. She has a condition."

"Percy," he answered, taking my hand in his and giving it a firm shake. He didn't say whether that was his first or last name. I didn't ask. "Nice to meet you, Frank. And you too, ma'am." With her trembling hands otherwise occupied with another critically important task, Mary did not offer a handshake.

"I'm pretty good with faces," Percy said, "I think I would have recognized if I had seen you two around here before."

No doubt he would have remembered someone as gorgeous as Mary roaming around town in the buff!

"We're just passing through," I explained, trying to match his gravelly, smoker's voice and rugged demeanor, "...vacation."

"Is that right?" he asked, his eyes never really leaving Mary's naked body. "Well, I come here all the time. You could say I'm one of the locals. I also happen to be a performer of sorts. Them touristas do love a good show about what it was like back in the day, and I used to have one of the best - before my horse got sick."

I didn't know how to respond, so I just said, "sorry about that."

Percy continued, "Say, I don't suppose a nice, open-minded couple of outsiders such as yourselves would be interested in earning some extra spending money by helping me put on one last performance."

"...what...kind of show did you say?" I asked cautiously.

His grin widened. "Normally, I would ride around and show off a few lasso tricks. Hard to do a horse show without a horse." With a wink toward my stepsister, he clarified, "but mostly I just need someone to stand there and look pretty while I demonstrate a few things. Easy work, I promise."

Mary's face went stark white and her eyes bulged. While I found the idea more palatable than she did, I wasn't yet sold. Still in dealmaking mode, I had the foresight to wonder, "and what's in it for us?"

"Folks passing through these days are easy pickings," he explained, a little too honestly. Didn't he know he was talking to two such people? "I know how to pass the hat around and get 'em to open their wallets. Usually, the hardest part is drawing a crowd. But with someone like her helping, something tells me that won't be a problem. More eyeballs - more money, and we'll split the take fifty-fifty. What do you say partner?"

He held out his hand toward me to seal the deal. If he was looking for someone to help him draw eyeballs, he hit the jackpot with my naked, well-endowed stepsister. But he sounded like a common swindler to me - someone we would be better off not getting involved with.

"Let me think about it," I replied, noncommittally.

Percy spat and lowered his hand. But putting on a warm smile, he persisted. "There's a barn not far from here to the north. I'll be setting up in the corral out back. Come around once you make up your mind." Taking one last, leering look at my gorgeous naked companion, he reluctantly took his leave. But before rounding the corner of the building, he called back, "we'd make a pretty penny, Frank. You think about that."

I did spend some time considering his offer. And the longer I thought, the better it sounded. More than a few tourists had already noticed Mary's nude debut along the riverbank. So, it's not like her presence was a secret. How could participating in a 'show', put on by a two-bit cowboy who didn't even have a horse, in the most remote area of town no less, be much worse? I didn't know or trust Percy. But what harm could he really do to her with people watching and me standing right there?

Mary sensed the wheels turning in my head. Shuffling her bare feet nervously, she seemed to want to offer her very strong opinions on the cowboy's worrisome proposal. I didn't need her input to guess that the last thing she wanted to do in her current state of undress was get up in front of a crowd of onlookers and be a strange man's lovely assistant.

She hesitated to speak up for fear of saying the wrong thing and making her predicament worse. Was it too much to hope she might be learning to hold her tongue? More than anything, she was probably just anxious to get our trade talks back on track so she could put something on.

After her recent outbursts, I held her opinions in low regard and did not really factor them in. The allure of more spending money, however, carried much more weight. I could use it to buy more film. Plus, a little public humility might do her some good. teach that girl a lesson

When I made up my mind and finally spoke, it was calmly and with an even, measured tone. "All right, I am willing to go back to my original offer."

Her eyes perked up hopefully, until I added, "...but I told you what would happen if you turned it down the first time. So as an added condition, you now have to help that cowboy with his thing. As soon as it's over, you can have both pieces. But only as a set. I'm not splitting them up."

Mary started trembling again. Building it up in her mind, her big, beautiful, brown eyes began to well. "Please, Frankie, not that. I don't trust that man. What if he..." stopping herself midsentence, she shuddered. "And a crowd? What if-"

"You're worrying too much. It's just a silly little show behind a barn. Who knows if anyone will even show up. And if they do, it'll be over before you know it."

Sensing she was almost convinced to take the deal, I decided to encourage rather than threaten her.

"You can do it - I know you can. I'll be right there the whole time. Trust me."

What I didn't need to mention was what would happen if she turned me down yet again. Did she really want to be discovered huddling naked and alone by another unsavory cowboy? Wouldn't she rather work out an arrangement, even an unfavorable one, with someone she knows instead of counting on the mercy of strangers? guess who they'll come running to

After a pitiful whine, she said, "Mmmmm! …ok, fine, it's a deal."

"Great!," I replied, and immediately dove into my pack. I wasn't looking for the clothes. She wouldn't get those until just after Percy's show. Rather, to her dismay, I pulled out my camera case. I needed to test her commitment to the first condition of our trade - no covering up when posing for pictures. But it was also just an excuse to take another naked picture of her.

Mary looked around to make sure the coast was clear before reluctantly lowering her hand from her breast. Her other hand tarried between her legs while she fought her modesty for control of it. Having already accepted the trade, she needed to go through with this to win my clothes. My heart was pounding almost as much as hers must have been. Finally convincing her protesting hand to proceed, she closed her eyes, bit her lip, and slid her trembling fingers out of the way.

Watching her let go of yet another piece of her modesty, I only barely kept my composure. The lower tip of her pubic heart balanced precariously on a cute little indentation at the top of her newly bared sex. Below that, her cleft deepened and formed into an attractive mound. Two pretty petals folded in on themselves with a straight line drawing the narrowest gap between them. Her bulging flesh was coated in a thin layer of obscuring, light brown fuzz - the color of ripening wheat - which prevented my piercing gaze from exploring any further.

Holding back a squeal of sheer delight, I raised the camera to my face and waited for her to uphold her end of the bargain we had just struck. With a shaky sigh, she adjusted her stance - posing to look like a normal teenage girl instead of an embarrassed naked one.

With broad daylight streaming onto her naked body, I just knew this picture would turn out great. Everything was perfect; from the adorable bashfulness betrayed by her cheeks to the blossoming, sculpted physique of her torso, hips and legs to the formerly private heart which she had shaved that way on purpose sitting prominently on her lower belly, to the stiff pink nipples beautifully adorning her full, healthy breasts. She was picture perfect...everything except her frown. But I couldn't blame her for not smiling.

She flinched as the clicking shutter took a permanent record of her unbelievably sexy, completely nude exhibition. Then, putting my camera away, I stepped closer and held out my hand about waist height. Confused, she started to shake it. But then her eyes went wide with understanding when I brushed it away and held out my hand again. It was time to confirm my newly acquired petting privileges.

Balling her hands into fists, she dropped them to her side. Then, with her cheeks turning bright red, she turned her unprotected pelvis and offered me access to the short, fine hairs she had carefully contoured into their alluring shape. Steadying my own shaky hand, I reached out and ran my fingers lightly across it to verify that she was every bit as soft down there as she looked.

Mary sucked in her sexy stomach and squeezed the muscles in her legs while I sampled her pubic patch for the first of what I planned to be many, many times. This was a thousand times better than I had imagined it would be! Staring in disbelief at what my fingers were actually touching, my mind was blown that she had actually accepted these outrageous terms.

After a few seconds, which weren't nearly long enough, I gave her endlessly adorable heart a final pat and withdrew my hand. Now that I could do this whenever I wanted, I fully intended to come back countless times before our trip was finished. But for now, we had a pressing appointment elsewhere. Mary was due at the corral to assist a cowboy with his little presentation.
~ NeverDoubted

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Re: The Last Straw (new 10/12)

Post by Skylar21 »

Hmmm- Mary isn't much of a deal maker. So far Frankie has gotten everything he bargained for, and Mary is still naked. ;)

Now she switches from trying to hide her nudity to displaying it for the cowboy show. :lol: Mary having to pose for photographs is a nice deal. The photos could be useful after the family returns home after vacation.

Yet another great chapter. Please send more, as I look forward to each one. Truly a different kind of family vacation. Go Frankie :!: :twisted:
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Re: The Last Straw (new 10/12)

Post by Bucket »

Another new chapter! You're on a roll! Will read sometime next week. I think I have like 4 or 5 chapters to read which will be fun. 😃
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Re: The Last Straw (new 10/12)

Post by student »

The cowboy Percy--has a funny name for a cowboy. He's either very tough or a drug store cowboy. No matter--he didn't just clobber Frankie and make off with Mary. Now that Frankie has touched Mary's heart and has promised the girl clothes, it's on with the show! :lol:

Mary is obviously becoming aroused by her embarrassment. This is going to change family dynamics in the future. When the parents see "you two are getting along better" there is every chance that Bea will find herself naked, too. I still anticipate Patricia to eventually see Mary's fur heart and have words with Mary about it, so it's good that Frankie has documented it. And when Paricia notices that Mary is "turned on" by being the naked center of attention, something Patricia has been ignoring so far, something is going to happen. What will be the consequences of Patricia having a screaming hissy fit directed at Frank, Senior? A bare-bottomed spanking followed by corner time? Mary got pushed beyond her comfort zone so far that she lost sight of that zone and this scene was literary genius
I watched Mary's face turn red with anger. The old me would have considered this a warning sign that I had pushed her too far and needed to back off and apologize before she labeled me a pervert or something. The new me held my ground.

"Are you CRAZY?!" she exclaimed, "No way!"

Well, that sure didn't take long. Having already warned her what would happen if she dared to reject my finest offer, I didn't feel bad about closing up shop to send a message. Cutting her off before she could even get wound up about the inappropriate trade I had just proposed, I suddenly jumped to my feet.

"Fine!" I shot back, unexpectedly sweeping up my things and throwing my pack over my shoulder, "if that's the way you want it. Have fun walking back to the car alone - without my help or my clothes."

Before she could register what was even happening, I had marched right through the door and abandoned her. Finally realizing she might have made a mistake - See? She's not too senseless to know when she's done wrong! - Mary called out to me before I got too far away and she lost track of me.

"Frankie, wait!"

But I had a head of steam and did not stop or even slow my pace until I was around the corner of and halfway down the back side of the next building. I turned to see my naked stepsister scrambling to catch up to me.

"What?" I asked, expressing annoyance that we were even having this conversation.

Now that we were back out in the open, she had reverted to her regular, embarrassed girl pose - covering as much of her exposed body as her little, insufficient hands could.

"Look, I-I'm sorry, ok?" she tried to backtrack, "I was just surprised, is all. And...I shouldn't have called you that." Looking up at me hopefully, she batted her eyes and asked, "we can still trade for the shirt, and I'll think about...that other part?"

Throwing up my arms in frustration, I shook my head in disbelief. Maybe my father was right. Maybe she was too pretty for her own good.

It's not smart to spend loot before it's collected. The next chapter is going to be interesting on several levels. What will Percy do with his naked pony girl? How much loot will Franki collect? Will the rest of the family wander by even though they were going to pass up on seeing the barns? Will Mary be caught wearing clothes later by Frank, Senior and be forced to give them up early? :twisted: There are so many possibilities and so little writing time.

This was a fun chapter and the build-up continues. Thank you. Outstanding entertainment.
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Re: The Last Straw (new 10/12)

Post by neverdoubted »

I said day three would be fun! :D
~ NeverDoubted

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Re: The Last Straw (new 10/12)

Post by student »

You delivered on your :D :) ;) promise.
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Re: The Last Straw (new 10/12)

Post by Freesub »

neverdoubted wrote: Sun Oct 13, 2024 4:41 am I said day three would be fun! :D
The first physical contact! Can't wait till he gets below the heart :D
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