Mystery Email ( Part 76 March 13th )

Stories about boys ending up in compromising situations, preferably naked and embarrassed, as the name suggests.
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Re: Mystery Email ( Part 36 October 9th )

Post by Debbifan »

Part Thirty-Six

I had to endure some good natured ribbing from the women in the staff room as I got dressed and also from Monica, Phoebe's mum, who gave me the lift home. "I didn't recognise you with your clothes on !" Monica also remarked that she had been looking at Phoebe's photos from yesterday's art class and how, despite her daughter's limitations as a photographer, it was clear that I was a good photographic subject.

It was a relief to get back to the normality of work, for a couple of days at least. I had to work late that evening anyway because of the late start I had made after the unscheduled school visit to get my clothes. The only contact I had with Alison on Friday was a call reminding me that I was booked to tidy Doris's garden on Saturday morning.

I'd just finished breakfast when the doorbell rang on Saturday morning. "Why are you dressed ?" Lexie asked angrily. "Hurry up and take your clothes off. I've come to collect you and take you to Doris" she explained. I held my ground. "I'm not walking along the street to Doris naked" I insisted. It was clear that Lexie was displeased but she reluctantly agreed, on the proviso that I strip naked as soon as we were inside her elderly neighbour's home. I locked up and slipped my key into my jeans pocket.

"It was probably for the best, we don't want all the other neighbours talking" opined Doris after Lexie had finished apologising for my clothed state. "Hmph !" said Lexie, not convinced. She ordered me to now get undressed immediately and then eagerly scooped up my clothes. "I'll keep these safe" she asserted. "You said that last time" I challenged her petulantly. "I'm supervising you today" she argued. "You can keep your shoes and socks 'cos you'll be outside working."

Lexie disappeared briefly with my clothes while Doris explained what work she needed doing in the garden. It was similar to what I had done for Alison last week. I'd already trimmed the hedge on Alison's side but the hedge adjacent to the path on the other side needed trimming, which led to an awkward moment when another neighbour passed walking her dog but fortunately only my top half was visible to her. Lexie stayed in close proximity throughout as I mowed the lawn and cleared weeds from between the slabs on the path and patio. She would slap my ass whenever she thought I was slacking, much to Doris's amusement.

Doris's garden was on an end plot and cut down in size by the path alongside. She also liked to tend the flowerbeds herself and there where not many weeds to clear from there. So I had finished my work by lunchtime. "Mum's prepared lunch" Lexie announced. "You're invited too Doris of course." I wanted to get dressed but Lexie insisted that it was only next door. "But people may see" I argued. "It'll be fine, you can walk in between us" Lexie said. "And anyway, you know you're not allowed to wear clothes when you're in our house !" "That was a joke" I protested. "No it wasn't" she replied seriously.

"Here he is" Lexie announced as we entered the dining room. I had not expected such a large gathering. Alison had invited Monica who had arrived with Phoebe and Denise was with her friend Aditty. "Rob's all sweaty. I'll take him upstairs and give him a shower" Lexie added. I did indeed need a shower before eating and so trooped off obediently after her. "She's got him well trained" I heard Monica say. "Rob's her pet project" said Denise. "Emphasis on the pet !" Aditty laughed.
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Re: Mystery Email ( Part 36 October 9th )

Post by tim409 »

Debbifan wrote: Wed Oct 09, 2024 10:22 am Part Thirty-Six

I did indeed need a shower before eating and so trooped off obediently after her. "She's got him well trained" I heard Monica say. "Rob's her pet project" said Denise. "Emphasis on the pet !" Aditty laughed.
Most women and girls have the males well trained especially if they are clothed and the males are naked, or at least they should have.
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Re: Mystery Email ( Part 36 October 9th )

Post by Vader »

Debbifan wrote: Wed Oct 09, 2024 10:22 am Part Thirty-Six

I had to endure some good natured ribbing from the women in the staff room as I got dressed and also from Monica, Phoebe's mum, who gave me the lift home. "I didn't recognise you with your clothes on !" Monica also remarked that she had been looking at Phoebe's photos from yesterday's art class and how, despite her daughter's limitations as a photographer, it was clear that I was a good photographic subject.

It was a relief to get back to the normality of work, for a couple of days at least. I had to work late that evening anyway because of the late start I had made after the unscheduled school visit to get my clothes. The only contact I had with Alison on Friday was a call reminding me that I was booked to tidy Doris's garden on Saturday morning.

I'd just finished breakfast when the doorbell rang on Saturday morning. "Why are you dressed ?" Lexie asked angrily. "Hurry up and take your clothes off. I've come to collect you and take you to Doris" she explained. I held my ground. "I'm not walking along the street to Doris naked" I insisted. It was clear that Lexie was displeased but she reluctantly agreed, on the proviso that I strip naked as soon as we were inside her elderly neighbour's home. I locked up and slipped my key into my jeans pocket.

"It was probably for the best, we don't want all the other neighbours talking" opined Doris after Lexie had finished apologising for my clothed state. "Hmph !" said Lexie, not convinced. She ordered me to now get undressed immediately and then eagerly scooped up my clothes. "I'll keep these safe" she asserted. "You said that last time" I challenged her petulantly. "I'm supervising you today" she argued. "You can keep your shoes and socks 'cos you'll be outside working."

Lexie disappeared briefly with my clothes while Doris explained what work she needed doing in the garden. It was similar to what I had done for Alison last week. I'd already trimmed the hedge on Alison's side but the hedge adjacent to the path on the other side needed trimming, which led to an awkward moment when another neighbour passed walking her dog but fortunately only my top half was visible to her. Lexie stayed in close proximity throughout as I mowed the lawn and cleared weeds from between the slabs on the path and patio. She would slap my ass whenever she thought I was slacking, much to Doris's amusement.

Doris's garden was on an end plot and cut down in size by the path alongside. She also liked to tend the flowerbeds herself and there where not many weeds to clear from there. So I had finished my work by lunchtime. "Mum's prepared lunch" Lexie announced. "You're invited too Doris of course." I wanted to get dressed but Lexie insisted that it was only next door. "But people may see" I argued. "It'll be fine, you can walk in between us" Lexie said. "And anyway, you know you're not allowed to wear clothes when you're in our house !" "That was a joke" I protested. "No it wasn't" she replied seriously.

"Here he is" Lexie announced as we entered the dining room. I had not expected such a large gathering. Alison had invited Monica who had arrived with Phoebe and Denise was with her friend Aditty. "Rob's all sweaty. I'll take him upstairs and give him a shower" Lexie added. I did indeed need a shower before eating and so trooped off obediently after her. "She's got him well trained" I heard Monica say. "Rob's her pet project" said Denise. "Emphasis on the pet !" Aditty laughed.
Rob being her plaything might describe Lexies way with him.
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Re: Mystery Email ( Part 36 October 9th )

Post by Jeepman89 »

Another outdoor naked gardening session for Rob! Lexie really does have him well trained indeed. Nice that there are a few visitors at the house to see Rob in his naked state.
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Re: Mystery Email ( Part 36 October 9th )

Post by Vader »

Jeepman89 wrote: Wed Oct 09, 2024 12:52 pm Another outdoor naked gardening session for Rob! Lexie really does have him well trained indeed. Nice that there are a few visitors at the house to see Rob in his naked state.
This might be the first steps in Rob finding out the school now has a photography class and they might be needing a model.
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Re: Mystery Email ( Part 36 October 9th )

Post by Vader »

We haven’t had a new chapter in a few days hope Debbiefan hasn’t come down with writers block.
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Re: Mystery Email ( Part 36 October 9th )

Post by Debbifan »

Vader wrote: Sat Oct 12, 2024 1:44 pm We haven’t had a new chapter in a few days hope Debbiefan hasn’t come down with writers block.
Not a major one, just a question of inspiration and available time aligning. Best guess would be Tuesday for starting up again.
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Re: Mystery Email ( Part 36 October 9th )

Post by Vader »

Debbifan wrote: Sat Oct 12, 2024 2:40 pm
Vader wrote: Sat Oct 12, 2024 1:44 pm We haven’t had a new chapter in a few days hope Debbiefan hasn’t come down with writers block.
Not a major one, just a question of inspiration and available time aligning. Best guess would be Tuesday for starting up again.
Inspiration does work on it’s on schedule and there are a lot of fun ways to choose from on what embarrassment Rob suffers next.
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Re: Mystery Email ( Part 37 October 14th )

Post by Debbifan »

Part Thirty-Seven

Lexie clearly enjoyed supervising my shower again but I had to admit the girl was nothing if not considerate. She realised that I had been working all morning in Doris's garden without a drink and brought me up a glass of water for which I was grateful. "It's still got that chemical taste in the supply ?" I remarked as I gulped it down, not realising just how thirsty I had been. "Must be that chlorine" Lexie explained. "I guess, though I really haven't noticed it at home" I observed. "Must be because we're closer to the pumping station" Lexie deduced quite reasonably, even if it was only a matter of yards.

"It's only a light lunch Rob, because Monica, Doris and I are going to the matinee at the cinema this afternoon. We thought we'd take advantage of the fact that you're here and can babysit the girls and make sure they don't get into any trouble." I hadn't intended spending my afternoon looking after four mischievous teenage girls, especially while stark naked. "Don't the girls want to go ?" I asked hopefully. "It's a boring old movie for grown ups" Lexie butted in. "Oppenheimer" said Monica. "Well, don't the girls want to be out and about somewhere, the weather's good ?" I tried again. "We'd be happier knowing they were safe with a responsible adult" Alison replied. "We want to stay and play with you !" Lexie exclaimed. "But Niecy and Aditty go to the mall on their own ?" I tried that approach, thinking the older teens could take care of the younger. "We still have revision for next week's exams. We thought you could help us with the computer module again" Denise answered.

The ploughman's lunch Alison had prepared soon disappeared. "You're sure you don't want to come to see the movie Phoebe ?" Monica asked as the three women prepared to leave. Her 12 year old daughter was not normally in Lexie's peer group but the 14 year old had taken her under her wing as a means to persuade her mother to agree to leading a new after school photography group. "No, I'll be fine with Lexie" Phoebe said. "Can I invite Cindy over mum ?" Lexie wanted to know. "Yes, OK. I'm sure Rob won't mind another girl" Alison decided on my behalf. "We'll bring pizzas back for tea !"she added. "Cool" said the girls. I really didn't want to spend the afternoon naked with what seemed like a growing number of girls. And the possible number of girls was not the only thing that was growing. For some reason I could feel my cock beginning to swell !

"Can't Lexie at least get my clothes for me ?" I realised that I sounded pathetic but could not think of anything else to say, since she had again managed to squirrel them away somewhere unknown. "You know you're not allowed any clothes when you're in here with us" Lexie said sternly. "But that was a joke" I tried to argue. "No it wasn't, I hope we're not going to keep having this argument ?" Lexie responded. Alison merely laughed. "I said she has him well trained" Monica repeated as they all left, leaving me stranded with the girls.
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Re: Mystery Email ( Part 37 October 14th )

Post by Jeepman89 »

Love that the adult women are going to the movies and leaving a stark naked Rob with those young girls and a new one, Cindy, to boot. Oh yes, that's Lexie's friend who supposedly had the locker key. This will be a fun afternoon indeed. Can't wait.
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