Maid For a Party (Sequel to Maid For a Night) (Part 2 posted 10/7)

Stories about girls getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated by anyone or anything.
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Maid For a Party (Sequel to Maid For a Night) (Part 2 posted 10/7)

Post by jastes22 »

Maid For a Party - Taylor's humiliation continues.

This is a sequel to my story, Maid for a Night. You technically don't need to read the story to appreciate this one, though it is encouraged. If you don't want to read the whole thing, you should read Part 25 - Part 27.

This story won't be as long, and posts may be a little more intermittent, but the idea has been brewing in my mind for a while, and a some people have been asking for it.

I hope you enjoy.

Last edited by jastes22 on Wed Oct 09, 2024 1:44 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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Maid For a Party: Part 1 - Two Months

Post by jastes22 »

Two months.

Only two months since that fateful night when everything changed, but it felt like an eternity ago.

Nearly two months of humiliation being stripped naked, fondled, and every inch of me explored and photographed by every female athlete. Nearly every night for two whole months.

I kept winning. I couldn’t stop myself. I had to win everything. Every match, every heat, every competition. I was the swim captain alongside Caroline, and I was getting noticed by scouts all across the country. With that attention, my commitment to winning grew even stronger, no matter the cost.

And it was a high cost. I had hoped that eventually the girls would grow bored and release me of my obligations. But as I continued to be dominant in swimming, the more appealing it was to own not only the captain of the swim, but the best athlete in the state and to experiment with her.

By some miracle, no pictures had leaked to anyone outside of the world of female athletes. Obviously, it was a relief, but it was also a reminder of how much power Caroline had to enforce the rule that my pictures not be shared. I knew that any moment, if I failed to be completely obedient to Caroline’s demands, it would all come crashing down, and with each night, the potential consequences only got worse.

Each of the teams had their own little thing as part of their ownership of me. The soccer team required that I show up to all of their practices already stark-naked, which made sneaking out of my house for my nightly obligations that much more difficult. The tennis team would alternate between requiring me to arrive naked or in flimsy underwear that was often removed within the first few minutes of practice. Occasionally, they would have me “play” for my clothes just to drag it out. Just enough hope that I could remain at least in my underwear, but I was always clobbered and lost everything.

And Lindsay didn’t shy away, either. Knowing how everything was affecting me, she made sure to lead the volleyball team in their humiliation of me.

The worst were double nights when two practices lined up right next to each other. I would go to one and be humiliated, and then I would immediately go to the next one, completely exhausted. It didn’t matter, though, because I was expected to perform, or Caroline would punish me. So I put on a brave face and subjected myself to their whims.

And that led to tonight. A win at qualifiers on Wednesday for state meant I had an obligation to the cheerleading team to be their plaything for a night on Friday, but when I was offered a chance to do trials for the national swim team that same night, I had to do anything to postpone my date with the cheerleading team.

I had to make a deal. I approached the cheerleading captain, Claire Thackeray, and begged her to allow me to skip my obligation to her and her team one time. She agreed, but it came at a high price: A party where I would be everyone’s plaything for the entire night. Not just one team. Everyone.

Claire decided to dictate my wardrobe for the night. I wore only three articles of clothing. No underwear. Only a thin a black top with a frilly, frumpy white covering that exposed my midriff, and a short skirt that exposed way more thigh than was appropriate. It felt like the getup floated on my body rather than clung to it like regular clothes. Despite technically being clothing, it felt like I wasn’t wearing anything considering how airy it was. It would be very easy to take off, whether by me or by someone else.

Initially, I didn’t quite understand why Claire had chosen this getup. However, one look in the mirror after putting on the getup made one thing obvious: I was a slutty maid.

The original bet, the one that had quickly spiraled into something much more. I didn’t know who knew how this all started beyond the initial four and Caroline, but I wished they did, if only so they would know that I hadn’t asked for it. But most people didn’t know about the bet, so there were whispers that I was some closeted sex freak who actually enjoyed this.

To be honest, I wasn’t sure if they were right or not. My body was changing. I began craving the titillation of being forced into submission, humiliated in front of others. Even thinking about it made me instantly horny and wet, and I hated how easy it was for me to be turned on. TOn the rare nights that I had no obligations, I was relieved to have a break, obviously, but my mind would wander into fantasies of being taken, stripped, and paraded around to all those who cared to watch. Before I knew it, I was orgasming all over my bed with just the slightest thrust of my fingers. They were turning me into more of a slut than I already was.

Between my obligations and strict practice schedule, I had no time for schoolwork and my grades were slipping. There wasn’t anything I could do about it. My parents chalked up to the pressures of being a renowned athlete, but I didn’t know how I was going to endure four years of this.

But first, I had to get through tonight.

The last piece of the ensemble was the thing that I was required to wear to every one of my obligations: My black leather collar. It actually wasn’t the same one that Caroline had given me that first day two months ago. After a month of perpetual use and being tugged on by leashes and fingers, it had started to fray and fall apart. I had to ask for a new one, which came at the cost of being tied up naked in Caroline’s basement for a night. It felt incredibly unfair to be punished for something out of my control. I was only trying to be obedient, but Caroline didn’t see it that way, punishing me for not taking care of her “gift” well enough. Now it hung on my neck like a noose as I approached the door. I could already hear loud music coming from inside

A packed party at Claire Tackeray’s, the cheerleader captain and arguably the most popular girl in the school. And not just a packed party.

A party with boys.

So, with my heart racing, my stomach filled with swarms of butterflies, and my pussy already dripping wet, I knocked on the door.

*Have any ideas? My stories tend to get darker the longer they go, so a sequel is always going to start off pretty intense, but I don’t know if that’s what people want. I'm trying to put into this story elements that people want, so any feedback/encouragement is greatly appreciated.*
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Re: Maid For a Party (Sequel to Maid For a Night)

Post by Bucket »

Thank you!

I've been hoping for a sequel to this for some time now, so to see it come to fruition is absolutely amazing! And so quickly too! As with my quirk, I'll wait for a few established chapters, then will binge read.

Cannot wait! 😃
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Re: Maid For a Party (Sequel to Maid For a Night)

Post by Hooked6 »

I am thrilled to see that you followed through with a sequel to this wonderful story. I know it takes time to compose and produce the chapters to the stories you have going on at the moment, but rest assured, I will be eagerly waiting the next installment here.

Great start so far!

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Re: Maid For a Party (Sequel to Maid For a Night)

Post by IronSloth »

Thanks for coming back to this story ✌️ its a great one

Regarding recomendations, the more petplay/leash stuff, the better.

Cheers, man
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Re: Maid For a Party (Sequel to Maid For a Night)

Post by Rawr112 »

Next chapter, please
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Re: Maid For a Party: Part 2 - Complete Control

Post by jastes22 »

The door swung open almost immediately.

“Taylor!” Claire exclaimed, throwing her arms around me and pulling me inside. “I’m so glad you could come!”

Not like I had a choice, I thought.

The blonde wrapped her arms around me in a big hug. I wasn’t super touchy anyways, but given the circumstances, I had to physically stop myself from bristling and hissing at her touch.

Sensing my discomfort, Claire pulled back, a pout on her face. “What’s wrong?”

“N-nothing,” I said. “It’s…” I broke off as I saw Caroline behind Claire, watching me. My stomach dropped. For some reason, I had hoped that Caroline wouldn’t be at the party. But of course she would be. She owned me, as my collar would suggest. Even when I was passed around to all the different teams, my owner was clear.

Claire looked me up and down. I suppressed a shiver, though I wasn’t sure why. Claire in particular had seen me naked on multiple occasions. Not just when I had an obligation to the cheerleading team, either. Sometimes Caroline would host a “leadership meeting” with all the female captains, and I was always expected to perform. So it wasn’t like there was anything to hide from her.

Claire looked over at Caroline. “Should we get started?”

Caroline looked at me. “I don’t know. Taylor, are you ready?”

Making me say I was “ready” when I obviously never would be seemed particularly cruel. “Yes.”

Claire disappeared to round up everyone, and Caroline stepped forward to attach the leash to my collar. “You will do everything I tell you to do. You will address me as ‘Mistress Caroline’ for the rest of the night. Any hesitation at all to do anything I tell you will be punished so harshly you’ll beg for mercy. Understood?”

I bit my lip, trying to keep the tears from welling up, and could only nod my head furiously.

Claire reappeared. “Everybody’s outside by the porch, if you want to bring our cute little pet.”

Claire pulled me through the hallway and out the door. I nearly fainted at the sight of what seemed like half the student body packed into the backyard of Claire’s home. Most of them were people I recognized and had classes with, and not all of them were in intramural sports. I tried to count the boys, but my brain was too frazzled to focus, but there were definitely a good number of them, about half of the crowd. I was sure that rumors of my arrangement had circulated through the school, but now these people were about to have proof of what a slut I really was.

“Some of you may know Taylor.” Caroline said, stationing me just atop the stairs of the porch. “She goes to our school and is a very good swimmer. In fact, she’s one of the swim team’s captains.”

She moved me around by my leash so people could see me. “But tonight? None of that matters. Tonight, Taylor has no name. Whatever relationship you had with her doesn’t exist. She is our dutiful slave and pet. She has been trained, and is completely obedient.”

She turned to me, and I squirmed under her gaze. Why did she have to say those things in front of everyone? My reputation with the girls was already ruined, why did she have to say that in front of the boys? And what did she mean I was trained?

“Pet? I’ll be nice to you.” Her tone held heavily implied for now. “I’ll let you choose. Would you like to get rid of your top or your skirt first?”

The boys, who had been whispering amongst themselves, fell silent. Was Caroline serious?

“M-my top,” I said. There was no point in delaying it. All I could do was try to keep my already-wet pussy covered for at least a little longer.

“You’d like to take off your top in front of everyone?”

Caroline’s threat still hung clearly in my mind, and I had no time to think about what I was saying. “Yes, I would like to take my top off in front of everyone.”

“You’d love to take off your top in front of everyone? And address me properly, pet.”

I winced at forgetting her title. Thankfully, it seemed like she wouldn’t punish me for forgetting. “Mistress Caroline, I would love to take off my top in front of the boys.”

“Nothing would make you happier?”

“N-nothing would make me happier then to take off my top right now, Mistress Caroline,” I said.

She hooked her fingers in between my collar and my neck and pulled me close. “Beg me for it,” she whispered so only I could hear it.

Beg her for it? I held in sniffles. “Please, Mistress! Please let me take off my top!” I fell to my knees in front of her. “Please!” I was surprised to realize that I sounded much more sincere to myself than I expected. Did I actually need this? My dripping wet pussy certainly seemed to suggest so.

Caroline crossed her arms. She seemed to say, Don’t convince me. Convince them. “Why should I let you? Do you deserve it?”

Something rippled through the crowd as the absurdity of what was happening finally hit them all. How did one get so low that they had to prove that they deserved to be topless?

“I actually did sniffle, tears welling up in my eyes. “No. No, I don’t. But please…I need….”

“Because you’re a slut and a freak?”

“Y-yes,” I said, and to my shame, I meant it completely. How else could I explain my treatment these last few months, how I willingly went to each of my obligations and allowed others to completely control me?

The crowd was silent as Caroline’s complete control over me was being established.

She scoffed. “Well, I agree that you don’t deserve that top, but I’ll be merciful and allow it. However, I don’t think you should have the privilege of taking it off yourself.” She turned to the crowd. “Could I get two volunteers to get rid of this pet’s top?”

Nearly every hand went up, and I whimpered again, seeing the excitement in willingness in their motions. Everyone wanted a piece of me, and there was no way I was getting through the night unscathed.

Caroline picked a boy and a girl, both classmates of mine. I recognized their faces, but I didn’t remember their names. They certainly would never forget mine. I didn’t know how I was supposed to face them after this.

Following Caroline’s directions, they each grabbed an edge of my top and started to pull it over my head. I gasped at the feeling of my bare boobs being exposed to the eyes of countless students, and resisted every urge to cover my chest. As the top started to come over my head and blocked my vision, I heard some people whisper, surprised by my lack of underwear.

The top came off completely, and Caroline took it away while I just stood there with my arms at my side. Technically, Caroline never said I couldn’t cover up, but it seemed whatever I could do to prolong or heighten my own humiliation was the safe thing to do. People whispered to each other furiously. Some giggled, some even pointed. I heard someone whisper something about my nipples, and I realized that my nipples were completely erect and sticking out as far as they could go. This was humiliating.

The two volunteers looked at me, each sizing me up. I wasn’t sure what the girl was thinking, but I was sure some interesting scenarios were running through the boy’s head.

“Well, go on,” Caroline said after a moment. “Give her boobs some love.”

The two of them looked at each other, and gave each other a small nod in agreement: This was an amazing opportunity, and neither of them would judge the other for it. The two of them each took a separate boob with their hand and started to squeeze and knead them together with abandon. The clear contrast of the bigger boy’s hand and the softer, more petite hand of the girl was oddly stimulating, and a soft moan escaped my lips.

I squeaked and clamped up, soliciting laughter from the crowd. I could hear whisperings, even saw someone point. What kind of slut got off on being fondled in front of nearly all her classmates?

We had only just started, but already I was crumbling.

This was going to be a long night.
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Re: Maid For a Party (Sequel to Maid For a Night) (Part 2 posted 10/7)

Post by Bucket »

Incredible! When you said you were thinking of a sequel, I never expected to get get not just the first chapter, but a second so quickly! Thanks, Jastes!
Last edited by Bucket on Tue Oct 08, 2024 6:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Maid For a Party (Sequel to Maid For a Night) (Part 2 posted 10/7)

Post by cradulich »

great chapter
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Re: Maid For a Party (Sequel to Maid For a Night) (Part 2 posted 10/7)

Post by IronSloth »

Nice, cant wait for more!
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