Caught By Friend’s Little Sister And Her Friends (complete)
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Caught By Friend’s Little Sister And Her Friends (complete)
Caught By Friend’s Little Sister And Her Friends
As I’m sure many a guy can relate, early masturbation experiences were often alongside friends.
From the ages of 10 to 13, I had a best friend who happened to be my “jerkoff partner”.
His name was Jon.
At least every other hangout session would devolve into him busting out his dad’s playboy collection he discovered under the rec room couch one day.
We were regularly left alone, so it was pretty common for us to pull out a bunch of mags, open the centerfolds, lay them out and masturbate.
A little ways into our exploration of masturbation, when we started cumming, we realized it was easier to clean up if we were totally naked.
It also enhanced the experience.
So, generally, our hangouts would consist of at least an hour and a half of being totally naked, jerking off.
We would share techniques with eachother as we learned what felt good, as well as share our thoughts on what we liked about the women in the pictures.
At first, after experiencing our first orgasms, that became the goal as it felt amazing!
Over time, however, we would learn the art of ‘teasing’ ourselves to prolongue the pleasure.
Some sleepover nights, this would result in HOURS of being naked and jerking off in the seclusion of his basement den or upstairs recroom with porn mags spread out.
We knew what sounds to listen for-from the stairs, hallways, doors opening and closing, etc-that would act as a warning for us to dress and hide the porn.
We had a few close calls, but always managed to clear up and quickly switch to videogames, leaving no one the wiser.
Being dumb preteens, however, we got careless pretty quick.
It’s here that I think I should mention my friend’s little sister, Kate.
Kate was 3 years younger than us (10, at the time the events of this story take place) but it was an open secret that she had a VERY big crush on me.
She would regularly try and find ways to hangout with us, much to Jon’s annoyance.
It also, sometimes, made our jerk-off sessions difficult if she was in the house.
Okay, with all that out of the way, lets get to story.
As mentioned, we kids were regularly left to our own devices, so this all takes place on one such Saturday night.
I was at Jon’s for a regular sleepover, well, regular for us at least.
It happened to be a birthday sleepover for Kate, who turned 10 the week before.
She had gotten the okay to have 6 of her girl friends over for the night, and they were given the run of the basement den, while Jon and I set up in the upstairs recroom.
We’d exhausted the Saturday TV options and had just finished a Nintendo 64 videogame marathon, so we were getting bored.
I looked to the closet, where I knew the box of porn mags was.
Jon noticed and read my mind, as I’m sure his mind was going to the same place.
To give further verification we were thinking the same thing, he tugged on the front of his shorts.
“Let’s go check on Kate and the others real quick, just to make sure they’re busy.” He said, standing up.
I stood and carefully adjusted my waistband.
I could already feel myself plumping up down there, but didn’t want to touch myself yet, as my underwear and shorts were pretty loose, and I didn’t want the embarassment of sporting a tent in front if a bunch of little girls.
As we made our way to the basement, I was further put at ease regarding our new masturbation plans considering we had an entire floor between us and the girls.
We could hear laughing and squeeling as we walked down the basement stairs to the den.
We rounded the corner to see girls sat on their sleeping bags, giggling as 4 others acted something out.
We quickly realized they were playing charades.
They stopped when they noticed us walk in.
As Jon checked in, I couldn’t help but notice how form fitting or cute the girls’ PJ’s were.
I felt my penis start to get hard.
I heard giggling and whispering and looked at a couple girls on the floor to my left as I stood by the stairs.
They looked away when I turned my head towards them, but looked back at me and kept on as I waited for Jon to wrap things up.
I looked down and realized I was tenting out the front of my shorts!
I heard more giggles and realized they were looking at me!
I stupidly reached down and adjusted myself, which made the girls gasp and giggle even more, making it obvious that they’d noticed my erection!
Jon and I had been here to greet the girls as they arrived.
I remember that these 2 were named Cindy and Christine.
They kept whispering and nodding to one another.
I looked around the room, remembering all the young girls’ names as we’d been introduced as they arrived.
There was (obviously) Kate (10), then there was Cindy (11), Christine (10), Allison (9), Kelly (9), Amber (11) and Eva (11).
“So, yeah, if you’re all good, just keep playing down here.” He finished.
He then turned to me and gestured for us to head back up the stairs.
As I turned, I felt my penis twitch and angle out against my shorts again, making another obvious tent.
Cindy and Christine ran over to Kate as we exited and headed up the stairs.
We stopped at the kitchen and got some drinks, then headed back up to the recroom.
As soon as we got in, Jon shut the door, sat his drink and snacks down and darted to the closet.
I sat mine down as well as he pulled out the stash of magazines.
“Dude! Did you see some of their PJ’s?” I asked.
“Y-Yeah.” He said.
He immediately opened out a bunch of centerfolds.
Seeing the beautiful naked women of the mags had my penis quickly reaching full erection.
“I’m gonna go ahead and start.” Jon stood and quickly took off all his clothes.
He folded them and put them behind the couch.
Jon stepped back out, tugging his little 2 inch penis before kneeling in front of the magazines.
I quickly pulled off my clothes, folded them and stood up.
I noticed Jon look at my semi-erect penis as I walked to put my clothes with his, but he quickly looked back down at the centerfolds.
I walked back out and knelt next to Jon.
I locked in on a beautiful brunette in a tasteful full frontal pose and leaned back on the floor.
I pinched my penis and wiggled it, trying to get the blood pumping to make myself hard.
“She’s so hot!” He pointed to one blonde centerfold.
“I like her.” I pointed to the brunette’s picture.
“Yeah, she’s hot. I like her too.” Jon pointed to another woman.
All the centerfolds were tasteful and quite enticing to our teenage tastes.
Jon leaned back and started stroking.
He was now fully erect.
I too was now sporting a full boner.
Strictly out of curiousity, I believe, Jon and I would occasionally look at one another, examining and compairing technique, as well as our genitals.
We were both circumcised, and both of us had light dustings of pubic hair.
My penis was actually longer by a good 2 inches, but we never mentioned it.
I also noticed that my penis stuck up more when I was hard.
Being completely naked around one another added a level of embarassment that seemed to enhance the excitement.
It felt more taboo, which increased the ‘naughty’ factor.
It was always more fun than just jerking off alone.
We were so lost in teasing ourselves and ogling the pictures that we failed to notice that Jon had forgotten to lock the door.
(Back in the basement den, at Kate’s slumber party)
Cindy and Christine ran over to Kate as we exited and headed up the stairs.
“Oh my god! Kate! Your brother’s friend!” Christine chirped.
“Huh? Oh! Dean? Yeah! Isn’t he hot?! Haha!” Kate laughed.
Cindy giggled.
“Hmhmhm! Did you see his pants?” She asked.
This got the other girls’ attention.
“Huh?” Kate asked.
“I think he had a boner! Haha!” Christine laughed.
“Huh?” Kate asked again.
Cindy and Christine smiled at one another.
Allison, Kelly, Amber and Eva had joined the conversation now, intrigued by the ‘pants’ comment.
“Boner?” Allison asked.
Cindy and Christine came to the realization that they were the only girls here that had any clue about boys.
It had only been about a month ago that Cindy, along with her cousin Christine, had had her own birthday with a surprise guest- an older, NAKED, teen boy named Peter.
(See Stripped By Girls)
She hadn’t had the opportunity to tell all her friends about it, and didn’t have a phone like her sister, so she couldn’t show anyone without Judy’s permission.
Cindy and Christine went on to explain everything that had taken place at the party as the girls listened intently.
“Oh my god!” Allison gasped.
“Hahaha! Wow! You even got to TOUCH HIM?!” Kelly chirped excitedly.
“So you got to see him SQUIRT too?!” Amber gasped.
“Gah! That sounds awesome! And naughty! Haha!” Eva chuckled.
“Yeah! And Peter has a REALLY big cock too!” Christine added.
“Cock?” Kate asked.
“Peter has a big penis.” Cindy clarified.
“Hehehehehehehe!” The girls giggled at the word.
“Man! I wish I could’ve been there.” Kate frowned.
She suddenly realized something.
“Wait! So that big bump in Dean’s pants-“ she paused.
Cindy and Christine smiled and nodded.
Kate gasped.
All the girls squeeled and giggled.
“We should go see if the guys want to hang out with us! Hmhm!” Eva said.
All the girls suddenly froze and smiled.
“Do you think we can get them naked? Like at your birthday?!” Kate asked Cindy.
Cindy and Christine smiled at one another, as though accepting a challenge.
(Back in the upstairs recroom with Dean and Jon)
Jon and I were completely immersed in our masturbation routine.
I could have cum to that redhead centerfold in no time, but we had all night.
I knew that teasing like this resulted in a massively pleasurable orgasm, and I was determined to enjoy it.
Jon rested back taking a break.
His penis was visibly twitching.
I also rested back, letting my penis twitch against my abs.
I picked up a can of soda and took a long swig.
I sat up again and knelt, looking at the centerfolds, trying to finally decide which one I wanted to cum to.
Jon sat up and also knelt across from me, looking over the centerfolds as he slowly tugged his penis.
I picked up the soda again and lifted it to my lips.
As I did, my eyes fell on the door to the recroom.
In that moment, the door burst open as the 7 little girls who should have been in the basement poured into the room!
Cindy and Christine led the charge.
Before we could react, all 7 girls surrounded us, taking in the scene before them!
There Jon and I were, sitting on the floor, completely naked with a spread of nude centerfolds between us!
Kate’s eyes and mouth dropped wide in shock.
“Oh! Wow! Hahaha!” Cindy laughed.
Jon and I acted simultaneously, cupping our hands over our junk.
“K-Kate!” Jon gasped.
All I could do was sit there, covering my boner and balls as best I could as these giggling girls surrounded us!
While it took a few moments for the girls’ eyes to look at anything other than Jon and I’s naked bodies, eventually, one of them DID notice the spread of porn between us.
“Ooooooo! They were looking at porn!” Eva pointed.
The girls gasped, giggled and stepped in to get a closer look at the various centerfolds.
“I’m gonna tell mom and dad!” Kate said in a taunting voice.
Jon stood, keeping his hands cupped to his crotch, but this did allow several girls to see his naked butt!
“YOU busted in here while we were naked! YOU’LL be in trouble!” Jon retorted quickly.
“YOU were supposed to be babysitting us! But you decided to get naked instead!” Kate suddenly had a look of realization.
“Why ARE you guys naked?!” She asked, now looking at me.
When she looked at me, her eyes went wide.
Cindy was the first to put the whole picture together though.
She giggled.
“Hehehe! You guys were playing with your cocks, weren’t you!” She said excitedly
The girls gasped, but then all giggled collectively.
Christine excitedly stepped towards Jon.
“Ooooo! Let us see! Let us see!” She repeated while reaching for Jon.
“Wha-NO! Get out!” Jon moved one hand away from his crotch snd pointed to the door.
Obviously, no one moved.
Cindy and Christine stepped next to Kate.
They whispered in her ears for a bit as the other girls giggled, trying to sneak peaks at us or looking at the centerfolds in curiousity.
I was just sitting there, afraid to move as it seemed all these girls were staring holes in my hands!
Kate gasped.
“I-I can’t say that!” She said.
“Fine.” Cindy said.
“I’ll say it! Hahaha!” Christine chirped.
Cindy and Christine spoke up.
“If you guys don’t do what we say! We’re ALL gonna tell on you!” Christine said.
“Yup! If you don’t do what we say, we’ll tell your parents you got naked while babysitting us, and showed is all your cocks!” Cindy said.
Kate gasped.
Jon looked back at the couch, where our clothes were.
Big mistake.
Since we were surrounded, Amber and Eva were already behind the couch.
They noticed him look and looked down themselves.
“Oh!” They gasped before they knelt and grabbed our clothes!
They immediately held them up, laughing and clutching them before running to the doorway!
Cindy and Christine smiled.
Cindy turned to Kate.
“It’s YOUR birthday! What do you want to do?” She asked.
Kate looked directly at me and smiled.
“Let’s make them show us their cocks! Hehehe!” She giggled.
Hearing little Kate say that felt both embarassing AND naughty!
The situation, while anxiety inducing, had me even hornier than the porn spread out before us!
“What?! No!” Jon quickly gasped.
Equally as quick, Cindy retorted.
“Well, it’s gonna be hard for you to get out of here with us blocking the door.” All the girls upon hearing this took the hint and blocked our only exit.
Christine spoke then.
“Show us everything, and we’ll give you your clothes back before your parents get home!” She said.
All the girls nodded in agreement.
Jon looked at me.
Even though most of them were only a couple years younger than us, the idea of them seeing us naked felt incredibly wrong.
Everything was happening so fast!
How had we even gotten into this situation?!
Why had they come up here in the first place?
Jon looked at me with fear in his eyes.
I felt my penis twitch against my hands.
I was so hard it hurt!
Was this situation THAT much of a turn on?!
I didn’t want this!
I just wanted to cum and be done!
What was going to happen?!
After a few more moments, Cindy turned to Kate again.
“Is your brother ticklish?” She asked.
The girls giggled.
Kate gasped, but then smiled and nodded.
“Oh yeah! Dad used to play ‘tickle monster’! Jon can’t STAND it!” Kate beamed.
Christine and Cindy smiled and nodded.
“Get ‘em!” Cindy said.
Before we could react, we were attacked.
Kate, Cindy, Allison and Amber hopped over the centerfolds and grabbed me, while Christine, Kelly and Eva attacked Jon!
My armpits and chest were assaulted in a flurry of small, wriggling fingers!
It didn’t take anytime at all before I felt my arms lift!
“There it is!” Cindy cheered.
“Oh my god!” Kate gasped.
Allison and Amber were quick to grab my wrists and pull me to the ground!
I heard Jon struggling, but heard whoops of triumph, letting me know that he too, had been restrained and exposed.
As I had been pulled to the floor, Allison and Amber were quick to sit on my arms.
Cindy and Kate were at my hips and there, twitching before their eyes, was my fully erect penis!
Cindy was smiling while Kate, Allison and Amber stared in stunned silence.
“Oh!” Kate gasped.
My penis was twitching!
“Hahahaha! Wow!” Allison laughed.
Cindy looked over at Jon and the others.
I looked over.
Jon had been scream laughing.
He really was ticklish.
The girls had also pulled him down, restrained him and splayed him out.
“Guys! Please! Let me go!” He begged.
I noticed that he was also still erect.
Christine called out “Who want’s to touch Jon’s cock first?!”
“What?!” Jon gasped.
I looked back down at my own twitching erection.
Cindy reached out and gripped my penis!
No warning, no ceremony.
11 year old Cindy just grabbed my stiff penis!
“Hmhmhm! Ooooo!” Cindy giggled.
She angled it to point at the ceiling.
I’d never had ANYONE touch my penis, other than myself, of course!
Kate, Allison and Amber gasped.
“See? Dean has a boner!” Cindy said.
Allison and Amber giggled.
“So that means we can give him a handjob, right?” Allison asked.
“Wha-?!” I gasped.
I could hear laughter, as well as Jon struggling, but all my attention was now on Cindy’s delicate hand on my penis!
“Mhmm!” Cindy beamed.
“Oh! It’s just like you told us, Cindy!” Kate said.
“Wha-? Wait! What?!” I gasped.
While holding my penis, Cindy went on to explain how her sister had shown her at HER birthday party!
“His cock was bigger though! Hmhm!” Cindy said.
The girls gasped.
“Bigger than THAT?!” Amber gasped.
“Hmhm! Yeah!” Cindy said. “But we can still do it I think!”
Cindy began stroking my cock!
It felt SO different!
So alien!
So wrong!
Kate was in awe.
She just stared as Cindy slowly stroked my penis!
It took her about 5 slow strokes before she hit a stroke that made my entire body shake!
Amber and Allison giggled.
“He just shivered!” Amber said.
Cindy smiled.
“Mhmm!” Cindy nodded.
“Wait! Wait! WAIT!” I gasped.
Cindy froze with her hand on my dick!
“What?” She asked.
“Hold still!” Christine shouted.
We turned to look at Jon and the other girls.
He was struggling, but Christine, Kelly and Eva had him pretty well restrained.
“Hmhmhm!” Cindy chuckled.
“Dean.” She smiled.
I looked at Cindy, who still had her hand on my cock!
“Your cock is alright, but I’ve seen bigger.” She winked! “I wonder, can you squirt?”
Cindy squeezed my penis and gave a slow stroke!
How was this feeling so good?!
I was mortified that these girls had caught us masturbating naked, but fuck, Cindy seemed strangely knowledgable!
Scarily so!
“I didn’t think I’d get to play with a naked boy again! Haha!” Cindy laughed.
“Wha-?!” I gasped, both at her statement as well as the fact that this 11 year old girl was deliberately jerking me off!
“A-Again?!” I gasped.
“Hmhmhm! Yeah!” She looked around. “I told them about my birthday party, where my older sister got me a naked boy to play with, and how much fun it was, so we decided we should try and do that for Kate!”
I was stunned.
Cindy looked at Kate.
“Oh yeah! It’s YOUR birthday. You should give Dean a handjob!” Cindy said.
Kate gasped.
I was now trembling.
“I-I don’t know how.” Kate said bashfully.
With her free hand, Cindy grabbed Kate’s hand and put it on my dick, replacing her hand!
“Oh!” Kate gasped.
I tried to get up, but Allison and Amber held me firm!
Kate gently squeezed, then moved to just touching my penis with her fingertips.
Cindy gripped my penis at the base and angled it up.
“Grab it and move your hand around!” She said.
Kate slid her hand around my shaft.
“Oh!” She gasped and gently squeezed.
“Oh, gah!” I moaned.
Her touch was gentle and tickled!
“Wha-What now?” Kate asked with a nervous smile.
Allison and Amber also giggled and cood, eyes wide.
Cindy smiled confidently, seemingly enjoying her knowledgeability.
“Just move your hand around. Haha.” She said.
Kate began gently twisting her hand around, examining how the skin slightly moved.
She then began moving her hand up and down!
It was slow, then quick, short, then long.
She paused and squeezed gently.
“Hehehe! Is this right?” She asked.
“P-Please! Let me go!” Was all I could say.
“Hmmm. Try this.” Cindy reached down as Kate let go.
My cock slapped my abs, making the girls giggle.
Cindy again held my penis towards the ceiling.
“See?” Cindy again deftly moved her hand along my penis!
Up and down, up and down.
“Ooooooooh!” Kate sighed.
Kate gripped my penis again, this time, firmly around my shaft.
She squeezed gently and gave me 2 slow pumps!
“Haha! Cool!” She said still stroking.
“Yeah. The boy at MY party had REALLY big cock! Haha! We could get 2 hands on his!” Cindy said.
Kate paused and she, Allison and Amber gasped.
I gasped too.
That meant this other guy that Cindy and Christine had at their party must have had a penis at least TWICE the size of mine!
Kate gasped and looked at my penis in her hand.
“Wow!” She sighed.
Kate started slowly stroking again.
“Yeah! He was an older boy, too!” Cindy continued.
“Judy and Milli gave him a handjob until white stuff sprayed all over from his cock! Hahaha! It was really cool and made me feel funny!”
“Ewwwww! He peed?!” Allison and Amber gasped.
Cindy slid her hand under Kate’s, replacing it on my penis.
“No. Judy said it was his sperm.” She said.
The girls were shocked.
Cindy continued.
“She told me that when you play with a boy’s cock, it squirts his sperm, and boy did it! Haha! And before that, we did get Peter to make pee for us! It was really funny! Haha!”
Cindy paused her slow stroking.
“Do you need to make pee, Dean?” She asked.
I was in shock by all the touching and stunned by everything Cindy had just said.
“Dean? Can you hear me?” As soon as she asked this, she began stroking my penis rapidly!
“Aaaah! Oh Gaaaaah!” I moaned.
In about 4 seconds of Cindy’s rapid stroking, I felt the tightening ‘sting’ that let me know I was gonna cum!
Even though I’d never had one, I could tell Cindy was giving me an expert level handjob!
“Whoa!” Allison gasped.
“He’s lifting up!” Amber tightened her grip.
Cindy let go and my cock slapped my abs, twitching.
I began breathing incredibly hard.
Cindy burst into giggles.
“Why’d you stop?” Kate asked.
“Because. When a boy squirts, their cocks get all floppy.” Cindy explained.
“Hey Cindy!” Christine called out.
Cindy looked over at the others.
“Yeah?” She called back.
“Does Dean still have a boner?” Christine asked.
Cindy looked down at my obviously erect penis and smiled.
“Yup! He sure does!”
The girls giggled.
“Can we play with him for a bit? Maybe switch?” Christine asked.
Judy frowned.
“Why?” She asked.
“Jon can’t get a boner!” Christine said.
A few of the girls giggled as I heard Jon moan.
Cindy stood up.
“He had one when we came in. Did he squirt?” She walked over to Jon.
Amber and Allison were still holding me.
Kate stared at my penis.
“Um, Dean?” Kate asked.
I just looked back at her.
“Can I keep touching your ‘cock’? Hmhm!” She asked, unable to use the curse word without a chuckle.
Amber and Allison giggled.
“We’re still sitting on him.” Amber said.
“Yeah! Go for it! Haha!” Allison chuckled.
“Kate, I-“ I didn’t know what to say!
Before I could say anything anyway, Kate grabbed my penis again, and gently began feeling it all over!
I convulsed in response to her touch!
She wasn’t stroking, or rubbing- she was gently feeling and squeezing-exploring with her fingers!
“Ah! Ah! Aaaah!” I moaned.
It tickled…it itched…it felt amazing!
Amber squeezed my arm.
“Kate! Are you gonna make him squirt?!” She asked.
“Yeah! That’d be so cool if we could see that!” Allison sighed.
Kate giggled bashfully.
She looked at my penis in her hand.
I had the growing realization that if the touching continued, these girls would definitely see me cum!
I’d never be able to look at Kate the same way again!
And her friends!
I couldn’t let this happen!
Kate gently kept stroking, but then Cindy came back over and knelt beside her.
Cindy whispered something in her ear.
Kate gasped and let go.
Cindy and Kate stood up.
They looked from me to Jon and back.
“Okay you two.” Cindy spoke. “We caught you doing something REALLY naughty!”
The girls giggled and ‘tisked tisked’.
“So, Kate and I think you need to be punished!” Cindy said, putting her hands on her hips.
Allison and Amber stayed on my arms and Kelly, Christine and Eva still held Jon down.
“No! You let us go, RIGHT NOW, or you’ll be in BIG trouble!” Jon protested.
Kate bent down and folded, closed and gathered all the porno mags.
She stood again, clutching them to her chest.
“I’m gonna go hide these!” She headed out the door.
“Hey! Bring those back!” Jon called after her.
“She’ll be back! Hmhm!” Cindy said.
After a minute or 2, Kate hopped back into the room.
She stepped back in front of us.
“Okay! Like Cindy said, you 2 need to be punished!” She smiled. “Do what we say, or I’m gonna give ALL those magazines to mom and dad AND tell them what you were doing!”
The threat of Jon’s parents learning we’d found his dad’s porn stash filled us with dread, and the shame of his parents knowing we’d been masturbating filled us with shame.
( Even though what the girls had now started was WAY worse. )
Kate looked at Jon.
I was no longer struggling against Allison and Amber, and I guess Jon had also surrendered.
Cindy spoke.
“Stand up! Hehe!” Kate couldn’t hide her excitement at suddenly being in complete control over us.
The girls helped us to our feet.
They burst into giggles at the new view of our naked bodies.
I looked down to see my penis sticking almost straight up, the hardest I’ve ever been!
I looked at Jon, and his penis had gone completely flaccid!
It hung limply at barely 2 1/2 inches!
Kate immediately noticed.
“Jon, why did your peep-“ She paused and chuckled. “Why did your ‘cock’ get little?” She asked.
The girls giggled.
Jon cupped his hands over his crotch.
“Ah ah ah!” Cindy wagged her finger.
“No covering!” Christine and Eva pulled his hands away again.
“I know!” Cindy chirped. “Hands on your heads, boys!” She clapped.
Jon and I slowly placed our hands behind our heads.
The girls ogled Jon and I as we stood there naked.
I couldn’t help but notice that most of the girls were looking at me.
Cindy stepped up to Jon, then looked at Kate.
“Kate. Your brother’s cock is pretty small, huh?” Cindy smiled.
“N-No it isn’t!” Jon gasped.
“What happened to your boner? Hmhm!” Cindy asked.
Jon went to cover, but Cindy raised her hand, making him keep his hands on his head.
“Maybe this’ll help!” Cindy reached down and gently fondled Jon’s penis!
Kate gasped.
“Oh my god!” She looked back at me, then looked down at my erect penis.
She blushed and grinned.
Allison, Amber and Eva had been whispering to one another as Cindy handled Jon.
“Hmhmhm! Fine. I’ll do it first!” Eva said.
I then felt her delicate hands gently pat my ass!
I thrust forward, making Kate jump.
“Oh! Hehehe!” Kate laughed.
Kate reached down again and gently gripped my penis.
“Uuuuuugh, Gaaaaah!” I moaned.
“Like this, right?” Kate asked me.
I didn’t answer.
“That sure looks right! Hmhm!” Amber said.
“Go ahead! Do whatever you want!” Allison said.
Kate squeezed my penis again and giggled.
She looked up at me.
“Dean! I’m touching your cock! Hehehehe!” She giggled.
Kate examined my penis in her hand, while putting her other finger to her pursed lips, thinking.
Kate moved her hand down to my balls!
“Ooooo! Hahaha!” She gently patted the underside of my scrotum!
I lifted up on my toes.
This just straight up tickled!
My balls rose up as my penis stiffened up even more in response to her touch!
“Oh my god! I think it got bigger!” Allison said.
“There we go!” Cindy chirped.
We all looked over at Jon.
He still had his hands on his head, and was once again sporting an erection!
My attention was brought back to Kate as she moved her hand back up to my penis!
Cindy gave Jon’s penis a few pats on the bottom of his shaft, and then walked back over to me.
Kate was still holding my penis, keeping it rock hard, as well as making it twitch!
“Okay, Kate! What should we do with these naked boys?” Cindy asked.
“Huh?” Kate asked.
Cindy chuckled and pointed to Kate’s hand on my cock!
“It’s your birthday, and you have 2 naked boys to play with! What should we do?” Cindy asked.
“Hmmm.” Kate thought for a moment, then lit up.
“Oo! Oo! Oo!” She let go and excitedly shook her hands! “Cindy! Didn’t you say you got to play games with that naked boy?!” Kate asked.
Cindy and Christine smiled wide and giggled!
“Yes! Yes we did!” Cindy confirmed.
The other girls were all ears while still ogling Jon and I.
“We did horsey rides, wrestling, and weiner tag!” Cindy said proudly.
“It was SO much fun being able to do all that with a naked boy!” Christine added.
The girls shared stunned looks before bursting into excited giggles!
Jon and I were both stunned hearing all this!
Horsey rides?!
All with a naked guy?!!
Cindy looked at Kate.
“Should we play some of those games?” She asked with a smirk.
Cindy had this unnerving sense of confidence and knowledge, and it seemed to be empowering the others.
Kate, Allison and Kelsey all spoke at once.
“Let’s play Weiner Tag!”
“I wanna wrestle!”
“Horsey Rides!”
Amber and Eva were just stunned.
Cindy and Christine just laughed.
I looked at Kate.
Her eyes were wide, but her brow was furrowed in thought.
I looked over at Jon.
The girls were all just staring as Jon and I both looked at one another, then at eachother’s dicks.
We were both hard and both completely subservient, as we still had our hands on our heads.
Cindy leaned in and whispered in Kate’s ear.
Kate burst into giggles.
“Hehehehe! I think…”
As I’m sure many a guy can relate, early masturbation experiences were often alongside friends.
From the ages of 10 to 13, I had a best friend who happened to be my “jerkoff partner”.
His name was Jon.
At least every other hangout session would devolve into him busting out his dad’s playboy collection he discovered under the rec room couch one day.
We were regularly left alone, so it was pretty common for us to pull out a bunch of mags, open the centerfolds, lay them out and masturbate.
A little ways into our exploration of masturbation, when we started cumming, we realized it was easier to clean up if we were totally naked.
It also enhanced the experience.
So, generally, our hangouts would consist of at least an hour and a half of being totally naked, jerking off.
We would share techniques with eachother as we learned what felt good, as well as share our thoughts on what we liked about the women in the pictures.
At first, after experiencing our first orgasms, that became the goal as it felt amazing!
Over time, however, we would learn the art of ‘teasing’ ourselves to prolongue the pleasure.
Some sleepover nights, this would result in HOURS of being naked and jerking off in the seclusion of his basement den or upstairs recroom with porn mags spread out.
We knew what sounds to listen for-from the stairs, hallways, doors opening and closing, etc-that would act as a warning for us to dress and hide the porn.
We had a few close calls, but always managed to clear up and quickly switch to videogames, leaving no one the wiser.
Being dumb preteens, however, we got careless pretty quick.
It’s here that I think I should mention my friend’s little sister, Kate.
Kate was 3 years younger than us (10, at the time the events of this story take place) but it was an open secret that she had a VERY big crush on me.
She would regularly try and find ways to hangout with us, much to Jon’s annoyance.
It also, sometimes, made our jerk-off sessions difficult if she was in the house.
Okay, with all that out of the way, lets get to story.
As mentioned, we kids were regularly left to our own devices, so this all takes place on one such Saturday night.
I was at Jon’s for a regular sleepover, well, regular for us at least.
It happened to be a birthday sleepover for Kate, who turned 10 the week before.
She had gotten the okay to have 6 of her girl friends over for the night, and they were given the run of the basement den, while Jon and I set up in the upstairs recroom.
We’d exhausted the Saturday TV options and had just finished a Nintendo 64 videogame marathon, so we were getting bored.
I looked to the closet, where I knew the box of porn mags was.
Jon noticed and read my mind, as I’m sure his mind was going to the same place.
To give further verification we were thinking the same thing, he tugged on the front of his shorts.
“Let’s go check on Kate and the others real quick, just to make sure they’re busy.” He said, standing up.
I stood and carefully adjusted my waistband.
I could already feel myself plumping up down there, but didn’t want to touch myself yet, as my underwear and shorts were pretty loose, and I didn’t want the embarassment of sporting a tent in front if a bunch of little girls.
As we made our way to the basement, I was further put at ease regarding our new masturbation plans considering we had an entire floor between us and the girls.
We could hear laughing and squeeling as we walked down the basement stairs to the den.
We rounded the corner to see girls sat on their sleeping bags, giggling as 4 others acted something out.
We quickly realized they were playing charades.
They stopped when they noticed us walk in.
As Jon checked in, I couldn’t help but notice how form fitting or cute the girls’ PJ’s were.
I felt my penis start to get hard.
I heard giggling and whispering and looked at a couple girls on the floor to my left as I stood by the stairs.
They looked away when I turned my head towards them, but looked back at me and kept on as I waited for Jon to wrap things up.
I looked down and realized I was tenting out the front of my shorts!
I heard more giggles and realized they were looking at me!
I stupidly reached down and adjusted myself, which made the girls gasp and giggle even more, making it obvious that they’d noticed my erection!
Jon and I had been here to greet the girls as they arrived.
I remember that these 2 were named Cindy and Christine.
They kept whispering and nodding to one another.
I looked around the room, remembering all the young girls’ names as we’d been introduced as they arrived.
There was (obviously) Kate (10), then there was Cindy (11), Christine (10), Allison (9), Kelly (9), Amber (11) and Eva (11).
“So, yeah, if you’re all good, just keep playing down here.” He finished.
He then turned to me and gestured for us to head back up the stairs.
As I turned, I felt my penis twitch and angle out against my shorts again, making another obvious tent.
Cindy and Christine ran over to Kate as we exited and headed up the stairs.
We stopped at the kitchen and got some drinks, then headed back up to the recroom.
As soon as we got in, Jon shut the door, sat his drink and snacks down and darted to the closet.
I sat mine down as well as he pulled out the stash of magazines.
“Dude! Did you see some of their PJ’s?” I asked.
“Y-Yeah.” He said.
He immediately opened out a bunch of centerfolds.
Seeing the beautiful naked women of the mags had my penis quickly reaching full erection.
“I’m gonna go ahead and start.” Jon stood and quickly took off all his clothes.
He folded them and put them behind the couch.
Jon stepped back out, tugging his little 2 inch penis before kneeling in front of the magazines.
I quickly pulled off my clothes, folded them and stood up.
I noticed Jon look at my semi-erect penis as I walked to put my clothes with his, but he quickly looked back down at the centerfolds.
I walked back out and knelt next to Jon.
I locked in on a beautiful brunette in a tasteful full frontal pose and leaned back on the floor.
I pinched my penis and wiggled it, trying to get the blood pumping to make myself hard.
“She’s so hot!” He pointed to one blonde centerfold.
“I like her.” I pointed to the brunette’s picture.
“Yeah, she’s hot. I like her too.” Jon pointed to another woman.
All the centerfolds were tasteful and quite enticing to our teenage tastes.
Jon leaned back and started stroking.
He was now fully erect.
I too was now sporting a full boner.
Strictly out of curiousity, I believe, Jon and I would occasionally look at one another, examining and compairing technique, as well as our genitals.
We were both circumcised, and both of us had light dustings of pubic hair.
My penis was actually longer by a good 2 inches, but we never mentioned it.
I also noticed that my penis stuck up more when I was hard.
Being completely naked around one another added a level of embarassment that seemed to enhance the excitement.
It felt more taboo, which increased the ‘naughty’ factor.
It was always more fun than just jerking off alone.
We were so lost in teasing ourselves and ogling the pictures that we failed to notice that Jon had forgotten to lock the door.
(Back in the basement den, at Kate’s slumber party)
Cindy and Christine ran over to Kate as we exited and headed up the stairs.
“Oh my god! Kate! Your brother’s friend!” Christine chirped.
“Huh? Oh! Dean? Yeah! Isn’t he hot?! Haha!” Kate laughed.
Cindy giggled.
“Hmhmhm! Did you see his pants?” She asked.
This got the other girls’ attention.
“Huh?” Kate asked.
“I think he had a boner! Haha!” Christine laughed.
“Huh?” Kate asked again.
Cindy and Christine smiled at one another.
Allison, Kelly, Amber and Eva had joined the conversation now, intrigued by the ‘pants’ comment.
“Boner?” Allison asked.
Cindy and Christine came to the realization that they were the only girls here that had any clue about boys.
It had only been about a month ago that Cindy, along with her cousin Christine, had had her own birthday with a surprise guest- an older, NAKED, teen boy named Peter.
(See Stripped By Girls)
She hadn’t had the opportunity to tell all her friends about it, and didn’t have a phone like her sister, so she couldn’t show anyone without Judy’s permission.
Cindy and Christine went on to explain everything that had taken place at the party as the girls listened intently.
“Oh my god!” Allison gasped.
“Hahaha! Wow! You even got to TOUCH HIM?!” Kelly chirped excitedly.
“So you got to see him SQUIRT too?!” Amber gasped.
“Gah! That sounds awesome! And naughty! Haha!” Eva chuckled.
“Yeah! And Peter has a REALLY big cock too!” Christine added.
“Cock?” Kate asked.
“Peter has a big penis.” Cindy clarified.
“Hehehehehehehe!” The girls giggled at the word.
“Man! I wish I could’ve been there.” Kate frowned.
She suddenly realized something.
“Wait! So that big bump in Dean’s pants-“ she paused.
Cindy and Christine smiled and nodded.
Kate gasped.
All the girls squeeled and giggled.
“We should go see if the guys want to hang out with us! Hmhm!” Eva said.
All the girls suddenly froze and smiled.
“Do you think we can get them naked? Like at your birthday?!” Kate asked Cindy.
Cindy and Christine smiled at one another, as though accepting a challenge.
(Back in the upstairs recroom with Dean and Jon)
Jon and I were completely immersed in our masturbation routine.
I could have cum to that redhead centerfold in no time, but we had all night.
I knew that teasing like this resulted in a massively pleasurable orgasm, and I was determined to enjoy it.
Jon rested back taking a break.
His penis was visibly twitching.
I also rested back, letting my penis twitch against my abs.
I picked up a can of soda and took a long swig.
I sat up again and knelt, looking at the centerfolds, trying to finally decide which one I wanted to cum to.
Jon sat up and also knelt across from me, looking over the centerfolds as he slowly tugged his penis.
I picked up the soda again and lifted it to my lips.
As I did, my eyes fell on the door to the recroom.
In that moment, the door burst open as the 7 little girls who should have been in the basement poured into the room!
Cindy and Christine led the charge.
Before we could react, all 7 girls surrounded us, taking in the scene before them!
There Jon and I were, sitting on the floor, completely naked with a spread of nude centerfolds between us!
Kate’s eyes and mouth dropped wide in shock.
“Oh! Wow! Hahaha!” Cindy laughed.
Jon and I acted simultaneously, cupping our hands over our junk.
“K-Kate!” Jon gasped.
All I could do was sit there, covering my boner and balls as best I could as these giggling girls surrounded us!
While it took a few moments for the girls’ eyes to look at anything other than Jon and I’s naked bodies, eventually, one of them DID notice the spread of porn between us.
“Ooooooo! They were looking at porn!” Eva pointed.
The girls gasped, giggled and stepped in to get a closer look at the various centerfolds.
“I’m gonna tell mom and dad!” Kate said in a taunting voice.
Jon stood, keeping his hands cupped to his crotch, but this did allow several girls to see his naked butt!
“YOU busted in here while we were naked! YOU’LL be in trouble!” Jon retorted quickly.
“YOU were supposed to be babysitting us! But you decided to get naked instead!” Kate suddenly had a look of realization.
“Why ARE you guys naked?!” She asked, now looking at me.
When she looked at me, her eyes went wide.
Cindy was the first to put the whole picture together though.
She giggled.
“Hehehe! You guys were playing with your cocks, weren’t you!” She said excitedly
The girls gasped, but then all giggled collectively.
Christine excitedly stepped towards Jon.
“Ooooo! Let us see! Let us see!” She repeated while reaching for Jon.
“Wha-NO! Get out!” Jon moved one hand away from his crotch snd pointed to the door.
Obviously, no one moved.
Cindy and Christine stepped next to Kate.
They whispered in her ears for a bit as the other girls giggled, trying to sneak peaks at us or looking at the centerfolds in curiousity.
I was just sitting there, afraid to move as it seemed all these girls were staring holes in my hands!
Kate gasped.
“I-I can’t say that!” She said.
“Fine.” Cindy said.
“I’ll say it! Hahaha!” Christine chirped.
Cindy and Christine spoke up.
“If you guys don’t do what we say! We’re ALL gonna tell on you!” Christine said.
“Yup! If you don’t do what we say, we’ll tell your parents you got naked while babysitting us, and showed is all your cocks!” Cindy said.
Kate gasped.
Jon looked back at the couch, where our clothes were.
Big mistake.
Since we were surrounded, Amber and Eva were already behind the couch.
They noticed him look and looked down themselves.
“Oh!” They gasped before they knelt and grabbed our clothes!
They immediately held them up, laughing and clutching them before running to the doorway!
Cindy and Christine smiled.
Cindy turned to Kate.
“It’s YOUR birthday! What do you want to do?” She asked.
Kate looked directly at me and smiled.
“Let’s make them show us their cocks! Hehehe!” She giggled.
Hearing little Kate say that felt both embarassing AND naughty!
The situation, while anxiety inducing, had me even hornier than the porn spread out before us!
“What?! No!” Jon quickly gasped.
Equally as quick, Cindy retorted.
“Well, it’s gonna be hard for you to get out of here with us blocking the door.” All the girls upon hearing this took the hint and blocked our only exit.
Christine spoke then.
“Show us everything, and we’ll give you your clothes back before your parents get home!” She said.
All the girls nodded in agreement.
Jon looked at me.
Even though most of them were only a couple years younger than us, the idea of them seeing us naked felt incredibly wrong.
Everything was happening so fast!
How had we even gotten into this situation?!
Why had they come up here in the first place?
Jon looked at me with fear in his eyes.
I felt my penis twitch against my hands.
I was so hard it hurt!
Was this situation THAT much of a turn on?!
I didn’t want this!
I just wanted to cum and be done!
What was going to happen?!
After a few more moments, Cindy turned to Kate again.
“Is your brother ticklish?” She asked.
The girls giggled.
Kate gasped, but then smiled and nodded.
“Oh yeah! Dad used to play ‘tickle monster’! Jon can’t STAND it!” Kate beamed.
Christine and Cindy smiled and nodded.
“Get ‘em!” Cindy said.
Before we could react, we were attacked.
Kate, Cindy, Allison and Amber hopped over the centerfolds and grabbed me, while Christine, Kelly and Eva attacked Jon!
My armpits and chest were assaulted in a flurry of small, wriggling fingers!
It didn’t take anytime at all before I felt my arms lift!
“There it is!” Cindy cheered.
“Oh my god!” Kate gasped.
Allison and Amber were quick to grab my wrists and pull me to the ground!
I heard Jon struggling, but heard whoops of triumph, letting me know that he too, had been restrained and exposed.
As I had been pulled to the floor, Allison and Amber were quick to sit on my arms.
Cindy and Kate were at my hips and there, twitching before their eyes, was my fully erect penis!
Cindy was smiling while Kate, Allison and Amber stared in stunned silence.
“Oh!” Kate gasped.
My penis was twitching!
“Hahahaha! Wow!” Allison laughed.
Cindy looked over at Jon and the others.
I looked over.
Jon had been scream laughing.
He really was ticklish.
The girls had also pulled him down, restrained him and splayed him out.
“Guys! Please! Let me go!” He begged.
I noticed that he was also still erect.
Christine called out “Who want’s to touch Jon’s cock first?!”
“What?!” Jon gasped.
I looked back down at my own twitching erection.
Cindy reached out and gripped my penis!
No warning, no ceremony.
11 year old Cindy just grabbed my stiff penis!
“Hmhmhm! Ooooo!” Cindy giggled.
She angled it to point at the ceiling.
I’d never had ANYONE touch my penis, other than myself, of course!
Kate, Allison and Amber gasped.
“See? Dean has a boner!” Cindy said.
Allison and Amber giggled.
“So that means we can give him a handjob, right?” Allison asked.
“Wha-?!” I gasped.
I could hear laughter, as well as Jon struggling, but all my attention was now on Cindy’s delicate hand on my penis!
“Mhmm!” Cindy beamed.
“Oh! It’s just like you told us, Cindy!” Kate said.
“Wha-? Wait! What?!” I gasped.
While holding my penis, Cindy went on to explain how her sister had shown her at HER birthday party!
“His cock was bigger though! Hmhm!” Cindy said.
The girls gasped.
“Bigger than THAT?!” Amber gasped.
“Hmhm! Yeah!” Cindy said. “But we can still do it I think!”
Cindy began stroking my cock!
It felt SO different!
So alien!
So wrong!
Kate was in awe.
She just stared as Cindy slowly stroked my penis!
It took her about 5 slow strokes before she hit a stroke that made my entire body shake!
Amber and Allison giggled.
“He just shivered!” Amber said.
Cindy smiled.
“Mhmm!” Cindy nodded.
“Wait! Wait! WAIT!” I gasped.
Cindy froze with her hand on my dick!
“What?” She asked.
“Hold still!” Christine shouted.
We turned to look at Jon and the other girls.
He was struggling, but Christine, Kelly and Eva had him pretty well restrained.
“Hmhmhm!” Cindy chuckled.
“Dean.” She smiled.
I looked at Cindy, who still had her hand on my cock!
“Your cock is alright, but I’ve seen bigger.” She winked! “I wonder, can you squirt?”
Cindy squeezed my penis and gave a slow stroke!
How was this feeling so good?!
I was mortified that these girls had caught us masturbating naked, but fuck, Cindy seemed strangely knowledgable!
Scarily so!
“I didn’t think I’d get to play with a naked boy again! Haha!” Cindy laughed.
“Wha-?!” I gasped, both at her statement as well as the fact that this 11 year old girl was deliberately jerking me off!
“A-Again?!” I gasped.
“Hmhmhm! Yeah!” She looked around. “I told them about my birthday party, where my older sister got me a naked boy to play with, and how much fun it was, so we decided we should try and do that for Kate!”
I was stunned.
Cindy looked at Kate.
“Oh yeah! It’s YOUR birthday. You should give Dean a handjob!” Cindy said.
Kate gasped.
I was now trembling.
“I-I don’t know how.” Kate said bashfully.
With her free hand, Cindy grabbed Kate’s hand and put it on my dick, replacing her hand!
“Oh!” Kate gasped.
I tried to get up, but Allison and Amber held me firm!
Kate gently squeezed, then moved to just touching my penis with her fingertips.
Cindy gripped my penis at the base and angled it up.
“Grab it and move your hand around!” She said.
Kate slid her hand around my shaft.
“Oh!” She gasped and gently squeezed.
“Oh, gah!” I moaned.
Her touch was gentle and tickled!
“Wha-What now?” Kate asked with a nervous smile.
Allison and Amber also giggled and cood, eyes wide.
Cindy smiled confidently, seemingly enjoying her knowledgeability.
“Just move your hand around. Haha.” She said.
Kate began gently twisting her hand around, examining how the skin slightly moved.
She then began moving her hand up and down!
It was slow, then quick, short, then long.
She paused and squeezed gently.
“Hehehe! Is this right?” She asked.
“P-Please! Let me go!” Was all I could say.
“Hmmm. Try this.” Cindy reached down as Kate let go.
My cock slapped my abs, making the girls giggle.
Cindy again held my penis towards the ceiling.
“See?” Cindy again deftly moved her hand along my penis!
Up and down, up and down.
“Ooooooooh!” Kate sighed.
Kate gripped my penis again, this time, firmly around my shaft.
She squeezed gently and gave me 2 slow pumps!
“Haha! Cool!” She said still stroking.
“Yeah. The boy at MY party had REALLY big cock! Haha! We could get 2 hands on his!” Cindy said.
Kate paused and she, Allison and Amber gasped.
I gasped too.
That meant this other guy that Cindy and Christine had at their party must have had a penis at least TWICE the size of mine!
Kate gasped and looked at my penis in her hand.
“Wow!” She sighed.
Kate started slowly stroking again.
“Yeah! He was an older boy, too!” Cindy continued.
“Judy and Milli gave him a handjob until white stuff sprayed all over from his cock! Hahaha! It was really cool and made me feel funny!”
“Ewwwww! He peed?!” Allison and Amber gasped.
Cindy slid her hand under Kate’s, replacing it on my penis.
“No. Judy said it was his sperm.” She said.
The girls were shocked.
Cindy continued.
“She told me that when you play with a boy’s cock, it squirts his sperm, and boy did it! Haha! And before that, we did get Peter to make pee for us! It was really funny! Haha!”
Cindy paused her slow stroking.
“Do you need to make pee, Dean?” She asked.
I was in shock by all the touching and stunned by everything Cindy had just said.
“Dean? Can you hear me?” As soon as she asked this, she began stroking my penis rapidly!
“Aaaah! Oh Gaaaaah!” I moaned.
In about 4 seconds of Cindy’s rapid stroking, I felt the tightening ‘sting’ that let me know I was gonna cum!
Even though I’d never had one, I could tell Cindy was giving me an expert level handjob!
“Whoa!” Allison gasped.
“He’s lifting up!” Amber tightened her grip.
Cindy let go and my cock slapped my abs, twitching.
I began breathing incredibly hard.
Cindy burst into giggles.
“Why’d you stop?” Kate asked.
“Because. When a boy squirts, their cocks get all floppy.” Cindy explained.
“Hey Cindy!” Christine called out.
Cindy looked over at the others.
“Yeah?” She called back.
“Does Dean still have a boner?” Christine asked.
Cindy looked down at my obviously erect penis and smiled.
“Yup! He sure does!”
The girls giggled.
“Can we play with him for a bit? Maybe switch?” Christine asked.
Judy frowned.
“Why?” She asked.
“Jon can’t get a boner!” Christine said.
A few of the girls giggled as I heard Jon moan.
Cindy stood up.
“He had one when we came in. Did he squirt?” She walked over to Jon.
Amber and Allison were still holding me.
Kate stared at my penis.
“Um, Dean?” Kate asked.
I just looked back at her.
“Can I keep touching your ‘cock’? Hmhm!” She asked, unable to use the curse word without a chuckle.
Amber and Allison giggled.
“We’re still sitting on him.” Amber said.
“Yeah! Go for it! Haha!” Allison chuckled.
“Kate, I-“ I didn’t know what to say!
Before I could say anything anyway, Kate grabbed my penis again, and gently began feeling it all over!
I convulsed in response to her touch!
She wasn’t stroking, or rubbing- she was gently feeling and squeezing-exploring with her fingers!
“Ah! Ah! Aaaah!” I moaned.
It tickled…it itched…it felt amazing!
Amber squeezed my arm.
“Kate! Are you gonna make him squirt?!” She asked.
“Yeah! That’d be so cool if we could see that!” Allison sighed.
Kate giggled bashfully.
She looked at my penis in her hand.
I had the growing realization that if the touching continued, these girls would definitely see me cum!
I’d never be able to look at Kate the same way again!
And her friends!
I couldn’t let this happen!
Kate gently kept stroking, but then Cindy came back over and knelt beside her.
Cindy whispered something in her ear.
Kate gasped and let go.
Cindy and Kate stood up.
They looked from me to Jon and back.
“Okay you two.” Cindy spoke. “We caught you doing something REALLY naughty!”
The girls giggled and ‘tisked tisked’.
“So, Kate and I think you need to be punished!” Cindy said, putting her hands on her hips.
Allison and Amber stayed on my arms and Kelly, Christine and Eva still held Jon down.
“No! You let us go, RIGHT NOW, or you’ll be in BIG trouble!” Jon protested.
Kate bent down and folded, closed and gathered all the porno mags.
She stood again, clutching them to her chest.
“I’m gonna go hide these!” She headed out the door.
“Hey! Bring those back!” Jon called after her.
“She’ll be back! Hmhm!” Cindy said.
After a minute or 2, Kate hopped back into the room.
She stepped back in front of us.
“Okay! Like Cindy said, you 2 need to be punished!” She smiled. “Do what we say, or I’m gonna give ALL those magazines to mom and dad AND tell them what you were doing!”
The threat of Jon’s parents learning we’d found his dad’s porn stash filled us with dread, and the shame of his parents knowing we’d been masturbating filled us with shame.
( Even though what the girls had now started was WAY worse. )
Kate looked at Jon.
I was no longer struggling against Allison and Amber, and I guess Jon had also surrendered.
Cindy spoke.
“Stand up! Hehe!” Kate couldn’t hide her excitement at suddenly being in complete control over us.
The girls helped us to our feet.
They burst into giggles at the new view of our naked bodies.
I looked down to see my penis sticking almost straight up, the hardest I’ve ever been!
I looked at Jon, and his penis had gone completely flaccid!
It hung limply at barely 2 1/2 inches!
Kate immediately noticed.
“Jon, why did your peep-“ She paused and chuckled. “Why did your ‘cock’ get little?” She asked.
The girls giggled.
Jon cupped his hands over his crotch.
“Ah ah ah!” Cindy wagged her finger.
“No covering!” Christine and Eva pulled his hands away again.
“I know!” Cindy chirped. “Hands on your heads, boys!” She clapped.
Jon and I slowly placed our hands behind our heads.
The girls ogled Jon and I as we stood there naked.
I couldn’t help but notice that most of the girls were looking at me.
Cindy stepped up to Jon, then looked at Kate.
“Kate. Your brother’s cock is pretty small, huh?” Cindy smiled.
“N-No it isn’t!” Jon gasped.
“What happened to your boner? Hmhm!” Cindy asked.
Jon went to cover, but Cindy raised her hand, making him keep his hands on his head.
“Maybe this’ll help!” Cindy reached down and gently fondled Jon’s penis!
Kate gasped.
“Oh my god!” She looked back at me, then looked down at my erect penis.
She blushed and grinned.
Allison, Amber and Eva had been whispering to one another as Cindy handled Jon.
“Hmhmhm! Fine. I’ll do it first!” Eva said.
I then felt her delicate hands gently pat my ass!
I thrust forward, making Kate jump.
“Oh! Hehehe!” Kate laughed.
Kate reached down again and gently gripped my penis.
“Uuuuuugh, Gaaaaah!” I moaned.
“Like this, right?” Kate asked me.
I didn’t answer.
“That sure looks right! Hmhm!” Amber said.
“Go ahead! Do whatever you want!” Allison said.
Kate squeezed my penis again and giggled.
She looked up at me.
“Dean! I’m touching your cock! Hehehehe!” She giggled.
Kate examined my penis in her hand, while putting her other finger to her pursed lips, thinking.
Kate moved her hand down to my balls!
“Ooooo! Hahaha!” She gently patted the underside of my scrotum!
I lifted up on my toes.
This just straight up tickled!
My balls rose up as my penis stiffened up even more in response to her touch!
“Oh my god! I think it got bigger!” Allison said.
“There we go!” Cindy chirped.
We all looked over at Jon.
He still had his hands on his head, and was once again sporting an erection!
My attention was brought back to Kate as she moved her hand back up to my penis!
Cindy gave Jon’s penis a few pats on the bottom of his shaft, and then walked back over to me.
Kate was still holding my penis, keeping it rock hard, as well as making it twitch!
“Okay, Kate! What should we do with these naked boys?” Cindy asked.
“Huh?” Kate asked.
Cindy chuckled and pointed to Kate’s hand on my cock!
“It’s your birthday, and you have 2 naked boys to play with! What should we do?” Cindy asked.
“Hmmm.” Kate thought for a moment, then lit up.
“Oo! Oo! Oo!” She let go and excitedly shook her hands! “Cindy! Didn’t you say you got to play games with that naked boy?!” Kate asked.
Cindy and Christine smiled wide and giggled!
“Yes! Yes we did!” Cindy confirmed.
The other girls were all ears while still ogling Jon and I.
“We did horsey rides, wrestling, and weiner tag!” Cindy said proudly.
“It was SO much fun being able to do all that with a naked boy!” Christine added.
The girls shared stunned looks before bursting into excited giggles!
Jon and I were both stunned hearing all this!
Horsey rides?!
All with a naked guy?!!
Cindy looked at Kate.
“Should we play some of those games?” She asked with a smirk.
Cindy had this unnerving sense of confidence and knowledge, and it seemed to be empowering the others.
Kate, Allison and Kelsey all spoke at once.
“Let’s play Weiner Tag!”
“I wanna wrestle!”
“Horsey Rides!”
Amber and Eva were just stunned.
Cindy and Christine just laughed.
I looked at Kate.
Her eyes were wide, but her brow was furrowed in thought.
I looked over at Jon.
The girls were all just staring as Jon and I both looked at one another, then at eachother’s dicks.
We were both hard and both completely subservient, as we still had our hands on our heads.
Cindy leaned in and whispered in Kate’s ear.
Kate burst into giggles.
“Hehehehe! I think…”
Last edited by NudeBaG on Thu Jan 30, 2025 4:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
- Jeepman89
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Re: Caught By Friend’s Little Sister And Her Friends
Another masterpiece in the making, NudeBag! I loved every bit of it. Great idea bringing back Cindy and Christine for more fun and naked games. Can't wait to see what Cindy has in mind for the naked boys.
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Re: Caught By Friend’s Little Sister And Her Friends
So seven girls have these two boys by their balls just by telling them they will tell their parents. The girls will not only be able to get them naked when they want, but they are now able to keep them from seeing naked women by taking their magazines away. If I am not mistaken, at that time the magazine did not show women's vaginas so if so, the boys still did not see totally naked women even in photos but the girls did see totally naked males and even felt them You go GIRLS!
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Re: Caught By Friend’s Little Sister And Her Friends
Amazing new story! Another NudeBaGclassic in the making! Oh how I hope the boys are pushed somewhere outside. This way they can get the full Peter experience!!
- Jeepman89
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Re: Caught By Friend’s Little Sister And Her Friends
Agreed.Marble. I figure they will play the games outside. Hopefully it’s not dark yet.
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Re: Caught By Friend’s Little Sister And Her Friends
Can't agree about masturbating with another guy. Never happened, never will...
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Re: Caught By Friend’s Little Sister And Her Friends
Not for you, maybe. Plenty do. Including me when young, with several friends, all straight afaik.Massageguy wrote: Fri Oct 04, 2024 3:02 pm Can't agree about masturbating with another guy. Never happened, never will...
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Re: Caught By Friend’s Little Sister And Her Friends
I am hoping we see wrestling.
Whether they make the boys wrestle each other, with some kinky rules on how to win. First to make the other cum wins for instance.
Or whether the girls wrestle the boys with unfair rules, like 2/3 vs 1 or all 7 girls vs the 2 boys at the same time.
The other options are fun too, but i do wish there were more wrestling stories or stories that included wrestling,
Whether they make the boys wrestle each other, with some kinky rules on how to win. First to make the other cum wins for instance.
Or whether the girls wrestle the boys with unfair rules, like 2/3 vs 1 or all 7 girls vs the 2 boys at the same time.
The other options are fun too, but i do wish there were more wrestling stories or stories that included wrestling,
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Re: Caught By Friend’s Little Sister And Her Friends
Summers wrote: Fri Oct 04, 2024 3:13 pm I am hoping we see wrestling.
Or whether the girls wrestle the boys with unfair rules, like 2/3 vs 1 or all 7 girls vs the 2 boys at the same time.
The other options are fun too, but i do wish there were more wrestling stories or stories that included wrestling,
There is wrestling between a man and a woman in The Swim Meet. The rules are unfair as the male is naked while she is clothed and no holds are barred.
It is repeated in "The
- Robert Brooks
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Re: Caught By Friend’s Little Sister And Her Friends
Fantastic story, NudeBag! Absolutely loved it!
And agreed, Britguy, lots of guys do masturbate together growing up. I didn’t, sadly, I wish I had! But I know a few of my friends did around that age.
And agreed, Britguy, lots of guys do masturbate together growing up. I didn’t, sadly, I wish I had! But I know a few of my friends did around that age.
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