Or hanging from them,Trundle wrote: Mon Sep 30, 2024 8:53 pm Maybe the outfit will be a santa hat, strategically placed ribbon and a sprig of mistletoe placed just above his privates?
Going to the Christmas Party
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Re: Going to the Christmas Party
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Re: Going to the Christmas Party
He could be a present
https://daily.squirt.org/wp-content/upl ... 12/4b3.jpg
The girls could decorate it
https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.N_axp2jD2 ... ImgDetMain
Or the girls could tie ribbons around it and see if Kevin's will include the precum too.,
https://daily.squirt.org/wp-content/upl ... 12/4b3.jpg
The girls could decorate it
https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.N_axp2jD2 ... ImgDetMain
Or the girls could tie ribbons around it and see if Kevin's will include the precum too.,
- Jeepman89
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Re: Going to the Christmas Party
I could see them making Kevin’s outfit something like this.
https://external-content.duckduckgo.com ... ipo=images
https://external-content.duckduckgo.com ... ipo=images
- Datom
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Re: Going to the Christmas Party
Part II
The Friday of the party came. As I was walking home from school, I saw a girl approaching me. It was Anna.
“Hi, Anna! What a surprise!” I greeted her. “Didn’t you have school today?”
She grinned. “We had the day off. All the Catholic schools did. For the Immaculate Conception.”
“Immaculate Contraption? What’s that?”
She laughed. “ConCEPtion, silly!” She took my hand. “It’s a Catholic thing.” She turned her head toward me. “Are you still going to that party tonight?”
“Yeah,” I said, reluctantly. I was surprised that she wasn’t more disappointed about my not being able to take her as my date. She seemed to take it pretty well, almost like she was expecting it.
“How long will you stay?”
“Oh, maybe an hour or two. We gotta go caroling, then we go back to Lindsay’s for the refreshments. That’s when I get my surprise.”
“Can you meet me afterward?”
“Sure,” I said. “I’d like that. Where should we meet?”
Anna thought for a moment. “How about at my house? Mom will be at Mass, then she’ll have some kind of meeting afterward.”
“Good,” I nodded. “I’ll be over there as soon as I can get loose from the party.”
“Okay,” Anna smiled. “And even if Mom is home by then, it’ll be okay, since it’s not a school night.”
I grinned. “And I promise I won’t come over in my Mowgli costume.”
“You better not!” Anna chuckled. “Mom will have a heart attack!”
. . . . . . . . . . . .
In dutiful date-like style, I made my appearance on Elizabeth’s doorstep promptly at five-thirty, and rang the doorbell. I was dressed in a dark red button-down cotton shirt, and khaki slacks. Mom had insisted that I not wear jeans if I was going to go pick up a girl for a date. She was probably right, but I still felt a little overdressed. Anyway, I had my winter coat on, since it was cold that evening.
Elizabeth answered the door. She looked at me and smiled. “Well, come in, Kevin.” I stepped into the foyer, as Elizabeth flipped on the light. She looked at me. “Well, you look nice tonight.”
“Thanks. You look nice too.”
She did. She was wearing a red top with puffy mid-length sleeves, and black tight slacks. She chuckled. “I’m with the Guest of Honor tonight,”
She took her coat from the closet and slipped it on, and we walked out the door. As we walked down the street she was clutching my arm, leaning her head on my shoulder.
. . . . . . . . . .
We got to the Bennets’ house. Lindsay greeted us at the front door, and welcomed us in. Lani, Latitia, and Elise were there, waiting for us, their coats already on. We went in for a few minutes, then started out, on our way to go caroling.
We stopped at several houses. Lindsay said they were friends of her parents. At each house we marched up to the front door, and, at Lindsay’s cue, started singing “Deck the Halls.” When we’d sung a couple verses, we’d go into a couple choruses of “Jingle Bells,” then “God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen.” By that time, someone, usually husband and wife, would have greeted us at the front door, smiling. A couple of people invited us in for a minute to warm up, then we’d be on our way again. There was only one grouch on the tour—an old man in a tattered shirt, who looked like he needed a shave. He opened the door and pretty much ordered us off the porch. What a grump!
When we’d sung at, maybe, ten houses, Lindsay led us over to Silver Meadows. This was an assisted living home for the elderly. We walked into the lobby and up to the front desk. Well, surprise! It turns out that Lindsay had already called Silver Meadows ahead of time. So they were expecting us!
The hostess came out to greet us and ushered us into what looked like a large living room with a fireplace. It was their lounge, and in it sat about twenty silver-haired men and ladies, watching us expectantly.
“Are you going to use the piano?” the hostess asked. Lindsay shook her head no.
“Okay, then. I guess our residents are ready when you are.”
So, we swung into our opening chorus of “Deck the Halls.” After that, we did “Jingle Bells,” the “O Come All Ye Faithful.” As we sang, I noticed an elderly lady in the back who had a beatific smile on her face, but seemed to be tearing up. I could hear that several of the residents were singing along with us, more and more off them as we went along. After about ten songs, we ended our program with “Silent Night.” By then, everyone was singing along.
Finally, the performance was over. We got a nice round of applause from everyone, then they started up to greet us individually. One elderly lady came up and patted my cheek.
“Isn’t it nice to see a boy singing along with all these girls!” she murmured to me. “I’ll bet you’re enjoying this.” And she gave me a wicked little smile.
The hostess came up to us. “I’m so glad you all came,” she said. “our residents really enjoyed that—I could tell, the way they were singing along. You know, life is pretty boring here for some of them, especially the ones who don’t have anyone to come and visit them. So when you come and sing for us, it’s a real treat for them.” She smiled at us. “Would you like to stay for a few minutes and have some cookies and punch?”
We stayed for a bit, but we knew we had to get home. We had refreshments waiting at Lindsay’s house, and of course I had to get my surprise present, whatever it was. And, honestly, I wanted to escape the scene and go see Anna for a while, so I could tell her about the evening.
. . . . . . . . . .
Back at Lindsay’s house, the refreshments were waiting for us.
“It was sure nice of your Mom to have these ready for us,” I said. “I gotta be sure to thank her.”
“Oh, she’s not here,” Lindsay replied. “She and my Dad have gone to visit my Aunt Carol in the hospital. They’re going to be out pretty late.”
“Then that was even nicer of her to get this stuff ready,” I nodded.
It was. There were two different kinds of cake, one with whipped cream frosting on top, and the other with chocolate icing. There were two trays of Christmas cookies. There were little slices of cheese and bowls of some kind of dip, and crackers. There were little hard sausages. To drink, there was fruit punch or, if you wanted something warm, there was hot apple cider.
I helped Lindsay carry the stuff from the kitchen into the dining room. Elizabeth helped set it up on the dining room table. The other girls came in, and we sat down.
Elizabeth was sitting next to me. She turned to me. “See, Kevin? We’re pretty harmless after all.” She giggled.
“Ah, okay,” I acknowledged her hesitantly. “So far you guys have been pretty nice to me.”
“Well, we really are sorry about that other thing. The Halloween party.” Under the table I could feel her hand on my leg, sliding back and forth. “We’re hoping we can just forget it.” She leaned over to me. “Think you can forgive us?”
“Ah, sure.”
“Oh, Kevin!” She turned her head toward me and gave me a little kiss on the neck. “You’re the best!”
The chatter at the table went on. Lani was talking about some guy her sister had met, and Latitia was chiming in about how she knew him and he was “bad news.” Elise had a few suggestions that she hoped Lani’s sister would take, referring to “really cute” guys. Honestly, I wasn’t listening very carefully. In about twenty minutes my mind had completely wandered off.
Suddenly, Elizabeth bumped me with her arm. I was holding a cracker with a huge pile of cheese dip on it, and the dip flopped off the cracker and all down the front of my shirt. The bright yellow cheese stuff made a nasty smear on my dark red shirt.
“Oh, Kevin!” Elizabeth shrieked. “I’m sorry!”
“Don’t worry about it,” I said, reaching for a napkin. “It’ll come off.” I wiped it, and the cheese came off, but there was still a yellow oily stain down the front of my shirt.
“Cold water will help,” Elizabeth said. “Kevin, why don’t you go into the bathroom and see if you can wipe it off. Use the coldest water you can.’
So, I hurried off around the corner and down the hall, past some bedroom doors, to the bathroom at the end of the hall. I shut the door, then ran the water until it felt cold. I took a washcloth and stuck it under the cold water, then scrubbed at my shirt, hard.
It seemed to help. The yellowish color was pretty much faded. There was still an oily-looking stain that wouldn’t come off. And of course, my shirt was damp. I hoped that stain would come out—Mom was going to kill me if I’d ruined a good shirt.
Sighing, I hung up the washcloth and opened the door to go back to the party.
As I left the bathroom, two pairs of hands grabbed my arms and held them like a vise! I was being held from either side. I turned.
“Well, well! It’s my friend the Little Boy!” Linda’s face was leering at me.
Linda was about fifteen or sixteen. She was tall for her age, and strong. She was actually Elizabeth’s older cousin—in fact, Linda was the one who had pantsed me coming home from the pool last summer, and taken a picture of my private parts and sent the picture to Elizabeth. She wasn’t fat, by any means, but she was strong!
So was her friend Carrie, who was now gripping my other arm. “Nice to see you, Little Boy!” she grinned. “We know we can always have fun with you!”
“Let me go!” I pulled my arms, trying to break loose from their grip.
“Okay, Little Boy, pretty soon.” They were pulling me into one of the bedrooms.
I yelled, “HELP!” No response. Then, I heard a round of laughter from the dining room.
Linda and Carrie had pulled me into the bedroom. It was a girl's bedroom, with a single bed, a white dresser with a mirror, and a couple chairs. The walls were sort of bubble-gum pink.
Another girl was waiting for us. I hadn't seen her before. She was at least as tall as Linda, and strong-looking. She was wearing a sweatshirt. IIt was so long I couldn't see what kind of shorts she had on.
She came up to me. "So this is the Little Boy!"
Carrie was holding me from behind. She had her leg wrapped around my lower legs so I couldn't move.
"This is Tina, Little Boy. Say hello to Tina."
"Hello, Little Boy," Tina grinned at me.
"Tina is going to unbutton you," Linda explained.
I struggled, but Carrie had too much of a grip on me from behind. Tina reached up to my top shirt button and unbuttoned it with one hand, keeping the other hand on the side of my waist. "Pop!" she giggled, as the button came loose. Her fingers slid down to the next button, and undid it. "Pop!" and the next one. "Pop!" She finally got them all unbuttoned, and ran her hand up my bare chest. "Oooh!" she squealed. "Cute!"
Linda, meanwhile, was slipping my shirt off the back of my shoulders, and down to my wrists.
Then Tina grinned at me and giggled again. Her finger reached down into my pants waist and unsnapped the button. "Pop!" she giggled. I couldn't move my hands, since Carrie was holding my wrists together in a viselike grip. Tina's fingers slipped down into my pants and grasped the zipper. "Zip!" she giggled, as she slid the zipper way down to the end, loosening my pants so they started sliding down my legs. She giggled again, "This is FUN!"
I was no match for these three Amazons! They forced me over to the bed, and pushed me down on it, so I was laying on my back, facing up at them. Then Tina climbed up on the bed and sat on me. She straddled my waist, and held me down, while the other two girls pulled my pants off and spread my legs. I felt my shoes and socks being removed, then I felt something that felt like straps being fastened around my ankles.
"Where did you get these?" Carrie was asking.
"These straps?" Linda answered. "Oh, from the pet store. These are cat collars. And these straps are leashes. I have the other ends tied tot he bedposts, so he caon't move his legs.
Tina slid up on me. Her crotch was now directly in front of my face, and I could smell what smelled like fish that had been left out of the refrigerator for too long. I looked and realized that Tina didn't have shorts on--just her panties. Meanwhile, the other two were busy putting straps on my wrists and tying my arms to the bedposts. When they all got up to look at me, they grinned in satisfaction, at the sight of me strapped spread-eagle on the bed, in just my underpants.
"Well, don't you look cute, Little Boy!" Carrie leered.
"Let me go!" I yelped.
Linda reached over to the dresser and picked something up. It was the wand, from the Halloween party! She touched it to my bare nipple.
"No talking, Little Boy1" And ZAP! The wand spat out its little electrical charge, stinging my nipple.
Linda turned to Tina. "See? That's how we discipline him." Tina giggled.
My nipple was smarting.
Linda looked at the other two. "He's ready. Time to show him to the other girls."
The Friday of the party came. As I was walking home from school, I saw a girl approaching me. It was Anna.
“Hi, Anna! What a surprise!” I greeted her. “Didn’t you have school today?”
She grinned. “We had the day off. All the Catholic schools did. For the Immaculate Conception.”
“Immaculate Contraption? What’s that?”
She laughed. “ConCEPtion, silly!” She took my hand. “It’s a Catholic thing.” She turned her head toward me. “Are you still going to that party tonight?”
“Yeah,” I said, reluctantly. I was surprised that she wasn’t more disappointed about my not being able to take her as my date. She seemed to take it pretty well, almost like she was expecting it.
“How long will you stay?”
“Oh, maybe an hour or two. We gotta go caroling, then we go back to Lindsay’s for the refreshments. That’s when I get my surprise.”
“Can you meet me afterward?”
“Sure,” I said. “I’d like that. Where should we meet?”
Anna thought for a moment. “How about at my house? Mom will be at Mass, then she’ll have some kind of meeting afterward.”
“Good,” I nodded. “I’ll be over there as soon as I can get loose from the party.”
“Okay,” Anna smiled. “And even if Mom is home by then, it’ll be okay, since it’s not a school night.”
I grinned. “And I promise I won’t come over in my Mowgli costume.”
“You better not!” Anna chuckled. “Mom will have a heart attack!”
. . . . . . . . . . . .
In dutiful date-like style, I made my appearance on Elizabeth’s doorstep promptly at five-thirty, and rang the doorbell. I was dressed in a dark red button-down cotton shirt, and khaki slacks. Mom had insisted that I not wear jeans if I was going to go pick up a girl for a date. She was probably right, but I still felt a little overdressed. Anyway, I had my winter coat on, since it was cold that evening.
Elizabeth answered the door. She looked at me and smiled. “Well, come in, Kevin.” I stepped into the foyer, as Elizabeth flipped on the light. She looked at me. “Well, you look nice tonight.”
“Thanks. You look nice too.”
She did. She was wearing a red top with puffy mid-length sleeves, and black tight slacks. She chuckled. “I’m with the Guest of Honor tonight,”
She took her coat from the closet and slipped it on, and we walked out the door. As we walked down the street she was clutching my arm, leaning her head on my shoulder.
. . . . . . . . . .
We got to the Bennets’ house. Lindsay greeted us at the front door, and welcomed us in. Lani, Latitia, and Elise were there, waiting for us, their coats already on. We went in for a few minutes, then started out, on our way to go caroling.
We stopped at several houses. Lindsay said they were friends of her parents. At each house we marched up to the front door, and, at Lindsay’s cue, started singing “Deck the Halls.” When we’d sung a couple verses, we’d go into a couple choruses of “Jingle Bells,” then “God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen.” By that time, someone, usually husband and wife, would have greeted us at the front door, smiling. A couple of people invited us in for a minute to warm up, then we’d be on our way again. There was only one grouch on the tour—an old man in a tattered shirt, who looked like he needed a shave. He opened the door and pretty much ordered us off the porch. What a grump!
When we’d sung at, maybe, ten houses, Lindsay led us over to Silver Meadows. This was an assisted living home for the elderly. We walked into the lobby and up to the front desk. Well, surprise! It turns out that Lindsay had already called Silver Meadows ahead of time. So they were expecting us!
The hostess came out to greet us and ushered us into what looked like a large living room with a fireplace. It was their lounge, and in it sat about twenty silver-haired men and ladies, watching us expectantly.
“Are you going to use the piano?” the hostess asked. Lindsay shook her head no.
“Okay, then. I guess our residents are ready when you are.”
So, we swung into our opening chorus of “Deck the Halls.” After that, we did “Jingle Bells,” the “O Come All Ye Faithful.” As we sang, I noticed an elderly lady in the back who had a beatific smile on her face, but seemed to be tearing up. I could hear that several of the residents were singing along with us, more and more off them as we went along. After about ten songs, we ended our program with “Silent Night.” By then, everyone was singing along.
Finally, the performance was over. We got a nice round of applause from everyone, then they started up to greet us individually. One elderly lady came up and patted my cheek.
“Isn’t it nice to see a boy singing along with all these girls!” she murmured to me. “I’ll bet you’re enjoying this.” And she gave me a wicked little smile.
The hostess came up to us. “I’m so glad you all came,” she said. “our residents really enjoyed that—I could tell, the way they were singing along. You know, life is pretty boring here for some of them, especially the ones who don’t have anyone to come and visit them. So when you come and sing for us, it’s a real treat for them.” She smiled at us. “Would you like to stay for a few minutes and have some cookies and punch?”
We stayed for a bit, but we knew we had to get home. We had refreshments waiting at Lindsay’s house, and of course I had to get my surprise present, whatever it was. And, honestly, I wanted to escape the scene and go see Anna for a while, so I could tell her about the evening.
. . . . . . . . . .
Back at Lindsay’s house, the refreshments were waiting for us.
“It was sure nice of your Mom to have these ready for us,” I said. “I gotta be sure to thank her.”
“Oh, she’s not here,” Lindsay replied. “She and my Dad have gone to visit my Aunt Carol in the hospital. They’re going to be out pretty late.”
“Then that was even nicer of her to get this stuff ready,” I nodded.
It was. There were two different kinds of cake, one with whipped cream frosting on top, and the other with chocolate icing. There were two trays of Christmas cookies. There were little slices of cheese and bowls of some kind of dip, and crackers. There were little hard sausages. To drink, there was fruit punch or, if you wanted something warm, there was hot apple cider.
I helped Lindsay carry the stuff from the kitchen into the dining room. Elizabeth helped set it up on the dining room table. The other girls came in, and we sat down.
Elizabeth was sitting next to me. She turned to me. “See, Kevin? We’re pretty harmless after all.” She giggled.
“Ah, okay,” I acknowledged her hesitantly. “So far you guys have been pretty nice to me.”
“Well, we really are sorry about that other thing. The Halloween party.” Under the table I could feel her hand on my leg, sliding back and forth. “We’re hoping we can just forget it.” She leaned over to me. “Think you can forgive us?”
“Ah, sure.”
“Oh, Kevin!” She turned her head toward me and gave me a little kiss on the neck. “You’re the best!”
The chatter at the table went on. Lani was talking about some guy her sister had met, and Latitia was chiming in about how she knew him and he was “bad news.” Elise had a few suggestions that she hoped Lani’s sister would take, referring to “really cute” guys. Honestly, I wasn’t listening very carefully. In about twenty minutes my mind had completely wandered off.
Suddenly, Elizabeth bumped me with her arm. I was holding a cracker with a huge pile of cheese dip on it, and the dip flopped off the cracker and all down the front of my shirt. The bright yellow cheese stuff made a nasty smear on my dark red shirt.
“Oh, Kevin!” Elizabeth shrieked. “I’m sorry!”
“Don’t worry about it,” I said, reaching for a napkin. “It’ll come off.” I wiped it, and the cheese came off, but there was still a yellow oily stain down the front of my shirt.
“Cold water will help,” Elizabeth said. “Kevin, why don’t you go into the bathroom and see if you can wipe it off. Use the coldest water you can.’
So, I hurried off around the corner and down the hall, past some bedroom doors, to the bathroom at the end of the hall. I shut the door, then ran the water until it felt cold. I took a washcloth and stuck it under the cold water, then scrubbed at my shirt, hard.
It seemed to help. The yellowish color was pretty much faded. There was still an oily-looking stain that wouldn’t come off. And of course, my shirt was damp. I hoped that stain would come out—Mom was going to kill me if I’d ruined a good shirt.
Sighing, I hung up the washcloth and opened the door to go back to the party.
As I left the bathroom, two pairs of hands grabbed my arms and held them like a vise! I was being held from either side. I turned.
“Well, well! It’s my friend the Little Boy!” Linda’s face was leering at me.
Linda was about fifteen or sixteen. She was tall for her age, and strong. She was actually Elizabeth’s older cousin—in fact, Linda was the one who had pantsed me coming home from the pool last summer, and taken a picture of my private parts and sent the picture to Elizabeth. She wasn’t fat, by any means, but she was strong!
So was her friend Carrie, who was now gripping my other arm. “Nice to see you, Little Boy!” she grinned. “We know we can always have fun with you!”
“Let me go!” I pulled my arms, trying to break loose from their grip.
“Okay, Little Boy, pretty soon.” They were pulling me into one of the bedrooms.
I yelled, “HELP!” No response. Then, I heard a round of laughter from the dining room.
Linda and Carrie had pulled me into the bedroom. It was a girl's bedroom, with a single bed, a white dresser with a mirror, and a couple chairs. The walls were sort of bubble-gum pink.
Another girl was waiting for us. I hadn't seen her before. She was at least as tall as Linda, and strong-looking. She was wearing a sweatshirt. IIt was so long I couldn't see what kind of shorts she had on.
She came up to me. "So this is the Little Boy!"
Carrie was holding me from behind. She had her leg wrapped around my lower legs so I couldn't move.
"This is Tina, Little Boy. Say hello to Tina."
"Hello, Little Boy," Tina grinned at me.
"Tina is going to unbutton you," Linda explained.
I struggled, but Carrie had too much of a grip on me from behind. Tina reached up to my top shirt button and unbuttoned it with one hand, keeping the other hand on the side of my waist. "Pop!" she giggled, as the button came loose. Her fingers slid down to the next button, and undid it. "Pop!" and the next one. "Pop!" She finally got them all unbuttoned, and ran her hand up my bare chest. "Oooh!" she squealed. "Cute!"
Linda, meanwhile, was slipping my shirt off the back of my shoulders, and down to my wrists.
Then Tina grinned at me and giggled again. Her finger reached down into my pants waist and unsnapped the button. "Pop!" she giggled. I couldn't move my hands, since Carrie was holding my wrists together in a viselike grip. Tina's fingers slipped down into my pants and grasped the zipper. "Zip!" she giggled, as she slid the zipper way down to the end, loosening my pants so they started sliding down my legs. She giggled again, "This is FUN!"
I was no match for these three Amazons! They forced me over to the bed, and pushed me down on it, so I was laying on my back, facing up at them. Then Tina climbed up on the bed and sat on me. She straddled my waist, and held me down, while the other two girls pulled my pants off and spread my legs. I felt my shoes and socks being removed, then I felt something that felt like straps being fastened around my ankles.
"Where did you get these?" Carrie was asking.
"These straps?" Linda answered. "Oh, from the pet store. These are cat collars. And these straps are leashes. I have the other ends tied tot he bedposts, so he caon't move his legs.
Tina slid up on me. Her crotch was now directly in front of my face, and I could smell what smelled like fish that had been left out of the refrigerator for too long. I looked and realized that Tina didn't have shorts on--just her panties. Meanwhile, the other two were busy putting straps on my wrists and tying my arms to the bedposts. When they all got up to look at me, they grinned in satisfaction, at the sight of me strapped spread-eagle on the bed, in just my underpants.
"Well, don't you look cute, Little Boy!" Carrie leered.
"Let me go!" I yelped.
Linda reached over to the dresser and picked something up. It was the wand, from the Halloween party! She touched it to my bare nipple.
"No talking, Little Boy1" And ZAP! The wand spat out its little electrical charge, stinging my nipple.
Linda turned to Tina. "See? That's how we discipline him." Tina giggled.
My nipple was smarting.
Linda looked at the other two. "He's ready. Time to show him to the other girls."
- Jeepman89
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Re: Going to the Christmas Party
I didn't think he would be there without being stripped. Can't wait to see what they do to him next and who gets to see him naked.
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Re: Going to the Christmas Party
I see one of two things happening they untie him and make him take off his underwear or they leave him tied up and cut them off. Either way he’s going to be naked at another party.
- Datom
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Re: Going to the Christmas Party
Part III
Linda leaned over me, smirking. She reached down and touched her finger to my bare nipple. She tickled my nipple.
“Don’t go away, Little Boy!” she giggled. “We’ll be right back!”
Tina was still looking at me. “He’s so cute!” she giggled. “I bet he would make a cute little fuck.”
“Actually, he does,” Linda grinned. “I fucked him at the Halloween party. He’s actually a pretty good little fuck for his age.” She reached down and touched my underpants and wiggled her finger. “He’s got a rocket in his pocket!” They all giggled.
“Well, let’s go get the other girls in here,” Carrie was turning to go out the door. She turned back for a minute. “Do you think Mindy and her friends would like to see this?”
“We can ask,” Elizabeth grinned. “I think they might be interested.”
Mindy was Lindsay’s little ten-year-old sister. Lindsay had said something about Mindy having her own party that evening with a couple of her friends. Oh, great! I thought—I’ll be on exhibit for all the girls in my class, plus a couple of curious ten-year-old girls!
The three girls left and shut the door. I heard them going down the hall, then I heard a loud chorus of laughter coming from the dining room. I was scolding myself mentally—I just had to fall for this! I could be at home playing a video game right now. Or I could be at Anna’s house. But no—I had to fall for this poor-Kevin-we’re-so-so-sorry routine. I’d stepped right into it.
The door burst open, and Lindsay and Latitia burst in, followed by Lani and Elise and Elizabeth. When they saw me, tied up, spread-eagle on the bed in just my underpants, they burst out into grins.
“Oooh! Kevin!”
“You look so CUTE!”
“You look so ADORABLE, all tied up like that!”
I glared at Elizabeth. “You lied to me!” I snarled.
“Me?” Elizabeth fluttered her eyelids innocently. “I didn’t lie to you, Kevin! I didn’t tie you up and take off your clothes! Neither did Lindsay or Lani or Elise or Peni or Latitia!”
A chorus of “We didn’t do this!” arose from the girls.
“And anyway,” Lindsay continued, “we really like you, Kevin!”
“We think you’re CUTE!” Lani chimed in.
“Look at this little belly button!” Lindsay chuckled. She licked her fingertip and started rubbing my bellybutton. “Doesn’t he have the most ADORABLE belly button?”
“Cut it out!” I snarled.
“U-oh! He’s getting MAD!” Lani said in mock horror. We don’t want Kevin getting mad at us!”
Latitia was rubbing her hands up and down the inside of my right thigh. “I don’t think he’s really getting mad,” she observed.
“He sounds like he is,” Lani ventured.
“Yeah, but look!” Latitia put her fingertip on the front of my underpants. Sure enough, I was getting bigger and harder down there. “I think he really likes it!”
“Ooooh! Nice little bazooka down there!” Elise observed. They all laughed at me.
Latitia rubbed her finger on my erection. “He’s getting harder, all right,” she said.
Meanwhile, Lindsay had moved her finger up my chest. She was starting to play with my right nipple. “I think this is getting harder,” she tittered. My nipple was tingling.
“C’mon!” I pleaded. “Don’t do this again! Please let me go!”
Lani chuckled. “Isn’t he cute when he begs?” They giggled.
I realized that some of the girls had brought in drinks in plastic cups. Latitia had brought in a piece of cake on a paper plate. The whipped cream icing was piled high, with four strawberries on top.
Lani started tickling my bellybutton.
“Hey!” I yelped out. I had turned my head and I saw Carrie picking up my pants. She rummaged in my pants pockets and pulled out my cellphone.
“Hey! Put that back!” I yelled at her. “That’s private!”
All at once I felt the tip of the wand on my nipple again. Zap! It spat out its nasty electrical spark, stinging my nipple.
“No talking!” Linda scolded me.
Carrie was flipping her finger, scrolling though my phone. Then she started moving her fingers on the screen, like she was sending a message.
“What are you doing?” I yelled at her.
The wand suddenly poked into my bellybutton. Zap! That one really stung!
Carrie just grinned at me. Then she held up the phone, to take a picture of me in my humiliating pose. She laughed.
Meanwhile the other girls were playing with me. Latitia was rubbing her hand up and down the inside of my thigh, getting closer and closer to my crotch each time. Elise was tickling my nipple.
“I think we ought to invite Mindy and Kailee down,” Lindsay said, grinning. “I think they’d like to see Kevin’s body.”
Mindy was Lindsay’s little sister. She was in fifth grade. Her friend was Kailee Fielding, who was in her class.
“I’ll go get them,” volunteered Latitia. She left the room.
Lindsay grinned. “I think we should make Kevin look like a scrumptious treat. What do you think?” The other girls laughed.
With the plastic fork, Linda scooped up a big wad of whipped cream icing from Latitia’s piece of cake, and dabbed it on my chest, right over my right nipple. It was cold, and it made my nipple tingle. She did the same thing with my left nipple. Then she took two strawberries and put them right in the middles of the piles of whipped cream, right over my nipples. The other girls laughed.
Just then the door flew open, and Mindy and Kailee came in. They were in pajamas, and they immediately saw me and laughed. Mindy pointed.
“Look at Kevin!” she chortled.
Lindsay grinned at the two girls. “We made him into a yummy dessert, just for you. If you want, you can eat his strawberries and lick up the whipped cream with your tongues.”
Mindy lost no time. She knelt down on the left side of the bed, leaned over my chest, and put her head down. She steadied herself by putting her hand on my underpants, and I could feel her little fingers touching my penis through the fabric. She opened her mouth and started licking my chest. I could feel her moist little tongue licking the whipped cream off my erect nipple. She was giggling.
“My, goodness! Doesn’t that look yummy!” Lindsay crooned. "Kailee, are you going to lick up Kevin’s whipped cream?’
Giggling, Kailee knelt down on the other side of me. She leaned over and opened her mouth. I felt her mouth on my chest, scooping up the strawberry with her lips. Then her little tongue started flitting back and forth over my right nipple.
“Isn’t he scrumptious!” Emily chortled.
After the girls had finished licking my body, Lindsay came up next to me. She had a warm washcloth and a towel. She cleaned the whipped cream residue off my chest, then patted me down with the towel. It felt good, but I had the funny feeling of being a possession that was being cared for. Anyway, it got all the whipped cream off me.
Once the whipped cream was gone and the cleaning session finished, the little girls were standing up. Kailee was looking at my underpants.
“What’s this?” she put her little index finger right on the spot where my penis was bulging. She rubbed her finger around in a circle.
“Oh, that,” Linda smiled. “That’s a very private part of Kevin.”
“Would you like to see it?”
“Yes, yes, yes!” Mindy and Kailee clapped their hands.
Linda leaned down to me and grinned. “Little Boy, we’re going to make you show Mindy and Kailee your penis. Won’t that be nice?”
“No!” I yelped. Carrie reached over, touched my nipple with the wand and zapped me again.
Linda continued, “We’re going to let Tina take off your underpants.”
Tina appeared, leaning over me. She was holding a pair of sewing scissors, and grinning evilly. “Look what I have!” she chortled. Guess what I’m gonna do with these!”
“No!” I yelped. “Please don’t!” Zap! My nipple was stinging again.
Tina held the scissors up in front of me and opened and shut them a couple of times. “Snip-snip!” she gloated.
Keeping the scissors closed, she touched my nipple with the tip. The metal was cold. She slowly dragged the point of the scissors lightly down my chest and into my bellybutton. The tip went around my bellybutton a couple times, then proceeded down the front of my underpants, lightly touching my penis through my underpants. She wiggled the tip lightly and giggled.
I lay there quivering. The girls around me were watching with rapt attention, grinning.
Then Tina picked up the scissors, opened them up, and slid one blade inside the left leg of my underpants. She giggled “Snip! Go the scissors!” and cut my underpants leg open, then slipped the blade into the other leg-hole and cut again “Snip! Go the scissors!” She set the scissors down, and pulled the front of my underpants up off me, diaper-style. “And off come the underpants!” She stood up, triumphantly holding the remains of my underpants, like a trophy.
And there I was, displaying my naked penis to all the girls in the room.
I looked around. There were Mindy and Kailee, pointing at my penis and giggling. Latitia had come back, and was grinning like a Cheshire cat. Lindsay and Lani were whispering to each other and tittering. Linda and Carrie were standing together, grinning in smug satisfaction. Elizabeth was standing back next to the door, oddly quiet. Emily and Elise were grinning at me, licking their lips lewdly.
“I’m gonna take a picture of you, Little Boy,” Carrie announced. She pulled out my cellphone, held it up, and clicked it. Then she leaned over and aimed it at my naked crotch and clicked again.
Linda grinned down at me. “Now we’re really going to have some fun with you, Little Boy!”
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Linda leaned over me, smirking. She reached down and touched her finger to my bare nipple. She tickled my nipple.
“Don’t go away, Little Boy!” she giggled. “We’ll be right back!”
Tina was still looking at me. “He’s so cute!” she giggled. “I bet he would make a cute little fuck.”
“Actually, he does,” Linda grinned. “I fucked him at the Halloween party. He’s actually a pretty good little fuck for his age.” She reached down and touched my underpants and wiggled her finger. “He’s got a rocket in his pocket!” They all giggled.
“Well, let’s go get the other girls in here,” Carrie was turning to go out the door. She turned back for a minute. “Do you think Mindy and her friends would like to see this?”
“We can ask,” Elizabeth grinned. “I think they might be interested.”
Mindy was Lindsay’s little ten-year-old sister. Lindsay had said something about Mindy having her own party that evening with a couple of her friends. Oh, great! I thought—I’ll be on exhibit for all the girls in my class, plus a couple of curious ten-year-old girls!
The three girls left and shut the door. I heard them going down the hall, then I heard a loud chorus of laughter coming from the dining room. I was scolding myself mentally—I just had to fall for this! I could be at home playing a video game right now. Or I could be at Anna’s house. But no—I had to fall for this poor-Kevin-we’re-so-so-sorry routine. I’d stepped right into it.
The door burst open, and Lindsay and Latitia burst in, followed by Lani and Elise and Elizabeth. When they saw me, tied up, spread-eagle on the bed in just my underpants, they burst out into grins.
“Oooh! Kevin!”
“You look so CUTE!”
“You look so ADORABLE, all tied up like that!”
I glared at Elizabeth. “You lied to me!” I snarled.
“Me?” Elizabeth fluttered her eyelids innocently. “I didn’t lie to you, Kevin! I didn’t tie you up and take off your clothes! Neither did Lindsay or Lani or Elise or Peni or Latitia!”
A chorus of “We didn’t do this!” arose from the girls.
“And anyway,” Lindsay continued, “we really like you, Kevin!”
“We think you’re CUTE!” Lani chimed in.
“Look at this little belly button!” Lindsay chuckled. She licked her fingertip and started rubbing my bellybutton. “Doesn’t he have the most ADORABLE belly button?”
“Cut it out!” I snarled.
“U-oh! He’s getting MAD!” Lani said in mock horror. We don’t want Kevin getting mad at us!”
Latitia was rubbing her hands up and down the inside of my right thigh. “I don’t think he’s really getting mad,” she observed.
“He sounds like he is,” Lani ventured.
“Yeah, but look!” Latitia put her fingertip on the front of my underpants. Sure enough, I was getting bigger and harder down there. “I think he really likes it!”
“Ooooh! Nice little bazooka down there!” Elise observed. They all laughed at me.
Latitia rubbed her finger on my erection. “He’s getting harder, all right,” she said.
Meanwhile, Lindsay had moved her finger up my chest. She was starting to play with my right nipple. “I think this is getting harder,” she tittered. My nipple was tingling.
“C’mon!” I pleaded. “Don’t do this again! Please let me go!”
Lani chuckled. “Isn’t he cute when he begs?” They giggled.
I realized that some of the girls had brought in drinks in plastic cups. Latitia had brought in a piece of cake on a paper plate. The whipped cream icing was piled high, with four strawberries on top.
Lani started tickling my bellybutton.
“Hey!” I yelped out. I had turned my head and I saw Carrie picking up my pants. She rummaged in my pants pockets and pulled out my cellphone.
“Hey! Put that back!” I yelled at her. “That’s private!”
All at once I felt the tip of the wand on my nipple again. Zap! It spat out its nasty electrical spark, stinging my nipple.
“No talking!” Linda scolded me.
Carrie was flipping her finger, scrolling though my phone. Then she started moving her fingers on the screen, like she was sending a message.
“What are you doing?” I yelled at her.
The wand suddenly poked into my bellybutton. Zap! That one really stung!
Carrie just grinned at me. Then she held up the phone, to take a picture of me in my humiliating pose. She laughed.
Meanwhile the other girls were playing with me. Latitia was rubbing her hand up and down the inside of my thigh, getting closer and closer to my crotch each time. Elise was tickling my nipple.
“I think we ought to invite Mindy and Kailee down,” Lindsay said, grinning. “I think they’d like to see Kevin’s body.”
Mindy was Lindsay’s little sister. She was in fifth grade. Her friend was Kailee Fielding, who was in her class.
“I’ll go get them,” volunteered Latitia. She left the room.
Lindsay grinned. “I think we should make Kevin look like a scrumptious treat. What do you think?” The other girls laughed.
With the plastic fork, Linda scooped up a big wad of whipped cream icing from Latitia’s piece of cake, and dabbed it on my chest, right over my right nipple. It was cold, and it made my nipple tingle. She did the same thing with my left nipple. Then she took two strawberries and put them right in the middles of the piles of whipped cream, right over my nipples. The other girls laughed.
Just then the door flew open, and Mindy and Kailee came in. They were in pajamas, and they immediately saw me and laughed. Mindy pointed.
“Look at Kevin!” she chortled.
Lindsay grinned at the two girls. “We made him into a yummy dessert, just for you. If you want, you can eat his strawberries and lick up the whipped cream with your tongues.”
Mindy lost no time. She knelt down on the left side of the bed, leaned over my chest, and put her head down. She steadied herself by putting her hand on my underpants, and I could feel her little fingers touching my penis through the fabric. She opened her mouth and started licking my chest. I could feel her moist little tongue licking the whipped cream off my erect nipple. She was giggling.
“My, goodness! Doesn’t that look yummy!” Lindsay crooned. "Kailee, are you going to lick up Kevin’s whipped cream?’
Giggling, Kailee knelt down on the other side of me. She leaned over and opened her mouth. I felt her mouth on my chest, scooping up the strawberry with her lips. Then her little tongue started flitting back and forth over my right nipple.
“Isn’t he scrumptious!” Emily chortled.
After the girls had finished licking my body, Lindsay came up next to me. She had a warm washcloth and a towel. She cleaned the whipped cream residue off my chest, then patted me down with the towel. It felt good, but I had the funny feeling of being a possession that was being cared for. Anyway, it got all the whipped cream off me.
Once the whipped cream was gone and the cleaning session finished, the little girls were standing up. Kailee was looking at my underpants.
“What’s this?” she put her little index finger right on the spot where my penis was bulging. She rubbed her finger around in a circle.
“Oh, that,” Linda smiled. “That’s a very private part of Kevin.”
“Would you like to see it?”
“Yes, yes, yes!” Mindy and Kailee clapped their hands.
Linda leaned down to me and grinned. “Little Boy, we’re going to make you show Mindy and Kailee your penis. Won’t that be nice?”
“No!” I yelped. Carrie reached over, touched my nipple with the wand and zapped me again.
Linda continued, “We’re going to let Tina take off your underpants.”
Tina appeared, leaning over me. She was holding a pair of sewing scissors, and grinning evilly. “Look what I have!” she chortled. Guess what I’m gonna do with these!”
“No!” I yelped. “Please don’t!” Zap! My nipple was stinging again.
Tina held the scissors up in front of me and opened and shut them a couple of times. “Snip-snip!” she gloated.
Keeping the scissors closed, she touched my nipple with the tip. The metal was cold. She slowly dragged the point of the scissors lightly down my chest and into my bellybutton. The tip went around my bellybutton a couple times, then proceeded down the front of my underpants, lightly touching my penis through my underpants. She wiggled the tip lightly and giggled.
I lay there quivering. The girls around me were watching with rapt attention, grinning.
Then Tina picked up the scissors, opened them up, and slid one blade inside the left leg of my underpants. She giggled “Snip! Go the scissors!” and cut my underpants leg open, then slipped the blade into the other leg-hole and cut again “Snip! Go the scissors!” She set the scissors down, and pulled the front of my underpants up off me, diaper-style. “And off come the underpants!” She stood up, triumphantly holding the remains of my underpants, like a trophy.
And there I was, displaying my naked penis to all the girls in the room.
I looked around. There were Mindy and Kailee, pointing at my penis and giggling. Latitia had come back, and was grinning like a Cheshire cat. Lindsay and Lani were whispering to each other and tittering. Linda and Carrie were standing together, grinning in smug satisfaction. Elizabeth was standing back next to the door, oddly quiet. Emily and Elise were grinning at me, licking their lips lewdly.
“I’m gonna take a picture of you, Little Boy,” Carrie announced. She pulled out my cellphone, held it up, and clicked it. Then she leaned over and aimed it at my naked crotch and clicked again.
Linda grinned down at me. “Now we’re really going to have some fun with you, Little Boy!”
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
- Jeepman89
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Re: Going to the Christmas Party
The party is heating up. Love it! It's great that the little girls are involved in Kevin's naked embarrassment. Can't wait for the next part.
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