Bucket wrote: Tue Oct 01, 2024 1:22 pm
I knew it'd be a good idea to wait a little bit longer for an extra chapter or two! So nice to have an entire story to read from beginning to end!
Thanks Jastes. Will likely read later this week.
Btw, you ever think about writing a sequel to Maid for a Night? It's such an astonishing story, and Taylor is such an extremely submissive, fun protagonist.
Would love more if you're thinking about it.
Thank you! I can’t make any promises, but I do have an idea for a short sequel to MFAN. Again, no promises, but maybe.
I'll definitely take it!
Maid for a Night is the stuff of legends, and Taylor is one of the most submissive girls of any story around, which is so phenomenal! The more submissive, the better. I'll be there for the sequel in a heartbeat if you write it. (Well, I'd wait for a couple of chapters, but you know what I mean lol)
I'd actually wager half the forum members will be there for it too!
jastes22 wrote: Tue Oct 01, 2024 5:39 pm
Thank you! I can’t make any promises, but I do have an idea for a short sequel to MFAN. Again, no promises, but maybe.
BEST NEWS I HAVE HEARD TODAY!!! Hope you find the time to flesh out your idea and someday share the short sequel with us! I loved the story and the tantalizing progress of the plot. Great read.
I knew this was going to be excellent, but it was even better than I expected! A sequel to MFAN would be absolutely Incredible, (it's seriously one of the best stories ever) and after reading this, I have to say, a sequel to this would also be sensational! Stunning story!
Loved how you made very clear just how embarrassed Ashley was, to the point where it looked like she was constantly on the verge of an anxiety attack. Makes the story so much more realistic. And then of course the grand finale. The squirting orgasm. I can't express enough how much I'd love to see that so much more in ENF stories. Amazing as hell!
*I know I said this story was over, but I've got an idea for a Part 8 and a Part 9, so forgive me for expanding on the story a bit*
I laid there in my own cum for what felt like a long time, just floating in a blissful haze. At some point, my fingers found themselves in between my legs, fingering my pussy and sending carnal pangs of pleasure whenever my brain attempted to bring me down. Slowly, my fingering became less effective, and I reluctantly came down the most intense orgasm I had ever experienced in my life. I was covered in sweat and my lungs were on fire. I could barely think.
Reality slammed down on me like being plunged into an ice bath, and I pulled into a tight ball. What had I just done? I just allowed myself to be stripped naked—or even do it myself—in front of a boy who had a major crush on me, and then willingly let him photograph and document every private inch of me. And to top it all off, I had just gotten off on myself—one of the most humiliating things a teenage girl could do in front of another person—in front of him and his camera.
And I liked it. Oh, freak. I tried to tell myself it wasn’t true, that it was just everything coming at once, all the intensity of the situation and all the build-up, but I knew. I didn’t feel the kind of pleasure I had just experienced unless I was truly enjoying myself. Not only that, but I had agreed to do it again.
I grimaced at the thought. Maybe I could say no? Maybe I could explain to Drew that I had been caught up in the moment, that I didn’t really mean it. He wouldn’t never accept my excuses, I knew, and I would never deny him of my promise.
I rolled myself onto my knees and tried to stand, though my legs were far too shaky to stand properly. I nearly fell forward, but Drew caught me by my shoulders and held me still, his eyes looking down my chest.
I made no attempt to cover my body as Drew openly looked me up and down, his hands still gripping his camera. I doubted there was anything that would make him part with it.
“Can I…get my clothes?”
“I don’t know where they are. I think Lia took them all when she left,” he said, sounding genuinely apologetic. He watched me, expecting a reaction.
I swallowed hard, trying to think straight. No clothes? I was just confused, not even angry. Where were my clothes? “O-okay. Where are my panties, at least?”
“I know they’re here, Drew,” I said, hoping my stern tone would mask the growing panic of the thought of spending even longer completely naked.
He raised his hands in defeat. “Alright, alright. I’ll go find them. But it’s going to cost you.”
“What are you talking about?”
He stepped away for a moment before returning with two things, one in each hand. In one hand, wrapped up into a ball, were my nude-colored panties. It was noticeably wet, but I tried not to think about it, instead trying to determine what was in Drew’s other hand.
“What’s that?” I said, pointing to it.
“Do you want your panties or not?”
It felt like a trap, but I was too tired and exhausted to think about it. “Yes. Please.”
“Okay. Put your head on the ground, and spread your cheeks.”
I almost snapped back, almost told him to stuff it and storm outside, even without my clothes. Instead, I just stood there, naked and frozen.
“Down, Ash,” Drew said
I winced as he used my nickname. At first he used it to order me around. Now he used it like a pet name, like he owned me.
I fell to my knees again and bent over. My fingers reached for my cheeks and I pulled them apart. I couldn’t see him, but I could hear his heavy breathing as he looked at me for a moment.
The position felt natural to me. My head on the ground, my body an offering. I deserved to be humiliated like this. I had never felt this way, but it felt right.
What had Drew done to me?
Something cold and thick, like lotion, touched my buttcheeks and Drew started to spread it into my butthole. “H-hey!” I gasped, more out of surprise than actual annoyance.
“Hush, Ash,” Drew said, continuing his treatment. “You’re going to want this in a moment. Hold still.”
I wasn’t sure what he meant, but I held still as his fingers explored every inch of my rear end, lubricating my skin and tight anus. It seemed like he was taking a lot longer doing…whatever he was doing than he needed to. Occasionally, my body would shudder from his touch, and he would stop and look at me for a second, as if expecting me to crumble. I simply gritted my teeth and bore his treatment.
“Okay, you’re going to feel some pressure, but try not to move.”
The butt plug went inside me. I moaned loudly and pushed down on my legs to keep myself from tipping over.
The plug slipped in with the lube, firmly implanting itself into my butthole. It wasn’t painful, but it was strange and awkward. I laid there, breathing heavy, unable to think or move. Drew picked up my legs and started to slip on my panties. I breathed a quiet sigh of relief for the feeling of not being completely naked. I tried not to think about how humiliating it was that a boy was dressing me. Not that it mattered, considering everything else he saw.
He helped me stand. As I stood up and my buttocks naturally clenched together, I groaned at the pressure between my leg. This was seriously some sort of kink item for people?
“You’re going to keep that in until you get home,” Drew said.
He couldn’t be serious. No way was I keeping this in! “And if I don’t?”
He folded his arm. For some reason, the power imbalance between him and I, him clothed, me basically naked, struck me hard, and I felt myself blush and look down, like I had been caught doing something wrong.
“If you don’t, there will be consequences,” he said.
I opened my mouth to point out that he wouldn’t know if I did, but I decided against speaking up. It didn't seem like a good idea, for some reason.
“You can go now,” Drew said. “Your keys, phone, and wallet are by the door.”
Just another piece of evidence that Lia had been very deliberate in taking my clothes. “I…I can’t drive like this.” The thought of being completely naked in my car with the plug up my butt made me cringe.
Drew shook his head. “I’m not driving you.”
“If I drive you, it’s going to cost you,” he said.
I bit my lip. “What?”
“For the next hour, you have to do whatever I want,” he said.
I suppressed a shudder. Whatever he wanted? What did that mean? I had just allowed him to strip me, photograph me, and grope me without any resistance. If that hadn’t been “whatever he wanted,” I was terrified to see what was.
“N-no,” I managed. “I’ll drive myself.” My panties felt awkward and strange on me without anything else on. It made me feel even more naked
I cringed, waiting for Drew to say no or force me to take his deal. Instead, he simply nodded, and stepped aside. “Remember. The plug stays in,” he said.
I held back a scowl and headed towards the front door. My legs wobbled, still not used to the strange sensation of the butt plug. No way was I going to manage the almost 20-minute drive home almost completely naked and sitting on top of that plug.
I grabbed my keys, wallet, and phone. Instinctively, I moved to put them in my pocket, which, of course, I didn’t have any. Instead, I let my arms fall to my side awkwardly. I pointedly avoided Drew’s eyeline and opened the door. The rain had stopped some time ago, but it was still chilly outside, and I gritted my teeth at the sensation of the cold touching every inch of me.
Excellent! Drew has taken control of Ash. Ash finds her submissive side. A new relationship takes hold.
Wonderful, hot, chapter. Thanks. And thanks to Lia for taking Ash's clothes.
Let's hope there's more in store.
The door closed behind me, and I took in a deep, ragged breath. I couldn’t breathe, I couldn’t think. My fingers were trembling, clinging to my wallet, keys, and phone.
It was pitch-black, but that didn’t matter. The fact that I was nearly completely naked outside made me feel completely exposed. The night air, still moist from the earlier rain, was cold and wet. I never realized how much my clothes trapped heat until that moment. Teeth chattering and nipples hardening in response, I wrapped my arms around my body and squinted, looking for my car. I didn’t have time to sort through the raging storm of emotions right now or to think about how my relationship with Drew had changed completely in a matter of hours. I just needed to get home and—
A car came down the streets, the headlights blinding. I squeaked and held completely still. I was still in the dark. Even if the driver looked over—
The porch light turned on. Drew! I yelped and wrapped my arms around my body tighter, though with my fingers holding my keys, wallet, and phone, I couldn’t cover so much
The car stopped, and I felt my face blush. People were looking at me!
I took in a sharp breath, realizing I had no other choice. I raced down the driveway to my car, right in front of the headlights. The movement of my legs grinded the butt plug, sending a strange painful pleasure down my crotch, and I felt it slip. I squeaked. I couldn’t let it out, or Drew would punish me. I stopped, right in front of the car, pulling back both hands to pull my panties out and readjust the butt plug. I heard the car window open, and someone shouted, “Nice rack, tramp!” followed by raucous laughter. I shut my eyes, mortified, and hobbled the rest of the way to my car, holding in sensual groans from the butt plug.
I crawled into the driver's seat and started the ignition. I cranked up the heat and sped down the street, wanting nothing more than to put this whole night behind me.
Driving wearing only panties felt completely unnatural. Every shake or bump on the road made my boobs jiggle. I whimpered at everything, and my senses were dialed up to 11. My only comfort was that there was no around me to witness my shame.
the butt plug continued to grow more uncomfortable, burrowing itself deeper and deeper inside me. The pangs of pleasure were uncomfortable, and each one of them made me blush. This thing was humiliating. It should not be something I should’ve been getting off on.
I should’ve just pulled over and pulled it out. Drew wouldn’t know. And it wasn’t like I was going to keep it in all night. He said I could take it out when I got home. Why did it matter that I keep it in while I was driving?
Still…something stopped me. Even miles away, Drew had power over me. Drew’s commanding voice, how he had demanded my complete obedience, still had an effect on me, even from the safety of my car. I tried to tell myself that I didn’t want to pull over and get out—where someone could see me—as I retrieved the butt plug. It was a weak justification, but it was enough to keep me from pulling it out. I tried not to think about why I wasn’t taking it out and instead focus on getting home. Then I could take it out, and Drew couldn’t get mad at me.
As I pulled onto the highway, my thoughts wandered to the events of the night. I went through each step, each time I lost clothes or each command that Lia and Drew had given me. When had it all fallen apart? How had it fallen apart, and so quickly? The photoshoot couldn’t have been longer than an hour, and yet in that short time I had lost all my clothes and been ordered about like a pet. Was I really that desperate to be photographed and humiliated naked?
Red and blue lights pulled me out from my thoughts like a splash of cold water. I glanced at my speedometer. Distracted by my own thoughts, I was driving 30 over the speed limit.
And I was about to be pulled over. Completely naked.
No, no, no, no!
I didn’t have a choice. Swallowing hard and my heart racing, I pulled over to the side.
I rolled down the window as a male police officer stepped over, looking bored. Oh, this could not get any worse.
“Ma’am, do you know—” he cut off as he got a good view of my blatant nakedness. He shook his head, his eyes wandering to my neck.
The collar! I had completely forgotten about the collar still wrapped around my neck. Oh, the officer must’ve thought I was some kind of sex freak. I certainly looked the part.
“I’m going to need you to step outside your vehicle.”
“Don’t make me ask again.”
I opened the door and slowly stepped out, wrapping my arms across my chest. The asphalt road felt strange on my bare feet. I grimaced at the feeling of cars barreling past us. I was out in the open, naked, where anyone could see. Not only that, but the blinding blue-red lights of the police car would draw everyone’s attention.
“We’ve been having some trouble with drugs, so I’m going to have to search you.”
“Search you,” the officer repeated, sounding bored. “Some people have been known to hide drugs in their bodily…cavities. Now put your hands behind your back.”
I obeyed, grimacing as I lowered my hands and bared my tits once again. It felt like the busiest street in the state, each car sending a ripple of cold air and shaking me. I could only hope that they didn’t have a good enough view to see that I was almost completely naked.
The officer slapped the handcuffs around my wrists and pushed me onto the cop car, spreading my legs. Unceremoniously, he grabbed the sides of my panties and pulled them down. I whimpered as he took a second to digest the butt plug that was lodged firmly in my anus.
“Wow. You’ve got that quite a bit in there,” he said. He reached in between my cheeks and started to tug on the plug.
“Wait! I—ohhh!” He pulled the plug free, and I nearly collapsed on the asphalt. There was a quiet thump as the officer dropped the plug. More cars passed by, and I blushed at the realization that I was now completely naked and splayed across the cop car.
He leaned down and spread my cheeks and started to search for contraband. I held in a groan, but all I could think about was Drew’s fingers exploring me.
“Okay. Turn around.”
I turned on shaky legs, and the officer pushed me down again against the car, this time my pussy on display. He took out a small flight light, using one hand to illuminate my pussy, and the other to spread my sensitive pussy lips with his fingers.
I groaned loudly at his touch, and he looked at me. “You’re quite the whore, aren’t you?”
I didn’t know how to answer that, so I said nothing. Cars continued to pass by. There was no way someone didn’t see me being examined by the police officer. I may as well had sent a public photo to everyone in my address book with my privates on display.
“Good news. No contraband. But I am going to have to book you for public indecency,” the officer said.
“What? No!” If I did jail time, I would have a record. And I was still naked.
“I’m sorry, but it needs to be done. But because you’ve been compliant, I’ll give you a warning. You’ll just need to call someone to come pick you up and vouch for you. They need to be here within the next 20 minutes, though. My shift ends soon.”
I bit my lip. I had no idea where Lia was or how far away she was, or even if she would come. I had a few other friends in the area, but the thought of anyone seeing in my current state was horrifying.
Unfortunately, I could only think of one person who was close and had already seen me naked.
I strained to hear what Drew was saying.
“Thank you, officer. She’s normally better than this. I promise it won’t happen again.”
"Good. Make sure she understands the consequences of her actions."
"Oh, I will, Officer. Thank you."
I took in a deep, raspy voice as he opened the other door and stepped inside. “I hoped you learned your lesson.”
I had no idea what he was talking about, but the safe thing seemed to be to agree to everything. Anything to get out of my current situation. “Yes, Drew.”
“You disappoint me, Ash. Not only did you make me come out here, but you took out your butt plug.”
“Are you talking back to me?”
I blushed and fell silent.
“Now, about your punishment…”
I took in a sharp breath. Despite everything, the thought of being completely powerless to a Drew who was growing increasingly bolder terrified me. “I know. An hour of whatever you want.”
“Oh, Ash,” he said, reaching over and pinching a nipple. “I think you know that’s not going to be enough."
“No, I think a proper punishment would be me to have complete freedom to your body for the rest of the weekend. Lia has graciously agreed to let us use her home. In fact, she’s coming over right now.”
He turned to the road and started to drive as the panic started to build inside me. Two whole days?