I found it funny in the bathroom Lexie kept saying good boy to him like he was the family pet. Made wonder where Rob will sleep maybe they will have sleep naked at the foot of the bed like a dog or cat.Debbifan wrote: Mon Sep 30, 2024 10:45 am Part Thirty-Two
"I see you've got Rob with you again" called Doris, stating the obvious as we all got out of the car in Alison's driveway. The elderly widow was pruning her roses. "Yes" Alison confirmed. "He's been helping the school with its art classes." "Very good, I'm sure they benefitted greatly. But why's he still naked ?" Doris asked. I was getting used to being talked about as if I wasn't there. Alison explained about how Lexie had been in charge of me for the day and about the clothes in the locker and so on. "Such a good girl aren't you Lexie and so much responsibility they entrusted you with. It's wasn't your fault" Doris excused her, not that Lexie looked in any way put out by the turn of events that had led to me being there for the night. "Er, Alison ? Could we go inside ?" I finally managed to ask. "Oh yes Rob, of course. You must come round for a cup of tea Doris" Alison replied. "I shall do" the widow agreed.
"Have you at least got a dressing gown I could borrow ?" I asked once we were inside the house. "What do you think girls ? Should we let Rob have one of our gowns or shall we leave him naked ?" Alison replied with a twinkle in her eye. "Naked !" yelled Lexie. "OK, let's have a vote. Who thinks Rob should remain naked ?" said Alison. Three hands shot up. "Oh dear, I think you're outvoted Rob" Alison laughed. "I think Rob should always be naked when he comes to visit us" Lexie insisted. "I hadn't thought of that but maybe we could have another vote ?" suggested her mother. "Who votes that when ever Rob calls on us in future he has to take all his clothes off and leave them by the door ?" she asked the girls. Again, three hands shot up. I didn't know how serious that second vote was but did know that I was going to be remaining in the nude for the rest of this night.
"Dinner will be a little while I'm afraid Rob" Alison continued. "That's fine but I could do with a glass of water if that's OK ?" I replied. "Of course, get Rob a glass of water Lexie" Alison instructed her youngest. I gulped the glass of water down eagerly. "Was that OK ?" Lexie asked innocently. "Fine, a little bitter perhaps" I answered. "That'll be the extra chlorine they sometimes put in it. Does yours sometimes taste like that ?" Lexie replied. "Not that I've noticed but then I don't often drink tap water." "You should have give Rob bottled water, we've got another in the fridge" said Alison. "Sorry, I thought this'd be quicker" Lexie apologised. "No, no. No problem" I reassured her.
"Why not take a shower while we're waiting Rob ? You could surely do with one after all the activity today ?" Alison suggested. "Well, er..." I began but Alison cut me off. "Show him where it is Lexie." Lexie quickly took my hand. "Come on, it's upstairs" she informed me. "I'm going to go and start my revision mum, get it over and done with" Denise announced. "OK darling" her mother replied. The two girls followed me up the stairs and Lexie was unable to resist slapping my bare ass. "Lexie !" I scolded her as they both giggled. "Have fun" Denise called over her shoulder, as she carried on to what I assumed was her bedroom.
"There's the shower" Lexie pointed out unnecessarily. "Do you need to pee ? You haven't been since lunchtime ?" she enquired. I suddenly realised that I did indeed need to go. "Lexie ?" I pleaded when she made no move to depart. "What ? I need to make sure you don't splash" she laughed. I promised that I would be careful and would not splash but all the while, the urge to go and the pressure on my bladder increased. "Good boy" Lexie complimented me as I finally released a steady stream. "I won't tell mum what happened in the corridor earlier" she winked at me.
"Lexie, I'm perfectly capable of taking a shower by myself" I said petulantly once it became clear that the fully clothed girl still in her school uniform had no intention of leaving but was intent on watching me. "I was put in charge of looking after you for the day" she answered. "Yes, I know. But that was only at school" I argued. "They said I was in charge for today and it's still today now isn't it ?" Lexie responded with impeccable logic.
I had to admit that the jet of hot water was soothing. "Make sure you wash everywhere" Lexie demanded as I soaped myself. "Between your bum and under your foreskin" she emphasised. I was shocked. "What do you know about foreskin ?" "Quite a lot after earlier" she laughed. I could see that there was no way that I was going to get out of the shower without satisfying her demands but as I pulled back my foreskin to let the jet of water play around it, I felt my cock beginning to stir yet again. Surely it wasn't going to get hard once more after what had occurred in the school corridor ? "Good boy" Lexie complimented me again as she handed me a towel. "Just to dry off with though, you're not going to keep it" she insisted. "Here, let me help !"
"Ro-ob" I heard Denise cry as we left the bathroom. "You work in computing ?" she called. "Yes Niecy" I replied, though my everyday existence as a systems support engineer suddenly seemed light years away. "Can you take a look at this problem I've got with my computer studies module ?" she asked. I entered her bedroom to discover her at her desk and on a zoom call with her friend. "You weren't joking, you do still have him there naked" laughed Aditty from her end of the line. "And he's still hard, doesn't that ever go down" the Asian girl observed. "It did go down but Lexie's just had him in the shower" Denise explained. "He was cleaning under his foreskin" Lexie called from the doorway by way of further explanation. "He's a good boy" Niecy confirmed. "But we do really need some help with this piece of coding Rob." I bent down to look on her desk and study the code, conscious that my erect cock was only a matter of inches from Denise's face. "You smell nice" she commented on the refreshing shower gel I had used. That didn't help the state of my cock either.
Fortunately, the computing problem was within my area of expertise and I was able to help the girls with their coding. "Thanks so much Rob" said Denise, rising to kiss me on the cheek. Aditty made kissing noises through the screen. At which point there was a call from downstairs. "Come on down Rob, Doris is here and we've made tea" Alison shouted, Lexie taking my hands and dragging me to the stairs.
Mystery Email ( Part 71 February 25th )
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Re: Mystery Email ( Part 32 September 30th )
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Re: Mystery Email ( Part 32 September 30th )
And now she is washing him ALL over and putting sun screen on his genitals
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Re: Mystery Email ( Part 33 October 1st )
Part Thirty-Three
I could hear Doris and Alison talking as Lexie and I descended the stairs. "I think my Alfie's was a bit bigger" I heard Doris saying. "But it's what you do with it that counts" I heard Alison laugh. We walked into the room. "Oh, maybe I was wrong, now I can see it stiff again" said Doris. "What are you talking about ?" asked Lexie. "Nothing to concern you darling" her mother replied. "I thought you were talking about the size of Rob's willy" Lexie responded. "Which as I said, is no concern of yours young lady" Alison laughed. "Now pour the tea for us." "Rob can do that" Lexie insisted. "He ought to do something in return for his bed and board." "Quite right" Doris agreed.
It was no hardship to me but I still felt awkward pouring the tea for the three of them and asking if they wanted milk and sugar. "He's well trained" said Doris. "That'll be Lexie's doing" Alison laughed. "Take a cup up to Niecy will you Rob" she added. "She just has milk, no sugar."
"Thanks Rob" said Niecy as I put her tea down alongside her laptop. "Naked waiter service now I see" laughed Aditty from the other end of their zoom call. "Of course" Denise joined her in laughing.
It felt bizarre to be sitting there next to Lexie on the couch, sipping tea with Doris and Alison comfortable opposite me and with my prick still standing to attention despite my sitting down. "Will you join us for dinner Doris ? There's plenty" Alison asked. "No dear, I eat my main meal at lunchtime these days, meals on wheels deliver. But he is still going to come and tidy up my garden for the autumn on Saturday ?" "Of course" answered Alison on my behalf. "And he'll be like he is at the moment ?" Doris added, staring at my groin. "Of course" Alison agreed again, without bothering to see if that was OK with me. "What is it for dinner anyway mum ?" Lexie wanted to know. "Coq au vin" her mother replied. "Very appropriate" Lexie grinned as she placed a hand on my thigh precariously close to my own cock.
After Doris had left, it was almost time for the evening meal. Lexie teased that I should continue to be the naked waiter but in truth, there was not that much waiting duty to be done and we all shared the tasks of setting the table for four and serving up the chicken casserole and vegetables. I normally ate from a tray on my lap at home ( something that would have been impossible currently with my perennial erection, why wouldn't it go down ? ) and it was a pleasant novelty to be dining with company at a table. Even if it was so incongruous that I remained stark naked.
"Finished revision for today ?" Alison asked Denise as the second daughter joined us at the table. "Yeah, it gets to a point where it's counter productive. Rob was very helpful with the computing module" answered Niecy. "He's a good boy" agreed Lexie.
The meal was delicious, finished off with ice cream. Lexie helped me with the washing up, mainly so that she could swipe my bare ass with the dishcloth if she thought I was being too slow. "You go and watch tele mum, I'll make the coffee" said Denise.
I hadn't envisaged spending this evening sitting in the nude with three fully clothed females, watching sodding Emmerdale and Coronation Street. Even if the coffee was good. "This must be boring for you Rob" Alison observed as the second soap ended. "Do you want to watch the Champions League game ? We don't mind the football do we girls ?" she asked her daughters. "As long as, whenever a goal is scored, Rob goes out in the garden and emulates the celebration of the goal scorer" Lexie decided, to the amused agreement of the other two !
I could hear Doris and Alison talking as Lexie and I descended the stairs. "I think my Alfie's was a bit bigger" I heard Doris saying. "But it's what you do with it that counts" I heard Alison laugh. We walked into the room. "Oh, maybe I was wrong, now I can see it stiff again" said Doris. "What are you talking about ?" asked Lexie. "Nothing to concern you darling" her mother replied. "I thought you were talking about the size of Rob's willy" Lexie responded. "Which as I said, is no concern of yours young lady" Alison laughed. "Now pour the tea for us." "Rob can do that" Lexie insisted. "He ought to do something in return for his bed and board." "Quite right" Doris agreed.
It was no hardship to me but I still felt awkward pouring the tea for the three of them and asking if they wanted milk and sugar. "He's well trained" said Doris. "That'll be Lexie's doing" Alison laughed. "Take a cup up to Niecy will you Rob" she added. "She just has milk, no sugar."
"Thanks Rob" said Niecy as I put her tea down alongside her laptop. "Naked waiter service now I see" laughed Aditty from the other end of their zoom call. "Of course" Denise joined her in laughing.
It felt bizarre to be sitting there next to Lexie on the couch, sipping tea with Doris and Alison comfortable opposite me and with my prick still standing to attention despite my sitting down. "Will you join us for dinner Doris ? There's plenty" Alison asked. "No dear, I eat my main meal at lunchtime these days, meals on wheels deliver. But he is still going to come and tidy up my garden for the autumn on Saturday ?" "Of course" answered Alison on my behalf. "And he'll be like he is at the moment ?" Doris added, staring at my groin. "Of course" Alison agreed again, without bothering to see if that was OK with me. "What is it for dinner anyway mum ?" Lexie wanted to know. "Coq au vin" her mother replied. "Very appropriate" Lexie grinned as she placed a hand on my thigh precariously close to my own cock.
After Doris had left, it was almost time for the evening meal. Lexie teased that I should continue to be the naked waiter but in truth, there was not that much waiting duty to be done and we all shared the tasks of setting the table for four and serving up the chicken casserole and vegetables. I normally ate from a tray on my lap at home ( something that would have been impossible currently with my perennial erection, why wouldn't it go down ? ) and it was a pleasant novelty to be dining with company at a table. Even if it was so incongruous that I remained stark naked.
"Finished revision for today ?" Alison asked Denise as the second daughter joined us at the table. "Yeah, it gets to a point where it's counter productive. Rob was very helpful with the computing module" answered Niecy. "He's a good boy" agreed Lexie.
The meal was delicious, finished off with ice cream. Lexie helped me with the washing up, mainly so that she could swipe my bare ass with the dishcloth if she thought I was being too slow. "You go and watch tele mum, I'll make the coffee" said Denise.
I hadn't envisaged spending this evening sitting in the nude with three fully clothed females, watching sodding Emmerdale and Coronation Street. Even if the coffee was good. "This must be boring for you Rob" Alison observed as the second soap ended. "Do you want to watch the Champions League game ? We don't mind the football do we girls ?" she asked her daughters. "As long as, whenever a goal is scored, Rob goes out in the garden and emulates the celebration of the goal scorer" Lexie decided, to the amused agreement of the other two !
Last edited by Debbifan on Tue Oct 01, 2024 12:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Mystery Email ( Part 33 October 1st )
And of course Lexie finds the way for Rob to provide entertainment for them for the night.Debbifan wrote: Tue Oct 01, 2024 10:47 am Part Thirty-Three
I could hear Doris and Alison talking as Lexie and I descended the stairs. "I think my Alfie's was a bit bigger" I heard Doris saying. "But it's what you do with it that counts" I heard Alison laugh. We walked into the room. "Oh, maybe I was wrong, now I can see it stiff again" said Doris. "What are you talking about ?" asked Lexie. "Nothing to concern you darling" her mother replied. "I thought you were talking about the size of Rob's willy" Lexie responded. "Which as I said, is no concern of yours young lady" Alison laughed. "Now pour the tea for us." "Rob can do that" Lexie insisted. "He ought to do something in return for his bed and board." "Quite right" Doris agreed.
It was no hardship to me but I still felt awkward pouring the tea for the three of them and asking if they wanted milk and sugar. "He's well trained" said Doris. "That'll be Lexie's doing" Alison laughed. "Take a cup up to Niecy will you Rob" she added. She just has milk, no sugar.
"Thanks Rob" said Niecy as I put her tea down alongside her laptop. "Naked waiter service now I see" laughed Aditty from the other end of their zoom call. "Of course" Denise joined her in laughing.
It felt bizarre to be sitting there next to Lexie on the couch, sipping tea with Doris and Alison comfortable opposite me and with my prick still standing to attention despite my sitting down. "Will you join us for dinner Doris ? There's plenty" Alison asked. "No dear, I eat my main meal at lunchtime these days, meals on wheels deliver. But he is still going to come and tidy up my garden for the autumn on Saturday ?" "Of course" answered Alison on my behalf. "And he'll be like he is at the moment ?" Doris added, staring at my groin. "Of course" Alison agreed again, without bothering to see if that was OK with me. "What is it for dinner anyway mum ?" Lexie wanted to know. "Coq au vin" her mother replied. "Very appropriate" Lexie grinned as she placed a hand on my thigh precariously close to my own cock.
After Doris had left, it was almost time for the evening meal. Lexie teased that I should continue to be the naked waiter but in truth, there was not that much waiting duty to be done and we all shared the tasks of setting the table for four and serving up the chicken casserole and vegetables. I normally ate from a tray on my lap at home ( something that would have been impossible currently with my perennial erection, why wouldn't it go down ? ) and it was a pleasant novelty to be dining with company at a table. Even if it was so incongruous that I remained stark naked.
"Finished revision for today ?" Alison asked Denise as the second daughter joined us at the table. "Yeah, it gets to a point where it's counter productive. Rob was very helpful with the computing module" answered Niecy. "He's a good boy" agreed Lexie.
The meal was delicious, finished off with ice cream. Lexie helped me with the washing up, mainly so that she could swipe my bare ass with the dishcloth if she thought I was being too slow. "You go and watch tele mum, I'll make the coffee" said Denise.
I hadn't envisaged spending this evening sitting in the nude with three fully clothed females, watching sodding Emmerdale and Coronation Street. Even if the coffee was good. "This must be boring for you Rob" Alison observed as the second soap ended. "Do you want to watch the Champions League game ? We don't mind the football do we girls ?" she asked her daughters. "As long as, whenever a goal is scored, Rob goes out in the garden and emulates the celebration of the goal scorer" Lexie decided, to the amused agreement of the other two !
- Jeepman89
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Re: Mystery Email ( Part 33 October 1st )
I love Lexie's suggestion that he run bare naked in the garden and emulate the goal celebrations! Looks like Rob will be doing more naked gardening on Saturday for Doris. That should be fun as well. Who will be there to witness it, I wonder.
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Re: Mystery Email ( Part 33 October 1st )
Addity would be a good choice she was in the art class and I believe suggested the girls take pictures of naked Rob so they could work on their sketches outside of class.Jeepman89 wrote: Tue Oct 01, 2024 12:21 pm I love Lexie's suggestion that he run bare naked in the garden and emulate the goal celebrations! Looks like Rob will be doing more naked gardening on Saturday for Doris. That should be fun as well. Who will be there to witness it, I wonder.
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Re: Mystery Email ( Part 33 October 1st )
I still would like Lexie to find a way to invite a half dozen more girl that had not see Rob (or any male( naked, Perhaps a slumber party and Lexie needs to chase Rob out of the bedroom so the girls can change to stress that males can NOT even see girls in their underwear even though said male is naked and will stay that way. It would be interesting to hear how Rob feels about that. Would he be upset, would he think it was a double standard or would he understand and accept that they could see his and he will never see theirs.Vader wrote: Tue Oct 01, 2024 12:42 pmAddity would be a good choice she was in the art class and I believe suggested the girls take pictures of naked Rob so they could work on their sketches outside of class.Jeepman89 wrote: Tue Oct 01, 2024 12:21 pm I love Lexie's suggestion that he run bare naked in the garden and emulate the goal celebrations! Looks like Rob will be doing more naked gardening on Saturday for Doris. That should be fun as well. Who will be there to witness it, I wonder.
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Re: Mystery Email ( Part 33 October 1st )
Not that Lexie would need any help in her schemes with Rob she has already proven that she is beyond extremely skilled at getting his clothes off him and putting him in embarrassingly humiliation situations but if for some reason she ever did I sense Addity would be more than happy to help.
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Re: Mystery Email ( Part 33 October 1st )
Perhaps a backyard BBQ with a couple dozen ladies plus their daughters all fully clothed and one very naked Rob. Lexie could add that if any other male attends, he or they (the males) all would have to be naked too so Rob would not feel out of place.Vader wrote: Tue Oct 01, 2024 3:24 pm Not that Lexie would need any help in her schemes with Rob she has already proven that she is beyond extremely skilled at getting his clothes off him and putting him in embarrassingly humiliation situations but if for some reason she ever did I sense Addity would be more than happy to help.
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