Vignettes of Californium, Part XIII – Back to the Beach, or Sea of Erections

Stories about boys ending up in compromising situations, preferably naked and embarrassed, as the name suggests.
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Vignettes of Californium, Part XIII – Back to the Beach, or Sea of Erections

Post by ogden_edsl »

Nearly a full decade had passed since the day that Annie Townsend had led two families and another couple out to Carson Beach, with the secret mission of giving all of the males in the group their first experience of public nudity. Now she was resolved to have a reunion of sorts, to try to get everyone together who was there that day and go back out to the beach once more. She had a feeling that they would find things a little different from the way they had been then, in the first year of the “CFNM Revolution”.

So she started making calls. It was more logistically complicated; instead of three couples, now there were five. And perhaps some of those five would want to issue their own invites; she herself had a family she wanted to invite that wasn’t a part of the original group. But in the end, she had everything set up for a Saturday, three weeks in the future.

The new family that Annie had chosen to invite was one whose mother was one of her fellow guests at that “girls retreat” trip that had started it all. They had regularly kept in touch since then, particularly in her “girls’ retreat alumnae” email group. Her name was Janet Harrell and her husband was named Martin. They were both now a little over forty years old, and had three children: fourteen-year-old twins Tommy and Stephanie and eleven-year-old Susanna.

The twins were both a little in age beyond the “new generation”; they did have some memories of life before CFNM, although far fewer than those who had come before. Susanna, however, fell squarely into that generation; although born before the males in her family ever started going naked; she had no memories of that time.

Over the years of her childhood, Susanna had cultivated a particular interest in dolls. By now, she had a fairly large collection of them. Her favorite one, however, gave a new meaning to the term “living doll”: her older brother. That included bathing, grooming, dressing (when necessary), and undressing (which she liked much better). Like the other girls whose life experiences were entirely under CFNM, she now believed in having unfettered access to all male bodies. For Tommy’s part, he was quite cooperative, especially once puberty struck him. And he was one of the youngest boys of his age to begin puberty; at fourteen, he already had the genitals of a fully-grown man, which made him all the more attractive to girls wanting CFNM experiences.

The three of them also virtually matched Collin and Cassandra in hair lengths, the two girls both with hair nearly to the waist while Tommy’s was not much longer than a crew cut. And like Cassandra, Susanna sported a considerable amount of jewelry, including the tiara.

As it turned out, there were seven couples or families participating: besides the Townsends and Langfords and their younger children, there was Alana and Adam, Vanessa and Clayton, the Harrells, the Reeds (the couple who had come along on the original beach trip, now with two children in tow, a five-year-old boy and a three-year-old girl), and lastly Alana’s longtime best friend Ingrid and her now-husband Jimmy. It made for a mini-caravan on the freeway headed to the beach on a summer Saturday.

Not long before, Alana and Ingrid had met up at Ingrid’s old family home, recently sold. As they were going through Ingrid’s stuff she still had there to decide what to take over to her current residence, Ingrid came across an old magazine which she tossed it over to Alana with an expression of disgust. On the cover was a photo of a young woman in a bikini. “Can you believe this?” she asked Alana. “It’s so…so…”


“Yeah, exactly. Slutty! Could you imagine ever wearing something like that?” Alana smiled to herself. Ingrid appeared to have completely forgotten that at one time, during her teenage years, she had had a bathing suit wardrobe consisting almost entirely of bikinis.

On arriving at the beach, the group was able to find parking for all of their vehicles, and the occupants climbed out and gathered the things that they intended to carry down to the beach. All of the males were completely naked, while the females had on either their one-piece suit by itself or shorts and for some of them a shirt over it. They walked to the edge of the beach and surveyed what they saw.

That first trip had been only months after the start of the “CFNM Revolution”, and while they certainly did not end up as the only group with naked males, most men and boys still wore trunks. Over the next few years, male suits either went through a steady shrinking process first down to speedos, then a thong, and perhaps a second, smaller thong, or else many took the plunge and ditched a swimsuit completely right from the start. (The Townsend-Langford males had followed something in between these two alternatives, switching to speedos for a few months at pool parties before the beach visit where they were stripped naked.) By this time, the transitional period was over. From their vantage point they could not see any men or boys who were not naked and indeed, in the entire four-something miles of Carson beach that day, there would be between the entire male population not a single scrap of clothing. But that for them was not the real eye-opener.

Almost from the time that public male nudity first began to appear, a debate rose over the acceptability of being erect in public. There was a general consensus that typically, such a thing was “gauche” (although restrictions had been loosening over the years). On the beach, however, the atmosphere was relaxed, the toleration high. Before the year of the beginning of the “CFNM Revolution” had ended, the first erections had begun to appear on public beaches. Over the following years, they would become more and more prevalent on the beach, until by this time pretty much every male there who was physically capable of one wanted one.

And so it was that when the Townsend-Langford group viewed the beach, what they saw was a virtually unbroken display of erections as far as they could see down the shoreline.

Although Jimmy and Adam were the only ones in the group who had actually been erect on a public beach before, only for the three fathers, among those males old enough for their penises to erect, would doing so be a truly new experience; the others had experienced something similar before; for example, Clayton had been erect on stage during the Young Mr. Californium competition, and Danny had been erect many times in front of girls he only casually knew during sleep-overs.

They stared in silence for a short time. It was Benny Reed who broke it. “Wow, I don’t believe this. OK, I would never have imagined that I’d be as accustomed to being naked in public as I am now, but – erect? Are we really up to that? I have to think…” His speech cut off suddenly by an unexpected feeling in his body. His wife had come over to him and begun to apply sunscreen to his naked body. When she got to his groin, she made it a point to go over his genitals repeatedly, as his penis sprang up from its flaccid position and expanded outward and upward. She didn’t finish until it was pointed straight out in front of him. Meanwhile, the other males got their own application of sunscreen in similar fashion from wife, girlfriend, or sister(s) until their own penises joined Benny’s in erect state.

By the time the group walked on to the beach, it was a parade of full erections. With an unhappy exception: to Collin Townsend’s great disappointment, his body just wasn’t physically mature enough. Even with a stimulus help from his "twin", Cassandra Langford. Finally, he grabbed his penis and held it out in front of him in a faux erection. Some onlookers were amused by that, but some boys began following his lead. The experience of the day would make a deep impression upon Collin; from that day forward, whenever he thought it was a situation when he should erect, he would likewise grab his penis and hold it straight outward, until he was old enough for it to stand erect on its own.

The females waited to apply sunscreen to themselves until they arrived at their setup point for the day. For them, the process was much quicker, especially as they had only their legs, arms, and faces to apply it to. Their suits reached up to their necks in both front and back, completely covered their torso on both sides, including all cleavage, and extended down to the upper thighs, safely insuring that the suits could not rise up and reveal any of their buttocks. The younger girls like Cassandra and Susanna, who made it even more of a point to cover themselves, had even less skin to spread sunscreen on as their suits, like the ones that older girls now wore to school swim classes, reached down almost to the knees.

The human mind can be a wondrous thing in its adaptability. And so it was with the mental outlook of the males of Californium. As the female contingent covered their bodies more and more over time, the definition in the male mind of sexy began to change. It was not unprecedented; geishas had long been regarded as sexual in Japan despite showing very little skin. And now, even if female swimsuits showed much less skin than they typically did a decade before, the beach was nevertheless still a place where one could see more female skin, in particular bare legs, than anywhere else. So seeing female legs was now enough to help keep their penises erect without further stimulation. And it also mattered that while these suits covered a lot more skin, they did not hide curves; although cleavage was completely concealed, the shape of their breasts under their suits was still very much in evidence.

There was another factor doing so as well. The males were all fully conscious, not just of their own total nudity but of the fact that all of the other males there were totally naked as well. Never before had there been as complete and stark a “double standard” in clothing, or lack of it, as well as in overall modesty of behavior, as was to be found on the beaches of Californium. This stimulation was even stronger when males observed any females gazing at their naked bodies.

Sofia Townsend was one of those most interested in taking in the surroundings, from where she had set down her beach towel. Nearby, a group of teenage girls was playing a ring-toss game, using their boyfriends as the board. The soft rings they were using had become a hot seller in the beachside area. One of the girls squealed with delight as the ring she threw landed perfectly around one of the poles.

Sofia also observed a number of young men and women playing beach volleyball. She was particularly interested in the effect whenever one of the men leaped up high to hit a ball over the net. And far from feeling any embarrassment over having a penis bouncing wildly up and down and around, another group of males were intentionally trying to produce the effect by doing jumping jacks and similar exercises. When one of them realized that she was watching them, he waved at her; she waved back. The girls that joined in on these events provided a sharp contrast, as their suits not only completely covered their breasts but held them firmly in place to prevent bouncing.

In former days, guys at the beach would have tried to steal furtive glances at girls’ bodies, especially their exposed cleavage, hoping that they weren’t being too obvious about it. Sofia was not old enough to remember those days personally, but she had read some material about them and heard talk from her older siblings (and from her now brother-in-law, Adam Langford). She knew that on the other hand, in this new order there was no need for her to use those tactics; she was free to ogle the males’ naked bodies as directly and for as long as she liked.

To be continued…
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Re: Vignettes of Californium, Part XIII – Back to the Beach, or Sea of Erections

Post by tim409 »

CFNM is good and Pure CFNM is even better (by pure, all women and girls are modestly dressed and will not be seen even in underwear while males are totally naked. I love your new CFNM and maybe we can call it CFTNM and the T would be totally meaning the naked male would have an erection and if he has a foreskin, that would be pulled back to expose the glans of his penis and therefore he would not hide anything.
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Re: Vignettes of Californium, Part XIII – Back to the Beach, or Sea of Erections

Post by ogden_edsl »

Cassandra was engaged in what had quickly become her favorite beach activity – penis-batting. Going over to one of the erect penises, she either slapped it firmly or pulled it downward as far as she could, then let go. Then she gazed in delight as the penis swung back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, before finally snapping back into position. It was especially satisfying if she was able to produce a smack of a penis hitting the male’s body. Then she tried to get two going at the same time, pushing one down as far as it would go, letting go, then running over to another male and quickly slapping it in motion while the first one was still going. She particularly delighted with doing that with both of her brothers, Adam and Danny. Eventually she moved on to do Clayton's, Jimmy's, and Benny Reed's before noticing another young girl nearby doing the same thing. She walked over in that direction and soon had the satisfaction of producing a whole new set of swinging penises. They soon began working in sync to get the penises swinging together at the same time. The other girl’s name was Faith, and she was a year older than Cassandra. The two soon began sharing their respective CFNM experiences. Faith’s family had been coming to the beach regularly over the years, but while she had delighted at seeing all of the naked male flesh each year, this year was the first that she or anyone else had engaged in the penis-batting, which made the experience a lot more fun.

Fourteen-year-old Tommy Harrell lay on his back, his naked body taut and strained, a victim of over-stimulation.

That condition had a multitude of sources. It began with the fact that he was a fourteen-year-old boy, with hormones that were, if anything, raging even stronger than the average boy of that age. Second was the initial stimulation that produced his erection, which his two sisters carried out with especial gusto that stimulated him even then to a point beyond that of the other males in the group. Then there was the feeling he shared with all of his fellow males of experiencing the complete contrast between their total nudity – further emphasized by their fully erect penises – with all of the skin covered by the female swimsuits. And lastly, his large-for-his-age penis had attracted another young girl who, together with Susanna, had begun a sustained penis-batting game, the object being to see which of them could get it to swing back and forth the most times before it snapped back into its erect position, with a bonus if they got it to smack against his body. Over and over and over again his penis was grabbed, pulled, and slapped, his excitement level building up more and more inside him until he found himself on the edge of losing control of himself completely. He was on the verge of begging them to stop, when fortuitously they did so on their own. But it was at least partially too late. Although he strained himself to try to prevent it, a jet of sperm soon shot out from his rock-hard penis, then one more. It was a reflection of both his state of mind and the overall attitudes on the beach that the dismay that that produced was less over any embarrassment of ejaculating in public as the prospect, if that continued, of losing his erection completely and having to spend the rest of his time there in a flaccid state. So he redoubled his efforts to try to keep his remaining sperm inside him, and after a short time the feeling subsided somewhat, although he would remain in a state of heightened arousal for the rest of his time at the beach. And while incidents of actual sex on the beach were rare (and more often were at night or at more secluded parts of the beach), these mostly unintended ejaculations – especially from hyper-hormonal boys – happened often enough that he did not feel any immediate need to clean up the ejaculate, even that which had landed on his body.

After lunch, Annie suggested to her husband Robert and the Townsends to take a walk down the beach. They all readily agreed. The Harrell parents wanted to come too, so it was a group of six who set out.

There were many more people on the beach than they had encountered in their first multi-family trip, which Annie had intentionally targeted to take place in an off-peak day. This did afford the opportunity to do more people-watching. And for them to be watched in turn, if anyone wanted to. Although neither the Townsend or Langford parents could be called young – they had married children, after all – none of them had bodies that weren’t suitable for the beach. As a result of the self-conscientiousness about their bodies from going around naked so much, the rate of male obesity in Californium had undergone a major decline since the introduction of CFNM. And despite showing much less skin on the beach than formerly, the obesity rate for women had actually declined as well -- formerly they watched their weight alone; now they and their man were a team. For these couples, it was more through diet than dieting. One would not often find “junk food” meals at the Townsend or Langford tables for many years now.

Other than the pre-adolescents, every male that the group observed on their walk was naked and firmly erect. They did not know it, but they could have walked the entire four-plus miles of Carson Beach that day without seeing otherwise. That provided a visual smorgasbord for Annie and the other women to gaze at. There were many good-looking and shapely women as well, all dressed in the fully torso-covering one-piece suits to be found on the teen and adult females up and down the beach. It was on observing a woman with particularly large breasts (their cleavage, but not their shape, completely hidden by the suit) that Jeff recalled that he really did not have the freedom to gaze that the women had – even under their modest suits, the women didn’t like their bodies being stared at like that.

By then, the men really preferred the modest one-piece suits – even if they didn’t realize it. It was a part of their mental adaptation to CFNM. Jeff recalled back to one day in particular, probably three years into the “CFNM revolution”. By then, bikinis had become a rarity, so it was noteworthy when the TV aired then-current footage of not one, not two, but three women all together in revealing bikinis. Jeff stared at their bodies until the video cut away. That night, he had unusual difficulty in making love. Eventually, he realized why. Night after night after night after night for three years, he had been sexually turned on by the contrast between the ever-more frequent nudity of himself and other males with the steadily increasing skin coverage of what females wore, reinforced by new experiences each day. But on that night, when his mind turned in that direction, the image of the three women in bikinis kept intruding.

That did turn out to be his personal swan song for the bikini. He never saw another one again except in dated photos or video. And eventually, the image faded away completely from his mind, never to trouble him again.

On the way back to their space on the beach, they took a dip into the sea, the first time in either trip than anyone in the group had done so, doing so at the end so they could dry themselves off upon returning to their spots. They spent much of that time standing in waist-deep water, so that the women could see the men’s erections bobbing up and down with the waves.

Laura was watching Cassandra, still with newly-met companions. Her younger self would never have believed that a girl not even close to being finished with elementary school would repeatedly grab male genitals – including on adults – like it was an everyday thing. Probably it was an everyday thing for her.

“Have you ever touched a penis?” she asked Annie, “Other than Robert’s, that is.”

“I did have one boyfriend that I was sexually active with, before I met Robert.”

“How about since then?”


Laura pointed in Cassandra’s direction. “Maybe it’s about time that we started playing catch-up with those girls.”


“No better time than right now. We’ve got all of these bodies right here.”

“How many guys do you want to have?”

“The more the merrier, I say.”

If it was the more the merrier, than there did indeed end up being a lot of merriment. Laura’s thought was to take as many males as they could recruit, line them all up in a row, then each of the women would go down the line playing with each penis in turn. They got all of the adults and almost-adults in their party to participate, the men being all too willing to be felt up by a whole series of females. And then as they were lining up the males, some others around them got curious about what they were doing and when they were told, asked to join in also. That included some more couples as well as a few unattached people of each sex. They ended up with a row of fifteen males, all with penises pointed straight out from them.

Laura had the honor of going first down the line. The first man was one of those she didn’t know. He looked to be about twenty-five. So her attention was divided – while part of her mind was engaged in chatting with the young man and finding out something about him, another part was focused on where her hands were – gently fondling his balls with one hand and his erect penis with the other, then reaching around with one hand to feel up his butt-cheeks as well.

After about a minute, she let go of his penis and moved down to fondle the next male in line, while the next female behind her started her turn down the row, then on to each male in turn. Some of the women ran their hands all the way up and down the man’s body at least once, while others kept them the entire time on his genitals and butt. They were trying not to push the males to the point of ejaculation, at least the sexually active ones – for them, that would come that night. And with the others, Laura and the other women sought to make sure that every female would get a chance with each erect penis. So if some male felt like he was about to ejaculate, he stepped out of the line for a short time, then walked down and stood at the end of the line so that any women who had to skip him would get their turn with him.

Some of the women there didn't treat their own sons any differently. But when Laura got down to Danny, though, she hesitated. Play with her own son’s genitals? But seeing her hesitation, Danny spoke up, saying “Go ahead, Mom. I’m perfectly willing. Cassandra has done something like this with Dad, right?” When she still hesitated, Danny continued “Maybe it would be better if I say, ‘Go ahead, Mrs. Langford, or, Go ahead, Laura.” And for Laura, it was better. So she went ahead.

Annie, Alana, and most of the other women treated their husbands or significant others just like everyone else on the line. But when Laura reached Jeff, she did something entirely different. Pushing his erection up against his body with one hand, she threw herself up against him and embraced him so that both of their bodies could feel his erection, giving him a long, passionate kiss, her hands reaching around him and downward to caress his bare butt. Then she whispered in his ear, “Just a preview of tonight.”

There was one male on the line – one of those she was meeting for the first time -- that had particularly intrigued Laura, but she didn’t have enough time to find out much about him then. So she went back afterwards to talk to him some more. He was someone with a background she hadn’t encountered before.

His name was Jack, and he was eighteen years old, one of those who was unattached. Unattached for good reason. A loner, Laura originally thought, but that wasn’t quite right. Not a loner, but lonely. He was terribly shy and had few, if any, friends. He had also been shy about becoming naked, but unlike other body-shy boys like Richie at Camp Californium who had friends to help them become CFNM converts, Jack had had no one. No siblings, either – he was an only child. He had gone through that process all by himself, much later than just about all the other boys in his age range. No one had every forced him, ridiculed him,, or even said anything to him in times and places where had been the only male who wasn’t naked, but eventually he had become very self-conscious about it. And so eventually he had forced himself to strip, slowly. It had taken him a long time, but steadily he had worn less and less until the day he first went out in public naked. And eventually, something clicked in his mind and he had grown to like it. This was his first time being naked at the beach, or erect in public. He had been scared to go stand in the line – the only male who had been – but excited also. Laura decided that she wanted to help him.

“There’s a young man who was in the line, I want to invite him over to meet our family and friends,” she told Jeff. “I got his email address.”

To be continued...
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Re: Vignettes of Californium, Part XIII – Back to the Beach, or Sea of Erections

Post by ogden_edsl »

<duplicate contents deleted>
Last edited by ogden_edsl on Fri Sep 27, 2024 5:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Vignettes of Californium, Part XIII – Back to the Beach, or Sea of Erections

Post by ogden_edsl »

<duplicate contents deleted>
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Re: Vignettes of Californium, Part XIII – Back to the Beach, or Sea of Erections

Post by TeenFan »

The first paragraph of the previous chapter was superb. Tommy Harrell had a very good day indeed.

Adding this shy 18 year old into the mix, very intriguing.
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Re: Vignettes of Californium, Part XIII – Back to the Beach, or Sea of Erections

Post by ogden_edsl »

Accidentally left off a paragraph in transferring from my computer into this window. I added it to the beginning of the second sub-part.
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Re: Vignettes of Californium, Part XIII – Back to the Beach, or Sea of Erections

Post by tim409 »

Along with the penis batting there should be a grab some nuts events ... o1_500.gif
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Re: Vignettes of Californium, Part XIII – Back to the Beach, or Sea of Erections

Post by ogden_edsl »

Although penises may be grabbed/slapped/batted in these tales (particularly in later stories when male body boundaries have broken down), scrotums, which are more susceptible to pain, will be treated more gently. Other than a brief butt-spanking with a ping-pong paddle in part X, I have not included any passage in which there is a deliberate attempt to really cause pain.

I did lift something from your story: that while male penises be fully permitted to swing and bounce around, female breasts be held firmly in place by clothing to prevent such action, so as to further contrast the sexes. As I have sometimes done before, I inserted this as an edit to an already-posted story, in this case section 1 of this part. (I have done edits to fix typos and other things that I consider to be errors, as well as adding minor story changes that I consider to be improvements.) Actually, I had previously included that same type of passage in a never-posted story; your description served as a reminder that I ought to include it here too.
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Re: Vignettes of Californium, Part XIII – Back to the Beach, or Sea of Erections

Post by ogden_edsl »

The following includes depictions of (consensual) sexual intercourse

Later in the day, Danny decided to go over and participate in the athletics. He was quickly joined by Sofia, Clayton and Vanessa. The four of them started out with doing jumping jacks, with the males and females in lines facing each other. Some others soon joined on each side. The males all made extra effort to get their stiff penises to swing and gyrate around as much as possible. Tommy and Stephanie eventually joined in as well, but Tommy jumped more slowly, afraid that if he went all-out he would excite himself to the point that he would ejaculate on the beach again.

After that, Danny and Vanessa played some beach volleyball against Clayton and Sofia. Both sides tried to arrange their play so that Danny and Clayton would do all of the jumping at the net.

To all of them, and to the others in their party, the events of the day again provided a convincing demonstration of why CFNM made so much sense. None of the women or older girls liked it when males (other than their husbands/boyfriends, for those who had them) stared directly at their breasts, even when fully covered (which in that day and age, they always were in public). That went particularly so with the females in the Townsend and Langford families, since curvaceousness ran in the women in those families, especially Laura’s. On the other hand, the males all not only let females look at their exposed genitals and ass, they clearly wanted them to. They had also lined up to let a bunch of women, including some they had never met, grope and fondle their naked bodies. They even showed themselves willing to let prepubescent girls play with their genitals.

The group packed up their belongings and headed home late in the afternoon, all of them feeling heavily impacted by what they had seen and experienced.

In fact, before the following morning came virtually the entire male population that had been at the beach that day who were physically old enough would have sex, whether with or without a partner.

Tommy Harrell would be one of the first. While the others’ erections had partially subsided by the time they got back home, he was still just about as fully erect as when he had left the beach. As soon as he arrived at home and got inside, he rushed down to the basement bedroom that he shared with his sisters, leaped onto his bed, and began vigorously masturbating, not caring at all at that point who saw him; besides, his sisters had already seen him do so before. But after a couple of minutes he slowed down, wanting to prolong the feeling as long as he could. At first, his mind was focused fully on all that he had experienced that day, especially when the two girls had been using him for a penis-batting toy. Before long, however, his mind drifted into his favorite fantasy, customized for the events of the day: He was back on the beach, naked and erect as before, but now surrounded by a bevy of teenage girls, even in the fantasy clad in the modest one-piece suits since he had never seen one dressed on the beach or pool any other way and like with other males now the contrast between his nudity and their non-nudity was strongly arousing for him. Some of the girls were real, while others existed only in his fantasy. He was lying on his side, and the girls had their hands all over him. Chest, belly, back, penis, scrotum, buttocks, thighs, all were being handled and caressed by one girl or another. For several minutes he was enraptured by the caresses of his body from so many girls. Then one of the girls – the one he considered the most beautiful and voluptuous -- began to make love to him. She did not remove any part of her suit; that would only come near the end. Instead, she lay down next to him, used her palm to push his erect penis up against his body, then pressed her swimsuit-covered body against his naked one as she wrapped her arms around his body as she pressed her lips up against his; his fantasy self felt his penis and scrotum rubbing up against both of their bodies as well as her breasts pressing up against his chest through her suit. Some of the other girls continued to fondle his butt-cheeks and other parts of his body that she was not now covering.

He was only vaguely aware that at some point his sisters had come down also and were now watching him.

With each thrust of his penis – in real life -- he gave a soft moan of pleasure; his fantasy self began to do likewise, in sync, rubbing up against the fabric of the girl’s swimsuit. Each time that he felt himself about to climax, he slowed down to prolong the experience. It was only when Stephanie approached him and whispered to him “Dinner’s almost ready” that he kept going; only then did the girl in his fantasy remove her suit enough to allow penetration, one breast exposed but one still covered. (In this his vision was aided by the sole depiction that he had ever seen of a woman with exposed breasts – a picture that dated from the pre-CFNM era.) A few minutes later, his sisters were able to observe sperm shooting out again and again from his penis.

The introduction of CFNM had had a profound stimulatory effect on the sex lives of each of the couples. The extreme differences in clothing each day coursed through their minds in bed each night, further enhanced by the extreme differences in clothing in bed as well. And over time, as those differences kept becoming more frequent and more widespread, the effect on their sex lives continued to grow. But even then none of them had experienced anything like that day at the beach: each of them had seen hundreds of men, every single one of them naked and, except for the younger boys, with full erections, while all of the females wore modest swimsuits completely covering cleavage, midriffs, and backs. Not only that, but they had all witnessed – and sometimes been part of -- a multitude of erections swinging and bouncing wildly around, as well as many being repeatedly slapped and batted around by girls. And above all was when the men had all stood in line and had their entire naked bodies freely groped and fondled by a whole series of women, all out in the open for everyone else to see.

(For some teenage boys, this proved too much to wait until they got back home. Here and there there were places, off the beach but not all that private, where one could find throughout the latter part of the day a handful of them jerking off.)

One result of the day’s experiences was that while the other males were not in the nearly fully erect state that Tommy Harrell was in when they returned home, they remained partially so, and it would not take much to restore them to what they had been out on the beach.

It was now late in the evening. Both of them had on what they customarily wore to bed. In Adam’s case, that of course meant what he wore almost all the time that he and Alana were together, and what he had worn all day: nothing. Standing in front of their bathroom mirror was always one of the best places for them to fully appreciate the difference in clothing between them.

But then there was a difference: as they went into their bedroom and Adam approached the bed, Alana said, “Stop! Remain standing where you are. Keep your arms at your side.” He of course did so at once.

She walked up to him, put her palms on his body, and began gently rubbing them on him, all over. Eventually her hands settled on his penis and scrotum, stroking them until he was, once more, fully erect.

While Alana was still on the beach, she had confided with Ingrid about her plans for lovemaking that evening, and something particular she had in mind to share. Ingrid had agreed to be in on it. And before they had left the beach, Vanessa as well.

At that point, she began to carry out part of what she had talked about with Ingrid and Vanessa: doing some penis-batting of her own. So now she began gently slapping Adam’s erect penis back and forth, as well as pulling it down to see it bounce back up and down, over and over. After several minutes, she pulled out her cell phone, sending a video recording of , and together, while she continued batting his penis, they watched Ingrid doing the same with Jimmy and Vanessa with Clayton. Then as she wrapped her body around his and began kissing, leading him to bed, his penis pressed up between their bodies, it was all he could do to keep from ejaculating prematurely as everything that he had seen and felt, from when he had first been stimulated erect at the beach to Alana having just batted his penis around like Cassandra had done, overwhelmed his mind. To separate their access to each other’s body still further that night, she barked out “Not yet!” to him when he started to fondle her still-clothed body, for a few minutes more.

Alana had been hearing about how children were carrying the belief that male bodies should be owned by females. That, she thought to herself, was something she could get behind with Adam. She decided that she would create a document of ownership to that effect and have Adam sign it. Not a real legal document, just an understanding to be shared between the two of them.

Both she and Ingrid were ready for babies. In her daydreams, the two of them would get pregnant at about the same time, one of them would have a boy, the other a girl, and the two children would have the same sort of closeness that she saw in Collin and Cassandra. The amount of ardor she was feeling from Adam would have been enough to create two or three babies, if that counted for anything.

Alana thought about how here they had spent the entire day at the beach, and she had seen on this day alone perhaps hundreds of exposed, erect penises, and yet she (and Adam, surely) had not seen a single case of any exposed cleavage. So she decided that she should restrict Adam’s ability to see her own cleavage still further. Perhaps not just this night, but from then on. So while her hands were all over every part of his body, she delayed even more than usual to pull down the zipper on her full-length nightgown at all. And when she did, rather than do so all at once as she had normally done before, she did it slowly, bit by bit, to show just a little more skin at a time. Adam realized what she was doing, and why. The thought nearly drove him into a frenzy, both in anticipation and in the realization that the most CFNM day that he had ever experienced would be capped off with the most CFNM sex that he had ever experienced. When at last her body was uncovered sufficiently to allow him to enter her, as Tommy had done he proceeded slowly to draw out the feeling of pleasure for as long as he could.

A few weekends later, the doorbell rang at the Langford house. When Laura opened the door, her face broke out into a smile. “Hello, Jack!” she exclaimed. “I’m glad you could make it. Let me introduce you to everyone.” That included the Townsends, who were there.

Jack would share with them the bumpy road he had traveled in adopting a CFNM lifestyle, one that would be accelerated that day in the person of Cassandra, who had become desirous of establishing full access to the bodies of every male who visited their household. Before the day was over, she would run her hands up and down his body, spank him repeatedly on his bare butt, squeeze his penis like a pump until it was erect, then bat it around as she had spent the day doing on the beach.
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