The Girl with the Rainbow Striped Knickers by SDS
The Girl with the Rainbow Striped Knickers by SDS
Story by SDS, I just copied posting as is with no edits.
Last edited by dlsmith on Fri Jun 19, 2020 5:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: The Girl with the Rainbow Striped Knickers
The girl with the rainbow striped knickers
Sat Mar 2, 2013 2:05am
Found this on an old flash drive from when i was experimenting with a different style of writing. anyway thought you'd enjoy.
T’was a sunny day in April as I sat beneath the lone oak tree, I had come from the city to my grandparents in the country and found a quiet place to read my book, a tale of dragons and kings. I hated the sun and hated the grass but being outside got my family off my back. In my mind great noble deeds were done and monsters fell before the hero’s blade.
In reality I looked up and was shocked to see a pretty girl standing before me. Her hair was a golden red like the morning sun in wild untameable curls, her skin was pale with a few sweet innocent freckles. The summer dress she wore was a brilliant white that practically glowed in the bright midday sun, aside from that she wore nothing else I could see, her feet were bare and she wore not a piece of jewellery.
When she saw me looking a smile as warm as the day brightened her face and my heart was sent a flutter, she raised a hand in friendly greeting but all I did was blush and look back down at my book. To say I was shy was an understatement and I hoped she would run along and leave me to my story.
A twig falling near me made me look around, but there was nothing to see, I gave a quick look around but the field was empty. It was only after another fell onto my page that I finally looked up the tree. Clambering up the branches like a pro was the girl; she moved like a dream her bare toes helping her grip the bark. Her progress wasn’t ladylike but young and innocent more child than teen, I was fascinated and watched her progress.
It was then I noticed I could see up her lovely dress, the wind helped too and I caught a few glimpses of her rainbow striped undies. I was entrances my cheeks flushed warm and red. The girl got to a branch above my head and looked back down on me. She let out an embarrassed giggle and quickly pulled her skirt under her bum. Despite the giggle I could see her cheeks flush an equal red to mine. I quickly looked back to my book, I was embarrassed to have been caught looking. Despite my book my mind kept drifting back to her skinny pale legs and her cutepanty clad bum. Finally I couldn’t resist and peaked back up again at her, this time I didn’t see no knickers but her pale legs were pleasant and when I followed them up her body I found her her watching me and again she let out a giggle.
I looked back down at my book, cursing my traitors tongue for not daring to say a word. I could feel her watching me from above it made me blush with shy excitement, I'm not sure if she read over my shoulder or what but it was a strange feeling to know she was there. I stole a few more glances at the pretty girl over the next half an hour, she was so beautiful i thought my young self in love.
After some time past like an awkward dream it happened, she must have lost her grip or her footing and she fell. I heard a wild gasp and when I looked up everything was a whirl of fabric and pale skin. Her dress caught on a branch so not only did she fall out of the tree but out of her clothes. She landed on me with a scream and my book went flying and before I knew what happened the half naked girl was in my lap. A tight white vest barely hid her shocking pink bra and as for her bottom nothing covered her rainbow striped panties. On the crotch smiled a jolly white cloud as I looked at them in amazement. I couldn't breath as our bodies collided, her bare legs touched mine as I wore shorts and to make things more embarrassing she was sat on my open hand. The memory is vivid but without meaning to was touching her young little bottom, my hand on the soft cotton of her kickers. My mind and heart raced it was too much to take in I had gone red but nothing compared to the girl. And there she was a pretty little thing slender an innocent with just a hint of womanly charms. It was every young teens dream but i simply sat stunned.
She jumped to her feet letting me see her whole bum in the colourful cotton knickers. They were striped in every colour of the rainbow and was the loveliest sight i had ever seen. She was beat red as she jumped to grab her stuck dress. it took a few tries and let me admired her figure as she stretched but as quickly as the most shocking moment if my life started it was over. The dress ripped as she pulled it from the tree and she ran around the back of the tree to dress.
I sat there speechless I had never before seen a half naked girl never mind unintentional engaging in physical contact with one. Then she ran with a face bright red and a single tear in her eye. Where the dress had ripped at the back I got one last look at the rainbow knickers and her lovely pale legs. I watched her run back down the field in shame and finally i whispered “hi” to the wind as the lovely girl with the rainbow knickers disappeared from me forever.
The girl with the rainbow striped knickers
Sat Mar 2, 2013 2:05am
Found this on an old flash drive from when i was experimenting with a different style of writing. anyway thought you'd enjoy.
T’was a sunny day in April as I sat beneath the lone oak tree, I had come from the city to my grandparents in the country and found a quiet place to read my book, a tale of dragons and kings. I hated the sun and hated the grass but being outside got my family off my back. In my mind great noble deeds were done and monsters fell before the hero’s blade.
In reality I looked up and was shocked to see a pretty girl standing before me. Her hair was a golden red like the morning sun in wild untameable curls, her skin was pale with a few sweet innocent freckles. The summer dress she wore was a brilliant white that practically glowed in the bright midday sun, aside from that she wore nothing else I could see, her feet were bare and she wore not a piece of jewellery.
When she saw me looking a smile as warm as the day brightened her face and my heart was sent a flutter, she raised a hand in friendly greeting but all I did was blush and look back down at my book. To say I was shy was an understatement and I hoped she would run along and leave me to my story.
A twig falling near me made me look around, but there was nothing to see, I gave a quick look around but the field was empty. It was only after another fell onto my page that I finally looked up the tree. Clambering up the branches like a pro was the girl; she moved like a dream her bare toes helping her grip the bark. Her progress wasn’t ladylike but young and innocent more child than teen, I was fascinated and watched her progress.
It was then I noticed I could see up her lovely dress, the wind helped too and I caught a few glimpses of her rainbow striped undies. I was entrances my cheeks flushed warm and red. The girl got to a branch above my head and looked back down on me. She let out an embarrassed giggle and quickly pulled her skirt under her bum. Despite the giggle I could see her cheeks flush an equal red to mine. I quickly looked back to my book, I was embarrassed to have been caught looking. Despite my book my mind kept drifting back to her skinny pale legs and her cutepanty clad bum. Finally I couldn’t resist and peaked back up again at her, this time I didn’t see no knickers but her pale legs were pleasant and when I followed them up her body I found her her watching me and again she let out a giggle.
I looked back down at my book, cursing my traitors tongue for not daring to say a word. I could feel her watching me from above it made me blush with shy excitement, I'm not sure if she read over my shoulder or what but it was a strange feeling to know she was there. I stole a few more glances at the pretty girl over the next half an hour, she was so beautiful i thought my young self in love.
After some time past like an awkward dream it happened, she must have lost her grip or her footing and she fell. I heard a wild gasp and when I looked up everything was a whirl of fabric and pale skin. Her dress caught on a branch so not only did she fall out of the tree but out of her clothes. She landed on me with a scream and my book went flying and before I knew what happened the half naked girl was in my lap. A tight white vest barely hid her shocking pink bra and as for her bottom nothing covered her rainbow striped panties. On the crotch smiled a jolly white cloud as I looked at them in amazement. I couldn't breath as our bodies collided, her bare legs touched mine as I wore shorts and to make things more embarrassing she was sat on my open hand. The memory is vivid but without meaning to was touching her young little bottom, my hand on the soft cotton of her kickers. My mind and heart raced it was too much to take in I had gone red but nothing compared to the girl. And there she was a pretty little thing slender an innocent with just a hint of womanly charms. It was every young teens dream but i simply sat stunned.
She jumped to her feet letting me see her whole bum in the colourful cotton knickers. They were striped in every colour of the rainbow and was the loveliest sight i had ever seen. She was beat red as she jumped to grab her stuck dress. it took a few tries and let me admired her figure as she stretched but as quickly as the most shocking moment if my life started it was over. The dress ripped as she pulled it from the tree and she ran around the back of the tree to dress.
I sat there speechless I had never before seen a half naked girl never mind unintentional engaging in physical contact with one. Then she ran with a face bright red and a single tear in her eye. Where the dress had ripped at the back I got one last look at the rainbow knickers and her lovely pale legs. I watched her run back down the field in shame and finally i whispered “hi” to the wind as the lovely girl with the rainbow knickers disappeared from me forever.
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