The Unraveling (New 10/11)

Stories about girls getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated by anyone or anything.
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Re: The Unraveling (New 9/16)

Post by Bucket »

Darky wrote: Sat Sep 21, 2024 4:12 pm
Bucket wrote: Sat Sep 21, 2024 10:40 am
2. I adore this story, so if I can help, I genuinely don't mind. Also, as per Darky's comment, I know I'm partly responsible for convoluting the story with tons of my comments, so it's partially my fault lol.

That's all I got for now.
No hard feelings Bucket? It wasn’t meant to offend or attack you. But it also feels a little it’s going to be your story. And I wonder with so much idea’s why not write your own story? (Curiosity)
No, it's totally fine. No worries and no hard feelings.

I totally get it. I'm certainly overly enthusiastic, perhaps even obnoxiously enthusiastic about this story. It's certainly not my intention to be a pain, though I won't apologise for loving this story. Emily has encouraged readers to provide feedback and suggestions multiple times, and I too encorouge readers to do the same.

If I'm overdoing it with the comments, suggestions or reviews, I definitely encourage Emily to let me know and I'll for sure tone it down. (But won't if she doesn't)

And I can't write stories for shit anyway. 😂 Well, maybe I could. Sometimes i feel I should, but I don't have the motivation to try lol.
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Re: The Unraveling (New 9/16)

Post by Bucket »

Emily wrote: Sat Sep 21, 2024 4:46 pm I have added a table of contents to the first chapter with links to every chapter. :) I will update this as I continue to write more chapters. Hopefully this helps with finding chapters and reading parts.
Thanks, Emily. 🙏
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Re: The Unraveling (New 9/16)

Post by Petrichor »

Wow, this is such an awesome story! I've only read the first three chapters so far... but this looks like it's going to be epic :)

I'm going to try to savour the remaining chapters (let's see how strong-willed I can be!). Thanks Emily.
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Re: The Unraveling (New 9/16)

Post by Emily »

Chapter 37

With swift, almost predatory movements, Aria grabbed the bag that contained their discarded clothes, along with the bikinis they had been forced to remove during their humiliating game. Riley watched as Aria tossed the scrap of fabric into the bag with a flourish, the material briefly flashing in the sun before disappearing into the depths.

"Let's go," Ellie said, her eyes gleaming with excitement at the prospect of their public walk.

They left the pool area, their bare feet padding along the hot concrete path that led back to the dorms. The sun beat down on them, and Riley felt the heat radiating up from the ground, making her skin feel sticky despite the recent shower. The trio walked ahead, their laughter carrying on the warm breeze as they led their submissives through the crowded campus.

Riley's eyes darted around, searching for any sign of recognition or judgment from the people they passed. But most students were too engrossed in their own conversations or phones to pay them any mind. The shirt clung to her like a second skin, leaving little to the imagination as they walked. The soft fabric brushed against her sensitive skin with every step, a constant reminder of her nakedness.

Her heart skipped a beat when she heard the unmistakable sound of male laughter growing louder behind them. A group of boys, probably freshmen from the look of their wide-eyed excitement and overstuffed backpacks, were heading in their direction. They didn't seem to have noticed yet, but Riley's anxiety spiked. She took smaller steps, trying to make her movements less obvious, less... revealing.

It was Claire who broke the tension, her voice a soft purr in Riley's ear. "Looks like we have an audience, girls," she whispered, her eyes sparkling with mischief. Riley's eyes shot to her, the question clear in her gaze. What did she want from them now? "If you don't want to lose your shirts," she continued, her voice barely audible over the din of the campus, "play along."

The group of freshmen grew closer, their laughter a taunting crescendo that seemed to echo off the surrounding buildings. Claire turned to face the boys, her hips swaying with an exaggerated confidence that made Riley's stomach clench with dread. "Hey, guys," she called out, her voice a siren's song that made Riley cringe internally. "We're having a little debate here."

The boys slowed their pace, curious glances flicking over to the girls. They hadn't yet noticed the lack of bottoms on Riley and Lily, their eyes locked on the spectacle of Ellie, Aria, and Claire. "What's the debate?" one of them called out, his voice a blend of curiosity and bravado.

"It's about our little friends here," Claire said, her eyes sparkling with mischief as she gestured to Riley and Lily. "We can't decide who has the better butt, Riley or Lily."

The group of boys, caught off guard, stumbled over their words before one of them, taller than the rest, stepped forward with a smug grin. "I think we can help you out with that," he said, his eyes finally dropping to the shirtless forms of the two submissives.

Riley and Lily both felt the weight of the stares from behind, but neither dared to turn around. Their cheeks were already aflame with embarrassment; meeting the gazes of the strangers would be unbearable.

"Girls, lift your shirts up," Claire ordered, her voice like a whip crack.

Riley's eyes went wide, and she felt Lily tense beside her, but they both knew better than to hesitate. Slowly, with trembling hands, they lifted their shirts, exposing their bare bottoms to the leering stares of the freshmen. The fabric of their shirts barely covered their breasts as they held them high, leaving their midriffs and pelvises bare to the world.

Their butts were both small, the kind that could be easily cupped in one hand. Lily's was a soft peach, the skin unmarred by tan lines, while Riley's was a paler shade, freckled from the sun. Both sets of cheeks clenched together tightly in a futile attempt to maintain some semblance of dignity.

The freshmen's laughter grew louder, their eyes glued to the two pairs of bare buttocks on display. "Well?" Claire prompted, her voice a thrum of anticipation. "Which one is more... pleasing to the eye?"

The tall one stepped closer, his eyes ogling both Riley and Lily with equal enthusiasm. "Tough call," he said, his voice thick with lust. "But I think I'd have to go with the redhead." He leaned in, his gaze lingering on Riley's round, freckled cheeks. "It's just something about those freckles, you know?"

The other boys murmured in agreement, their eyes bouncing between the two exposed pairs of buttocks. One of them whistled lowly, his gaze lingering on Lily's peachy skin. "But the blonde's got a nice one too," he said, his voice filled with appreciation.

Riley and Lily both felt a flare of embarrassment as the freshmen's eyes devoured them. They held their shirts up, their arms beginning to shake with the effort. Riley felt a bead of sweat trickle down her back, and she knew it wasn't just from the heat of the sun.

The tall one took a step closer, his eyes raking over Riley's exposed skin. "You know what, I think I'd like to see a little more," he leered, his friends egging him on. "How about you both turn around and let us get a better look?"

Riley felt bile rise in her throat, but she didn't dare disobey. She knew what was coming next, and she braced herself for the humiliation. But before she could react, Claire stepped between them, her expression shifting from playful to stern. "No," she said firmly, her voice like a whip crack that cut through the air. "You've had your fun. Now move along."

The freshmen looked surprised, their bravado momentarily deflated by the sudden shift in power dynamics. The tall one opened his mouth to protest, but Claire's glare was enough to silence him. She didn't wait for them to leave, instead turning on her heel and walking away, her hips swaying with an unspoken challenge. The trio followed suit, their bare feet slapping against the concrete as they left the stunned group behind.

Riley and Lily let out a collective sigh of relief as they dropped their shirts back down, the fabric once again offering a scrap of modesty. Their cheeks were still flushed from the unwanted attention, their hearts pounding in their chests. The coolness of the shirts was a welcome reprieve from the sun's harsh glare, but it did nothing to alleviate the burning embarrassment that still lingered.

They followed the trio back to the dorms, the walk feeling both never-ending and over in the blink of an eye. The bustling campus seemed to part around them, a sea of students oblivious to the silent humiliation they bore. When they finally reached the safety of their dorm, the heavy door swinging shut behind them, the weight of their mortification was almost palpable.

Ellie's voice broke the silence, a cold command that sent a shiver down Riley's spine. "Shirts off, now."

Riley and Lily exchanged a brief, knowing glance before complying, the fabric peeling away from their sticky skin with a quiet protest. The shirts fell to the floor, once again leaving them bare and exposed. The coolness of the room washed over their damp skin, bringing a momentary respite from the humiliation they had just endured. They had grown used to being naked in front of the trio, their bodies a canvas for their twisted games of power and control.

The two friends stood before Ellie, Aria, and Claire, their breasts heaving with each shallow breath they took. The anticipation in the room was thick, a palpable energy that made Riley's knees quiver. Ellie stepped closer, her eyes gleaming with excitement. "Now," she said, her voice low and demanding, "I want you to check each other's arousal. Use your mouths, and show us just how much you enjoyed your little show outside."

Riley's stomach flipped at the command, but she knew better than to hesitate. She dropped to her knees, her eyes finding Lily's. The blonde's cheeks were flushed pink, her eyes wide and glassy with a mix of fear and arousal. Riley leaned in, her breath hot against Lily's bare pussy. She parted her lips, the scent of Lily's desire hitting her like a wave. Her tongue darted out, a soft, tentative lick that made Lily gasp.

The trio watched intently, their expressions a blend of amusement and hunger. Riley could feel their eyes on her, but she focused solely on Lily. She didn't want to disappoint them, not after everything they had been through today. So she pushed aside her pride and her embarrassment, and she really got in there. Her tongue slipped between Lily's folds, exploring, tasting. Lily's legs trembled as Riley's mouth worked, her tongue swirling and lapping, finding the sweet spot that made her whimper.

Finally, Ellie spoke up. "Alright, Riley. That's enough. Tell us, how wet was she?"

Riley pulled away, her mouth glistening with Lily's juices. She took a moment to swallow, the taste of her friend's desire lingering on her tongue. She felt a strange mix of emotions—disgust, arousal, and a strange sense of pride for a job well done. "Very wet," she murmured, her voice thick with the unspoken implication of Lily's excitement.

Ellie's eyes narrowed, a smirk playing at the corner of her mouth. "On a scale of one to ten," she clarified, a hint of challenge in her tone.

Riley took a deep breath, the taste of Lily still lingering on her lips. She had to be honest; it was the only way to stay in the game. "Nine," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper.

Ellie raised an eyebrow, a smug smile playing on her lips. "Nine, huh?" she said, her eyes traveling up to Lily's flushed face. "Well, Lily, is that true?"

Lily took a moment to compose herself, her breathing still ragged. She looked down at Riley, who was still kneeling before her, and nodded, her cheeks even redder than before. "Yes," she whispered, her voice barely audible.

“Good,” Ellie said with a nod of approval, the glint in her eye shifting from curiosity to challenge as she turned her gaze to Lily. “Now, Lily, it’s your turn to check Riley’s arousal. Don’t hold back, make sure to give us a thorough report.”

Lily took a shaky breath and dropped to her knees, her eyes never leaving Riley’s. Riley stood, her legs feeling unsteady, and spread her legs apart slightly, giving Lily full access to her exposed pussy. The sensation of her own nakedness under the intense scrutiny of the trio was both terrifying and exhilarating, the vulnerability making her heart race even as her body responded to the situation with a growing wetness.

Lily’s breath was hot against her skin as she leaned in, her nose brushing against Riley’s clit. Riley’s eyes closed involuntarily, her body reacting before her mind could fully process the situation. Lily’s tongue tentatively flicked out, tracing Riley’s labia, tasting the sweetness that had built up there. The sensation was almost too much, a delicious agony that sent shivers through Riley’s body.

Lily’s movements grew more confident as she felt Riley’s wetness, her tongue moving with purpose as she explored every fold and crevice of her friend’s pussy. Riley’s knees trembled, her hands gripping the side of the bed to keep herself upright. The room was silent except for the wet sounds of Lily’s mouth and Riley’s stifled gasps. It was as if the world outside had ceased to exist, and all that remained was the two of them, kneeling on the floor in a display of submission and desire.

With a sudden jolt, Riley’s body tensed, her hips bucking against Lily’s face. An involuntary moan escaped her lips as she felt the first waves of pleasure crash over her, her orgasm building without warning. Lily, caught off guard by Riley’s unexpected reaction, pulled back for a moment, her eyes wide with surprise.

Riley's eyes flew open, her orgasm ripping through her body like a storm, unbidden and unstoppable. She felt the heat of Lily's breath on her wetness, the gentle pressure of her friend's mouth, and the fury of the trio's stares as she reached the peak of pleasure. "N-no, I'm sorry," she stuttered, trying to pull away, but Lily's grip was firm, her mouth unrelenting.

"Look what you've done!" Aria hissed, her voice sharp as a knife. Riley felt the blood drain from her face as she realized the gravity of her mistake. The trio didn't tolerate climax without their say-so. "You think you can just get off like that?" Ellie's voice was a dangerous whisper, her eyes narrowing into slits. "You're our plaything, Riley. You don't get to decide when you come."

The words hit Riley like a slap in the face, bringing her back to reality with a jolt. She felt the power dynamic shift back into place, her orgasm a fleeting memory of rebellion against their control. She looked down at Lily, who was now kneeling before her, her mouth hovering just above Riley's pussy, her eyes filled with a mix of concern and confusion.

"I'm sorry," Riley murmured, her voice hoarse. "I didn't mean to... I couldn't help it."

"Couldn't help it, huh?" Ellie's smirk grew wider. "Well, I hope it was worth it, Riley," she said, her voice a deadly purr. "Because the punishment for your little display of disobedience will be quite... memorable."
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Re: The Unraveling (New 9/30)

Post by Bucket »

Thanks so much for the new chapter, Emily! I've missed this story. Will give you my reviews once chapter 38 releases.

(Potential chapter 37 spoiler alert)

I accidentally noticed right at the very end of this chapter Riley saying "I'm sorry. I couldn't help it". I'm not 100% certain the context, but I'm pretty damn sure I can figure it out. Damnit. I think I accidentally got a bit of a spoiler there. 😅 My fault. No matter.

Keep up the amazing work! ❤
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Re: The Unraveling (New 9/30)

Post by Pantherjsmt123 »

This story keeps getting better and better! I really loved the end of this latest chapter with your description of Riley getting lost in the pleasure and losing control. I also love the idea of Riley getting punished for her lack of control, she needs to be taught more discipline :D. I cant wait to see what punishment girls have in store for her!
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Re: The Unraveling (New 9/30)

Post by Emily »

Chapter 38

Riley felt her heart drop into her stomach, her orgasm now a distant memory replaced by the cold, hard reality of her situation. She knew better than to argue; she had crossed a line, and she would have to pay for it. The trio had made it clear from the start that their games were not to be taken lightly.

Lily looked up at Riley, her eyes filled with a mix of shock and apology. "I-I'm sorry," she whispered, her voice shaking. "I didn't mean to..."

But Ellie was already shaking her head, a cruel smile playing on her lips. "Don't blame yourself, Lily," she said, her voice like a silk scarf sliding over broken glass. "Riley's the one who couldn't control herself. We'll deal with her."

“Now, Riley,” Claire’s voice was cool and commanding, a stark contrast to the heat of the moment, “I want you to get on the bed and spread your legs wide for us. Show us just how sorry you are for disobeying.”

Riley’s face flushed with a mix of humiliation and arousal as she complied, her legs shaking as she climbed onto the bed. The mattress was cold against her bare skin, sending goosebumps down her spine. She laid back, her heart hammering in her chest as she spread her legs, her pussy exposed and glistening from her recent climax. The room was silent except for the sound of her own ragged breathing and the occasional whispered exchange between the trio.

"Wider," Ellie said, her voice a low, sultry command. Riley swallowed hard and spread her legs as far apart as she could, her thighs trembling with the effort. She felt a hand at her ankles, gently pushing them further apart, and then a pair of cool, slender fingers pressing against the insides of her thighs, urging them wider still.

“Because you couldn’t hold back, Riley, now we’re going to show you what happens when you disobey,” Ellie said, her voice a dark promise. Aria and Claire stepped closer, their eyes gleaming with a mix of anger and excitement.

Without another word, Aria reached out and slapped Riley’s pussy, the sound echoing in the quiet room like a gunshot. Riley’s eyes went wide with shock, her body arching off the bed. The pain was sharp and sudden, a sensation she had never felt before. It was a jolting reminder that she was under their control, that their games had real consequences.

The second slap from Claire was just as harsh, landing on the other side of Riley’s sex with a sting that made her whimper. She clenched her fists in the bedsheets, biting her lip to keep from crying out. The third and fourth slaps from Ellie fell in rapid succession, each one harder than the last. Riley’s pussy was on fire, the pain mixing with the lingering pleasure from her orgasm to create a cocktail of sensation she didn’t know how to process.

Her eyes filled with tears as she stared at the ceiling, her breath coming in ragged sobs. She had never felt so exposed, so utterly powerless. The room swam before her eyes, a blur of shadows and cold, unforgiving light. She didn’t dare look at the trio, didn’t dare give them the satisfaction of seeing her pain.

But then she felt it—a gentle hand on her thigh, stroking her gently, soothing the sting of the slaps. She looked down to see Ellie, her eyes filled with something that almost looked like concern. "It’s okay, Riley," she murmured, her voice a soothing balm to Riley’s shattered nerves. "You just need to learn to control yourself."

Ellie’s hand moved higher, her thumb brushing over Riley’s clit, sending a shockwave of pleasure through her. Riley gasped, her eyes flying to meet Ellie’s. There was no anger there, only a firm resolve. "We’re only trying to help you," Ellie said, her voice a gentle coo. "We want you to enjoy this, but you have to learn to obey."

Aria stepped forward, her eyes glinting with excitement. "Now, Riley," she said, her voice a sweet melody that belied the cruel twist of her words. "I want you to spread your labia for us." Riley’s stomach clenched, but she knew better than to refuse. Her hand trembled as she reached down, her fingers slipping through her slickness. She pulled back her folds, exposing herself fully to the trio’s gaze.

Her pussy was a delicate shade of pink, glistening with the evidence of her recent orgasm. Her labia were plump and swollen, the tender flesh parting easily under her own touch. At the center of it all was her virgin hole, untouched and tight. The sight of it made Aria’s eyes widen, a smug smile playing on her lips. "Look at that," she murmured, her voice a low purr. "Such a pretty little cunt."

"Now, Riley," Aria's voice was sweet, but there was an edge to it, a steeliness that sent a shiver down Riley's spine. "Whose hole is that?"

Riley's voice was barely a whisper as she responded, the humiliation of the moment weighing heavily upon her. "It's... it's mine," she said, her eyes darting between the trio's faces.

But Ellie wasn't satisfied with her answer. She slapped Riley's pussy again, the sound echoing through the room. Riley's body jolted, the pain bringing with it a fresh wave of arousal. "Who does it belong to?" Ellie demanded, her eyes boring into Riley's.

The question hung in the air, a challenge that Riley understood all too well. She took a deep breath, her heart racing as the reality of the situation sank in. "It's... it's yours," she whispered finally, her voice trembling. The words felt like a confession, a surrender.

Ellie's smile grew wider, the cruelty in her eyes unmistakable. "Good girl," she purred. "Now tell us, Riley, what can we do with your pretty little hole?"

Riley's mind raced, the weight of the question heavy on her chest. She knew the answer they wanted, the one that would affirm their power over her. "Anything you want," she murmured, her voice barely audible.

"What was that?" Claire leaned in, her hand moving from Riley's thigh to her pussy, her thumb pressing lightly on Riley's clit. The touch was maddening, a sweet torment that made Riley's breath hitch. "Say it louder."

Riley's cheeks burned as she forced the words out. "Anything you want," she repeated, her voice stronger this time, the words echoing in the quiet room.

Ellie's smile grew even more wicked. "Ah, so you understand," she said, her eyes gleaming. "But there's one more thing we need to clarify, Riley. Can you cum without our permission?"

Riley's breath hitched, her eyes darting between the three dominants. "N-no," she stuttered, her voice barely a whisper. "I can't."

“Good girl,” Ellie purred, her eyes never leaving Riley’s exposed pussy. “Now, we’re going to set a new rule for you, Riley. Since you seem to have a problem with self-control, we’re going to help you with that.” She stepped back, her hand sliding from Riley’s thigh, leaving a trail of coldness in its wake.

Aria took out her phone, her fingers dancing over the screen with the finesse of a pianist. “We’re going to create a little group chat, just the four of us, and every time you feel the urge to masturbate, you’re going to record it and send it to us. But remember, no matter how much you beg or plead, you’re not allowed to cum unless we tell you to. Do you understand?”

Riley nodded, her throat dry. The thought of sharing such intimate moments with the trio made her stomach flip, but she knew better than to refuse. The idea of them watching her, knowing her every move, was both terrifying and thrilling. “Yes, I understand,” she murmured, her voice shaky.

“Excellent,” Ellie said, her eyes gleaming. “And remember, Riley, you must do this at least three times a day. We want to be sure you’re learning to control that greedy little pussy of yours.”

“And one more thing before we let you go tonight,” Claire’s voice was firm, the playfulness of earlier replaced by something more serious. “We need to make sure this lesson really sticks, Riley. You need to understand that your body is ours to control.”

Riley’s heart skipped a beat, her stomach twisting into knots. She knew what was coming, she had seen it in their eyes. They were going to push her even further, to see just how far she was willing to go. “What do you want me to do?” she asked, her voice small.

“It’s quite simple, really,” Claire said, her eyes never leaving Riley’s. “You have a choice. You can either send a fully nude photograph of yourself to someone you know, of your own choosing, or you can let us choose someone to receive an anonymous photo of just your pussy.”

Riley’s mind raced, the weight of the decision heavy on her. The thought of someone she knew seeing her like this, exposed and vulnerable, was almost too much to bear. But the idea of the trio deciding, of them having that power over her, was equally terrifying.

Finally, with trembling hands, she made her choice. "I-I'll send the anonymous pussy photo," she whispered, her voice barely audible.

Ellie's smile grew wider, a hint of victory gleaming in her eyes. "Good choice," she said, her voice like velvet. "Aria, be a dear and take the picture."

Aria stepped closer, her phone held at the perfect angle. Riley felt a fresh wave of embarrassment wash over her as she stared down at her exposed pussy, her hand still spreading her labia for the camera. The click of the camera was final, a digital record of her complete submission. She couldn't believe this was happening, that she had allowed herself to be brought so low by these three girls.

Ellie took the phone from Aria, her eyes flickering over the image before her. "Perfect," she murmured, her voice filled with satisfaction. "Now, let's see who we should send this to."

Ellie grabbed Riley’s phone from the bedside table, the cool metal feeling almost menacing in her hand. She held it out to Riley, her eyes demanding. "Your passcode," she said, her voice a soft yet unyielding command.

Riley's heart thudded in her chest as she recited the numbers, her cheeks flaming with embarrassment. She couldn’t believe she was handing over her most personal device to the one who had the power to unravel her life with a few taps on the screen. Her hands remained hovering over her spread legs, a silent plea for this nightmare to end.

Ellie’s thumbs danced over the screen, scrolling through Riley’s contacts with a deliberate slowness that seemed to stretch the seconds into eternity. The trio leaned in, whispering to each other as they considered their options, the glow from the phone casting an eerie light on their faces.

But as Riley watched, a sudden surge of rebellion took hold of her. She had made her choice, had offered up her most intimate part for their amusement, but she couldn’t bear the thought of them holding that power over her. She had to take it back, had to at least choose who would see her in such a state of vulnerability.

“Wait,” she blurted out, her voice shaking. “I-I want to change my mind. I’ll do the full nude. I’ll choose who to send it to.”

But Ellie’s smile was unwavering. "It's too late for that, Riley," she said, her tone as cold as the metal of the phone in her hand. "You made your choice. Now you have to live with it."

“Oh! What about him?” Aria’s voice was like a siren’s call, pointing to a name on the screen.

Riley’s heart raced as she craned her neck to see, but the phone was angled away from her. It could be anyone. The boy from her biology class who always smirked at her, her old best friend who had moved away, or even her brother, the thought of whom made her stomach churn. Her mind raced through the list of contacts, trying to guess, trying to prepare herself for the inevitable.

Aria’s eyes lit up with mischief as she copied the number and sent the incriminating photo. The silence in the room was suffocating, the only sound the faint buzz of the phone as it sent. The air was thick with anticipation, the kind of tension that makes you feel like you’re holding your breath even though you know you’re not. Riley felt a cold sweat break out on her forehead, her palms slick with fear.

“Who was it?” she managed to ask, her voice barely above a whisper.

The trio exchanged glances, a silent conversation passing between them. “Someone you know quite well, Riley,” Claire finally spoke up, her voice dripping with satisfaction.

Riley felt a cold dread wash over her. Who could it be? Her mind raced through a Rolodex of faces, each one more terrifying than the last. "Please," she begged, her voice barely above a whisper. "Tell me."

But the trio just smirked, enjoying her torment. "It's someone you know very well, Riley," Ellie repeated, her tone mocking. "Someone who will appreciate the view."

The room was thick with the scent of arousal and fear as the trio watched Riley squirm. The silence was a weapon, slicing through the air and leaving Riley's anxiety to fester. "Remember," Claire said, her voice smooth and cold, "it doesn't show your face. They won't know it's you. Unless, of course, you tell them."

“And besides, it’s from Aria’s number,” Ellie said with a wicked grin, as if reading Riley’s panic-stricken thoughts. “They’ll think it’s a prank or something. No one will know it’s you, Riley.”

Riley’s mind raced as she tried to process the implications. The photo was out there, a part of her exposed for someone else’s eyes, and she had no way of knowing who had received it. The thought was both terrifying and thrilling, a heady mix of fear and arousal that she couldn’t ignore.

“You’ve served your punishment quite well tonight, Riley,” Ellie said, her voice a mix of praise and condescension. “You’ve learned a very important lesson about obedience and self-control. You’re doing quite well for a beginner.”

Riley’s face flushed with a mix of humiliation and anger. She wanted to scream, to tell them to go to hell, but she knew the consequences would be much worse. Instead, she clenched her jaw and nodded, her eyes downcast.

Ellie’s smile grew even wider, the victory in her eyes unmistakable. “Good girl,” she murmured, patting Riley’s cheek gently. “It’s been an eventful evening, hasn’t it?”

“Yes, it has,” Riley said, her voice small and meek. She knew she had no choice but to play along, to submit to their every whim. It was the price she had to pay for her transgressions.

"Now," Ellie said, her voice taking on a business-like tone, "you're going to bed, and you're going to think about what you've learned tonight."

Riley nodded, her body feeling heavy with the weight of their words and the unspoken promise of what was to come. She slowly removed her hand from her pussy, the absence of pressure causing her to shiver slightly.

"Alright, Riley," Ellie said, her tone now a mix of satisfaction and authority. "It's time for Lily to go. Give her a goodnight hug."

Riley looked over at Lily, who was still naked and kneeling by the bed. The other girl's eyes met hers, a strange mix of defeat and relief. Lily had been silent throughout the entire ordeal, but Riley could see the unspoken message in her gaze: she wasn't alone in this. With a tentative step, she approached the kneeling figure, her own naked body feeling even more exposed under the harsh lights of the room.

Lily stood up, her eyes still cast downward, and Riley stepped closer, her heart pounding in her chest. The two of them shared a brief, awkward moment before Riley reached out tentatively and wrapped her arms around Lily's naked body. Lily's skin was cool and soft, her body quivering slightly with the same fear and humiliation that Riley felt. They hugged, their naked forms pressed tightly together, two souls bound by a shared secret that neither wanted to acknowledge.

As they embraced, Lily leaned in and whispered, "I'm sorry," her voice barely above a breath. The words were like a knife to Riley's heart, a stark reminder that she wasn't the only one who had suffered today . Riley felt a tear slip down her cheek, but she held it together, squeezing Lily back with all the strength she could muster.

"It's okay," she murmured, her voice thick with emotion. "It's not your fault."

The hug felt like a lifeline, a brief moment of comfort in a sea of humiliation. But all too soon, it was over. The girls pulled away, and Ellie handed Lily a robe. She slid it on, the fabric swathing her body in a soft embrace that seemed to ease the tension in her shoulders.

“Goodnight, Riley,” Lily whispered, her voice barely audible. Her eyes searched Riley’s, looking for something, anything that could make this all okay. But Riley had nothing to offer except a sad smile and a nod.

The trio of tormentors watched as Lily slipped into the robe, the fabric swishing around her legs as she walked out of the room. Ellie’s eyes never left Riley’s, the unspoken promise of more to come clear in her gaze. Aria and Claire followed Lily out, leaving the room feeling emptier than ever. The door clicked shut, and Riley was alone with Ellie.
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Re: The Unraveling (New 10/04)

Post by computerphoto »

I think Riley has come to a point of no return, and is now totally under their control, and she knows It, also it seems soon Riley will be running out of clothes too lol
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Re: The Unraveling (New 10/04)

Post by Emily »

I hope you all enjoyed this latest part and the end of another day for poor Riley!

I have some pretty wild ideas for Riley and as always am totally open to feedback and suggestions. I have some ideas, which I’ve been on fence about if they are too far. I am considering dedicating a second person to run some of these ideas by first and get opinions on. If that sounds like something you’d be interested, please send me a DM and let me know why you think you’d be a good fit. :)
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Re: The Unraveling (New 10/04)

Post by Bucket »

And that's 3 chapters! Assuming you're not sick of my reviews, reviews for the latest 3 chapters incoming next week! Cannot wait!
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