Scared Stiff! (Juvenile Detention Tour )

Stories about boys ending up in compromising situations, preferably naked and embarrassed, as the name suggests.
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Re: Scared Stiff! (Juvenile Detention Tour) Part 14

Post by tim409 »

Rachel thanked Matt for the story about the court case and she said it may have been justified to make sure they got the right perp and as for the other naked males, they had to have consented to doing that for the sake of justice.

She did announce that the next Scare Stiff tour would be next week and it would consist of 6 males, 1 from 3rd grade,1 from 5th grade, 2 from 8th grade, 1 from 10th grade and 1 from 12th grade. Four girls from each of those grades would be attending too. Of course, Scarlet and Linda would go and she and a biology teacher and the girls gym coach would go on the tour too. She said Miss Howard the biology teacher who is a 24 year old red head would be teaching sex ed to the girls and it would be a huge advantage to teach on this tour because the males will be naked. Only she, Miss Howard, Scarlet and Linda know at that time that Miss Howard will include ejaculations in this teaching and they had talked it over with Mitilda who loved that idea. Mitilda did ask how many of the males would be made to ejaculate. Scarlet told her every male that could get an erection and who had enough sperm in their nuts to ejaculate would do so. She did not think the 3rd grader would have anything in his balls yet.

Rachel did ask Scarlet and Linda to stay and after everyone left, she said that in order to get the naked male swim team approved, they had to poll the parents so she got in contact with Coach Richard at Central School system to conduct the poll since she heard that he got it approved at Central School and since than, they have had a lot of activities where males were totally naked and the girls wore modest clothing

After we get the swim team approved, we can get track and field approved and she showed the two ladies a couple of things on her lap top and she grinned ear to ear and said "imagine our track team with the stands filled with our students and the girls get to see something like this

(naked males running) ... ImgRaw&r=0

While the boys get to see this ... ImgDetMain

Scarlet and Linda said the loved that gif about the guys running and said we need to get this done.

Rachel said that Coach Richard was coming to the school next week to do the poll as some had to be done in person and not just over e-mail. He did not tell them that the poll was rigged and he and his wife Lisa would know about this poll.

You can read about this poll in "The Swim Meet" viewtopic.php?t=4333

It would not be the first time girls saw naked males under false pretenses as I am sure the girls in that court room got to see nude males as that should have been done in a police line up with just the girls present and not in a court room with 30 or 40 females from a girls school allowed to watch but hey no harm done it is just the males who are exposed, it is not like we asked a girl to strip to her underwear right?
Last edited by tim409 on Fri Oct 04, 2024 12:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Scared Stiff! (Exposure Therapy) New 9/28

Post by tim409 »

The next Scare Stiff tour was to be next week. On this tour, there would be 12 girls and two boys and the school did not feel the need to include older boys since the girls will get to see several boys around 16 and 17 naked too. This is also why they chose younger girls for the tour.

Six of the girls chosen were all in different grades, 1 in 3rd grade and she was 8 y/o, one 9/y/o in 3rd grade, and 2 ten y/o girls in 4th grade, one in 7th and 1 in 8th grade. The other six girls were in high school. All had the same incident that allowed them to take the tour and it was all by the same two high school boys, both in 12th grade. The grade school girls were on the playground when the incident occurred.

All 14 of them had been in the principal's office along with the social workers Scarlet and Linda (guidance counselors) and two male staff, and when the girts were asked what happened, one of the 3rd graders said that the boy showed them their peepees. One of the older girls said that the 3rd grader means they showed the girl their dicks and they they both showed it to them too. The girls in high school said it happened to them too and they all identified the same two 12th grade boys in the office.

Rachel addressed the boys and said "Well Mike, David, what do you have to say for yourselves? Both said they did not expose themselves as they only held a finger in front of their pants to make it look like they did. David admitted that he even raised his finger to make it look like he was getting a hard on, and one of the girls asked what was a hard what was it? Rachel told her it was an erection but you girls will soon find out what that means.

Rachel told the group that since Mike and David intended to make you girls think they were showing you their penis, now they will show it not only to you girls but to your entire class and that will happen tomorrow morning as it is part of a new program called Exposure Therapy so since they intend your girls to think they exposed themselves they will go naked to the home room classes and apologize for exposing themselves and they will stay naked the rest of the day they attend their classes. Rachel added "Plus you will not be allowed to cover yourselves, your genitals have to be on full display throughout the day.

All of the adults approved of this punishment and the two male staff said it was about time something was done to the males who did things like this and they would be going with the two males who would be going naked for school tomorrow. Little did those two know that the school had already called their parents and got full approval not only for the Exposure Therapy part, the that the two males will be naked from the time they left the house and although one rode the bus, the the other walked to school. He would be walking to school and back home naked while the other rode the bus, also while naked.

All the staff knew it would be a very interesting day which even the two male staff were looking forward to.
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Re: Scared Stiff! (Juvenile Detention Tour )

Post by Jeepman89 »

Can't wait for this to happen to the 2 boys.
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Re: Scared Stiff! (The school bus ) 9/28

Post by tim409 »

Mike's mom woke him up at 6 Am to tell him to get up for school but do not bother to get dressed since he was going to school naked. She had not seen him naked since he was a preteen but for some reason, she was looking forward to this and she herself was excited to think that not only she would see him naked but so would most of the girls in school. She wished she could be a fly on the wall to watch all of it. When the Scarlet called her to tell her about what was happening and what they wanted to do, she was hesitate at first and she did ask, what if a girl were to do something, would she have to do t but before she could finish, Scarlet informed it that females would never be exposed as these boys were going to be under any conditions and that although the males would be totally nude and not allowed to cover so their genitals would be on display all day, they could never touch any of the girls although the girls would be able to touch them with your permission of course to reinforce the punishment for the offense. Mike's mom ask "you mean the girls could feel Mike's penis and testicles? Scarlet said yes they would be able to. Mike's mom said OK as long as they do not squeeze his nut Sorry, his testicles I give my permission. Scarlet said it was OK to have said his nuts as we do put things in terms the students can understand so will will use "cock" and "balls" and other terms for male anatomy but never any terms like that for female anatomy since we want to teach males to respect females since just between you and me, we at the school believe that contrary to poplar believe, males are the weaker sex and society would be better off if males accepted that females are superior with exceptions of course. Mike's mom said she had been trying to teach Mike that for a long time but his dad is the Macho type who thinks just because he has balls he is king. Scarlet said "those pricks are the worse type" Don't worry though, we will bring Mike down a prick...sorry I meant a peg or two, Mike's mom than said "Scarlet, let every girl grab his cock and let some of them squeeze his balls enough for Mike to know it is his precious testicles that make him the weaker sex. Scarlet said she knew a few girls that could do just that.

Mike came down the stairs wearing his tightly withies and his mom said get those thing off now young man. He took them off and covered so she told him to get his hands away and to keep them away until he got home. He took his hands away and as he did, his cock sprang up hitting his stomach which in turn made his testicles bounce a little. His mom said to herself, it sure has grown....A LOT since I saw it a lot as she looked at his 8 inch penis. The girls are going to love looking at and grabbing that sausage. Now for breakfast....sausage and pancakes.

Mike left for the bus stop and 3 girls and two boys were waiting for the bus. They all looked and one of the boys said "Dude did you forget something?

Mike explained it to the boys and girls and although the boys both looked very embarrassed that the girls were getting to see what they too had between their legs (although not nearly as much of one of the items) the girls were loving what they were seeing

The bus came and all got on. Of course the school at informed the driver, (a pretty young woman around 22 years old) and she said she would "handle it" Scarlet told her that not only could she handle the situation, she could actually handle the other "thing" too as that was part of the exposure therapy. As Mike got on, she explained to the students what was going on and again, and told all the girls to look at this as she moved his balls around so the girls could see them move. She was hoping more boys would be given this punishment although she knew few or any would have as large a penis as the one she had held in her hand. ... o1_500.gif

All the boys felt embarrassed that the girls could see a naked male and of course the girls loved what they saw. They all laughed when the bus driver grabbed Mike's penis and told him to listen to her instructions She told him under no conditions could he cover this (and she shook his penis a few times) or these as she reached down to grab his balls and as she said that, she squeezed his nuts enough to get Mike to squeal and bend down to try to relief the pressure on his testicles as the driver put a bit more pressure on his precious family jewels making him think she would crush his nuts, she let go and told him to go sit in the back to make sure all the students would see him. All the boys watching (and everyone was watching the bus driver's hand intensely) were holding their groins as if it were their balls being crushed while all the girls were glad they did not have a pair of balls or a cock swinging between their legs.

Next David's walk to school
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Re: Scared Stiff! (Juvenile Detention Tour )

Post by Jeepman89 »

David's naked walk to school should be interesting.
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Re: Scared Stiff! (The school bus ) 9/28

Post by tim409 »

tim409 wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2024 6:57 pm

Next David's walk to school
Did you like Mike's bus ride? If so what did you like best so I can use it to improve these stories?

I sort of like getting the males sorry they have balls and the girls glad they do not have balls.
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Re: Scared Stiff! (Exposure therapy with 2 naked males )

Post by tim409 »

Scarlet called David's family and talked to her dad, (she usually prefers to talk to moms as they are more willing to accept this program) His dad was Matt and Scarlet told her about the exposure therapy and she was surprised when Matt said it was about time. When asked what he meant by that, Matt said he was on a swim team with his mom, (that is where they met) The girls all wore very modest one piece suits but all the males were naked. he told how groups of two on the team would go into the stands to thank people for attending, the girls in their suits, the males naked and said that is how he met his mother in law. She was there with her sisters and he was talking to them and his erect penis was a foot away and eye level with her sisters who were around 7 and 9 at the time. Matt told her how there were few problems with males than because naked males behave better with clothed girls. Matt said he wished that naked male and it has to be only the males naked should never have ended. (Scarlet wished it were still going on today too . Matt also said that as he and his girl were going back to the pool, her mom said to me that she would like to see more of me and I looked down at my still erect and throbbing penis and said I do not think you could see any more of me. He was told how David was in this new therapy and that he would have to leave the house, walk to school and spend the day totally NAKED and girls would be allowed to touch his genitals but needless to say he could not touch the girls. Matt said that was OK as that is exactly as it should be

He got off the phone and called everyone together. His two sisters were also 7 and 9 and neither of them had seen a naked boy let alone at 17 year old male before. That was about to change. Since he had already talked it over with his wife, he told the family what was going on and all about tis new exposure therapy at school and what it was about. The girls got excited hearing about males being naked but than, their dad said David was going to be doing that, starting NOW. He looked at David and said to start stripping BUT since I believe adults should set an example for their kids, he started stripping too. The both got down to their boxers and as they both slipped them off, both penises swung up and slapped their stomachs with a wack as both had very erect penises. Both girls were ecstatic and were jumping up and down.

Their mom told the girls they could grab his penis and feel his testicles. She than said sometimes males need to be brought down a peg or two and since David is in this program, she told each girl to take ONE of his nuts in their hands and when they had a nut, she told them to start squeezing that nut until she told them to stop. David of course started squirming but mom just told the girls tighter. After a moment, mom said to stop but Matt said no, he needs to learn that having balls does not make a male strong, in fact it makes him weak and the girls need to learn how weak our balls are. Girls twist that nut too and the girls started twisting and David was on the floor flailing like a fish out of water. Matt told the girls to let go and as they did, David grabbed his balls and held them with the head of his prick sticking out between his hands.

This is how they looked seeing their first penis, their dads penis ... ImgDetMain

(how his sisters looked squeezing his nut ) ... ImgRaw&r=0

Matt than said since males behave better when they are naked, this will be the dress code for this family, we males will be naked and you girls will be modestly dressed from now on, no more two piece swim suits. Mom asked will you stay that way when my book club is here, remember we have a dozen ladies and often they bring their daughters Matt said that he and David would serve them tea and we will wear what we are wearing now. Mom said she is looking forward to have her males serve a dozen women while they, the males of course are naked. The girls loved hearing that they would be naked from now on and asked their mom "can we still bring our girlfriends over mom? She replied of course dears, bring as many girls as you want, just let them know what to expect first.

The girls mom teaching the girls about the penis and testicles ... ImgRaw&r=0

Matt said it was time for David to head to school. As he went out the door, she saw Cathy (13 y/o 9th grader and Cindy 14 y/o 10th grader) coming out of their front doors at the same time and the both looked at him, first his face, than his groin and as they did so, he felt something stirring down there. (all the students on route to the school had been informed of this program) The girls both came over and Cindy reached down and took hold of David's balls and although she was gentle, he squirmed a little and they both asked what was wrong. David told them his sisters both squeezed the heck out of his balls.

Cathy holding his balls: ... ImgDetMain

Both girls laughed and said they wish they could have been there to see that. Cathy said well maybe next time and both laughed again. Cindy let his balls go and moved to his dick. and led him down the street as she held on to it and she loved feeling it throb in her hands.

On the way, they met 8 more student, 6 girls and 2 boys. The boys were embarrassed and held their hands in front of their groins although David's genitals were on full display, well full display except for Cathy's hand on his prick. Cathy did let go so the other girls could hold it too as each of the other girls held his cock for a moment. The girls were enjoying this while the boys wanted to climb under a rock. The than said wait until a girl gets this done to them, we will get to she her naked and you girls will know how we feel having you see and fondle his cock and nuts.

Cindy said it will never happen as only MALES will have this therapy, Girls will have to be dressed from head to toe like those Muslim women. All you will see is their eyes.

Just than they heard a "wurp wrup" and saw flashing red and blue lights as a police man and a police woman get out of the car and go up to David. The police woman said "well we can see you are not armed unless we count that baseball bat and those two balls between your legs as weapons. Maybe I need to search them as she felt both his dick and his nuts. yep you got two of those nuts there. Be careful with that bat, it looks like it want to start spitting and I do not want to get it but I am glad your prick has enough sense to stand at attention and salute the superior gender. Her partner had to stifle a laugh. He looked at David and said she is right and if you are lucky someday, your prick would salute a superior vagina and than it would spit out some fluid after throbbing a few times and than go limp in submission and admitting a vagina and it's owner is superior to a cock and it's owner so remember that son He and his partner who was all smiles left.

A block before school a mom came out with her two daughters who were in 2nd grade. She did not seem surprised to see a naked male and pointed right to me and told her daughters "Look a naked male and I told you that you would know what boys look like this morning. You can go touch his thingy if you want and both girls took hold of a still throbbing penis as one asked what is that wrinkly bag under this and why does his peepee keep moving. Their mom answered their questions as the group moved on. All clothed except for one naked males.

Once they arrived at school, Mike's bus arrived and he had to get off first and stand beside it and wait for everyone to get off with most of the girls grabbing his penis as they went by. THIS is exposure therapy, not only is the male naked all day, he has to allow any girl to fondle his penis and testicles and we can not touch or see them or even suggest it.

Rachel, Scarlet and Linda were waiting and watching the girls handle two penises and four balls and they loved it. This will teach those males a lesson! Rachel called the naked people over (of course there were just two naked males) and said everyone come to my office.

This is how the males will be in class. ... ImgRaw&r=0
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Re: Scared Stiff! (getting ready for the expousure therepy tour)

Post by tim409 »

Rachel the school principal, Scarlet and Linda, social workers and Kevin and Jim the male coaches were all together to plan the total exposure of David and Mike. It was originally the plan to have Scarlet and Jim take Mike and Linda and Kevin to take David "on tour" of several classes but Keven told the ladies to look at each of their penises and notice them.

Rachel suddenly said David is circumcised and Mike is not and Kevin said why not take both boys to each class so the girls can seethe difference? Jim said we could ask the girl to look carefully at each one and tell us the difference and I am sure that would add to their embarrassment to know all the girls are looking right at their co ahh sorry Rachel, their penis. Rachel smile and said no problem Richard, it is just us and if a prick wants to show is dick to little girls why call that thing a penis when cock will do just as well.

The two boys were looking away, trying to squirm to cover their genitals with their legs but Rachel told them to stand up straight so they could all see their cocks and balls clearly. Both Scarlet and Linda said it was a great idea and it would give the girls a chance to compare the two so they would know that that if you have seen one, you have seen them all.

Jim also added that they needed to tell each class that this exposure thereby will ONLY be used on MALES as no girl would ever be exposed like this to reassure them. I do think it is a great idea to use it on males Rachel and you did a great job getting it approved. Kevin said he agreed and he was glad that pricks who misbehave will be have their actual pricks seen by the whole school. We need to protect our girls.

Rachel half kidded to the two coaches, Kevin and Jim you both had better behave or we will put you on tour like this. There was a nervous laugh from the two males and a hardy one from the three ladies. Kevin added Rachel, I might like that. Show and tell :D It did not go unnoticed that Kevin had a pretty impressive bulge in his pants...with a slight wet spot on on place.

Rachel said wait a moment, I want to get a students view on this. She went into the hall and found a7th grade girl headed to the library Rachel said "Vicky is it?" When Vicky said "yes mame" Rachel asked if she ever saw a naked male before? The answer was No mame but I heard a couple of boys had to come to school naked today but I did not get to see them. Rachel I want you to come look at a couple of things and tell me how they are different. She brought them into the office and she looked and saw not one but two very naked males. Rachel told her to look right between their legs very closely. What is the difference?

This is what Vicky saw David and next Mike ... ImgDetMain

This one is just laying down over those things dangling under it and there is just a hole at the end of it I guess where the pee comes out?

Now the other one Vicky.

Vicky said this one was laying over those things under it but now it is standing straight up and it is dancing around without anyone touching it and that tip of it looks funny, like a helmet and it has a couple drops of pee coming out of it.

Rachel told Vicky that she was excusing her from her classes and she would be going on the tour with the staff and two very naked male and we will teach you about their penis and genitals on the way Vicky said she would love that and off they went ... ImgRaw&r=0
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Re: Scared Stiff! (Juvenile Detention Tour )

Post by Jeepman89 »

Getting good!
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Re: Scared Stiff! (Juvenile Detention Tour )

Post by tim409 »

Vicky was thrilled to be able to see two naked males, now only up close but actually told to look at their most private parts up close and in detail. She thought to herself that their privates are not private any more, they are going to be public. She then had an awful thought, What if this happened to a ....GIRL? She looked at Rachel and sad Ms. Rachel, would this happen to a girl, would this happen to me?

Rachel reassured her that this would never happen to a girl although she added she was sure it would happen to a couple dozen more males. (she already has several in mind) Vicky asked, what about sex education? will the boys see a gir but Rachel cut her short and said that although it was in the works (and this was just between the two of them) that sex education was going to begin in 7th grade and they will bring two boys, two males in just as you see them today, into class and they will be naked just like now and we will show everyone the parts. I want boys to be there too so they will all know that girls are actually seeing naked males and they will know all about their parts including seeing an ejaculation.

What will the boys see on us girls Ms. Rachel? Rachel answered DIAGRAMS (like this) ... ImgDetMain

Vicky laughed and said those diagrams leave more questions than answers Ms. Rachel Rachel said she knew but although girls should know what naked males look like from an very early age since she whispered to Vicky there are pricks who expose their cocks to little girls so girls should know what they have between their legs before that so there should be school sanctioned event that feature naked males for all the girls to see no matter how young the girls are or how old the males are. Boys can learn about girls when they are in high school, using those diagrams, Both laughed.

Vicky did ask why she was being told all this since she was only in 7th grade. (Now mind you, this was all going on in the office where everyone could hear, the two ladies, the two male coaches and the two very naked males) Rachel told her because she was a girl and was much more mature as most girls are than males twice her age. The four staff members including the males told Vicky that Rachel was correct and Jim even said that it proved that females were superior to the males. Everyone agreed but the two who were totally naked one of whom still had a very erect and a very throbbing cock which did not go unnoticed by any female in the room.
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