Harley and Juggs (My Summer Vacation) -Completed

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Harley and Juggs (My Summer Vacation) -Completed

Post by EddieDavidson »


Synopsis: Tish recalls the fantastic summer she spent on her Uncle's ranch in 1976 with her cousin Harley and her Aunt Rachel a.k.a "Juggs". A true 'coming of age' story.
Sex Contents: Some Sex
Genre: Coming of Age/ENF
Tags: Ma/Fa, Teenagers, Consensual, Teen Siren, Slut Wife, Incest, Mother, Brother, Sister, Cousins, MaleDom, Humiliation, Light Bond, Spanking, PonyGirl, Swinging, Anal Sex, Analingus, Bestiality, Cream Pie, Exhibitionism, Lactation, Masturbation, Oral Sex, Sex Toys, Illustrated

Things sure have changed since 1976. Nobody had heard of the Internet or even Cable Television. That meant teenagers had to find out about the birds and the bees from either a dirty magazine or going all the way with another teenager in the backseat of a car.

The internet makes all of those awkward lessons kind of unnecessary for kids these days, but back then it was all mystery and groping in the dark for most of us.

Society was changing – women’s lib and attitudes about sexuality had become far more open. The mini-skirt and bra-burning was all the rage, but I wasn’t into any of that. I didn’t have the boobs to really need a bra anyway.

I had just turned 14 and led a fairly sheltered life. I was bookish, shy, had freckles, and relatively flat chested (especially compared to my cousin and aunt). I hadn’t even considered dating a boy at that stage, but mostly because no boy had ever asked me on a date.

I was at that stage between girl and woman where I still had dolls. I had even packed my Sonny and Cher dolls in my suitcase! I was interested in boys, but boys were not really interested in me. I was an awkward, quiet bookworm with short hair.

When I reflect upon the summer of 1976 and the things that I learned on my Uncle’s ranch, it’s hard for me to put into words how unprepared I was for those lessons and how much I’d grow to appreciate them when I was older.

The number one shows on T.V. were Happy Days, Charlie’s Angels, and the Six Million Dollar Man.

The rest of the country was preparing for the Bicentennial. Gerald Ford was President, and the number one song on the radio was by Three Dog Night. The drinking age was 18 and rock and roll and disco was everywhere.

It was a good time to be alive though – and I remember that Summer so well.

My parents thought it would be a good idea if my brother and I spent the summer in Montana with my Aunt and Uncle. We’d always taken Family vacations together, but now that my brother and I were teenagers, they felt they wanted to have some time alone together.

My brother Patrick is my fraternal twin. He and I used to look identical when we were babies. We still resemble each other in the face, but somewhere along the line, our bodies started to develop differently.

Patrick is athletic, outgoing, and really smart. He has always dreamed of going to U.C.L.A and studying technology. We didn’t know what to expect when we got to Montana. I hadn’t seen my cousins since the last family reunion about five years earlier. My mom assured us that we would learn a lot on my Uncle’s Ranch and she only allowed us to take two books each.

I’d imagine most girls my age would be worried about what make-up and dresses to bring. I couldn’t decide what books I wanted to be relegated to for the entire summer. I chose my old favorite Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret by Judy Blume. I had probably read it about 1,000 times by that point and it was dog-eared and well worn.

It had gotten me through Middle School. I identified so much with the titular character Margaret Simon. Her story was about religion, bras, boys, and getting your period at the most inopportune times. The girls form a club called the “Pre-Teen Sensations” and they have a mantra of performing exercises to increase their breast size by chanting ““I must-I must-I must increase my bust!”

The last time I saw my cousin Hannah, she and I tried it out, and our tits didn’t get bigger, but we definitely had a lot of laughs doing the silly exercises.

The second book that I brought was The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis. It is the fantastic story of talking animals and mythical creatures living in a land of eternal winter ruled by the White Witch. The protagonists enter the world through a closet that acts as a portal to another world.

In many ways, the trip from Chicago to Montana was like entering an entirely new world. The skyline of Chicago and the placid mountains of Montana are about as different as they can be. My parents insisted on driving, so the trip took us almost three days to get there. That was probably the only time I had a chance to read my books.

I thought life on the ranch would be rather boring. My brother was expecting the TV show Bonanza – cowboy shoot outs and action adventure. It wasn’t that either.

My parents spent the night at Aunt Rachel and Uncle Eddie’s house before wishing me a good night. My mom told me to obey my Aunt and Uncle and told us she loved us before wishing us “good luck.”

“Don’t worry Sis, your babies will be in GOOD hands,” my Aunt Rachel kissed my mom goodbye on the cheek.

“Yeah, we’ll put them to work,” Uncle Eddie had a big smile on his face. He was quite the jokester. “There are fences to mend, horses to bathe, chickens to feed, clothes to wash, and that’s all before 6am!”

He winked at my dad. “Put Pat and Tish to work. They shouldn’t be treated any different than their cousins,” my father agreed somberly. My real name is Patricia but, I had always gone by the nickname Tish.

“Want a beer for the road, Mike?” Eddie asked my father.

“It’s 10:30 in the morning, Eddie,” my father replied as he picked up their bags and left the trailer. Attitudes about drinking and driving were far more liberal than they are today.

My Uncle’s ranch is over 1,000 acres just outside of Billings, Montana. He didn’t have a house on the land though. He lived in a single-wide mobile home (which we called a trailer back then) even though it was permanently grounded on the spot.

“I’ll take a beer, Dad,” Lloyd said with a smirk after my parents left. I assumed he was joking. Even though The drinking age was 18 and Lloyd was about 17 – I assumed that he was kidding.

“Do I look like the maid to you, Son?” Eddie responded with a grin. “Get off your ass and ask your mom to bring you a beer.”

I didn’t even realize that was a joke until the others laughed. I was quite shocked that my Aunt Rachel smiled, went to the fridge and got him a beer. “Who else wants one? Gerald, Patrick, Tish?”

“Hey what about me, Mom?” my cousin Harley whined after being left out.

My Aunt Rachel had HUGE knockers – I mean big tits. When she bent over wearing only her nightgown I could see the outline of her butt through the material, and her very natural tits touched the bottom of the fridge. “You can get your own!”

Lloyd and Gerald are brothers close to the same age. They didn’t seem very interesting or particularly bright. They were handsome enough for teenage boys.

My cousin Harley was only a few months younger than me. She had physically developed considerably. Her boobs were even bigger than her mother’s natural tits. She had long, straight strawberry hair that ran down to the middle of her back.

Crystal Gayle was a popular country singer at that time and she was known for her incredibly long hair. A lot of young girls (myself included) tried growing ours that long as well. However, I had recently cut my blonde hair short. I had a lot of body image issues at the time and I picked some pretty bad hairstyles in the 1970s.

Rachel looked up at us to confirm whether or not we wanted a beer. I naturally declined the offer. I had never tasted alcohol and I assumed it would not be appropriate.

My brother Patrick said yes. She smiled and encouraged me to take an ice cold Pabst Blue Ribbon. “You don’t have a stick up your ass, like your mother, do you?”

At the time, “stick up your ass” wasn’t a common figure of speech. I thought my Aunt Rachel was literally asking me if I physically put a stick up my ass. I had only just begun exploration of my body and I wasn’t quite sure why I liked touching and stimulating the outer part of my butthole. However, I had never dreamed of inserting a stick or even a finger into it.

My mind began to run wild for the first time with the mental image of a tree branch impaled into a delicate asshole. Color must have drained from my face when she asked the question – I felt like she was genuinely asking me if I had ever done that.

There was something very promiscuous and flirty about my Aunt. She reminded me of Samantha Stevens from Bewitched – with her wry grin as if she knew something everybody else didn’t. She seemed sexually enlightened and broad-minded as well – which is something that my mother was definitely not.

It may have seemed absurd or childishly naïve, but given that my Aunt seemed so worldly, I thought she might really be asking me if I really had one in my butt in front of the rest of the family.

“No, I have never done anything like that, Aunt Rachel”

My Aunt’s family found my dead pan denial of having put a stick up my ass to be hilarious.

“Well Maybe you SHOULD try it sometime,” Uncle Eddie laughed as he took a beer from his wife and popped the top. The others found this hilarious as well.

“It gets pretty boring out here, but even I never got THAT bored,” Harley grinned at me.

“Are you sure, Sis?” Gerald reached under his sister’s shirt and tried to lift it up to reveal her butt and see for himself. Harley was wearing a long white t-shirt with a yellow happy face and the caption “Peace, Love and Granola” on it. It almost looked to me like she didn’t have any panties on when Gerald lifted it up.

She slapped his hand away and told him that if she DID have a stick up her ass, she’d beat him with it if he tried pulling her shirt up again.

“Oh you two, behave around your cousins!” Aunt Rachel chided the two of them but looked more intently right at her daughter to drive home that she was really talking to her as well.

“Hey, we bicker, we fight, but we love each other,” my Uncle Eddie offered to us sagaciously. “The sooner the two of you stop being polite like house guests and join in, the sooner we can go back to normal.”

“Normal is a setting on a washing machine, Eddie,” my Aunt took a beer for herself and took a long sip. She reminded me of the spider from Charlotte’s web – wise and somewhat above whatever else was happening around her.

“Well, that’s another good reason for us not to have one,” Eddie laughed. He reminded me of a wise-cracking character from the TV show Hee-Haw. He wasn’t a dumb hillbilly, but everything seemed to amuse Eddie most of the time, and he was always ready to crack a joke.

My Aunt looked ready to offer a wisecrack of her own in response, but she thought better of it. She and my cousin Harley made breakfast while the others finished their beer and watched TV. I offered to help but my Aunt wouldn’t have it. “It’s your first day, just enjoy things and I’ll put you to work tomorrow!”

The black and white TV only got two channels. There was an old episode of the rifle man on one channel and the other featured a Soap Opera. The Rifle Man won out and the boys watched that. I sat politely and watched with them.

My Uncle Eddie discovered that Patrick had an interest in technology. He showed him his pride and joy. “This is an Apple One,” he uncovered a dusty wooden box with a circuit board in it. “I got this from a friend of mine out in California named Steve. He’s going to start selling these as kits and people will be able to make their own Microprocessor for their homes!”

“Dad, that’s never going to catch on. A Microprocessor? Sounds like something a guy with a Micropenis would have!” Gerald teased his father.

Gerald was only a few years older than me, but I would have NEVER dreamed of talking to my parents that way. It was so disrespectful. I would certainly have never said “penis” in front of anyone.

“Yeah, it’s just a bunch of junk, Dad,” Lloyd agreed with his little brother.

“Hey, you know what’s a bunch of junk? That Volkswagen van you’ve had parked out in front of the house for two months?”

“The SHAGGIN’ WAGGEN?” the brothers feigned offense at the mere suggestion the orange van they had outside was a hunk of junk. It was missing a tire and looked rusty and old.

I was old enough to know that “Shagging Wagon” meant a van for promiscuous teenagers to have sex in. I was completely amazed at how brazen my Uncle’s family’s attitude was about talk like that around the house.

“The only thing you are going to shag in that wagon is a case of tetanus when one of you cuts yourself on the rust,” Eddie teased his sons.

“They could have a shiny red corvette and they couldn’t get laid, with a twenty dollar bill and a bucket of aftershave,” Harley joined in the humor from the kitchen while she set the table. She had a cute turned up nose and a pretty face, and she looked radiant when she laughed.

The boys were going to fire some racy comment back, but they didn’t get a chance.

“Do you want to stand in the corner in front of your cousins?” Rachel asked her daughter rather seriously.

“No, Mom,” Harley replied curtly.

Women’s lib was all the rage, but I assumed it hadn’t reached Montana yet. There was definitely a double-standard for comments between the girls and the boys in this household.

“Good girl, let the boys have their fun and butt out of their conversation,” she patted my cousin on her bottom playfully and they continued to get breakfast ready on the table.

The breakfast was amazing – no artificial anything and everything was made from scratch. Sausage, pancakes, eggs, even the maple syrup was from trees they tapped themselves that Eddie cultivated on his property.

A trailer is a single-floor dwelling with about six rooms that is comfortable for four people but cramped for seven! I had to share a room with my cousin. Patrick had to share with Lloyd and Gerald. After breakfast I joined Harley in our room.

I had arrived late the night before and hadn’t had a chance to unpack. I was tired from a long drive and passed out almost as soon as we had arrived.

Harley immediately removed her shirt. She was completely naked under the shirt. The sight of her huge tits floored me. Her boobs hung down a little and sloped outward. She had a huge, curly thicket of black pubic hair that hid her vagina.

“What?” she clearly noticed how shocked I was and seemed uncertain why I stood there with a stunned expression. “I guess you didn’t keep up with your I must increase my bust exercises?” she joked as she tossed my Judy Blume book on the bed. She clearly had remembered that part.

There wasn’t a single book in Harley’s room. There were posters of Shaun and David Cassidy everywhere lining the walls. I recognized the Bay City Rollers and a few other pictures she had ripped out of magazines and taped to the walls. The faux-wood paneling in the room was almost completely covered in pictures of teen idols, particularly around her bed.

“I like an audience when I tickle my taco,” Harley snickered with pride as I admired her decorations. I didn’t get that reference, and she explained that she liked to pretend that the guys in the posters were watching as she played with herself.

I covered my mouth because of how brazenly she just admitted she played with herself to me.

“Oh my god, Tish. Everybody does it and if they say they don’t then they are lying,” she harumphed over my outrage. I had never heard that expression before, but it rang partially true.

“Not everybody,” I challenged her and told her it was hard for me to imagine my PARENTS doing something that I was taught was sinful and naughty though.

“I am sure your dad gets his own rocks off when your mom is on the rag,” Harley plopped down on the bed without putting on her clothes. Her tits bounced as she landed on the bed and the springs made a funny sound. “My dad has a bunch of porno mags in his bathroom. I doubt he reads those for the articles,” she emulated her hand stroking an invisible cock.

Harley’s bed was a single. I hadn’t realized how small it was until I saw her laying in it. I had come in last night and curled up with her in the dark.

“Are we going to have to share this bed?” I asked as I tried to look away from her curvy, well-developed body.

“Let’s get something straight,” she said. “There are a ton of boys and a few GROWN MEN that would pay money to share a bed with me.”

I should also say that the attitude at the time about older men and younger women wasn’t like it is now a days. At that age, I assumed older men wouldn’t have any interest in silly young girls like Harley and me. However, high school girls that dated older men (college age or older) were considered very mature and extremely sexually active.

I didn’t doubt Harley could interest older men with that body of hers. She was almost a full grown woman and barely 14 years old.

“We share a bed, but I am not a lezzie or anything like that, so keep your dirty fingers to yourself. If you feel like playing with your own flaps you can do it but don’t keep me up with a bunch of...” my cousin put her finger to her pussy and made a sound like “frush-a-frush-frush” kind of like a finger being inserted in and out of lime green Jell-O.

“I would never,” I promised her that I’d not even consider something like that.

“Oh, you are still a goody-two-shoes, aren’t you?” she asked.

“No,” I denied it. I probably was though by any definition.

“You don’t drink. Do you smoke weed?”

MARIJUANA? Never. The look on my face of total horror at the very question told her that I didn’t.

“Well this is Laurel Montana and it’s boring as hell out here, so we do a little of both. My brothers have a garden of weed that my parents don’t know about,” she reached under her bed and fished out a wooden cigar box. Inside, the box was a baggie of dried marijuana, a wooden pipe, and a lighter.

“If you tell on me, there WILL be hell to pay,” she immediately started packing a bowl. I know this because she told me that was what it was called when she put the marijuana into the pipe to smoke it.

I felt like she was testing me – to see if I would freak out and immediately tell her mother. I told her that it was “Cool” and she could do what she wanted.

“Don’t be a total corn flake, Okay? Come and hit this,” she inhaled deeply. Her tits seemed to get so big as she held her breath and offered me the pipe with the lighter. I was convinced from some of the propaganda that I had heard about “Hippy Culture” that one draw of “Whacky Tobacky” as I had heard it called, would create permanent brain damage.

However, the fact that my cousin seemed reasonably intelligent made me question that. I also wanted her approval. I sat on the edge of the bed and inhaled. My first ‘toke’ was horrible. I coughed and couched while Harley laughed at me until I nearly fell off the bed.

“You better not be doing anything in there, girls,” I heard my Aunt knock on the door.

“We aren’t doing anything, Mom,” Harley’s tone was sugary-innocent as she denied what we were doing to her mother.

My cousin’s nipples became erect almost instantly when she told a lie. I have to admit that I admired the way that her fat tits rolled around a little as she moved around naked. It was totally normal to Harley but I couldn’t wait to have big tits one day. It seemed like she took them for granted – but what amazing toys they must be to play with.

“Yes, nothing at all, Aunt Rachel,” I joined in with Harley to deny we were up to anything. We fought the urge to giggle and silently held our tummies as I laughed. I couldn’t believe I was high after a few quick tokes and I probably wasn’t – it was mostly placebo, but it felt fun and rebellious, and that was all new to me.

“Aunt Rachel is way too formal. Call me Juggs, Tish. Everybody does.”

“Okay,” I replied without thinking. It sounded like an outrageous request, but I was high, or at least I felt high. I had no idea what high felt like but I felt silly.

We waited for her to leave and then let out our giggles and rolled around on the bed together – me clothed and my cousin completely naked.

“Your mom almost walked in on us,” I whispered when we were sure she was no longer at the door. I warned Harley that she should put away the weed now.

“Yeah, Mom is cool,” she inhaled and took another hit while ignoring my concern.

“Then why are we hiding this from her?” I asked skeptically as I took another hit as well. I had learned not to deeply inhale in order to avoid a fit of coughing.

“Juggs is cool but not THAT cool. I could never get high in front of my mom,” Harley took another hit when I passed the small pipe back.

“Does she really let you call her Juggs?” I asked. My eyes felt bloodshot, and my mouth was incredibly dry.

“That’s what everybody calls her,” Harley pinched her nipples and pulled her tits up. I was so naïve that I didn’t make the immediate connection that “jugs” was a slang word for boobs. I assumed maybe my Aunt had a collection of antique jugs or something. “Just don’t call me Juggs junior. It’s bad enough I’ve got these monster knockers and my name is Harley Davidson.”

I forgot to mention that my Uncle’s last name is Davidson and Harley was probably named for the motorcycle.

“I would love to have jugs as big as yours!” I assured her as I looked down at my own flat chest.

“Be careful what you wish for, Tish. I can’t run without giving myself a black eye, and I constantly get teased that my tits enter the room before I do, or that they hang down to my belly button,” she pulled her tits down to her belly button. “One cool thing is that I can do this,” she lifted her left breast to her mouth and licked it salaciously.

It was incredibly erotic. I had never thought about girls in a sexual way, and it didn’t even register when my cousin said “I am not a lezzie” that she meant lesbian. I thought she was talking about a fan of the rock group Thin Lizzy or something.

“I am a lot more than just a great set of tits,” Tish smiled warmly as she released her slippery nipple.

“I see what you mean. They won’t notice your charming personality and intelligence,” I nodded as I put down the spent pipe. We had smoked all of the weed my cousin packed into it.

“What? no, I don’t have any of that. I am talking about my hot pussy, and smoking butt!” she spread her legs and flashed me the pink slit that had been hidden between her thighs by her pubes. I could just make out the faint hit of her anus. I had no idea why guys might be interested in a girl’s butt.

I didn’t get the joke, but Harley’s laughter was infectious, and we laughed for five long minutes. We only snapped out of it when we heard a loud banging on the door.

“Go away Lloyd,” Harley didn’t have to ask who it was. She recognized her brother’s signature way of banging on her door.

“Juggs wants to see you, pronto!” he replied through the door.

“Oh shit,” Harley didn’t argue. She sat up and began to put away her weed paraphernalia and put her shirt back on quickly.

Her brother opened the door impatiently.

“We could have been changing, Lloyd!”

“You don’t have anything I haven’t seen before,” Lloyd teased his little sister.

“Have you seen one of these upside your head?” Harley offered him a knuckle sandwich and spoke in a funny voice like a old black man.

“You fish-eyed fool!” Lloyd teased her back in a voice like Flip Wilson would use on his television program when he plays Geraldine. I didn’t realize it at the time but they were playing Fred Sanford and Esther from the TV program Sanford and Son. I giggled so hard.

“Were you guys getting high in there?” Lloyd demanded to know. He sniffed us to confirm his suspicions. I was certain the distinctive scent of marijuana was still on my clothes.

“No!” we both denied it and tried to stop ourselves from giggling.

My Aunt glared at us as if she knew we were both high but didn’t punish us. I assumed that my own parents would have probably sent me to prison if they even suspected that I was smoking pot.

Patrick on the other hand, was watching our Uncle Eddie solder and tinker with the circuit board kit in the wooden box.

I noticed that when Gerald, Lloyd and Harley spoke to their mother they addressed her as “Mom”. When they spoke about her they called her “Juggs”.

“Juggs, when is lunch?” my Uncle Eddie asked without looking up from what he was working on. My Uncle on the other hand frequently addressed his wife as Juggs.

“I was thinking of taking the kids swimming, Eddie. Can you make yourself something to hold you over until we get back?” she asked her husband.

“I could but it wouldn’t taste as delicious if it doesn’t come from your sweet hands,” Eddie offered lovingly.

My aunt pursed her lips in amusement and told us that we’d go swimming another day. She sent us off to take care of some chores at the ranch.

“Go put some clothes on, feed the chickens, brush the horses, check on the cows, and then I’ll have lunch ready,” she told us.

“It’s not fair, the boys get to fart around all day, and we have to do all the women’s work,” Harley lamented as we headed back to her room to get dressed. She stripped out of the shirt and tossed it on the floor. Harley bent over and fished out some denim overalls. I could see her pink anus between the darkness of her crack and her puffy pussy lips from this position. It was the first time I’d seen another girl’s body that closely.

“See something you like, or do I have a little poopy back there?” Harley noticed I was staring as she stood up, or perhaps she had expected me to stare at her when she exposed her body that way. The question was rhetorical because she didn’t wait for a response. She told me to put on some work clothes.

I told her that I didn’t have any work clothes.

“Good thinking,” Harley suggested I had done that intentionally to avoid working. “Dad will have you out there shoveling shit in the naked butt naked though,” she told me that the idea wouldn’t work. I assumed that she was joking, but given her family’s attitudes about the body, I wasn’t entirely sure.

I explained that I didn’t have any work clothes because I had never worked on a ranch.

“In the winter, I wear a big denim fleece lined coat, a flannel shirt with denim jeans and long johns,” she said. “In the summer, it get’s so hot I wear as little as possible. Here” she tossed me a pair of denim overalls.

She had not worn a bra or panties as she snapped the two buttons of the straps at the top of the one-size fits all pair of overalls. I undressed and felt very self-conscious while my cousin watched.

I felt like she was judging me, and because I still had a young girl’s lithe and thin body without any curves I expected her to laugh.

“You are a stone fox, Tish,” my cousin said. I thought she was joking and didn’t acknowledge her. I started to put the denim overalls on.

“You can leave the panties, but you might want to lose the over the shoulder boulder holder,” she said. I didn’t know she was talking about my bra. Bras in the 1970s were uncomfortable, didn’t breathe well and had painful wires in the cups.

I wore what was known as a “Bullet bra” – the smallest one that they made. It was incredibly uncomfortable, but it gave the impression that I had tits – albeit, pyramid shaped, pointy conical tits.

I was uncomfortable removing it. The marketing of the time encouraged wearing a bra 24 hours a day. The bra-burners of the day wholly rejected that message, and the backlash was that there were some women that chose to NEVER wear a bra.

The reputation of those sexually liberated women was that they were indecent and promiscuous.

Harley’s attitude was simply that the bra was too confining and sweaty for farm work and that I’d regret wearing it. I insisted on keeping mine on. If I removed it, she would have seen that my nipples were so large that they almost completely covered my small puffy boobs.

Interestingly, no one seemed to care or notice that we were shirtless under the overalls when we left her room. The overalls covered our breasts but our backs and shoulders were bare and visible.

The one thing they noticed was my bra strap was visible under my arm as I followed my cousin out the door.

“Ooh, la-la-la, French lace,” Gerald teased as I headed for the door. I was mortified and nearly froze when he even acknowledged that I had a bra and he had seen the straps. I was taught good girls don’t show their straps to boys and I felt like perhaps I had betrayed everything that I was about.

“Hey now, you can tease your sister, but not your cousin,” Eddie said rather seriously while intently working on his circuit board project.

“How about don’t tease your sister OR your cousin, Daddy?” Harley suggested. My cousin had a much lighter and polite tone when talking to her father. She didn’t seem furious or stubborn like she did with her brothers.

“If they didn’t tease you, they wouldn’t say anything at all to you,” Eddie joked before adding, “Besides, I doubt you have on a bra at all. Now, those chores won’t do themselves and if you aren’t back in time for lunch then we’ll gobble up your food.”

“Dad!” Harley offered him a lemony expression. My Aunt assured us that she would save some food for us but that we needed to get the work done.

“Your brother’s don’t have chores to do?” I asked as we walked toward the barn.”

“They do their chores before breakfast, they have men’s work to do and mom and me have to do the women’s work,” Harley replied as if that should be obvious. I wasn’t certain what men’s work actually was but I assumed it involved heavy lifting and dangerous activities.

“C’mon some of it’s fun,” she said. She told me that I was going to love the horses.

We passed a small out door kennel and several dogs barked at us. “My parents breed them,” she smiled as she greeted them by name. There were four dogs (mutts), Rufus, Hambone, Thor and Missy. “Do you like dogs?” she asked as we kept walking.

“Sure,” I admitted I had never really been around them.

“Dogs have their uses out on the ranch,” she assured me as we approached the barn. We fed the chickens first. Harley made a game out of throwing seed and making fun bock-bock noises. She asked me if I was still high.

I really wasn’t sure if I was ever high. I told her that I wasn’t.

“That was really your first time getting high?” she asked as she showed me around the barn and took care of minor chores.

I said that it was.

“Let me guess, you are still a virgin?”

Well, obviously – I assumed that every girl my age was saving themselves for marriage. It had been deeply programmed into me that I was short-changing my future husband if I had sex before marriage.

“Hang out with me this Summer, and I’ll make sure you get your cherry popped,” my cousin promised that I’d lose my virginity as if it was a good and potentially inevitable thing this summer. I was a little alarmed. In my mind, I imagined two maraschino cherries somewhere deep inside my pussy exploding when they came into contact with a boy’s penis.

There were some pigs in a stall. She told me that her brothers took care of them but wanted to show them to me anyway.

They were great, unwashed pink beasts that rutted around and scared me a little. I didn’t expect them to be so huge. “Look at their balls,”she admired the male pigs from behind. “Can you believe they have such huge balls? But if you look at their cocks they are super small!”

Even after everything Harley had said today, that comment shocked me. I couldn’t believe that my cousin was so raunchy.

“You have actually looked at their penises?” I asked.

“It gets boring on the ranch,” Harley shrugged and said that she has seen EVERY penis on the ranch. I assumed that she meant the livestock. They owned six horses and the males had MASSIVE cocks that were pink and brown and unmistakably erect when we came to feed them.

I had never seen a penis before. I hoped that men didn’t have huge flag-pole shaped penises like a horse.

She asked me if I had ever seen a cock that magnificent before. I admitted I had never actually seen one at all.

“Don’t tell me you haven’t seen your dad or brother after they come out of the shower or something?” she laughed as if that was a given. I admitted that I had never seen that and wondered if that was normal. My brother and father took care to keep the door closed when they went to the bathroom. I had not seen my mother change clothes in front of me either.

“I watch my brothers spank their monkey all the time,” Harley assured me. I got the idea that she was using a euphemism for masturbation from the context but that was the first time I had ever heard that expression.

“They do it in front of you?” I was shocked and dismayed.

“They probably would if I asked,” she shrugged. Gerald and Lloyd didn’t strike me as being very shy but I assumed even they had their limits. “It’s more fun to peep on them.”

Harley explained why we fed the horses and brushed their hair that she would sometimes sneak out, go around the trailer to their window and watch them beat off. “Why not? They peep on me!”

“They do?” I was horrified – not really for her, but worried they would watch me too.

“Probably,” she shrugged and said that they were perverts. “You don’t think your brother tries to catch glimpses of you when you are showering or changing?”

It didn’t seem natural to me that a brother would do that. I said that we had separate rooms and bathrooms at home and that I didn’t think Patrick would do anything like that.

“Hey, brothers are guys first and family second. If you got it, they are going to look at it,” Harley acted as if this was just the way of the world. “Boys in school are always staring, you don’t think they stop just because they go home? If all that is there is their sister or their mom then they are going to get curious. It’s perfectly natural.”

It seemed unnatural to me.

“I saw the way you looked at the cocks on those horses. You are telling me you wouldn’t look at your brother’s dick if it was right in front of your face?” Harley asked me skeptically.

“I don’t think he’d put it right in front of my face,” I replied as I helped her with some other tedious barn chore.

“No, but you have to admit you are curious what he is packing, aren’t you? You should see my dad’s dong. He has huge heavy pendulous balls, and his cock is like an Elephant’s trunk,” She bragged. “He’s short and goofy. Why do you think my mom is with him? It’s not for his good looks and all of his riches,” she indicated the modest farm they lived on.

We stopped talking about dick shapes and sizes and her brothers after a time. Harley told me that some men were circumcised, and others had huge flesh sacks that their dicks receded into. “It’s like an external pussy, only a dick is inside,” she described it.

I didn’t believe her, but she promised that I’d find out one day. All of that talk had made me horny and intrigued. I had never spoken to anyone about things like this before and Harley seemed far more worldly than I could have imagined.

We ate lunch, and then we had most of the day to ourselves. She showed me around the ranch. large juniper and pine trees dotted the Montana skyline next to mountains that Harley called “Hills” compared to real mountains.

“You should see the Bear Tooth range,” she assured me that I would be impressed. “Compared to those, these are little bitty.”

I imagined those huge mountains she was talking about were like her big tits and these hills were my small boobies.

Gerald and Lloyd accepted my brother into their inner circle rather quickly. Patrick is gregarious and the three of them became relatively inseparable.

The guys spent a lot of time showing him their “Shaggen Waggen.” They had painted those words on the side of the broken down orange van. They had plans for a Greek God riding a surf board hovering over the wagon to impress the ladies. They had a lot of parts and tools, but they had apparently been working fruitlessly on it for more than a year and had little more than a junk pile to show for it.

At dinner, everyone had a beer. I had given into peer pressure earlier in the day and smoked pot. I accepted a beer but only sipped it because I didn’t like the taste.

“Just swallow, dear,” Rachel smiled at me. “You’ll find that it’s a lot easier if you learn to swallow.”

The others grinned and laughed because they knew that my Aunt was making a double entendre about giving head, but I didn’t get it.

My Aunt was an excellent cook, and the food was mostly grown locally. My Aunt made it a point to tell me that she had grown the peas I was eating in the garden.

“I also peed in the garden,” Eddie laughed. She glared at him but the others laughed as well. I noticed that especially at the table, the guys could get away with joking but Rachel and her daughter were more restrained and kept their wise cracks to themselves.

“I raise bees, and even made the honey,” she said proudly and changed the subject.

“Juggs freshly squeezed the milk just before dinner, too,” Lloyd plucked imaginary boobs as if he were squeezing out breast milk to tease his mother about her huge knockers.

Instead of raucous laughter at my Aunt’s expense, the others pursed their lips on the brink of laughing – perhaps because they all realized that Lloyd had taken things a bit too far with his teasing. All except for my Aunt who could take a joke at her expense far better than most.

“No,” Rachel replied rather demurely before adding with a wry smirk “If I had, then your father would be drinking that instead of a gin and a beer.”

That comment brought out the raucous good-nature laughter, and even my brother giggled. It was a long way from how my family at home would have behaved if they heard a comment like that. It was simply so inappropriate that I had to laugh as well.

(Should I continue this one?)
Last edited by EddieDavidson on Sun Nov 03, 2024 3:16 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Chapter 2

Post by EddieDavidson »

The conversation at dinner never became as raunchy as that time Lloyd called his mother “Juggs” – due to her enormous tits.

Eddie openly called his wife Juggs at the table. My Aunt didn’t seem to mind and she answered to the name – which I found really confusing. My mom (her sister) would have probably hit the roof. I couldn’t even imagine her tolerating that kind of talk at the dinner table (or anywhere else for that matter).

Patrick and I avoided addressing my Aunt by name at all. If I had something to say, I’d simply look at my Aunt and say it to her without calling her by her name. I was uncomfortable calling anyone – especially an adult “Juggs” now that I knew what it meant. I may have had a hard time with it even if I didn’t.

I didn’t call my parents Sir or Ma’am, but many people did at that time. I certainly wasn’t on a first name basis with any adult.

Uncle Eddie also insisted that Patrick and I call him “Eddie” and not Uncle Eddie. As I had never addressed my uncle he didn’t explicitly give me permission to address him by his first name.

There were two bathrooms in the trailer. One for my Aunt and Uncle and the other was shared between the five of us. I discovered how long the wait was and that somehow there was an implicit order that boys get to go first.

“There BETTER be some hot water left when you get done hogging it,” Harley demanded but it seemed as though her brothers didn’t care one way or the other if there was.

“Come on, let’s go watch them beat their meat,” she whispered to me after Lloyd went into the bathroom. It was dark outside but I felt like we’d be caught. I really didn’t want to get caught being a peeping tom. I also felt it was a tremendous violation of privacy but Harley would not take no for an answer.

She clearly had a plan once we snuck out through her window. We raced around to the other side of the trailer. I felt a tremendous adrenaline rush as I ran to the other side of the trailer. This was simply something I never would have imagined myself doing.

There was a wooden stoop right under the bathroom window that was perfect to stand on. Harley expected it to be there. She had clearly done this many times before. She helped me up and whispered to be quiet and just watch.

“Don’t you want to see?” I said.

“Our fat asses can’t be up on that thing together or it will break,” she warned. We were hardly fat by any measure of the word. “Just wait, Lloyd will start waxing his weasel! I’ve seen him do it plenty of times!”

I felt incredibly guilty watching a boy in his intimate moments, but Harley wouldn’t allow me to stop at this point and frankly I was curious and a little horny after all the dirty talk. Lloyd had a muscular chest and six pack abs. He wasn’t very handsome in the face – probably a little like Patrick Swayze but this was before Swayze was a household name.

I watched the water cascade on his shoulders as he soaped himself up. I noticed he wasn’t using a wash cloth. My first thought was that this was the soap that everyone used and he was using it directly on his body – that seemed like it was naughty and for some reason I felt less guilty after that for staring at him. If my cousin was going to break the rules of shower etiquette, then I told myself that it was only fair that I watched him.

The moment his dick got hard, I got excited. I could only see the tip and some stray curly hairs from my vantage point. However, voyeuristically watching him pleasure himself was such a turn on that I immediately got wet and wanted to touch myself. I was glad I had panties on in the dusty overalls I still wore or I would have soaked the crotch.

Lloyd began to pull himself off and hum. I was envious at the simplicity of how boys masturbate. He performed the same simple move, over and over as he pulled it.

“Okay, I’ve seen it,” I whispered as I tried to get down.

“Did he cum already?”

“I don’t know,” I whispered back. Harley took that as a no and pushed my butt so that I was standing on the wooden box.

Lloyd’s eyes rolled up in his head when he finally made himself cum. I had no idea that boys did that. He seemed possessed. I wondered if Harley had put him up to do this and he knew I was watching because it almost seemed comically.

He looked so weak and vulnerable as he bent his knees. He had a white sticky substance in his hand and he immediately flung it into the bottom of the shower. I knew that wasn’t soap – was that ‘cum’? So much more than the white-goo that came out of my pussy when I touched myself. I barely produced even a sliver of that.

He seemed fine in a few moments, got out of the shower, and toweled his body dry. I watched him and studied his anatomy - even though we are blood related - I was INCREDIBLY curious (and a little horny). He almost caught me watching as Harley pulled me down and warned me not to get caught. I had so many questions for her about what I had just witnessed. She simply made me go up and watch her brother Gerald do the same thing.

Gerald had a much bigger cock, and he was already hard when he undressed. He flicked his cock and bobbed up and down. I wondered why he didn’t wince at the pain he caused himself. I could see the entire thing. He spun it like he was trying to make his cock spin like a second hand in a circle. It reminded me of a fleshy lily-pad with his matted brown curly pubic hair as the leafy base.

He took care of himself while the water ran as he stood outside of the shower. I watched as he used one hand to rub himself and then put the other behind himself. I didn’t realize he was fingering his own ass until Harley asked me after it was over.

“Did he put his finger in his ass?”

I said that I didn’t know and that he put his hand behind him, She smiled and said that he liked that. I was shocked that boys would want to do that. Harley pushed me back up to the top of the box to watch my own brother whack off.

I tried to protest. It hadn’t seemed all that wrong to watch Lloyd and Gerald. After all, their sister watched them beat off regularly. I had made up reasons to justify peeping on them. I also didn’t know them that well.

Patrick and I had shared a womb and knew each other implicitly – it felt like a total betrayal. I was pleased that my brother didn’t beat off when he entered the shower. I told Harley to let me down after watching him shower for a few minutes.

“All guys do it, just wait a few,” she poked my ass cheek with her finger and made me stay on the box to watch the entire thing.

My brother stepped out of the shower, and began to pee in the toilet. I watched as he held his cock and pissed. I had never seen that either. His stream was so powerful and he got to control where it went – I was envious and not disgusted at all.

“Is he jerking it?” she whispered.

“No, he is peeing,” I whispered back.

“Ooh, I want to see!” Harley nearly made me fall on my ass when she pulled me down from the box and took my place. I was surprised she was so enthusiastic, but Patrick was new, and the others were old hat to her.

Harley was disappointed that he had finished by the time she got up to the shower. He almost noticed her and she giggled as she hopped down. I felt a sense of pride as we raced back to sneak into her room. My brother had not done the base, animalistic act of masturbating himself. I was relieved that he seemed ‘moral’ by comparison.

Obviously, I couldn’t tell that to Harley though. She seemed disappointed and assumed that he’d just jerk off some other time and we’d miss it.

She made a loud and annoyed show of asking if the guys planned to stay in the bathroom all night. They shouted from their room that they were done already. “About damn time! There better be hot water in there or I will put my foot in your ass and break it off.”

“Harley?” my Aunt called from within her own room.

“Sorry Mom,” Harley apologized for being so graphic, shut the door to the bathroom and took what I assumed was an hour long bath. I was asleep by the time she finished and told me it was my turn. Harley stood over the bed lit up by the silhouette of light from the moon. She was naked except for the towel she wore around her body, the outline of her nipples was visible.

“That was fun! Your turn,” she smiled.

I went into the bathroom and steam had fogged all of the windows. There was indeed no hot water left for me. I quickly showered and found that there were no towels. I put my dirty overalls back on and ran across the hallway into my cousin’s room.


“You weren’t in there very long. Did you finish?” I knew my cousin was suggesting that I masturbated. I had no idea what ‘finishing’ really was. I’d never had a complete orgasm – only small little ones. The lights were off so I undressed quickly and admitted that I hadn’t done the deed. “We may have to butter your honey pot and let Rufus go to town or you’ll explode!”

I had no idea what she meant by that. I quietly changed into a dainty nightgown and then put on a fresh pair of panties.

“You are not going to sleep in bra, panties and night gown?” she asked me with an incredulous expression that suggested it was way too hot for that. Montana isn’t known for heat and I wasn’t uncomfortable at all in what I was wearing to bed. It was hardly sexy but it was appropriate for a girl my age.

I climbed into bed with her and kept to my side of the bed. She suggested that I really DID have a stick up my ass after all.

As I was falling asleep, we heard the tinny warble from a record player coming from the boy’s room. “Why try, I know why ... this feeling inside me say it’s time I was gone.”

Harley pounded on the paper thin wall between our rooms and demanded they turn it off.

“It’s Rush!” her brother’s protested. I had never heard of them, they were some new rock band from Canada that the brother’s liked.

“I don’t give a crap if it’s Led Zeppelin, go to bed, you butt fuckers,” she whispered the threat but it carried.

I had heard of Led Zeppelin but I didn’t know their music. The part that I really didn’t understand was the term “Butt Fucker”. It was a shocking term and one I had never considered.

“Aww, c’mon! We’ve got our tent fort set up. You and Tish can come play fort!”

“Not with you dick pullers,” Harley answered for us, without even asking me. I wasn’t interested in breaking the rules and staying up after it was lights out anyway.

They turned off the music but complained a little. Harley rolled over and our bodies touched briefly in the small bed. Her butt pressed against my thigh.

“Do guys really fuck each other in the butt?” I whispered my question. I tried to imagine how that would work and why they would do it. It sounded silly and naive when I heard myself asking the question. I felt like such a stupid girl.

“What?” she asked groggily and moved her ass away from me. She had already fallen asleep. I told her never mind and asked her to go back to sleep.

That night we did touch a few times accidentally but never intentionally. I had so many dirty thoughts going through my head that I dreamt nothing but wet dreams all night.

In the morning, she put the long shirt she had worn the previous day on to join the others. It was EXTREMELY early – uncomfortably so. The sun wasn’t even up yet.

“Did you get enough sleep, lazy bones?” her brothers were already sitting at the table, fully dressed and had apparently already completed their morning chores.

“Not really with you playing Rush all night,” Harley said.

“Boys, were you playing records all night again?” their mom asked sternly as she worked in the kitchen on breakfast.

“No, Mom,” Lloyd denied it.

“So, your sister is a liar?”

“No Mom, I never said that.”

“You implied it. Either she is lying, and you didn’t listen to rock music or you did, You know how I feel about liars and what I do when I find out someone is lying to me.”

“We listened for a few minutes and then we turned it off when she asked us to turn it off. You can ask Patrick,” Lloyd insisted.

“I do not need to ask Patrick. I am asking you,” My Aunt insisted firmly.

Lloyd confirmed it and then she asked Harley if that was really what happened.

At first Harley stuck to her story, and then she quickly changed it when her mom saw right through the lie.

“Yes Mommy, I am sorry I exaggerated,” Harley’s tone shifted almost to a babyish voice.

“You have a real problem with exaggeration, Harley. Your cousin is going to think all sorts of things about us and probably tell my sister that we are cuckoo around here. Now, what happens when somebody lies?”

“Please Mommy? Not in front of my cousins,” Harley’s voice took on a childish and immature tone. It seemed to me she was attempting (and failing) to appeal to her mother’s clemency by pretending to be acting cutesy. It was a stark contrast from Harley’s normally bossy and smart-assed tone.

“Why not? You lied in front of your cousins. You do not think you should be punished in front of your cousins?”

“You just said we’d seem nuts to them, Mommy,” Harley dropped her cutesy voice because it obviously wasn’t working. It felt like she was trying to manipulate her mom. I didn’t know what the punishment was but I felt like Harley was actually digging the hole deeper by arguing.

“I’ll seem even more nuts if I let you walk all over me. Now, pull the shirt up and stand in the corner or I’ll make you take it all the way off.”

“How long, Mom?” Harley pulled her shirt up in the back and revealed her bare ass crack. Her brothers didn’t seem surprised. They snickered a little. Eddie ignored the confrontation entirely. My brother seemed mildly amused but not entirely shocked.

“15 minutes and don’t think I won’t spank your bottom either,” her mother warned. She said she didn’t want to hear a peep from her. Harley stood in the nearest corner with her nose pressed firmly in the crack of the corner. Her bare- cute butt clearly visible to the rest of the family.

The carried on as if nothing had just happened and ignored her. “Just ignore her, when she throws a tantrum she needs a time out. The extra embarrassment of having to show her fat butt is just a little reinforcement to watch her mouth.”

I heard my cousin expel air from her mouth as if she wanted to reply.

“Did you have something you wanted to say, Harley?”

“Uh-uh,” Harley mumbled her response.

“I didn’t think so. I thought we could go at least a few weeks before you misbehaved. Unfortunately, my daughter spends a lot of time in the corner because she can’t watch her mouth. We go through a lot of soap!”

I didn’t know what she meant by soap, but I could feel nothing but empathy for my cousin. This had to feel completely humiliating.

Her brother’s stifled some tittering laughter. “Did you want to join her, Lloyd?” Rachel asked rhetorically. “We can laugh and joke around here, but if you are going to tell me lies and expect me to believe them then you must think that I am a bigger fool than I am.”

“No,” Harley started. Her mother warned her that the next word out of Harley’s mouth would put her over her knee. Harley knew better than to test her mother this morning.

“I am sorry you had to see that,” my Aunt apologized to me and my brother and asked me if my mom had to spank me a lot.

“No Ma’am,” I replied politely. My mom had never even brought it up.

“I didn’t think so. You are a good girl, but please call me Juggs, Tish. I’d prefer Aunt Rachel to Ma’am,” she laughed at my formality.

“It just feels strange to call an adult something like that,” I admitted.

Rachel smiled warmly when I said that. “I can appreciate that and the last thing I want is for you to feel uncomfortable. I’ve got big ta-tas and had them since before I was my daughter’s age. A long time ago someone called me Juggs behind my back to be mean. I decided to embrace the name and introduce myself that way so that the words could never hurt me. I’ve got big boobs and everybody knows it, so I may as well accept that. If it makes you uncomfortable please just call me Rachel or Aunt Rachel.”

“I’ll try,” I offered meekly.

“What about you Patrick? Is it going to be stuffy Aunt Rachel and Uncle Eddie or Eddie and Juggs?” my Uncle asked my brother.

“Eddie and Juggs,” Patrick smiled broadly as he embraced the idea of calling an adult by a nickname or a first name.

“You know why Eddie likes you?” Aunt Rachel asked Patrick.

My brother shrugged with modesty. “Why is that Juggs?” he asked. It sounded so wrong when he called our Aunt that name.

“You remind him of himself, and nobody loves Eddie more than Eddie loves himself,” Aunt Rachel said.

“A handsomer, younger version of me,” Eddie clarified and put his hand on my brother’s back. The others laughed a little at his joke. Eddie wasn’t a total narcissist or anything – he was being facetious and laughing along with the others at himself.

“Okay, finish up your after breakfast chores and I am going to take you all swimming,” my Aunt noted.

“I didn’t bring a swimsuit,” I pointed out. Montana isn’t exactly known for it’s beaches and I honestly didn’t think I’d get an opportunity to go swimming.

“That’s okay, you can swim in your birthday suit,” my Uncle teased. I thought he might be serious that I’d be nude.

“You can wear one of your cousin’s swimsuits,” my Aunt Rachel quickly explained before I freaked out.

“She might prefer to swim au natural,” Eddie smiled and said that the men at the YMCA would prefer it if I did as well. “Oh yes, they call her the streak, look at her go, boogedy-boogedy,” he sang. There was a new song by Ray Stevens about streaking in the nude. It was a nation wide phenomenon in places like California where college students ran down the street or at sporting events naked for shock value - unheard of in rural Montana (well, unless you count skinny dipping).

“Yeah Juggs, I do not think there is going to be a top in your dressers that fits Tish,” Gerald pantomimed her mother’s mountainous chest and then ran his hand down his own chest to indicate that I was very flat.

“Don’t make your cousin feel self-conscious,” Rachel glared at her son. “I am sure we have an old suit that belonged to your sister before she blossomed.”

I was beet-red as they discussed my breasts relative to the other women in the room.

“I inherited big boobs from my mom, and my sister inherited the brains from my Daddy. It remains to be seen what you inherited but don’t worry Tish. You may just be a late bloomer.”

“Haha, it’s pretty obvious you didn’t inherit brains,” Lloyd teased Harley. Her backside was still presented to the rest of us in the kitchen. I couldn’t see her asshole from how she stood, but we could see her entire butt crack and I felt that had to be feel deeply shameful.

It was obviously the norm here – but I was still quite shocked by the choice of punishment.

Harley was going to say something rude in response, but her mother stopped her. “You are a smart girl, Harley. Don’t let your brothers goad you into saying something that you will regret before we go swimming. You can put your t-shirt back down,” she said.

Harley dropped the shirt and turned around. She pulled the hem back down to cover herself fully.

“Now, you have some chores to do. I think the kennel needs to be cleaned out as well.”

“Aww, Mom,” Harley pouted when her mother mentioned cleaning the kennel. I was surprised after being put in the corner that Harley would dare to push back at all. I certainly wouldn’t have.

“It won’t take long, and somebody has to clean up their droppings. It’s isn’t going to be me,” my Aunt assured her daughter. Harley nodded her agreement but I do not think Rachel really needed to hear her daughter say she would do the chore – she knew Harley would (or else).

“Yeah, we had to clean up the pig sty and shovel the barn,” Lloyd and Gerald lamented.

“Did you help your cousins?” Eddie asked my brother.

“I did, Eddie,” my brother replied proudly that he had baled hay, and cleaned the pig sty.

“Patrick is a champion shit-shoveler,” Gerald teased him good-naturedly and put his hand on my brother’s head to tussle his hair.

“Yeah, he’s a natural,” Lloyd smiled. The guys were getting along extremely well.

I felt I needed to help out as well. This time I didn’t wear a bra under my overalls when I changed. No one said anything about the lack of a bra strap when I walked through the kitchen. I felt so naughty – as if I really shouldn’t be doing that.

Harley didn’t acknowledge that I hadn’t worn a bra when we went outside. She hadn’t worn panties under her overalls either. I wasn’t ready for that.

Once we were outside she apologized that I had to witness her punishment. “You probably thought it was kind of funny.”

“No, I felt embarrassed just WATCHING you get punished,” I said.

“You never have to stand in the corner at home?” she asked rhetorically and suggested that I really was a goody-two-shoes. “I can’t help myself and shoot off my mouth sometimes. It doesn’t happen every day but you were bound to see me in the corner before the end of the summer.”

“Is that why you don’t wear panties under your night shirt?” I asked.

Harley didn’t understand the question. I had to clarify that I was asking if she didn’t wear panties under her shirt because she might have to stand in the corner with her bare butt on display.

She laughed and said that was funny. “No, I do not wear panties because it’s a night shirt and I do not need them. If I had them on, Juggs would just make me take them down to my ankles.”

I had so many other questions – but I didn’t ask. I wondered if she would do the same thing to the boys or if this was only for girls. I felt like it probably wouldn’t be all that embarrassing to the boys for some reason. I wanted to ask if her nipples chafed in the overalls without a bra, because mine certainly did. I was too shy to mention it.

I could sense how vulnerable that Harley was when she was in the corner and yet now that the punishment was over she acted like it was no big deal. I wanted to know how she felt about it. I would have been devasted if it was me – although I doubted I’d ever push my Aunt far enough to make me stand in the corner.

I wanted to know what was meant by using a lot of soap. I wanted to know if she really got spanked. My imagination was running wild with whatever corporal punishment that may actually be inflicted upon her for mischief and sass around the house.

The kennel was fenced in all the way around and had a small shed-like dog-house that was low enough to the ground that you’d have to crawl to get inside. The dogs hung out inside.

The grass in the pen had almost all been completely dug up and there was simply Montana clay in it’s place with a few weeds growing stubbornly here and there. There were piles of dog poop all over like land mines.

“There is only one shovel, I will pick up all the poop.” She offered as she fed the dogs and changed put fresh water from the garden hose into their bowls.

“We can take turns or something,” I suggested. I really didn’t want to do the chore but I would have felt guilty if I didn’t offer.

“I thought you were stuck up when you first arrived. You are alright,” Harley smiled at me and said she’d clean up a few and that we could take turns.

“Thanks,” I replied.

“What was it you asked me last night?” she asked me to repeat the question I asked right before bed.

I was too embarrassed to repeat it. It felt right to ask it in the privacy of her darkened bedroom last night. It felt wrong to ask a dirty question under the bright, clear Montana sky made it seem inappropriate. She said it was about butt fucking and made me repeat it.

She laughed and said that some guys do fuck each other in the ass. “Liberace, and Paul Lynde and those queers out in California probably pack each other’s fudge,” she made another vulgar word picture that I couldn’t get out of my head. I imagined the fame piano player packing actual fudge into beloved actor Paul Lynde’s ass. There was always something a little off about the two of them – effeminate. I didn’t know they were gay though. All I knew was that if a boy was accused of being gay that other boys would beat him up at my school.

She scooped up some more poop, politely pat her dog on the head warmly, and continued the conversation. “You can keep your precious virginity if you learn to take it up the ass, you know?”


“Yeah, technically you’d still be a virgin if you let a guy slide it into your asshole.”

That seemed impossible. She may as well have suggested letting a guy slide his dick into my ear and fuck me there. I was still picturing a horse cock and said that it wouldn’t fit.

“You’d be surprised what can fit if you have enough time, and lubrication,” she offered playfully.

“Have you done it? Been fucked in the butt?” I asked. I. Harley laughed at how enthusiastic I was to find out.

“Most guys are too grossed out because they think they will get poop on their cock,” she said as she picked up another pile of poo. “Juggs says it is the most pleasurable kind of sex though.”

I couldn’t believe that Harley had spoken to her mother about anal sex. (I didn’t know the term anal sex at the time). I assumed this was her ‘exaggerating’, and I dropped the subject.

She didn’t make me take a turn cleaning up the kennel and completed it all on her own. When we were finished, she told the dogs how good they were and asked me which one I thought had the biggest dick.

I hadn’t looked and had no interest in finding out. “Yesterday, you asked me if I had seen every cock on the ranch. I’ve seen them all. Check them. Rufus has the biggest dick of all the dogs.”

Rufus was the smallest of the three male dogs. He was a black mutt with a puggy face. “He isn’t pure bred like the other two, and he’s kind of a runt but look at his pecker,” she squatted down, reached down between her dogs legs and pinched his cock softly between her two fingers.

It was red and reminded me of a lipstick as his dick slid out of the fleshy sheathe. “See? He’s not circumcised. Some men have cocks like this,” she and I stared at this dog’s dick. It felt so weird and wrong to be looking at it.

“Have you seen one like this? On a man?” I asked.

“No, but I want too,” Harley admitted proudly and let go of his dick. She apologized for not giving him hand relief and then wiped her hand on her jeans.

“How come the horses are circumcised?” I asked as we went to the barn to finish our chores.

Harley told me that they weren’t. I said that their penises were clearly not sheathed because they looked about a foot long.

“Oh, they ARE sheathed,” Harley said proudly. She took me immediately to the horses. “We give them a full bath once a week. When you grow up on a ranch, you have to learn these things,” she said. I found it hard to believe that she’d wash the horse’s penis. Harley told me that if they didn’t then fungus could grow in the folds of their cocks.

“Here look at this,” she carefully stroked one of the Palomino’s dicks and it stiffened another eight inches in length as it emerged from a natural fleshy sheathe. It was about as big as Lloyd’s entire arm.

“We shouldn’t be doing this,” I was worried that we’d be caught and punished as horse molesters. Harley assumed I meant that the horse would freak out and stomp on us and explained to me how she positioned herself and calmly stroked the horse so that this wouldn’t happen.

“No, I mean it’s perverted,” I explained.

“It’s just like piling up the dog shit or slaughtering the hogs – someone has to do it,” Harley said.

“Slaughtering?” I immediately began counting the number of pigs in the stall and there was one missing from the day before.

“How do you think we get bacon and sausage?” Harley laughed.

“Your brothers KILLED a pig?” I felt woozy.

Harley laughed and called me a city-slicker. “These are not our pets. We raise them to slaughter and eat. Pig meat has to be smoked though, so don’t worry. You didn’t eat the same pig this morning that you saw yesterday.”

Harley playfully teased me as I turned white thinking about the cute little pigs. She said that the pig I ate this morning’s name was “Piggy Wiggy” and offered to take me to the smoke house and show me the rest of him.

“No, thank you!”

“You watched me play with a dog’s dick, wash a horse’s cock, but you draw the line at seeing how bacon is made?”

I admitted that I had been squeamish about all of that. Harley laughed as we made our way back and teased that I was a “space cadet”.

The swimming suit that she and her mother chose for me was impossibly large for me. They had hips and curves and I was admittedly a string-bean made up mostly of knees and elbows and not much else.

Rachel was handy with a sewing needle and people didn’t discard clothes and buy new ones as often as they do now. She found a way to make it work. I felt ridiculous when they paraded me into the living room to show me off.

Lloyd and Gerald didn’t bat an eye when they saw me. I felt like the bikini was way too small and pulled and pinched in all the wrong places. A few scraggly pubic hairs were sticking out of the side of the bikini bottoms.

“Bikinis just keep getting smaller and smaller,” my Uncle Eddie looked me up and down with amusement and delight on his face. “One day, they will just be a little string between the legs and around the boobs,” he predicted and said he hoped to be alive to see that.

“Yeah, George Jetson,” his wife joked that he was predicting some future-space timeline. “You’ll be able to see all the girly parts but you’ll be too old to do anything about it by then.”

“They’ll make a little blue pill for old-timers like me,” he pretended to take an imaginary pill and then pantomimed a boner.

“It’s going to make your dick bigger than it is?” Rachel was amused.

“Let’s say you are a Scientist. Do you really think there is money in curing the common cold? If you could make a pill that makes a man’s penis get huge and stay hard you are going to make a million dollars! That’s where the real money is, Juggs.”

Back then, a million dollars was considered an impossible amount like a Trillion dollars today.

“Oh Honey, that’s why I love you. You have the craziest predictions. I take it you want to stay here and tinker with your computer and not join us at the YMCA?”

“I better go with you, all those young guys at the pool are going to be flirting with you and I want to get in line and be first,” Eddie smiled.

“Don’t be silly,” Aunt Rachel teased him right back and said that she’d let him go right to the front of the line to be with her. I liked how playful and loving they both were. My parents didn’t joke like that at all, and certainly wouldn’t have found humor in the idea of my mom flirting with any other man.

I didn’t see what my Aunt intended to wear to the pool until we arrived. Once she emerged from the women’s bathroom in the swimsuit, I could see why Eddie had said that about flirting.

The bikini she had on was skimpy for the standards of the day. It wasn’t a micro string bikini like Eddie had predicted would be the norm on the beaches on day, but she sure turned a lot of heads in it.

I overheard one man describe her like a “Brick Shit House”. I didn’t think that was very flattering but he and his friend couldn’t take their eyes off of her. Rachel sashayed through the outdoor pool area at the community pool with her towel and basket and ignored the reactions of everyone.

Men stared at her longingly, some let their jaws drop open. Women glared at her derisively and some seemed downright angry. Her tits truly were marvelous and she carried herself with pride – but not so brazenly or over the top. She was less like Mae West or Lonnie Anderson and more like Raquel Welch or Bridgette Bardot.

There were about forty people at the pool that day -all ages. It was all white people. Montana isn’t exactly a diverse place and the only black people you saw worked there in menial jobs.

“We could pop our tops and skinny dip, and nobody would notice,” Harley followed her mother to the chairs. She had big, bodacious tits of her own and a lovely ass. The swimsuit she wore was far more modest and typical for the time – a polyester bikini with flowers.

Mine was bright orange, like a Push-pop ice cream and it drew the eye because it wasn’t quite even. The seams didn’t quite fit properly. The center of my bottoms formed a crease and when it got wet, the outline of my pussy lips was clearly visible through it.

I was mortified by the few snaggly pubic hairs that hung out of the side of the skimpy bottoms. I felt like everybody could see my pussy even though it was technically covered by material. The worst part was that once the suit was wet – my pubic patch could be seen through the material. I assumed my butt crack and possibly my nipples were visible through the top as well.

“Oh dear, I didn’t realize that material was so shear,” my Aunt apologized to me. She admitted that she had handmade that bikini and her daughter sprouted boobs before she ever got a chance to wear it.

The term “Camel Toe” hadn’t been invented yet, or if it did – no one at the YMCA had heard it used. However, I felt that when I got out of the pool, everyone saw the crease between my legs and giggled.

I wanted to curl up and die from shame. When my Aunt saw my expression she called me over to where she was sunning herself.

“Rub some suntan lotion on me and let’s talk, Honey,” she said. She asked me what was bothering me as I applied a thick white coconut cream paste to her body. I felt just like the little girl on the bottle. She was a cute little blonde with pig tails and a dog was pulling the back of her bikini bottoms down and revealing her butt crack on the beach.

“Men like that little crease you have there; it’s nothing to be ashamed of,” she said as she spread her thighs and encouraged me to apply the lotion to them.

“I shouldn’t be showing it to men,” I whispered quietly.

“Poppycock,” my Aunt disagreed strongly and said that the good lord has chosen to split me there precisely to excite men. “I might just run by the cloth store today and see if they still have that material and make a suit for Harley and me out of it.”

I assumed she was kidding.

“Too much material in the back,” my Uncle was staring at my butt as I applied suntan lotion to his wife. I hadn’t thought much of bending over until I heard his voice behind me. “You could probably take two inches off either side and still cover everything that needs to be covered.”

I started to stand up and straighten up. I was completely embarrassed thinking about what my Uncle might be seeing from behind.

“You are a dirty pervert, Eddie!” she chided him.

“That’s why you love me,” he snickered his response.

My Aunt bid me to turn around and let her have a look. I was mortified but used to doing what adults told me to do without question. Despite my reluctant feeling, I complied with her instruction.

“You have a nice little rump,” my Aunt admired my bottom, and then ran a finger through the material in the back of my swimsuit. I could feel the side of her delicate finger slide all the way down my ass crack as she pulled the material out of my bottom.

“I might be able to take an inch off of this on Tish, but Harley and I have much fatter asses. We would moon the entire pool!”

My Aunt didn’t lower her voice. Several of the women nearby turned and looked down their noses at us. I felt their ire was leveled on me as well because men were staring at me with lust on their faces. I’d never had that experience before.

“So? The entire pool can kiss your ass,” Eddie said it loud enough that a woman nearby harumphed and folded her arms across her chest.

“They might stop calling me Juggs and start calling YOU Ass,” My Aunt teased as she looked directly at my bottom while I faced the rest of the pool. I realized that the water had made the material shrink and become even more transparent.

“Front Butt!” Gerald pointed between my legs and laughed. He and several other boys laughed at the term and swam away. The indent of my camel toe did indeed look like a butt crack – only in the front.

“I am so sorry, Tish! I didn’t mean to embarrass you. I enjoy the attention, but it’s obvious that you do not. We’ll buy you a new swimsuit at the store,” she promised.
All of my stories: https://storiesonline.net/a/eddie-davidson
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Re: Harley and Juggs (My Summer Vacation)

Post by EddieDavidson »


I was able to wear a tank top and jean shorts to the pool. I kind of wish I hadn’t because the moment that I had to remove it – I felt like I was performing a striptease for the old perverts who watched me undress.No one cared what the boys did, and maybe it was my imagination but I felt so many eyes on me that I couldn’t wait to step out of my shorts.

I tried to make the most of my afternoon at the YMCA. I avoided the water and the ‘front butt’ disappeared. The bikini bottoms were not see through and I remained close to my Aunt while her kids and my brother frolicked in the water playing Marco Polo with other kids.

Today, the bikinis that I wore would seem quite tame – however I’d felt this exposed in public in my life ... It felt really quite scandalous to borrow one of my cousin’s two piece bikinis – especially since hers was so much bigger on top even with the modifications my Aunt had made. I wasn’t the only one on display though – there was a lot of skin at the public pool.

No one really seemed to notice me, but many guys engaged in open girl watching – and my Aunt and cousin weren’t the only ones that welcomed the attention.

My Aunt was friendly towards men who waved at her and smiled. A few of them addressed her by Juggs and came over and spoke with her.

“This is my niece, Tish,” she introduced me. The men would usually take one look at my flat chest and freckled face and dismiss me. A few of them were polite enough to ask me how I liked Montana and make polite conversation.

One man that she introduced simply as the Professor was actually interested in me. He had a well-trimmed silver beard with a few flecks of reddish hair. “How long are you hear for Tish?”

“The entire summer,” I answered politely. I wasn’t used to strangers talking to me, but only because I seldom went any place that might happen.

“Oh no,” the professor jokingly acknowledged how bored I’d probably be. “You strike me as a young lady who enjoys reading.”

I smiled because he was right. “What gave it away, professor? The glasses?” my cousin popped out of the water behind him.

“Aww, that must be the lovely Harley Davidson. You are really growing up,” he turned and smiled at my cousin as her tits bounced slowly in the water.

“Thanks Professor,” Harley replied and then abruptly swam away. She stuck her butt up in the water and wiggled it like a duck diving to the bottom.

“How come you are not enjoying the water on this lovely day?” he asked.

I looked down at my feet.

“That would be my fault. I didn’t realize that my niece’s suit would be see-through and shrink up when it gets wet,” my Aunt admitted.

“Knowing you as I do, Juggs, that sounds like the kind of suit that you would design,” the professor offered a pleasant smile.

“My niece isn’t quite as outgoing as me,” my Aunt replied.

“No one is quite as outgoing as you, Juggs,” the professor replied. “Could we go somewhere and talk?”

My Aunt looked over at Eddie and asked if he minded. “No, not at all,” Eddie offered good naturedly. I was surprised that he wasn’t the jealous type. I thought very little of it when Juggs and the professor left he pool area.

However, slowly more and more men approached my Aunt and asked to go somewhere to talk to her. She’d smile at them and then at Eddie and ask his permission. Eddie would always graciously give it and after the fifth time I began to wonder what she was talking about with these men in private.

It wasn’t my place to question it, but in 1976 people definitely could get the wrong impression about a married woman leaving the pool area with a man that wasn’t her husband.

I squatted down to talk to my cousin about it after the seventh guy had disappeared with her mother. “Isn’t it odd?”

“Why are you asking me? Why don’t you ask Juggs about it?” Harley said as she grabbed my arm and playfully yanked me into the pool. I was soaked once again and the bikini once again became semi-transparent.

“Harley! Tish! Out of the pool, now!” Eddie called us over to his pool lounger. He was drinking beer and enjoying the sun. My Uncle was normally quite laid back and jovial, so when he became serious it was very noticeable.

“Yes Daddy,” Harley popped right out of the water. The kids near us noticed right away and made an “oooh” sound to suggest we were both in trouble.

I draped my arms in front of my chest and let them hang loosely in front of my bottoms.

“Did you intentionally pull your cousin into the water?”

“Yes, but we were just horsing around, Daddy!”

“I see,” Eddie looked at me and asked if I wanted to get wet.

“I didn’t mind,” I lied to protect Harley. I was mortified but I didn’t want her to get in trouble.

“You know how we feel about lying,” Eddie looked disappointed by my answer. “So, that’s why you have your hands in front of your body? Because you like wearing a see-through bikini?”

There were families nearby and they could hear him dressing me down. I was so humiliated by the observation that my bikini was see-through. The bikini wasn’t totally transparent when wet but now I felt naked. “No, I don’t, Eddie.”

“You can’t bullshit a bullshitter, Tish,” Eddie explained. “If you wanted to run around naked at the pool, It wouldn’t bother me, but the moment you tell me a lie well, I wouldn’t piss on you to put you out if you were on fire, understood?”

“Yes,” I said.

“Here comes your Aunt. She can sort this out,” he said. I was so nervous that I’d be in trouble.

“While you were off having fun, your daughter was pulling Tish into the pool and getting her wet,” Eddie said.

Harley looked worried but offered no defense.

“I can’t go have fun for five minutes without you pulling some sort of shenanigans at the pool, can I?” my Aunt’s face twisted into anger and disappointment.

“I am sorry Mom, I was just goofing around,” Harley pleaded for mercy with as few words as possible.

“I would make you switch bikinis with her if it fit you!”

“Mom, please,” Harley lowered her voice to imply that her mother was blowing this out of proportion and to suggest that my Aunt lower her own voice.

“You are going to get it just like I am when we get home! And the ONLY reason I don’t take your bikini down right now and tan your hide red is there are so many families here,” my Aunt had no qualms about talking about spanking in public though. “Now come here and let me adjust your suit!” she demanded of her daughter.

Harley approached her mother with a defeated expression. Rachel yanked her bikini bottoms up between her daughter’s thighs. Her brother’s yelled “ SUPER WEDGIE!” from the pool.

“Give her a front butt!” Gerald yelled his suggestion so that everyone could hear. Harley looked completely mortified but she didn’t’ answer back.

“Watch your mouth, Gerald!” his mother yelled back at him and I saw my Aunt actually blush as she released my cousin and told her to keep the swimsuit just like it was. The material was rolled up tightly so that it resembled what would one day be a string bikini and wedged between her butt crack.

“You can sunbathe for the rest of the day! No more pool for you,” Rachel insisted.

Harley didn’t argue. She hopped tummy down on the nearest pool lounger and tried to turn herself invisible. The attention on her eventually faded as people went back to doing whatever they were doing around the pool area.

“I am sorry, Tish,” Harley offered after things cooled down.

“Are you sorry you got busted, or sorry you did it?” her mother overheard her apologies.

“I am sorry I did it, Mom.”

“Well, I am sorry I put her in the bikini in the first place, so now we can both answer for it,” Rachel said.

“I didn’t mean for either of you to get in trouble,” I said.

“No one said you did, and you aren’t in trouble, Tish,” my Aunt assured me and even smiled sweetly at me.

After that, when a man came to talk to my Aunt she would politely decline to talk privately with him and say that they would be heading home soon. On the way home, she stopped at a fabric store and went in wearing her bikini and came out with some material to make another bikini.

“Did you get enough to make one for yourself?” Eddie asked her.

“Yes, I got everything you told me to buy,” she sounded rather contrite and serious. My Aunt drove the car home and as we neared their ranch she asked how long her punishment would last. We were in one of those tank-like Ford Station Wagons. They were twice as reliable as they were ugly.

That was the first time it registered to me that my Aunt really was going to be ‘punished’ for putting me in the skimpy bikini. I had assumed that when my Aunt said, “You are going to get it just like me when we get home” it was a figure of speech.

“Put the car in park and you can walk from here. I’ll decide after supper, Juggs.”

“Yes, Eddie, that’s fair,” my Aunt put the car in park. We were on a lonely Montana road. The sun had a few hours before it would go down during the summer. She left it running as she stepped out of the car.

“Get out too, Harley!” she insisted. Harley didn’t have to be told twice. She slid over my brother’s lap from the middle seat in the back and got out of the car.

My Aunt surprised me by stepping out of her bikini bottoms. She only had to look up at Harley for her to follow suit. Her sons didn’t seemed shocked or surprised by this. My brother and me were sitting together in the backseat and I was flummoxed.

“May I keep my sandals?” Harley asked her husband as she popped her tight bikini top and let her huge tits fall free.

“What do you think?”

She bent over, slid them off and then handed everything she had been wearing to her husband through the car window like a car hop at a Sonic Hamburger joint. My cousin did as well.

I should say this was a PAVED road and even though it was a fairly remote location in Montana there was still the possibility someone might see them.

“Take your time, think about what you did and I will expect to see you in about 45 minutes. Do not run,” Eddie insisted.

“I know,” she smiled.

“I love you, Juggs, but you are a dumb bunny sometimes,” Eddie said as she slid over to the driver’s side.

“I know, Eddie. I am sorry for embarrassing you all today,” she apologized to everyone not just me.

“Have a good walk, sweet heart,” Eddie waved goodbye as we drove toward his ranch. I saw his wife waving back at us.

No one spoke up about how that was cruel or even dangerous.

“What if someone drives by?”

“Then they will see two naked women walking down the highway. As long as the girls don’t hitchhike, I am sure they’ll be fine,” Eddie shrugged it off. He paused for a few moments and told me that he appreciated my concern. “When my wife makes a mistake, she owns it and gets punished. I am sure it’s a little different in your household but that is how we do things here.”

“I feel bad that I complained and about the bikini. I do not think ... uh, Juggs,” it felt awkward saying my Aunt’s nickname “that she meant to embarrass me.”

“Whether she intended it or not, she did and Juggs didn’t think. She just acted and that gets her in trouble. Trust me, she’s made this walk of shame plenty of times. Juggs will be just fine.”

The “walk of shame” term really hit home – I felt incredibly guilty for what happened.

“Do you want to join them? I’ll turn around but you’ll walk home just like they do if I do,” he promised me. I knew my Uncle wasn’t kidding. I told him that I was sorry.

It took my Aunt and Cousin about 45 minutes to get to the house. Their butts were a little dusty and their feet were sore from walking barefoot on the rocks. They weren’t much worse for the wear. It must have been deeply humiliating for my Aunt to knock on her own front door.

“Who is it?” Lloyd teased her through the door.

“Open up, Lloyd!” my Aunt sounded annoyed.

“What’s the secret password?” he joked.

“Open the door for your mom,” Eddie chided his son for laughing at his mother.

Lloyd opened the door and my aunt and cousin walked in stark naked. I noticed that my Aunt trimmed her pubic hair into a mound. It looked like she had a mustache between her thighs, where her daughter had a full, untamed beard.

“Did you think about what you did?” he asked.

“Yes,” my Aunt seemed contrite and accepting that she made a mistake that deserved punishment. She seemed tired after her long naked walk through the Montana countryside. However, she stood up straight and answered her husband in the living room.

“Okay, then you know what to do,” Eddy told her. The boys were in the living room watching the Donny and Marie variety show on Television. A bunch of sexy women in skimpy costumes were roller skating and singing a song I had never heard before.

“I modified my niece’s bikini, and used material that was see-through that shrank in water. That was really stupid. I am a dumb bunny. Please forgive me,” she said to Eddie.

“Don’t say it to me, I am not the one you offended,” he pointed to me.

My Aunt turned to me. “I am sorry. I’ll make you a new bikini tomorrow. I should have known that material wasn’t suitable for your bikini and you ended up showing off more than you wanted to show at the pool. I am sure you are mad, and all I can say is I am a silly-stupid head. Please forgive me?”

I forgave her right away and hoped that would be the end of it.

“You’ll make bikinis for you and Harley too! Out of the same material that you made the one you gave Tish,” Eddie decided. He had already told his wife that.

“Yes, of course,” she agreed.

“They’ll be nice and snug,” he assured her. He told her to make dinner, and he would assign her real punishment later. I had never imagined a scenario like this. At my parent’s house, they never spanked us or made us parade around naked. This was ALL new to me and blowing my mind. My Uncle’s family (and the people that overheard us) seemed so casual about it – like it was perfectly normal to discipline teenagers in public this way.

I could never even imagine a scenario where if my parents had a dispute that they would resolve it in front of us. This was blowing my mind. However, it seemed perfectly normal to the Davidson family. The boys calmly watched it unfold and casually observed the television.

Their living room was just like any you might imagine from the 1970s. Faux-wood paneling on the walls, green shag carpet, lots of bric-a-brac on shelves collected at various travel stands and gift shops over the years. Eddie had a little table off to the side with electronics, and a tiny monitor that he used to tinker with his wooden computer box. The room was dominated by a single large black and white television the size of a cabinet.

Donnie and Marie performed some silly skit with Barbara Eden.

She came out on stage shaking her tits and wearing tinsel. I was aware of how sexy she was, because the my cousins noticed immediately and all began to fawn over her. “Jeannie can grant MY wish!”


She was wiggling like a human waterfall. It seemed like the television was offering almost the same kind of provocative entertainment of watching girls do sexy and strange things that was unfolding in my Uncle’s trailer – and it must have been routine for my cousins because they preferred Barbara to Harley.

Uncle Eddie asked Harley to apologize for what she did next. I really wanted to drop the matter but I said nothing – I was far too shy.

“I pulled my cousin into the water, knowing that when her suit gets wet it gives her a front wedgie,” Harley frowned.

“Why did you do that?” Eddie asked her.

“I thought it would be funny and loosen her up,” Harley admitted.

“Did it?” Eddie asked. I assumed that was rhetorical, but he expected a response.

“No, I am a stupid, selfish fat-ass that ruined my cousin’s first day at the YMCA by making her look silly to everyone there, Daddy.”

My cousin’s ordinarily sassy and often argumentative side completely disappeared. I felt she was probably being a bit hard on herself and she hardly had a “Fat ass” -just a little plump.

“I disagree, you aren’t stupid, Harley,” Eddie made it a point not to disagree with anything else his daughter said about herself and by extension imply that he agreed with it. “A stupid girl wouldn’t have known better, but you knew better because you’ve been humiliated before at the pool. How did that feel?”

“Not good, Daddy,” she pouted. Harley stood before her father as if she were waiting for him to pass judgment on her and he did.

“For a punishment to work, it has to be memorable. I could spank your fat butt and you’d only laugh about it later.”

Harley looked like she was considering disagreeing, but she kept her mouth shut.

“Humiliating you around the house isn’t as easy as it used to be. I need something that will get your attention so that you learn from your mistake. What you did wasn’t as bad as your mother’s behavior. Stand in the corner, until dinner.”

“THANK YOU DADDY!” Harley’s gloomy face lit up and she seemed relieved that was the only punishment she received. She obviously expected a much harsher punishment. She dashed to the nearest corner and stuck her nose in it, while keeping her hands at her sides.Her father took a polaroid of her and put it on the wall with a bunch of other polaroids of Harley doing the same thing. Her mother was naked in some of those pictures too! “Another picture on the wall of shame!”


“Sorry, Daddy,” Harley apologized but her father would not acknowledge her.

“I want you to keep jiggling your fat butt. I want to see those chubby butt cheeks of yours constantly moving like a busy little beaver. If you stop even for a second then I will make you spend dinner like your mother.”

“Yes Daddy, thank you!” Harley seemed less enthusiastic and perhaps that was the reaction that Eddie had wanted all along. He didn’t want her to see the punishment as all too easy. It certainly didn’t look like it to me. Harley buzzed as she rocked on the soles of her feet and bent her knees to keep her butt cheeks slightly flapping.

“You can be a little waterfall just like the television, that’s it, fatty-farty butt! Keep it up,” Eddie teased her and encouraged her to jiggle her ass cheeks continuously by slightly bouncing in place. His sons had a good chuckle. My brother did as well, but I tried not to laugh. I have to admit – Harley did look kind of funny like that. I was just glad it wasn’t me in her place! I tried to imagine how devastated I would be. Harley seemed to take it all ins stride though.

My cousin didn’t jump wildly and force her ass cheeks apart in a vulgar way. Instead, she just kept almost dancing in place so that her cheeks slightly parted and then touched again. Her brother’s laughter at her expense must have sent chills down her spine because I felt humiliated on my cousin’s behalf just watching her do it.

I wondered how often something like this happened at he house. The boys took it surprisingly well and after a few minutes of teasing their sister, they were engrossed in the Osmond’s next variety act. Donny showed his sister a picture of a horse that he said was a pretty girl. I wasn’t really following the plot of the skit but it seemed like they were discussing who would sing country and who got to sing rock and roll on tonight’s show. That was a recurring theme between the two siblings.

It was hard to believe they were still teenagers. They performed like grown-ups. My cousin was about as well developed if not more so than Marie Osmond., so I suppose it was possible.

Things went back to what you might call ‘normal’ while my Aunt prepared dinner. She was setting the table in the nude. She kept quiet and didn’t offer any of her normally colorful and sweet comments. Her sons watched TV with their father and my brother.

I kept watching Harley and Juggs. I wondered how it might feel to be naked and ignored while in a room full of people wearing clothed. I thought that may be extra humiliating. I kept wondering what the girls were thinking and if they worried what Eddie would require of them next.

I also kept wondering if I should plead for mercy for the girls. They didn’t ask for mercy, but it may be the polite way to let everybody know that what happened at the pool wasn’t that big of a deal. It was certainly embarrassing for me, but the last thing I wanted was to get anyone in trouble.

I was a little bashful about speaking up, and frankly this was all so surreal to me that I wondered what was going to happen next. It was exciting on some level -I’ll admit that. I didn’t want to BE in their shoes (or lack of shoes, for that matter). However, I could almost feel what they were feeling vicariously through observing them.

I take that back. I couldn’t read Harley at all. She had her nose pressed into the corner and she seemed to have tuned everything out and just focused on bopping up and down rapidly to make her butt cheeks bump together rapidly.

My Aunt acted as if everything were perfectly normal and being nude in the kitchen was not unusual. I wondered if being punished in front of her kids undermined her authority as a mother. She had frequently warned them to behave as if she had the authority to punish them – I wondered if they would see her as an equal or even a lesser.

They frequently called her “mom” which is a title of respect, even though they could call her Juggs. They referred to her as a Juggs. I noticed that tonight they spoke to her as if nothing had really changed. She asked if anyone had a preference of potato salad or mashed potatoes and the boys answered like it was any normal night.

Eddie seemed to have a double standard for boys that I didn’t fully understand. I wondered if it would frustrate Juggs to be treated this way in front of her sons. I got the impression that was Eddie’s intention all along.

“Eddie, dinner is ready. Should I set a plate for myself and Harley?” she walked into the living room and asked him politely as if she expected not to eat with us.

“Set one for your fat-ass daughter, she managed to keep her butt cheeks moving the entire time. Good job, Harley,” he said.

“Thank you, Daddy!” Harley didn’t shoot him a lemony expression even though he had just called her a fat ass and made her do a humiliating performance in front of the rest of her family.

“I didn’t say stop,” he laughed. She started bouncing again as she had been doing and faced the wall. “Okay, you can stop. Go stand at the table. No chair for you.”

“Yes, Daddy, thank you!”

“Now, Juggs. I’ve been thinking about your punishment, and I think I know just the thing that will help you learn...

(No feedback, should i take it that this is boring?)
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Re: Harley and Juggs (My Summer Vacation)

Post by bowser6664 »

Best story I've read in a while! I love this crazy family, is there more?
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Re: Harley and Juggs (My Summer Vacation)

Post by SDS »

Great story can't wait for more!
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Re: Harley and Juggs (My Summer Vacation)

Post by protonboy2024 »

I like it. I wish Tish had followed her aunt to see what she was doing with all of her visitors.
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Chapter Four

Post by EddieDavidson »

(I am glad there is some interest, my other stories didn't really take off) - there are 20 chapters.

Chapter Four

“Place a banana and a bar of soap on your plate in front of your chair and stand there looking at us, Juggs. You can watch us enjoy this wonderful meal you cooked for us and then finish after we eat,” Eddie said as he got up from his comfortable Lazy-Boy recliner.

His wife dutifully obeyed him and put a banana at her spot at the kitchen table. “Get two clothespins, Juggs,” he almost as an afterthought. My Aunt was sassy like her daughter, but instead of wisecracking she did as she was told. She didn’t look sad, angry, or miserable. She also didn’t look particularly happy about what she had to do.

My Aunt seemed to accept that this was just part of how things had be, and she obeyed her husband. It shocked me that nobody else was all that shocked. My brother was stunned but my cousins seemed to shrug this off as some sort of normal every day kind of thing.

Aunt Rachel looked at my Uncle as if she was hoping he was kidding and perhaps expected him to be more lenient. but my Aunt clearly knew her husband wasn’t. I had no idea what expected her to do with the clothespins as I took my seat at the table.

The rest of us sat except for Harley. She stood where she normally sat down. Her chair had been removed but her plate was in front of her and she was completely naked just like my Aunt. Harley normally had a wisecrack to make but she was serious and she had a look of regret and acceptance on her face that seemed almost out of place.

It was incredibly surreal. I assumed that the women might be mortified but they both seemed to accept that they had to remain naked while the rest of us enjoyed our breakfast.

“Eddie, considering our guests, perhaps it’s better if I eat outside?” she collected two wooden clothespins from a bin near the kitchen counter. I thought nothing of why laundry implements would be in the kitchen. I quickly surmised that these two particular clothes pins were frequently used as part of her punishments.

“Patrick and Tish are going to be here with us the entire summer. If you are embarrassed that they know there are consequences to your actions – I would advise taking a little more care in how you behave. I thought we could go more than one day without you needing discipline. They may as well know why you keep a pair of clothespins handy in the kitchen,” my Uncle said.

My Aunt didn’t wait to be told what to do with them. She pressed her thumb down on them and opened the clothespins wide. They reminded me of two tiny alligators opening their mouth to bite down. She brought them to her huge areola and let them snap shut on her erect nipples. My aunt hissed a little as she endured the pain they inflicted on her sensitive tits.

“Did I tell you to do that, Juggs?” he asked her like she was a prtoddler.

“No, Eddie but where do you want me to put them?” Jugg’s eyes widened as she worried he had another place on her body in mind.

“I will tell you, if you would hold your horses, Juggs. You have to learn patience. Stick out your tongue and snap them there.”

My Aunt stuck out her tongue as far as it would go– it was incredibly long. She attached the clothespins to her tongue and blushed – perhaps the redness on her face was from discomfort as much as humiliation. Spit ran down her lip and on to her chin.

He wasn’t finished with her though.

“Now, take two ice cubes from my glass and get your fat tits nice and hard,” Eddie instructed her calmly. We were all drinking from commemorative BiCentennial glasses that featured the American flag and the year 1776-1976. Juggs used her long nails to dig out two ice cubes from her husband’s glass. Her face was apologetic – like she had just farted or belched in front of us and was completely embarrassed.

“Is this absolutely necessary, Eddie?” my brother spoke up. I wondered the same thing but I was too shy to ask. “Certainly, Juggs has learned her lesson and agreed to wear the same suit tomorrow to the pool?”

The others stopped eating abruptly. My brother had asked the question that I was too bashful to ask.

“You answer your nephew, Juggs,” Eddie insisted that she answer even though her tongue was forced outside of her mouth by the clothespins. She had to lisp as she mumbled her answer in a silly way.

“I apprish-ee-ate, yourth confernff, Patrickffsth. I misbehathed, and I muth face the consequencesses,” she admitted as she rubbed ice on her nipples to make them rock hard. “I am sure thissss seemsthfftt cruel, but it is actually a kindessth ... the worseth thing Eddie could do isfff ignore our behavior and let us continue to behaveth like dumb-bunnies.”

I could understand my Aunt but I could hardly believe she felt that punishment was a kindness. I didn’t fully understand what she meant by that.

“You can cuss in front of your nephew, Juggs. He’s a big boy and knows the seven words you can’t say on television. (George Carlin was a famous comedian that had made that routine famous, but at the time I didn’t get the reference.)

Tell him what you mean when you say dumb-bunnies,” Eddie prodded her a little further.

My Aunt let a small tear roll down her eye. I felt sorry for her as her mascara ran slightly. She clarified that she meant “Dumb bishes.”

She was holding the soap in her mouth and she couldn’t quite say the words correctly. I was certain from the look of anguish on her face that the taste was bitter. She could have refused or told Eddie that he was going to far but instead she remained almost sanguine and melancholy.

“It just seems like there is a double standard here. Have you never heard of equal rights? Why are women treated differently than the guys and held to a different standard of behavior?”

My Aunt appeared dumbfounded. Suds from the soap was running down her chin and dripping down her neck to her enormous tits. I felt Eddie would have made her wear a dunce cap if he had one. She looked almost pathetically comical.

I saw Harley stifle a small grin as if she was happy that Patrick challenged her father.

“Nixon and Ford may have signed any amendment into law, but did you read the sign above the door when you walked into my house?” Eddie asked. He told his wife to read it for him since she was facing the front door from the table.

“Girls learnffttt when butts burn,” she read the words engraved on the wooden sign. The image of a lady’s butt bent over was next to the words with a paddle being swung so that there was no mistaking what was meant.

‘Why just women?” Patrick openly questioned that attitude. I expected Eddie to have some answer but his wife replied for him. Spittle from her lips was running down her chin on to her fat tits as she spoke.

“Menfftth learn differently fromth dumb bishes like me, Patrick. I know thisth is uncomfortableth for you to watchssfftt. I should hafff warned your motherth before you were dropped off you would see something like thisstthf...”

“It isn’t freaking me out, but it just seems unfair and misogynistic to single out women this way,” My brother spoke up for my Aunt. I was proud of him for speaking up but I didn’t dare agree. I was mortified and simply too bashful.

“Patrick, if I thought it would help you, I’d tell to rub ice on your nipples until they got hard and then wear clothespins for dinner. Women process pain and humiliation very differently than men. The things that stimulate and horrify them are equally different. Don’t try to understand them, you never will,” Eddie said. “The best thing you can do is figure out how to live with someone like Juggs.”

“The sign says girls learn when butt’s burn. How does attaching clothespins to your wife’s tongue make her butt burn?” Patrick asked. His tone was less confrontational and came across as curious. He was questioning my uncle’s way of life. I was surprised that Eddie seemed to welcome his questions.

“Good question,” Eddie smiled at Patrick and admired my brother for daring to speak up. I secretly wished I had the courage because I had wondered the same things. I was 14 at the time, and I had never seen anything like this. I’ve had decades to think back on my experience that summer though.

“Take the soap out of your mouth, stick out your tongue and show us,” Eddie insisted that his wife open her mouth wide and let us see the bubbly suds.

“Did you enjoy that Juggs?” he asked.

“No,” she replied sourly.

“Good, that’s how you learn. If it was fun then you’d keep pushing my buttons until you got what you wanted. Now, since your nephew is curious, show him what else you do not enjoy.”

“Please Eddie?” she pouted, but didn’t cover herself. She wiped her mouth but the soap had already dripped down her neck and over her knockers and she did nothing to clean off those suds.

“It’s a bit late for that. Place the ice cubes in your mouth and attach the clothespins to your nipples, Juggs,” Eddie instructed. He ignored her while his wife obeyed him and addressed my brother as if he were the only one in the room.

“A woman’s butt is actually a source of her power. If you let her sit around all day on it, it will grow and grow. Every now and then, like even the most fragrant rose bush you have to trim it back with a spanking,” he spoke in a confusing metaphor. When he saw that we didn’t fully understand he explained a different way.

“Every part of a woman operates a little differently. Just like a circuit board, I have different tools for different jobs. I have tweezers, soldering iron, screwdrivers, and I select whichever one gets the job done. The butt is just one part of the whole,” Eddie laughed at the double-entrendre pun about a butt-whole.

“There are times that I spank the girls until their butts are ruby red. I guarantee that you will witness me do it for some reason or another if you stay here for two months. I do not feel it is warranted in this case. This is just a light reminder for Juggs that she had fucked up. She knows it, we know it, and she knows the consequences. Now you all know them. I don’t see a reason to hide it.”

I was shocked by my Aunt nodded in agreement with her husband, and her kids remained quiet. No one even looked up from their plates but Lloyd and Gerald were openly smirking with devious grins on their face about their mother and Harley’s cummupance.

“I happen to know that her nipples are EXTREMELY sensitive, and wearing those clothespins don’t really hurt. The ice is to numb them so that when it starts to wear off, you’ll see her dance and fidget because it’s going to excite her. If she touches herself anywhere without permission then Juggs will eat that bar of soap for dinner. If she behaves she can have the banana.”

“One more question,” Patrick asked.

“Please, ask as many as you like. I enjoy this,” Eddie smiled warmly at my brother.

“Do you think this is unfair?” he asked my Aunt.

“The word you are looking for is consent,” Eddie continued to smile and told Juggs to answer him. She couldn’t speak with the ice cubes in her mouth and nodded that she did. That was good enough for my brother.

BDSM wasn’t widely known back then. It was something you read about in the back of cheap swinger magazines you got at adult book stores. That wasn’t anything I had access to and I could not fully process the relationship of my Aunt as a submissive to her husband.

In retrospect, I believe Juggs was a true submissive who didn’t question her husband’s decisions and liked to please others. At the time, I was completely mystified that she would agree to this arrangement.

“I fupth up, Pathrick,” My Aunt admitted. The look on her face was frustration, humiliation and something else that I couldn’t recognize. Her nipples were incredibly sensitive and the biting sensation of the clothespins was sending mixed signals of discomfort and physical stimulation to her brain.

Juggs began to shuffle slightly in place and bop her head up and down at first. She leaned to the left slightly and let her finger tips hang at her side and then leaned the other way. It was her attempt to distract herself from the constant sensation.

“Stand up straight, look straight ahead, Juggs,” Eddie knew exactly what she was doing. She had done this shuffle dance many times. She was trying to prevent herself from touching her body because she was getting uncomfortably turned on. I found it hard to believe that she could be aroused because she also looked so deeply humiliated and ashamed of herself.

I knew that it had to be increasingly embaressing to be naked in a room full of clothed people who were well aware that you were on the cusp of a small orgasm and all you really wanted to do was finger your pussy. I could smell her musky scent as she got wet and I first noticed a trickle of clear fluid dripping off her clit hood and down her thigh.

“This is a pretty good meal, Juggs,” Eddie complimented his wife’s from-scratch country cooking. We were having Meatloaf with mashed potatoes, fried okra and gravy. It was quite yummy.

“Thank you, Eddie,” she replied uncomfortably. The ice cubes had melted sufficiently so that she could speak clearly.

“Too bad you can’t enjoy it with us,” he reminded her. He wasn’t teasing her good-naturedly. He was talking down to his wife like a stern father would speak to an ugrateful child – and she accepted it with a nod.

The others either pretended not to notice or genuinely didn’t seem to care that their mother was constantly shifting and nervously attempting to stand still. Harley stood naked and ate at the table like it was perfectly normal. Her big boobs jiggled slightly as she did, but she made no attempt to hide her nudity from the rest of us. We could all see her thick-matted pubes and I could even make out the hint of her pussy lips beneath the hair.

“Watch much football?” Eddie asked my brother.

“A little,” Patrick admitted as he ate his food.

“I’ve had my eye on this Wide Receiver named Fred Biletnikoff. I predict that the Oakland Raiders are going to go all the way this year,” Eddie said casually. He was clearly soliciting opinions from the table.

His eldest son Lloyd said that none of his father’s football predictions ever came true. “The Raiders haven’t been to the Superbowl since 1968, Eddie.”

“I would bet money on it!” Eddie assured his son that they were going to win this year.

“What do you think Juggs? You keep fidgeting like you have something to say,” Eddie asked his wife casually without even looking up at her frustrated expression. She didn’t look miserable – more like exasperated and a little breathless.

“You know why I am fidgeting, Eddie,” Juggs was finally losing her cool. She seemed on edge as if she were about to have a melt down and she reached up to her breasts as if to touch them and brought her hands down to her side.

“I know. Gerald and Lloyd know. I am damn sure that Harley knows. Why don’t you tell Harley and Patrick so that they know why you can’t stand still?”

Juggs looked up as if she were trying to read the right words to say from inside her own skull. She wasn’t rolling her eyes the way that her daughter might have in the same situation. “I am a dumb, horny bitch and when my nipples get squeezed or pinched, I get extremely aroused and start dancing.”

“You become like a waterfall,” Eddie smirked as he referenced the Barbara Eden sketch from the Donny and Marie show.

“Yes, I can’t stop dripping at the table. I can’t help it. May I please wipe myself down, Eddie?” she acknowledged that her pussy was now dripping a glossy substance around her thighs.

“No, you can stand still like you were told, watch us enjoy this fine meal that you created, and shut your sassy mouth. You are being punished. It should remind you that when your niece jumped in the pool, everybody could see what she had going on between her legs too.”

I was mortified by the mention of my pussy. I thought back to the pool experience and realized that all of the people there probably saw the crack of my pussy through my bikini bottoms.

“May I ask a question, Eddie?” my Aunt asked permission to ask a question. I thought that he’d tease her that she already asked one by asking if she could ask him something. He gave her permission.

“I know I have to wear my new home-made bikini to the pool tomorrow as part of my punishment, but is that it? Will I have to keep eating meals like this and going to the pool dressed in the see-through bikini?”

“That depends on how you behave tomorrow, Juggs. I’ll be going with you but we have a ranch to run, so I can’t have you showing off at the pool every day just to prove a point to you and teach you a lesson. I have to admit I do enjoy watching you twist at the table, but tomorrow you and Harley can wear clothes to dine with us.”

“Thank you,” she smiled graciously. I found it intriguing that my Aunt would need permission to wear clothes and would remain naked simply because her husband decided he wanted her in the nude at the table.

The conversation turned back to Mundane topics. Uncle Eddie asked us who we thought would President after Gerald Ford. I assumed that Gerald Ford would win re-election but I didn’t follow politics very much back then.

“I think it’s going to be Jimmy Carter,” Eddie predicted. “Then I’ll bet it will be some ultra-right wing conservative like Ron Paul or Ronald Reagan.”

“What? The actor?” Lloyd nearly spit his food out laughing about the idea of Reagan as president.

“Who will his vice president be, Dad?” Gerald teased his father by suggesting Ronald Reagan would run with the monkey from the old movie “Bedtime for Bonzo”. “He can tell people to win one for the gipper,” Gerald suggested that Reagan’s motto would be his catch phrase from the Knute Rockne story.

“He’s an old hack, Dad. I watched him on Laugh-In,” Lloyd agreed with Gerald.

“I am just calling it how I see it, son. The nation will swing hard to the right after Jimmy Carter. That president will stay in power as long as the wealthy keep getting wealthy.”

They were going to continue their political talk but Eddie caught my Aunt absent-mindedly reaching between her legs. She didn’t actually touch herself. She just wanted to adjust her clit hood. I didn’t even know it was called that back then. I called mine a “flapper”.

“What are you doing, Juggs?”

“Sorry, Sorry,” Juggs realized she was caught red-handed. She put her hand to her side.

“Take that banana, peel it and put it in your mouth,” Eddie instructed his wife. I had never thought of a banana in an erotic sense before. I got turned on watching my Aunt peel the banana and then push nearly half of it down her throat. I immediately realized it looked like a man’s penis. She let half of the banana stick out.

“Hands on your ass cheeks,” he said. My Aunt placed her hands on her butt cheeks and that forced her big tits out even further. She stood silently with the banana in her mouth – she looked so vulnerable and completely stripped of dignity. “Move your hands again and I’ll get some super glue from the table and see if that will hold them.”

For the rest of the meal, my Aunt stood passively while the rest of us finished. She didn’t move her hands from her ass cheeks. She didn’t have to hold them wide apart – just keep her palms flat on her rather large, bubble-shaped butt cheeks. I thought it must have felt like torture. Even though Jugg’s facial expression suggested she wasn’t happy - her pussy kept dripping down her thigh.

“I am finished, Daddy, can I be excused?” Harley sucked her finger clean as she finished the last morsel on her plate.

“From the table, yes, but stay out here until I tell you that you can go to bed,” he said.

“I have to remain naked?” Harley pouted.

“I am not going to let you run to your room and pound one out right after a punishment,” Eddie snickered at the very thought. He was suggesting that he knew that Harley would head right to her room and play with herself and her brothers chuckled in agreement.

“I am not going to do that, Eddie,” Harley protested stubbornly. She dropped the sweet “daddy may I” act immediately.

“If someone tells you that they don’t masturbate, they are a liar. Don’t bullshit a bullshitter, sweet heart,” Eddie offered playfully. He wasn’t angry with his daughter. She had served out her punishment stoically and he was simply reminding her that he didn’t believe it when she suggested she wasn’t going to play with herself as soon as she could.

His daughter cleared off the table. We were told to prepare a plate of leftovers for Juggs. I helped but I felt strange working along side my cousin while she was naked.

In those days, remote controls for televisions and dishwasher units were items reserved for the wealthy and affluent. Eddie had neither of those and so we had to wash the dishes, dry them and put them away by hand.

Harley acted almost like it was perfectly natural to be naked in the kitchen, drying and washing dishes. She laughed playfully, even though her boobs bounced freely while she put away the dishes. Her mother stood stoically until everyone left the table and Eddie gave her permission to finish the banana.

I waited in the living room until she had permission to take a shower and get ready for bed. We stayed up late and watched Johnny Carson. I was disappointed because Bob Newhart was the guest host. I didn’t know why people found him funny. He was so dead pan and clinical.

Newhart’s guests were Betty White and Lorne Greene. Eddie predicted that Betty White was going to outlive everyone of us. “She was the first woman to have her own talk show, first woman to produce a sitcom. She looked exactly like that when I was a kid, and now I am an old man and she still looks the same,” he chuckled.

“You believe women should be subservient to men and yet you admire Betty White for being the first woman to do things that men always do?” Patrick asked. It was a bold, borderline rude question. I saw Juggs head turn.

Eddie paused and didn’t say anything. My Uncle usually had a funny wise-crack or pun to make about everything. He let the silence fill the room before he replied to my brother. “You think submission is weakness – like there is something wrong with my wife because she obeys me?”

“I didn’t’ say that,” Patrick back pedaled. I recognized that he wanted to call out of my Uncle for being in favor of women taking charge and then being able to rescind his wife’s privilege of wearing clothes at the dinner table.

“Juggs is a lot like Betty White. That’s why I admire her, they both have a great rack,” Eddie started with a joke but he continued with a more sincere observation. “Submission is a quiet strength. It doesn’t mean being the loudest voice in the world. It means getting up and doing what you were told even when you do not want to do it. Submission isn’t an ugly word or a moral failing – it’s a trust. Juggs asks clarifying questions about what I expect, but not why I want what I want.”

He addressed Harley. She wasn’t really listening to the conversation. She turned and snickered “What? what did I do now?” and her tits jiggled and swayed as she entered the conversation.

“Harley can be a smart-ass, but she can stand being teased because she knows who she is, and what she is. I don’t boss my wife and kids around to be an asshole that barks orders like an ogre. I give each of them what they need, how they need, when they need it, the WAY they need it. My wife and daughter are submissive in their own way but don’t you ever mistake that as a sign of weakness.”

“You said they were dumb bitches,” Patrick countered.

“They are, and they will be the first to admit it,” Eddie replied. I was confused by his answer. How can you call yourself dumb and it not be a sign of weakness? “What would you respect more?” he asked us to both think about this. “Someone who can’t admit their flaws, foibles or someone who can own it, take responsibility for it and let someone else take control in areas that they are admittedly weak in?”

When he put it like that, I suddenly admired my Aunt and Cousin in an entirely new light.

“Oh Jesus,” Harley raised her hands in the air and rolled her eyes with a shit-eating grin on her face. “What is it that Eddie says? You can’t bullshit a bullshitter?” she suggested that what her father was saying was a crock of shit. “It doesn’t take any special strength to strip naked and shake your butt in the corner like a jackrabbit. It’s not any kind of Zen Yoga Transcendental Meditation either. I fucked up today, I admit that and Eddie made me pay for it. I won’t do it again.”

It was as simple as that to my cousin. I wasn’t sure who to believe – but I had a lot to think about.

She returned pretty much to her normal sassy self after that strange encounter at the table. It was almost as if it didn’t happen or she didn’t think it all that important to address her discipline.

My cousin was quick to laugh, quick to get offended, and quick to anger. I assumed perhaps that Harley was also quick to move on from what had just happened. If It had been me, I probably would have been in tears. Harley was giggling and snickering when we were alone and making funny jokes.

Harley was a little younger than me, but she was definitely more mature – most of her jokes involved farmers daughters and dirty old men. I wish I could remember a few but usually the men were perverts with short dicks and the women were over-sexed nymphos.

I should also mention that by now my observation about my cousin Harley was that she may have been streetwise, but she was still a goofy girl at times too. She could bitch and complain, laugh and be sassy at the same time. She talked tough about snipping off her brother’s balls, but that was all it was – just talk.

Harley had a lot of energy and she got bored rather easily. She didn’t have the patience to read a book or just relax. She was always wanting to go places and do things – even though according to her there wasn’t “fuck all to do in Yellowstone county.”

She was always up for a dare or a goof and frequently she’d just launch into a cartwheel while we walked around in the yard during the daytime. That night, she convinced me to peep on the guys while they were in the bathroom again. I guess it didn’t take much to convince me to be naughty with her. I wouldn’t have done it on my own, but when Harley dared me to go – I didn’t put up much resistance to tagging along.

That evening my cousin and I snuck out her window and watched the boys masturbate in the shower. She remained naked the entire time even though we were standing outside of the trailer in the dark. She lives on a remote ranch and there was no chance any neighbor for miles around would have seen her.

“Now do you see why I don’t feel bad for peeping on my brothers?” she whispered as we took turns watching Lloyd finish himself off through the blinds. There was something incredibly creepy and sexy about being sneaky and watching him pleasure himself through the screen window.

“How often do you get punished like that?” I asked.

“That was the first time he made me jiggle my butt like that,” she replied. I clarified that I was asking about how many times she was required to eat dinner in the nude.

“I don’t know,” Harley acted like she really hadn’t thought about it before. “If you are just talking about lifting up my shirt and standing in the corner, probably every day.”

“Yeah, but fully nude at dinner?” I asked.

“Damn, you act like it was the end of the world or something,” Harley seemed to think that I was way too interested in something she considered fairly mundane. “It’s not like my brothers haven’t seen titties before. My mom has been getting punished like that as long as I can remember and I think about the time that I sprouted hair on my ball field I was joining her. I am kind of shocked that you NEVER get spanked?”

“No,” I assured her that did not happen at my house.

“You really ARE a goody two shoes,” she snickered and made the assumption that the only reason I didn’t have the same experience as she did was that I was simply a goody-goody teacher’s pet type. I probably was at that time in my life, but there was no bad-girl scenario or punishment that I could imagine where my parents would have had me strip naked to eat dinner.

“Not everybody lives like the families on TV,” she assured me. I could hardly imagine Betty watching James masturbate through the shower window on an episode of Father Knows Best. “You think my dad is strict? You should meet Doris Godwin. Her dad ties her up with her mom and leaves the two of them out on the lawn.”

I found that almost impossible to believe but given the events of the last few days – I couldn’t rule it out either. “Why does she let him?”

“Why do cats stay at their house instead of running off the first chance they get?” she answered with a rhetorical question.

“Because you get fed?”

“Yes,” she replied at first before rejecting my theory. “No, because I am a cat – with a pussy and not a dog with a penis. The rules are different for me and my mom. Just like dad doesn’t expect me to get up with my brothers and bale hay. Just like I can sign up for cheerleading at my high school, but I can’t sign up to try out for Quarterback.”

I wondered if Uncle Eddie would have one of his future predictions about a day when women could sign up to play football. It made sense to me and I had more questions but Lloyd was pounding one out and grunting as he let shot his load. Harley found it amusing that he squirted all over the shower nozzle. “It looks like he sneezed all over it! A dick sneeze.”

Lloyd turned to look at the window. We thought he heard us, so we made a mad dash for it to the other side of the trailer.
All of my stories: https://storiesonline.net/a/eddie-davidson
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Chapter 5

Post by EddieDavidson »

Chapter Five

We were worried we’d get caught as we stumbled through my cousin’s window. She caught her nipple on the screen and yelped a little as we fell on the floor. It was such an endorphin rush running with my cousin while she was naked. We had no alibi – no excuse if we had been caught.

I didn’t know about endorphins back then – the runner high from excitement. I also didn’t know about dopamine. Cigarettes and sex will often trigger a chemical reaction to release dopamine as a reward and that’s part of their addictive quality.

In this case, the Dopamine hit that I received was simply from the sensation of doing something I shouldn’t be doing – and getting away with it. It was a feeling I truly had never felt before. I always colored in the lines in the coloring book. I always followed the rules and seldom even thought about why the rules were there.

This summer was really the first time I had questioned the rules that were in place, and only because they were so different and naughty than everything I had ever been taught.

“You fat-ass, we almost got caught,” Harley chided me angrily as we struggled to our knees in her darkened room.

I was hardly fat – I was actually quite skinny except for my bubble butt. I found her insult amusing and endearing. I realized that sometimes when her father called her a fat ass or even a stupid bitch – he didn’t mean it in a hateful or antagonizing way. It was somehow a term of endearment. I didn’t understand why it was, but that is how it felt.

It was so audacious that Harley would call me a fat-ass, especially since I wasn’t one that I quite liked it. I blurted out “Don’t call me a fat-ass, you fat-ass!”

Harley didn’t snap back at me for calling her a fat-ass. In my 14 years on the earth, I had never said a mean word like that to anyone. I didn’t see what I said as mean either – certainly nothing to feel guilty about. I didn’t quite understand why, but it felt oddly satisfying to say that to my cousin.

I doubted Harley had a lot of deep thoughts about it. She had let the insult roll right off of her back.

“Would your dad punish me if he caught me sneaking out at night?” I asked.

“Probably,” Harley replied instinctively without hesitation. We both imagined me naked standing in the living room trying to eat dinner with the family. “I mean, I do not know. He would probably say something like...”

She patted her tummy and pushed it out to imitate her father’s beer belly. Then she spoke in this absurdly dorky voice that didn’t sound like Uncle Eddie at all. “I suppose that you and Farty-Ass Harley were out getting into trouble only because she is a bad seed. It’s not your fault that Harley corrupted you. You go sit and watch Laverne and Shirley and I’ll stick a nettle bush up Harley’s dirty fat ass and make her ride it like a motorcycle, making vroom vroom noises around the yard until she turns 18.”

“That is oddly specific,” I laughed at her imitation of her father. “Has he ever made you do something like that?”

“No, but I wouldn’t put it past him,” Harley admitted as she plopped down on her bed. Her big tits flew up as she landed on her back and then landed hard on her chest and flopped like two over-full water balloons. “He makes my mom do all sorts of wicked stuff.”

“Like what?” I asked as I changed out of my clothes into my nightgown. I didn’t bother with a bra but I kept my panties on.

“Well, you saw all those men she fucked at the YMCA?”

I instantly made the connection to what Harley said. A nice guy would wander over, talk briefly to my Aunt, and then she would ask her husband if he minded. She told me she was going somewhere to talk with the man. I assumed that Eddie might get a little jealous or suspicious but he seemed flattered. “She said she was going to talk to them in private.”

“Yeah, my mom the conversationalist,” Harley used air quotes and suggested that she could be the next Phil Donahue (TV talk show host) because she “talked” so much. “She was either sucking their cock, or fucking them.”

“Where?” I asked as I adjusted myself.

“The cunt or the ass, where else?” Harley answered dryly.

“No, I didn’t mean what part of her body,” I grappled with the idea that someone put a penis into my Aunt’s butt. I clarified that I wondered where they could have had intimate relations.

“The men’s bathroom, their car, behind a bush, my mom loves sex.”

“Eddie knows about it?” I asked.

“My dad may be crazy, but he isn’t stupid,” Harley sounded really wise when she said that. “My mom only fucks other men with his permission.”

I didn’t understand that at all. I assumed that infidelity was the end of a marriage not the cornerstone of it. I thought that may create jealousy and uncertainty. Why did she need so many sex partners? I was too shy to ask all of my questions.

“My mom will fuck anybody that my dad wants,” Harley made it abundantly clear that it was not negotiable.

“Even married men?” I asked. I was raised to believe that sex was something between two people that loved each other very much. I couldn’t imagine she just gave it away to anyone who asked. Wouldn’t those men worry about their wives finding out?

“If it has a dick, Juggs will fuck it,” Harley assured me.

“Does it work the other way around? Can your father have sex with anyone he likes?”

“You’ve seen my Dad,” Harley folded her arms up and looked at me incredulously for asking the question. “Who would fuck him other than my mom?”

“I just find it hard to believe he is okay with her cheating on him, but not the other way around,” I still couldn’t get my head around this arrangement. They were doing a “Hot Wife” marriage before that was a term that anyone knew about.

“It’s not cheating if Eddie knows about it,” Harley insisted that I must be dense for not getting it.

“Since you have to do whatever your dad tells you, can he tell you to fuck someone?”

Harley got quiet. I thought maybe she had fallen asleep or was angry that I dared to ask such a question. “I don’t know. He’s never said anything like that to me,” Harley became introspective.

“Do you have a boyfriend?” I asked. Harley was VERY attractive and a lot of boys would certainly have liked how open she was about sexuality.

“This is Laurel Montana. There aren’t a lot of options,” Harley grinned. “I’m not a virgin if that is what you are asking?”

I wasn’t. I wanted to know if she dated a boy or had gone steady. A relationship and not a sex act. I just didn’t have the mental maturity to fully vocalize my question. I think it made Harley uncomfortable so she changed the subject.

“Take off your panties. This aint a sixth grade sleep over. I am not going to finger you in your sleep. Jesus. Let your flaps air out a little,” she said bluntly.

I slipped my panties off and dropped them off the bed.

Rush music came from the boy’s bedroom. It was soft – not enough to wake up Eddie and Juggs. It annoyed the hell out of Harley. Her eyes flashed daggers and her pretty doe eyes started to boil.

“I am going to break that record into a thousand little pieces and shove each jagged piece up your assholes,” she threatened.

The music continued for a few seconds and then they shut it off. Harley leaned back on the bed with a satisfied look on her face.

“Aren’t you worried they will tell your dad you said something like that?” I whispered.

“Eddie would tell you that sounds like something I would say,” she smiled breezily. She told me that her dad would punish her for the things SHE did and said, but he wasn’t likely to punish her because her brothers tattled on her. Harley seemed to think that insulated her and gave her permission to be rotten to her brothers when her father wasn’t around to hear it.

Then again, she called me a fat-ass and I considered it a term of endearment. I wondered if they thought her insults and barbs were how she showed affection to them.

I was still grappling with how different she and her mother were. I had a pretty good vocabulary even at 14. I read a lot of books. I knew what ‘submission’ meant by definition in the dictionary.

What I did not know was how good natured but outgoing Juggs and often sour-tempered Harley could both be “submissive”. Was Harley even submissive? She seemed to do everything she could to skirt her fathers rules and get in trouble. She often acted like she didn’t care about the consequences, but then she would sniffle and whine when her father called her out. Then once the door was shut and he couldn’t see or hear her, she’d flip him the bird and act tough again.That didn’t make sense to me.

I suppose that when I truly thought about what submissive meant, I pictured myself – meek, shy, bookish. The kind of person that got along to get along. A rule follower that did not question and did not protest. I was the type who would sit quietly when the teacher had to leave the room. Harley and Juggs were different from one another and very much the same in many ways. They both didn’t fit neatly into my pre-conceived (and rather naïve) notion of what submission was. When Eddie said that quiet submission took strength tonight, It spoke to me.

I pictured a matronly African woman when Eddie said quiet strength. The type that gives birth to her children without painkiller, carries them for miles to get them food, and quietly accepts whatever is given when she gets there – that type of strength. The kind of person that works hard and doesn’t need to be told what a good job she did. She does a good job because she doesn’t know any other way to do it.

That wasn’t what Juggs and Harley were like though was it?

“Hey, you guy should come over and play truth and dare, We’ve got the blanket fort set up,” Lloyd said. I thought it was odd that he called “Truth and Dare” but apparently that was the game they played in Montana.

“The truth is you are a goonie loser, and the dare is shut the fuck up before I put my knee up your ass the long way,” Harley asked through the wall if that was the kind of truth or dare they wanted to play.

They didn’t respond.

“Trust me, you don’t want to play Truth or Dare with them. They’ll have you squirting mustard bottles up your asshole and trying to write your name.”

“Can’t we give them dares to the do the same thing?” I asked as devil’s advocate.

“Jeepers Creepers,” Harley asked “Who wants to watch Lloyd with the mustard squirts trying to spell his own name?”

“Does your dad ever put them in charge of you when he leaves?” I asked.

“No,” she insisted before thinking about it and changing her mind. “Yes, They are my older brothers though, so kind of. but not like they can spank me when I am rude. Mom is in charge when Dad isn’t here.”

“Does your mom spank you?”

“Sometimes, you saw her make me stand in the corner,” Harley seemed to be getting uncomfortable with my questions but I was just so curious. To her, this was how she lived and it was perfectly normal. The questions might have come across as judgmental or critical of how things were.

“How do the boys respect to her as an authority figure though? I mean they call her Juggs, not even her first name and then they watched her get dressed down at dinner and stripped of dignity.”

“You just heard me put my OLDER brothers in their place when they suggested I play their stupid little truth or dare game. Which I can assure you, is more dare than truth, because they don’t want to hear me tell them the truth. They know they can tease me when I am being punished. Fair is fair. If the tables were turned, I’d think nothing of doing the same thing. When Mom is in charge, she takes control, and we do what she tells us. I do not see why this is so hard for you to understand?”

It was difficult for me to get my head around only because it was not like any situation I could have imagined.

“Hey, do you want me to show you something REALLY cool?” Harley asked.

I do not know how many fingers have been blown off in firework accidents, or how many people have gone to jail or wrecked their cars right after hearing the phrase “Hey, do you want me to show you something REALLY cool?” but I’d imagine the number is in the high tens of thousands.

At the time, I was just a naïve teenage girl whose boobs hadn’t sprouted, and my default answer was that I absolutely wanted to see something cool. As a parent myself now that I am older, the hairs on the back of my neck stand up anytime someone says ““Hey, do you want me to show you something REALLY cool?”

It was the summer of 1976, and I didn’t have any panties on at my Uncle’s house! I was going outside like a thief in the night- and I felt like a total whore. It was exciting and so scary to be sneaking around like this. What would my Uncle do to me if he caught us? I tried not to even think about it.

I followed my cousin as we crept stealthily to the kitchen. She was still completely naked and shoeless. Harley wouldn’t tell me what we were doing so I had to trust her to lead me in the darkness.

She opened the fridge as quietly as she could and removed two full sticks of butter. As far as nostalgia goes, back then you could buy a pound of butter for around a dollar. You could buy a pound of bacon for a little more than a dollar. It’s funny the things you remember – but at the time, I thought taking two sticks of butter was very extravagant and expensive.

What were we going to need that much butter for?

It was too late to make cookies, and the lights of the trailer were off. She and I squatted low to the ground and crouch walked through the kitchen to the door. I do not know how walking low to the floor made us more stealthy but we were teenage girls on a mission and that’s what we did.

Once we were outside, I felt the humid Montana night air wash over me and suddenly I had those endorphins. We really shouldn’t have been outside, but my cousin was naked so I assumed was taking an even bigger risk than I was.

I wanted to remind her that she even predicted Eddie wouldn’t hold me responsible if he caught us, but she told me to be quiet and that’s what I did.

We took our time in the yard until we reached the dog kennel. The dog’s ears perked up and I was thankful that they did not bark. They recognized Harley. She held up the sticks of butter like treats. I didn’t know a lot about dogs but I knew that an entire stick of butter wasn’t a good dog treat.

“Swear, you won’t tell anybody?” she whispered as she approached the wireframe door to enter the kennel. I swore although now I was nervous. My stomach began to churn butterflies as we entered together.

“If you ever get REALLY horny from being teased, and you can’t get yourself off then get yourself a dog,” she said. I honestly had no idea what she was about to do. I assumed at that point she was talking about the companionship of a dog.

Harley found a spot on the dusty clay without any dog poop or weeds and laid down on her back. She brought her knees up and spread her legs. I began to suspect she was going to do something sexual but I still hadn’t connected the dots. I thought she might be about to masturbate because that is what she was doing.

She opened one of the sticks of butter and sucked it. She showed me how she used the warmth of her mouth to give the square end more of a smooth tip. “Then just put it in and start playing.”

I watched as my cousin fucked herself with a stick of butter. I assumed that she was getting the endorphin rush from playing with herself someplace crazy like the dog pen. It wasn’t until she called over one of the dogs. “That’s it, come here Thor! You’ll do, come here, baby,” she called sweetly.

What on earth? I can not tell you how unprepared I was to watch this dog sniff between her legs. I had seen so much today that now seemed quite tame by comparison. I asked Harley what she was doing but she shushed me and laid back.

“Don’t look at them. They’ll come around and lick your face,” she warned. “You can imagine it’s Rock Hudson or Shaun Cassidy or whoever you need it to be,” she said as she shut her eyes. There in the dark, Thor began to sniff and lick around Harley’s pussy.

“Get it good and melted, don’t let them eat it all before you get yours,” she said.

Get mine? Get my what?

I was about to find out. All the stealth leading up this went out the window when Thor began to lick her pussy. “Oh, oh, go, go, goo-goo, of fuck-a-fuck-fuck, hot breath, yes,” a stream of obscenities, cooing, mewling, and baby talk began to fall stream of consciousness out of Harley’s mouth as she let the dog have her pussy like a bowl. She kept her hand at her pussy and I watched her push and pinch her ‘flap’.

I had never dared to pinch or push mine. She pulled it up and exposed her clitoris. I could just barely see it extended and exposed in the moonlight. I worried that Thor would think it was a sausage or dog treat and bite it off.

The dog clearly knew that her delicate bits were attached and it was satisfied sniffing and licking her pussy. Harley arched her back “I am so close, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me,” she begged. I wasn’t sure if she wanted the dog to actually fuck her. She had shown me their oddly shaped penises the day before.

Watching my cousin have a mind blowing orgasm was bewildering because I had never had an actual orgasm before. I had touched myself to the point that it felt good, and that’s as far as I thought it needed to go. Harley began to writhe and spasm; her teeth were chattering. She was grinding her ass into the dirt and making tender little moaning noises as she surrendered to the dog.

I thought perhaps that was all an act and that Harley was goofing on me – trying to get me to do this with her. I won’t kid you – this wasn’t sexy. This was dog slobber all over your pussy, in the dirt. Thor didn’t stop, slow down or get tired. He even put his paw up on her tummy as if he was holding her down so that she couldn’t squirm away while he licked every inch of her wet pussy.

“There-is-another-stick-go-ahead,” she breathed heavily.

I wasn’t about to strip naked and lay in the dirt to be with the REAL Rock Hudson or Shaun Cassidy. (At the time, Rock Hudson was still a sexy icon of an older Hollywood star. No one knew he was gay). I certainly had no intention of my first time being with a dog.

I had never seen a train wreck unfold. I am told that it is terrifying because you cannot look away as you watch it leave the tracks and continue to pile up. The only description that I have for watching my cousin’s orgasm was that it was like that.

The other dogs came near but waited at a distance as she groaned, and began to hump the air. The little bit of butter that was not melted by her body heat or lapped up by the dog was now a silver of yellow creamy juice dripping down her pussy.

“If you aren’t going to use the other one, give it here, I can go again, Oh god,” Harley was sweating in the moonlight. Her nipples were rock hard. She squeezed one of her breasts and then pushed Thor’s head away when he began to slow down. “Come here, Rufus. You want to lick this pussy, come to me, baby!”

I was worried that we’d be caught because of the noise Harley was making. I think Harley would have accepted any punishment or shame in exchange for the orgasm she wanted, but she couldn’t quite obtain a second one.

She tried – and I mean she tried mightily. Harley left a butt print in the dirt when she finished. She pounded her fist in frustration on the ground as she spread her legs wider and removed her hand to give the dog free reign to finish the job for her.

When the butter was all gone, and the dog had lost the will to sniff and lick her pussy, she got angry.

I needed to understand what had happened and I had a thousand questions for Harley but she wasn’t in the mood to answer them other than to call me a chicken. “I brought another stick of butter for you. You could find out first hand. You want to know what it’s like to get teased all night standing naked while everyone stares at your flabby tits? You can’t touch yourself even though you want to and so the denial starts to make you pussy-crazy. Then you get the best damned pussy-licker with the longest tongue in the world – hot, warm, wet and the dogs don’t stop – not until the butter is all gone. You want to know what a true orgasm feels like after hours of denial? You might as well ask what a color feels like. There is no way to describe it. You just have to experience it. You were too chicken shit to even try,” she said.

I apologized. I simply didn’t have the courage to do something that outrageous. I really didn’t like getting muddy or dirty at all, either. Even helping around the farm made me feel disgusting because my nails were getting dirt under them.

“You have a working cunt. You want to know what it feels like, then do it. Why ask me to tell you?” Harley chided me one last time before opening the window to her room, popping out the screen and climbing through it. I had a world-class view of her wet dripping pussy lips and asshole as I followed behind her. Harley thought nothing of her own modesty as she shimmied through the window and carefully dropped to the floor.

I did not get the same dopamine rush from getting away with our peeping Tom run on her brothers. I felt a sense of shame.

“Don’t worry about it, Fat-ass,” she patted my bottom as she removed my nightgown. I allowed Harley to lift it up and I raised my arms so that she could take it off of me. “This is how we sleep, okay? I am not a lez. You don’t have anything to fear,” she assured me.

I wasn’t afraid that she was a lesbian. I was kind of shocked that I allowed myself to sleep naked. I got in the bed with her and spooned up against her back. “That feels good,” she finally said as I snuggled my body against her back. She was still dirty and sweaty from being outside, but she was also quite warm from all of the sexual activity. “No fingers, and we will be just fine,” she warned me that I shouldn’t try to finger bang her.

I had no intention of doing fingering my cousin. It was just nice to lay next to her and snuggle and I found myself fast asleep with wet dreams about everything I had witnessed, only I was more of an active participant instead of a voyeuristic fly on the wall.
All of my stories: https://storiesonline.net/a/eddie-davidson
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chapter 6

Post by EddieDavidson »

Chapter 6

The next morning, I awoke to the smell of reefer. My cousin Harley was awake and sitting Indian style with her legs crossed on the floor. She wore her long night shirt with the happy face. She was smoking her pipe and waiting for me to wake up. “Hey sleepy head,” she teased playfully.

It was ungodly early. I had no idea what time Ranchers typically woke up, but it felt like it was way too early in the morning for any reasonable person to want to wake up. “Come and hit this,” she offered it to me.

It was too early to smoke pot. I realized that I was naked and that I hadn’t been sleeping with any sheets. “Don’t worry, you didn’t catch cooties sleeping next to a slut like me,” she said when she noticed my reaction to being naked.

I didn’t know what being drunk felt like. However, I had been somewhat drunk last night when we went to bed. I was drunk on the wild ecstasy and perverted gyrations that my cousin performed down in the dirt while she let two dogs eat her pussy out.

It had been the most salacious and possibly degrading thing I’d ever seen anyone do and in the last 24 hours I had seen and heard a lot. I had heard about relationships and open sex with married people, spanking and discipline, anal sex, and all of that paled compared to the concept of sex with a dog.

“Where is my nightgown?” I groaned as I wiped the sleep from my eyes.

“Eddie said that he wanted you to stay naked today,” she said. I nearly fell out of the bed in shock. Harley laughed at her joke. “You really believed me! Eddie’s a pervert, but he isn’t going to randomly tell you to flash those ant-bites of yours at him. I think we should try sprinkling some fertilizer on those tits today so they might grow. It can’t hurt,” she teased.

“Hardee, har-har, at least I do not have two sacks of milk hanging down to my knees,” I didn’t mean to sound so cruel, but it was the first thing I could think of.

“Hey, I may have a big fat behind, but I’ve got nice boobies,” she cupped her tits under her shirt and held them like two grapefruits while she admired their weight. “Don’t worry, you’ll grow into yours,” she said as she tossed me a long shirt of hers. “or you won’t and you’ll always be a member of the itty bitty titty club.”

Where did she come up with these sayings? That one was particularly funny to me. The nightshirt that she gave me said “Keep on trucking” and it featured a cartoon man taking an impossibly long step.

I put on the shirt with nothing else underneath. In the safety of Harley’s room that seemed fine. As soon as I stepped out of her room I began to have second thoughts. I expected Patrick to say “I am telling Mom as soon as we get home!” but he and everybody else didn’t even notice what I was wearing.

That was in part because my Aunt was completely naked again. Her ass and tits were red as if she had a great sunburn. Her nose looked like it had been running and her hair was completely messed up and out of place as if she had been roughed up.

She was smiling and gliding around the kitchen calmly. Juggs wore two clothespins on her nipples that bounced as she moved around the room in time with her nipples. She also had one snapped to her clitoral hood which pulled it out of her pubic patch like a tiny penis about the size of a shrimp.

“What’s going on?”

“Your father didn’t think his lesson went far enough yesterday, and he also went to butter some bread and there wasn’t any butter. I swore that I hadn’t forgotten to buy butter, but I am obviously a forgetful bitch,” my Aunt shrugged.

“Am I in trouble as well?” Harley asked. She didn’t admit that we took the butter. She certainly could have done so after she saw the repercussions.

“No, I think you went through enough yesterday. It was just a little horseplay at the pool,” Eddie laughed graciously before reminding her that she’d be wearing a new bikini today to finish off her punishment.

“That’s not a big deal, I do not mind that,” Harley assured her father when her brother’s laughed at her misfortune.

“You might. We are going to have to shave,” Juggs explained.

“I already shave my legs,” Harley shrugged.

“No, I mean shave all of this,” Juggs tugged her pubes. She already trimmed hers up – did she mean to shave it all off? That would leave her looking like a little girl.

“Just how small IS this bikini?” Harley appeared suddenly concerned.

“Eddie wants me to make what he calls a string bikini,” Juggs shrugged back as if that decision had already been made and there was no point in complaining about it.

“Are we going to get kicked out of the YMCA?” Harley did seem worried and willing to complain.

“Nobody is going to kick two beautiful women out just for wearing an itty-bitty-polka-dot bikini.” Eddie sang the last part like the song of the same name. “If anyone says anything I’ll tell them it’s women’s lib,” Eddie smiled triumphantly that he had a trump card.

“All I did was get my cousin wet. It’s not like I MADE the damned bikini,” Harley groaned.

“Did she get you wet? Well, that’s an all new conundrum,” Eddie enjoyed word play and he liked the double entendre that suggested I had gotten turned on. I didn’t respond and simply pretended not to understand the question. “You could be right, I may be a little unfair. Okay, fart-stain, no new bikini for you. Just your mom today,” Eddie shrugged as if it really wasn’t a big deal one way or the other.

I noticed something subtle when he made that decision that the guys probably didn’t notice. They don’t look for body language the way that girls often do. I noticed that Juggs looked disappointed. It wasn’t that she wanted her daughter to be humiliated.

If I had to guess, I believe the idea of sharing the humiliation with her daughter and commiserating on that long naked walk home was comforting to Juggs.

I also noticed that Harley was full of vinegar and fire, about not having to wear the bikini but the moment she was told she didn’t have to wear it – she also looked a little disappointed. I felt like she just wanted to argue with her father a little and beg.

I was too wet behind the ears to be sure of my intuition but thinking back on it, my first impression was probably correct.

“Should I set a place for myself for breakfast?” Juggs asked as she put the plates down on the table. The smell of country biscuits and ham filled my nostrils.

“I don’t want snail trails all over my nice dining table chairs,” Eddie said. The visual of my Aunt’s pussy leaving behind a lacy, semi-opaque snail trail as she her pussy lips glided along the chair like a snail was rather disgusting.

“Gross! Snail trails!” Lloyd high fived his brother and despite claiming the description of his mother’s bodily flid was disgusting, he looked genuinely amused.

“It’s just the natural bodily fluids of a woman, Lloyd,” Juggs explained rather clinically. “If you sat on the chair with your pecker hanging out, you’d drip pre-cum all over it. I can’t help it that I drip when I am naked.”

“Sorry Juggs,” Lloyd replied to his mother. I noticed that her sons were more inclined to call her Juggs when she was being punished. She could still talk down to them and put them in their place. I found that to be an interesting dynamic because they could also tease her about the circumstances of her punishment.

Technically, I could tease my Aunt as well. I decided to test my boundaries once the rest of us sat down to eat. She remained standing – her tits and clit were still clamped with the clothespins.

I may have had a little contact high from the marijuana that bolstered my courage, or I may just have grown a little more comfortable around the Davidsons.

“You could help it! You wouldn’t be creaming all over the place if you weren’t preoccupied thinking about all the men you want to fuck at the YMCA this afternoon, you dirty bitch.”

Wow, as soon as I said it I wanted to just reel those words right back into my mouth, swallow them and never speak of that moment again. I froze in place and stared straight ahead. What I said wasn’t teasing and good natured. It sounded mean, and catty. It wasn’t like me at all to say something like that at all.

“Who are you fucking down at the Y, Mom?” Gerald asked with a goofy expression on his face. My Uncle didn’t look particularly happy about the question being asked either.

I realized from the look on Harley’s face that not everyone may have fully known about the arrangement that Juggs had with her husband. She glared at me like I had just let the cat out of the bag.

“You are very observant, Tish,” my Aunt thought about her words carefully and didn’t seem angry at all. “I suppose you noticed that I go off every 15 minutes to 30 minutes to talk to someone and put two and two together?” she asked rhetorically. “Gerald, I fuck whoever asks me, as long as your father gives me permission. I’ve been doing it for years, and pretty much everyone in town knows. I guess I kept it from you three because I didn’t think you would understand.”

“Mom, I knew,” Harley gave her a knowing look. Juggs didn’t acknowledge Harley’s comment. She probably assumed that her daughter was sharp enough to figure it out. She was really talking to Lloyd and Gerald.

Their minds were blown – as strange as their parent’s relationship was, apparently even they could be shocked by it.

“Wait, anybody?” Lloyd asked.

“Anyone that asks, if your father says I can,” Juggs smiled and winked. She reminded me so much of Samantha Stevens from Bewitched when she had that wry grin on her face. It was a dramaticly different expression from the submissive behavior she had when she stood at attention and ate dinner.

Patrick also looked a little surprised, although all of this was knew to my brother and I.

“Is that a punishment?” Gerald wondered.

“No Gerald, it’s not a punishment. I love sex, and you are probably old enough to know that I’ve been humping whoever asks for years.”

“So Professor Hooker? When he comes over to talk about books with you?” Gerald seemed truly shocked. The professor he mentioned was the nice gentleman that took an interest in me the previous day.

“Yes, Gerald. Will you please not make him feel uncomfortable? They are usually very discrete about it, and you never noticed. Usually, you two are off swimming when we go to the pool, and Tish was nearby and figured it out. It’s not exactly the best kept secret.”

“Just at the YMCA?”

“No, anywhere, and at any time, but your father has to approve,” Juggs admitted with a confident smirk. She wasn’t going to apologize that she loved sex. “I take them to my bedroom, or find a private spot and make them happy. It’s just sex – it’s not love,” she shrugged.

Lloyd and Gerald looked at their father. He nodded his confirmation.

“Well ... that’s ... that’s...” Gerald had a look of contempt on his face as he struggled for the right words. He quickly changed his expression to a grin “awesome!”

“I am glad you approve, Gerald. I should have told you earlier. The best way to keep a secret is hide it in plain sight. You didn’t ask, so I didn’t tell,” she admitted.

“What about our friends?” Lloyd asked with a wide-eye.

“No, I do not believe any of your friends have ever asked me,” Juggs had to think for a split second to be sure. “It’s mostly men around my age. I do not really appeal to high school boys,” she seemed amused by the question.

“I mean if our friends ask you? Would you?” Lloyd’s question was clearly hopeful that the answer from his mother was going to be yes.

‘Would you want me to?” his mother with a little reluctance.

“It doesn’t matter,” I opened my mouth. I don’t know why I did that. I could have just been quiet. I had already opened a can of worms by revealing what I assumed was common knowledge. I think I was feeling guilty about what I said earlier. Instead of just remaining quiet, I doubled-down on my earlier snarky comment. “You open your legs for whoever asks as long as Eddie tells you to,” I scrunched my nose as if I smelled something foul.

“That’s true,” Juggs didn’t deny what I had just said. She looked back at Lloyd.

“There are some guys I know who would love to bone you. They are always talking about what a hot mom I have,” Lloyd explained.

“I am flattered, Lloyd. I am nothing special, but like Tish said. It really is your father’s decision and not mine – it’s always been that way.”

“What if it’s a fat guy and he smells really bad?” Gerald was half-joking and described someone that smelled like old gym shorts.

“I make love to your father, so why not?” Juggs was being playful and facetious. She absolutely adored my Uncle Eddie – even though he wasn’t exactly the most handsome guy.

“Keep pushing it Juggs, and I WILL make you eat a bar of soap,” he teased. “Guys, just be discrete about it. Have your friends seek her out when she is alone and tell Juggs what they want. She’ll find me and ask.”

“Shouldn’t we come to you first?” Lloyd seemed ready to invite over a few friends as soon as he worked out the details of this new arrangement.

“That’s not really how we do it. I am not your mom’s pimp. They can come talk to her, and she comes and talks to me. If I am not around, then no dice.”

“This is kind of blowing my mind, “Gerald said as he took a sip of his milk.

“You’ve known me all of your life, Gerald. Is it really that shocking to think that I enjoy sex?” his mother asked sweetly.

“Yeah, with Eddie. I didn’t know you’d do anyone that asked. That’s kind of wild!”

“I walked home over two miles in the nude, yesterday. I am kind of a wild woman,” Juggs seemed flattered that her boys were supportive of her life choices. “I am really not that unusual. There are a lot of women who will have sex with anyone.”

“Yeah, they are called whores,” Lloyd joked.

“That’s what I am, Lloyd. When I met your father, I was working in a border town in Texas. He saw something in me that I didn’t, and no one else ever did. I don’t know why but he fell in love with me.”

“Your Mom used to be stubborn and willful like your sister,” Eddie said. “It’s something I loved about her, but for our marriage to work I had to lay down some ground rules. You are looking at three of them attached to her nipples and clit,” Eddie held up three fingers for the clothes pins.

“When Eddie first met me, I would play house with him for a little while. I wanted stability but I also had a real wild side. It was the 1960s and I was a lot younger then. I’d leave your dad for some tough biker and party my ass off. When my shit started to stink and the guy didn’t want me around any longer, I’d call your dad on the phone and tell him some sob story. He always believed me and he’d come to my rescue.”

“I didn’t believe you, but I came to your rescue anyway, because I love you, Juggs,” Eddie smiled as he recounted his version of the story.

“When Eddie proposed, I didn’t’ really want to be married. We needed ground rules and I guess we aren’t the typical Ozzie and Harriet from television. I was probably running from myself back then, and that’s why I prefer to be called Juggs instead of Rachel. I insisted that your dad call me Juggs. I liked to fuck and he said that I could as long as I asked his permission.”

“Yeah, but you said you can’t say no to anyone,” my brother interjected. “That’s a lot different than just asking permission. Which is it?”

My Aunt looked at Eddie as if perhaps to read his facial expression for how to answer.

“Go ahead and tell them,” Eddie nodded to his wife. She looked up as if looking for the right words in her head again.

“Patrick, this is probably going to sound really strange, but I think you noticed that I do whatever my husband tells me? I am his slave.”

“Whoa, Lincoln freed the slaves! That’s what 1776 is all about!” Lloyd insisted.

I wanted to explain to him that 1776 had nothing to do with freeing the slaves. However, I did not get a chance.

“I am not that kind of slave, Lloyd. I am your father’s property. I have been since before you were born. I belong to him,” Juggs seemed a little uncomfortable explaining this to her kids. “It isn’t much different than any normal husband and wife. It’s just that Eddie is the boss. Remember what he said about consent yesterday? I had a choice a long time ago. I could keep fucking up and Eddie promised he would set me free and let me hit the highway. He wouldn’t come when I called next time OR I could straighten up. I simply had to agree to his rules.”

“Dad’s rules were that you have to fuck whoever asks?” Lloyd asked brazenly.

My Aunt blushed.

“We both came up with the rules, Lloyd. It really doesn’t matter. We’ve been living like this happily for a long time and now you know. It works for us. There were some things that were going to be obvious to you like me calling your mom Juggs. We decided you could call her Juggs because everyone else did and she prefers it. I spank her sometimes in the common areas of the trailer because the walls are paper thin and you are going to see her butt anyway. This trailer isn’t very big and you’ve grown up seeing your mom naked around the house. I never thought it was that big of a deal,” Eddie shrugged.

“Hot damn, we have a slave living here? Why do we have to do chores then?” Harley half-joked.

“I don’t have to obey you, Harley,” Juggs offered her daughter a wintry smirk like she was playing chess and just blocked her daughter’s power move.

“You would, if Eddie said you had to though right?” I asked.

Silence fell over the room, and Juggs quietly nodded. “Yes, I would if Eddie told me to,” she admitted somberly.

“Juggs already cooks for you and cleans up after you,” Eddie harumphed at the suggestion. “What kinds of things would you want her to do, anyway?”

“Well, I do not think Juggs should be allowed to spank me anymore,” Harley offered almost immediately.

“Done,” Eddie nodded his approval. “Anytime you misbehave, your mom will refer you to me and I WILL spank you – I hit a lot harder than your mother does,” Eddie grinned sheepishly and asked what else.

My cousin pouted. That request had backfired on her. “Juggs can’t make me stand in the corner either.”

“I do not see why she can’t. Juggs is your mom,” Eddie dismissed the request.

“She’s a slave. I am not – unless you are saying I am lower then a slave?” Harley reasoned. She made a good point.

“How about you just behave and watch your mouth and then neither of us needs to make you stand in the corner?” Eddie offered his own counter-point. “Look, nothing has changed about your mom other than you know how we got together and why our marriage works so well. She trusts ME to make the best decisions for her because I LOVE her. I tease her, punish her, and kid her but I do that to you as well because I love you both and want the best for you. I am never going to break either of you – I am there to teach you and pick you up when you fall back down. Okay, Kiddo?”

Harley nodded.

“Do you trust me?” he asked warmly.

Harley nodded again and didn’t say anything.

“Then do what your mother tells you, and act like nothing has changed. You are a smart little twat. You figured out a long time ago that your mother was boffing whoever asked. I know because you have teased her about it. This is only news to your brothers,” he observed.

Harley acknowledged what her father was saying.

We finished our breakfast in relative silence. The guys talked a little about football and some ranch business but all of us were probably thinking about the conversation we had just had. It was a lot to process.

I helped Harley and Juggs clear the table after they were finished eating. Eddie plucked the clothespins from his wife’s nipples and clit. They were puffy and engorged when he removed them. He made her put them back. The others went to take care of some things around the ranch or personal business before we left for the pool.

“Are you sure you want to help a lowly slave clear the table? After all, you are my better, aren’t you?” Juggs asked her daughter sarcastically.

“C’mon Mom, you can’t blame me for asking,” Harley said. She cited the fact that this was a lot of new information to take in.

“Oh, pish-tosh. You know I’ve been fucking my brains out at the YMCA, because you flirt with the half of the men – the cute ones anyway,” Juggs didn’t believe her daughter was that shocked. “As your father says, you can’t bullshit a bullshitter. You aren’t shocked by any of this and I am frankly a little surprised that your brothers didn’t piece it together before now. It’s really not that big of a deal. I am not a “Yass Massuh” slave like Kunta Kinte in Roots.

“You are more like a KUNT-a KUNT-AY,” Harley teased her mother.

“I am a big cunt, and so are you, Harley. The apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree,” Juggs admitted. The word cunt really shocked me – it was one of the most filthy words I had ever heard.

“More like the turd doesn’t fall too far from the butt,” Harley joked.

“You just called yourself a turd,” Juggs laughed. Harley made a funny face like she just lost a game of Connect Four because her opponent played an angle that she didn’t notice.

“If you have questions about how I live or what I do, or my rules, come to me and your father and ask. Don’t theorize about them and don’t insult my intelligence by pretending you didn’t know about them. You are getting older now and you understand a lot more than I give you credit for, Harley. If you truly want me to stop putting you in the corner then discuss it with your father when he isn’t in front of everyone else. He isn’t going to back down in front of your brothers.”

“Would it bother you if you could no longer make me stand in the corner whenever I talk back?” Harley asked.

“I look at it like this, Harley. I manage chaos. I do not try to control it. I have two boys and you, and that’s a lot to handle. Patrick and Tish are easy compared to the cyclones that are you three and your father. I don’t have to be the one to put you in the corner. In fact, I’d prefer if it was someone else – but when your father is not here and you get too big for your britches then I do what has to be done. Contrary to what you may think, I am not a sadist. I don’t really enjoy punishing you.”

“You sure look like it sometimes,” Harley had a shit-eating grin on her face when she said that.

Her mother giggled and admitted “If I am going to do it, I am going to have a little fun with it. You were always a rambunctious and stubborn child. You got that from me. My mom promised me that I’d have a daughter just like me one day, and do you know what? Your grandmother was right!”

I laughed because I could picture my grandmother saying that to Rachel.

“I have never put the clothespins on you or spanked your tits even though you see your father do it to me. Does it REALLY bother you when I make you stand naked in the corner?” Juggs admitted that she issued a fraction of the punishments that she endured.

‘Not really, it just feels like you single me out and let Lloyd and Gerald get away with anything,” Harley complained.

“I hold you to a higher standard, because in many ways you remind me of me and I don’t want you to turn out like me when I was your age,” Juggs didn’t mince words on that. She made it abundantly clear that sometimes she felt like she was looking at a mirror of her younger self.

“That’s not fair that I pay for the things you did,” Harley balked.

“That’s not it all. I am trying to keep you from my mistakes. When I had no discipline, I was a raging bitch queen that left broken hearts, empty wallets, and criminal warrants wherever I went. I made those mistakes so that you do not have to make them.”

“Maybe I want to make my own mistakes,” Harley pouted. We followed my Aunt into her bedroom. She sat down at her sewing machine and began working on the bikini she was going to wear to the pool – there wasn’t much to it.

The top would have just been a cord. Juggs added two cloth cups to cover her nipples because her areola was so huge. The meat of her tits all around (underboob, side boob, top boob, cleavage) was exposed. I’ve seen modern thong bikinis that are fairly similar to the thong that she had designed for her bottoms – a single string that went in the butt crack and a small v-shaped patch of material in the front.

“Okay, I will let you in on a little secret, okay?” my Aunt took us into her confidence. “Have you ever seen me actually ground, spank, or punish your brothers?” she asked rhetorically. She pointed out that she threatened to do it many times.

“If you tell them, I will deny it and punish them just to prove you are a liar. However, if you must know I usually just let your brothers think that I will punish them, but I really don’t. Eddie didn’t make a rule that I can’t do it. I just never have. It’s always been enough to threaten with them, and if they keep at it, their father takes care of it. You on the other hand, need a firm hand. You require an immediate response, and so I punish you. However, if I had another option when your dad wasn’t around then I’d do that. I really don’t enjoy being the disciplinarian. I need punishment when I am bad myself.”

Harley looked up at the ceiling as if counting the tiles. She was mentally trying to go over past incidents to find an example of when her mother punished her brothers.

“That’s why it seems unfair. You punish me, but not them. Now I get it,” Harley accepted her mother’s answer.

“I am not an ogre, and neither is your father,” Juggs explained. “He may act like it and I might too. You are just so much like me sometimes I want to pull your hair out and slap the ever-loving snot out of you!”

It was funny to hear Juggs say that with a smile on her face – like being called a fat-ass, suggesting she wanted to slap the snot out of her daughter was a term of affection.
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Re: Harley and Juggs (My Summer Vacation)

Post by EddieDavidson »

Side Note: Professor Hooker is in fact an homage to the famous author on this site, Hooked6 that has served as an inspiration for over a decade.
All of my stories: https://storiesonline.net/a/eddie-davidson
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