Synopsis: Tish recalls the fantastic summer she spent on her Uncle's ranch in 1976 with her cousin Harley and her Aunt Rachel a.k.a "Juggs". A true 'coming of age' story.
Sex Contents: Some Sex
Genre: Coming of Age/ENF
Tags: Ma/Fa, Teenagers, Consensual, Teen Siren, Slut Wife, Incest, Mother, Brother, Sister, Cousins, MaleDom, Humiliation, Light Bond, Spanking, PonyGirl, Swinging, Anal Sex, Analingus, Bestiality, Cream Pie, Exhibitionism, Lactation, Masturbation, Oral Sex, Sex Toys, Illustrated
Things sure have changed since 1976. Nobody had heard of the Internet or even Cable Television. That meant teenagers had to find out about the birds and the bees from either a dirty magazine or going all the way with another teenager in the backseat of a car.
The internet makes all of those awkward lessons kind of unnecessary for kids these days, but back then it was all mystery and groping in the dark for most of us.
Society was changing – women’s lib and attitudes about sexuality had become far more open. The mini-skirt and bra-burning was all the rage, but I wasn’t into any of that. I didn’t have the boobs to really need a bra anyway.
I had just turned 14 and led a fairly sheltered life. I was bookish, shy, had freckles, and relatively flat chested (especially compared to my cousin and aunt). I hadn’t even considered dating a boy at that stage, but mostly because no boy had ever asked me on a date.
I was at that stage between girl and woman where I still had dolls. I had even packed my Sonny and Cher dolls in my suitcase! I was interested in boys, but boys were not really interested in me. I was an awkward, quiet bookworm with short hair.
When I reflect upon the summer of 1976 and the things that I learned on my Uncle’s ranch, it’s hard for me to put into words how unprepared I was for those lessons and how much I’d grow to appreciate them when I was older.
The number one shows on T.V. were Happy Days, Charlie’s Angels, and the Six Million Dollar Man.
The rest of the country was preparing for the Bicentennial. Gerald Ford was President, and the number one song on the radio was by Three Dog Night. The drinking age was 18 and rock and roll and disco was everywhere.
It was a good time to be alive though – and I remember that Summer so well.
My parents thought it would be a good idea if my brother and I spent the summer in Montana with my Aunt and Uncle. We’d always taken Family vacations together, but now that my brother and I were teenagers, they felt they wanted to have some time alone together.
My brother Patrick is my fraternal twin. He and I used to look identical when we were babies. We still resemble each other in the face, but somewhere along the line, our bodies started to develop differently.
Patrick is athletic, outgoing, and really smart. He has always dreamed of going to U.C.L.A and studying technology. We didn’t know what to expect when we got to Montana. I hadn’t seen my cousins since the last family reunion about five years earlier. My mom assured us that we would learn a lot on my Uncle’s Ranch and she only allowed us to take two books each.
I’d imagine most girls my age would be worried about what make-up and dresses to bring. I couldn’t decide what books I wanted to be relegated to for the entire summer. I chose my old favorite Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret by Judy Blume. I had probably read it about 1,000 times by that point and it was dog-eared and well worn.
It had gotten me through Middle School. I identified so much with the titular character Margaret Simon. Her story was about religion, bras, boys, and getting your period at the most inopportune times. The girls form a club called the “Pre-Teen Sensations” and they have a mantra of performing exercises to increase their breast size by chanting ““I must-I must-I must increase my bust!”
The last time I saw my cousin Hannah, she and I tried it out, and our tits didn’t get bigger, but we definitely had a lot of laughs doing the silly exercises.
The second book that I brought was The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis. It is the fantastic story of talking animals and mythical creatures living in a land of eternal winter ruled by the White Witch. The protagonists enter the world through a closet that acts as a portal to another world.
In many ways, the trip from Chicago to Montana was like entering an entirely new world. The skyline of Chicago and the placid mountains of Montana are about as different as they can be. My parents insisted on driving, so the trip took us almost three days to get there. That was probably the only time I had a chance to read my books.
I thought life on the ranch would be rather boring. My brother was expecting the TV show Bonanza – cowboy shoot outs and action adventure. It wasn’t that either.
My parents spent the night at Aunt Rachel and Uncle Eddie’s house before wishing me a good night. My mom told me to obey my Aunt and Uncle and told us she loved us before wishing us “good luck.”
“Don’t worry Sis, your babies will be in GOOD hands,” my Aunt Rachel kissed my mom goodbye on the cheek.
“Yeah, we’ll put them to work,” Uncle Eddie had a big smile on his face. He was quite the jokester. “There are fences to mend, horses to bathe, chickens to feed, clothes to wash, and that’s all before 6am!”
He winked at my dad. “Put Pat and Tish to work. They shouldn’t be treated any different than their cousins,” my father agreed somberly. My real name is Patricia but, I had always gone by the nickname Tish.
“Want a beer for the road, Mike?” Eddie asked my father.
“It’s 10:30 in the morning, Eddie,” my father replied as he picked up their bags and left the trailer. Attitudes about drinking and driving were far more liberal than they are today.
My Uncle’s ranch is over 1,000 acres just outside of Billings, Montana. He didn’t have a house on the land though. He lived in a single-wide mobile home (which we called a trailer back then) even though it was permanently grounded on the spot.
“I’ll take a beer, Dad,” Lloyd said with a smirk after my parents left. I assumed he was joking. Even though The drinking age was 18 and Lloyd was about 17 – I assumed that he was kidding.
“Do I look like the maid to you, Son?” Eddie responded with a grin. “Get off your ass and ask your mom to bring you a beer.”
I didn’t even realize that was a joke until the others laughed. I was quite shocked that my Aunt Rachel smiled, went to the fridge and got him a beer. “Who else wants one? Gerald, Patrick, Tish?”
“Hey what about me, Mom?” my cousin Harley whined after being left out.
My Aunt Rachel had HUGE knockers – I mean big tits. When she bent over wearing only her nightgown I could see the outline of her butt through the material, and her very natural tits touched the bottom of the fridge. “You can get your own!”
Lloyd and Gerald are brothers close to the same age. They didn’t seem very interesting or particularly bright. They were handsome enough for teenage boys.
My cousin Harley was only a few months younger than me. She had physically developed considerably. Her boobs were even bigger than her mother’s natural tits. She had long, straight strawberry hair that ran down to the middle of her back.
Crystal Gayle was a popular country singer at that time and she was known for her incredibly long hair. A lot of young girls (myself included) tried growing ours that long as well. However, I had recently cut my blonde hair short. I had a lot of body image issues at the time and I picked some pretty bad hairstyles in the 1970s.
Rachel looked up at us to confirm whether or not we wanted a beer. I naturally declined the offer. I had never tasted alcohol and I assumed it would not be appropriate.
My brother Patrick said yes. She smiled and encouraged me to take an ice cold Pabst Blue Ribbon. “You don’t have a stick up your ass, like your mother, do you?”
At the time, “stick up your ass” wasn’t a common figure of speech. I thought my Aunt Rachel was literally asking me if I physically put a stick up my ass. I had only just begun exploration of my body and I wasn’t quite sure why I liked touching and stimulating the outer part of my butthole. However, I had never dreamed of inserting a stick or even a finger into it.
My mind began to run wild for the first time with the mental image of a tree branch impaled into a delicate asshole. Color must have drained from my face when she asked the question – I felt like she was genuinely asking me if I had ever done that.
There was something very promiscuous and flirty about my Aunt. She reminded me of Samantha Stevens from Bewitched – with her wry grin as if she knew something everybody else didn’t. She seemed sexually enlightened and broad-minded as well – which is something that my mother was definitely not.
It may have seemed absurd or childishly naïve, but given that my Aunt seemed so worldly, I thought she might really be asking me if I really had one in my butt in front of the rest of the family.
“No, I have never done anything like that, Aunt Rachel”
My Aunt’s family found my dead pan denial of having put a stick up my ass to be hilarious.
“Well Maybe you SHOULD try it sometime,” Uncle Eddie laughed as he took a beer from his wife and popped the top. The others found this hilarious as well.
“It gets pretty boring out here, but even I never got THAT bored,” Harley grinned at me.
“Are you sure, Sis?” Gerald reached under his sister’s shirt and tried to lift it up to reveal her butt and see for himself. Harley was wearing a long white t-shirt with a yellow happy face and the caption “Peace, Love and Granola” on it. It almost looked to me like she didn’t have any panties on when Gerald lifted it up.
She slapped his hand away and told him that if she DID have a stick up her ass, she’d beat him with it if he tried pulling her shirt up again.
“Oh you two, behave around your cousins!” Aunt Rachel chided the two of them but looked more intently right at her daughter to drive home that she was really talking to her as well.
“Hey, we bicker, we fight, but we love each other,” my Uncle Eddie offered to us sagaciously. “The sooner the two of you stop being polite like house guests and join in, the sooner we can go back to normal.”
“Normal is a setting on a washing machine, Eddie,” my Aunt took a beer for herself and took a long sip. She reminded me of the spider from Charlotte’s web – wise and somewhat above whatever else was happening around her.
“Well, that’s another good reason for us not to have one,” Eddie laughed. He reminded me of a wise-cracking character from the TV show Hee-Haw. He wasn’t a dumb hillbilly, but everything seemed to amuse Eddie most of the time, and he was always ready to crack a joke.
My Aunt looked ready to offer a wisecrack of her own in response, but she thought better of it. She and my cousin Harley made breakfast while the others finished their beer and watched TV. I offered to help but my Aunt wouldn’t have it. “It’s your first day, just enjoy things and I’ll put you to work tomorrow!”
The black and white TV only got two channels. There was an old episode of the rifle man on one channel and the other featured a Soap Opera. The Rifle Man won out and the boys watched that. I sat politely and watched with them.
My Uncle Eddie discovered that Patrick had an interest in technology. He showed him his pride and joy. “This is an Apple One,” he uncovered a dusty wooden box with a circuit board in it. “I got this from a friend of mine out in California named Steve. He’s going to start selling these as kits and people will be able to make their own Microprocessor for their homes!”
“Dad, that’s never going to catch on. A Microprocessor? Sounds like something a guy with a Micropenis would have!” Gerald teased his father.
Gerald was only a few years older than me, but I would have NEVER dreamed of talking to my parents that way. It was so disrespectful. I would certainly have never said “penis” in front of anyone.
“Yeah, it’s just a bunch of junk, Dad,” Lloyd agreed with his little brother.
“Hey, you know what’s a bunch of junk? That Volkswagen van you’ve had parked out in front of the house for two months?”
“The SHAGGIN’ WAGGEN?” the brothers feigned offense at the mere suggestion the orange van they had outside was a hunk of junk. It was missing a tire and looked rusty and old.
I was old enough to know that “Shagging Wagon” meant a van for promiscuous teenagers to have sex in. I was completely amazed at how brazen my Uncle’s family’s attitude was about talk like that around the house.
“The only thing you are going to shag in that wagon is a case of tetanus when one of you cuts yourself on the rust,” Eddie teased his sons.
“They could have a shiny red corvette and they couldn’t get laid, with a twenty dollar bill and a bucket of aftershave,” Harley joined in the humor from the kitchen while she set the table. She had a cute turned up nose and a pretty face, and she looked radiant when she laughed.
The boys were going to fire some racy comment back, but they didn’t get a chance.
“Do you want to stand in the corner in front of your cousins?” Rachel asked her daughter rather seriously.
“No, Mom,” Harley replied curtly.
Women’s lib was all the rage, but I assumed it hadn’t reached Montana yet. There was definitely a double-standard for comments between the girls and the boys in this household.
“Good girl, let the boys have their fun and butt out of their conversation,” she patted my cousin on her bottom playfully and they continued to get breakfast ready on the table.
The breakfast was amazing – no artificial anything and everything was made from scratch. Sausage, pancakes, eggs, even the maple syrup was from trees they tapped themselves that Eddie cultivated on his property.
A trailer is a single-floor dwelling with about six rooms that is comfortable for four people but cramped for seven! I had to share a room with my cousin. Patrick had to share with Lloyd and Gerald. After breakfast I joined Harley in our room.
I had arrived late the night before and hadn’t had a chance to unpack. I was tired from a long drive and passed out almost as soon as we had arrived.
Harley immediately removed her shirt. She was completely naked under the shirt. The sight of her huge tits floored me. Her boobs hung down a little and sloped outward. She had a huge, curly thicket of black pubic hair that hid her vagina.
“What?” she clearly noticed how shocked I was and seemed uncertain why I stood there with a stunned expression. “I guess you didn’t keep up with your I must increase my bust exercises?” she joked as she tossed my Judy Blume book on the bed. She clearly had remembered that part.
There wasn’t a single book in Harley’s room. There were posters of Shaun and David Cassidy everywhere lining the walls. I recognized the Bay City Rollers and a few other pictures she had ripped out of magazines and taped to the walls. The faux-wood paneling in the room was almost completely covered in pictures of teen idols, particularly around her bed.
“I like an audience when I tickle my taco,” Harley snickered with pride as I admired her decorations. I didn’t get that reference, and she explained that she liked to pretend that the guys in the posters were watching as she played with herself.
I covered my mouth because of how brazenly she just admitted she played with herself to me.
“Oh my god, Tish. Everybody does it and if they say they don’t then they are lying,” she harumphed over my outrage. I had never heard that expression before, but it rang partially true.
“Not everybody,” I challenged her and told her it was hard for me to imagine my PARENTS doing something that I was taught was sinful and naughty though.
“I am sure your dad gets his own rocks off when your mom is on the rag,” Harley plopped down on the bed without putting on her clothes. Her tits bounced as she landed on the bed and the springs made a funny sound. “My dad has a bunch of porno mags in his bathroom. I doubt he reads those for the articles,” she emulated her hand stroking an invisible cock.
Harley’s bed was a single. I hadn’t realized how small it was until I saw her laying in it. I had come in last night and curled up with her in the dark.
“Are we going to have to share this bed?” I asked as I tried to look away from her curvy, well-developed body.
“Let’s get something straight,” she said. “There are a ton of boys and a few GROWN MEN that would pay money to share a bed with me.”
I should also say that the attitude at the time about older men and younger women wasn’t like it is now a days. At that age, I assumed older men wouldn’t have any interest in silly young girls like Harley and me. However, high school girls that dated older men (college age or older) were considered very mature and extremely sexually active.
I didn’t doubt Harley could interest older men with that body of hers. She was almost a full grown woman and barely 14 years old.
“We share a bed, but I am not a lezzie or anything like that, so keep your dirty fingers to yourself. If you feel like playing with your own flaps you can do it but don’t keep me up with a bunch of...” my cousin put her finger to her pussy and made a sound like “frush-a-frush-frush” kind of like a finger being inserted in and out of lime green Jell-O.
“I would never,” I promised her that I’d not even consider something like that.
“Oh, you are still a goody-two-shoes, aren’t you?” she asked.
“No,” I denied it. I probably was though by any definition.
“You don’t drink. Do you smoke weed?”
MARIJUANA? Never. The look on my face of total horror at the very question told her that I didn’t.
“Well this is Laurel Montana and it’s boring as hell out here, so we do a little of both. My brothers have a garden of weed that my parents don’t know about,” she reached under her bed and fished out a wooden cigar box. Inside, the box was a baggie of dried marijuana, a wooden pipe, and a lighter.
“If you tell on me, there WILL be hell to pay,” she immediately started packing a bowl. I know this because she told me that was what it was called when she put the marijuana into the pipe to smoke it.
I felt like she was testing me – to see if I would freak out and immediately tell her mother. I told her that it was “Cool” and she could do what she wanted.
“Don’t be a total corn flake, Okay? Come and hit this,” she inhaled deeply. Her tits seemed to get so big as she held her breath and offered me the pipe with the lighter. I was convinced from some of the propaganda that I had heard about “Hippy Culture” that one draw of “Whacky Tobacky” as I had heard it called, would create permanent brain damage.
However, the fact that my cousin seemed reasonably intelligent made me question that. I also wanted her approval. I sat on the edge of the bed and inhaled. My first ‘toke’ was horrible. I coughed and couched while Harley laughed at me until I nearly fell off the bed.
“You better not be doing anything in there, girls,” I heard my Aunt knock on the door.
“We aren’t doing anything, Mom,” Harley’s tone was sugary-innocent as she denied what we were doing to her mother.
My cousin’s nipples became erect almost instantly when she told a lie. I have to admit that I admired the way that her fat tits rolled around a little as she moved around naked. It was totally normal to Harley but I couldn’t wait to have big tits one day. It seemed like she took them for granted – but what amazing toys they must be to play with.
“Yes, nothing at all, Aunt Rachel,” I joined in with Harley to deny we were up to anything. We fought the urge to giggle and silently held our tummies as I laughed. I couldn’t believe I was high after a few quick tokes and I probably wasn’t – it was mostly placebo, but it felt fun and rebellious, and that was all new to me.
“Aunt Rachel is way too formal. Call me Juggs, Tish. Everybody does.”
“Okay,” I replied without thinking. It sounded like an outrageous request, but I was high, or at least I felt high. I had no idea what high felt like but I felt silly.
We waited for her to leave and then let out our giggles and rolled around on the bed together – me clothed and my cousin completely naked.
“Your mom almost walked in on us,” I whispered when we were sure she was no longer at the door. I warned Harley that she should put away the weed now.
“Yeah, Mom is cool,” she inhaled and took another hit while ignoring my concern.
“Then why are we hiding this from her?” I asked skeptically as I took another hit as well. I had learned not to deeply inhale in order to avoid a fit of coughing.
“Juggs is cool but not THAT cool. I could never get high in front of my mom,” Harley took another hit when I passed the small pipe back.
“Does she really let you call her Juggs?” I asked. My eyes felt bloodshot, and my mouth was incredibly dry.
“That’s what everybody calls her,” Harley pinched her nipples and pulled her tits up. I was so naïve that I didn’t make the immediate connection that “jugs” was a slang word for boobs. I assumed maybe my Aunt had a collection of antique jugs or something. “Just don’t call me Juggs junior. It’s bad enough I’ve got these monster knockers and my name is Harley Davidson.”
I forgot to mention that my Uncle’s last name is Davidson and Harley was probably named for the motorcycle.
“I would love to have jugs as big as yours!” I assured her as I looked down at my own flat chest.
“Be careful what you wish for, Tish. I can’t run without giving myself a black eye, and I constantly get teased that my tits enter the room before I do, or that they hang down to my belly button,” she pulled her tits down to her belly button. “One cool thing is that I can do this,” she lifted her left breast to her mouth and licked it salaciously.
It was incredibly erotic. I had never thought about girls in a sexual way, and it didn’t even register when my cousin said “I am not a lezzie” that she meant lesbian. I thought she was talking about a fan of the rock group Thin Lizzy or something.
“I am a lot more than just a great set of tits,” Tish smiled warmly as she released her slippery nipple.
“I see what you mean. They won’t notice your charming personality and intelligence,” I nodded as I put down the spent pipe. We had smoked all of the weed my cousin packed into it.
“What? no, I don’t have any of that. I am talking about my hot pussy, and smoking butt!” she spread her legs and flashed me the pink slit that had been hidden between her thighs by her pubes. I could just make out the faint hit of her anus. I had no idea why guys might be interested in a girl’s butt.
I didn’t get the joke, but Harley’s laughter was infectious, and we laughed for five long minutes. We only snapped out of it when we heard a loud banging on the door.
“Go away Lloyd,” Harley didn’t have to ask who it was. She recognized her brother’s signature way of banging on her door.
“Juggs wants to see you, pronto!” he replied through the door.
“Oh shit,” Harley didn’t argue. She sat up and began to put away her weed paraphernalia and put her shirt back on quickly.
Her brother opened the door impatiently.
“We could have been changing, Lloyd!”
“You don’t have anything I haven’t seen before,” Lloyd teased his little sister.
“Have you seen one of these upside your head?” Harley offered him a knuckle sandwich and spoke in a funny voice like a old black man.
“You fish-eyed fool!” Lloyd teased her back in a voice like Flip Wilson would use on his television program when he plays Geraldine. I didn’t realize it at the time but they were playing Fred Sanford and Esther from the TV program Sanford and Son. I giggled so hard.
“Were you guys getting high in there?” Lloyd demanded to know. He sniffed us to confirm his suspicions. I was certain the distinctive scent of marijuana was still on my clothes.
“No!” we both denied it and tried to stop ourselves from giggling.
My Aunt glared at us as if she knew we were both high but didn’t punish us. I assumed that my own parents would have probably sent me to prison if they even suspected that I was smoking pot.
Patrick on the other hand, was watching our Uncle Eddie solder and tinker with the circuit board kit in the wooden box.
I noticed that when Gerald, Lloyd and Harley spoke to their mother they addressed her as “Mom”. When they spoke about her they called her “Juggs”.
“Juggs, when is lunch?” my Uncle Eddie asked without looking up from what he was working on. My Uncle on the other hand frequently addressed his wife as Juggs.
“I was thinking of taking the kids swimming, Eddie. Can you make yourself something to hold you over until we get back?” she asked her husband.
“I could but it wouldn’t taste as delicious if it doesn’t come from your sweet hands,” Eddie offered lovingly.
My aunt pursed her lips in amusement and told us that we’d go swimming another day. She sent us off to take care of some chores at the ranch.
“Go put some clothes on, feed the chickens, brush the horses, check on the cows, and then I’ll have lunch ready,” she told us.
“It’s not fair, the boys get to fart around all day, and we have to do all the women’s work,” Harley lamented as we headed back to her room to get dressed. She stripped out of the shirt and tossed it on the floor. Harley bent over and fished out some denim overalls. I could see her pink anus between the darkness of her crack and her puffy pussy lips from this position. It was the first time I’d seen another girl’s body that closely.
“See something you like, or do I have a little poopy back there?” Harley noticed I was staring as she stood up, or perhaps she had expected me to stare at her when she exposed her body that way. The question was rhetorical because she didn’t wait for a response. She told me to put on some work clothes.
I told her that I didn’t have any work clothes.
“Good thinking,” Harley suggested I had done that intentionally to avoid working. “Dad will have you out there shoveling shit in the naked butt naked though,” she told me that the idea wouldn’t work. I assumed that she was joking, but given her family’s attitudes about the body, I wasn’t entirely sure.
I explained that I didn’t have any work clothes because I had never worked on a ranch.
“In the winter, I wear a big denim fleece lined coat, a flannel shirt with denim jeans and long johns,” she said. “In the summer, it get’s so hot I wear as little as possible. Here” she tossed me a pair of denim overalls.
She had not worn a bra or panties as she snapped the two buttons of the straps at the top of the one-size fits all pair of overalls. I undressed and felt very self-conscious while my cousin watched.
I felt like she was judging me, and because I still had a young girl’s lithe and thin body without any curves I expected her to laugh.
“You are a stone fox, Tish,” my cousin said. I thought she was joking and didn’t acknowledge her. I started to put the denim overalls on.
“You can leave the panties, but you might want to lose the over the shoulder boulder holder,” she said. I didn’t know she was talking about my bra. Bras in the 1970s were uncomfortable, didn’t breathe well and had painful wires in the cups.
I wore what was known as a “Bullet bra” – the smallest one that they made. It was incredibly uncomfortable, but it gave the impression that I had tits – albeit, pyramid shaped, pointy conical tits.
I was uncomfortable removing it. The marketing of the time encouraged wearing a bra 24 hours a day. The bra-burners of the day wholly rejected that message, and the backlash was that there were some women that chose to NEVER wear a bra.
The reputation of those sexually liberated women was that they were indecent and promiscuous.
Harley’s attitude was simply that the bra was too confining and sweaty for farm work and that I’d regret wearing it. I insisted on keeping mine on. If I removed it, she would have seen that my nipples were so large that they almost completely covered my small puffy boobs.
Interestingly, no one seemed to care or notice that we were shirtless under the overalls when we left her room. The overalls covered our breasts but our backs and shoulders were bare and visible.
The one thing they noticed was my bra strap was visible under my arm as I followed my cousin out the door.
“Ooh, la-la-la, French lace,” Gerald teased as I headed for the door. I was mortified and nearly froze when he even acknowledged that I had a bra and he had seen the straps. I was taught good girls don’t show their straps to boys and I felt like perhaps I had betrayed everything that I was about.
“Hey now, you can tease your sister, but not your cousin,” Eddie said rather seriously while intently working on his circuit board project.
“How about don’t tease your sister OR your cousin, Daddy?” Harley suggested. My cousin had a much lighter and polite tone when talking to her father. She didn’t seem furious or stubborn like she did with her brothers.
“If they didn’t tease you, they wouldn’t say anything at all to you,” Eddie joked before adding, “Besides, I doubt you have on a bra at all. Now, those chores won’t do themselves and if you aren’t back in time for lunch then we’ll gobble up your food.”
“Dad!” Harley offered him a lemony expression. My Aunt assured us that she would save some food for us but that we needed to get the work done.
“Your brother’s don’t have chores to do?” I asked as we walked toward the barn.”
“They do their chores before breakfast, they have men’s work to do and mom and me have to do the women’s work,” Harley replied as if that should be obvious. I wasn’t certain what men’s work actually was but I assumed it involved heavy lifting and dangerous activities.
“C’mon some of it’s fun,” she said. She told me that I was going to love the horses.
We passed a small out door kennel and several dogs barked at us. “My parents breed them,” she smiled as she greeted them by name. There were four dogs (mutts), Rufus, Hambone, Thor and Missy. “Do you like dogs?” she asked as we kept walking.
“Sure,” I admitted I had never really been around them.
“Dogs have their uses out on the ranch,” she assured me as we approached the barn. We fed the chickens first. Harley made a game out of throwing seed and making fun bock-bock noises. She asked me if I was still high.
I really wasn’t sure if I was ever high. I told her that I wasn’t.
“That was really your first time getting high?” she asked as she showed me around the barn and took care of minor chores.
I said that it was.
“Let me guess, you are still a virgin?”
Well, obviously – I assumed that every girl my age was saving themselves for marriage. It had been deeply programmed into me that I was short-changing my future husband if I had sex before marriage.
“Hang out with me this Summer, and I’ll make sure you get your cherry popped,” my cousin promised that I’d lose my virginity as if it was a good and potentially inevitable thing this summer. I was a little alarmed. In my mind, I imagined two maraschino cherries somewhere deep inside my pussy exploding when they came into contact with a boy’s penis.
There were some pigs in a stall. She told me that her brothers took care of them but wanted to show them to me anyway.
They were great, unwashed pink beasts that rutted around and scared me a little. I didn’t expect them to be so huge. “Look at their balls,”she admired the male pigs from behind. “Can you believe they have such huge balls? But if you look at their cocks they are super small!”
Even after everything Harley had said today, that comment shocked me. I couldn’t believe that my cousin was so raunchy.
“You have actually looked at their penises?” I asked.
“It gets boring on the ranch,” Harley shrugged and said that she has seen EVERY penis on the ranch. I assumed that she meant the livestock. They owned six horses and the males had MASSIVE cocks that were pink and brown and unmistakably erect when we came to feed them.
I had never seen a penis before. I hoped that men didn’t have huge flag-pole shaped penises like a horse.
She asked me if I had ever seen a cock that magnificent before. I admitted I had never actually seen one at all.
“Don’t tell me you haven’t seen your dad or brother after they come out of the shower or something?” she laughed as if that was a given. I admitted that I had never seen that and wondered if that was normal. My brother and father took care to keep the door closed when they went to the bathroom. I had not seen my mother change clothes in front of me either.
“I watch my brothers spank their monkey all the time,” Harley assured me. I got the idea that she was using a euphemism for masturbation from the context but that was the first time I had ever heard that expression.
“They do it in front of you?” I was shocked and dismayed.
“They probably would if I asked,” she shrugged. Gerald and Lloyd didn’t strike me as being very shy but I assumed even they had their limits. “It’s more fun to peep on them.”
Harley explained why we fed the horses and brushed their hair that she would sometimes sneak out, go around the trailer to their window and watch them beat off. “Why not? They peep on me!”
“They do?” I was horrified – not really for her, but worried they would watch me too.
“Probably,” she shrugged and said that they were perverts. “You don’t think your brother tries to catch glimpses of you when you are showering or changing?”
It didn’t seem natural to me that a brother would do that. I said that we had separate rooms and bathrooms at home and that I didn’t think Patrick would do anything like that.
“Hey, brothers are guys first and family second. If you got it, they are going to look at it,” Harley acted as if this was just the way of the world. “Boys in school are always staring, you don’t think they stop just because they go home? If all that is there is their sister or their mom then they are going to get curious. It’s perfectly natural.”
It seemed unnatural to me.
“I saw the way you looked at the cocks on those horses. You are telling me you wouldn’t look at your brother’s dick if it was right in front of your face?” Harley asked me skeptically.
“I don’t think he’d put it right in front of my face,” I replied as I helped her with some other tedious barn chore.
“No, but you have to admit you are curious what he is packing, aren’t you? You should see my dad’s dong. He has huge heavy pendulous balls, and his cock is like an Elephant’s trunk,” She bragged. “He’s short and goofy. Why do you think my mom is with him? It’s not for his good looks and all of his riches,” she indicated the modest farm they lived on.
We stopped talking about dick shapes and sizes and her brothers after a time. Harley told me that some men were circumcised, and others had huge flesh sacks that their dicks receded into. “It’s like an external pussy, only a dick is inside,” she described it.
I didn’t believe her, but she promised that I’d find out one day. All of that talk had made me horny and intrigued. I had never spoken to anyone about things like this before and Harley seemed far more worldly than I could have imagined.
We ate lunch, and then we had most of the day to ourselves. She showed me around the ranch. large juniper and pine trees dotted the Montana skyline next to mountains that Harley called “Hills” compared to real mountains.
“You should see the Bear Tooth range,” she assured me that I would be impressed. “Compared to those, these are little bitty.”
I imagined those huge mountains she was talking about were like her big tits and these hills were my small boobies.
Gerald and Lloyd accepted my brother into their inner circle rather quickly. Patrick is gregarious and the three of them became relatively inseparable.
The guys spent a lot of time showing him their “Shaggen Waggen.” They had painted those words on the side of the broken down orange van. They had plans for a Greek God riding a surf board hovering over the wagon to impress the ladies. They had a lot of parts and tools, but they had apparently been working fruitlessly on it for more than a year and had little more than a junk pile to show for it.
At dinner, everyone had a beer. I had given into peer pressure earlier in the day and smoked pot. I accepted a beer but only sipped it because I didn’t like the taste.
“Just swallow, dear,” Rachel smiled at me. “You’ll find that it’s a lot easier if you learn to swallow.”
The others grinned and laughed because they knew that my Aunt was making a double entendre about giving head, but I didn’t get it.
My Aunt was an excellent cook, and the food was mostly grown locally. My Aunt made it a point to tell me that she had grown the peas I was eating in the garden.
“I also peed in the garden,” Eddie laughed. She glared at him but the others laughed as well. I noticed that especially at the table, the guys could get away with joking but Rachel and her daughter were more restrained and kept their wise cracks to themselves.
“I raise bees, and even made the honey,” she said proudly and changed the subject.
“Juggs freshly squeezed the milk just before dinner, too,” Lloyd plucked imaginary boobs as if he were squeezing out breast milk to tease his mother about her huge knockers.
Instead of raucous laughter at my Aunt’s expense, the others pursed their lips on the brink of laughing – perhaps because they all realized that Lloyd had taken things a bit too far with his teasing. All except for my Aunt who could take a joke at her expense far better than most.
“No,” Rachel replied rather demurely before adding with a wry smirk “If I had, then your father would be drinking that instead of a gin and a beer.”
That comment brought out the raucous good-nature laughter, and even my brother giggled. It was a long way from how my family at home would have behaved if they heard a comment like that. It was simply so inappropriate that I had to laugh as well.
(Should I continue this one?)