Scared Stiff! (Juvenile Detention Tour )
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Re: Scared Stiff! (Juvenile Detention Tour) Part 8
Matt, Jack, Fred<,and Zack all took their showers or should we say were given their showers by these young female guards all in front of an audience of several of their female school mates Matt whispered to the others being give a shower OUCH don't be so rough with my balls cried out Zack when the guard was washing his genitals. where was I, Oh Yea, Matt whispered and sort of asked, "when did males taking a shower become a spectator sport?" Normally each of the guys would have loved to have a girl give them a shower but not in front of a dozen females. Why would they have a dozen and a half chairs facing the showers? It was than that the 20 y/o female giving his the shower told Matt to turn around and bend over and touch the floor giving his "studio audience" a clear view of his testicles from behind once again. He felt a hand reach down and grab is nut sack to pull it back to wash it once again. (didn't she do a good enough job from the front?
Soon the other six naked males were done and they had gone on to their rooms or cells or whatever they call them here and it left the four high school boys still in the shower. When I think about it, two of the naked people in the showers have fully developed genitals while the other two look rather boyist so maybe we should stop calling them boys but but those two are not men yet so we will keep calling them males.
They were done with the showers so the women told them to turn the showers off and turn around and face toward them, How nice it was that they were all facing their schoolmates who were all grinning from ear to ear. One of the guards said "we are all out of towels so you will all just have to stand here until you air dry"
Jack (14) covered his groin again only to hear several female guards yell it him to saying" we told you to keep your hands away from your cock so now put them on your head. Meanwhile, one of the younger girls watching asked the two social workers why the male's penis and testicles were a lot smaller than before. Linda responded that the showers were cold water and when males get their package exposed to cold, they get smaller, It is called shrinkage but they will get larger when their package warms up. The girl said I hope so, I love seeing them get big and stiff, Linda whispered to her that if it did, he would get his dick whacked again. The girl said that was fun too because it bounced up and down when he got it whacked.
The males were finally dry so off to the next section. The males ask if they could get dressed now only to be told they were out of detention uniforms so they would have to stay naked for a while longer.
The group of fully clothed girls and 4 totally naked males went on to visit one of several classroom. In the first one they came to, a teacher around 24 years old along with a girl around 17 or 18 were teaching a class of 20 boys and it was evident that all of them were clothed in the detention center uniforms but one of the boys was being scolded by the young girl who we were just told was an intern going to learn to be a teacher. As we listened, the girl told the male to strip naked and stand in the corner.
One of the girls on the tour asked why he had to get naked? Matilda said that anytime one of the male inmates disrespects a female, they get naked punishment for an hour. One of the students on tour said "I wish they would do that at school" Scarlet said that would be great and it would teach the males to respect females if they had to do naked punishment at school. Linda said it could increase some disrespect if the male wanted to be naked. She was asked how could it increase? Scarlet replied that some males want to be seen naked by girls so these type of males would misbehave just so girls would be able to see them naked It is a catch 22.
It was starting to dawn on both group of naked males and the group of clothed girls that each of the naked males had disrespected a girl and each of the fully clothed girls were the suspect of these very same naked males and that is why each of these students were chosen to go on this field trip. One of the girls was brave enough to ask if this was true. Linda said yes it was when in a faulty meeting it was discussed and this is the result. Another girl, well all of them agreed it was a great way to get even with those pricks. Linda said that if it had the results they were hoping for, they would do this a couple times a semester. Matilde said we could do this once a month if we had enough misbehaving males who needed to be taught a lesson and enough girls to take the Scared STIFF tour and of course, the only ones who will be scarred are the males and if they actually do become "STIFF" and I hope they do, I have a cure for that! And she smacked raised her finger to an upright position to mimic a male getting an erection and she slapped it gently with her riding crop as she said that she would not be that gentle on a prick which resulted in the girls and both Linda and Scarlet laughing out loud. The only people on the tour who did not laugh were the NAKED MALES.
Soon the other six naked males were done and they had gone on to their rooms or cells or whatever they call them here and it left the four high school boys still in the shower. When I think about it, two of the naked people in the showers have fully developed genitals while the other two look rather boyist so maybe we should stop calling them boys but but those two are not men yet so we will keep calling them males.
They were done with the showers so the women told them to turn the showers off and turn around and face toward them, How nice it was that they were all facing their schoolmates who were all grinning from ear to ear. One of the guards said "we are all out of towels so you will all just have to stand here until you air dry"
Jack (14) covered his groin again only to hear several female guards yell it him to saying" we told you to keep your hands away from your cock so now put them on your head. Meanwhile, one of the younger girls watching asked the two social workers why the male's penis and testicles were a lot smaller than before. Linda responded that the showers were cold water and when males get their package exposed to cold, they get smaller, It is called shrinkage but they will get larger when their package warms up. The girl said I hope so, I love seeing them get big and stiff, Linda whispered to her that if it did, he would get his dick whacked again. The girl said that was fun too because it bounced up and down when he got it whacked.
The males were finally dry so off to the next section. The males ask if they could get dressed now only to be told they were out of detention uniforms so they would have to stay naked for a while longer.
The group of fully clothed girls and 4 totally naked males went on to visit one of several classroom. In the first one they came to, a teacher around 24 years old along with a girl around 17 or 18 were teaching a class of 20 boys and it was evident that all of them were clothed in the detention center uniforms but one of the boys was being scolded by the young girl who we were just told was an intern going to learn to be a teacher. As we listened, the girl told the male to strip naked and stand in the corner.
One of the girls on the tour asked why he had to get naked? Matilda said that anytime one of the male inmates disrespects a female, they get naked punishment for an hour. One of the students on tour said "I wish they would do that at school" Scarlet said that would be great and it would teach the males to respect females if they had to do naked punishment at school. Linda said it could increase some disrespect if the male wanted to be naked. She was asked how could it increase? Scarlet replied that some males want to be seen naked by girls so these type of males would misbehave just so girls would be able to see them naked It is a catch 22.
It was starting to dawn on both group of naked males and the group of clothed girls that each of the naked males had disrespected a girl and each of the fully clothed girls were the suspect of these very same naked males and that is why each of these students were chosen to go on this field trip. One of the girls was brave enough to ask if this was true. Linda said yes it was when in a faulty meeting it was discussed and this is the result. Another girl, well all of them agreed it was a great way to get even with those pricks. Linda said that if it had the results they were hoping for, they would do this a couple times a semester. Matilde said we could do this once a month if we had enough misbehaving males who needed to be taught a lesson and enough girls to take the Scared STIFF tour and of course, the only ones who will be scarred are the males and if they actually do become "STIFF" and I hope they do, I have a cure for that! And she smacked raised her finger to an upright position to mimic a male getting an erection and she slapped it gently with her riding crop as she said that she would not be that gentle on a prick which resulted in the girls and both Linda and Scarlet laughing out loud. The only people on the tour who did not laugh were the NAKED MALES.
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Re: Scared Stiff! (Juvenile Detention Tour:) Part Nine
The tour moved on to the next section as Mitilda said the the group "you will love this next class, well the girls will but I am sure the males will not.
They came to a door that had a sign on it, "All male detained must be nude before entering this room" The girls saw a couple dozen lockers along a wall nearby. Mitilda looked at the four males and she said" Well it looks like none of you will have to remove a stich since you are all naked as the day your were born and as she looked each of them over, she looked at Matt's half staff penis again and she told him he better stop thinking with his dick if he did not want it to get whacked again. The girls, including Scarlet and Linda and scarlet were wishing it would get erect again, not only because as females, they loved to see full throbbing erections. and they wanted to see Matt get his dick Wacked again. Unfortunately for the girls, his dick did go flaccid again.
When they entered the room, there were a dozen naked males and in front of the class were three fully dressed women all around 18 to 20 years old. One of the instructors was talking and she was saying that the reason most of you males are here is because you are a bunch of misogynistic pricks so this class well will teach you a far better way. First we will list all the ways males are superior to women.
1: Physical strength
There you go, there are, there is only one thing males are better at, your physical strength but we have machines to offset that now so your physical strength is no longer relevant. Women and even girls are surpassing males all the time now so we suggest you get rid of Misogynistic views and learn to respect and get along with your female counterparts. Stop thinking with your cocks and use the brain in your head. Forget this obsession' you have that you need a pair of balls to be strong and have courage, You do know that your balls are almost as weak as your egos and if you do not think having a pair of balls is actually a weakness, come on up here and we will gladly show you that nuts are the weakest part of your body. Anyone want to try it? Anyone? The girls noticed that many of the males had their hands in front of their genitals as if to protect their family jewels . One of the male guards told them to get their hands away from their cocks and to their sides
The lesson went on to explain the evidence that women are actually superior to most males as about a dozen ways was listed. The girls on the tour were very interested in that part of the lesson and asked Scarlet and Linda why that is not being taught in school. Linda said it was because of the males like these four here, they are two fragile to handles the truth and they become Misogynistic as a way to compensate. You can just look at these boys and when they know you are all looking at their pricks and balls, notice they still get embarrassed as their faces turn red. That is just one of the ways we can teach them. An eight year old girl asked "why are they all naked? Karen said "for some reason, when males are naked and we women and girls are modestly dressed, the males act better and they respect us better. By having them naked, they learn a lot better too.
The girl asked if girls would learn better if we were naked too. Scarlet said "absolutely not and the school would never have girls do that although if this program is successful and it looks like it will be more than we can have imagined it would be, (this is the third Scared Stiff tour) and this one will decide what happens in the future, but the school is considering having the males on the team including the male coaches to swim nude with the females on the team in one piece suits just as a lot of other schools are already doing today.
The girls all cheered at that and they said we hope it is soon. Their cheers were even louder when Linda said they will be naked even at swim meets and it could be expanded to other sports such as volleyball and track and field. One of the older girls said that would be great, we could see their dicks and balls bouncing all over.... Karen whispered to Scarlet "we need to tell them to wear sanitary pads since like us, their panties will be wet after these tours. We need to start getting a list of girls and Misogynistic males to bring on the next Scared Scared tour. We need to ask Mitida if we can double the number of girls and males for the next tour. We can handle 16 girls and 8 boys right?
They came to a door that had a sign on it, "All male detained must be nude before entering this room" The girls saw a couple dozen lockers along a wall nearby. Mitilda looked at the four males and she said" Well it looks like none of you will have to remove a stich since you are all naked as the day your were born and as she looked each of them over, she looked at Matt's half staff penis again and she told him he better stop thinking with his dick if he did not want it to get whacked again. The girls, including Scarlet and Linda and scarlet were wishing it would get erect again, not only because as females, they loved to see full throbbing erections. and they wanted to see Matt get his dick Wacked again. Unfortunately for the girls, his dick did go flaccid again.
When they entered the room, there were a dozen naked males and in front of the class were three fully dressed women all around 18 to 20 years old. One of the instructors was talking and she was saying that the reason most of you males are here is because you are a bunch of misogynistic pricks so this class well will teach you a far better way. First we will list all the ways males are superior to women.
1: Physical strength
There you go, there are, there is only one thing males are better at, your physical strength but we have machines to offset that now so your physical strength is no longer relevant. Women and even girls are surpassing males all the time now so we suggest you get rid of Misogynistic views and learn to respect and get along with your female counterparts. Stop thinking with your cocks and use the brain in your head. Forget this obsession' you have that you need a pair of balls to be strong and have courage, You do know that your balls are almost as weak as your egos and if you do not think having a pair of balls is actually a weakness, come on up here and we will gladly show you that nuts are the weakest part of your body. Anyone want to try it? Anyone? The girls noticed that many of the males had their hands in front of their genitals as if to protect their family jewels . One of the male guards told them to get their hands away from their cocks and to their sides
The lesson went on to explain the evidence that women are actually superior to most males as about a dozen ways was listed. The girls on the tour were very interested in that part of the lesson and asked Scarlet and Linda why that is not being taught in school. Linda said it was because of the males like these four here, they are two fragile to handles the truth and they become Misogynistic as a way to compensate. You can just look at these boys and when they know you are all looking at their pricks and balls, notice they still get embarrassed as their faces turn red. That is just one of the ways we can teach them. An eight year old girl asked "why are they all naked? Karen said "for some reason, when males are naked and we women and girls are modestly dressed, the males act better and they respect us better. By having them naked, they learn a lot better too.
The girl asked if girls would learn better if we were naked too. Scarlet said "absolutely not and the school would never have girls do that although if this program is successful and it looks like it will be more than we can have imagined it would be, (this is the third Scared Stiff tour) and this one will decide what happens in the future, but the school is considering having the males on the team including the male coaches to swim nude with the females on the team in one piece suits just as a lot of other schools are already doing today.
The girls all cheered at that and they said we hope it is soon. Their cheers were even louder when Linda said they will be naked even at swim meets and it could be expanded to other sports such as volleyball and track and field. One of the older girls said that would be great, we could see their dicks and balls bouncing all over.... Karen whispered to Scarlet "we need to tell them to wear sanitary pads since like us, their panties will be wet after these tours. We need to start getting a list of girls and Misogynistic males to bring on the next Scared Scared tour. We need to ask Mitida if we can double the number of girls and males for the next tour. We can handle 16 girls and 8 boys right?
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Re: Scared Stiff! (Juvenile Detention Tour )
Mitilda told Linda and Scarlet that they could handle 20 Misogynistic males and bring along 30 girls and we will have those males naked in front of the girls in a heart beat and if any of them get a hard on, I will smack those pricks too. Just bring me a list of the offenses and how they mistreated or was abusive to a girl and we will make them sorry they have a cock and a pair of balls.
Mitida looked at the youngest girl and asked her how old she was and what her name was. She said she was Ruthie and she was 12. Mitilda asked what she liked best about this tour and if she had any suggestions on improving it. Ruthie said she loved seeing the males be naked since she had never seen a male without their clothes on and she loved seeing his what is it a pen nuts get hit because it bounced up and down. She said she know some girls in 5rth and 6th grade who get picked on a lot more than she did. Mitilda said she did a very good job and she talked with Scarlet and Linda a few moments. All three of them were interested in what Ruthie said. Both Linda and Scarlet confessed that they loved seeing the males get their penis wacked too. Scarlet said "too bad you couldn't whack their balls, the misogynistic pricks." to which Mitilda said she could not get away with that although she would love to do it. What was most interesting is that these pricks are active even in 5th grade, We need to include them in the tours too Is ten too young for a girl to see this? Is it to young for a 10 y/o male to be a part if this? After talking it over, it was decided that no girl no matter how young she was was too young to take part in this but if they are younger than 12, we have to have their moms with them be they the girls watching the naked boys or the boys who I hope will get their dicks whacked.
Mitida looked at the youngest girl and asked her how old she was and what her name was. She said she was Ruthie and she was 12. Mitilda asked what she liked best about this tour and if she had any suggestions on improving it. Ruthie said she loved seeing the males be naked since she had never seen a male without their clothes on and she loved seeing his what is it a pen nuts get hit because it bounced up and down. She said she know some girls in 5rth and 6th grade who get picked on a lot more than she did. Mitilda said she did a very good job and she talked with Scarlet and Linda a few moments. All three of them were interested in what Ruthie said. Both Linda and Scarlet confessed that they loved seeing the males get their penis wacked too. Scarlet said "too bad you couldn't whack their balls, the misogynistic pricks." to which Mitilda said she could not get away with that although she would love to do it. What was most interesting is that these pricks are active even in 5th grade, We need to include them in the tours too Is ten too young for a girl to see this? Is it to young for a 10 y/o male to be a part if this? After talking it over, it was decided that no girl no matter how young she was was too young to take part in this but if they are younger than 12, we have to have their moms with them be they the girls watching the naked boys or the boys who I hope will get their dicks whacked.
- Jeepman89
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Re: Scared Stiff! (Juvenile Detention Tour )
Would th 10 yr old girls see the older guys naked as well?
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Re: Scared Stiff! (Juvenile Detention Tour )
Of course, it is part of the tour. There is no reason a girl of any age to not be able to see even adult males naked in a safe way. I think Milida should even whack their penis if she needs too and of course it was not mentioned but all the girls have to be modestly dressed.Jeepman89 wrote: Sat Sep 14, 2024 5:15 pm Would th 10 yr old girls see the older guys naked as well?
Having 8 to 10 year old girls seeing the males naked adds to their embarrassments does it not? Let the girls get a close look at it too.
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Re: Scared Stiff! (Juvenile Detention Tour) Part 11
A few weeks later, when the school at time to see the results of the Scared Stiff tours and to see if the behavior of the four males who went on the tour improved, their was a faulty meeting of all the school teaching staff. Included were 24 female teachers, 12 male teachers, the two social workers (Scarlet and Linda) the principal and vice principal and 4 female office staff to take notes and run a projector since they have slides of most of what went on.
Linda took the lead and started with slides of the students arriving. Next was the instructions by Mitida so far so good. What opened a lot of eyes who thought this would be boring was that all the MALE students were naked. You can clearly see four penises and eight testicles One of the penises was fully erected. The next slide showed Mitida and a what is it? a riding crop and it was directly on top of the erected penis. Linda explained what was going on and that this would happen if any of the males were disrespectful to women. One of the older male teachers said: Good you gotta keep those young bucks in control and it it takes a sore dick to do it so what. Most of those in the room except a few of the other male teachers agreed with it. One teacher asked how the girls reacted to the males being nude and on seeing a penis get hit? Linda said of course they were excited but they did act like ladies. Linda went on to say that the girls must have seen about 30 different males nude and it was explained to them that these males did something wrong and mostly because they were abusive to girls . Little Ruthie suggested we do it her. Someone said do what her? Linda said to punish males who mistreat girls with having them be naked for a while.
Some teachers agreed with that, mostly the female teachers but a half dozen male teachers thought it was a good idea too.
Scarlet took over and said that it was suggested that since a lot of the younger boys have very misogynistic ideas we start with 5th grade but a male teacher said would it not be better to start in say 3rd grade when these thoughts begin to take root? He then went on and said to think about it. These macho males need to be taken down a peg or two and having 3rd grade girls see them naked will certainly do it.
Another teacher (again a male surprisingly) said there was no reason a girl should not see naked males including adult males when the males are naked and it s better to have them see their first penis in a safe setting such as the scare stiff tours or even here in school. It is a lot better than having a young girl see her first penis when a prick exposes his cock to her on the street.
When the principal asked what about the girl being too young to understand what is going on? Scarlet said we would need to have any girl under 5th grade to have their mother with them. Another suggest that moms be with the girls under 7th grade.
Linda said it was good to have the girls who were the target of the misogynistic remarks and behavior so they can see that males who do this will be punished and it better for them to take this tour and have it happen once which is why they have to treat it just as a real offender which they really are but we have to do the same things including their being naked and even to get their penis smacked like the guard did. We do need to include more on the scare stiff tours but can the detention center handle more tours?
Both Scarlet and Linda said they could handle twice the number once a week. A coach said that would be what 10 males a week plus since we want at least twice as many girls as males to go on this tour that could be 30 females counting the mom, how do we find that man, the principal said believe me I know of at least one or two hundred males who need this tour and some of them are in this room now.
A vote was taken and out of 44 staff who voted, 40 approved of going down to 3rd grade for the scared stiff tours for both boys and girls. If a third grade boy needed this tour he would go on it as would third grade girls. Out of the four who voted no, there were three males and on female who voted no. The principal looked at Scarlet and said "Let Mitida know she will be getting a lot more males to punish naked under the watchful eyes of a lot more girls.
Linda took the lead and started with slides of the students arriving. Next was the instructions by Mitida so far so good. What opened a lot of eyes who thought this would be boring was that all the MALE students were naked. You can clearly see four penises and eight testicles One of the penises was fully erected. The next slide showed Mitida and a what is it? a riding crop and it was directly on top of the erected penis. Linda explained what was going on and that this would happen if any of the males were disrespectful to women. One of the older male teachers said: Good you gotta keep those young bucks in control and it it takes a sore dick to do it so what. Most of those in the room except a few of the other male teachers agreed with it. One teacher asked how the girls reacted to the males being nude and on seeing a penis get hit? Linda said of course they were excited but they did act like ladies. Linda went on to say that the girls must have seen about 30 different males nude and it was explained to them that these males did something wrong and mostly because they were abusive to girls . Little Ruthie suggested we do it her. Someone said do what her? Linda said to punish males who mistreat girls with having them be naked for a while.
Some teachers agreed with that, mostly the female teachers but a half dozen male teachers thought it was a good idea too.
Scarlet took over and said that it was suggested that since a lot of the younger boys have very misogynistic ideas we start with 5th grade but a male teacher said would it not be better to start in say 3rd grade when these thoughts begin to take root? He then went on and said to think about it. These macho males need to be taken down a peg or two and having 3rd grade girls see them naked will certainly do it.
Another teacher (again a male surprisingly) said there was no reason a girl should not see naked males including adult males when the males are naked and it s better to have them see their first penis in a safe setting such as the scare stiff tours or even here in school. It is a lot better than having a young girl see her first penis when a prick exposes his cock to her on the street.
When the principal asked what about the girl being too young to understand what is going on? Scarlet said we would need to have any girl under 5th grade to have their mother with them. Another suggest that moms be with the girls under 7th grade.
Linda said it was good to have the girls who were the target of the misogynistic remarks and behavior so they can see that males who do this will be punished and it better for them to take this tour and have it happen once which is why they have to treat it just as a real offender which they really are but we have to do the same things including their being naked and even to get their penis smacked like the guard did. We do need to include more on the scare stiff tours but can the detention center handle more tours?
Both Scarlet and Linda said they could handle twice the number once a week. A coach said that would be what 10 males a week plus since we want at least twice as many girls as males to go on this tour that could be 30 females counting the mom, how do we find that man, the principal said believe me I know of at least one or two hundred males who need this tour and some of them are in this room now.
A vote was taken and out of 44 staff who voted, 40 approved of going down to 3rd grade for the scared stiff tours for both boys and girls. If a third grade boy needed this tour he would go on it as would third grade girls. Out of the four who voted no, there were three males and on female who voted no. The principal looked at Scarlet and said "Let Mitida know she will be getting a lot more males to punish naked under the watchful eyes of a lot more girls.
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Re: Scared Stiff! (Juvenile Detention Tour) Part 12
After a few phone calls between the school and the detention center, another faulty meeting was called and Mitida was asked to join them. Everyone who was present at the last meeting was present for this one. Rachel, the school principal told the group that the purpose for the meeting was to set up the first Scared Stiff tour for they younger students and Rachel said she has 2 girls from grade three that were molested by 3 boys, two from 3rd grade and a fourth grader. When she was asked what happened, she said the pricks each felt her groin and chest using very distasteful parts for her anatomy which I will not repeat. Mitida stated that if any male uses any other than appropriate terms for females, they would be given naked punishment in front of as many females as possible. Having young girls such as your two victims here see them naked will greatly add to their punishment when they see these what 7 and 8 year old girls looking right at their exposed cocks and balls. When a teacher tried to correct her with the use of the proper terms for male anatomy both social workers and Rachel said there was no problem using those terms because males who molest girls or women do not deserve to be called men or boys and at the detention center, we use terms the detainees understand thus we will call their penis cocks, dicks or prick and their testicles either balls or nuts.. Oh by the way my riding crop has been retired as it tended to leave marks on the dicks so I use a fly swatter now.
One of the men in the meeting asked how would that work. Mitida said it would be easer to show the group than to explain it but I do not have anything to whack with it. Rachel asked if there were any men who would help demonstrate this with Mitida but she did not expect anyone to do it since it would involve exposing their penis to the group but after a few moments, she got two men to accept the challenge.
Rachel did not want to have to chose which one would be the demo so she said both of them could to it. Mitida said the best way to show them here is to have the males the same way as they would be at the center, NAKED. The men looked at Rachel as if to get her permission but most of those in the room yelled go for it, strip strip so they started doing just that but they were still turning so red they looked like a tomato. When their took their pants off, Mitida looked at their groin and said "well everyone, it looks like they are already for the demo and most could see a tent in each man's underwear. When they took the underwear off their penis popped up and both were fully erect. Mitida told them to face the people seated behind them and when they did, 24 female teachers, 10 male teachers, the two social workers (Scarlet and Linda) the principal and vice principal and 4 female office staff all saw a lot more of these two male staff than they ever thought they would.
Mitida said "well that was quick, I didn't expect you perverts to get hardons that fast. (she was treating these two men just like she would any male in the detention center.) She than asked loudly, what were they thinking about that your dicks are hard? You better get your pricks under control as she smacked the fly swatter against her hand. They next thing that is going to get hit with this are your cocks. Now get them down.
Her remarks were having the same effects on these two naked males in full view of 33 women and ten men, their penis was getting harder and she noticed precum coming out of the dick of one of them and she made sure she asked about it loud enough for all to hear. "So you are enjoying this are you" When she said that, she noticed the penis she was talking about act like a Mexican jumping bean with it bouncing up and down on its own.
If you remember, Mitida is a radical feminst so she certainly was enjoying having these two males naked in front of 33 of their female co-workers who most likely had never seen them naked before. Then suddenly WACK WACK as she hit both men on the head of their penis one after the other. Mitida looked at the group and said "I had to hit a moving target with that dick resulting in a lot of them laughing a they looked right at that cock. She than hit both penises again and while one went down to a full flaccid condition again, they other got even harder.
Mitida hit that penis a 3rd and than a 4th time but instead of deflating, he ejaculated much to everyone surprise and to their OOOOOOS and AHHHS
Mitida told everyone not to be surprised, About 4 males out of 100 will ejaculate when this is done. Of course the owner of the penis that just had a massive release wanted to crawl under the desk. It also surprised everyone when Rachel said Mr. Howard could be the entertainment at the next staff party. She added "someone get that man a towel so he can clean his dick, and the floor. No need to put your clothes back on until you are done and btw when you clean that 8 inch dick you can face your admirers.
After some discussion, it was decied to have the next Scared Stiff tour in two weeks and it will include the two girls and three boys from 3rd and 4th grade, and there were two boys from high school (one in 10th and the other in 12th grade along seven girls who were the victims of their actions. She asked for other suggestions to be on her desk by the end of the day Rachel said "I am sure there will be no shortage of males who need to be scarred STIFF and I hope they do get stiff so Mitida can whack their dicks and we do have a lot of girls who are mistreated by the males who I am sure would love to see males get their just deserts. Scarlet and Linda can prep the girls for the tour and we will just let the males be surprised at what happens on the tour.
Before we finish here (although Mr. Howard already finished) (with more laughing) I would like to ask Mitida what she thinks the punishment for a boy who exposes himself to a girl should be. Before she could answer, Scarlet whispered to Linda and said "I don't know about you but my panties are wet again. Linda whispered back, so are mine and I think most of the other ladies panties are too and I bet half the men have hard ons. Scarlet said she was sure Linda was right
Back to Mitida, you can use exposure therapy. If he exposes himself, strip him naked and take him to home room class of each of the girls who saw him and tell him that since he wanted girls to see his dick, make him go naked to that girl and apologize to her face to face, although she may not be looking at his face. (the group laughed again) Mitida went on and said that he only wanted one special girl to see his dick now a few dozen or more will see it.
Rachel said that was a great suggestion but we are out of time and I want to thank Mitida for such a great job here and I want to thank the gentlemen for exposing a solution to a problem and Mr. Howard for cumming to a great finish for all of us. Let's give a hand of applause to Mitida
Mitida had a standing ovation and even the men were standing including two males who were STILL NAKED and facing the group of ladies who were all paying more attention to a certain part of these men than they were Rachel. They noticed Mr. Howard getting hard again and one women whispered to another, "will he get it whacked again?" to which she got a reply from her saying " I certainly hope so!"
One of the men in the meeting asked how would that work. Mitida said it would be easer to show the group than to explain it but I do not have anything to whack with it. Rachel asked if there were any men who would help demonstrate this with Mitida but she did not expect anyone to do it since it would involve exposing their penis to the group but after a few moments, she got two men to accept the challenge.
Rachel did not want to have to chose which one would be the demo so she said both of them could to it. Mitida said the best way to show them here is to have the males the same way as they would be at the center, NAKED. The men looked at Rachel as if to get her permission but most of those in the room yelled go for it, strip strip so they started doing just that but they were still turning so red they looked like a tomato. When their took their pants off, Mitida looked at their groin and said "well everyone, it looks like they are already for the demo and most could see a tent in each man's underwear. When they took the underwear off their penis popped up and both were fully erect. Mitida told them to face the people seated behind them and when they did, 24 female teachers, 10 male teachers, the two social workers (Scarlet and Linda) the principal and vice principal and 4 female office staff all saw a lot more of these two male staff than they ever thought they would.
Mitida said "well that was quick, I didn't expect you perverts to get hardons that fast. (she was treating these two men just like she would any male in the detention center.) She than asked loudly, what were they thinking about that your dicks are hard? You better get your pricks under control as she smacked the fly swatter against her hand. They next thing that is going to get hit with this are your cocks. Now get them down.
Her remarks were having the same effects on these two naked males in full view of 33 women and ten men, their penis was getting harder and she noticed precum coming out of the dick of one of them and she made sure she asked about it loud enough for all to hear. "So you are enjoying this are you" When she said that, she noticed the penis she was talking about act like a Mexican jumping bean with it bouncing up and down on its own.
If you remember, Mitida is a radical feminst so she certainly was enjoying having these two males naked in front of 33 of their female co-workers who most likely had never seen them naked before. Then suddenly WACK WACK as she hit both men on the head of their penis one after the other. Mitida looked at the group and said "I had to hit a moving target with that dick resulting in a lot of them laughing a they looked right at that cock. She than hit both penises again and while one went down to a full flaccid condition again, they other got even harder.
Mitida hit that penis a 3rd and than a 4th time but instead of deflating, he ejaculated much to everyone surprise and to their OOOOOOS and AHHHS
Mitida told everyone not to be surprised, About 4 males out of 100 will ejaculate when this is done. Of course the owner of the penis that just had a massive release wanted to crawl under the desk. It also surprised everyone when Rachel said Mr. Howard could be the entertainment at the next staff party. She added "someone get that man a towel so he can clean his dick, and the floor. No need to put your clothes back on until you are done and btw when you clean that 8 inch dick you can face your admirers.
After some discussion, it was decied to have the next Scared Stiff tour in two weeks and it will include the two girls and three boys from 3rd and 4th grade, and there were two boys from high school (one in 10th and the other in 12th grade along seven girls who were the victims of their actions. She asked for other suggestions to be on her desk by the end of the day Rachel said "I am sure there will be no shortage of males who need to be scarred STIFF and I hope they do get stiff so Mitida can whack their dicks and we do have a lot of girls who are mistreated by the males who I am sure would love to see males get their just deserts. Scarlet and Linda can prep the girls for the tour and we will just let the males be surprised at what happens on the tour.
Before we finish here (although Mr. Howard already finished) (with more laughing) I would like to ask Mitida what she thinks the punishment for a boy who exposes himself to a girl should be. Before she could answer, Scarlet whispered to Linda and said "I don't know about you but my panties are wet again. Linda whispered back, so are mine and I think most of the other ladies panties are too and I bet half the men have hard ons. Scarlet said she was sure Linda was right
Back to Mitida, you can use exposure therapy. If he exposes himself, strip him naked and take him to home room class of each of the girls who saw him and tell him that since he wanted girls to see his dick, make him go naked to that girl and apologize to her face to face, although she may not be looking at his face. (the group laughed again) Mitida went on and said that he only wanted one special girl to see his dick now a few dozen or more will see it.
Rachel said that was a great suggestion but we are out of time and I want to thank Mitida for such a great job here and I want to thank the gentlemen for exposing a solution to a problem and Mr. Howard for cumming to a great finish for all of us. Let's give a hand of applause to Mitida
Mitida had a standing ovation and even the men were standing including two males who were STILL NAKED and facing the group of ladies who were all paying more attention to a certain part of these men than they were Rachel. They noticed Mr. Howard getting hard again and one women whispered to another, "will he get it whacked again?" to which she got a reply from her saying " I certainly hope so!"
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Re: Scared Stiff! (Juvenile Detention Tour )
"Matilda asked the woman at the desk to buzz them into the next section and the whole group moved into the next room. The four males remained naked and their cloths were left behind and were being bagged."
It just gets worse for the males and so much better for the Females!
Now the boys are completely separated from their clothes.
It just gets worse for the males and so much better for the Females!

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Re: Scared Stiff! (Juvenile Detention Tour A review
Rachel called for a review of the Scared Stiff tour which she, Scarlet, Linda the eight girls and 4 males and we say males in this case because one was 17 and had all the features of an adult male much to the enjoyment of the girls and the adult women since he was naked for most of the tour.
Rachel asked the group if the liked the tour. Of course all the girls loved it but the boys, not so much. When asked about what they liked and disliked about the tour, all the girls said the liked seeing the boys naked. The boys however said that was the part they disliked the most and for a few of the males, the next worst thing about the tour was getting their penis whacked just because they got an erection and Matt even asked "Don't that woman know we can't help getting a hard on especially when we are naked in front of a of girls half our age?
Rachel asked them why they did not cover their erection up and and Matt said that if they did, they would be yelled at and told to put their hands on their head as we were to keep our cock and balls in full view at all times. When Rachel started to tell him to refer to his genitals as a penis and testicles, Linda came to his defense and said that is what males genitals were called at the center along with a few other things.
One of the girls yelled out that she liked when it was called a cock because I like chickens. which drew some giggles Rachel did consent that it was OK to call MALE genitals (and she did stress male) but she certainly did not want to hear anything but the proper terms for female genitals and if she heard a boy use any disrespectful terms for females they would be on the next tour. The eight year old said she liked it when the boys had to bend over with their butts facing them because their balls looked like the balls on a bull when she went to visit a farm. (I bet some of the boys wished they were hung like that)
She directly asked the boy ah males if the learned anything on the tour Fred (one of the boys who got his penis whacked) said Yea, I learned that it HURT when I got my dick whacked. The other boys instinctively protected their groin while the girls all giggled and one evens said she liked seeing that because the boy danced and his thingy and balls bounced all over, it was funny. The boy said NOT for me it wasn't, it was bad enough for me to be naked in front of the girls and the girls didn't have to show us anything. Scarlet said that was part of the priveldge of being a male. "Priveldge? How it is a priveldge?
Matt stood up and said that it was a very weird priveldge because one of the guys in their for 3 months said he was sent their for exposing himself to a group of girls which he said he didn't do but when he went to court, he had to do it there, (Rachel aske "do what") Matt said he had to get naked in the court room and the judge even let about 20 or 30 girls on tour from a girls school stay in the court room but that was not the worse of it. She had five other males about his age and all six faced the court room and they had to strip everything off so the girl could identify him. She picked him Only after Judge Joyce allowed her and two of her girlfriends to come up and have a close look at his penis and testicles and she even allowed them to feel them causing an immediate erection for with the judge yelled at the males. (Don't these women know what causes erections?) and he was sent to Juviee for exposing himself when the court not only exposed him but a bunch of girls got to see SIX NAKED MALES On top of that after he got there, at least 50 more females saw him naked for quite some time including our girls here.
When Rachel asked if the thought the program worked the boys said yes we got scared STIFF Ok and we got the part that got stiff wacked. The girls of course loved it but in the end they said they will do this program once a month. Meanwhile, they said there will be s trial period with a program called Exposure Therapy so if one exposes himself, he will go naked to the home room classes and apologize for exposing himself. He will stay naked the rest of the day It was not lost on the boys that it was the MALES who would be punished and they all thought SO MUCH FOR MALE Priveldge
It seems to us that it is the girls who get all the priveldge but we would not want to live without them.
Rachel asked the group if the liked the tour. Of course all the girls loved it but the boys, not so much. When asked about what they liked and disliked about the tour, all the girls said the liked seeing the boys naked. The boys however said that was the part they disliked the most and for a few of the males, the next worst thing about the tour was getting their penis whacked just because they got an erection and Matt even asked "Don't that woman know we can't help getting a hard on especially when we are naked in front of a of girls half our age?
Rachel asked them why they did not cover their erection up and and Matt said that if they did, they would be yelled at and told to put their hands on their head as we were to keep our cock and balls in full view at all times. When Rachel started to tell him to refer to his genitals as a penis and testicles, Linda came to his defense and said that is what males genitals were called at the center along with a few other things.
One of the girls yelled out that she liked when it was called a cock because I like chickens. which drew some giggles Rachel did consent that it was OK to call MALE genitals (and she did stress male) but she certainly did not want to hear anything but the proper terms for female genitals and if she heard a boy use any disrespectful terms for females they would be on the next tour. The eight year old said she liked it when the boys had to bend over with their butts facing them because their balls looked like the balls on a bull when she went to visit a farm. (I bet some of the boys wished they were hung like that)
She directly asked the boy ah males if the learned anything on the tour Fred (one of the boys who got his penis whacked) said Yea, I learned that it HURT when I got my dick whacked. The other boys instinctively protected their groin while the girls all giggled and one evens said she liked seeing that because the boy danced and his thingy and balls bounced all over, it was funny. The boy said NOT for me it wasn't, it was bad enough for me to be naked in front of the girls and the girls didn't have to show us anything. Scarlet said that was part of the priveldge of being a male. "Priveldge? How it is a priveldge?
Matt stood up and said that it was a very weird priveldge because one of the guys in their for 3 months said he was sent their for exposing himself to a group of girls which he said he didn't do but when he went to court, he had to do it there, (Rachel aske "do what") Matt said he had to get naked in the court room and the judge even let about 20 or 30 girls on tour from a girls school stay in the court room but that was not the worse of it. She had five other males about his age and all six faced the court room and they had to strip everything off so the girl could identify him. She picked him Only after Judge Joyce allowed her and two of her girlfriends to come up and have a close look at his penis and testicles and she even allowed them to feel them causing an immediate erection for with the judge yelled at the males. (Don't these women know what causes erections?) and he was sent to Juviee for exposing himself when the court not only exposed him but a bunch of girls got to see SIX NAKED MALES On top of that after he got there, at least 50 more females saw him naked for quite some time including our girls here.
When Rachel asked if the thought the program worked the boys said yes we got scared STIFF Ok and we got the part that got stiff wacked. The girls of course loved it but in the end they said they will do this program once a month. Meanwhile, they said there will be s trial period with a program called Exposure Therapy so if one exposes himself, he will go naked to the home room classes and apologize for exposing himself. He will stay naked the rest of the day It was not lost on the boys that it was the MALES who would be punished and they all thought SO MUCH FOR MALE Priveldge
It seems to us that it is the girls who get all the priveldge but we would not want to live without them.
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Re: Scared Stiff! (Juvenile Detention Tour A review
That is a rigged trial, a travesty of justice. I likes it.tim409 wrote: Tue Sep 17, 2024 8:56 pm
Matt stood up and said that it was a very weird priveldge because one of the guys in their for 3 months said he was sent their for exposing himself to a group of girls which he said he didn't do but when he went to court, he had to do it there, (Rachel aske "do what") Matt said he had to get naked in the court room and the judge even let about 20 or 30 girls on tour from a girls school stay in the court room but that was not the worse of it. She had five other males about his age and all six faced the court room and they had to strip everything off so the girl could identify him. She picked him Only after Judge Joyce allowed her and two of her girlfriends to come up and have a close look at his penis and testicles and she even allowed them to feel them causing an immediate erection for with the judge yelled at the males. (Don't these women know what causes erections?) and he was sent to Juviee for exposing himself when the court not only exposed him but a bunch of girls got to see SIX NAKED MALES On top of that after he got there, at least 50 more females saw him naked for quite some time including our girls here.
I did begin a story about a girl who is needed to do an identification at a police lineup, after a masked flasher incident at the city park.
That story didn't get much immediate response, and I moved on to other current projects.
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