Mystery Email ( Part 74 March 10th )

Stories about boys ending up in compromising situations, preferably naked and embarrassed, as the name suggests.
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Re: Mystery Email ( Part 19 August 27th )

Post by Jeepman89 »

A very nice buildup to what should be an amazing art lesson for all those young girls.
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Re: Mystery Email ( Part 19 August 27th )

Post by tim409 »

Debbifan wrote: Tue Aug 27, 2024 10:53 am Part Nineteen

"How many girls are there in the school ?" I asked Jackie. "250" she replied. "We aren't expecting any absentees today when we call the register !"

Rob is going to get exposure today, LOTS of it with 250 girls (that's more girls than who saw me naked at swim meets) Plus women teachers. Love that he is getting a lot more exposure.

I hope you find a way that each girl will be able to see Rob close up and not just far away, perhaps by having each girl to go Rob personally to thank him for doing that, of course Rob would have to still be naked.
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Re: Mystery Email ( Part 20 August 28th )

Post by Debbifan »

Part Twenty

Jackie hopped down off of the stage and went to supervise Denise and the other seniors who were setting up the desks and easels. "This way" said Lexie, taking my hand and leading me to the side of the stage. "What now ?" I asked. "Now you take all of your clothes off silly" she laughed. "What here ? In front of you ?" I said, somewhat pointlessly. "Don't pretend you're shy all of a sudden" Lexie grinned, slapping my wrist. She stayed there grinning as I fumbled with the buttons of my shirt. I tried to put all thoughts out of my mind as I continued to undress completely. "Oooh, is it getting a bit stiff ?" Lexie cried as I finally stood there naked. "What ? Er, no, er, well it might if you keep looking at it like that" I responded, though I could feel an unwelcome flow of blood in that direction. If anyone were writing a story involving Lexie, they would described her as a little minx and she was in full little minx flow this morning.

"Where shall I put these ?" I gestured towards the pile of my clothes. "I'll look after them for you, I'll put them in my locker" Lexie answered. "But I'll need them between classes " I protested. "There's no time for you to keep getting dressed and undressed all day" she said reasonably. "Where's your robe ?" I slapped my palm against my forehead. "Don't tell me you've forgotten one again ? You're always doing that ! Anyone would think you do it on purpose" Did I do it on purpose ? Not consciously but could it be some kind of Freudian slip ? "You're mother was early picking me up" was my lame response. "I need some clothes nearby."

At this point, one of the teachers I recognised from the staff room came up. "Ah, Miss Roberts" said Lexie. "Gloria" Miss Roberts clarified, holding out her hand. "I'm the drama teacher here. We're going to find some props to kit you out as a fearsome Spartan warrior" she said enthusiastically, looking back to the stage where I could see that there was now a back projection of the statue of Leonidas at Thermopylae. "I'll just take care of these" said Lexie, taking advantage of the distraction to scoop up my clothes. "No, wait" I called after her as she scooted off but it was too late. "We have this rather splendid helmet" Gloria continued meanwhile, proffering the aforementioned headgear. It seemed to be a reasonable fit as I placed it on my head but the drama teacher was not satisfied. "It's a little wonky. Kneel down and I'll straighten it out for you. You're too tall for me otherwise" she explained. I tried to ignore my nudity as I knelt before her. At least she was looking at my face and not my cock. "There, much better" she decided.

Moving over to a small store cupboard, Gloria extracted a javelin. "Practice holding this up like the statue" she suggested. "Don't worry, the tip's rubber !" The phoney weapon wasn't heavy but I did wonder how comfortable it was going to be to hold my arm aloft for an extended period.
"The statue seems to have a sword on his waist too but I discussed with Jackie and she does not want any belt or anything to obscure the girls' view of your genitals" Gloria added matter of factly, as her glance fell downwards. "There is this splendid shield though" she said, returning again from the cupboard and handing it to me. "As you can see, the statue is holding that well away from his body !"

I slipped my hand through the grip inside the shield and got used to the feel. "What do you think of our warrior now ?" Gloria asked Lexie who had just returned empty handed. "Very handsome, those Persians would be quacking in their boots" the 14 year old laughed. I could suddenly hear voices and shuffling feet from out in the assembly hall. "That'll be the first class" Gloria remarked. "Which class is this ?" I asked Lexie. It had not been explained if the day's classes would proceed in age order or if it would be more random. It tuned out that it would be more random. "It's the year below mine" Lexie confirmed. "The 13 year olds."
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Re: Mystery Email ( Part 20 August 28th )

Post by Jeepman89 »

Rob is all ready for the first class of 13 year old girls and so am I!
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Re: Mystery Email ( Part 20 August 28th )

Post by tim409 »

Debbifan wrote: Wed Aug 28, 2024 10:43 am Part Twenty

I discussed with Jackie and she does not want any belt or anything to obscure the girls' view of your genitals" Gloria added matter of factly, as her glance fell downwards.

Great idea, I also think that was the reason our swim team coaches told the guys on the team not to cover and to keep our hands to the side even if we got erections and even at swim meets with a couple hundred often young girls in the stands, we were still not allowed to cover and I think it was to make sure all the girls could clearly see male genitals and even fully erected ones as we often went into the stands to thank people for coming and often our erect penis was at eye level to girls just a foot or two away. Those were great times and I loved it even though the males never got to see the girls less than fully dressed.

Glad Rob is getting a LOT more totally exposure and Lexie did great at making sure he is naked the rest of the day. Smart girl,
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Re: Mystery Email ( Part 21 August 30th )

Post by Debbifan »

Part Twenty-One

I stood waiting at the side of the stage while Jackie introduced the class. "Ok, settle down girls. I know that not all of you take art normally. For those of you unfamiliar, you will find your drawing materials in the groove underneath the easel and your drawing pads should be set up there for you. As you are aware, we are privileged today to have a real life model for you in Mr. Snowden who will be posing in the nude ( giggles from the girls ) I want you to all treat this rare opportunity with the seriousness and gratitude that it deserves. He will be replicating the pose of the Spartan warrior Leonidas at the Battle of Thermopylae, as depicted in this ancient statue here." Jackie indicated the back projection. "Any other questions before we begin ?"

One small voice piped up. "Is Mr. Snowden's willy bigger than the one in the statue miss ?" This provoked much laughter from the girls. "As it happens, Mr. Snowden's willy, er I mean penis, is significantly bigger than the one in the statue but that's not the kind of question you should be asking" Jackie admonished the class. It did not stop a further question from a second girl, however. "Why is Mr Snowden's willy bigger miss ?" "That's a question best addressed to Miss Perivale later today when you have your biology class that will be tied in with this session. You will all have your own photos of Mr. Snowden to show her by then. Maybe she will let you compare them with some photos I believe she has of Mr. Snowden's willy, er penis, in an erect state from when he replicated a different pose for the senior girls last week." This reply only succeeded in eliciting more excited chatter from the 13 year old girls. "Why can't we see Mr. Snowden in that pose miss ?" one called out. "Because your headmistress stipulated otherwise. Now settle down girls or you won't be seeing Mr. Snowden at all." This finally had the effect of producing instant silence among the class.

"What did she mean, 'you'll all have your own photos' ?" I hissed at Lexie. "Everyone was told to bring their phones to take a photo of you in the pose so that they can continue to work on their drawings later if they don't finish today. I suggested that to the school, you know like in Skye's classes" Lexie said proudly. Before I could say anything else, Jackie was beckoning to me to come out onto the stage.

Despite being told to behave, my appearance was nevertheless greeted by delighted squeals and giggles, the girls nudging each other and pointing. It was in stark contrast to the mock seriousness of the more mature senior girls the previous week. Jackie chose to ignore it this time. "Stand near the front of the stage Rob so that they can get a good view. You know the pose" she instructed me. Reluctantly I took up position, lifting the javelin high and holding the shield well to one side, thus giving the girls an unobstructed full frontal view. I couldn't help overhearing comments. "She was right, it is bigger !" Just don't get an erection, I prayed.

"Right girls, you know you were all told to bring your phones with you. I want you to take turns to come up one by one and take a photo of the pose for reference later. Starting with the front row. No rush, you'll all get a chance" Jackie called to them. I stared resolutely ahead as one by one the girls began to come up and point their phones at me. Some shyly, some more demonstratively, I still couldn't help noticing out of the corner of my eye. Great, I thought. By the time this day's over, there'll be another 250 photos of me in the nude knocking around. "Now remember girls" Jackie said, as she moved around reviewing the girls' work. "These photos are strictly for your own use for educational purposes." Yeah, right, I thought.

"Miss ?" the seventh or eighth girl to come up to take a photo called. "Can I go up and take a photo of his bum ? I want to practice drawing that too ?" Jackie knew this was one of the girls who did regularly take art with her. "Yes, OK Naomi. Good to see you taking the class seriously." "Can I go back up and take a photo of his bum too miss ?" one of those who had already taken a photo called. "Me too miss ?" "And me ?"

"Yes, yes, OK. But keep things orderly" Jackie yelled.
Last edited by Debbifan on Fri Aug 30, 2024 11:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Mystery Email ( Part 21 August 30th )

Post by Jeepman89 »

I love that the girls are interested in taking photos of his naked bum as well! These young girls are having a great time at Rob's expense.
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Re: Mystery Email ( Part 21 August 30th )

Post by tim409 »

Nice touch with the girls taking close up photos and I am sure she knows they will be shared with a lot of other girls thus making Rob's the most well known genitals in town. It also assured all the girls got a chance to see them close up which is even better. I do however find it "hard" to believe that Rob did not get hard with 250 girls seeing his naked genitals knowing that they would certainly be the center of attention.

I also like the fact that no boys school would dare have a nude woman on display like this but love that the girls school has Rob on full display for all the girls and I am sure female teachers to see Rom Naked and to be able to focus on his penis and testicles as it was said, they wanted them to be in clear view of all the girls.
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Re: Mystery Email ( Part 22 August 31st )

Post by Debbifan »

Part Twenty-Two

"Go to the side and get a couple of minutes rest Rob" Jackie suggested as the class of 13 year olds began to file out, deep in excited conversation and looking at their phones. My arm was aching from holding the javelin aloft for almost an hour. "Here" said Lexie, handing me a bottle of water. "Got to keep you hydrated" she giggled. "Thanks" I answered as I took several deep slugs of water. "Isn't it great ? Those girls had such a good time" Lexie enthused. "Well, I just hope they all learned something" I answered. "Oh, I'm sure they did" she laughed. "Which class is next ?" I asked. "It's mine" Lexie replied. "Are you going to take part ?" "No, I've got a much more important job to look after you for the day" she responded proudly. "But I'm still going to come up and get my photos !"

Jackie was already beginning to introduce the class. "Now girls, I hope you have all remembered to bring your phones so that you can take reference photos of Mr. Snowden to work on later. You will all come up one by one once we have started, there'll be plenty of time for you all so no need to rush. The last class found it useful to also come up on stage and take reference photos of Mr. Snowden's bum, er I mean a back view, and you are welcome to do that also."

As I once more took my place on stage, I discovered that Lexie's class of 14 year olds was more of a mix, with some displaying the same giggling and slightly childish attitude of the year below, while others were more precocious like Lexie herself. "I expect mum'll want to draw you from these photos, given we don't have a class with Skye this week" Lexie whispered when she approached me to take her turn.

I was maintaining my tactic of avoiding direct eye contact with any of the girls in the class and so with my gaze centred on the back of the assembly hall, I saw the door open and the principal enter, accompanied by two expensively dressed middle aged women. "Don't mind us girls" the principal called as the trio approached the stage. "It's all going very well I see Jacqueline" the principal addressed Jackie. "You know Lady Montagu and the mayoress ? They were just here on some school governor business and I thought it would be good to take the opportunity to show them the special classes we had arranged for the day."

The women did not appear to be in any hurry to leave and were still there indulging in small talk with Jackie when the bell rang to signal he end of the class and the beginning of the short mid morning break. "Ah, Mr. Snowden" the principal approached me, while Jackie oversaw the girls' departure. "May I introduce Lady Montague and Councillor Mayweather ? Two of our esteemed governors." It was quite intimidating to be standing there stark bollock naked while shaking hands with the two influential women. "Thank you so much for making yourself available to the girls today" the woman introduced as Lady Montague began. "Such a rare opportunity for them and the principal here has been explaining to us how most of the day's lessons in other subjects are going to revolve around aspects connected with the culture of our warrior here." She indicated the back projection of the statue of Leonidas. "Not to mention his anatomy" the mayoress added, to polite laughter from the other two. Did all their glances move down to my groin ? "Oh, not at all. It's a pleasure to be able to play my part in the girl's education" was all that I could think to say in response.

"Tell me, how did you get into doing this sort of thing ?" the mayoress wanted to know. "That was my mum" Lexie piped up. She was determined not to stray far from my side it seemed. "This is Lexie" the principal introduced her. "Her mother's chair of the local branch of the institute." "Oh, Alison ?" said the mayoress. "And you're the famous Lexie ?" Lady Montague turned to the girl. "I hear that it's all because of your initiative that this day's taking place at all young lady ?" Lexie beamed. "I've tasked her with taking care of Mr. Snowden's needs today while he's on the premises" the principal added. There followed a brief explanation regarding the fact I was their neighbour, the request to help with Skye's classes and so on. No mention of discord channels and how I made myself vulnerable to such a mess in the first place, the details of which were becoming increasingly vague to me in any case, as project was piled upon project !

"Well, we'd better let you catch your breath. There's a few minutes left of the break before the next class" the principal announced. "Maybe we'll catch you at lunch" said the mayoress. Lexie offered me the bottle of water again as we watched the power trio leave. "Thanks a lot Lexie" I said as took another couple of deep gulps. "But now I need to pee !"
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Re: Mystery Email ( Part 22 August 31st )

Post by Jeepman89 »

The day is progressing splendidly.
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