Lauren Prentiss’ Medical Examination - A Girls Don't Need Modesty Story

Stories about girls getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated by anyone or anything.
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steam train
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Lauren Prentiss’ Medical Examination - A Girls Don't Need Modesty Story

Post by steam train »

Lauren Prentiss’ Medical Examination
by Steam Train

A Girls Don't Need Modesty Story set in the Universe created by the author Perseus written by Steam Train with the permission of the original author,

Copyright 2024 by Steam Train, all rights reserved by both authors.

* * * * *

This fictional work of fantasy is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.

* * * * *

Lauren Prentiss’ Medical Examination Part 1
by Steam Train

Twelve year old Lauren Prentiss was sitting in the waiting room of their local medical practice, the Eastbrook Family Medical Practice, with her mother Tiffany and her fourteen year old brother Ben. She was about to enter the 7th grade and her brother the 9th grade. Their school district required a full physical for all students at the start of the new school year, thus the reason they were both there. Their mother Tiffany Prentiss had left the full medical physicals for the new school year, to the last day available to get it done, in order to have the records sent to the school on time. The waiting room was packed so it seemed other families had procrastinated just as much as the Prentiss family.

Various girls, boys and parents had regularly gone through the door from the waiting room to the hallway that lead to the examination rooms and others had come out after completing their physicals. The continual influx of new families into the waiting room topped up the numbers to replace those that exited.

Lauren was bored, they had been waiting at least forty five minutes when her attention was aroused by a nurse opening the door to the examination rooms, and calling out, “Max Jordan”. Lauren recognised him as a kid from her school. Max and his mother had checked in immediately before Lauren and her family. This gave Lauren hope that they would be next.

A nervous looking Max stood up as did his mother. “Right this way.” said the nurse, leading them through the doorway. The three of them stopped cold once they were immediately through the door. Lauren was not in a great position to see down the hall to the examination rooms but she thought she saw some naked flesh further down the hallway!

“Why is this girl standing in the hallway naked?” Max’s mother asked.

The mention of a naked girl focused both Lauren and Ben’s attention on the partly obstructed view down the hallway as they both tried to get a better view.

“As you can see, we are extremely busy today, and we are running low on gowns. We are waiting on our laundry service to arrive, which will hopefully be any minute.” the nurse answered.

“Does our exam room have one? I won’t have my son running around here naked like this girl.” said Mrs. Jordan. Lauren noticed that Max Jordan had lost his nervousness and had a huge smile on his face as he stared up the hallway at the naked girl.

“Yes, your room has one, I checked before came to get you.” The nurse answered as she led the three down the hall and out of sight, but the door to the waiting room was still open! The nurse had opened the door too wide, and it engaged the automatic door stop! Now, most of the waiting had a clearer view of the naked girl.

By now a lot of people from the waiting room, from kids to adults had noticed the naked girl standing there further down in the hallway. They were laughing and smiling about it. Lauren and Ben had one of the poorer views, but Lauren noticed that two boys, Eric and Michael from her class had the best seats to be able to see the naked girl. They were both whispering and laughing to one another and she thought she heard the name of her classmate Rebecca Parker mentioned.

Though the girl was facing the wall of the hallway and had her back to Lauren, her body shape did look a lot like Becca Parker.

“Oh my god! That girl is bare naked!” exclaimed Ben Prentiss as a tent quickly formed in his trousers.

“Ben! Stop looking! A girl shouldn’t be seen naked in public like this, a girls' modesty and privacy needs to be protected. If a girl has to undress for some special or exceptional reason like a medical, she should do it in private not in a hallway like this!” exclaimed Lauren.

“But sis, I can’t help looking, she’s completely naked, you never see a girl bare naked like this!”

“Mom, tell Ben to stop gawking, it’s not right. A girl shouldn’t be seen naked like this!” exclaimed Lauren.

“Yes she is bare naked, isn’t she! How unusual !” Was all a shocked Tiffany Prentiss could exclaim. She was somewhat conflicted in her reaction to the naked girls plight. On the one hand she was in shock that a girl was bare naked in public like this; but on the other hand her son was getting a peek at something he had probably never seen in real life before and she was feeling a certain sympathy towards him.

“Mom, it’s disgusting, Ben’s getting all excited, a boy shouldn’t see a girl naked like this! Make him stop looking!”

Tiffany Prentiss was saved from making a decision as the naked girl looked towards the waiting room door as her mother came out of the adjoining examination room and the mother could be heard saying, “Ok, Becca, you can come back in now.” The naked girl wasted no time in scurrying back into the examination room and out of sight.

“I was right! It was Becca Parker from my grade! What the hell was she doing out there naked?”

“I don’t know Lauren, it’s certainly unusual. I heard the nurse say that they were short on gowns, maybe that’s why?”

“But why was she standing in the hallway naked?”

“How would I know Lauren, maybe she was made to wait out there while her brother is getting his physical examination.”

“Well that’s so wrong if that’s the reason. It’s well known that girls need to maintain modesty and that boys don’t. Girls mature much faster and earlier than boys around our age, so it’s wrong for a girl to be naked in front of boys like this, whereas it doesn’t matter at all if a boy is naked in front of girls.”

“Perhaps her mother, who I have met at the PTA, has decided that she doesn’t deserve to be treated like a girl!”

“That’s ridiculous! There is no way that could happen!”

“Well maybe she’s been out of control like you have lately, maybe that’s why she’s out in the hallway naked!”

"What do you mean, out of control? I’m not out of control!” Lauren retorted.

“You know very well what I mean, we’ve had this discussion regularly over recent months about you being rude and obnoxious. I have never considered disciplining you as if you were a boy, but perhaps Mrs. Parker has decided to treat her daughter like a boy!”

Lauren stared at her mother incredulously. "Mother, you can't be serious! You have to be joking! There is no way Mrs. Parker or yourself would do something like that!”

“Wouldn’t I? You might be surprised, but in the event that I did decide to treat you like Becca, it would be quite a revealing sight wouldn’t it Lauren. You’re true 12 year-old body exposed!” smirked Mrs. Prentiss.

Lauren blushed and deliberately moved the conversation on before her brother Ben gained any comprehension of the meaning of her mother’s comment. “Well there is no way I am ever going to be seen naked in public. Girls need to maintain their modesty. You and I both know that you don't have the guts to make me do something like what just happened to Becca Parker! So lighten up and lets just drop this stupid conversation!”

Lauren and Ben were soon called in for their examination by the nurse that had earlier opened the door too wide, making it engage the automatic door stop. She seemed to not notice that the door had remained open or she just didn’t care and continued to escort Mrs. Prentiss and her children through the doorway and down the hallway.

Mrs. Parker the mother of Becca was standing in the hallway, near the examination room door that Lauren and Ben had earlier seen a naked Becca Parker. Mrs Parker had left the door to the examination room open as she quickly exited to take a phone call and as they passed the doorway Lauren, Ben and Tiffany Prentiss all glanced in through the open door and saw the completely bare naked Becca Parker getting a humiliating physical examination whilst her twin brother Pete was standing next to the examination bed, closely observing. It was not lost on Lauren, Ben or Tiffany Prentiss that Pete was wearing a gown whilst Becca was bare naked!

Becca was on her knees, with her bottom facing the door, her arms supporting her top half as she laid down on the examination bed. Her knees were spread as far as the examination bed allowed and Dr. Pulaski had made her arch her back, raising her chest slightly off the bed. In this position Becca was totally spread out and Ben, Lauren and Mrs. Prentiss were able to see all of her most private girl parts that were usually well hidden.

At the same time, the profusely blushing Becca Parker was looking back through her legs and saw three people looking at her through the open door to the hallway. She knew that her spread position, meant that her most secret places, that until today, no one had ever seen, were fully on display and that Lauren Prentiss, Mrs. Prentiss and a boy, whose name she couldn’t remember, but knew was Lauren’s older brother, were staring intently at!

Becca and Lauren made eye contact, which only added to Becca’s humiliation and embarrassment. They were in the same grade at school. Becca did not like Lauren, because she was the leader of the “In Crowd” and a real bitch at school towards anyone not in her circle of adoring friends.

Lauren looked away as soon as she made eye contact with Becca. She had little to do with Becca Parker, as she was not one of the girls or boys that hung around Lauren. However Lauren was in total disbelief at what she was seeing. She knew she would not wish the degrading scene before her eyes, on her worst most hated enemy.

Ben on the other hand was looking at the naked Becca Parker with total amazement and instant arousal. The humiliating exposed position Becca was placed in as Dr. Pulaski inspected her body, gave him views of a girls most secret and private body parts, inside the folds between her legs, that he had never imagined he would ever be allowed to see! With Becca in this position he could see everything, her small cone shaped breasts that were pointing down towards the examination bed as Becca arched her back and directly facing him was her lightly haired vulva with a very light dusting of pubic hair scattered sparsely across the lower part of her pubis and an equally sparse growth of longer wispy pubic hairs fringing her labia lips which were spread wide open, revealing everything!

Lauren didn’t like her brother seeing what he was seeing and reached across and covered Ben’s eyes with her right hand, whilst ordering him to stop looking and move on and catch up with the nurse.

Tiffany Prentiss had stopped momentarily as well and was equally as shocked at what she was seeing as her daughter. She grabbed her son’s left wrist and pulled him past Mrs. Parker, acknowledging her presence with a quick nod of the head and hurried Ben along, followed by Lauren to catch up with the nurse, who was now waiting for them at the doorway of another examination room further up the hallway.

When they were all in the examination room, the nurse apologised that the clinic had completely run out examination gowns. The nurse explained to Mrs. Prentiss that she was expecting a new shipment any minute and that she would bring in the gowns as soon as they arrived. The nurse suggested as she left, that Ben and Lauren remove their shoes and socks and Ben his polo shirt and then sit and wait. She was hopeful that the courier with an emergency advance shipment gowns would arrive before the doctor.

Tiffany Prentiss still had the old traditional attitude that boys didn’t need to be modest and immediately ordered Ben to completely undress, so he would be ready for Dr. Pulaski when he arrived. Lauren did as the nurse had suggested and removed her shoes, but that was all.

Ben was made to wait around totally naked for at least another twenty minutes, with no nurse or gowns appearing, before the doctor finally arrived. Despite her mother asking her to stop tormenting her brother about his nudity during this time, Lauren could not stop herself and ignoring her mothers wishes, continued to make comments about how Ben was naked, because he was a boy and didn’t need any modesty, whereas she had to stay dressed because she was a girl and had to maintain her modesty.

Lauren had seen Ben naked like this for as long as she could remember and certainly her memories of Ben being bare naked at his eleven, twelve and thirteen year old physicals were strongly entrenched in her memories. Last year when Ben was going into the eighth grade and was thirteen, going on fourteen, she remembered he was showing signs of finally hitting puberty, with his penis thicker and longer and his testicles having dropped as opposed to when he was twelve going on thirteen and still totally prepubescent.

Last year despite the changes puberty was bringing to his body, Ben was still hairless below the neckline and Lauren had tormented him mercilessly about being a “baldy”! This year however, she could see that puberty had fully set in, he was no longer a “baldy”!

After the just completed and radically different physical examinations of Peter and Rebecca Parker, Dr. Wayne Pulaski was not that surprised when he entered the examination room for this next appointment to see a slightly more common scene, one very reminiscent of his childhood. It was immediately obvious to Dr. Pulaski that the issue of the shortage of gowns had not yet been rectified, as standing in the examination room was Lauren Prentiss still fully dressed and Benjamin Prentiss who was completely naked.

Back when Dr. Pulaski was a child, his own modesty was often an afterthought, just like this teenage boys. On many occasions in his youth, he was told that “little boys don’t need modesty.” He knew that even in this day and age there was still a chance that this attitude was still shared among some mothers about their boys.

Dr. Pulaski briefly considered telling Mrs. Prentiss that she should allow her son Ben to get dressed until gowns could be found, but like in the previous examination, he quickly changed his mind, after noticing how handsome the naked Ben’s body had become. He felt a pang of guilt about that decision as it flew in the face of the feelings of embarrassment and frustration that he still felt from his childhood, where he had been forced to be naked when his sisters were able to keep their clothes on.

Ben and Lauren Prentiss had been coming to this medical practice for years and Dr. Pulaski had for the last three years, carried out their medical physicals for the new school year. He had seen Ben naked since he was eleven. Now aged fourteen and soon to turn fifteen, Ben had grown into a tall and handsome boy. His penis looked longer than average for his age and his plump testicles hung down low. Ben now had a small compact bush of thick dark brown pubic hair, some sparse hairs on his scrotum and the beginnings of a darkening happy trail, running up to his navel. He had still been hairless below his neckline last year, despite there being other indicators that puberty had commenced.

Dr. Pulaski decided to continue with things the way they were. “Hello again, Mrs. Prentiss and hello to you Ben and to you Lauren.

“Hello, doctor, it's very nice to see you again. Please just call me Tiffany.”

“Hello Dr. Pulaski” Ben politely replied despite his total nakedness.

Lauren said nothing.

“Lauren say hello to Dr. Pulaski, he spoke to you! It's rude not to reply!”

"I'm not as rude as him, he’s the one who’s kept me waiting for over an hour!” Lauren retorted. "… but if I must… hello!”

Her response instantly reminded Dr. Pulaski about Lauren’s sour attitude in the previous years and if anything, he felt her attitude seemed to have deteriorated since her last visit. Her stroppy disrespectful demeanour seemed to have climbed to new heights. Dr. Pulaski decided there and then that Lauren needed a major behaviour modification and his recent session with Becca Parker had given him plenty of ideas to implement.

Lauren then gave Dr. Pulaski the perfect opening to start her behaviour modification when she asked, “Why was Becca Parker totally naked and standing out in the hallway? Why was the door to the examination room left open allowing my brother to see her being examined by you? Girls need to maintain their modesty, I’ve never seen anything like this before!”

Up until today, the thought of a girl being naked in public in front of others was such a ridiculous idea, that Lauren had never even considered it as a possibly. Something was definitely not right as far as she was concerned. For all her life until today, boys were treated very differently to girls. Everyone knew that the modesty of girls had to be protected, whereas boys didn’t need to be so modest. Most girls knew what boys look like naked, but boys never saw girls naked! Lauren had never given any thought to or bothered about the whole concept presented by these double standards, but today something had definitely changed and she was becoming concerned.

“To answer your questions?” replied Dr. Pulaski, “Mrs. Parker must have accidentally left the door open when she went out into the hallway to answer a phone call, it should have been closed. As for why Becca Parker was earlier standing totally naked out in the hallway, she was sent out there by her mother as a punishment for not doing as she was told.”

“What … That’s so wrong!” exclaimed Lauren.

“Mrs. Parker is of the same opinion as myself that times are changing and society is beginning to expect boys to maintain their modesty at all times, a girl has nothing to hide, as all their female parts are well hidden, whereas if a boy is naked, all their boy parts are exposed and seen.” informed Dr. Pulaski. “So that is why Mrs. Parker had no qualms about sending her daughter out to the hallway naked.”

“No way!” exclaimed Lauren

What is your opinion Tiffany?” asked Dr. Pulaski.

“Well to be honest doctor, it has never occurred to me until today to even think such thoughts. Now that you mention it, what you and Mrs. Parker say does make sense! I know Mrs. Parker from the PTA and she has always struck me as a sensible level headed woman.”

"Don't be ridiculous, mother," retorted Lauren. "You can be pretty lame, sometimes, but even you should know that this weird idea is ridiculous. It’s boys that don’t need to be modest not girls. So stop listening to these stupid weird ideas and let's get on with Ben’s examination, whilst I wait for a gown!"

"You may think I am lame Lauren, but only because I have let you dictate things too much, I'm still your mother and responsible for you. I can see that I need to be more assertive and insist that you do as I say!” Tiffany Prentiss said firmly. "Your attitude and behaviour has been out of control lately and you have been constantly rude and obnoxious to your brother and to me. Now that I have been made to think about it, I actually think Mrs. Parker’s discipline measures with her daughter could be just what you need too."

Lauren stiffened, as she realized what her mother meant. "You can't be serious, mother! You wouldn't make me get naked without a gown … No way!”

"I most certainly would!" her mother said with finality. “You act as if my rules and orders don't apply to you, so I think you should get naked right now, just like your brother, so that you are ready for your physical examination.”

Lauren stared at her mother, speechless with shock!

“Something wrong Lauren? You heard your mother, start undressing!” retorted Dr. Pulaski, keen to see another girl stripped naked just like Becca Parker.

“The nurse hasn’t brought the examination gown to get changed into?” replied Lauren.

“You have no need for a gown Lauren. Girls have no need for modesty, as their female body parts are well hidden!” After meeting Mrs. Parker today, I have decided that we should no longer issue gowns for girls, only boys.” replied Dr. Pulaski.

“But it is always boys who are naked if there is no gown, they don’t need to be as modest as a girl does!” Lauren exclaimed in confusion.

“A girl has no need for excessive modesty, as a naked girl has nothing to hide, her female body parts are well hidden, whereas if a boy is naked all his boy parts are seen, so that is why in the future, a boys body must remain covered.” informed Dr. Pulaski

“No ... No! That is not right ... I shouldn’t have to get undressed with Ben looking on!” stated a shocked Lauren.

“As I said Lauren, times are changing and society is now starting to expect boys to maintain their modesty at all times.” said Dr. Pulaski.

“But I have breasts ... if I am naked they will be seen!”

“Boys have breasts too, they are just less prominent in most cases, no one cares about naked breasts.” interjected Mrs. Prentiss.

Dr. Pulaski looked over at Lauren “No more time wasting talk please Lauren, I still have a lot of physical examinations to get through today. You heard your mother, you need to get undressed right here and now so you are ready for your physical examination.”

Lauren felt cold to the pit of her stomach. She had obviously pushed her mother too far! She looked pleadingly at her mother, but saw no compassion. Her brother had a sly grin, indicating he’d love to see her strip bare naked. At that moment her confidence and willpower dissolved. She realised that she was no longer in control and how humiliating that felt.

Slowly and very reluctantly, Lauren began removing her jeans, placing them on a chair near where she was standing. Leaving her panties still covered by the tight fitting black crew neck crop top she was wearing. Her embarrassment was profound, an emotion clearly expressed by her profusely blushing cheeks. Eventually she reluctantly slipped the crop top up over her head and held it over her chest. Dr. Pulaski took delight in his patient's bashfulness.

“This is a medical examination, there is no need for bashfulness, put your top with your other clothes.” instructed Dr. Pulaski.

Reluctantly Lauren placed her top on the chair with the rest of her clothes and then turned back while holding her arms steadfastly crossed over her exposed chest. She was wearing a plain white bra. Dr. Pulaski allowed the moment to play out for a few moments before giving his next directive when Lauren didn’t show any signs of moving on.

“Please take off your bra!”

Lauren was not totally surprised at this command, this after all was a full physical examination, but she had expected to wear a gown to hide her state of undress, like on previous occasions, but instead she was being expected to strip naked with no covering just like a boy!

“P-please … can’t I have a gown?” she started to plead’.

“No! As I have said, from today, I have decided that only boys will be issued with gowns, none will be issued to girls! Unfortunately none are available at the moment, otherwise Ben would have one, but you wouldn’t, even if we had supplies!”

Lauren went to argue, but she stopped herself, recognizing in Dr. Pulaski’s assertive expression of “No! that it would be fruitless to request any leniency. Blushing profusely, she slowly reached behind her back and undid the hook catches of her bra by pulling the two haves of the straps in opposite directions, causing them to separate easily, As Lauren’s bra parted and the straps dropped down, the bra sagged and two small white silk pillows fell out of the bra cups and landed softly on the floor in front of her.

"Well what do we have here Lauren? exclaimed Dr. Pulaski. “That is very deceptive of you, stuffing your bra! Who are you trying to show off to at your age?

"It’s my fault that she’s padded her bra doctor!" Mrs. Prentiss calmly informed Dr. Pulaski. “I shouldn’t have given in to Lauren’s demands but I did. I made her some sets of silk pillows so she could pad out her chest. She approached me soon after last years physical examination and told me she wanted to start wearing a bra by padding her chest and over time they went from just a little padding to a lot padding!

“No way! Why did you agree to that?” Ben asked.

“I shouldn’t have agreed, I know!” said Mrs. Prentiss.

“Mom … you know how embarrassed I felt at my age not having bigger breasts. so I asked mommy to sow up some sets for me to fill out my breasts.” Lauren replied, her face scarlet with humiliation as she struggled to keep her emotions in check.

“Well I am recommending to you Mrs. Prentiss that it is not mentally healthy at Lauren’s age for her to be showing off like this with padded bras. I would suggest that from this moment onwards you don’t allow her any padding!”

"What! … No doctor, no … no … Mother please, please, don’t listen to him, I will be the laughing stock of my school if I am seen without my padded bra!”

“The doctor does not have all day Lauren, I will think over the recommendation, you need to keep undressing, remove your bra.” Mrs. Prentiss informed her distraught daughter.

Slowly and reluctantly Lauren slid the bra from her chest and placed it with her discarded clothes and immediately crossed her arms again over her chest with her hands on her shoulders.

Dr. Pulaski smiled at Lauren, very much enjoying her body language and obvious embarrassment. “I’d like you to place your hands by your sides for me please, Lauren.”

Lauren, now in the throes of absolute humiliation and embarrassment, due to what she was about to reveal, slowly complied, looking down at the floor.

“Look at me, Lauren,” ordered Dr. Pulaski.

Lauren raised her eyes and met those of Dr. Pulaski as he slowly looked down at Lauren’s newly exposed chest, smiled, then resumed eye contact with Lauren.

End Part 1
steam train
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Re: Lauren Prentiss’ Medical Examination - A Girls Don't Need Modesty Story

Post by steam train »

Lauren Prentiss’ Medical Examination Part 2
by Steam Train

A Girls Don't Need Modesty Story set in the Universe created by the author Perseus written by Steam Train with the permission of the original author,

Copyright 2024 by Steam Train, all rights reserved by both authors.

* * * * *

This fictional work of fantasy is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.

* * * * *

Lauren Prentiss’ Medical Examination Part 2
by Steam Train

Ben’s eyes darted from the silky little pillows on the floor and back to his sister as Dr. Pulaski made her expose her naked chest. He was instantly in shock. Lauren’s breasts were gone! Where she'd had shapely breasts shown off by wearing tight fitting tops, she now displayed a totally flat boyish chest. For nearly the last year, Lauren’s breasts had always seemingly been very prominent, but now they were completely gone! She didn't have any! Her chest sported no breast tissue at all, she hadn’t even started to bud, she was still as flat chested as a boy!

"What the … your tit .. er ... your breasts, what happened?" Ben exclaimed.

“Yes son, as you can now see, her breasts were actually all padding!” said Mrs. Prentiss. “The reality is that Lauren still has a little girls flat chest, but I thought that it would only be a matter of time before some real breast growth would occur and replace the need for the padding. So over the months I have made bigger and bigger pillows that have made Lauren’s breasts gradually appear bigger and bigger, to match the more shapely girls in her sixth grade and the grades above at school. But as you can see, nearly twelve months on and going into the seventh grade, her real breast growth, is still yet to happen.”

Lauren’s face was deep scarlet with humiliation and embarrassment as she stood bare chested in front of her brother, mother and the doctor whilst her breast secrets were openly discussed. The doctor and her brother Ben now knew all about her secret! They were looking at her totally flat chest, her boyish nipples that refused to grow and on their own and made no noticeable points at all in her tops.

Ben couldn't keep silent, “I can't believe it! All year you have made fun of my lack of pubes and called me a baldy and a little boy, but look at you! Your chest still looks like a little girl!"

Mrs. Prentiss turned her attention to Ben, who was standing gaping at his sisters bare chest. "Ben, that’s enough!”

Ben’s head turned to look at his mother, and he acknowledged her command.

Lauren stood silently, clad only in her panties, her little girl nipples hardening in the coolish air.

“You don’t really even need a training bra do you Lauren!” asked Dr. Pulaski. “Your chest is still undeveloped like a little girls, aren’t they?”

Lauren somehow managed to blush even brighter. Dr. Pulaski knew exactly which buttons to push to exacerbate her humiliation and embarrassment.

“I asked you a question, Lauren.” stated Dr. Pulaski

“Yes,” Lauren answered, as she clenched her shaking hands into a fist in anguish.

“Yes, what, Lauren?

“Yes, they are very undeveloped and still like a little girls.” the beleaguered twelve year old replied.

“What are, Lauren?”

“M … my breasts.”

Dr. Pulaski looked at her sternly, a clear indication he was not satisfied with her short answer.

“My breasts are very undeveloped and still look like a little girls, Dr. Pulaski.” replied Lauren as she flushed deep crimson with enormous humiliation and embarrassment!

“Yes they are! You really don’t have any breasts as such, do you, just little girl nipples!” replied Dr. Pulaski. “Tiffany, I consider that Lauren has no need to even wear a bra, even a training bra, at the moment. In fact until her breasts start growing substantially, if they ever do, she doesn’t even need the support of a bra until her breasts at least reach B cup size!”

“Please, please, oh no! A girl my age must have a bra! I would be the laughing stock of all my friends. Oh … this is too humiliating, please let me get dressed again, if I can’t wear a gown to cover my chest. Please … I’m begging you.”

“No Lauren, you may not get dressed! You are not even fully undressed! I’d like you to take off your panties now so you are naked for your physical examination! As I have said, there is no need for a girl to have excessive modesty like a boy requires, especially a girl whose breasts haven’t even begun to grow.”

Lauren gave a long moan as she reluctantly did as instructed and removed her panties. In her new state of total nakedness, such was her humiliation and embarrassment that she blushed down to the middle of her flat boyish chest, bowed her head, unable to meet anyone's eyes and clenched her eyes tightly shut in utter shame. She knew that they could now see her, all of her! It had been fun and exciting, hilarious, even, on the occasions when Ben had been made to stand naked, but it wasn't funny now that it was her that was made to stand totally naked and exposed. Her pubic triangle and the dividing gash that hid the entrance to her secret places, as she thought of them, was now exposed to the prying eyes of her brother, mother and the doctor!

Lauren knew they had an unobstructed view, because she had absolutely no pubic hair growing down below on her vulva. Her complete baldness on her smooth pubis and the totally revealed dividing slit of her labia, highlighted her lack of pubic hair. The bald lips of her labia showed no signs of parting and had barely started to plump out. It was enough however to allow the small knob of her clitoris to slightly peek out at the top.

Mrs. Prentiss felt newly empowered and smiled, very much enjoying Lauren’s body language and obvious shame, embarrassment and humiliation at having to reveal to others what she already knew. The fact that Lauren was still basically prepubescent!

Lauren was feeling like she might faint with the humiliation, embarrassment and shame of her bare naked exposure. Her flat chest was exposed revealing that her breasts had not yet even started to bud or grow and between her legs her vulva was now also exposed, revealing that she was still a totally bald little girl.

Lauren’s mind was racing with panicked thoughts … Oh God! … I’m naked! … I’m totally naked! … Oh God! … Oh God!… I’m completely bare naked in front of my brother! … this can’t be happening! … a girl is never seen naked by a boy! … this is a nightmare! … boys don’t need to maintain their modesty but girls do! … yet I’m totally bare naked! … Ben can see that I’m still a flat chested and bald little girl … Oh God! … Oh God! … I’m totally and utterly bare naked and Ben is grinning at me … I’m blushing so much! … I can feel that my face is so hot! … I must be bright red! … Look at Ben grinning at me! … and the pervert has a boner! … I’m his sister, he shouldn’t be getting aroused seeing me naked! … and is that a smirk on my mothers lips? … Oh, I want to cry! … but that would make my shame, humiliation and embarrassment even worse! … Oh God! … I’m naked! … I’m bare naked … I’m totally bare naked … I’m utterly and totally bare naked!

Lauren’s nakedness had aroused Ben, despite her being his sister. He had seen that other naked girls most private parts from the hallway but he was seeing Lauren much closer up, naked. He liked what he was seeing of the female body! He stared in fascination at Lauren’s hairless immature pubis and the smooth slit that split it and descended into the hidden folds of the nether regions between her legs. He was very pleased that his uppity stuck up bratty sister had gotten her due and been stripped naked, like he had been made to do countless times. Now her true 12 year-old body had been exposed! She was now as bare naked as he was, with her flat chest and bald pubis on full display.

Lauren couldn't help feeling like she had been regressed back in age to a little girl, with her padded bra removed and her smooth hairless body fully on show. As she frantically fought to hold back the tears she made a critical decision. She bolted over to her bundle of clothes, grabbed them, and made towards the door and escape into the hallway. She was totally naked, but she was not thinking rationally. She had no sooner opened the door when she felt two manly hands on her shoulders restraining her. At the same time there was a girlish voice from out of sight, further down the hallway that let out a squeal of shock.

“Lauren, is that you? Omygod … it is … you’re naked … and your breasts … what the fuck … your flat chested … and your bald … you’ve got no pubes!” the girlish voice squealed in amazement! “Omygod!” the shocked voice repeated, “You’re really just a little girl … I thought you were a big mature girl … but… your… your… not!”

Dr. Pulaski pulled Lauren back into the examination room and closed the door.

"Lauren Prentiss, I swear, your behaviour is getting worse! What has come over you girl, trying to escape from your school physical like that and doing it totally nude as well! We will have to have another long talk after this, about your behaviour and try and work something out!” reprimanded Mrs. Prentiss.

“Ben’s getting aroused looking at me! Lauren emotionally replied. “I shouldn’t be seen bare naked like this, I need to maintain my modesty, I’m not a boy, that’s why!”

“Ben can’t help that reaction, he may be your brother, but he’s also a boy! He’s seeing a naked girl and erections happen on occasions like that, even if you are his sister. He’s certainly not having sexual thoughts about seeing you naked, I can assure you.” exclaimed an exasperated Tiffany Prentiss.

“Well Mom you should know better than to treat me like this, it’s your fault that I tried to escape. I demand to be treated like a girl, not a boy. Despite my body’s lack of development, I’m way more mature than Ben in all other aspects.”

“My fault? Really, well I can see that there is no point in having another talk about your behaviour. I’m out of ideas with how to deal with you. I've tried grounding you and not allowing you to play on your sports teams. I’ve even tried taking away your mobile phone and internet access. Nothing seems to work with you!”

"If I may make a suggestion," Dr. Pulaski said, breaking up the heated conversation.

"By all means," Mrs. Prentiss replied, nothing I try works."

"What I would suggest," said Dr. Pulaski, “Is that Lauren be spanked just like a boy!”

"Oh really!” exclaimed Tiffany Prentiss as she looked thoughtfully at the doctor. “Because she is a girl, I hadn't even considered that option. But … you're right, … if a girl doesn’t need as much modesty as a boy, then she certainly should be punished no less than a boy is punished."

“What! … No way! … “ Lauren exclaimed.

“Oh be quiet Lauren!” said Mrs. Prentiss.

“Why not start right here and now," Dr. Pulaski remarked. "As part of my new family services package, (which he was hastily thinking up on the spot) I can offer a behaviour modification service, in other words, a supervised medical spanking that will ensure that Lauren receives no permanent damage from her spanking whilst also ensuring that the spanking is very thorough and age appropriate."

Tiffany Prentiss looked at the doctor. "I don't want to interfere with your other appointments, I know you are very busy.” she said tentatively.

"Not an issue," Dr. Pulaski replied, “ I have enough time to ensure that Lauren receives a severe discipline session!"

“You’re the medical expert, so you really think spanking Lauren is for the best?” asked Mrs. Prentiss, obviously looking for moral confirmation.

“Most definitely, replied Dr. Pulaski. “The only way Lauren will learn where the hard boundaries are, is through her bare bottom. I believe all spankings should be received naked as the humiliation is a critical and essential part of the whole punishment.”

“No mom, this is fucking ridiculous!” exclaimed Lauren defiantly as she stamped her foot. “I won’t be spanked!”

“Lauren Tiffany Prentiss, such language! You’re getting a spanking right now!”

Lauren could see her mother was very angry and the fact she used her full name, reinforced this. Stubbornly she tried to regain the initiative, Lauren folded her arms and stood there defiantly, daring her mother to do something.

“Lauren, you should know better than to give such attitude and language to your mother. I really had thought that you were more mature than that, both mentally and physically!” said Dr. Pulaski. Lauren looked utterly shocked when Dr. Pulaski grabbed her and forced her over to the closest chair, sat down and draped her over his lap.

“Time you started taking responsibility for your actions!” said Dr. Pulaski gruffly. “A spanking is exactly what you need!”

Lauren screamed out “Noooooo … “ she was not expecting this, things had happened way too quick.

"Ben, I suggest you go stand next to your mother, you’ll get a better view from there.”

Ben did as Dr. Pulaski suggested.

“Lauren, from what your mother has mentioned and from what I have observed today, you have been asking for this for a long time, be prepared to get a stinging red hot bottom!" Dr. Pulaski said firmly.

Lauren knew from watching her brother Ben being spanked, that they hurt a lot. She physically braced and mentally reminded herself that she had to hold still, no matter how much it hurt. She had to show that she took being spanked better than Ben.

As Dr. Pulaski’s right hand, which was lying on her bottom, rose above into the air, Lauren tensed and tightened her bottom even more. Her first ever spank surprised her with its sting. One moment she was tensing her bottom and waiting for the impact, the next the left side of her bottom was on fire. She let out a gasp and kicked out with both legs, only to have the right side suffer the same fate.

A spanking was far more painful than she had ever imagined. She screamed out, she sobbed, she pleaded as Dr. Pulaski continued to deliver very hard spanks to her bottom.

Very soon Lauren lost all control and dissolved into incoherent sobs, completely forgetting about trying to show that she could take a spanking better than her brother Ben. She'd never realized it would hurt so much! No wonder Ben often bawled and screamed when their mother spanked him!

As the spanking from Dr. Pulaski continued, Lauren began thumping her feet on the floor and flailing her arms around, hoping that it would help stop the burning pain that was building in her bottom. Dr. Pulaski continued relentlessly smacking Lauren’s bottom, spreading the spanks around so that the whole of ber posterior glowed hotly red. Soon she began scissoring her legs with every spank, briefly exposing a peek of her previously most private girl parts, usually hidden by the lips of her central furrow as she screamed incoherently, tears spotting the examination room floor under her face.

Finally Dr. Pulaski raised his hand higher than before and brought it crashing down on the lower center of Lauren’s bottom. Lauren’s head shot up and she arched her back and screamed as if her life depended on it. She drew a breath to scream again, only to feel another, hard spank land on top the first, sending her screaming up an octave. Two more equally hard spanks followed, each right over the exposed sphincter and surrounding skin of her anus.

It took Lauren some seconds to realise that Dr. Pulaski had stopped spanking her and was dragging her off his lap and up to her feet. Lauren’s hands immediately flew back to caress her stinging bottom. She danced around the examination room, much to the amusement of her brother, mother and Dr. Pulaski, trying unsuccessfully to reduce the throbbing pain in her bottom.

Ben had watched on with awe, excitement arousal and some trepidation, but Tiffany Prentiss had watched on with great satisfaction and contentment. Now here was a lesson her daughter would certainly remember for a long time. Spanking her daughter naked was certainly going to be a new regular occurrence until such time as her behaviour and attitude improved. She now realised that she had been far too lenient with Lauren and the opposite with Ben. There was going to be radical changes at the Prentiss household from this day on. The biggest being that Lauren would in the future be treated as the little girl that she really was and not the bossy, bitchy, falsely mature girl that she had allowed her daughter to become.

Thought her spanking was over, Lauren was still sobbing hysterically as her bottom continued to burn with a fire she'd never felt before. She had survived her first ever spanking … just … but now she had her first ever naked physical examination to get through!

Dr. Pulaski wasted no time in getting the school physical examinations started. Taking both Ben and Lauren’s temperature, blood pressure and pulse.

Dr. Pulaski was enjoying the situation. He recalled being in their exact position when he was around their ages. For the second time today he had a girl before him whose modesty had been disregarded, he felt like he should enjoy the reversal as much as possible. Dr. Pulaski would rather not have had Ben face what he and many of his friends had experienced when they were younger. He felt somewhat sorry for Ben, who was as naked as his sister, unlike his previous patient Peter Parker.

Dr. Pulaski now realised that Carol Parker, the mother in his previous physical examination had woken something within him, that he never realised was there before. He could no longer deny that the unique situation of having the brother and sister totally naked together, was amusing him. Especially Lauren’s absolutely humiliation and embarrassment and the bonus of Ben’s impressive erection, that had not subsided at all since his sister Lauren had begun undressing.

Dr. Pulaski kept up a fully professional demeanour but managed to have both Ben and Lauren enormously embarrassed as they answered very personal questions about their bodies. Ben having to confess to being able to ejaculate for well over a year now and to be regularly masturbating. Lauren confirming she really was still a little girl by confessing that she had not yet had her first period!

Dr. Pulaski then proceeded to examine their spines by having Ben then Lauren bend over at the waist, as he ran his hand down the middle of their naked backs. Next he had them both squat down one after the other and duck walk to the door, then back towards him before making them both stand, then squat, then stand again, over and over until he was satisfied, causing Ben’s penis and scrotum to flap around and in Laurie’s case giving an intimate view of her previously most private girl parts.

Dr. Pulaski checked both Ben and Lauren’s charts and then asked . “Tiffany do you want to do a full skin exam and a clinical examination of their pubertal development, seeing that they are both here naked like this?”

“Oh yes, please, that is an excellent suggestion.” Mrs. Prentiss responded.

“Alright then, well I can’t start with Ben as his erection will give an incorrect measurement, so we will start with Lauren. If Ben’s erection does not subside by the time I am finished with Lauren then I am afraid we will either have to postpone the clinical examination of Ben’s pubertal development or so we can measure his stretched penis length properly, he will need to get rid of his erection, by masturbating until he ejaculates.

“Ha, ha, your dick has been sticking out for ages, so it sounds like you are going to get to feel a lot more humiliation and embarrassed!” retorted Lauren as she stuck her tongue out at her brother, hoping to regain some ascendency again.

Ben’s face was scarlet with humiliation at the doctors suggestion and his sister’s taunt.

“That’s enough Lauren! Stop tormenting your brother.” demanded Mrs. Prentiss. “If your brothers erection doesn’t go down naturally, he will be going to the wash room to get rid of it, not here in front of you or me. I don’t need to see that!”

Dr. Pulaski made Lauren take up a position on the examination bed. She was lewdly displayed, showing off everything she had to show as he began her skin and puberty examination. With her bottom already spread open and her vulva gaping, Dr. Pulaski moved her legs even farther apart.

“Tiffany, has Ben ever seen what the hidden parts of a girls vulva actually look like? If he hasn’t this is an ideal opportunity for a supervised tour of a girls body.”

“No I don’t believe he had. I guess at his age he should, after all he has already seen most of his sister naked body.” responded Mrs. Prentiss.

“Ben move over and stand next to me and I will explain the mysteries of the female vulva to you.” instructed Dr. Pulaski.

Ben did as instructed and moved into position.

Lauren’s couldn’t believe what was happening! Her mind was again racing with embarrassed thoughts … Oh God! … This can’t be happening! … No one has ever seen my most secret places! … This is a nightmare! … Ben can now see everything that is usually hidden in the slit between my legs! … Oh God! … Ben is seeing everything! … I can feel that I’m blushing so much! … And Ben grinning at me! … Oh God! … Oh God!

A smiling Ben gazed down at his sister. He was initially shocked to find what was hidden inside Lauren’s smooth hairless furrow that ran down the middle of the bald triangle between her legs. He saw that she gaped open almost immediately in front of her anus. With the furrow of her vulva now spread wide open, he could see a narrow, moist, pink tunnel just inside the folds, with pink tissue surrounded the tunnel. Above the tunnel and thus closer to Lauren’s stomach, he could make out a bumpy slit and above that, at what would be the top of her furrow when she stood up, there was a knob of tissue that bumped up.

“As you can see Ben, both boys and girls have an anus that is basically similar. But the rest of a girl is very different.” explained Dr. Pulaski as he pointed to Lauren’s anus. “Instead of having a penis for urinating, a girl urinates out of this slit here.” He leaned over and pointed at the bumpy slit.

“Is that why girls usually sit down to pee, do they don’t get it all over them?” asked Ben.

"Yes that’s correct." replied Dr. Pulaski.

Dr. Pulaski then pointed to the little knob at the top of the furrow. "This is a girl's clitoris. It feels good when it is rubbed, just like your penis feels good when you rub it!”

Ben immediately turned a brighter shade of red. Dr. Pulaski noticed the blush and smiled before continuing , “As I was saying, the clitoris feels good when it is rubbed. If the clitoris is rubbed for long enough, it will cause an orgasm, just like you have when you masturbate by rubbing your penis.”

Despite his own embarrassment, Ben nodded, fascinated with this new knowledge about a girl.

Dr. Pulaski then pointed to the narrow, moist, pink tunnel further down towards Lauren’s anus. “This is Lauren’s vagina! The vagina stretches wide open when a baby is born. The vagina is also where a males penis is inserted when adult males and females have sex."

The look of amazement on Ben’s face instantly indicated that all of a sudden, the mystery was solved and everything Ben had wondered about sex, now made more sense.

Over the next minutes, Dr. Pulaski finished checking out Lauren, completing her skin and puberty level examination. It was no surprise to Dr. Pulaski that Lauren was prepubertal at Tanner pubic hair stage one with no pubic hair at all and breast development stage one with no glandular tissue and her areola’s following the skin contours of her chest.

Near the end of Lauren’s examination, Dr. Pulaski suggested that Ben needed to go to the wash room and get rid of his erection and then fill a urine cup that he gave him.

“Turn right when you exit, the wash room is the third door on the right.” instructed Dr. Pulaski.

“But doctor I’m naked, I can’t go outside like this!” Ben exclaimed. “Can I get dressed first!?”

“I’m sorry Ben, I need you back in here naked to complete your examination. There is not enough spare time for you to dress and then undress again.” As much as Dr. Pulaski hated saying it he added, “Boys don’t need to be modest, you can just duck up the hall naked to the wash room!”

Mrs. Prentiss opened the examination room door and hurried the naked and profusely blushing Ben out into the hall. In doing so Lauren’s most private girl parts were momentarily exposed to the hallway for anyone who passed to see.

Ben was in shock as his mother pushed him out into the hallway, bare naked! “Mom! Please! I’m naked! I can’t be in the hallway like this!” His mother ignored his plea and closed the door behind him.

Ben could immediately hear the noise of people talking, coming from the waiting room. The door to the waiting room was still open as Ben hurriedly assumed the classic embarrassed naked male position, with his left hand over his right between his legs and crouching over slightly, ran as quickly as he could in that position down the hallway, counting the doors on the right until he came to the third door.

As he scurried into the wash room he heard a girls voice say, “Was that Ben Prentiss running naked down the hall?” Yeah I think it was!” another girl’s voice responded, “He looked like he had a full on boner peaking out from under his hands!”

As soon as Ben made it into the wash room, he went into a stall, closed and locked its door and immediately grabbed his throbbing penis and began stroking it. Even though Lauren was his sister, his thoughts drifted to her naked body, that after all these years, he had finally seen naked. It only took a short while and he was shooting his white creamy cum into the toilet bowl. It took him another couple of minutes before he could fill the urine cup.

As Ben turned left out of the wash room, to his right there was now a small line of kids in gowns waiting to be weighed and measured. He was glad he had already covered his genitals with his spare hand, as they laughed at him, whilst he ran away in the opposite direction, back to his examination room.

Lauren’s examination was finished by the time Ben returned and he was finally nearly flaccid, so his examination commenced immediately. He was assessed as Tanner pubic hair stage three with coarse and curly hair that had begun to extend laterally across his pubis and genital stage four with a testicular volume of eighteen millilitres and a stretched flaccid penile length of 10 centimetres and a penile circumference of 10.3 centimetres.

The final part of Ben and Lauren’s examination was another humiliating and embarrassing experience for both of them. They were sent by Dr. Pulaski down the hallway, to be to be weighed and measured, accompanied by their mother. Ben and Lauren had pleaded to be allowed to dress but Dr. Pulaski ruled this out as the clothes would distort their correct weight.

As the profusely blushing and bare naked Ben and Lauren Prentiss nervously moved down the hallway, accompanied by their mother, to be weighed and measured, Ben again assumed the classic embarrassed naked male position, with his left hand over his right between his legs and crouched over slightly as he hurried along. Lauren assumed the classic embarrassed naked female position, slightly crouched over with her left hand over her chest and her right hand between her legs as she also hurried down the hallway next to her brother. Tiffany Prentiss was immediately behind her children, with a noticeable smirk on her face.

They were both very relieved to see that no one was waiting ahead of them to be weighed and have their height measured, but they were both horrified that the door to the waiting room was still open. The two girls who had earlier noticed Ben as he scurried to the wash room, saw them both naked. Ben didn’t know the two girls who were staring at his naked body, which he was desperately trying to cover with his hands, but Lauren did. They were part of her group of friends and they had the best seats to be able to see up the hallway, the seats previously occupied by Lauren’s classmates, Eric and Michael.

“Wow, that’s Lauren, would look at that! She’s stark naked and she still looks like a little girl!” exclaimed Morgan Birchgrove.

“Oh my god yes! She’s as flat as a pancake and as bald as a baby! replied Terri Hernandez.

Mrs. Prentiss had a smirk that she was trying to suppress on her lips as the two girls discovered that their friend and leader was still a prepubescent bald little girl. She could see by the look of horror on her daughter’s face that she was absolutely humiliated. She knew just like Lauren did, that Morgan and Terri would tell everyone at school what Lauren looked like! It was the price a prepubescent little girl of twelve who had pretended she was much more grown up, must pay!

From further back in the waiting room, another girls voice could be heard exclaiming, “Oh my gosh mummy, that’s Lauren Prentiss, she’s in my basketball team. She’s a year older than me but we both look the same, she’s still a little girl”

“Yes Chloe, the changes that will soon occur with your body, as we discussed before coming here today, haven’t occurred for her either. Lauren still looks to be at tanner stage one just like you.” a mature woman’s voice, obviously the mother, could be heard replying.

Another girls voice could be heard squealing in amazement, “Wow, that’s Lauren Prentiss who’s totally naked. She’s only in the grade behind me, but she’s still flat chested and hairless! I thought that as she’s almost my age, she wouldn’t look like that!

An excited high pitched boys voice could also be heard from the waiting room saying, “I thought girls developed earlier than boys! She is the same age as me … but she’s flat and bald!”

Yet another girls voice could be heard saying, “That’s Ben Prentiss who’s with that naked little girl. Look how hot his naked body looks!”

Lauren had already been worried about who the girl was that earlier had seen her naked when she had opened the examination room door and tried to escape. However she now knew for certain, that her reign as the most popular girl in her grade was over. For the rest of the school year, she would have to deal, with Morgan and Terri and everyone at school that knew or were told, that she was still a little girl!

They were quite quickly weighed and measured but Ben was required to wait in the hallway with his mother while Lauren went into the wash room and filled a urine cup. When she finished giving her sample they both returned immediately to the examination room to get dressed,

Dr. Pulaski was sitting at the small work desk in the examination room when Ben, Lauren and Mrs. Prentiss arrived back from the weighing and measuring station. Ben gave the doctor his slip first that recorded his height at 180.64 centimetres and weight at 60kg. He was then allowed to go and get dressed.

Lauren despite her significant demotion in status was still capable of scheming and as she handed her slip to Dr. Pulaski, she stated, “ Dr. Pulaski if you happen to do the examinations of either or both of my friends Terri Hernandez or Morgan Birchgrove, I believe they would benefit from a girls don’t need modesty session. Don’t you agree mother, you’re always complaining about their bad influence on me!”

Tiffany Prentiss was slightly taken aback by her daughter’s suggestion, but informed the doctor that in her opinion, the two girls mentioned certainly need to be brought back in line, just like her daughter.

Dr. Pulaski checked his schedule on his laptop and informed Mrs. Prentiss that he was scheduled to see Terri Hernandez and that he would try to arrange a swap with the doctor allocated to examine Morgan Birchgrove. “I have already set in motion changing the policy on girls getting gowns so it sounds like Terri and Morgan would benefit greatly from this change, just like Lauren has done.” said Dr. Pulaski as he inwardly smiled to himself.



With the last of his patients for the day finished, Dr. Wayne Pulaski finally had the chance to sit down, relax and have a cup of tea. As he sipped on the strong brew of black tea, he contemplated on what had been a most extraordinary and unexpected day.

Earlier that day he had not expected the sight that greeted him when he entered the examination room to undertake the physical examinations of Peter and Rebecca Parker. He recalled hardly believing his eyes when the last thing that he expected to see, presented itself. Pete wearing an examination gown, and Becca bare naked.

In hindsight he was very thankful for Mrs. Parkers surprising attitude towards her daughter, forcing Becca to undress completely while allowing Pete to wear the gown. He had realised early on in that physical examination, that Mrs. Parker was attempting to be more assertive over Becca’s attitude and behaviour, especially towards her brother Pete. He chuckled to himself how probably none of this would have eventuated if the clinic had not run very short on examination gowns.

Mrs. Parker’s revolutionary attitude had lead to a succession of subsequent girls being required to be totally naked whilst having their physical examinations and also set in motion a change to the policy on girls getting gowns. He was feeling good about finally getting revenge for all the humiliation and embarrassment that he had suffered in front of girls when he was growing up and he smiled to himself, still surprised with how much he actually liked embarrassing girls.

He opened up his laptop record relating to twelve year old Lauren Prentiss and thought back over the sight of her naked body, chuckling to himself about her padded bra and the subsequent revealing of her totally flat boyish chest and then the complete baldness on her vulva. Plus in that examination session there had been the added bonus of her brother Ben also being naked.

He clicked on the record of his next patient Terri Hernandez and recalled how he had to work extra hard to convince Mrs. Hernandez to allow her daughter to be examined naked after she had initially threatened to remove Terri from the clinic in disgust at his new gown policy for girls.

Dr. Pulaski had examined Terri for her past two school physical examinations but he had found this examination very different, with her being totally naked, especially as puberty had started for her since last year. Terri was a little shorter in height than was average for her age, with dark hair cut short and a few freckles across the bridge of her nose. She had legs that were slightly muscled and prominent heavy looking thighs. She already wore nail polish on her toenails as well as her fingernails at twelve years of age. He personally disapproved of her being allowed to do this at her age. He had noticed that Terri liked to wear designer label clothing and smiled as he remembered how extremely embarrassing and humiliating she had found it to remove those clothes when ordered to do so.

He recalled her almost prepubescent small nubile breasts, about the size of a half lemon with their juvenile light pink nipples and though her breasts had started to grow, her vulva was showing no signs yet of any pubic hair. Her exposed labia lips were slightly darker than the surrounding skin but were still small and compact, with no signs yet of thickening.

Dr. Pulaski mentally thanked Lauren Prentiss as he clicked on Morgan Birchgrove’s laptop record, for suggesting that she be examined by him and also Tiffany Prentiss for facilitating Morgan’s subsequent exposure. He had arranged a swap with the doctor who was scheduled to see Morgan and was very grateful he had made the effort to do so. Mrs. Birchgrove and Mrs. Prentiss had apparently conversed in the waiting room as the Prentiss’ left and Morgan was still waiting for her physical examination to begin. After their conversation, Mrs. Birchgrove was extremely enthusiastic for Morgan to receive a girls don’t need modesty session, just like Lauren had experienced. Especially after seeing how degraded Lauren looked, standing dressed beside her mother, with her new flat chest little girl look very obvious!

Morgan Birchgrove was aged twelve but was already a stunningly beautiful looking strawberry blonde. She was one of the most popular and good looking girls in school and most boys were crazy about her. She was tall for her age with long shapely legs and an equally shapely bottom. Her equally shapely breasts were very obviously her pride and joy.

Dr. Pulaski recalled his admiration for her naked body. She had prominent firm breasts about the size of a half orange, with their light pink nipples and widening darker areolae. Her vulva had a compact little triangular bush of dark blonde pubes with a growth of longer pubic hair fringing her pink labia lips. Her fringe of pubic hair was not enough to hide her thickening puffy labia lips, just enough to highlight that she had clearly started puberty but still had someway to go.

After Morgan, Dr. Pulaski had examined a boy who was totally naked due to the lack of gowns. He clicked on the records of Gryan Mutlu who was about to start the eighth grade. Gryan had a mother who reminded Dr. Pulaski very much of his own mother when he was growing up. She seemed to show no sympathy or modesty for her son when she discovered that there was no gown for Gryan to wear and made him undergo his physical examination naked in front his two dressed younger sisters, who Dr. Pulaski had already examined for their school physicals the week previous. The sisters, Caitlin aged eleven and ten year old Sharna were considered too young by the mother to leave in the waiting room or stand out in the hallway whilst Gryan had his physical examination.

Dr. Pulaski recalled the looks of excitement on the girls faces and their smirks as their older brother was totally exposed and showed his absolute humiliation and embarrassment by the deep crimson blush that covered not just his cheeks but also his neck and the upper part of his chest. He felt sorry for Gryan and made a mental note to try and reverse the situation if he ever got the opportunity to examine Caitlin and Sharna again in the future. He smiled at the thought that both girls had worn gowns the previous week, so neither had seen much of the the other sisters bodies, but wouldn’t be able to do so next time, when and if he examined them. Despite the gowns, he had still noted on their respective records, the interesting fact that Sharna at ten and a half years of age was already showing the very early signs of entering puberty, whereas the thirteen month older Caitlin, was not!

Gryan had certainly started puberty at thirteen and nine months of age and already had small patches of hair under his arms and his genitals were crowned by a lush bush of dark brown pubic hairs. His thickening penis was impressive at about about three inches long flaccid and his testicles hung low and loosely in a lightly haired scrotum. Dr. Pulaski had to admit to himself that Gryan was a handsome boy, with a cute face, snub nose, wide eyes, prominent lips and a muscular chest with small cute nipples.

Dr. Pulaski took another sip of his tea and clicked on the records of his next physical examination, three brothers, Alexander, Frederick and Christopher Sukowski. He openly smiled as he recalled the reaction of the three boys, who were all mortified when they were informed there were no gowns and Mrs. Sukowki insisted that they strip naked in front of each other to undergo their school physicals, as she was well aware that today was the cut off date for records to be sent to the school. Dr. Pulaski soon realised that the three brothers had for years always bathed and changed clothes alone and never let anyone see them in the nude. To be naked in front of each other was something this family was not used to doing.

Christopher known as Chris was aged eleven and ten months. Of the three brothers he was the least concerned to be naked and was the first to fully undress ready for his physical examination. Still he blushed a soft pink as his mother and two brothers saw him naked for the first time in years and realised that he had reached puberty. His penis was uncircumcised and was showing the first signs of starting to grow and thicken. It was about two inches long flaccid and already despite his young age, there were about a dozen sparse pubic hairs sprouting in a semicircle around its base. His testicles had descended and dangled down in a hairless scrotum about an inch below his penis.

Frederick, known as Fred was aged thirteen and four months. He blushed a bright red at having to be naked, in front of his older and younger brothers, who saw for the first time, visual confirmation of just how developed he was already! Both Alex and Chris had noticed that his voice had deepened and that his body had shot up in height and filled out. He had an uncircumcised penis that was thick and manly looking, with large and low dangling testicles. His genitals were surrounded by a thick growth of dark curly public hair.

Alexander, known as Alex, the eldest brother was aged fourteen and nine months and categorically refused all orders to undress from Dr. Pulaski and Mrs. Sukowki. This resulted in a fully dressed Alex being hauled over Dr. Pulaski’s lap and receiving a thorough hand spanking on his jeans clad bottom. Chris and Fred were amazed at this happening in front of them as their big brother had always bossed them about and as the eldest had on occasions actually spanked them. They knew that Alex was no angel and like them was occasionally spanked, but they had never actually seen Alex spanked, as their father always did it in private.

The distraught Alex, still refused to undress after his spanking and the reason for his reluctance became all too obvious once he was forcibly stripped of all his clothes by Mrs. Sukowki with the enthusiastic help of the naked Fred and Chris. Alex’s genitals were prepubescent and looked no bigger than a ten year olds, despite him being only three months away from turning fifteen. He was still totally bald and had an uncircumcised penis that was short in length and boyishly thin, accompanied by a tight undescended scrotum with small marble sized testicles.

His younger brothers when they saw his total lack of development, immediately began to laugh. Mrs. Sukowki was in such a state of shock at what Alex actually looked like naked, that she didn’t even reprimand her two boys for laughing at their brother. It was Chris who then stated the obvious. “Wow! He’s still a little boy!” Alex was scarlet with embarrassment as his most guarded secret was revealed for the first time to his brothers, his mother and Dr. Pulaski.

Finally Dr. Pulaski clicked to the record of the girl he had only just finished examining. The mature sixteen year old, soon to become eleventh grader, Jennifer Donnelly, who was a gorgeous and beautiful girl, right down to her perfectly shaped attractive bottom. Jennifer had walked in escorting her nine year old sister Kelly who she was regularly responsible for looking after, including her discipline. She had with her a letter of authority from her mother for her to act as Kelly’s guardian during the physical examination.

Jennifer was only too happy to agree that her little sister, who had been a pain all day, had no need for excessive modesty and that a naked girl had nothing to hide, as her female body parts were well hidden and should be examined naked. She agreed without giving any thought to the implication for herself. At nine years of age, Kelly was old enough to experience the humiliation and embarrassment of her bare naked exposure and subsequent examination of her totally prepubescent body, much to Jennifer’s satisfaction and amusement.

Jennifer’s reaction however when Kelly’s physical examination was over and she was requested to strip naked for her own school physical examination, was very different to her attitude towards her sister’s nakedness. She used language that Dr. Pulaski rarely heard from a girl and point blank refused to be examined unless she could wear a gown. Dr. Pulaski was convinced due to her attitude, that he would not succeed in getting Jennifer naked, however a phone call to Jennifer’s mother Mrs. Gunston, who had remarried after divorcing Mr. Donnelly, had resulted in permission being granted for Jennifer’s school physical examination to proceed without Jennifer wearing a gown.

Dr. Pulaski was quite a persuasive person, but he knew that the most pertinent reason for the approval was the fact that upon remarrying, Mrs. Gunston had given birth to three more children after having had Jennifer and Kelly. The three children, two girls and one boy were all preschoolers, still aged four and under. Mrs. Gunston had sounded very frazzled on the phone from the constant demands of the three youngsters and combined with the fact that today was the last day available to get school physicals done, in order to have the records sent to the school on time, Mrs. Gunston, basically gave no objection!

Dr. Pulaski remembered Kelly standing over to the side smiling as Jennifers mouth trembled and she was not able to meet his or her sisters gaze, whilst she reluctantly revealed her firm, upthrust, B cup breasts and thick golden blonde bush of pubic hair. The mature pink puffy lips of her labia were only clearly exposed, enabling her most private girl parts to be seen by Kelly and Dr. Pulaski, as she spread her legs wide whilst she cried out and kicked those legs about, during the spanking Dr. Pulaski gave Jennifer because of her language and attitude towards him when first asked to remove her clothing for her examination. It was obvious to Dr. Pulaski that Kelly greatly enjoyed watching her sister Jennifer, who was seven years older than her, get spanked! Her spanker had become the spankee!

As he took another sip of tea, Dr. Pulaski recalled the mortified terror both Jennifer and Kelly exhibited near the end of the physical examination when he sent both girls out into the hallway totally naked to have their height and weight recorded!

Wayne Pulaski was constantly surprising himself with how much he really liked embarrassing girls. It was undoubtedly partly as retribution for all the humiliation and embarrassment that he had suffered in front of girls when he was growing up, but also it was partly because desires that had been very tightly suppressed, had now because of the days unique occurrences, been released. His position as a doctor allowed him opportunities to experience and enjoy this new found enjoyment, but he knew he needed to be very cautious and maintain his professional conduct at all times, as he clicked on tomorrow’s much smaller list of appointments and began looking down the list that he would have the pleasure of meeting tomorrow! He smiled openly as he took the last sip of his tea, as one name in particular caught his attention, Kristina August. The fourteen year old’s parents were near neighbours and he had been the family doctor for the last four years. He just knew that his new no gown rule for girls, would make tomorrow’s appointment to treat an outbreak of teenage acne, very interesting for both Kristina and for himself!

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Re: Lauren Prentiss’ Medical Examination - A Girls Don't Need Modesty Story

Post by Hooked6 »

Excellent tie-in with Perseus' original story. It is good to see you posting your talent here. I hope that this "Girl's Don't Need Modesty" genre continues to expand as it makes for great reading. I can see all sorts of situations where this premise can apply other than medical situations.

steam train
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Re: Lauren Prentiss’ Medical Examination - A Girls Don't Need Modesty Story

Post by steam train »

Thanks Hooked.

I have a number of other stories already written in the Girls Don’t Need Modesty. Some girls focused and some boys focused. Will post over time, my trouble post here is usually my habit of just writing a story and often it does not fit a specific category but I think this one is mainly girl though there is some boy content.

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Re: Lauren Prentiss’ Medical Examination - A Girls Don't Need Modesty Story

Post by Skylar21 »

Ah humiliation! There is something so satisfying about people being taken down a couple of notches. Even better when naked in front of family members. :oops: Lauren will have a new relationship with her classmates, now that her secret is out. :lol:

Nice story. Thanks for offering it. I look forward to more stories like this. :)
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Re: Lauren Prentiss’ Medical Examination - A Girls Don't Need Modesty Story

Post by student »

This was a fun story. Thank you, Hooked.
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