Writing prompts?

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Writing prompts?

Post by randomlygenerated »

Is giving writing prompts something that is done around here?

I feel like I am a good idea guy. Well, at least, I like my own ideas for what it is worth, lol. But I am not actually a very good writer and what's more, even when I put in the effort to write something out, I can't quite enjoy my own writing as much as I can when someone else writes something out the way I like it.

So for example, I came up with a prompt ages ago based on something I liked from some story which was roughly like so, "Girl is in violation of dress code in some way. The prescribed punishment is for the offending articles of clothing to be confiscated, leaving the girl wearing even less than she started with."

I wrote a short draft based on that where I decided that the violated rule was "Girls cannot wear clothes which expose their navels" and further interpreted that to mean any item of clothing which does not cover her navel must be confiscated which meant everything she was wearing. I also like modern slave world settings sort of like Tracey Smith/Linda Marshal stories and tend to just default to having my characters in some type of modern slave setting.

Anyway, I'll share my draft below but honestly I am not really happy with my own writing and wonder if there is anyone who is good at writing but maybe has writers block and likes my ideas or something.


The boy took the opportunity to have a free squeeze of my breasts, he was quite blatant about it. He was groping me for quite a few moments but I was hardly going to complain was I, he was a prefect!

He smiled and told me that my blouse “exposed my navel”, which meant that my blouse was considered “grossly indecent!” Due to my generous bosom, my blouse was slightly too small and tight. The buttons were pulled so taut that between them were little glimpses of my skin including my bellybutton and of my bra underneath.

He poked my midriff through the gaps as he explained that the offending articles would be confiscated which I didn’t immediately understand until he started undoing my blouse buttons clearly intent on undressing me. On receiving my shocked look he laughed, “If you dress like a slut you should expect to be treated like one, Missy. Sluts like you don’t need clothes do they?”

I was surprised by that, he had put the blame onto me, he accused me of dressing like a slut, well I didn’t think I was, yes maybe my top was a bit small and skimpy, but a little bit of midriff never hurt anyone and besides my navel was only exposed because I had to wear this stupid uniform!

I couldn’t really argue with him anyway, despite the fact that he was a bit younger than me he had an intimidating air about him that frightened me so while I squealed and squirmed he quickly had the buttons of my blouse undone and slipped the open top off my shoulders leaving me only in my bra above the waist.

Then he told me to bend over but I must not have moved fast enough because all of a sudden he grabbed my hair and I was pushed forward so that my head was resting on the table. With me bent over like that, he had a lot of room to play with and he started grappling with my bra straps. I stayed there silently fuming as he managed to unclip my bra in seconds. I was a busty girl, very busty, a DD cup and I felt the weight of them release as my bra was undone and he roughly pulled me back by my hair so that I was standing upright again. From there he easily pulled my bra down my shoulders and off my chest completely.

Indignantly, I noted that I was exposing far more than just my navel as he placed my blouse and bra in a cardboard box marked “evidence”. Then he pulled out some handcuffs and I pleaded with him not to cuff me, but he just laughed and said not to worry as it was just standard procedure. After he cuffed my wrists together, he began unbuttoning and unzipping my skirt none of which reassured me.

“Is that really necessary?” I whined as he began to tug down my skirt. Whether by accident or design, he had taken hold of my panties as well, and he had both skirt and panties down to my ankles in a flash as he said, “Of course it’s necessary, you stupid girl. I’m doing it, aren’t I? Now you be quiet, Missy!”

He emphasized his instruction by giving my bottom three hard smacks. Then he knelt in front of me, pulling my right foot out of my skirt, panties, and shoe then did the same with my left foot. I was now completely naked as he produced another pair of cuffs which he used on my ankles this time. I didn’t want another smack so I stayed silent. Then he collected my clothes and put them in the cardboard box marked “evidence” while I watched quietly.

Turning back to me, he laughed, “You are a little cutie, aren’t you?” Meekly, I tried to cover my pussy with my hands but he instantly slapped my hands away. I yelped in surprise, and instinctively I kept my eyes down. I didn’t try to cover myself again. All I could do was stand there and blush as he ran an appreciative eye up and down my exposed body.

To my surprise and embarrassment he reached forward and cupped both my naked breasts in her hands, gently squeezing them and then hefting them as if he was weighing them.
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Re: Writing prompts?

Post by edithdick »

Here is a funny prank. Someone put up a Nude Beach sign at a Chicago beach that looked authentic... No word if anyone partook before the city removed it, but in my mind, there was at least one person who believed it was real...

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Re: Writing prompts?

Post by BlueDragmire »

I remember a story from when I was a kid, I think it was a book, maybe a Bruce Coville or My Teacher is An Alien, where the kid is so grounded by their parents that the father takes all their clothes. So the kid runs out to have their adventure in nothing but a rain coat. Which naturally leads to a lot of questions from their friend group. "Wait, are you naked under there?"
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Re: Writing prompts?

Post by NudeBaG »

Is this NOT what the ‘Story Requests’ category/tab is for?🤔
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