The Antebellum School Project (Ch 5 added 9/27/24)

Stories about girls getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated by anyone or anything.
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Re: The Antebellum School Project (Ch's 2a and 2b added)

Post by superevil7 »

This is such an awesome premise for a story! I can tell that poor "Honey" has almost no idea what she's gotten herself into. The slave appraisal in 2b was definitely the hottest part to me so far. The auction is going to be so much fun. I keep wondering just how many classmates of (the former) Brooke are going to attend. Would be such a shame if one of them decided to live stream and/or record the auction for their other schoolmates that couldn't attend in person. :twisted:

I can tell you've put a lot of thought and research into this story, Hooked6, and I can't see where it goes next! :mrgreen:
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Re: The Antebellum School Project (Ch's 2a and 2b added)

Post by jastes22 »

I’m very curious to see who purchases Honey and what their relationship to Brooke was. I also wonder if they have any idea on how a slave is supposed to be treated, or if Angie has any specific recommendations or requirements for them to make sure Honey gets an authentic experience.

Normally, I don’t go for these kinds of stories, but this one has me interested! Looking forward to the next part!
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Re: The Antebellum School Project (Ch's 2a and 2b added)

Post by shmeckle »

That's great news that there will be lots more to this story. It has makings of a classic. Can hardly wait.
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Re: The Antebellum School Project (Ch 3A added)

Post by Hooked6 »

The Antebellum School Project
BY: Hooked6

Chapter 3A

Then I saw that they were all dressed in period finery, the girls in exquisite long silk dresses that reached to the floor with a generous amount of décolletage showing on their chests and the boys all in dark trousers and period length coats and here I was totally naked. I want to run away. In fact, I tested the strength of the chain just to see if I could indeed get away but alas that damn farrier really knew what he was doing. I was trapped.

My step-mom, Susan, assumed the role of the perfect host as if she had been born into that role of the Lady of the Manor. “Welcome everyone to the Harkins’ House. Gather around so that everyone can fit comfortably.” She was gracefully waving her arms in the air directing everyone into position. There were several quiet snickers from my classmates as they looked me over as I hung there completely naked. I wasn’t sure if that was because my classmates were uncomfortable with my nudity and me being trussed up in the Parlor or if it was because they were making fun of my body. Either way everyone seemed a bit uncomfortable whatever the reason. They were, after all, members of the drama class so maybe they too were just acting. Who knows?

These are classmates that I have seen everyday in class, around our town, and at events with our families for years but they have NEVER seen me naked NEVER, EVER. Now they were looking at me and studying all of me; seeing all my secrets bare before them. I was so embarrassed you have no idea. It is one thing to think about being seen naked by people you know like that naked in school nightmare but it is quite another to actually live through it. I can tell you it is mortifying. The girls were clearly judging me making mental comparisons between themselves and me; reassuring themselves that they were indeed prettier than me. Of this I have no doubt. The boys, well they were probably wondering what I would be like to fuck. Now that they have seen me naked would they even WANT to have sex with me?

My step-mom continued, “Thank you all for coming. As you know, we are having a slave auction on the steps of our veranda in a little while and you now have an opportunity to inspect this wench for suitability of purpose as is standard custom. Our auctioneer, Mr. Conner, whom you all know, will start the bidding in exactly one hour so you all have ample time to conduct your due diligence to determine her worth and interest.”

There was more murmuring among the crowd and several people pointed at me but I couldn’t make out a word of what they were saying. This was so humiliating.

Susan then came close to me and glided her open hand in the air down my side, from my head down to my waist, like she was Vanna White showing off some prize on television. “This is Honey. Who she was in her past life is of no importance. She recently came to us after enslavement and all her documents are in order. As you can see, she will make someone a fine laborer, house servant or even a fancy girl. I will leave you in the capable hands of our auctioneer who, after already having given Honey a thorough going over, is more than capable of answering any questions.”

Everyone laughed out loud at that last comment as they looked at our principal as if there was some hidden joke I wasn’t in on. Susan then stepped aside and prompted the group, “Come, come. Don’t be shy. Examine the goods. This might be your last chance before she is sold.” If my step-mom’s goal was to humiliate me with these comments she was doing a good job of it. Hopefully she DOES realize that this is just a school project not reality. Surely, she does, I told myself. She is just playing a part and expected me to play along as well for my step-sister’s sake so I started wiggling and struggling to free myself grunting and groaning to add realism which only made my classmates giggle as they just stood back and watched.

Then things took a darker turn. Sarah Ann Johnson, the class bully in my opinion and never the shy one, came forward and circled around me a couple of times looking me over and shaking her head silently as she did so before coming to a stop right in front of me. She just stood there a moment or two and then reached out with each hand and grabbed hold of my nipples and pulled. She kept on pulling my nipples stretching my small breasts away from my body until they could move no more and then started twisting them.

“OUCH!” I shouted. “STOP THAT, YOU BITCH! That hurts!”

She let go and angrily snapped, “Could somebody PLEASE gag this whore? How can I be expected to properly examine her if she is screaming in my ear all the time?”

Mr. Longacre, the farrier, came up and held up what appeared to be a round piece of wood about an inch in diameter, covered in leather with leather strings on each end. It looked old. Before I knew what was happening, he crudely shoved that stick into my mouth and on top of my tongue then, still holding onto the stick, he went behind me and lifted my hair up placing the leather strings against my neck and forcefully tied the strings tightly before remarking, “That ought to quieten the bitch down.” His comment made everyone laugh including Sarah Ann who was all smiles.

The gag stick tasted like old saliva and some other foul substance that I couldn’t place. I could feel additional teeth marks other than my own indenting the old leather as well. Mr. Longacre noticed my expression and said, “I see you are wondering what that is in your mouth. It is an authentic, historical bit-gag on loan from the city museum. It was actually used on slaves during whipping when slavery was legal in the 1800’s,” he said then turning to me continued, “or perhaps keeping wenches like you from speaking. We all know how women like to blab on and on and on.” His comment made all the guys laugh but I noticed none of the girls thought it funny. “Oh, and in case y’all are curious, that leather retains the years and years of saliva, blood and old semen too, I suspect, from use on many, many slaves that have gone before you.”

Some girl in the crowd retorted, “Ewe. . . gross,” which set up more murmuring among the crowd. The same girl then spoke up asking, “Mr. Longacre, how did the old semen get on the bit when . . . OH, THAT’S DISGUSTING,” she exclaimed when she actually figured it out. Everyone in the room including my step-mother busted out laughing. “Well, it is disgusting, y’all,” she said trying to justify herself only making things worse.

“Have you ever tried it, Amy?” asked some guy in the back. “It is really a rather nice taste.”

“How would you know, you moron?” she asked sarcastically and all the guys began kidding the poor dude.

When the laughter died down, Sarah took hold of my nipples again and squeezed them between her fingers making my already contorted face grimace a bit more. “You know, these are really pretty small tits. If you ever got pregnant that baby would starve to death.” Everyone laughed at her witty comment at my expense. Sarah was always like that – putting people down under the guise of humor.

She then proceeded to tease my breasts rubbing them all over using soft, deliberate strokes making me shiver as my classmates looked on. “Pretty sensitive, huh?” Sarah Ann asked as she looked me in the eyes. I hated what she was doing to me. Of all people, she was actually getting me wet down below. What was worse, she knew it too. She started gently rubbing her hands lower and lower on my belly just touching my pubes then worked her way back up to my breasts again – doing this over and over – slowly and erotically. It was maddening.

“Just what do you think you are doing, Sarah Ann?” asked our principal, Mr. Conner, in a rather authoritarian tone.

“Well, when you examined Honey before, you had me write down that, how did you put it again, oh yeah, ‘The slave freely and copiously self-lubricates without manual stimulation indicating that she is easily aroused. She would make good breeding stock.’ Well, I just wondered, seeing how she gets wet just thinking about it, what she would do if she had a little manual stimulation. After all, if I am going to bid good money on her I want to see for myself if what you said is true.”

Oh my gosh. I never in a million years would think Sarah Ann would actually want to bid on me. That thought alone gave me the creeps.

I was brought back to the present by Mr. Conner asking, “Well, what did you find out? Was I exaggerating?”

I gasped deeply as I felt Sarah Ann’s hand reach down between my legs and start to finger me. She wasn’t shy about it either teasing my vaginal opening and swirling her fingers around and making funny noises tapping her fingers against my now very wet labia before finally removing them. She turned around and held her fingers up showing everyone my juices. How humiliating!

“Spread your legs, whore.” She commanded me. “Wider!”

As I did so, everyone began giggling and pointing at me. I immediately looked down and saw a string of thick lubrication slowly growing longer heading towards the floor from my vagina. It almost looked like pouring syrup from a bottle. Longer, and longer it grew until it suddenly broke off and fell onto my step-mother’s floor making an audible plop. More laughter from my classmates could be heard as I wanted to crawl under the couch and die. The girls were all smiling at me giving me that “I know what you must be feeling” look.

“Hey, Jeremy,” Sarah Ann called out looking back towards the group while still fingering my clit. “Come here. You give it a try and see what you think. I don’t want to be accused of exaggerating things. Is she really wet or what?”

My eyes grew wide as I saw Jeremy, a really handsome and athletic guy from my school, start walking towards me. He wouldn’t . . . He couldn’t, I thought to myself . . . but he did. Sarah Ann stepped back and let him get close and he wasted no time in putting his manly hand between my thighs.

I almost thought my breathing had stopped as I felt his sensual touch gliding back and forth across my labia. When I started breathing again my breaths became faster and deeper and my heart beat more rapidly with each passing moment as his fingers moved faster and faster, back and forth and in circles. I closed my eyes and lowered my head.

“Careful, Jeremy, you’re going to make her cum right here in front of all us,” Sarah Ann teased while giggling.

No sooner had she said that, I felt myself rising up on my tiptoes and clenching my fists that hung over head and then it happened. I moaned loudly through my stick-gag thing and my pelvic muscles contracted over and over as I experienced the most intense orgasm of my life; certainly, I had never had any orgasm at the hands of a boy, but this was amazing. My body just went limp when it was eventually over and I just hung there exhausted as I came down from that incredible feeling as my heart began slowing itself down.

What had I done? I asked myself. I just shamed myself in front of my peers and several neighbors and my STEP-MOTHER! I felt horrible. What was she going to say? What would my dad think of me after she tells him what I did.

Susan just took a few steps towards me, gave me a knowing half-grin, and shook her head before turning around to the crowd. “Time’s growing short ladies and gentlemen. Don’t miss out on this rare opportunity to check Honey out. You just have to evaluate her yourselves. She is worth every penny you spend – IF you are lucky enough to have the highest bid.”

What was my step-mother doing? Did she just invite everyone here to feel me up and grope me?

Jeremy stepped away and sure enough all others including the couple of neighbors that were there came up and did just that. There were hands all over me.

“Look at the size of that clit she has!” someone pointed out. “It’s so red!”

“Honey, eh? Is that what you call that pussy juice dripping all over the place? Only a real slut would cream like that,” Angela whispered softly into my ear as she began fingering me. I have never been into girls at all but what she was doing felt nice. She wasn’t aggressive like Jeremy had been but rather she was gentle and more sensual. It was very stimulating. Just hearing her whispering softly in my ear sent shivers down my spine.

Just as I was starting to get close to another orgasm she suddenly stepped back and slapped my right beast; the stinging taking me by surprise. “In your dreams, loser. In your dreams.” The smirk on her face told me that she knew how close she gotten me to cumming and she took great pleasure in denying me. That was just mean.

My body was begging for more attention and it didn’t have long to wait for it. A boy behind me began sensually rubbing and kneading my butt cheeks. I took a deep breath in enjoying his touch, but then he took his finger and began gently poking at my butthole. I grunted my disapproval through my gag but he kept on getting bolder with his pushing. Suddenly I squealed loudly, startling the people gathered around me when he pushed his finger hard, without any lubrication mind you, and entered my anus.

Out of curiosity, people began looking behind me to see what he was doing and one by one they all began chuckling until everyone was back there watching what was going on – even Mr. Conner. The boy kept slowly working his finger around inside of me, this way and that, in and out, in and out. I tried to squeeze my anal muscle shut hoping to force the intrusive finger out of me, but that just made things more uncomfortable. I finally gave up and just relaxed and that was when I discovered that what he was doing actually felt good. Who knew?

I guess I wasn’t really aware of what I had been doing until Sarah began laughing out loud saying, “Careful, dude, that ass will eventually eat your finger. Look how hungry it is. It probably hasn’t been fed in like forever.”

The laughter was deafening. I realized I was slowly using my butt to chase his finger in an effort to keep it inside of me when he tried pulling it back out of me. I quit doing that immediately when I realized what Sarah Ann had meant. I blushed all over – even my ears felt flushed with embarrassment as everyone laughed at me. I was glad everyone was behind me so I couldn’t actually see their faces or I would have just died.

My Step-mother came over to me, looked at me with that ridiculous grin of hers and mouthed the word “SLUT” to me without actually saying anything out loud. “Okay, ladies and gentleman. Our evaluation time is up. I ask you all to make your way outside where there are refreshments. We will begin the auction in a few moments. Thank you all for your participation.”

My classmates all grumbled but slowly left the parlor – a few taking a couple of last-minute gropes of my body before making their way out into the entry hall and ultimately outside.

I could hear them taking about me as they slowly filed out of the room. “You know I really thought she had more up top than she did. You just never know, do you?”

A girl spoke up softly giggling, “Did you see that orgasm of hers? Good golly, she is a horny bitch.”

Another girl said I might buy her just because of that hungry ass of hers. My boyfriend loves me taking it up the ass but I can’t stand it. If she gets to be mine, I make him use her ass and her mouth. I don’t really like his spunk shooting in my mouth. It is gross.” That comment came from that girl who didn’t like the thought of semen on the mouth gag.

“I like her blonde pubes. Never seen real blonde ones before. I’m glad she kept them on. I kind of like them.”

“Not me. If I have the winning bid, I’d shave them off first thing and keep them off. In fact, I’d shave her whole head bald as well. A slave who thinks she is pretty will get ideas above her station.” Comments like that really scared me.

I was left hanging there for a while by myself alone with my shame. Whatever reputation I may have had at school will be destroyed after this gets out.

Finally, Mr. Longacre, Angie, and Susan my step-mom all came back into the parlor. Angie spoke up first saying, “Well, that went well, don’t you think, mom?

They all took seats near each other and continued talking, leaving the poor naked girl still hung from the ceiling. They totally ignored me as if I wasn’t there.

“Oh, I think it went marvelously, dear. Everyone had a good time and it was pretty much accurately portrayed too, I think.” Susan said. “Angie, you be sure to document in your submission as much detail as you can leaving nothing out. The reagents will want to see detail you know.”

“Even the part about her dribbling on the floor and her ass trying to gobble that poor boy’s finger?”

“Yes, especially that part. You remember in that period government publication where they detailed, oh, what did they call it again?”

“You mean Slave Heat?”

“Yes, that’s it. When you first told me about that I thought some porn writer made that up, but it turns out it is real according to some of those old period publications you have.”

“I know, but I never expected my own step-sister to be such a perfect example of that.”

“You DID get that all on video and plenty of pictures too, didn’t you?”

“Yes, Mom. I got it all recorded on multiple cameras mounted on the walls and I also roamed the room getting close-ups.”

Hearing my step-sister’s comment about cameras I looked around the room and damn it, there they were – one high up in every corner very discreetly mounted. Not only was my nudity recorded but apparently so too was my shameful conduct, from multiple angles no less. I need to make sure Angie never shows any of this to my dad!

Susan noticed me looking around and commented to Mr. Longacre, “Well, I think we need to get Honey down and let her muscles relax before the ordeal outside. People will still be enjoying the refreshments for a while longer so we have time to make her presentable again.” Then to Mr. Longacre she added, “Would you see to getting her down, please, sir?”

“I have a real name, ya know” I screamed inside my head. “And it is NOT HONEY!” Nobody heard that but it made me feel better saying it.

Chapter 3B coming up.

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Re: The Antebellum School Project (Ch 3A added)

Post by reader_xyz »

Hooked6, thank you for continuing the story. :)
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Re: The Antebellum School Project (Ch 3A added)

Post by Skylar21 »

Hello Hooked6, Thank you so much for this continuation!

Having Sarah, Brooke's nemesis, torment her nipples then call for her to be gagged is priceless. :twisted: You've really ratcheted up her humiliation level.

So many good parts to this continuation, so well written! :)
Really looking forward to your next installment. Who bought Honey? :?:
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Re: The Antebellum School Project (Ch 3A added)

Post by Legoman2 »

Cant wait for more loving the story so much tho i do like the idea of her pubs being shaved in front of everyone maybe her bully suggestion waxxing her or using a old time razor to shave them off and love the story
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Re: The Antebellum School Project (Ch's 2a and 2b added)

Post by shmeckle »

computerphoto wrote: Sun Aug 18, 2024 3:48 am
Skylar21 wrote: Sat Aug 17, 2024 11:08 pm
Hooked6 wrote: Sat Aug 17, 2024 1:14 pm came a small contingent of my classmates, many of who I knew... On top of that, I saw a couple of my neighbors walk in too.

Then I saw that they were all dressed in period finery...and here I was totally naked.
This story is really taking off! Honey's humiliation must be great. :oops:
The writing is superb. :) Brooke may have bitten off more than she can chew agreeing to this project.

Seems like everyone except her knew what is going on. :shock:

Please post the next installment soon! Such a great story thus far.
Yeah who knew about it is one great question, and another great question is who paying for everything because, first - one set of custom-fitted shackles and one collar all permanently sealed. is not cheap at all, and then who paying for all those period clothes, they are really not cheap at all.
I have friends and family who do all sorts of historical re-enactment. If I needed a lot of extras for an event, I could call a couple dozen, and they'd all show up in costume and behaving correctly, and also bring along a talented blacksmith for the manacles. So it's not so outlandish that they could organize something like this, and do it fairly quickly as well.
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Re: The Antebellum School Project (Ch 3A added)

Post by Hooked6 »

Skylar21 wrote: Tue Aug 20, 2024 9:39 pm
So many good parts to this continuation, so well written! :)
Really looking forward to your next installment. Who bought Honey? :?:
The actual auction itself is in Chapter 3B. You will find out who bought Honey in Ch 3B.

The chapter was too long, I thought, to put in one long chapter so I split it up into two parts. I hate doing that but there was a natural break between the actual indoor action and the outside action so it made for a perfect place to split it up. Chapter 3B should be up this afternoon or first thing tomorrow I hope.

Thank you for your kind words. They mean a lot to mean.

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Re: The Antebellum School Project (Ch's 2a and 2b added)

Post by Hooked6 »

SCHMECKLE wrote: Sun Aug 18, 2024 3:48 am
I have friends and family who do all sorts of historical re-enactment. If I needed a lot of extras for an event, I could call a couple dozen, and they'd all show up in costume and behaving correctly, and also bring along a talented blacksmith for the manacles. So it's not so outlandish that they could organize something like this, and do it fairly quickly as well.
Gee, I may have a job for them. :lol: Wished I would have known that before. I might could use them and I would love to make this script into a video someday - hence the trouble of copyrighting this work.

Though I never explained who exactly paid for this, I envisioned that the school's drama department used some of the costumes from their inventory as well as some of the students using their own costumes like the friends of yours. After all, actors love to act and it is not unreasonable that some may have their own period clothing. In real life in Georgia, where this story is set, Gone with the Wind Parties (fancy dress balls) are very common. As a Yankee acquaintance once pointed out to me, "Only in the South would you find people actually celebrating a war that they lost."

As to the shackles, I suspected the farrier would have donated his time and talent in making these items as farriers are usually skilled blacksmiths making horse shoes and doing corrective shoeing on horses. I would think playing such an active part with the naked Honey would be more than enough incentive for him to do this gratis.

I really appreciate your feedback, Schmeckle. I truly do. Sorry for the misquote attribution. My bad.

Last edited by Hooked6 on Wed Aug 21, 2024 1:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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