Farm girl Alejandra (CFNM section)

Stories about boys ending up in compromising situations, preferably naked and embarrassed, as the name suggests.
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Farm girl Alejandra (CFNM section)

Post by Wastelander »

Epilogue (slight CMNF)

Alejandra and her brother Jose stood watching over the farmland enjoying the sites and smells of what natural beauty existed in Central Mexico. In a relatively mountainous region life was simple and slower there didn't seem to he the same stress as the city nor the danger that might exist. The only thing that mattered was tending to the animals and making sure all the crops were well fed and happy. Jose was shorter than Alex with a farmers tan covered by a t shirt ,some blue jeans and a pair of old boots his grandfather had gifted him. Alex sported no tan lines instead a nice even bronze finish to her already beautiful brown skin. She had brown eyes assisted by some circular glasses and shoulder length brown hair shed recently started to cut short this summer but was thinking about growing it out. She was quite short but had B cup breasts and a toned butt from doing track years aho. Just as Jose she enjoyed gazing upon the landscape and seeing the sun change the colors of the trees and grass. To cover her luscious locks she wore a big straw hat graciously made by her grandmother and some sandals that had seen better days but still got the job done. They walked towards the house as it began to get dark as Alex took one last look behind her at the natural beauty and splendor she had been able to experience this summer and couldn't believe it was all going to be over in a weeks time. You the reader are probably curious about what else our pretty female lead is wearing and you'll be surprised to find out that was all she bore! Not a stitch more covered her beautiful naked body which fit nicely into the picturesque landscape like a few happy trees in a Bob Ross painting. Although as you'll soon discover it wasnt always this way as a matter of fact earlier on the tables were as you might say quite turned as Jose was the nude one on display but that all changed when Alex overplayed her hand and didn't realize there would be consequences of her actions. Let's start in the beginning shall we?
"Come on Ale let's get you down to the stable Grandpa has some new customers that want a demonstration" Jose called with a sly grin

Chapter 1 arrival at the grandparents

Alejandra and her brother Jose were being sent to their grandparents for the summer to get a taste of country life. They both lived in the United States but had many relatives still in Mexico and the parents thought it would be good for them to reconnect to their roots. While neither of them complained explicitly they were a little perturbed by having to waste an entire summer down south of the border but settled into the idea before long as their parents threatened punishment of a nudist camp in which all campers would only be allowed a pair of hiking boots and socks not ideal for either sibling. As they pulled up to the house their grandparents greeted them
"Alex, Jose! Come in! I've prepared a nice snack for you two and your grandfather will be home in a bit" said their grandmother
They sprang up and gave her many hugs and started telling her about their school life what they had enjoyed doing. After dinner both siblings went to bed sharing one as their grandparents didn't often have guests. This week the two of them dressed modestly in their PJs they had both seen each other nude when they were younger maybe Alex more so than Jose but they kept it amicable and respected eachothers boundaries even though they did for a certain aspect wish to see the other naked. That week the two would help around the house do chores tend to the animals and everything was normal, almost. The strangeness began when the siblings were flipping through an old photo album that had been stashed away behind some book case in the attic. It didn't have any writing on the inside just lots and lots of black and which photos of what appeared to be people posing in animal positions. The strangest part was they were all naked and would usually have other people with them fully clothed. While the album did have a variety it did appear a large portion of them appeared to be clothed female and nude male which slightly bothered Jose but excited Alex with a new found interest. She looked on with a smile as one of the photos had a boy being lead by a younger girl who could be his sister cock out and balls dangling while the girl had a small straw whip. Both of them were smiling but the boy seemed somewhat distressed. Suddenly they heard someone coming upstairs they hastily threw the book back and went to go greet their grandparent questioning them as to why they had been snooping around up here. Nothing came of it until several days later when Jose found himself in a mud pit and his grandmother discovered him.

"¡Ah ahí vas haciendo un desastre! ¡Tendrás que limpiarte ahora! Alex, por favor trae la manguera."

"Ah there you are making a mess! You'll have to clean yourself up now! Alex, please bring the hose."

Alex ran around the barn to grab the hose while hooking it up she heard a few yelps from where they were and turned to discover her brother fully nude from the waste down. Her grandmother had yanked down his pants exposing his bare ass and barely developed penis which jiggled about as she chased after him Alex couldn't help but laugh and maybe feel a little funny but she quickly aimed the hose and blasted her bottomless brother. He fell down on the grass as she approached slowly washing him off especially his nether region.
"Here ya go brother thats what sisters are for" she said laughing at her brother's nude state
"Shut up!" He said trying to cover himself
After she turned off the hose their grandmother brought him indoors and made him wash his pants still bottomless with Alex to supervise him. He was still very embarrassed having been nude outdoors and now seen by his sister. Once they were finished the grandmother decided to teach Jose a lesson and make him sleep bottomless that night while Alex was allowed her cozy pajamas.
"Sorry brother those are grandma's rules" Alex said giggling as she pointed at his limp cock in bed.
Jose had about enough of it and turned over letting Alex get a good look at his butt. Alex laughed and rolled into bed thinking this was gonna be the best summer of her life. She also started to notice a funny feeling whenever she was clothed and her brother was naked a feeling of controlling and lust for more she plotted more in the weeks to come but little did she know this would be her undoing

End of chapter 1
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Re: Farm girl Alejandra (CFNM section)

Post by Supermario17 »

Great! Keep it up.
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Re: Farm girl Alejandra (CFNM section)

Post by Wastelander »

I appreciate it! It's gonna escalate until the tables are totally reversed so stay tuned! New chapter out soon!
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Re: Farm girl Alejandra (CFNM section)

Post by Skylar21 »

Wastelander wrote: Tue Aug 13, 2024 6:08 am ...She also started to notice a funny feeling whenever she was clothed and her brother was naked a feeling of controlling and lust for more she plotted more in the weeks to come but little did she know this would be her undoing
OK, you've got my attention. :)
I eagerly await more of this story. Please post a continuation soon!
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Re: Farm girl Alejandra (CFNM section)

Post by Wastelander »

Part 2

Alex woke up the next morning turning over and throwing off the covers of her brother revealing his still very bare bottom and balls which were barely peaking put in between his cheeks. Their grandparents had allowed him to wear a shirt and socks but refused to let him wear any bottoms until breakfast giving Alex a totally unobstructed view of his goods. Before long he awoke when he felt the breeze and turned to cover himself. Alex chuckled and got up.

"Cmon little brother we've got chores to do and people to see! I even picked out an outfit for ya" Alex laughed as she held up a pair of sneakers and a white t shirt

"Very funny" Jose said as he crawled out of bed covering himself slightly and walking down the hallway to relieve himself.

Alex made it downstairs first and began helping her grandmother with coffee before being joined by Juan who unfortunately had put on a pair of pants covering his modesty. Breakfast passed without much incident as the two of them walked about playing in the fields and feeding the animals. Once again the two of them walked by the mud puddle and without knowing what took her she tripped her brother to fall into the mud puddle. This of course resulted in another humiliating moment for Jose in which his sister and his grandmother brought him to the side of the house out front and washed him with his back facing towards them giving the two girls a nice public view of his ass and balls. Jose was sick of being humiliated and thought of some type of plan that night as he was once again forced to sleep bottomless next to his very clothed sister. Alex not being one to waste a good opportunity took this time in bed to start to touch and feel his butt not yet daring to touch her brothers penis as of yet but massage and spread his ass. As much as Jose was embarrassed to be exposed in front of his sister he did start to enjoy the touching so let his sister do so until he felt her going for his testicles.

"WHOA there I don't mind you being playful but please don't touch me there" Jose turned his hand backwards to push away his sister
"Why not they're fun to play with" Alex said tugging on his sack lightly giving her brother a half chub erection something Jose was yet to feel he tried to cover himself but to no avail as Alex continued to tease and play with his ass not penetration just spreading and touching followed but tugging on his balls until Alex got tired and went to bed. Jose needed to figure something out.

The morning after things proceeded the same Jose got clothed they enjoyed the field although this time when it came to the mud pit Jose was ready. Alex tried to push him in before Jose grabbed onto her pulling the two siblings in.

"YUCK" Alex said covered in mud "this is NEVER gonna get out"
"Yeah get used to it you're the one who pushed me" Jose snapped back as the two were once again met with their grandmother although this time it didn't go EXACTLY as planned but would be pivitol in what was to come.

"OH look at you two covered in mud again!" Their grandmother said "Alex I know this is your first time but your brother has already been dirty THRICE! tomorrow we will teach him a lesson for sure. In the meantime both of you strip your bottoms and come with me"

The two of them looked at each other with Jose quickly leaving behind his pants and underwear being used to being exposed but getting excited to finally seeing his big sister in the same nude state.

"OH alex you can leave your underwear on girls deserve the modesty boys are another story" the grandma said smiling

Alex happily complied slipping off her pants and leaving her underwear on although caked in mud she was happy to still he covered with her brothers cock and balls on display once again. The two of them got hosed off before Alex went upstairs to the bathroom.

"The two of you should take a shower but to save water do it together" the grandma said "Alex you packed your swimsuit right? Jose you'll be nude I'll see the two of you up there later"

Giggling with glee Alex washed off briefly before stripping nude in private and putting on her very modest one piece swimsuit. It had flowers on it and had fit her rather snug before joining her once again very naked brother in the shower. The funny feeling she had felt once again came back as she saw her brother fully nude and her completely covered by the swimsuit she took the opportunity to help her brother wash his back before getting into her mischievous state playing with his ass and tugging on his very red balls before gazing in front seeing her brothers rather large election.

"WHOA why is it so big!" She laughed reaching her hand around to touch it

"It's normal for boys it grows and shrinks" Jose said trying ti cover himself and block his manhood from the curious sister.

In a brief bout of a struggle Alex got the better of him and gripped his dick in her small hands. Although Alex was older than him she was still somewhat smaller and feminine Jose had never had a girl touch his penis and he blushed but couldn't help once again start to like the feeling as his hands lost most of their grip on her arms once she stroked it a few times. In a moment Alex poured some shampoo over the captured cock and began to stroke her brother up and down while he lost almost all of his power and self control he could feel his sisters tits behind the nylon fabrick suit and before he knew it was begging her to stop because something was coming. Alex the ever curious continued and moved her other hand to his testicles giving them another tug before one last strike from the base of his cock to the tip he began to shoot white liquid which Alex had no idea what it was. The liquid shot against the wall of the shower coating it as her brother moaned and yelped with every shot against the wall until the handle of the tub was coated. Their grandfather rushed into the bathroom hearing the commotion and seeing what the matter was. A very dreary Jose could barely talk but Alex still had her grip on his dick.

"Alex what are you doing! Why is he naked and why are you together like that! A young boy shouldn't be doing that"

Alex was shocked she had usually seen her grandfather as caring and never raising his voice to her or anyone in their family.

"Get your hands off your brother and clean that up!" He shouted before grabbing Jose and toweling him off. "Jose go to bed your sister will join you shortly"

After getting wipes and towels Alex left the bathroom still relatively wet from the shower but mostly dried off. She walked to the bedroom to get changed into her pajamas before noticing something off. It was mostly there her high socks, night cap, plane white t shirt, large flannel but no cozy bottoms or panties! She walked into her grandparents room still in her suit asking where they went only to be met with their grandparents.

"Alex we understand it's funny to humiliate your brother and they don't need modesty like girls do but that is one thing that is not allowed." Her grandmother scolded "if we see you doing that again there will be dire consequences and just so you know we are serious you'll be joining your brother bottomless as he has been the past few nights...."

End of part 2
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Re: Farm girl Alejandra (CFNM section)

Post by Wastelander »


If you want to read my other transitory CFNM to CMNF story here's part 1
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Re: Farm girl Alejandra (CFNM section)

Post by Jeepman89 »

A very enjoyable chapter. Many thanks and keep it up. Hopefully more girls get to see him totally bare naked.
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Re: Farm girl Alejandra (CFNM section)

Post by Wastelander »

Part 3

NAKED! Alex thought as her head swirled! This couldn't be happening she hasn't been seen naked by her brother since they were young and their parents let them run nude through the house. Quickly she thought of something.

"What about my modesty" she gasped
Thinking for a moment her grandmother replied
"Yes this is true women do need their modesty but we don't do that to the boys here, it's strictly a nudity for embarrassment factor not jerking them it leads to them becoming overly horny instead of embarrased"
"I didn't know I'm sorry I truly am" Alex thought tugging on her top.
"I'll tell you what" her grandfather chimed in "it won't be naked but you'll have to be bottomless for tonight only he said

Alex wasn't thrilled about it but knew her top would cover most of what made her reserved even her large butt in proportion to her body would be half cheeked.

"Well okay" she said before slowly walking towards the room
Before long she crept inside staying quiet opening and then shutting the door making sure not to wake her brother who was sleeping bottomless now. He had thrown on one of his larger long sleeve shirts so had covered most of himself but Alex could still make out his ass and what she thought were his balls. Hearing him snore Alex crept in next to him removing her pants folding them neatly then took a deep breath before pulling down her panties to reveal her pussy to the warm Mexican climate. She could see something glistening forming at her lips before realizing she was getting turned on again, this time for another reason. She slowly slipped on her socks and climbed into bed still making sure not to wake her brother. There would be no more testicle tugging or dick stroking as she didn't want to be seen nude by her younger brother reeling from the utter embarrassment that would warrant she dozed off before long. When she awoke to birds chirping she had almost totally forgotten she was bottomless, almost. As the wetness she had felt last night had left a small puddle underneath her. She moved her fingers down to feel her pussy not as wet as yesterday but at the sudden realization beginning to glisten. Not wanting to be spotted she got up quickly and made her way to the door but not before her brother in a dreary state caught his big sisters beautiful shapely butt half covered by her long shirt bouncing up and down towards the bathroom. Jose rubbed his eyes in amazement and began to feel a half chub coming on before getting out of bed and getting dressed. Breakfast was as usual no nudity as of then as the siblings had unknowingly spent the night bottomless (well one of them knew). Jose still couldn't think to imagine if he had seen his sister bottomless or not but shrug it off taking it for a waking dream. The pair had fun in the fields before being called down a bit early to the stable by their grandparents.

"We have a few visitors today and I wanted to demonstrate how we do a few things around here" said the grandfather "namely we usually ask the boys and girls to participate"

Jose and Alex followed them a bit deeper inside to a relatively dim lit room. There was straw on the floor and hay bales in each corner with a couple in the center where folks could sit and a podium like bench in the center on display. There sat a family husband wife and two girls which they had recognized as the neighbors. Both girls were around Jose's age and had long black hair with almond eyes. Although they weren't as fit and curvy as Alex they both were beautiful Hispanic girls as was common in this more rural area of Mexico. They were both dressed modestly in their fine summer clothes long dresses one wore a baseball cap and the other none.

"Okay Jose" said his grandmother "please undress and get up on the table please"
"In front of the girls??? But they're my age" Jose argued
"This is your punishment Mr, and if I hear you speak up to me again you'll be like this the rest of the summer" she snapped back

Jose not wanting to be nude in front of the girls hesitated but realizing they had a family reunion the following week complied as there were MANY cousins that would be there young and old. He stripped nude down to his boxers before putting back on his sneakers he had been wearing. Then after a deep breath like his sister did pulled his underwear off leaving him nude except for his shoes.

"Okay boy up here get on all fours and face the side" his grandmother said

From this angle his dick and ass were slightly covered but not for long as his grandmother reached between his legs and pulled his balls between them giving Jose a slight chub. He gasped as it made him remember yesterday with his sister but before he could turn back to ask what was being done he heard a SNAP and immediate pressure on his testicles as he looked back at his grandmother tightening one around his balls. This will stop you from Cumming as we demonstrate. The feeling of being constricted but also bare naked in front of these girls turned Jose's face red and he put his head down wanting to die from embarrassment.

"We won't do the full thing here but this is how we would castrate a bull" she said before ordering him to arch his back up a bit more.

"And this is how we would collect a sample from then if we wish to breed or sell their seed" his grandmother took out what could only be described as a flesh light but for cows it was large and oddly shaped. She motioned for him to move closer to it before his erect penis met it and slowly entered inside. The act of him having his testicle tied up and having to fuck an animal flesh light while three clothed girls watched was the worst feeling in the world. He wasn't able to cum with his testicles wrapped by the rubber bands and wasn't particularly fond of the flesh light itself. He kept going as his grandmother instructed before his grandmother asked him to stop briefly this time removing the rubber bands.

"Okay im giving you permission to finish" but he couldn't as he had already been thrusting for a good long while his election had gone down.
"I'm sorry I cant" said Jose "I'm too embarrased"
"Very well I'm gonna ask you to switch positions then" his grandmother said "but let me put this back on" she re applied the rubbed band to his red and constricted testicles this time tighter Jose gasped but didn't want to get in trouble so he complied before being asked to squat in an M shape with his legs his grandmother made him move close to the edge so his penis was pointing towards the girls and his sister while his testicle hung low off the table looking particularly longer than usual.
"Now be nice to our guests and say hello" his grandmother said with a smile
"Hello, how are you" Jose said with his penis and balls now on full display it was harder to tell what went redder his testicles or his face.
"Gather on each side let's take a picture" his grandmother said to the two girls Alex was still standing back.

They gathered on either side of him his penis and balls at their shoulder length and they all smiled as their grandmother took a couple photos of the three of them.

"Now do a funny one"

They all made funny faces and Jose threw up 2 peace signs as the girls both took turns holding his testicles in their hands smiling and having fun playing with him.

"Okay girls let Alex in"

Alex grinned and approached her helpless brother this would be "partial" revenge for having to sleep bottomless next to him and she took full advantage of it. Although the two girls were gentle with Jose Alex immediately gripped his cock and started playing with it while playing with his balls and even made her way to the back of them probing his ass. Immediately Jose got a huge erection and it stood in the air as 3 girls were playing with his naked body as a montage of photos were being snapped. Alex got so caught up in it she accidentally fell back a bit accidentally tugging on the rubber band loosening it and falling to the ground as she got up she hadn't noticed and went back to stroking her brothers cock and playing with his ass before without warning he let out a huge moan and started to shoot all over the barn floor. Only a few photos were being snapped before their grandmother had noticed what was happening and her joy turned to rage.

"ALEX! WHAT DID WE TELL YOU!" SHE BOOMED as her brothers bones sunk down and he collapsed after Cumming. Both girls ran to their parents and didn't know what to make of it before making a quick gesture to leave

"Well we will see you guys next time" the father said before hurrying out the door.

Alex Jose and their grandmother stood in the barn silent Jose still recovering from the session and the rubber band lying on the ground still as the catalist for the troubles brewing.

"I'm sorry I'd didn't see it slipped" said Alex quivering in fear "I promise it won't happen again"

"You're right it won't happen again both of you go back to the house and get dressed Jose"

They scurried bacj home Jose being just as afraid and running back home naked with his shoes on holding his clothes. Alex even more fearful as to what may be her next punishment. At dinner none of them spoke as there was an errie awkwardness to the dinner. Afterwards they were both instructed to take showers but seperate which was very strange in both of their eyes but nonetheless Jose was happy to have some privacy Alex on the other hand dreaded it stepping into the shower fully naked removing her glasses and hair tie taking as long as she could before heading to the grandparents room wearing only a towel as instructed.

"Alex what you did today was totally unacceptable, I thought you knew what was expected of you with last night's punishment but clearly you don't understand the males don't need any modesty policy and how far to take it." Her grandmother beckoned

"So tonight and for the rest of the week you are to sleep bottomless next to your brother and won't be allowed to get dressed until he is fully clothed" the grandfather replied "he saw you yesterday correct? That was part of it"

"Yes if course he did" said Alex trying to lie knowing he would see her sooner rather than later.

"Okay good now go to bed you'll be allowed a shirt later but tonight it's naked time for you I'll speak to you in the morning" the grandmother said before sending her on her way

Alex couldn't believe it but had a small last ditch plan that might work; but just because something might work doesn't mean it's always worth a try

End of part 3
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Re: Farm girl Alejandra (CFNM section)

Post by Wastelander »

Part 4

Slowly Alex crept back to the bathroom grabbing her swimsuit and putting it on then replacing her towel to make it appear as if she was once again nude. She walked back into the room finding her brother sleeping. She woke him up.

"Hey sorry about today but I was having so much fun I couldn't help it" she said

"I guess it's okay it was just really embarrassing having all my stuff out in the open for those girls to see" Jose replied shyly

"Well I talked to our grandparents they said you still have to sleep bottomless for a few more weeks because jt was your fault you came. I'm still allowed to sleep with clothes but have to do extra chores." Alex said once again not being truthful "but I thought of something" she looking towards the door making sure it was closed "I'll take off this towel if you let me play with your penis again I know you've been wanting to see me nude for a while now and I figured this would be your little reward I'll even clean up the juice when you spurt"

Jose thought for a moment looking at the white towel that was hugging his sisters body he thought about how much he wanted to see her nude after she had explored every inch of his body and ultimately figured it would be a good idea.

"Okay deal but please be gentle with my balls and please no anal"

"Sure thing little bro" Alex thought smiling

Alex sat her brother at the edge of the bed taking off his clothes revealing him to be nude before dangling his penis and limp dick over the edge of the bed. She quickly pulled his hands behind him making him do the M shape before tieing his hands with an old bed sheet.

"WHOA there" Jose said "I didn't agree to this"

"I know but it'll make things funner" she said before moving her hand to his cock and gripping it slowly while massaging his testicle with the other. Oh I almost forgot she said throwing off the towel. Jose now thought his sister was also completely naked behind him and he sprung a boner growing in Alex's hands. She smiled and giggled for a moment continuing to work his cock and tug on his balls making his penis point all around and towards the door.

"Try and keep it down if they see I'm naked you'll get in big trouble" Alex said playing up the illusion.

Jose gasped and moaned as his sister continued to play with him before becoming too curious and moving her fingers right around his ass which had opened and closed a few times

"Hey don't go in-" he stopped as Alex plunged her pointer finger into his ass moving around before tapping a few times on his prostate gland which had grown swollen.

He went silent before letting out a large moan as Alex's fingers reached the tip of his cock he was about to cum when just then the door swung open in time for both grandparents to see them but Jose couldn't help it as he unloaded a large spurt that shot across the room and landed right in between the two of them.

"ALEX!" the grandparents said in unison "THAT IS ENOUGH COME TO OUR ROOM NOW THE TWO OF YOU" both of them got up and ran over Jose glancing over to see his naked sister but to much disappointment as she was donning her swimsuit. This saddened him but if he knew what was to come in the following months he would have had that frown turn upside down.


(Authors note)

This will essentially be the end of the CFNM section besides a few sentences in the following chapter. I encourage you to have a look and see where it goes but from here out it'll be all CMNF and Alex will certainly get her just desserts. Please leave me feedback this is my first (complete) CFNM piece but I want to do more flip flops in the future where the girl starts out clothed and then has to get naked
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Re: Farm girl Alejandra (CFNM section)

Post by Skylar21 »

Keep writing. I look forward to the flip-flop!
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