Mystery Email ( Part 72 March 6th )

Stories about boys ending up in compromising situations, preferably naked and embarrassed, as the name suggests.
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Re: Mystery Email ( Part 10 August 3rd )

Post by Jeepman89 »

or other students perhaps?
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Re: Mystery Email ( Part 11 August 4th )

Post by Debbifan »

Part Eleven

Aditty finished taking photos and the class resumed some semblance of normality, with Jackie moving among the girls offering advice and compliments on their efforts as appropriate. I still felt ridiculously vulnerable standing up there on the desk, naked and with a boner. I sensed some movement outside in the corridor and then heard the door to the classroom opening.

"Sorry to disturb the class Jackie but I thought I had better bring the new parking permit to cover the reg of your new car." I recognized the voice of the school secretary who I had met on arrival. "Oh thanks Gloria, do I have to sign anything ?" Jackie replied. "Yes, just here" said the secretary, placing a document at my feet and indicating to Miss Simmonds where a signature was required. I endeavoured to maintain my pose and keep gazing off into the middle distance but I was acutely aware of the middle aged woman scrutinizing every inch of my naked body.

A few more minutes passed after the secretary had gone before the door to the classroom once again opened. I could sense an increase in tension among Miss Simmonds and the girls. "Ah, headmistress" Jackie announced nervously. I still tried to keep my pose but could tell that two women had entered. "Just thought I'd pop in and see how the class was going since it is quite a novel project" the principal began. "Oh, it's going very well" Jackie replied. "So I see" the principal continued. "In fact, I was just discussing with Miss Perivale here that since we had this unique opportunity, it would be a good idea for her to take some photographs to use in her human biology classes. Especially since I understood and can now see for myself that your model would be required to have an erection."

This pronouncement elicited a fit of giggles from the girls. "Now, now girls. Settle down. There's nothing prurient about the male anatomy and reproductive organs. Miss Simmonds assured me that you girls were all mature enough to handle this class." The giggles were swiftly stifled. But with this interruption, nobody seemed to think it necessary to ask if it was OK with me if I was going to be used as an exhibit to be studied. Miss Perivale proved to be as thorough as Aditty had been in taking photographs from all angles !

Miss Perivale and the principal seemed to be in no hurry to leave and carried on chatting to Jackie Simmonds. I had no idea of the time but thought that surely the class could not last much longer. Just as I was thinking this, the bell sounded for the end of the period and indeed for the end of the school day. "Goodness, is that the time already" the principal exclaimed. "Well, I hope you have enjoyed the class girls. I'm sure you all want to get off home."

"We don't mind staying a bit longer" Aditty called out. "That's an admirable sentiment Aditty but Mr. Snowden has other things he needs to do I'm sure" Jackie replied on my behalf. Unfortunately, while this back and forth was taking place, the corridor outside began to fill with girls leaving their classes and I was stuck up on top of the desk, naked and in full view of them all. The corridor became congested with laughing and pointing girls who seemed to range in age from 11 to 15, that is the entire age range of the rest of the school excluding the seniors.

The principal moved to the door, clapping her hands and commanding "Now, now girls, move along, don't block the corridor, nothing to see here." But the girls did not seem to be in any hurry to move. One of the bolder ones piped up, "Why is there a naked man in that class Miss ?" "We've been very lucky to obtain the services of this kind man and he is helping the senior girls in their studies in classical art. Now move along girls, you are blocking the corridor" the principal repeated. Lexie and her friends had also now arrived I noticed. "Are we all going to have classes with Mr Snowden Miss ?" Lexie asked mischievously. "Absolutely not, this class will only be for the senior girls" the principal insisted, to cries of disappointment. "Now come along girls. Chop, chop, move along and clear this corridor."

I was kind if frozen. Should I just jump down out of sight behind the frosted glass area ? Had the class finished ? The corridor finally began to clear thanks to the principal's intervention and Jackie took charge again of the class. "I think you've all done some good work today girls. We can work on it further next week now that you've all taken photos. I think you should all thank Mr. Snowden personally for his time."

"Thank you Mr. Snowden" the girls chorused as I clambered down awkwardly from the desk, my erection finally beginning to subside but still bobbing up and down. Before I could get dressed, Aditty came up to me and insisted on shaking hands. "Thank you Mr. Snowden" she grinned. Of course, then the other eleven girls decided to follow her lead. "Probably see you back home Rob" Denise laughed.

Jackie, the biology teacher and the principal all hung around making small talk and thanking me again, while watching me get dressed. I politely declined an offer for sherry with the principal and made my way back to my car, ignoring smirks from groups of girl stragglers still making their way out of the school. Alison was waiting in the car park, having arrived to pick up her daughters. "Denise was telling me all about your afternoon Rob" she cried. "And Lexie was whingeing about being left out" Denise laughed, while Lexie pouted.
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Re: Mystery Email ( Part 11 August 4th )

Post by tim409 »

Hopefully they will remember "why use photos when they can show the girls the real thing, The girls cannot feel photos like they can an actual penis and testicles, all in the safety of a school sanctioned class.
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Re: Mystery Email ( Part 11 August 4th )

Post by Jeepman89 »

Great chapter! Love the schoolgirls reaction to Rob’s boner. The other girls crowding around when the bell went was hilarious.
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Re: Mystery Email ( Part 12 August 5th )

Post by Debbifan »

Part Twelve

Once again we arrived home on the driveway at the same time. "Are you going to cook yourself a nice meal as a reward ?" Alison asked me. "No, I need to take a long shower and then I'll probably just phone for a takeaway" I replied. I stood under the shower for a long time, contemplating the events of the afternoon. I had known that I was going to be posing for a group of 16 year old school girls and had known the extremity of the pose involved but even though I had tried to prepare myself mentally for that, these women and girls had still managed to ratchet up the embarrassment levels. The classroom was much more exposed than I had imagined and they made that exposure even more severe by asking me to stand up on the desk. Which had in turn led to me being seen by dozens of other younger girls when the lesson ended. And that was without considering the interventions of other members of staff.

I was about to finally leave the shower when I heard the doorbell ring. I was tempted to ignore it but it was insistent and so I hastily grabbed a towel. "Oh, I didn't disturb your shower did I ?" said Alison, stating the obvious. She was wearing a pair of oven gloves and carrying a casserole dish. "But I couldn't bear the thought of you pining away by yourself with some unhealthy takeaway when I had this delicious stew bubbling away in the oven !" she continued. "Oh, er, thanks Alison. Very kind" I mumbled, admittedly beginning to salivate to the aroma escaping from the dish she was carrying. "Here, let me through to the kitchen we don't want it to get cold." Alison swept past me as I quickly closed the door in case any other neighbours spotted this exchange. "I'll just go and put some clothes on" I said, while she searched in my cupboard for appropriate cutlery. "Nonsense, It'll get cold." Alison continued to cast a critical eye over my kitchen, alighting on a heap of dirty laundry that I intended throwing in the washing machine later. "This place needs a woman's touch" she insisted. "Sit down and eat while I put this batch in the machine" she announced, gathering up the clothes. "And we may as well wash this too while we're at it, she insisted, grabbing my towel and pulling it away from my body ! "Alison" I protested. "Don't tell me you're shy all of a sudden ?" she grinned. I stood there nonplussed, naked once again. But that casserole looked so good and it wasn't the kind of home made meal I was used to. I sat down to eat and Alison joined me at the table once she had set the washing machine going. "This really is excellent Alison" I complimented her.

"Well, one good turn deserves another" she began. "You needed a woman's touch here and I need a man's help in the garden" she continued. "I thought Dave was due back off the rig ?" I didn't know Alison's husband that well with him being away so often but knew he must be nearing the end of his current tour of duty. "Don't talk to me about that husband of mine" Alison stated with some unexpected ferocity. "He was supposed to be back next week but he phoned to say his company wanted volunteers to take a two month secondment to open up a new field off the Falkland Islands and he's off to do that." "Doesn't he get a holiday before that ?" "Evidently not" Alison replied frostily. "OK, well then sure. I can do a bit of tidying up for you" I offered, savouring the taste of the stew Alison had prepared.

"That's great. You're wonderful" said Alison. "But I want you to wear a uniform while you're working" she added mischievously. " A uniform?" I replied, puzzled. "Where would I get one ?" I asked. "You've got one already" she answered. "In fact, you're wearing it now !" I looked down at my naked state. "But Alison, I can't do that" I protested. "Of course you can. And there's no need for Dave ever to know about your posing activities if you do." The threat was mild but implicit. Dave was quite a burly chap and at the very least it would be embarrassing for him to know what had been going on. "But what about the girls ?" I tried reasoning. "Niecy and Lexie won't mind. They think of you as an uncle after all" she laughed. "But they don't see their uncles naked" I countered. "Well, as it happens they don't have any real uncles. But they told me they wouldn't mind. Niecy's at an age where she's out most of the time anyway and Lexie thinks it's a fun idea. You know how she pestered me to be allowed to go to the art classes. She calls you her favourite uncle !"

"Oh, alright then. We'll see how it goes" I caved. "Excellent. So, Saturday morning ? You can hop over the fence at the back, save any of the other neighbours seeing you come in. No need to get dressed that way either, you can come as you are" she smirked again. looking down at my nudity as she took the now empty casserole dish over to the sink to wash up.

So I'd just managed to get rid of the commitment to pose at the school and now immediately there was another situation to deal with. Plus I had another couple of sessions booked with the women's institute group, it was only because Skye had been away at a conference that there has been nothing this week. I consoled myself that at least Friday was going to be a normal day at work, that is until Karen called me into her office in the afternoon. "I've just had the principal of that school on the phone" she began. I was surprised. "Really ?" "Yes, really. She's just finished dealing with a riot there !" "What ?" Apparently Lexie had organised all the lower grade girls to stage a mass protest after lunch. She led them all out into the playground. They were carrying banners and chanting. 'Equal rights for equal grades' and 'We want willys'. They were refusing to return to classes unless the principal agreed that they could all have life drawing classes. With great reluctance, the principal agreed to see a delegation led by Lexie. Initially she tried intimidation but when that didn't work and she saw how determined Lexie was, she agreed but put a couple of stipulations in place. It would be fine if I posed nude but not the Priapus pose, the principal would choose an alternative. And only girls who had previously signed up for at could take part. Lexie agreed, as long as the principal gave girls until the end of the afternoon to sign up. The principal seemed to think she had won but Lexie had proven to be the master negotiator.

"So then she phoned me and begged me to give you the time off to attend" Karen concluded. "I'm all for the company maintaining good relations with the local community, so I've agreed you can be available for the day next Wednesday so you can fit in all the classes !" she said with a smirk.
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Re: Mystery Email ( Part 12 August 5th )

Post by Jeepman89 »

2 fantastic developments: The younger schoolgirls having the chance for an art class with a naked Rob and the naked outdoor gardening for him. Love it.
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Re: Mystery Email ( Part 12 August 5th )

Post by Debbifan »

Jeepman89 wrote: Mon Aug 05, 2024 6:41 pm 2 fantastic developments: The younger schoolgirls having the chance for an art class with a naked Rob and the naked outdoor gardening for him. Love it.
Frequency of updates may slow down because of a busy spell but hope to manage every other day at worst.
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Re: Mystery Email ( Part 13 August 7th )

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Part Thirteen

Saturday dawned sunny and warm, which was a bonus if I was going to be working nude for Alison in her garden. I wasn't sure exactly what it was that she was going to want me to do but I figured she could not object if I wore my trainers. I did not fancy cutting my feet on any stones or equipment. I left any other clothes indoors and took her suggestion of staying out of sight by climbing over the back fence. Our houses were semi detached and there was a slight curve in the road which should shield me from my neighbours on the other side. We were not overlooked at the back, which just left Alison's neighbour on the other side to worry about, an elderly widow now living on her own. There was a reasonably substantial hedge between their gardens too.

Looking around nervously, I quickly climbed over the fence, making sure that my hanging balls were well clear of the top. I jumped down and headed across the lawn to their breakfast room but I had not got very far before Lexie bounded out of the door to greet me, followed by Denise moving much more sedately. "Uncle Rob !" the diminutive Lexie yelled, jumping up to kiss me on the cheek. "Good to see you Rob" the taller Denise smiled, glancing down but not needing to jump up in order to kiss my other cheek. I had not raided Michael's supply of blue pills today but with the proximity of the girls, I nevertheless felt an unwanted stirring in my cock as they took me by the arms and led me across to where Alison was standing. "This was such a great idea of mum's" Lexie enthused. "Almost as good as my idea at school yesterday" she added proudly. "I suppose you know what Lexie got up to at school yesterday ?" Alison asked. I confirmed that I did. "I am sorry, though I can't but help feeling proud of my little girl, she always takes the side of the down trodden and the underdog" Alison affirmed. "Quite the budding trades unionist my little sis" Denise laughed.

The trio invited me in for breakfast but I declined having already eaten. "Oh well, in that case I'll be off" said Denise. "Places to go, people to see" she explained. "But I am so glad I got to see you before I left Rob !" "I'm not going anywhere" Lexie asserted. "So, er, what do you want me to do Alison ?" I asked as Denise left. It had all been left suitably vague. "Well, that hedge needs cutting back and the compost heap sorted. And those flower beds need weeding. But first of all, if you can trim the lawn." It already sounded a lot of work and I remained acutely aware of my naked state and that while the back garden was relatively secluded, there was always the outside chance of further exposure. "I'll show you where everything is in the shed" Alison added. "I'm going to supervise" decided Lexie.

I decided to choose the manual lawn mower as opposed to the more noisy motor mower. It would require more muscle power but would be less likely to alert anyone nearby to the activity in the garden. Lexie sat on the patio with her feet up as I began to circuit the lawn. Alison was in and out of the breakfast room and after a few minutes, to my chagrin, the elderly widow from the house on the other side came out. "I see you've got a big strong man to help you ?" she called out. "Hello Doris" Alison replied. "Yes, aren't I lucky ? Dave's still away on the rig and Rob kindly offered to help out." "Nice to see a manly chest too" the old dear commented. "Well, it is a hot day" Alison replied. I realised that the height of the fence meant that Doris could only see my top half from where she was standing. I prayed that she would not move closer to the hedge to continue the conversation, though Alison did not seem perturbed. Fortunately, Doris announced that her daughter was due to come over to take her shopping and she could not stay chatting. "Drop by for a cuppa later if you like" invited Alison to my dismay.

I was already beginning to work up quite a sweat. "Mu-um" Lexie suddenly called. "Rob's beginning to look awfully red. Don't you think we should put some sun screen on him ?"
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Re: Mystery Email ( Part 13 August 7th )

Post by Jeepman89 »

Loving the gardening session. Poor Rob totally bare naked and cutting the grass under the watchful eyes of little Lexie. Of course she is concerned about Rob getting too much sun. This is getting good indeed.
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Re: Mystery Email ( Part 14 August 9th )

Post by Debbifan »

Part Fourteen

Alison went over to hug her daughter. "I'm so proud to have brought up such a sensible level headed daughter who's always thinking of others. Neither of us adults thought of that did we Rob ?" she called over to me. I had to admit that she had a point. From what I could see of my shoulder, I was starting to go a little red and who knew how long I would be out there exposed to the sun. "Come over here Uncle Rob and I can put it on for you" Lexie called. "That's OK Lexie I can manage" I replied. "Don't be silly, you can't reach round to your back properly. Me and Niecy always do each other's backs when we're on the beach." Once more, I could only concede that she had a point. "OK" I answered, turning my back to her. "That's no good, I can't reach up there, lie down on the lounger" Lexie insisted. I glanced over to see Alison grinning at her daughter bossing me around. Complying with her demand, I lowered myself onto my front on the lounger the 14 year old had just vacated. The patio was in shade but still warm. "Ow, that's cold" I squealed as Lexie squeezed a large dollop of sunscreen onto my back. "Don't be such a baby" she said, playfully slapping my ass. I could feel the small hands begin to massage the cream into my skin, starting at the shoulders and working their way down. "That tickles" I said, as she reached around the side of my torso by my armpit. This earned my bare bum another slap !

By which time, Lexie had made her way down to my buttocks. "Er, I can do that Lexie." "Nonsense, you won't do it properly will he mum ?" "I very much doubt that he would darling, no" Alison replied unhelpfully as her daughter kneaded my cheeks. What with all this tactile attention and with the pressure of it being squashed underneath me, I felt my cock beginning to grow. I had thus far avoided getting an erection this morning while cutting the grass but I suppose it was inevitable that I would do at some point. "Move your legs open a little Rob" was Lexie's next command. I need to make sure the inside of your thighs are protected." "That's not necessary Lexie" I protested. Another slap. "You don't want to burn there, it would be very sensitive." Reluctantly, I parted my legs a little, not wanting to think too much about the view the girl might be getting as her fingers probed and massaged their way down my legs.

"There, that's all done, Turn over and I can do the front !" This time I did resist. Turning and getting up, I said, "No, that's fine Lexie. I can manage that myself. "Oh well, alright" Lexie conceded. "But it'll be quicker if I do your legs while you're seeing to your chest." Once more out manoeuvred, I concentrated on rubbing the sun screen onto my chest and arms while Lexie knelt in front of me and worked her way up from my ankles to my thighs, so that by the end I could feel her breath on my cock ! "Right, all done, I'd better get back to work. Thanks Lexie." I was anxious to get away from her mischievous attentions. I glanced over again at the laughing eyes of Alison, who seemed to have come a long way from the slightly uptight mother who had originally banned her youngest daughter from attending the art classes. "Look, you're hopeless" Lexie scolded me. "You've missed this whole area where you've shaved and that'll be incredibly sensitive." With that, she grabbed hold of my now erect cock, pulled it down and with her free hand, slathered sunscreen all around the base and around my balls !"
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