Tim's Diary

Stories about boys ending up in compromising situations, preferably naked and embarrassed, as the name suggests.
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Pickleboy Q
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Tim's Diary

Post by Pickleboy Q »

Dear Reader,

What I am about to write is a true story. It's humiliating. It's embarrassing, but it's true. To understand how everything began, we have to travel back to the beginning. I was just a boy growing up without a father, only with a mother and sister. Their names were Claudia and Darla. My name is Timothy, but most use variations either Tim or Timmy. I prefer Tim.

What you need to know is that I wasn't a popular kid at all. I wasn't a football player or even an honor student. I was just me. I blended into the walls as much as I could. I kept to myself. I had no friends. I had no one. It was just me. That was until one day I was heading home from school. I should've done what I always did, and kept walking, but I didn't. I heard someone yelling, and I ran to see who or what it was. I looked to see a group of girls surrounding a guy who must've been a Freshman. The girls were laughing, snickering, and out right making a fool of the guy.

I should've kept to myself, but I didn't. "What are you ladies doing?" I called out. "Leave the guy alone. Why don't you pick on someone your own size?"

Immediately, the tallest of the five girls, turned around and looked me up and down. "And who do you think you are?" the girl asked.

"Oh, Jenny, that's little Timmy," the other girl snickered.

"Oh. You're Claudia's brother," Jenny said. "That explains a lot. She's told us ALL about you."

I looked at the girls in confusion. I didn't recognize any of them, but they seemed to know me. Jenny formed a smile on her face. "Well let's see if Claudia told us the truth," Jenny said as I felt myself get shoved back as two of the girls grabbed me from behind. "If you want to get involved in matters that aren't about you, then we can make it about you."

I felt a hard yank. My eyes bulged out of my sockets as I looked down to see my baggy pants slide right down to my ankles. The girls immediately laughed. "Well, well, Superman. Or should I say Superboy? Looks like you're a briefs guy. Guess you're too small for boxers," Jenny said. "Here's the deal. You do exactly what we say from now on, and it stops here. No one has to see any more of you. No one has to know what kind of underwear you wear or what size your baby dick is. If not, well. We have plenty of photos and videos from your sister that you won't want anyone to ever see, and believe me when I say. We will guarantee everyone sees everything."

I gulped. Not realizing just what I had gotten myself into. I felt embarrassed that my underwear was exposed in front of a bunch of girls and even more embarrassed that it had to be my Superman briefs they saw. But as they shove me down to the ground and took my pants before running away, I started something much worse.

To be continued,

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Re: Tim's Diary

Post by Jeepman89 »

Great start Pickleboy. I hope Tim has a big dick. That would make the story more exciting.
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