Love Potion Number Unknown_New August 4

Stories about boys ending up in compromising situations, preferably naked and embarrassed, as the name suggests.
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Re: Love Potion Number Unknown_New July 23

Post by tim409 »

So nice that he stripped naked before the teachers grabbed him to make him do a naked perp walk to the principals office. Hopefully it was right when everyone was changing classes. Hope it is a female principal. She and her female office staff will love the view. Now what punishment could a naked male be given to have the punishment fit the crime?
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Re: Love Potion Number Unknown_New July 23

Post by TeenFan »

Love Potion
Part Six.

It was at the end of school, while walking to my locker after the last class of the day, when I heard what happened to Carlos Correa.

The news swept through the hallway like a breeze of excited chatter. "Did you hear what Carlos did?" followed by laughter. Kids gathered
together and retold the story, then others are told. Word of the crazy thing Carlos did spreads like a wildfire. Soon everyone in the school
knows what happened...

* * * * *

Carlos was sitting in his chair during 5th period when he began to act weird. The room is dark, the lights turned off. The teacher is showing
a slide presentation of the most famous art exhibits in Italy. Carlos is in art class when his Love Potion takes effect. He's watching slides of
paintings and statues made by well known artists during the Renaissance period.

For a long time one slide remained on the screen, showing the most famous statue not only of Italy, but the most recognizable statue in the
entire world: Michaelangelo's David. Mrs. McClung, the art teacher, was explaining when and how the statue was created, what kind of marble,
etcetera, etcetera.

For some inexplicable reason, Carlos gets up from his seat. He rushes to the front of the class. Pressing his body up against the white projector
screen, Carlos attempts to wrap his arms around the image of the fully naked statue. "You are beautiful" Carlos is said to have repeated over
and over. "You are beautiful. I want you. I need you."

Mrs. McClung is yelling at Carlos to sit down. Instead of obeying the teacher's directive, Carlos begins to take his clothes off. His shirt and
shoes go flying across the room as Carlos tosses each article of clothing away from him, not caring where they land. Clothes mean nothing to
him at this moment. His Love interest has no clothes on so why should he.

The class is a buzz of shocked words when Carlos freaks everyone out. He begins licking the screen, getting up on his toes to raise himself
high enough to try to lick the most famous genitalia on the most famous statue of a naked man ever carved.

"Someone turn the lights on," the art teacher calls out.

The overhead lights go on. This is where things get infinitely weirder. It might be fate, might be coincidence that the student who flipped the
light switch by the door is a kid who has a remarkable resemblance to Michaelangelo's David. Chris O'Leary turned on the lights, and Chris
is the kid Carlos turns to see. Chris is of Irish ancestry, no duh, and he has very pale skin. One could say he is as white as alabaster, and with
his slightly orange hair fluffy and curly, Chris would make a wonderful replica of a David statue.

The resemblance between the lifeless statue and the flesh and blood Chris O'Leary is close enough that Carlos rushes toward the door.

"You are so beautiful, my lovely, my dearest," Carlos says as he grabs the frightened student. Carlos' words and phrasing suggests he might
secretly be a lover of poetry, something he must have kept to himself. "Let us prance naked through the meadow and be my Lover."

With the lights now on, everyone in the room can see the fully naked Carlos, tall and thin but athletic. He has a firm body, tan skinned with no
tan line, no white butt which suggests he might sunbathe naked. Carlos' most memorable feature, to those who witnessed the bizarre actions,
are his snakelike penis swinging wildly. Carlos' crotch is hair free, and at his age of sixteen it must mean he shaves himself down there.
Shaved statue smooth Carlos is, and like a statue Chris O'Leary freezes in place as the naked one bears down on him.

It's said that Chris screamed like a girl, a high pitched squeal. Anyone would scream at that moment. Carlos grabs Chris and he wraps his arms
around the frozen boy. Kisses and hugs commence. In between lip smacking smooches, Carlos is heard to say, "My darling, my precious", sounding
a lot like Gollum talking about his precious ring of power.

It must have been some sight for everyone in that classroom, seeing the smallish and slightly girly looking Chris being loved on by the tall and
menacing Carlos Correa, who has tattoos of a Gun and a Rose on his chest, gang symbols on the shoulders and back. Carlos pops a super stiff
boner, which sticks out at least seven inches, looking like a ramrod which Carlos uses to try to impale the poor helpless victim in his arms.

Finally, the teacher comes to her senses. She gets on her phone to call the number for security on her phone. Then she grabs a wooden yardstick
from off of her desk. Boldly approaching Carlos, who in his throes of passion is oblivious to everything going on around him, the teacher whacks
Carlos over the head.

"Get off that boy, you, you beast."

Hits and slaps of the wooden yardstick have little effect. What works better is when Stanford Lancer, a kid named after his father's favorite
college football team, steps over to yank Carlos off of Chris. Stanford is a large kid, sixteen years old and standing at Six Foot Five. It's a lucky
thing for Chris that a big guy like Stanford was in the class to rescue him. The rescue is completed when the two person security team
arrives at the classroom. Carlos continues to profess his undying love and devotion to David the Statue/Chris the kid as he is dragged
through the hallway toward the principal's office.

* * * * *

I gleefully laughed along with the other students in the hallway when I got every detail of what transpired in that classroom. I could not
have planned it any better. Carlos has made a fool of himself. That bully of younger kids is going to be severely dealt with.

I can imagine what the school's principals must have thought, to have two incidents of disorderly conduct, to have not one but two male
students strip off their clothes and harass another, two students doing that during 5th period at two separate locations. It's too crazy to be coincidence, but they would be helpless to try to explain it.

I lost two of my precious Love Potion pills, but the loss was worth it. I was down to only two capsules of Potion remaining. I must be extremely
careful with a plan well thought out in where and when to use them.
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Re: Love Potion Number Unknown_New July 24

Post by tim409 »

Even better and now it is TWICE as good as we have to naked males who were marched naked to the principal's office. I hope a lot of girls saw them as they went through the halls with their dicks flapping each step. Maybe they both need to go to an assembly of ALL the students just as they went to the principal's office and apologize naked to the whole school.

I do wonder if Mrs. McClung explained why "David" was not circumcised like the real David would have been and why would he be fighting a giant while he was naked? Was that common in those days?
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Re: Love Potion Number Unknown_New July 24

Post by TeenFan »

Love Potion
Part Seven

I was thrilled knowing the two guys who picked on me and others, taking our lunch money or our actual lunches, had both been dragged off
to the principal's office during the 5th school period. I knew, nearly to the exact minute on the clock I knew when Carlos and Bruce had swallowed
the Love Potion capsules they took from me. Not content with just taking and eating my sandwich, they had forced me to turn my pill bottle
over to them. The two bullies each taking a Potion pill turned out to be an unexpected but fortuitous turn of events.

Getting back to knowing the minute those two stupid idiots popped a pill of unknown properties and strength into their cruel mouths, I have a
better understanding of how long it takes for a dose of Love Potion to kick in. Somewhere between thirty and forty minutes is when the amorous
effects of the Potion start its overwhelming and complete control over the human brain. I have a good idea when it begins, but for how long
will the effect last?

The final bell ending the school day hasn't rung yet, but I need to find out what is going on down at the principal's office. I need to find out
if Bruce and Carlos are still acting like little lovesick losers, or if the effects have worn off. Skipping the final class period, I head toward
the principal's office.

The hallways are mostly empty as I walk quickly to where the school administration has their offices. Even before I get to the long counter
where the school secretaries take phone calls and send out Hall Passes I can hear shouting and weird noises coming from the principal's office
a little ways off. The secretary looks bewildered at the raucous goings on. She could barely pay any attention to me when I ask to see the
principal right away. She told me the principal is busy, that I should come back later. I can see the security team standing just outside the
door to the office. The door is open, and I see movement inside. I get a short glimpse of what looks like a handcuffed and still naked Bruce.

"I have a complaint about Bruce and his buddy," I tell the secretary. "I have information the principal needs to know about them."

The secretary led me to the doorway, and slipping past one of the security officers she tells Mrs. Burks that I'm standing just outside and I
have vital information. I get waved into the office.

It's a shocking sight that greeted me. The room is crowded. Somebody had fetched both Agatha and Chris O'leary, brought the two "victims"
of the overly aggressive grappling and groping that occurred during 5th period. A still frightened Chris, and an angry looking Agatha stand
along a wall facing their still tormented tormentors.

I could not believe what I saw. Mainly it was the look in their eyes, the way Carlos and Bruce looked at the pair on the opposite side of the
room. Both boys, handcuffed and held in place, looked longingly at their Love interest standing only a few feet away. Imagine if you will,
taking the typical dog off the streets. You keep food from the dog for several days. Then on the third day you have the leashed dog tied
to a post. The leash or rope is four feet in lenght. Five feet away you place a bowl of can dog food. Place the food one foot away from
the mouth of that famished dog, and stand by to observe. That dog would go crazy, straining at the leash to get to that bowl of food, howling
in its frustration. That is what Bruce and Carlos looked like.

However, that is not everything to how the lust stricken pair of losers appeared. Each one still has a twitching, throbbing, and even oozing
erection. That's Bruce continues to try to lunge toward Agatha, and Carlos does the same toward Chris, clear fluid is dripping out
from both their dicks. A small pool of liquid slimes the floor in front of their dirty bare feet.

It looks to me that Agatha and Chris had both been brought in to give their statements about what happened and why. I'm sure nobody had
any inkling as to the why. Only I did, but I was not here to divulge any secrets. I was here to gather information on the physical wellbeing
of my two Love Potion guinea pigs. Like a mad scientist monitoring some grand experiment, I needed to keep an eye on what transpires.

"Why are you here? Do you know something about this?" the principal asks when Mrs. Burks finally turns toward me.

I step farther into the room, closer to the desk, closer to the crazed lunatics drooling from mouths and erections. I smiled when I got
a close up look at Bruce's somewhat small size. I wanted to whistle to show how impressed I was with Carlos' super hard ramming rod he has
sticking out from his groin, still aimed right at the still trembling Chris O'Leary.

"I need to tell you about them stealing our money. Both of them work together to take from the freshmen, and they sometimes take what I
bring from home. They know my mom makes some nice sandwiches and at least once a week they snatch it from me. They are bullies, criminals
and they need to be punished."

Principal Burks tells me rumors of lunch money snatching by Bruce and Carlos has been under investigation. The principal says there are
more pressing issues at the moment, and wanted to know if I knew anything as to why Bruce and Carlos had upped their game from lunch stealing
to molesting other students. I told Mrs. Burks I have no new leads as to why those boys are acting so crazy. I give her the list of all the students
I know who were victimized by the food fiends. It's a long list and takes a minute or two to tell, as the secretary gets out a sheet of paper to
write down the names. Surprisingly I was the first one to ever show up to lodge a formal complaint about the thievery. Another thing that
made it take a while to lodge this complaint was the interruptions. Both Carlos and Bruce would yell out about how much they love and needed
love. Poor Chris looks especially disgusted and nauseated each time Carlos professes his undying affection for the freshman student.

As I left the Administration wing of the school I checked my watch. It's been one hour and twenty minutes since the doses of Love Potion
were taken. I actually was standing there in Mrs. Burks' office when Bruce suddenly became more calm. Bruce stops straining to rush over at
Agatha, and he looks around the room, looking lost and confused.

"What am I doing here?" Bruce asks in a hoarse voice, then he looks down to notice his naked and aroused condition. "What the fuck is going on?"

I was laughing as I walked away from the scene. Carlos hadn't come down yet from the intoxicating and controlling substance he unwittingly
ingested during lunch. I won't know the exact minute his libidinous passions calmed down, but I was certain he and Bruce would not be
terrorizing any student anytime soon. I had the information I needed. It takes approximately thirty minutes, maybe forty, for the Love Potion
to take control. The effects will last for around one hour of full-on crazed sex beast mania.

The hallways are still electric with the excitement of the events of this afternoon. Every kid in the hallway is talking about it. The gossip
machine is already exaggerating what Bruce and Carlos did during their individual incidents. As I grab my books from my locker, getting ready to head for home. Who do I see standing near the exit doors???'s none other than Wanda, the number one girl on my hit list.
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Re: Love Potion Number Unknown_New July 27

Post by TeenFan »

Love Potion
Part Eight.

I'd be lying if I said I hadn't done a fair share of fantasizing about Wanda. She's the hottest girl in school. She's untouchable, unreachable,
the impossible dream. I did have a dream about Wanda once.

In my dream I was in the boy's locker room. It was right after PE class and I was getting changed out of my shorts and t-shirt. Several of the
other boys are wearing only a bath towel. A few are wearing only their boxers. Suddenly everyone turned toward the entrance to the locker
room. I wonder what they are looking at, so I turn that direction as well. It's Wanda, and she's dressed in the girl's PE uniform, only hers
fits so tightly, must be a size or two too small.

Wanda looks so freaking gorgeous, even while wearing the school's boring gray shorts and blue shirt. Her hair was like the mane of a lion, golden
spikes of hair pointing in three directions. I notice Wanda is carrying something. It looks like a bucket. As she gets closer I see it is a bucket
like people find at hotel rooms that couples use to put a bottle of wine or champaign on ice.

Wanda walks toward me, comes down the row of lockers and the other boys are going crazy. It's at that moment I realize I'm standing there
in just my tighty-whities. I want to cover up. I want to grab my clothes, but I can't. It's like I'm frozen and can't move. Wanda gets closer and
I hear music coming from somewhere. Suddenly the whole atmosphere is like a music video. Wanda's feet, which are bare, touch the concrete
floor with the beat of the song. As Wanda holds the bucket with one arm, I see she has metal tongs in the other. Bucket, tongs, this combination
I've seen somewhere before but what is the connection? Then I see it, see clearly what Wanda is carrying in that bucket. It's cubes of ice.

One of the other boys is handed the bucket of ice. I recognize the boy holding the bucket. It's Bruce, one of my most dear enemies. What is
he doing there I first wonder, then I remember Bruce is in my PE class. Bruce is grinning at me as he holds onto the bucket of ice.

"Hello handsome," Wanda says to me in this dream. She has the sexy smooth voice of a seductress in a movie. She has a voice that could
get a lonely guy to call the 1-800-SEXY-HOT hotline where you have to pay money by the minute to talk to the sweet talking babe on the

Wanda reaches out a hand and she touches my chest with just her forefinger. She pulls her hand back quickly.

"Oooh, you are so hot, Manster. You're burning up. You look so sexy in your tight underwear. But you need to cool down baby."

Wanda uses the tongs in her right hand to pick up an ice cube from the bucket. She shows me the cube, brings it up to my face.

Now I recognize the song that was playing. "Ice Ice Baby" the boys in the locker room chant along to the one hit wonder song by Vanilla Ice.
Wanda reaches out with her other hand. She grabs the waistband of my briefs. Yanking the waistband out a few inches, Wanda drops the
ice cube into my underwear. Letting go, the underwear snaps back into place

Instantly I feel numbing cold on my dick where the cube sits on top of the shaft as my dick points forward. "Ice Ice Baby" all the boys in the
locker room aisle chant. Soon I feel the numbness spreading.

"You're still too hot, manly Manster" Wanda says to me. Again she yanks on my underwear waistband. Again she drops a cube of ice and the cold increases.

Bruce and the other boys begin chanting "Master Bates...Master Bates..."

A third time my underwear gets yanked outward. A third time a cube of ice plummets down the slope of my lower tummy to begin melting
on my dick. I can feel the cold chill of water seeping through the cotton cloth of the tighty-whities. I can feel me balls shriveling up, drawing
up higher as the skin tightens on my nutsack while my dick is getting erected. I shiver from both cold and from fright. How more chilling and frightful can it get?

Suddenly Wanda gets down on her hands and knees. She presses her face close to my crotch, lapping her tongue at the drips of melt water
trickling down from the leg seams. As the girl laps on my upper thighs like a dog, Bruce takes over adding more ice to my underwear. Then
Bruce uses a cube to ice my nipples and I freeze up even more. It's the best and worst thing imaginable. I'm being teased and tortured by
Wanda and Bruce at the same time.

Without warning Wanda yanks my underwear down to my ankles. My balls have turned into ice cubes themselves. My dick looks like a six
inch icicle sticking straight outward, looking more blue and pale than the usual red hue a hardon normally is.

"Hmmmm...I love popsicles," Wanda says, and she starts sucking on my frozen stiff penis. I feel myself getting harder and at the same time
I see my dick is shrinking with every motion of Wanda's hot mouth and tongue. Just like a popsicle from the ice cream vendor, my dick isn't
going to last long. Creamy white now flows down my legs instead of the clear water. My dick and balls must be turning into melted vanilla
ice cream. Either that or my balls are erupting but I can't feel it due to them being frozen and no longer sensitive to touch.

"Wow. That was a tasty treat," Wanda says to me.

I look down at myself. I no longer have a cock n balls hanging there. All I see is my pubic hair. I look like a girl.

That is when I woke up from the dream. My underwear was a freaking mess. I had a load of vanilla ice cream goo seeping out the leg seams
of my tighty-whities, spilling out onto the sheets.

It's been a few weeks since that dream. As I walk toward the exit doors of the High School I am about to walk right past Wanda. Should I
stop and say something? I've never been able to talk to her in the past. I'm too chicken shit. I get closer and I see some concern on Wanda's
face. She is talking on the phone.

"Okay, okay mom...I'll just walk home. I know it's not your fault the car won't start."

I hear these words and my heart picks up speed. dear darling Wanda doesn't have a ride home from school. Could this be my
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