"I am an adult!" Part 1 of 3.

Stories about girls getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated by anyone or anything.
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"I am an adult!" Part 1 of 3.

Post by FunKelly »

Kim was a twenty-one-year-old, Asian American intellectual prodigy, living in the mid-west. She attained her high school diploma at the age of thirteen, had her master's degree in business administration by the time she was eighteen. She had been running her own successful 'Business Consulting' firm, since she was twenty. She was living the 'American Dream', as it would seem. The downside of her success was that she had few friends and even fewer social skills. Her years of intense study, along with the demands of a start-up business, took all of her time and resources. Most of her achievements had been accomplished at times when she was secluded. Even now, she runs a very profitable company from an office/studio, she had built into the master bedroom, of her two-bedroom condo.

Kim's studies, followed by her success in business, had led to the development of her one major character flaw. She was completely unaware of how others viewed her. On the drive home from a Saturday morning business seminar, Kim was verbally recording her notes, when suddenly, she was alerted by her GPS of an accident on the interstate highway. Thankful she was notified before she had gotten on that highway, Kim decided to take the longer, yet more scenic route home. Less than an hour away from home, she drove by a grand stone arch, with an iron entrance gate. She turned around at the next turn off, then went back to see where the grand entrance gate led to. An unassuming wooden sign was hanging from the great stone arch. It simply read, "Lake Hopewell Naturist Resort".

"What? Naturist Resort. What's a Naturist Resort?", she thought to herself, as she looked it up. "OMG! It's a Nudist Colony!", she cried out! Frantically looking around to see if anyone was about, she was relieved to find herself alone. She got out of her little red Mazda Miata convertible, took a photo of the sign, and walked up to the gate. She peered through the iron bars, to find nothing but a curved paved road, surrounded by tall green trees. She stood there for a minute, wondering, "What is back there?". She returned to her car and continued on her way home. It was ten minutes later, when she noticed, she was failing to regain the concentration needed to continue with her notes. She shrugged it off, turned on the radio, thinking, "Maybe I just need a break".

Kim continued on her way home, wondering, "What kind of people have to take off their clothes in a public environment, just to enjoy some recreation and relaxation?" Somehow, that crazy idea started to consume her thoughts, as she neared her condo. She arrived home, collected her things and went inside. With the door locked behind her, she dropped everything but her phone, then went to her office/studio. Immediately, she looked up, 'Lake Hopewell Naturist Resort'. She sat back into her chair and watched the introduction segment of the resort's website video. The rotating photos of the facility, combined with the narration of the soothing voice of a woman, seemed so inviting to her.

Kim took the virtual tour, including the aerial segment, of the 120+ acre facility and was impressed. Yet, it left her even more curious about the lifestyle of the people who went there. The main building was humble, yet grand. There were cabins throughout the wooded areas, and a small lake with a nice beach. Sunbathing, swimming, volleyball, canoeing and kayaking, were some of the activities available. The resort even provided a qualified lifeguard for the beach and swimming pool. The main building's first floor held the lobby, a kitchen and dining section, a large social gathering area, and two separate indoor swimming pools. They were located at either end of the building. The larger of the two pool areas was for families. The smaller, was reserved for adults only.

The second floor held eight hotel-like rooms, along with a nicely detailed, sitting/reading area. For a moment, Kim envisioned herself, totally naked, sitting at a small table in the center of the reading room. She was working on her laptop, while others, mostly clothed, were also there. Kim suddenly snapped out of her stupor! She shook the idea from her head and turned off her laptop. Attempting to dismiss all thoughts and visualizations, she let out a heavy sigh then poured herself a glass of wine. She changed into her normal evening attire, which was a T-shirt and cotton panties, refreshed her drink and put on the T.V.

Kim couldn't find anything she wanted to watch. She was totally consumed with the idea of her very recent discovery. She decided, rationalizing to herself, a little investigation into Nudism, wouldn't hurt. She practically ran to her office and started searching online for everything she could find on the subject. In keeping with the disciplines of hard work and determination, that had defined her up until now, she searched for articles, photos and any reliable information she could find on the 'Nudist Lifestyle'. Other than to refill her wine glass, she remained in her office chair, gathering as much information on the subject as possible.

Maybe it was the wine. Maybe it was her fixation on the subject matter. Either way, when Kim suddenly returned to real time, she found herself naked in her office chair, her T-shirt and panties laying on the floor beside her, while her left hand was massaging her pussy. It was 1:45 a.m. Sunday morning. Now mentally aware, and feeling utterly ashamed, Kim shut down her office and went to bed. She woke at 9:00 a.m., three hours later than her normal time, feeling a bit groggy and still totally naked. Nothing like this had ever happened to her before. Kim was dealing with the effects of her own desire to be liberated.

Having been tutored through her early school years, then under the watchful eyes of her higher education mentors, left Kim mostly secluded throughout her developmental years. She never had the opportunity to shower with other girls after gym class or even had as much as one sleepover. That morning, she got out of bed and put on a T-shirt, forgoing her panties, and went to the kitchen. After pushing the brew button for her espresso, she washed her wine glass and put it away. She took her morning coffee and went back to her office. Immediately, she went to the 'Hopewell Lake Naturist Resort' website. The pictures of the men, women and children, of all ages and body types, enjoying normal vacation activities while naked, for some unknown reason, gave her a sense of belonging.

Kim's eyes were hovering over the "Book a Stay" link, when she nervously clicked on it. Suddenly she thought, "WTF am I doing?", as she watched the resort's 'Reservation' page, open up. With the exception of one of the second-floor hotel rooms, the entire resort was booked up solid, for the upcoming weekend. Feeling it was now or never, Kim clicked the "Reserve Now" icon, and booked her weekend stay at the naturist resort. Immediately feeling uneasy and with some regret, she went to hit the "Cancel" icon, but was unable to get herself to do it. She stood and watched as her reservation was confirmed.

Instead of feeling anxious, Kim actually felt relieved. Being sheltered most of her life, she desired a place where she could feel included, even if that meant being naked amongst total strangers, who were also naked. She removed her T-shirt and stood in front of the full-length mirror in the master bath, that was now part of her office/studio. As was mentioned earlier, Kim was unable to see herself as others did. In her reflection, she saw a petite, cute, short haired Asian American woman. Although that was true, it was not completely accurate.

At the age of twenty-one, Kim was 4' 6" tall and weighed less than one hundred pounds. Her torso resembled that of an eight-year-old boy, and her pubic hair was the only evidence that she had ever reached puberty at all. Her tiny, yet perfectly round butt cheeks were adorable, for a girl who was eleven years old, her hips were slender, and her legs were just the right size to support her tiny frame. She could only be physically described as 'Childlike'. Still looking at herself in the mirror, she ran her fingers through her pubic hair thinking, "I'll need to trim this up before I go", remembering how so many of the women in the website photos her either well-trimmed or clean shaven. Having no desire to cover up, she imagined herself at the resort, totally naked!

Kim made another espresso and sat back down in her chair. Having heard of it, but not sure what it really was, she searched 'the phrase', "Brazilian Wax". With the shades pulled down, and curtains closed, Kim spent the day researching and planning for her upcoming get-away, starting with her very first 'Brazilian Wax'. By noon, she had arranged her business schedule, her in office work and made preparations for the following weekend, not wearing a stitch of clothing. She would have her first waxing on Thursday afternoon at 4:00. She had a Friday morning virtual meeting from 9:00 until 10:00, then would pack and drive to 'Hopewell Lake Naturist Resort', to check in around 12:00. Her reservation was from Friday at noon until Sunday at noon.

The rest of the week went by surprisingly fast. Feeling a bit hesitant about her upcoming procedure, for reasons unknown, Kim still left her condo and drove to the salon. She was both apprehensive and excited to get her first Brazilian waxing. She entered the one-woman salon and met Doris. Doris was about thirty years old and possessed the most welcoming smile Kim had ever seen. She immediately felt at ease. Doris, being a professional, never let on that she was waiting for either Kim's older sister or her mother to walk in behind her. "This girl looks like she's twelve years old", Doris thought to herself. When no one else came it, she said, "Well Kim. What service are we performing today?", still maintaining her welcoming aura.

"I'm here for my first Brazilian wax", Kim timidly replied. "Well Kim", Doris responded. "Since you're my last client of the day, we'll just take our time. What do you think? You good with that?", she asked. Kim let out a huge sigh of relief, and replied in a low and relaxed tone, "Yes. Yes, I am good with that". "Come on back sweetie", Doris lovingly coaxed, as she led Kim back to the treatment area. She pointed to a changing room, and said, "Kim you can get undressed in there. There's a robe if you're feeling modest. Oh, and bring your phone and earbuds". Kim slowly removed her clothes and neatly placed them on the bench. Now naked and holding only her phone, she looked at the robe. "If she was going to be naked in front of strangers, she may as well start now", she thought to herself, and she exited the changing room, completely naked.

Doris was standing by the therapeutic treatment table, tapping her hand against the surface, indicating for Kim to lay on the table. Kim sat up on the table, then Doris helped her into position. Kim found herself lying on her back, her legs spread wide open, as the bottom of her feet were touching, and utterly exposed. Doris gently ran her fingers through Kim's pubic hair, leaned in and asked, "So what's the occasion?" Kim, totally taken back by Doris's question, appeared confused, as she asked "What?' Doris stood up straight, and simply replied, "You know. Caribbean vacation? Hot date? Why so you want Brazilian wax?", she asked.

Feeling embarrassed but desperate to have someone, anyone she could confide in, Kim muttered, in an almost inaudible tone, "I'm going to a Naturist Resort". Doris looked at her, and asked, "Lake Hopewell?" Kim just nodded, "Yes". Doris then replied, "Well I think we can forego a bikini wax, since you won't be wearing a bikini there, so I recommend we take it all off, still running her fingers through Kim's pubic hair. Again, Kim nodded in agreement. She put in her earbuds, set her phone to an app, closed her eyes and waited for Doris to start the procedure. When Doris was finished, she applied some cream to Kim's vagina, now slightly red from the abrasive technique. If Kim looked like she was twelve years old when she arrived, she looked ten now.

By 6:00 Thursday evening, Kim was home and packing for her first nudist adventure. She was filled with anticipation, along with some anxiety. Still, having been so sheltered her whole life, she felt the experience would be liberating and was looking forward to it. With the weather forecast calling for sunny skies and temperatures in the mid-eighties, she packed light and laid out a sundress, panties, sandals and sunglasses as travel clothes for the next day. Kim finished her virtual meeting that Friday morning, then set off for Lake Hopewell. She arrived at the stone arch and iron gates of the naturist resort at 12:05. She pulled up her reservation on the app, thinking, "It's now or never", and hit the 'Arrived' icon. Almost immediately, the same soothing voice of the woman narrator from the website, came through the speaker of her phone.

With her reservation tied to her cell phone number, the woman said, "Good afternoon, Kim. Welcome", as the gates automatically opened. "Good afternoon", Kim replied as she drove through the foreboding gate. She cautiously drove up the winding road through the trees until she came upon the rustic, but impressive main building. The hotel was exquisite, and surrounding areas were beautifully maintained. Kim could see some of the guests, as they were heading down a walking path in the distance. They were completely naked. Coming to terms with what she was seeing, her anxiety melted away and was replace with a sense of excitement.

A blonde woman in her early to mid-forties came out of the front entrance to the hotel, wearing only a silk scarf wrapped around her waist, and sandals. She greeted Kim at her car, saying, "Hello Kim. My name is Jennifer, but most people call me Jen", as the two got acquainted. "My husband Frank and I own and run the resort, with the help of our son, Tony. Just grab you bag and we'll see to it your car is parked", she said, as she led Kim inside. Jen went around the reception counter, where she asked Kim for her license and credit card, to have on file. Jen nonchalantly studied Kim's license, since the girl before her appeared so young. During her check in, Jen's son walked up. She said, "Tony, this is Kim. She'll be staying the weekend". Kim's jaw almost hit the floor as she laid eyes on the slim but well-toned body of a young man in his late teens, wearing only a low-cut navy-blue speedo.

Tony was tan with curly blonde hair, and a smile that could melt an iceberg. He said, "Welcome to our resort, Kim", as he held out his hand. Kim shook his hand but was finding it difficult to pry her eyes from the snug little speedo that was concealing his manhood. "Tony is our resident lifeguard and is also certified in CPR", Jen said. "Just one of his many responsibilities around here", she continued. Jen then had Kim sign the paperwork and handed her a card with a three number room combination. She explained, "We use combination locks instead of room keys or swipe cards, so the guests don't have to carry anything with them, if they so choose. All you need to do is remember these three numbers".

Kim's secret wish was coming true, as she heard, "Tony. Would you mind showing Kim to her room?" "Sure mom", he replied. He then looked at Kim, and said, "Right this way, Kim", as he led her to the stairs leading to the second-floor hotel rooms. Kim was fixated on his scantly covered butt cheeks as she followed him up the stairs. A nude couple in their thirties were coming down the hallway, as they reached the top of the stairway. "Hi Tony", the woman said, as she and her partner stopped. "Hi Alice. Hello Jack", Tony replied, then introduced Kim to the naked pair. The couple greeted Kim with welcoming smiles, then continued on their way. Tony showed Kim to her room, making sure she could enter using the combination, before he returned downstairs.

Kim was delighted to find her room combination was 503, the area code for her cell phone number, and therefore easy to remember. She entered her room and took a moment to catch her breath. Deciding to take her first ever steps into the world of public nudity, she removed her dress and panties, and took her laptop to the reading area across the hallway. It was where she had first envisioned herself when she discovered the resort, so thought it would be fitting. She nervously looked down the hallway in each direction, then stepped out into the hallway, wearing nothing but her sandals.

She closed the door behind her, then retried the room door combination to make sure it worked again. Satisfied she would not be locked out of her room; she walked up and down the hallway, reveling in the liberating experience. She ventured to the top of the stairs, then made her way to the center table of the empty reading room, opened her laptop and checked her e-mail, just as she had pictured herself doing. The hotel rooms were reserved for single or dual person occupancy, while families with children stayed in the cabins. An elderly woman entered the reading room, wearing nothing and holding a book. Kim had now been officially seen in her nakedness for the first time in her adult life.

The woman approached her and in a pleasant voice, said, "Well hello there sweetheart. Are you here with your family?", assuming Kim was a child. "No. My family is not here", Kim replied. "Are they out on the lake?", the woman continued. "No. I'm here alone", Kim responded, feeling a bit confused about the woman's questions. The sweet elderly woman looked her over, and said, "Oh. I see dear", then took a seat in the corner and started reading her book. Still lacking self-awareness, Kim was befuddled and decided to venture downstairs. She put her laptop in her room, and nervously made her down the hotel stairs to the lobby.
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Re: "I am an adult!" Part 1 of 3.

Post by twiggyenf »

Great setup. I look forward to more chapters.
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Re: "I am an adult!" Part 1 of 3.

Post by KnightMan »

What a great start. I love where this is going and can't wait for more.
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Re: "I am an adult!" Part 1 of 3.

Post by SDS »

Great start toyed around with similar concepts many times! Hope the poor women doesn't end up being put in the kids club or stuck with some bullying girls who like to embarrass hernia front of some boys :D
Moderator - So behave!

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Re: "I am an adult!" Part 1 of 3.

Post by FunKelly »

Coming Soon.
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Re: "I am an adult!" Part 1 of 3.

Post by jojo12026 »

Nice job!! Waiting on Ch 2
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Re: "I am an adult!" Part 2 of 3.

Post by FunKelly »

As Kim neared the bottom of the stairs, she was relieved to see Tony standing by the reception desk, talking with his mother. He was still wearing only the navy-blue fabric of his tiny speedo and looking "Oh so yummy", she thought to herself. Both Jen and Tony had been so nice and welcoming to her, she felt at ease, yet still somewhat awkward, as she stepped down onto the main lobby floor. Standing there, totally naked, with not as much as a missed stubble of pubic hair for cover, she was feeling both embarrassed and exhilarated at the same time. Emotions she figured all first-time nudists must have experienced.

"All settled in?", Jennifer asked, as Kim approached the counter, feeling utterly exposed. "Yes, thank you", she quietly replied. "Tony. Why don't you show Kim around the resort, since it's her first time visiting us?", Jen asked. "I don't want to be a bother or keep Tony from his work", Kim said, hoping to be overruled. "Nonsense!" Jen replied. "Tony's main responsibility is lifeguarding at both the lake and pool areas. There are specific times in each day when he is on duty. All of our guests know the times he will be at either of these locations. It's a window of opportunity for the adults to have their children supervised while they take a nature walk, go for a canoe ride or whatever. He's free for the next hour and a half. Tony show Kim around please, will you?", she insisted.

Tony brandished that sincere and genuine smile of his, and asked, "Ready for a tour, Kim?' Kim was in paradise as the eighteen-year-old lifeguard, wearing only his snug little speedo, was going to be her tour guide. "Sure!", she enthusiastically replied. To anyone watching the two walk out the rear doors of the hotel, onto the patio, it would appear that Tony and a ten or eleven-year-old girl were simply taking a walk down to the lake. The idea that this eighteen-year-old, handsome young man, was giving a twenty-one-year-old, successful businesswoman a tour of the facility, would not have crossed the minds of anyone within view. Tony led Kim to his lifeguard stand and pulled a set of binoculars from a beach bag that was hanging there. He handed them to Kim and pointed, while promoting his beloved family resort.

As Kim viewed naked, or almost naked people of all ages enjoying themselves, through the lenses of the binoculars, she had a sudden jolt of 'Social Release'. She watched as Tony pointed out that two lesbian couples were racing across the other side of the lake, in two-person kayaks. He then pointed to an older couple wearing only sunblock and sunglasses, that were just relaxing out on a canoe. He turned Kim's attention to the families with children that were enjoying the beach and lake area. All thoughts of impropriety that Kim may have had, dissipated into thin air. She felt thoroughly relaxed, almost ecstatic to be there with Tony, as he rested his hand on her lower back, directing her view to the different points of interest.

Jen had earlier informed Tony that Kim was twenty-one years old, allowing him to enjoy her company, as much as she was enjoying his. He wasn't babysitting an eleven-year-old girl but escorting a young woman around the resort. Tony was 5' 8" tall and 155 lbs. with a perfectly tanned and toned physique. He had graduated from high school recently and was enrolled in a local college for business administration, the upcoming fall. He was planning to one day run his parent's resort. Tony and Kim walked across the beach and onto the trail that led to some of the cabin areas of the resort. Anyone who witnessed the two walking down the trail, would have assumed that Tony was just escorting a ten or eleven-year-old girl, back to her family's cabin. Now having seen the different nude body types of the other guests, Kim still had not yet realized that she possessed the physique of a prepubescent girl.

Tony led Kim passed a few of the guest's cabin areas, as he continued to show his deep affection for the place. Kim was thrilled to be his sounding board, feeling emotionally connected to him. They turned around after seeing the third cabin and headed back towards the hotel. As they entered the hotel through the door by the adult swimming pool, they ran into a group of almost a dozen naked men and women. Two men were discussing sports, while one of them was loud, and using several expletives to describe his thoughts on some team's coach. A woman in her forties, suddenly said, in a stern but low tone, "Brian! Watch your language! There's a young girl here", as all eyes fell on Kim.

Feeling like a sapling in a grove of redwoods, Kim suddenly snapped out of her eight-year 'Lack of Self-Awareness' coma, right there and then! She immediately noticed the five women. They were all at least a foot taller than her and had breasts and hips. Kim looked down at herself, suddenly realizing, she had neither of those things. The women all had different shapes, while Kim's curves were barely noticeable. One of the women said, "Well hello honey. Are you and your family visiting the resort for the first time?" Kim hesitated for a moment, and replied, "No.... I'm here alone, but it is my first time", she added. "Really?", the woman continued, as everyone stared down at what they had perceived was a ten- or eleven-year-old girl.

Pressing the issue, with no malice intended, the woman said, "I thought only adults could make reservations here". "I am an adult!", Kim sternly responded, as Tony stood behind her, shaking his head up and down, in confirmation. He was hoping the impromptu inquisition would quickly come to an end. He then announced, "Kim is here, like all of you, to enjoy the resort and all of its amenities". The onlookers smiled and slowly dispersed, heading back to the pool, while the poor woman, apologetically said, "I am so sorry, Kim. It's just that you are so petite sweetheart. Would you care to join us?", she asked. "No thank you", Kim answered, struggling to keep herself from covering the breasts she did not possess, with her hands. "I think I'll just return to my room to rest?"

Kim turned around and walked towards the lobby, heading for the stairs that led to the second floor. She did not run, but walked swiftly, carrying with her, this sudden revelation that she was not only petite, but she was also somewhat underdeveloped. As she stepped onto the second step, she heard Tony call out, "Kim". Feeling she could trust him, she turned around, and asked, "What?" Tony was stalling and fidgeting like a thirteen-year-old boy, about to ask a girl to the junior high school dance. Still giving Tony a full-frontal view, Kim again asked, "What Tony?" As Tony was fumbling around, Kim's intellectual prowess kicked in. Realizing Tony was tongue tied, she suggested they switched places. She moved Tony like a chess piece on a board.

With Tony's snug navy-blue speedo at her eye level, Kim looked up to him, and asked for a third time, "What Tony. What do you want?" He stuttered a bit when he replied, "I'm....working the main pool from 3:00 until 5:00. That's when some guests drop off their kids, then go off to other activities. If...uhm...and only if you want, you could join me at the pool", he said as he struggled to get the words out. Before Tony could react, Kim pulled down the front of his tiny speedo with both her hands, revealing his manhood, then immediately released it. Tony was stunned as Kim walked up to the third step, so she could look him in the eye, and said, "Well. I guess since you've seen mine and I've seen yours, I can meet you at the pool later. It was 2:25 when Tony watched Kim's tiny little butt cheeks, running up the stairs towards her room. They were both elated in their newfound friendship.

At 3:15, Kim walked into the main pool area, still naked, but carrying a towel over her shoulder. Tony was walking around the edge of the pool, with an added accessory to his tiny blue speedo. He had a whistle hanging around his neck. Kim put her towel on a chair, ignoring the six naked boys, ages seven to twelve, that were already in the pool. Her eyes were fixed on Tony. She heard the whistle blow, as Tony said, "Dennis! Stop picking on the younger boys!" The second Tony saw Kim standing there, he instructed, "All you boys into the low end. Pick a game to play or something". Seeing Kim's naked body, the boys just assumed someone else dropped of a girl their age and thought nothing of it.

"Marco"...."Polo"...."Marco"...."Polo". Kim heard for the first time in her life. She watched in fascination as the boys played their game in the 3' deep water of the low-end of the swimming pool. She was sitting on the side of the pool, her legs dangling in the water, when a chubby eight-year-old naked boy got out of the pool and walked up to her. "Do you want to play?", he asked. For reasons unknown, Kim sprang to her feet, and replied, "Sure!" The little boy took her hand and led her down into the pool, as he explained the rules of the game "Marco. Polo" to the twenty-one-year-old woman, that all the boys had assumed was a ten or eleven-year-old girl.

Kim immediately emersed herself into the game, as if she was reliving some childhood memory, she never actually had. Tony was content on just watching her, amazed that she was truly enjoying the game, as if she were ten years old. The contrast between 'Kim, the intellectual woman' and 'Kim the childlike girl', fascinated him. Unbeknownst to Tony, Kim or any of the naked boys in the pool, Dennis had his own agenda. He got tagged, which normally would never have happened to him, and he was now, "It". He closed his eyes and called out, "Marco". Everyone responded, "Polo", then scattered throughout the 3' deep section of the pool.

No one noticed when Dennis slipped his hand between Kim's thighs and swiped her bald pussy. All they saw was a twelve-year-old boy pop his head above the surface, pointed to Kim, and said, "You're it!" Kim had immediately pushed Dennis' hand away from her crotch when it happened, attributing it to unfortunate timing, in what was a physically active water game. The game went on for more than a half hour, including time-outs, and Dennis had now touched Kim's pussy twice, while privately claiming to her that they were both accidents. "Don't let it happen again!", she sternly warned him, in a tone only the two of them could have heard.

With her drenched short black hair, and bangs that almost covered her adorable face, Kim looked all the part of an eleven-year-old prepubescent girl. After a short time-out, the game resumed. Tony was walking around the pool when everyone heard Kim shout out, "Quit it, Dennis!" Tony turned and asked, "Is everything O.k.?" Kim nodded, "Yes", then turned her anger toward the twelve-year-old naked boy, that had three times snatched an unwelcome feel of her bald pussy. Again, Kim said, in a low but stern tone, "Touch me there again Dennis, and I'll pull your little pecker off!" Dennis just responded, with a shit-eating grin, "Promise?", as he lowered his head below the surface of the water.

Kim could see the bubbles created, as Dennis was laughing at her from below. He was undoubtedly staring at her pussy. Utterly humiliated by a twelve-year-old boy, Kim turned and swam to the steps of the pool and got out. The episode brought an abrupt end to the game. Tony was now on lifeguard heightened alert, since that the boys would be swimming in the deep end of the pool. Kim sat on the side of the pool, at about the 6' deep section, again with her legs dangling in the water. She appeared to be preoccupied in her thoughts. It was as if she was emotionally caught up between being adult businesswoman she was, and the little girl she desired to be, or at least desired to experience. All the while, giving no thought to her nudity or that of the others.

Only Tony knew Kim's real age, while the six naked boys continued to assume she was just some ten- or eleven-year-old girl. She played the part spectacularly. Kim was in and out of the water but spent most of her time standing on the side of the pool, talking with the boys, allowing all six an unobstructed view of her naked little body. Tony could tell Kim was enjoying the boy's attention but said nothing, as he quietly observed the tiny naked girl, he himself, was becoming attracted too. By 4:45 three of the boys had been picked up by their parents, who also did not realize that Kim was an adult. To them, she was just a doll faced eleven-year-old girl, who was visiting the resort with her family.

Kim was sitting on the poolside by the steps, when the last two boys, other than Dennis, were picked up by their families. Her adorable little butt cheeks were on the wet concrete surface of the pool area, while her feet were placed firmly on the second step down. Tony met with the boys and their parents as they gathered their children and left the pool area. He then turned to Kim and Dennis, and said, "I'll be back in a minute", already knowing Dennis was instructed to walk back to his family's cabin at 5:00. That's when the fun began. Kim had purposely placed her feet 24" apart, allowing Dennis a perfect view of the smooth pussy lips. No one had noticed that she had placed his towel on a chair behind her.

With his eyes riveted on Kim's bald pussy, and unable to curtail the normal urges of a twelve-year-old boy, Dennis got a hard on, and Kim was about to take total advantage of his situation. "OMG!", she said. "Dennis! You have a boner!" His face turned beet red, as he squinted his eyes, and replied, "No I don't". "Yes, you do!", she said. "I can see it!" Dennis was trapped. His towel was behind Kim, and his little hard on had no intention of going into remission as long as her bald pussy was on display. He was covering his crotch with his hands, while Kim was having the time of her life. Tony returned and said, "Dennis. You need to head back to your cabin". Kim looked at Tony, and nonchalantly, but with a bit of pride, said, "Dennis can't get out of the water, Tony. He has a boner!" Dennis was completely humiliated, and Tony was completely caught off guard.

The steps into the pool were six feet wide with a chrome handrail going up the middle. Kim, sitting on the right side, decided to end the poor boy's one minute of torment. She said, "Dennis. I'll close my eyes so you and your little boner can go get to your towel. Now let this be a lesson to you", she warned, spoken like a truly vengeful eleven-year-old girl or her eighty-year-old grandmother. Tony just watched in amazement. Dennis grabbed his towel, covered himself and headed back to the family cabin. He was sure to be silent on the matter, since it was his unwanted grabs that started it all. Hopefully he would emerge from his humiliation, a bit wiser.

Tony walked up to the pool steps, and asked, "Mind if I sit down?" Kim, still slightly gloating over her small victory, nodded. As the two sat there, separated by the chrome handrail, Kim said, in an intellectual tone, while she looked towards the other end of the pool, "Not only would I have never considered someplace like this even existed, but the idea would never have crossed my mind. That was until I stopped out by your front gate six days ago,". She looked at Tony, and said, "I like it here. I seem to fit in better with the kids than the adults", she said with a chuckle, but I really do like it here". Before Tony could reply, Kim said, "Sorry about pulling down your speedo earlier". Tony gave the only acceptable reply. "I guess since I've seen yours, it's only fair that you see mine".

Kim suddenly sat up, and looking at Tony's little speedo, asked, "So... what's the deal with the speedo anyway? Is it like... a uniform or something?" Again, Tony was fascinated by Kim's intuition, and answered, "Yes. Yes, it is. Believe it or not, I am recognized as an employee of the resort, by the guests, on account of this bathing suit". "Do you have different colors?", Kim asked. "Red, White and Blue", he replied. "So what color is tomorrow?", she asked. "Red", was Tony's response. "Do you mix them up?", Kim asked, still captivated by Tony's speedo, even though she had already seen what was beneath it. "Sometimes", Tony replied. Kim stood up, wrapped a towel around herself for the first time, and said, "I'm going to go upstairs and unwind for a bit. It's been a particularly busy day", she said, with a grin. She then looked into Tony's eyes, and said, "Thanks", before heading up to her second-floor room.
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Re: "I am an adult!" Part 1 of 3.

Post by Buzzsaw »

Great start. I'm patiently waiting for Kim to visit Humiliation Central. Stripping her won't be a huge issue, but maybe an OTK spanking by Dennis, before he moves her to assume the diaper position before reddening her little peachy butt.
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Re: "I am an adult!" Part 3 of 4.

Post by FunKelly »

Kim entered her room, dropped the towel, picked up her phone and walked to the window. She was checking her messages, while wondering if she could be seen by those outside. She had only been at the resort for a mere five hours but found she was incapable of convincing herself to put on any clothing whatsoever. Regardless of how underdeveloped she appeared to those around her, she discovered her newfound liberation was due to her public nudity, and it was totally intoxicating! She grabbed the weekend's itinerary and menu and retook her place at the vacant table in the center of the reading room, pleased that she was not alone. Two men in their fifties, were playing a game of chess, as she reviewed the dinner menu for that evening.

Between 6:00 and 7:00, there was to be a barbeque held outside, among the many picnic tables that were permanently set up there. Kim was originally going to choose one of the options from the room service menu but found her desire to have her naked body seen by others, compelled her to attend the barbeque. She was quickly becoming addicted to the public exposure. Not wanting to appear to eager, she arrived at the barbeque at 6:15, wearing nothing, not even her sandals. The feel of both the indoor and outdoor surfaces below her feet, helped complete the sensation of being totally naked and exposed, she had so quickly come to crave.

The first thing Kim noticed was that most of the adults had opted to wear some sort of covering to dinner. Some women were wrapped in towels or beach cover-ups, while many of the men were now wearing shorts, bathing suits or wrapped in towels themselves. Only the children were still totally naked. She wondered if there was some unspoken code of mealtime etiquette for adults. Uncertain about her decision to wear absolutely nothing, Kim was relieved to see Tony arrive, wearing a fresh new white speedo for the occasion. His tan skin made the white fabric stand out, as he immediately made his way over to her. "Should I have worn something? ", she quietly asked him. "Not if you didn't want too", he discretely replied. "You're fine", he assured her.

Still feeling a bit unsure of herself, Kim added, "Only the children are fully naked", in a tone only Tony could hear. He looked at her and whispered a response that would get her thinking. "Kim. You can and should be whoever it is you want to be here". Remembering her time spent with the six boys, Kim felt like Tony was condoning her continued 'Child-like Masquerade', since she had so successfully pulled it off at the pool. She decided she would let people think what they wanted to think but would not outright lie to anyone about her true age. As if orchestrated, there were no little girls at the resort that weekend, just boys. And there were seventeen of them. They were between the ages of five and twelve. The younger boys seemed to gravitate towards Kim, possibly seeing her as an older sister type. Dennis kept his distance, still feeling the shame of her pointing out his little boner earlier.

The guests had their barbeque dinner and shortly thereafter, Kim found herself surrounded by naked boys in the resort's arcade room. She watched as she got the general idea of some of the games. Games she had never seen before, yet alone played. She again felt like she had been transported back to a childhood, she never really experienced in real life. Just like the pool game of "Marco - Polo", it was all new to her. To both the adult and children there, she appeared to be just a little naked girl, having fun with her new friends. Slowly, the parents came and collected their children, while none suspected that Kim was an adult, nor did anyone ask. By 9:00, Kim was back in her room, thinking about the day and reviewing the incredible turn of events. She was thankful to have experienced some normal childhood activities, even if she was no longer a child herself, and most everyone there was naked.

The next morning Kim hopped out of bed and took a quick shower. She dried off, hung up her towel and left her room by 6:00 am, without as much as her sandals. She reached the top of the stairs to find a man in gym shorts walking up. He was in his mid-forties, physically fit with curly blonde hair. She instantly saw the resemblance. "This must be Jennifer's husband and Tony's father, Frank", she thought to herself. Jennifer certainly had informed him about Kim's slight build, because he smiled, and said, "You must be Kim". She nodded, as he continued, "Welcome to our resort. I'm Frank", as he held out his hand. The two shook hands and continued on their separate ways. Kim was thrilled that her pussy was in Frank's line of site, yet he focused only on her face. It made her feel that her total nudity was not only common but expected.

She came around the corner towards the reception desk and ran smack into Tony, who was wearing only his red speedo of the day and sneakers. They bounced off each other, as they both said, "Hey" at the same time. Tony always seemed a bit nervous around her, Kim thought, which was actually a form of flattery where she was concerned. "So, Tony", Kim said, "How do you start your days around here?", she asked. "My first job is to take the golf cart and trailer around to the cabin sites, and collect the trash", he answered. "Mind if I tag along?", she asked. The expression on his face gave her his answer, as they got into the golf cart and headed down the trail. Thier first stop was cabin #1, which was reserved every weekend for Mrs. Clark. She was a woman in her mid-seventies who had been a regular at the resort for years, along with her husband, until he passed the previous year.

Mrs. Clark was having her morning coffee at the picnic table outside her cabin, which was her regular routine. She was wearing only a beach robe that was not tied in the front. "Well Tony, who do we have here" she asked, after the two of them pulled up. "This is Kim, Mrs. Clark", he replied, at he gathered her trash bag from its container, replacing it with a new one. "Come see me sweetheart", the old woman instructed. Kim was hesitant as she walked up to her. Mrs. Clark took Kim's hands and looked over her tiny naked frame. "Aren't you the most precious little thing", she said, still looking Kim over. "How old are you dear?", she asked. "I'm twenty-one", Kim replied. "Of course you are sweetheart. But you must not rush these things you know. Soon enough, you'll start to get two little bumps popping out from up top, and your first little crop of pubic hair will start sprouting out from below. Before you know it, you'll be a fully grown woman!", she said. Kim was mortified, but she had told the truth and just let Mrs. Clark, see things as she wanted to see them. She never said another word.

See you later, Mrs. Clark", Tony said, as he threw her trash bag into the trailer behind the golf cart. They weren't thirty feet down the trail, when Kim said, "I cannot believe that just happened", feeling more amused than embarrassed. Tony just smiled, as he drove to the next cabin area. Soaking up the serenity of her surroundings, Kim sat back and enjoyed the little journey around the lake, making no attempt at shielding her bald pussy from Tony's view. She could not remember a single time in her life when she had felt so relaxed. The two went from cabin to cabin collecting the trash and getting to know each other a little better. The common ground of their shared interest in business management left plenty to discuss, without the pressure of a boy/girl relationship.

Few people were out and about at 6:30 am, since the daily buffet breakfast, served in the hotel dining area, was open from 7:30 until 9:00 each day. They stopped at one of the last cabins on the route, when a seven-year-old little boy called out from the cabin's screen door, "Hi Tony!" He immediately recognized Kim from the arcade the evening before and called to his five-year-old brother. "Andy! Kim's here!" The two little naked boys ran out to greet the resort's newest celebrity. "Hi Kim!", they said in unison, as they approached the golf cart. "Hello boys", she responded, with a welcoming smile. "Are you going to be at the lake today?", Andy asked, in anticipation. "Sure, I am!", Kim replied. I'll see you there later, O.k.?", she said, as she and Tony continued on.

They pulled up to the last cabin on the route, when Kim noticed two naked women in their twenties, sitting at their picnic table. Kim did not know it at the time, but these were two of the lesbians that were kayak racing the afternoon before. Tony was gathering their trash bag, when one of them walked up to the golf cart. "Who's your little friend, Tony?", she asked. "This is Kim", he answered, throwing the last trash bag into the trailer. "She's like a little China doll!", the woman exclaimed. Kim was horrified, so Tony stepped in and said, "Kelly. Kim is a successful adult businesswoman, not some little toy for your amusement". The other lesbian walked over, and said, "I haven't played with dolls in years, but I'll take it up again if you'd like to stay here for a while honey", looking right at Kim. "This is a family resort, ladies", "Tony said, as he drove Kim away, while the two women were laughing.

Kim was silent as Tony emptied the trash bags into a large dumpster and parked the golf cart and trailer in the maintenance building. They were walking across the grass towards the hotel, when Tony asked, "Are you O.k.?" "Well, I don't know Tony. How should I feel?", in a somewhat irritated tone. Tony adventurously replied, not knowing how Kim would react, "You could look at the bright side". "Yeah?", she replied, in an even more annoyed tone. "What bright side would that be, Tony?", she asked. Tony quietly said, "At least they believed you are an adult". Kim stared at him with some confusion, then broke out in laughter, as Tony joined her. "Great!", she said. "The only people that believe I am an adult, are two lesbians that want to use me as a real-life China-doll!", still laughing. She lightly backhanded Tony's chest, in a show of affection, and asked "Are you going to take me to breakfast or not?"

Halfway across the lawn, Kim stopped and looked at Tony. "Will I be the 'only one naked' at breakfast, like I was at dinner last night?", with real concern in her expression. Tony simply replied, "No........Most of the kids will be naked". Again! Kim broke out in laughter, with a new appreciation for Tony's sense of humor. For the second time, she backhanded his bare chest, as they continued on their way, with a sense of freedom in her every step. They arrived at breakfast mostly unnoticed, which Kim was grateful for. After breakfast, she went to her room to work. Not the sitting in the center of the reading room, 'stark naked' work, but real work. She had business to conduct but still wanted to spend some time at the beach.

Every instinct of the businesswoman Kim was in real life, instantly returned. She put on a T-shirt and panties, then went to work, realizing Tony and the kids would be at the lake from 10:00 until 12:00. It was 10:35, and Kim had just finished a brilliant business session. She could now go to the beach, knowing she completed the tasks she had earlier set out for herself. She removed her T-shirt and panties, let out a big sigh, then headed downstairs to the lobby on her way to the beach, with only a towel thrown over her shoulder. Halfway down the stairs she could hear the commotion, of people in the lobby. Assuming they were regular guests, she continued down to the lobby floor.

When she arrived at the bottom of the stairs, Kim found the lobby was full of clothed people, both men and women. There had to be at least twenty, dressed for summer persons of all ages, standing in line at the reception counter. While Kim was planning her best route to the doors exiting to the beach, a few naked guests were making their way through the busy lobby to their destinations. Jennifer, still wearing nothing but a scarf around her waist, and frank, still in his gym shorts, were attending to members of the group, when Jeniffer turned to Kim, and said, "Hi Kim. Enjoying your stay?" Everyone who heard the question, turned their focus on the little hairless naked girl at the bottom of the stairs.

"Yes", Kim quickly replied, as tried to go around the group. She had to shuffled passed some of them on her way to the exit that led to the beach. She encountered several incidences where her bare skin brushed against the fabric of their clothes. Each contact was a stark reminder of her utter exposure. As she made her way through the group, Kim had to endure the indignity of the occasional pat on the head, by people who thought she was a child. Just as she reached the exit doors to the beach, she heard a familiar voice say to Jennifer, "That little girl looks exactly like my business consultant". Jennifer never let on, and simply replied, "Enjoy the races, Paula". "OMG! It was Paula Nelson", Kim thought to herself. Paula was one of Kim's clients. Kim ran to the lifeguard stand, and while almost out of breath, asked Tony, "Who are those people in the lobby?"

Tony nonchalantly replied, "Oh.... They're just a group of people who come here once a year to get naked, swim in the lake and have canoe races". Kim, with hope in her voice, responded, "So they're nudists?" Tony plainly replied, "No... Not really. They're just some people who want to experience the lifestyle, without the stigma. My mom allows them to come one day a year, for two reasons. First and foremost, they may become future guests of the resort. Second, their entry fees to the resort brings in extra cash. They all understand that absolutely no cameras are allowed. They happily abide by that rule, because they don't want to end up naked on the internet themselves".

Kim looked up at Tony, as he surveyed the swimming area of the beach from his lifeguard stand, and said, "I know one of the women in the group", in a tone filled with anxiety. Tony simply replied, "Did you say hello to her?" "NO! No, I did not!", was Kim's immediate response. "Why not?", Tony asked. "Because I'm naked", Kim replied, feeling ashamed. With a dumbfounded expression, while mimicking a person looking around, Tony replied, "Yeah....You and most everyone else here". Kim looked down and quietly admitted, "I have no breasts". Tony looked down at her, and said, "Breasts are overrated. You have a high level of intellect, Kim. That's how you got where you are today, isn't it?"

"You're right!", Kim replied, with a newfound confidence. Tony leaned over, and whispered, "Good. Because there is a woman walking in this direction, and I think she is calling your name". Kim became frozen in fear, when she first heard the familiar voice call out, "Kim! Kim! It's me, Paula!" Tony reached down and touched Kim's hand, then quietly said, "Imagine you are fully clothed in your office", as he sat back up, never had taken his eyes from the water. Kim turned around to face the approaching Paula. Paula was 5' 7" tall, a foot taller than Kim, and weighed 145 lbs. She was also, a bit too bubbly at times.

Kim acknowledged Paula, and said, "Oh, hi Paula. What are you doing here?", attempting to appear nonchalant in her nudity. Before Paula could respond, Kim continued, "I sent you the graphs and sales projection software we talked about. It was sent to your e-mail today. Just download it and you'll be off and running. You can also modify it to fit your needs. I can walk you through that process if you want". Paula had barely heard Kim's first words, as she took in every square inch of her tiny physique. Looking like a kid in a candy store, she blurted out, "Kim! You are so adorable! You're like a little China-Doll!" Tony had to refrain from laughing since it was the second time someone referred to Kim as a 'China-Doll' that morning.

"Paula. You go enjoy your activities and I'll talk to you next week", Kim said in a soft but stern voice, hoping to end this impromptu meeting, as soon as possible. As she turned towards Tony, she felt a pinch on her left butt cheek. She spun around, and said, "Paula! Stop it!" Paula looking guilty as sin, replied, "I'm so sorry Kim, but I couldn't resist! You have the most adorable little bottom. You have the butt cheeks of a ten-year-old!" Kim was horrified, but somehow retained her composure, as she positioned her 97-pound body, inches away from Paula 145-pounds. Looking up, and in the most subtle yet insistent tone, Kim said, "Paula....I want you to go and enjoy your activities. I will talk to you next week. O.k.?" Paula nodded "Yes" then caught up with her group of naked canoe racers.

Kim turned her attention back up to Tony, who was looking fine in his little red 'speedo of the day'. He was still maintaining his surveillance of the swimming area, while remaining somewhat engaged. She let out a sigh, and confessed, "This day has been one big, "I Can't Believe That Just Happened", day. Tony looked down upon this enchanting young adult, Asian-American businesswoman, from his lifeguard stand, and said, "Paula's wrong, Kim". Kim anxiously waited for Tony to continue, when he said, "You have the butt cheeks of a twelve-year-old at least", as he smiled, turning his attention back to the lake. Kim had learned to both appreciate and ignore Tony's sense of humor, depending on circumstances. She leaned against the lifeguard stand, feeling pleased with her handling of what could have been a very awkward situation, still feeling liberated in her public nudity.

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Re: "I am an adult!" Part 1 of 3.

Post by student »

Kim, the liberated. Sounds like a follow-on is possible--talking to Paula "next week." Sounds like this story will be fun--and there is potential for being at work.
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