The Chocolate Factory Fiasco_New July 29

Stories about girls getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated by anyone or anything.
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Re: The Chocolate Factory Fiasco_New June 10

Post by olneenio111 »

Yo teenfan when are we getting more of this incredible story!
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Re: The Chocolate Factory Fiasco_New June 10

Post by TeenFan »

olneenio111 wrote: Fri Jul 19, 2024 12:23 am Yo teenfan when are we getting more of this incredible story!
Thank you for your interest, olneenio111.
I promise to get back to this story with a new chapter later today.
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Re: The Chocolate Factory Fiasco_New June 10

Post by TeenFan »

The Chocolate Factory Fiasco
Chapter 20. Milking Station

"Please come here and I'll tell you what to do."

That's what Willy Wonka says, as he places his hands on Helga's shoulders. Giving the girl a slight shove, he directs her to stand at the side
of the raised platform, which puts her head at around the same level as Charlie's head as he waits on hands and knees.

"By having the animal raised up, you won't have to sit down on a stool for the milking. I remember those times, many many years ago,
when my aunt complained how her back aches after milking first the cow followed by two goats on the family farm. Being able to stand
up like this gives you good leverage for the pulling down on a teat. Go on, give it a try."

Helga tries to pull back, but Mr. Wonka won't allow it. The girl is shaking her head. "You can't be serious, Mr. Wonka. You want me to pretend this
boy is a goat. You want me to milk him like he's one of your animals?"

Charlie must have figured out what is about to take place, as he suddenly looks down at his crotch, at his chemically stimulated hardon poking
out through the rip in his labsuit.

" she allowed to do this?"

"Please, don't make me do this," Helga pleads.

Charlie's grampa looks bewildered as well, and who could blame him. It's a strange sight to see one's grandson about to be milked in front of
the tour group.

"Maybe this will help, Charlie. You've been looking like you are going to explode down there, all red and throbbing. Just relax and enjoy it. I'd
trade places with you if I could. I've been called an "Old Goat" by my wife, but the only time she ever gave me a handjob was when we was
in courtship over fifty years ago."

Helga stands at the side of the raised platform, her target, the faux teat, only a couple feet from her face. A slightly trembling hand reaches
out to grab hold of Charlie's impressive, nearly seven inch penis, an amazing piece of equipment for a thirteen year old.

"Wow, I've never seen that on tv," Mike Teevee shouts as he runs around the platform to get a good look from the other side.

"My word...Wonka really means to have this poor girl grab that boy. Unbelievable," Mrs. Teevee says, as she rushes over to the side of her
son, tries to shield his eyes. It's only a half-hearted attempt, as her own eyes mostly remain fixated on Helga's hand wrapped around a boy's

Willy Wonka sees something out of place and corrects Helga's handhold position. "Helga dear, you have to flip your hand to grasping underhanded.
An overhand hold won't work so well...that's it...much better. Now you can start pumping him. Squeeze and pull down. Let up on the tension.
Squeeze and pull down. Yes, you're getting the hang of it."

It took a few strokes, but Helga was getting the hang of it. At first she only stroked Charlie's dick the way it naturally stuck out and upward,
being so aroused and stiff from the effects of the VIAGRA candy. But with Wonka's encouragement and suggestions, Helga has the long
teat like appendage hanging straight downward as she squeezes and tugs on it.

Charlie looks to his right side, looks back to see Mike Teevee's tongue hanging out of his mouth, a line of drool beginning to seep down toward
his chin. Looking toward his left side, Charlie looks over to see Veruca bending over to get a better look, and so amazed the girl is about
witnessing a boy getting his cock handled that she forgot she's supposed to be covering up her exposed breasts, which hang down enticingly.
Veruca's father eventually sees his daughter not covering up, and he taps her on the shoulder to get her attention.

Everyone's attention is on Helga, and she looks queasy, looks embarrassed and ashamed. She tries to look away from what her hand is doing.
Helga rolls her eyes when the annoying little Mike shouts out, "Hey Charlie, does that feel good?"

Seeing no need to lie, or coverup his feelings at this point, Charlie says, "Yeah Mike, this is awesome. I once heard a cousin of mine say he paid
a girl ten shillings for her to jerk him off. I guess that's the going rate on the street. It's nice to get this as an added bonus with the tour,
no extra charge."

Sweat begins to trickle down Charlie's forehead, as well as darkening the pink fibers of the lab suit around the armpits. Charlie begins to
resemble a panting dog, his own tongue slipping out.

"How long am I supposed to do this?" Helga asks, and she looks even more distraught.

Wonka gets out his little flute, blows a few notes. An Oompa Loompa shows up at his side, appearing as if out of nowhere.

"Get a pan set up under Charlie. I think he'll only last another minute. You keep milking him lovely lady. Your handiwork is marvelous."

The small orange faced worker brings a tin pan over to the milking station. The pan is placed almost directly underneath the hand milking
Charlie's penis, slightly out in front to adjust for the angle. Just in time too, as a few drops of liquid plop down into the pan.

"This can't really be like milking a goat. This is nothing like it," Helga says. "My hand is getting tired."

Willy Wonka looks at his wristwatch. "You've been at it for three minutes. That's about what I calculated how long dear ol' Charlie would hold
out. Oh, look now...I think he's about to let loose."

Charlie groans something fierce, nearly guttural in sound, animalistic. His body trembles from one end to the other. The sound of "Plink, Plink"
emanates from the confines of the tin pan as several forceful bursts of semen spurt downward. Helga continues squeezing and tugging as three
good blasts coat the pan creamy white. Veruca shrieked out loud when she saw it. She had moved closer and actually was the one nearest
other than Helga. A ricochet of spunk nearly hit Veruca in the face.

"Please, Veruca. Cover yourself," Mr. Salt admonishes his daughter, who at this moment isn't listening to him.

Helga continues to hold onto Charlie's so called goat teat, as it dribbles out a line of mostly clear liquid. Mrs. Teevee looks away, but Mike
is transfixed at the sight of the line oozing down from the end of a still throbbing penis. The line breaks off to plop into the pan.

"Mr. Wonka, can we end this disgusting demonstration," Mr. Salt raises his voice, something he never does with his spoiled daughter.

Blowing his flute again, the Oompa Loompa re-appears, ever helpful and ever present.

"Take this to Laboratory Number Six. Tell them this is for frozen storage. Now you young buck, don't you feel better after you've been
relieved of that pent up horniness and lustful thoughts. I saw how you were looking at Veruca's titties, and I must say they are a tasty
treat...visually I mean of course."

Willy Wonka takes out a colorful handkerchief, one that looks expensive and would cost quite a few shillings in a shop. Wonks bends down
to grab Helga's hand. He wipes her hand thoroughly. Charlie figures out the show is over, and he stands up on the platform. Even though he
still has some time to go till the effects of the VIAGRA have completely worn off, his dick is more droopy, nearly hanging downward instead
of upward, but it remains in a semi-hard state.

"That was an excellent demonstration of goat milking, Miss. Helga. With more practice you'd be able to fill up that pan in an hour's time.
My Oompa Loompa's don't like jerking themselves off. It's taboo with them. Sometimes I do have to hire outside help to umm, give them
a helping hand. If you are ever in the need of additional income please send me a note."
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Re: The Chocolate Factory Fiasco_New July 19

Post by TeenFan »

This is what Charlie's face looked like at the moment Helga grabs his goods for the milking. ... 1620a.jpeg

I'm sure he made a lot of funny faces while Helga squeezed and tugged on him.
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Re: The Chocolate Factory Fiasco_New July 19

Post by TeenFan »

The Chocolate Factory Fiasco
Chapter 21. Golden Chocolate Covered Girl

Finally, with much prodding, Mr. Wonka got the tour group going again. It took a while for the stunned parents, who had just witnessed
the demonstration of male milking, to regain their composure. Mrs. Teevee was having a conniption fit, huffing like she was in the throes of
a panic attack. The only adult in the tour group who seemed pleased with the obscene procedure was Charlie's grandpa. Grandpa Bucket
couldn't stop smiling.

"Wow, Charlie. If you were a horse we could rent you out for a Stud Fee."

"What kind of a fee is that, grandpa?"

"'s something they do with male horses...if they win enough races. If I had a sugar cube I'd hold it out in my hand," and grandpa laughs.
"I'm sure they have sugar cubes around this place somewhere. You need to regain your strength."

Willy Wonka leads the group once again down the hallway. The factory is so large, the halls seem to go for miles. Through a large set
of doors the remnants of the tour group are ushered into a large room. There are rows of tables, and sitting at each table is an Oompa
Loompa who appears to be polishing something large, something shiny like gold.

Wonka looks very proud of himself, "This is another special room. This is the Egg Laying room. Some of my most special chocolate is created
right here."

Amazingly, there are large geese perched in box nests up along the walls.

"What are these?" These are the geese that lay the golden egg. Fine chocolate covered in a thin layer of protective gold. Best in the world."

A goose honks and flaps its wings. A large golden egg slides down a chute. The egg ends up on some sort of a scale, where a needle points
to the word GOOD. A little worker removes the egg and he takes it to a table. The Oompa Loompa begins a vigorous polishing of the golden

Wonka continues to explain what everyone is gawking at, "That is called the Eggdicator. It can determine a good egg from a bad egg.
Then the good eggs get polished as you can observe."

Veruca Salt grabs her father's arm, "I want one of those gooses," she demands.

Mr. Salt does his best to purchase one of the unique and rare animals. He offers larger and larger sums of money, but Wonka insists the geese
are not for sale. Throughout this exchange, Veruca gets more annoyed and impatient. Finally she pops her top, waving her arms around,
letting her pink hued bare torso be exposed, her taut nipples looking like pink Hubba Bubba chewing gum. Hardly anything above the waist still
had any covering of half-melted cotton candy.

"I want one now and I always get what I want," the bratty little dictator screams.

"I'm sorry my darling...but Wonka won't budge," her father tries to explain.

Veruca screams again. She puts her hands to the side of her head, and she screams. Next she places herself between two of the tables where
golden egg polishing is taking place.

"Get this cotton picking candy cloth off of me," the girls shouts at the two Oompa Loompas next to her.

Veruca begins yanking the cotton candy lab suit down her legs. It sticks to her body and won't come off easily. Without needing any other
instructions or encouragement, the two Oompa Loompas help get the lab suit taken off, and they pluck the remaining chunks of unsightly pink
stuff from her back. As soon as this disrobing began, Veruca's father tried to rush over to stop her. Mr. Wonka grabbed Mr. Salt and refused
to let go.

In only a minute Veruca is as naked as a baby in a bath, but unlike a baby she shows a small but surprisingly thick tuft of hair nestled down where her legs attach themselves to her body. Mike Teevee stands stunned, mouth slack jawed. Mrs. Teevee is trying to cover her son's eyes, and he
responds by moving his head this way and that way, then slapping the hands away. Little Mike is not going to miss a minute of this show.
Helga has her mouth covered by her hands, but she seems less bewildered by the bawdy disruption. Maybe Helga was glad the focus of
attention was no longer on her, having been a main feature of the previous milking demonstration show n tell.

The show was only beginning. Veruca, having rid her skin of the irritating clumpy mess of cotton candy, the result of her unwise decision to
drink lemonade pee from a statue, twirls and spins her body. Gleefully she cries out, "I want it now. I can do anything."

Grabbing the sides of one of the golden eggs sitting on a table for polishing, Veruca uses her right fist to smash in the top of an egg. The
golden shell cracks like an eggshell. Large pieces of gold colored flakes fall to the floor. Underneath the golden shell the creamy brown
chocolate is revealed. The Oompa Loompa closest to her tries to grab the chocolate egg. The horrible girl slaps the diminutive worker
across the face as she shouts, "Hands off. I want it now."

Grabbing a handful of the creamy goose laid chocolate, Veruca paints her face like a warrior putting on camouflage paint.

"Veruca, what are you doing my darling," daddy dearest yells out. "Please stop that."

Veruca ignores her daddy, ignores the shocked stares of everyone around her. With increasing levels of defiance, Veruca paints her body with
the delicious creamy brown goodness. Looking like a rich bitch at a fancy European Spa, there to get the medicinal mud treatment, the naughty girl rubs her chest. After coating her breasts Veruca grabs another handful of chocolate. A collective gasp goes out as the tour group watches
Veruca rub the stuff directly on her pussy, rubbing vigorously between the legs. Knowing what the rude, ribald, and rascally girl is up to, the
Oompa Loompas grab the remaining golden eggs to remove them from danger.

When she is done, Veruca Salt is unrecognizable, covered from tits to toes in slimy but scrumptious chocolate. The display of wanton greed and lewd behavior has her father speechless as the girl twirls around once more. Next she runs up and down the aisles of polishing desks, knocking things over, pushing a cart into storage boxes. All this while a small gang of Oompa Loompas try to mitigate the damage. Try as they might, the Oompa Loompas cannot keep Veruca corralled. A mud monster with a slightly feminine form, Veruca gleefully terrorizes the little workers,
shouting expletives at them.

Somehow Mr. Wonka stands by coolly waiting for the girl's temper tantrum to subside. The actions of the girl must be like that of protestors
declaring how morally superior they are to the rest of humanity. During the Vietnam war, some protestors covered themselves with blood.
Covering herself in the world's most expensive chocolate must be Veruca's method of protesting her supposed mistreatment.

Finally Veruca stops making a mess of things, and she plops herself on top of the Eggdicator, sitting on the scale like it's her own personal
throne. "I want it now," Veruca demands for the last time. Apparently judging the melting chocolate covered rear end to be part of something
unsavory and spoiled, the needle indicator moves to the word BAD. The chute opens underneath Veruca, plunging her down into a shaft. The
last thing the tour group heard from Veruca was her scream. The fading scream is followed by stunned silence in the Egg Laying room.

Willy Wonka sums it up perfectly, "She was a bad egg."
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Re: The Chocolate Factory Fiasco_New July 26

Post by protonboy2024 »

Love the new chapter. I was hoping Veruca would end up being a Cadbury Creme Egg by the end of it, though. Love how creamy the insides of those things are. ;)
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Re: The Chocolate Factory Fiasco_New July 26

Post by TeenFan »

On the small chance that somebody here has never seen the "I Want It Now" temper tantrum thrown by Veruca, here it is.
The actress is absolutely wonderful.
Imagine this scene with Veruca wearing nothing but creamy chocolate smeared all over her body.

The girl's attitude was so fun to try to duplicate. I hope I captured it.
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Re: The Chocolate Factory Fiasco_New July 26

Post by Freesub »

I'm sorry but I'm convinced this is part of the original book.

"She was a bad egg" is so perfect for Willy Wonka to say in such a situation :D
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Re: The Chocolate Factory Fiasco_New July 26

Post by TeenFan »

The Chocolate Factory Fiasco
Chapter 22. Wonka's Personal Private Space

Charlie, Helga, and Mike Teevee stood with the remaining parents in a corner of the room. Veruca's father is no longer with the group. So
distraught and overcome with emotion he was (Willy Wonka said the chute went directly to the furnace), that he ran over to the Eggdicator and
dove down the chute head first. The Oompa Loompas are busy cleaning up the mess left behind when Veruca had her emotional chocolate
covered meltdown. Willy Wonka watches and inspects the cleanup job, then he saunters over to the tour group. Wonka is singing a song. It's an
old song, one that is very appropriate to the current state of events in the factory, specifically to the condition of the tour group. Wonka sings
with eyes gleaming bright as he quotes several modified verses of "Ten Little Indians".

"Six little candy kids playing with a hive;
A bumblebee stung one and then there were five.
Five little candy kids going in for law,
one got in Chancery and then there were four.
Four little candy kids going out to sea;
A red herring swallowed one and then there were three."

Wonka looks at each of the faces of the three contestants still standing. He gives Charlie a pinch on the cheek. He gives Mike a pull on the nose.
Wonka gives Helga a slap on the bare ass.

"You know, Helga. That shiny moon of yours is getting brighter every minute. Charlie Ol' boy has been staring at it ever since you fumigated
the Lickable Art Room. I'm sure he's also interested in your peaks and valleys. Perhaps soon you'll be able to satisfy his curiosity."

Wonka turns to look at Mike, "Mikey here is the only one who still has an unspoiled cotton candy lab suit. Amazing...where does he get his
self control from? He, along with Charlie and Helga, have made it past the halfway point on our tour. Lots of mysteries to expose. Maybe more
than that to expose."

Again, Wonka turns toward Charlie. "My dear Charlie, how is that mushroom shaped pedestal of a penis holding up? Not a raging fiery tempest
in a teapot I see, but still percolating nicely. Not too droopy...but believe me...nobody like a droopy dicky."

Mrs. Teevee is shaking her head. Apparently the only mom left in the tour group is stepping up to defend a child when an adult is being too belligerent and belittling. "Are you not picking on these kids a bit much, Mr. Wonka. Why do you use the term mushroom as you talk about
Charlie's um, um, unfortunate condition...caused by you I might add."

Amazingly, Mr. Wonka is silent for a moment, then he speaks in a somber tone, "You may be right. I'll try harder to let their mouths run a mile a minute as they ignore everything every adult says to them. I'll do better to let them get away with childlike behaviors and push adult caregivers around with obnoxious and incessant chatter."

"He can't be talking about me," Mike shouts out. "Everything I have to say is important. You said so yourself mom."

"Shall we get this tour on the road again?" Wonka says, and without waiting for a reply he heads straight for an escalator.

As the group clambers onto the escalator everyone has a hard time standing. As the escalator goes up, the individual steps move up and
down. Only by gripping the side rails for support can anybody stay on their feet.

At the top of the escalator is a small door. Actually it's a skinny door. Very tall in height but narrow. If Augustus Gloop was still with the group
there is no way he could fit through that door.

"What's up here, Mr. Wonka?" asks Grandpa Bucket.

"This is one of the highest points in the factory. This room here is the perfect place to test and study the effects of a number of natural
substances. Truth be told...I like to get high."

The door swings open. Charlie goes first, then the rest of them squeeze through the doorframe. Inside is a square room with kalaidescope
walls and stobe lighting in the four corners. Pillows and plush animals and bean bag chairs are scattered throughout the room, all sitting on
top of shag carpeting colored green like unmowed grass. Large paintings of planets and rainbows cover the ceiling. After the chocolate
waterfall room this is the most colorful and exotic room they've been inside.

Charlie appears to be impressed, "Wow. This is awesome."

Wonka pulls on a rope near the door. First the door closes, then a waterbed slides out from the far wall, the thin blanket rolling as the water
swooshes with the bed's movement.

"What in the blazes is this room all about?" Grandpa Bucket wants to know, as he looks around in total amazement.

Willy Wonka has a sly look about him, looking like a cat who just talked the canary out of its cage. Wonka takes off his top hat, and he tosses
it onto the large waterbed. "This room, my dear little boys and girls...and various members of the older people population...this wonderful,
colorful, stupendous room is...well, this is my bedroom."
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