Vignettes of Californium, Part XI -- Walking the Promenade

Stories about boys ending up in compromising situations, preferably naked and embarrassed, as the name suggests.
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Vignettes of Californium, Part XI -- Walking the Promenade

Post by ogden_edsl »

The following takes place six years after the events of Parts I-III.

It was the Spring of Clayton Townsend’s sophomore year at University of Californium. The days had become warm enough for him (and other male students) to be comfortably naked outside as well as in. He had just finished up the last of his classes for the day and was conversing with Derek, a friend he had met since starting college.

“I’m going to go walk the promenade. Would you like to join me?” Grant asked.

“OK”, replied Clayton.

The promenade was something that was, as far as Clayton knew, new that year; he couldn’t remember seeing it take place at all in his freshman year. But since the days had become warm enough outside for it, it took place every day. From just a few participants at the start it had become steadily more popular. It wasn’t any sort of official college event, and it was located in what had become a rather out-of-the-way part of campus, where once there had been an old building there that had since been demolished. But the walkway to it remained. And it was on the walkway where the promenade took place.

Most of those at the promenade, not surprisingly, were college students. But there were also some in their 30s as well as some only in high school.

When it was warm enough, as it was on this day, most of the males, including Clayton and Derek, arrived at the promenade naked. Some of the others wore only minimal clothing. Those waiting to walk it formed a line where those who weren’t naked removed whatever clothing they had on.

Although naked men on campus had become a routine occurrence, the promenade took things one step further. It was something that could only happen in a place where CFNM was firmly established as the norm, and also something that could never happen anywhere with the sex roles reversed: it was a place for males to essentially display themselves in front of women. Like Clayton had done at the Young Mr. Californium competition. Indeed, it had been a couple of other Mr. Californium participants who had helped start it. Some of the men were there hoping to get a date with one of the women; the women never themselves offered, but sometimes they accepted offers. Others were there for no other reason than wanting women to look at their naked bodies.

To one side of the promenade were arranged a series of seats where the females congregated. Some preferred to stand. Most were wearing a t-shirt or other short-sleeved shirt and long pants. Others had on shorts, usually longer ones. About twelve were there now.

Clayton stood behind Derek. There was no official signal as to when to start walking on the promenade. Either you waited until the man in front of you in line was far enough down the walkway, or one or more females would signal you to go. About eight men were waiting in line when they arrived. It only took a couple of minutes for the two of them to get to the front of the line. First Derek stepped out. About twenty seconds later, Clayton followed.

Clayton started walking forwards several steps, hands to his side. Then he turned and rotated himself completely around, stopping when he was facing the females. Then he briefly repeated the exercises that he had done in the Mr. Californium competition, first some push-ups, then some jumping jacks. Then he repeated the sequence.

He had completed this twice when he thought he observed one of the women beckoning him to come forward. He took a few steps off the walkway. No mistake; he heard one of them say “Clayton” and definitely beckoning to him. So he walked all the way forward and stood in front of her. She was wearing a shirt with Mickey Mouse on it and dark blue jeans. Her Auburn hair went about halfway down her back. She looked older than Clayton, but not by much.

“Hi, I assume your name is Clayton? I’m Erica. Are you a student here?”


“What year?”


“You have a nice body. Do you work out?”

“Yes, in the gym here.”


“Of course.”

“Hey,” broke in another woman nearby, “Weren’t you in that Mr. Californium competition?”

“Yes, but only in the junior division, and only a preliminary-level event. I did make the final, though.”

“How did you adopt CFNM?”, asked Erica.

Clayton went on at some length, beginning with when the females in his family returned from their “girls’ trip”. “And how about you?”

“It was really all the guys’ idea,” she replied. She began her explanation by saying that she had two brothers, Tommy who was two years younger and Brandon who was four years younger. Not long after the time that Clayton’s story began, the two of them began hearing tales about naked males going around in the area. Finally on a visit to Greenwood Regional Park, Tommy had seen it for himself. (“Yeah, my family went there that year,” Clayton interjected, “and we boys swam naked in that lake too.”). That sort of “turned them on” to it, she said. Then Tommy, who had begun sleeping in just underpants just a short time before, and Brandon, who was still using pajamas, both began sleeping naked each night. But soon they wanted to be naked more often, and went to their father to ask to go around naked at home. Having heard something himself about the increasing male nudity, he replied “Okay, I guess.” Later that day, the two of them went up to her and said “We want to show you something?” “Where?” “In my room,” replied Tommy. When they got there, the two of them told her to close her eyes. A couple of minutes later, Tommy said “OK, you can open your eyes now.” When she did, she gasped – both boys were standing in front of her, their hands at their sides, naked. “Us,” Tommy said. From that point forward, the two of them were naked at home all the time. And at Tommy’s suggestion, they had changed their sleeping arrangement: instead of the two boys in one bedroom and her in the other, she had taken over Tommy’s bed while each of the boys occupied the other bed on alternate nights, sleeping uncovered so she had full view of their naked bodies while she was fully covered in pajamas. It wasn’t long before their father was intrigued, and eventually he joined his sons in at-home nudity, including sleeping naked every night, which, her mother told her, produced a definite upsurge in their love life. (“Just like with my parents,” Clayton interjected.)

The following spring, the whole family made the first of several visits to a beach that they would take that year. When Tommy saw her with a bikini under her clothes, he suggested that she bring along a one-piece suit. When she asked why, he replied “I hear they are becoming more popular.” When Erica walked far enough from the parking lot to get her first view of the beach, the sight took her breath away. Up to then she had only seen her father and brothers naked, but here in front of her, although they constituted no more than half of the males there on the beach and maybe fewer, were by her reckoning some thirty or perhaps even forty men and boys who were stark naked. Once she had fully recovered and had gotten her fill of seeing so many naked male bodies at one time, she noticed that Tommy had been right; there were definitely more females wearing one-piece suits than she had remembered seeing in the past; in fact, by all appearances there were fewer females in bikinis than males who were naked. In talking to some of the groups there, she heard the term “CNFM” for the first time and what it stood for, and that the movement was advocating as much for women to wear more as for men to wear little or nothing. Since she had not yet stripped down to her bathing suit, she found a bathroom and changed into the one-piece suit. As it turned out, that would be the last time that she would put on a bikini. When she returned to the beach, her father and brothers had stripped down as well. They were not naked, but they might as well have been, as they were all wearing nothing but g-strings that left not much to the imagination. By the end of the summer, it would be totally unnecessary to use any imagination at all when viewing her father and brothers on the beach. Those outfits had been just their final stepping stone to total nudity there, which was the way they appeared in their third beach trip that year – their first time naked in public.

"Uh, huh", said Clayton. "You're certainly not the first family I've met or heard about where it was the males who brought CFNM into their lives. And when it's been the females -- I've never heard about a case where the males needed much persuasion."

Along with that came an increase in her brothers’ giving her privileges like getting to choose things first ahead of the two of them. “Girls have other privileges, too,“ remarked Clayton. “Parents might spank their sons, but nobody today would dream of spanking a girl.” Clayton also remarked about how he had been in a class on CFNM, and that the professor had said that there had been a lot of unequal societies in the past, but there was a big difference with CFNM in that while other unequal societies were established by the privileged group(s) at the expense of the unwilling unprivileged ones, CFNM and the related female privilege not only had full support of the unprivileged group, but as in her family it was sometimes at the initiative of the unprivileged. “Now my younger brother, the girl he spends much of his time with –- my brother-in-law’s sister, our families have interacted a great deal – she could probably make him her slave if she really wanted to. He’s very devoted to her.”

“No matter what, none of the males I know want to go back to a time when things were more equal. Like my older sister –- she got married just a short time ago – she has been keeping her husband on a strict rule where she gets to see him naked as much as she wants and he hardly ever gets to do so. And yet, he wouldn’t change it if he could.”

“One of the ways that I’ll demonstrate our inequality is to ask, would you like to put your hands on my body?” asked Clayton.

“Sure.” Erica laid one palm flat against his abdomen between his navel and his penis, and the other against one of his butt-cheeks. She began to gently move them around.

“There are your hands, and at my invitation. You could even grab my dick if you wanted. Meanwhile, I am not supposed to even look at your boobs, even when fully clothed. And I believe that is the way things should be.”

After Erica had had her fill of fondling his body, he looked around and saw that Derek was walking away from the woman that he had been talking to. So he said goodbye to her and headed over to him.

“Hey, I got a date,” Derek told him. “How about you?”

“I didn’t ask. I just wanted to chat.”

The reason for that became clear when he got home and embraced Vanessa Langford. It was not just a brother-sister type of embrace, and his uncovered penis began to stir with the close and sustained contact with her fully clothed body. It had taken a full year of living together, but the two had finally made their relationship into more than just a platonic one.

After they finally ended their embrace, Vanessa looked at him. “Do you know about ‘The Rules’? The arrangement that Alana and Adam have in their marriage?”

“Yes,” Clayton responded. “I was just talking about that with someone not long ago. And I know they’re both happy having that.”

“Well…I want to make them part of our relationship too.”

“I am OK with that. I know they work for Alana and Adam.”

“In that case…” Vanessa lifted her top over her head, then reached behind her and unhooked her bra, slipping it off of her to expose her breasts. “Let’s say that they will go into effect as soon as I put my top back on. So you had better take a good look now, because it’s never going to happen again.”
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