Naked on Summer Vacation: Slut Summer School (Complete) 36 Chapters

Stories about girls getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated by anyone or anything.
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Naked on Summer Vacation: Slut Summer School (Complete) 36 Chapters

Post by EddieDavidson »

Synopsis: It was 1984 in Sebastian Florida and my Cousin Blair had thrown one party too many. My Aunt found normal restriction and punishments just were not very effective. She put Blair and her friends through a re-education in Slut Summer School **Involves BDSM/Humiliation, there is a prequel Naked on Summer Vacation: Sissy Summer School that sets the scene but it is not required reading.
Sex Contents: Much Sex
Genre: BDSM/Coming of Age
Tags: Teenagers, Reluctant, Lesbian, Heterosexual, CrossDressing, Shemale, Slut Wife, Incest, Mother, Cousins, Aunt, BDSM, FemaleDom, Humiliation, Light Bond, Spanking, Group Sex, Anal Sex, Cream Pie, Enema, Exhibitionism, Fisting, Flatulence, Food, Masturbation, Oral Sex, Pegging, Sex Toys, Spitting, Tit-Fucking, Water Sports, Babysitter, Big Breasts, Public Sex, Cat-Fighting, Prostitution

The Prequel can be found here;

I'll dedicate this one to Hooked6 for all his inspiration on ENF/Forced nudity stories. The Florida Beaches "Suns out? Buns Out!"/ "Shits Out/Clits Out" mentality of some of the women down there, and certainly the mom in this story. At the end, I'll offer a few author's notes and reveal one Easter Egg in the story.

While not required reading, the prequel does set up the characters in greater detail and is mostly/semi-true. The introduction below will also summarize what happened from the main character's POV.


My name is Blair Conner, and I went to Vero Beach High School in Sebastian County. I was on Summer break in 1984 when I got into trouble big time. My mother insisted I write an accurate and honest account of that summer. It is difficult to recall all the details but let me provide a little background first.

I have reddish blonde hair, pretty blue-green eyes, an upturned nose, a few freckles, and people say I have “resting bitch face” because my natural expression is that of a bitch. That isn’t really true. I can smile. I just choose to look this way.

I suppose if you wanted to compare my appearance to a famous person a lot of people said I look like Molly Ringwald from Sixteen Candles and the Breakfast Club. She looks very stuck up, has the same kind of hair, and always looks like she just sniffed someone else’s fart.

It all began when my cousin Eddie came down to visit a week earlier.

NOTE: This is all detailed in Naked on Summer : Sissy Summer School

He, like most of my family, has the trademark red hair, and smirky expression of a know it all. He spoke with a lisp and had a very effeminate quality that made me instantly dislike him. I didn’t like many people back then and even people I did like it was generally only conditional on what they could do for me. I should clarify that it wasn’t conditional on what they HAD done for me in the past. I only cared about what they could do going forward.

He complained when my Mom insisted he strip at the public showers to wash off at the beach with my brothers Buddy and Lewis. They were all little enough that nobody out here cared. My cousin Eddie had some pubic hair, but he was hardly developed, and he made a big stink out of it.

My Mom used to make me strip off when I was little but as soon as I developed boobs that all stopped. I also didn’t like to play in the water anymore, so it was never much of an issue.

I should mention that my Mom was raised in a very strict household by an Ex-Marine drill instructor. My Grandfather was a member of the religious group “Children of God” in California during the 1960s, and my Mom was raised in a farm commune with her brothers and sisters. She used to talk about ‘flirty fishing’ like it was fun.

She and her sister would go out and tease and flirt with a young man in order to get him to come to church with them. She talked about her upbringing a lot, and half of the time I didn’t believe some of the things she told me and the other half I really didn’t listen. I just knew that my Mom was very opposed to raising me the same way, and I had never met my grandparents or much of my family.

Her father was a stern disciplinarian though, and my Mom believed profoundly in corporal punishments and corner time. She wouldn’t hesitate to pull my panties down around my ankles and spank me when I was a little girl, but again all of that stopped almost the moment I sprouted breasts. My Mom believed very heavily that all adults should be responsible for kids and expected me to be respectful to all adults at all times and listen to them. She would never have thought twice if our neighbor Mrs. Hannigan washed my mouth out with soap for cussing.

However, for the last two years or so, I was on easy street after I reached puberty because my Mom became for more lenient with me. I felt like we were almost sisters in that I could tell her anything and joke with her. My Mom has a stern side, but she also likes to laugh and is very playful.

She likes to party with her friends at local bars and is very adventurous. They work together at my high school.

I could boss my little brothers Buddy and Lewis around. When I had to babysit them I ruled with an iron fist. The only problem was they were too stupid to be of any use cleaning up the house or doing any complex chores. Buddy and Lewis are like chaos personified, and they just ran around creating messes and having a good time. My Mom was strict with them but not as strict as she was with Eddie.

She took a particular interest in my cousin when he came down to visit. He is her sister’s son, and I suspected she missed her sister. They had been very, very close and now they seldom ever saw one another. I think Eddie reminded my Mom of her sister and she wanted to ‘fix him.’

I can’t really explain this next part very well, but at some point, Eddie became “Jenny.”

I had purposely got Eddie in trouble. I can’t even remember why I did it. I had let him sniff my panties and then set him up so that my Mom would find out he did it. I also put suntan lotion on him in order to give him a boner and then screamed to my Mom that he was a pervert. In my defense, he probably did a lot of pervy stuff leading up to that and had been caught peeping on me while I changed.

I should mention though I waited with my bare back to my open window for a good long time for him to finally notice me and subsequently get caught staring at my body through the window that just happens to be near my Mom’s sliding glass door in her own bedroom.

My Mom decided to punish Eddie by making him wear the panties he sniffed. That led to her deciding to feminize him in what she called “Sissy Summer School.” She said it would teach him to respect women and stop being such a total pervert. I thought it was hilarious and wicked.

My Mom called Buddy and Lewis in and pointed at Eddie and said, “This is Jenny now,” and they both pretty much shrugged and accepted it as gospel.

I was shocked by how quickly Jenny adapted to living as a girl. At first, I had to teach her how to put on makeup and pick her clothes. I taught her how to look like a total slut instead of all the techniques that look good. However, despite that, Jenny made a pretty cute little girl and wore her curly hair in pigtails.

Mom even let Jenny sleep in my room. I quickly arranged a situation where Jenny would get in trouble for peeping on me to get her kicked back out. However, my Mom’s solution was to put the little troll UNDER my bunk bed and tie her wrists to the bedpost.

I had no problem with that. I would even wake up sometimes in the middle of the night and fart on him or put his hand in a bowl of water just to fuck with the little brat, and he didn’t even notice.

My Mom made him “milk” himself frequently by jerking off and tied a pink ribbon around his balls we could lead him around the house with. She never watched him jerk off, but she did make him throw away the cum in a tissue.

You could lead Jenny around the house by the ribbon like a little puppy. Jenny liked it, and sometimes my Mom would make me walk her up and down the street to practice walking in girl’s shoes. I began to see Jenny as a girl, and so did all the kids in the neighborhood. They thought Eddie had gone back home and she was his twin brother. It was lucky for Eddie he had that lisp and high voice because he sounded more like a girl than a boy anyway.

I could take my frustrations out on her, and she was smart enough to be able to do the chores around the house. The problem was that she seemed to enjoy it all. The meaner I was to her the more she liked it. I even stepped right on her balls once in front of my friend Julie. I treated her like a puppy dog. I got her in trouble. I called her names. I ordered her to kiss my feet.

The meaner I was to him, the more she thrived and the more he learned.

My Mom started to get a deeper appreciation for how quickly she was learning, and I have to admit I was jealous of the attention on some level.

I should also mention that any time I babysat when my Mom went out for the evening, I would bring over boys. I had been leading these particular boys Jack and Bruce on for months with my friend Julie. I would make Jack like me and then play Bruce against him and pretend to like Bruce more. I would promise sex if they did things for me and then say what they did wasn’t good enough and only let them finger me or suck their cocks.

I had them on an emotional rollercoaster and wrapped around my finger nice and tight so they would do whatever I told them almost as obediently as Jenny.

One night I got very drunk on wine coolers, and I threw up and passed out in the bed. I let my cousin go down on me that night, and I have to admit I did enjoy it. He was persistent, and with a little direction, he was capable. I wasn’t going to tell him that or encourage him to do it again but if I was ever lonely or bored I was planning to pretend to be drunk again and let him go downtown on me.

I also made him stick a hairbrush up his ass, spanked him, kicked him in the nuts, made him jerk off in front of me and eat it. Just about anything I could think of, and he did it all without complaint. If I am completely honest, I really enjoyed and admired that about Jenny. Jenny liked eating off the floor so much after I made her do it that she asked my Mom if she could. My Mom didn’t think Jenny was serious, and she suspected I had been making her do these things, but she agreed to it. My Mom told me this story I thought was bullshit about one summer when she was disciplined really hard by her father, and he made her eat off the floor. I only listened to part of it, but it sounded like an exaggeration she was telling me to scare me into behaving myself. She didn’t threaten to make ME eat off the floor or anything. In fact, if anything she confirmed she didn’t want me to go through what she did with her own father.

One night things all came to a head when I threw a very large party that got very out of hand. I invited over a few girls and way too many guys. I didn’t want too many girls because I wanted the focus and attention to be on me. The girls I did invite I knew weren’t as hot as me. There was Julie, my best friend, and often most bitter rival and then Mandy who is just a regular rival. Jack and Bruce bought this old car salesman to the party because he had dope and booze. He brought this girl Betty from my school with him. She was known as the biggest slut in school even though she was still a Freshman at the time. She is also extremely hot and has huge tits. I was instantly jealous of her because she just made the party all about her, and I wanted it to be all about me.

It was like she didn’t even try either. She just walked in and flicked a little bit of her blonde hair and shook her tits and suddenly the record on the record player skipped and played her groove instead of mine.

I started drinking and started thinking of ways to get the attention back on me. I humiliated Jenny by making her strip at the party just to prove I could do it. It only made people think Jenny was cool. I made Jenny bark like a dog and sit up and beg to humiliate her farther. Julie and Mandy helped by playing fetch and making Jenny roll over and beg. Betty called me “Adolf Titler,” and everybody laughed at me. I felt like Betty and Jenny were ruining my party although in retrospect I realize it was me who was ruining the party.

I held a spin the bottle game that I knew would let me make Jack extremely jealous by making out with any hot guys at the party, and if it landed on a dweeb, I could always pass.

However, Betty upped the stakes of that game when she suggested we “At least play for blowjobs.”

I played it off like it was no big deal and said, “Slutever,” but no one heard my play on the word “whatever.”

I should have said no at that point, but I am very competitive. All the girls lined up and spun the bottle. All the boys were around the bottle so it would not land on any girls. Betty went first, and she started sucking this guy’s dick right in the living room like it was nothing. I pushed Jenny in next, and I felt a little bad when the bottle landed on the car salesman, but Jenny went to town on him in the living room too. She looked all doe-eyed and innocent first, but by the end, she was over there lapping up the cum with Betty and kissing it back and forth. It was so gross.

Anyway, I made all the other girls go before me so that I could get the bottle to land on Jack. However, Mandy cheated and spun the bottle just hard enough it landed on Jack.

I didn’t want to play anymore. None of these other guys had done anything for me, and I really wasn’t interested in sucking their dicks for free. What would that do for me?

However, the frustrated boys insisted, and before I knew it, Julie and I were getting groped and touched and fucking them. It wasn’t exactly against our will. We were goading them and teasing them, but I didn’t expect them to start fucking us from the front and back. Most of them used condoms but that night several guys I barely even knew fucked me from behind while others fucked my face and they lined Julie and me up and fucked us together titty to titty. Julie and I made out in front of them and got fucked like rabbits all night long. Around 2 am when most of the guys were spent I even included Mandy Sonneborne and started kissing her and letting her go down on me in front of the guys that were still there to entice them to get hard and fuck us.

When I woke up, I was covered in spent condoms and dried cum from boys I barely even knew. I think Mandy had drawn a penis on my face with a marker. We both wrote dirty words all over the house in marker and trashed the house in a frenzy at the end. I was really high and drunk, and Mandy and I were basically hate-fucking each other around the house.

My Mom found me naked in the living room. I had planned to wake up Jenny and make her clean it all up before my Mom got home, but I must have passed out. Jenny had cleaned up for us before, but a lot of stuff was broken and permanently damaged. We burned holes in the carpet and the couch with cigarettes and stained the carpet. My Mom was super pissed because we rent this place, and the landlord is a total cunt and lives next door.

I didn’t know what to do when my Mom confronted me. I tried to act innocent at first and say that I was manipulated by Mandy into throwing the party.

I tried to blame my jealousy towards Jenny for why I did it. I tried a couple of my normal deflections, and that didn’t work this time with my Mom. I knew she wasn’t buying any of that, but I tried every trick I knew to get out of what seemed like the inevitable decision of my Mom to punish me.

It was hard to face your Mom even one who has been around as my Mom while you are in the nude and have a penis drawn on your face in marker that has little dashes indicating cum spurting on your face. It is harder still when you realize there is still a used condom stuck to one of your boobs and your hair is all covered in semen too.

I decided to fall back on my age-old tactic of pointing out that she wanted things to be different for me than the strict upbringing she had. I told my Mom that she should just go ahead and restrict me and take away my whole Summer. I assumed she was going to do that anyway and I may as well pretend like that was what I wanted her to do in the first place.

“Grounding you doesn’t work, talking to you sternly doesn’t work, warnings don’t work. All the modern parenting books are garbage and ineffective when it comes to a stubborn little slut like you,” my mom said with a disappointed look on her face. She was right of course. I was not afraid of being grounded or having my television privileges suspended. That would have been a joke not a punishment.

My Mom said that I should go stand in the corner while she made up her mind about what to do with me. My Mom doesn’t make you strip to stand in the corner, but if you are already naked from a spanking or a bath, then she will. I haven’t stood in the corner naked since I was very little and I haven’t stood in the corner with my clothes on in years. I wasn’t about to start now, and I said she wouldn’t do it.

My Mom said, “You are right. I won’t do it,” and I suddenly realized I had won. I didn’t expect my Mom to give up so easily, but I wasn’t going to look a gift horse in the mouth. She had backed down, or so I thought.

“I won’t make you stand in the corner, you are far too old for that to work any longer as a consequence. What I WILL do is make you go pull the blinds wide open, press your boobs in the window and put your hands behind and pull your ass cheeks apart. This way if someone is walking up, they will have advanced warning of what they will see when they come inside, and they can look at the front of you instead of the back of you!”

“You wouldn’t dare!” I demanded.

“Blair, how many times must I tell you that you have no idea what I would not dare or not dare! Get the curtains open and do as I tell you or you’ll be spending the day on the side of the road at the I-95 off-ramp begging for change in whatever I decide to let you wear. If you want a test of wills with me we have yet to even begin!” my mom made it clear she could dream up far more humiliating positions for me to be in then even naked in my front window.

Mom said when she was younger, her father made her stand that way and disciplined her and that it straightened out her ‘stubborn ass’ and made her into the self-reliant woman she is today. I told her she would not dare make me do anything that nasty.

My Mom said something I have heard her say many times before in jest but never quite in this context. She said, “You have no idea what I am capable of daring to do,” and she was right.

I argued, I complained. I threatened, I begged, I bargained. I offered to be the best daughter in the world and never raise my voice again. I yelled. I slammed doors. I made threats of running away, and I made vague threats about my Mom regretting treating me this way.

I yelled. I tried to reason with my Mom. I yelled some more. I lied. I blamed everybody else, even my Mom. I asked for forgiveness. I cried. I yelled some more. I tried to make my Mom feel guilty. There was nothing I would not have said or done besides admitting that this was my fault and accepting the consequences of my actions to make last night disappear and never have happened.

Not one tactic I tried changed my Mom’s mind. She had already decided I was at fault and that something had to change. She told me that the one thing she has learned in life for certain is that change is inevitable, and it was time for a really big one. My Mom promised me I would not like this change but that it was for my own good. She also promised me that the old adage “This is going to hurt me more than it does you,” was not going to be applicable because these changes were going to shake up the world of shit that I had surrounded myself in.

I stubbornly refused to listen or accept what she had to say. I insisted that I would change on my own but that I didn’t need to. I told her that I was happy with who I was and she seethed with anger and told me that I should not be. Her words hurt my feelings but I shrugged it off like it didn’t. My Mom didn’t budge an inch on her expectations for me or care about my crocodile tears or fake apologies. She didn’t care about my threats or logic either.

I don’t know if it was 10 minutes or an hour, but eventually, I found myself holding my ass cheeks apart with my tits pressed into a full-size glass window that reaches from floor to the ceiling. My nose and toes were pressed flush against the glass and the hour I was to stand there began the moment my mother was satisfied that I had pulled my ass cheeks far enough apart that she could see my entire asshole.

“Every boy at your party had a piece of your pussy. I don’t see why suddenly you are modest around me when you let strangers have every intimate part of your body. I know exactly what you have between your legs. You’ve argued with me long enough to make up my mind for me on what needs to be done. I wanted time to collect my thoughts and develop a plan for you like Jenny,” she said.

My Mom had consulted with me on the plan for Jenny. I had suggested we turn him into a full-time puppy around the house and make him bark and yip all the time. Mom had a different idea for what would work and why, and while it sounded lame compared to my idea, it was still pretty twisted. She called it “Sissy summer school” and it centered around re-educating Eddie into Jenny so that he would appreciate what it was like to be a girl. He wouldn’t see being a girl as a weakness or an object to lust over and blah, blah, blah. I stopped listening after she said he wouldn’t be a puppy.

Now she was developing a plan for me and said that since I had gone through the five stages of grief, I should be ready for ‘acceptance’ of my situation in an hour.

“Stand there and reflect. I want you to think about all of the possible consequences for your actions. I want you to think about all of the things you need to learn and why you need to learn them. I want you to think about how you could actually be made to learn them and take them seriously. I want you to think about the fact that I love you and I hate the fact that you are a stubborn little bitch just like I was. I’ve hated it for so long and yet I let it foster and grow in you until you’ve become an unbearable, petty, vain, manipulative, controlling bully who is incapable of being nice unless it is a ruse to get your own way!”

She was basically describing Nelly Olsen the brat on Little House on the Prairie only more of a cunt that steals and manipulates.

My Mom wasn’t wrong. I was all of those things, but I didn’t see what was wrong with that at all. I liked being who I was, and I didn’t think I should be anyone else. It worked for me, and who else should I be but myself? I didn’t want to change because not only did I not think I needed to, I didn’t think that was something people really did. I had grown comfortable with being a bitch. It was a position of power, and I despised other bitches like Mandy and made it my mission to make them feel inferior.

My Mom said Mandy was going to be in trouble as well for her part in all of this. I was at least glad something good was coming out of all of this. It made it easier to accept my mother’s punishment knowing at least Mandy would get something similar.

“I am sorry, Mom, but this is really over-reacting. What if your lover boy Mr. Donaldson comes over and sees me? Or Jerry?” I said. That was the wrong thing to say.

Mr. Donaldson was married and lived down the street. He was the father to some of the neighborhood kids that were friends with Jenny, Buddy, and Lewis. I didn’t like them because they were redneck hillbillies that could do nothing to benefit me. They had gone to the beach with us yesterday and seemed unaware that their father had fucked my Mom earlier in the week. I had been waiting to hurt them with that information when it suited me, but now I was willing to use it to scare my Mom into changing her mind about her plans for me.

“Then he would see the tits of an unrepentant little bitch who became too big for her britches, and when he came inside, I would explain to him why you are in the window,” My Mom wasn’t afraid of the truth.

Buddy and Lewis were up and laughing and giggling. They were pointing at my butt and laughing. I snarled at them and looked over my shoulder to warn them away from staring at me, but mother told me that my hour had just been reset the moment my nose moved off the glass to turn my head.

That wasn’t fair. There were plenty of times I caught them turning their heads during corner time, and we didn’t reset their time in the corner!

My cousin Jenny was the worst of them. I could feel the little pervert’s eyes staring directly at my asshole. I couldn’t help myself, and my butthole puckered and quivered from the humiliation I was feeling. I could hear them laugh.

“Go ahead and laugh! I will get even,” I warned them.

“You are far from even,” My Mom overheard me. “You have been Miss High and Mighty for far too long while I actually disciplined your brothers and cousin. You will be polite at all times to them from now on. There will be no revenge or retaliation for them witnessing your humiliation. If you are angry with anyone, then be angry with me. I am fine with that,” My Mom told me not to talk until she spoke to me again.

She picked up the phone in the kitchen and called her friend Elizabeth Sonneborne. She is an English Teacher at my school and Mandy’s mother.

“Hello, Liz? This is Samantha. Yes, I was aware of the party last night. Yes, I am aware there were drinking and a lot more. Everything we suspected they were doing happened and much more. Yes, I am going with the nuclear option. We’ve reached an impasse that is untenable, and I am not able to ignore my daughter’s behavior any longer. I would like you to bring Mandy by later today so you can see the damage to my place. Do you recall yesterday when you were joking about trying to adjust her attitude, and I offered to help? Yes, the offer was quite serious. There are going to be significant changes here for Blair. I would like you to keep an open mind, and if you agree then I would ask you to leave Mandy with me this weekend, and I will introduce her to the same rules I establish for Blair. Haha, keep her for the entire Summer? This place isn’t big enough for that, and my landlord would have a complete meltdown. I would like you to bring your husband with you. Oh, he is still out fishing this weekend? No, I don’t think I can go out tonight. Blair definitely won’t be babysitting, and she has made it impossible for me to have fun until I address her behavior completely. Yes, it was amusing last night. Okay, talk to you soon,” My Mom hung up the phone.

“You don’t really want to do this, Mom. You should have fun this Summer. I can babysit! I’ll totally accept whatever you decide if I fuck up again. I’ll embrace it as Jenny has, and we can go back to how things were again!” I pleaded as I held my ass cheeks apart. I was afraid, and this was my last chance to appeal to my Mom’s desire to have fun this Summer.

“I do not want to do this. I should have fun this Summer. You cannot babysit. You will not fuck up again because I will not give you another opportunity to fuck up as gloriously as you have fucked up. You will not embrace your discipline as Jenny has because you are incapable of being selfless and obedient in the same manner as Jenny. Now, I am going to get the soap to wash your mouth out for cussing and reset your time back to zero for talking. I would strongly advise you against trying to negotiate with me again because you are not in a position to bargain. You are in a position with your tits pressed to the window, and your ass cheeks held open wide. I suggest you consider your next actions very carefully because all I expect you to do is stand there with this soap in your mouth and give me one hour to devise the appropriate discipline plan to address your shortcomings. I have already made my decision that it is necessary to apply discipline. It is simply a matter now of sitting down and deciding what you need to learn and how you need to learn it,” my Mom said. She told Jenny to get a bar of soap, and my cousin dutifully brought a pink bar of soap to her. I knew better than to close my mouth and refuse the soap, but I did anyway.

“Oh, Blair! You have such a limited imagination, and now you are forcing my hand. I assume you think I’ve never dealt with anyone who stubbornly refused to obey me?” My Mom asked sternly. I refused to open my mouth as I knew she would slip the soap in my mouth.

“The one positive thing about this standoff is that you can’t speak while I hold the soap. However, I am going to have to teach you a lesson that you are not going to win no matter what happens,” My Mom said and disappeared into her room.

She returned with a box of items and pulled a black metal bar with ankle straps on it. She put it between my legs and then strapped it to my ankles to force my legs apart. My Mom nailed something above my head on either side of me on the window pane. I didn’t move a muscle or dare open my mouth. She removed my hands from my ass cheeks and pulled them apart and raised them over my head. She handcuffed one wrist and then attached it to a cuff she had nailed into the wall. She did the same with the other hand so that I could not move without tearing the nail out of the wall. My Mom pulled my arms to test the strength of the binding and then put in several other nails to hold the cuffs in place above my head.

At least now I didn’t have to hold my ass cheeks apart.

My Mom pulled my ass cheeks apart and put a bar of soap directly in my pussy - three-quarters of the way in. It stung immediately. I began to dance, and she used duct tape to tape it inside of me.

“The next one is going in your asshole or your mouth. Which do you choose?” Mom asked, very plainly.

I opened my mouth without a word. My Mom put the soap in my mouth and then applied duct tape to my face.

“One hour from this moment, if you are well behaved I will be back to talk about your new rules this Summer. If you behave and learn your lessons, I will ease some of your requirements while you are back in school. If you do not progress as I expect you to, then you will follow the same rules until Christmas Break when I re-evaluate your performance. I don’t care if you nod yes or shake your head no. This is how things are going to be from now on,” My Mom slapped my butt cheeks and said she was glad that I didn’t choose soap in my asshole because between Jenny and me she would need to go shopping very soon for more.

I seethed with muted rage for the next hour as I hung in the window pane naked and vulnerable in quiet solitude.
Last edited by EddieDavidson on Wed Jul 10, 2024 10:22 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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chapter 1

Post by EddieDavidson »

My Mom removed the soap from my pussy after I began to dance and wiggle obscenely due to the intense stinging sensation it caused as my pussy juice and suds flowed down my legs. She removed the duct tape from my mouth and told me that I would choose to hold the soap in my mouth until she removed it or she would put the soap back in my pussy. I had little choice but to stand there naked in the window of my own home with soap dripping down my mouth. I had a new appreciation for how bad it must have been for Jenny with the acrid soap in her mouth so often.

I could see Mandy and her Mom walking up to our driveway when they arrived. I gave them both a lemony smirk like it didn’t bother me to be stuck in the window on display like a puppy in a pet store even though it most definitely was the most embarrassing thing that I had ever done in my life at this point.

Mandy laughed at me and pointed, but Liz said nothing. I hated that bitch, and the only thing that gave me solace was the thought that she would have to endure the same treatment.

If I had to describe Mandy, I would say she looks a lot like Pheobe Cates from the Movie Fast Times at Ridgemont High or Mila Kunis who plays Jackie Burkhardt on “That 70’s Show”. Her mother looks like a slightly older version of her.

My Mom answered the door and greeted them like it was any typical day, and there wasn’t a naked girl with soap suds dripping down her chin and onto her tits next to them.

“You weren’t kidding when you said nuclear option,” Liz told my Mom. I could see Mandy looked worried.

“This is just until Blair is ready to listen. All morning she has been in denial, bargaining, and even blaming me for what she did. I believe we are past that stage and ready to discuss her new rules. I would like you to consider the same thing for Mandy,” my Mom said.

I couldn’t see Mandy’s face, but from the stunned silence, I pictured her eyeballs popping out of her head in disbelief. My Mom showed off the destruction from the party last night and asked Mandy if that was her handwriting on our walls and couch.

“Some of it, yeah” Mandy shrugged it off like it was not a big deal to draw big penises all over the walls shooting spunk.

“You and my daughter will be cleaning up this mess today,” My Mom said sternly.

“Nah, I don’t think so. Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves, and now we have free will. You can call the law, but you can’t make me do jack squat,” Mandy said. I had to hand it to her that was a tactic I had not tried with my Mom.

“No, I cannot, but your mother can, and if she puts me in charge of you, then you will be doing exactly what I say and how I say it just like Blair. Is that understood?” My Mom said, sternly.

“Say it one more time but this time like the Chef on the Muppets,” Mandy imitated the Swedish Chef. She did the voice “Nu, I cuonnut buot yuour muzeer cuon und iff she-a puots me-a in cherge-a ouff yuou zee-a yuou vill be-a duing ixectly vhet I sey und huo I sey it juost leeke-a Bleur. Is zeet understuod? Bork Bork Bork!”

Buddy and Lewis had a good laugh, and I would have too if I didn’t have soap in my mouth.

“She is almost as bad as Blair. Do you see why it is important to nip this in the bud before she becomes even worse?” My Mom said to Liz.

“Yes, but the discipline you described is not proper behavior for young ladies,” Liz sounded reluctant and undecided but not entirely unwillingly to discuss it.

“Do you see any young ladies in this room? I see two little conniving bitches. The only young lady is Jenny,” My Mom said. I couldn’t turn my head, but I believe Jenny curtsied, and Liz said hello to my cousin.

“Are you sure she should even see her cousin this way? I mean Blair IS naked,” Liz asked about my cousin witnessing my punishment.

“Jenny was at the party last night. Tell her what you did,” my Mom asked Jenny to repeat the events of the party. She went into great detail about how she served at the party, and then I made her lift her skirt and act like a puppy for my friends. She continued on into spin the bottle and watching everyone fuck us until she finally went into my room and locked herself in there.

“Let’s sit down and discuss it,” Liz said.

“Mom, you can’t fucking be serious!” Mandy insisted.

“I have a bar of soap, and I doubt you would like it in your mouth. You will watch your language in this house. That was your first and only warning,” my Mom told Mandy. Mandy didn’t say anything snarky back.

My Mom began to outline what she called Slut Summer School. She called it a re-education program that involved discipline.

“How would it benefit my daughter to make her an even bigger slut?” Liz didn’t see the point, and neither did I.

“I told you before about how I was raised in the Children of God,” My Mom explained to Liz.

Liz said that she knew that it was a commune in California that came out of the hippy counterculture movement of the 1960s. There was a time when Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat and all these Jesus freaks were very popular in the early 1970s but that time had long since passed.

“That is right, and my Mom used to take my sister and I out to turn men on to the message of Jesus Christ. We called it “flirty fishing” because we were just flirting to get men to come to our church. My Mom was a natural flirt and very beautiful. We believed we were using the power of our sexuality to do good things. God had made man lust so that he would procreate and choose the best-suited females to sire his children. We were just using those abilities to make men smile and in turn get them to listen to a positive message,” she explained.

READER’S NOTE: Flirty Fishing is a real technique

“I dont’ even believe in God, Jesus Christ!” Mandy said with a valley-girl accent like she would be gagged with a spoon.

“I am not asking you too, and I am not going to train you to do flirty fishing. I have no interest in preaching to you. That is something for you to decide when and if the time is right. The lessons I am going to teach you are far more basic and far more immediate in nature. I bring up that example about my past because, at the time, I was a bitch who was very stingy with my affection and body. Unlike my sister and mother who embraced the mission, I was the reluctant one. I wanted instead to get something out of the exchange of flirting. I wanted to use the men that came to the congregation. I would send them mixed messages and get them to fight one another. I would use the power of my sexuality to hurt them and make them feel small so that when I offered them even a little smile, they would come running. I found that by using that bait when I cast my rod to fish that I could control and manipulate. My father figured it out, and he began to train me as I intend to train you. I had first to be disarmed and have my power to control removed. I will do that to you. I had to unlearn next all the toxic behavior that I had learned to hurt and lash out at people that tried to help me. I will do that to you. I had to learn new values like humility, obedience, patience, and hard work. I had to learn to appreciate the privileges I had so long taken for granted. Only then could I learn how to be generous with my body, time, and affection and to listen and be respectful. I can’t promise to do all of that in the summer, but I can teach your mother and father how to begin those lessons and help reinforce them. Would you like that, Mandy?” my Mom asked.

“No, I would not,” Mandy said sourly.

“That’s unfortunate, but you will learn soon that what you want and what you need are two vastly different things. None of what I propose is going to harm you in ways that are destructive. None of what I propose is abuse,” my Mom explained.

“Fuck that noise! Blair is over there naked in the window with soap in her mouth!” Mandy laughed at my situation. “As funny as that is, I don’t think that would work for me! You are talking about training me like Jenny? She is a little girl! If Blair wants to do it that’s fine but count me the fuck out of this equation!”

“You are not ready to hear this lesson, but I have already told you what would happen if you cussed in my house. Jenny get the soap,” My Mom said without addressing the comment about my cousin Jenny.

“That seems kind of harsh,” Liz said.

“Yes, yes, it does. It needs to be harsh because what you see sitting in front of you is a reflection of what being soft has gotten you,” My Mom said.

“Mandy, open your mouth” Liz insisted and when Mandy balked my Mom stuffed the soap into her mouth. I wanted to laugh about her reaction, but I had soap in my own mouth.

“Mandy, you can listen from one of those corners. I am going to speak loud enough so that you and Blair can hear the expectations. You don’t have to disrobe right now,” she told her. I was disappointed. If I had to be naked, then Mandy should too.

“The girls will call all men Sir and all women Ma’am. There are to be no exceptions. They can address people by their title and last name if there is any confusion. They can address their friends as Miss Julie or Master George in the manner of proper protocol,” My Mom said. She believed profoundly in respectful titles at all time. I knew Liz would have no problem with that. She was an English teacher, and she was always harping about traditional etiquette.

Mandy folded her arms stubbornly like she wasn’t even paying attention but I knew very well that she was listening to every word so she could come up with excuses and reasons none of this would ever work.

“At home and whenever possible, they will remain naked. There will be no privacy at home at any time. They are not to cover themselves. They are not to discourage anyone from having a look. They will remain in common areas and not hidden away behind closed doors. They will knock before entering any room.”

“How would that help? My daughter is an extrovert! She wanted to wear my thong bathing suit to the beach!” Liz snickered at the very notion of that rule.

“That bathing suit would be perfect. The key difference is that it is not their choice to be naked. What they wear or do not wear is no longer on their terms. They must be naked and disarmed and vulnerable. If they are used to doling out looks at their bodies to those that they desire, then they must be used to exposing themselves to those they do not. It will embarrass them, and that is a form of training in and of itself. They will also completely shave all pubic hair and expose their cunts like little girls,” My Mom said.

“Wow, what about your feelings about cussing?” Liz was shocked at my Mom’s strong words.

“There is one consistent aspect in life, and that is change. There are words that are not going to be acceptable around the house. They cannot call you or me a cunt. However, they are both most certainly cunts who have cunts between their legs. They do not have vaginas. Vaginas are what ladies have. They have cunts. They will learn what cunts are used for and why. Their vocabulary will change, and we will adopt certain exceptions!”

Liz said nothing. I knew that my Mom was serious, but I was already thinking about the reasons why this was too extreme, and I would not do it. I was going to tell her that guys like Jerry would be way too turned on by me looking like a little girl

“In public, they will dress like good little sluts. They will wear thongs to the beach that would even make you blush!” My Mom promised. “They will not wear bras or panties under their clothes unless that is all they have on,” My Mom said.

“Again, I don’t think you know Mandy. She would totally love it if I let her dress like a slut. It’s Florida, and I already let her get away with too much. If a pair of shorts are so small, you can see the pockets hanging out. Then it is too small!” Liz sounded like she was coming up with reasons why her daughter should not have to do this. I didn’t want Mandy to get off the hook that easily.

“I understand what you are saying. You let Liz dictate the terms of what she wears and when she wears it. That isn’t what I am suggesting at all. I am suggesting you remove all options except ones that involve short skirts and tube tops. Liz will be taught to smile and let men have a good look. They will get it out of their system and not have to angle behind her. She will turn around and smile and wink at them like a good slut,” My Mom explained with a dour expression on her face.

“I don’t want a good slut for a daughter! That leads to a pregnant slut!” Liz smirked but she had a good point.

“Mom, you can’t be serious about any of this! I am right here! Stop talking about me as if I am not in the room,” Mandy pouted.

My mom and Liz both told her to shut up while adults were talking. I liked that and tried to keep the smile off my face.

“I agree that out of control sluts can get pregnant. I am talking about harnessing their deviant behavior and using it against them. However, you have a bad bitch for a daughter who controls her own sexuality. There is nothing that we can change to hide her tits, ass, or pretty face. You can put her in a sack bag and take away her makeup, but someone is going to see her natural beauty. There is nothing that can be done to change mother nature’s course as she evolves. The only thing we can change is your daughter’s attitude about it and the way she uses it. She opens her legs when and if she wants too. She opens her mouth when and if she wants too. What I am proposing is that you take ownership of her sexuality and use it as a method to control her. She uses the cunt to lead men around, and now she will have her cunt led around. We will remove those decisions for her and allow her to apply her sexual energy in a constructive way. I was taught when I was flirting fishing that if a guy gets a thrill seeing my bare butt when my skirt blows up, then that is one of the positive side effects. I hated it at first because I wanted him to suffer and work to see what I had under my skirt. I felt my cunt was special and different. It took a lot of training for me to learn that lesson. I stood where Blair is now except our house was much closer to the street, and our sidewalk was much busier. Needless to say, the paperboy never looked at me the same way again after that!”

“Oh, my, gosh!” Liz giggled at the sheer naughtiness of that scenario.

“The only thing I lost was my ego and attitude. They have that in abundance. I assure you they will not get pregnant because we will start them on birth control pills and ensure they take them every day. We will also teach them to offer their assholes and mouth whenever possible if the need arrives,” My Mom said sternly.

“You can’t be serious,” Mandy shouted from the corner as the soap dropped from her mouth.

“If you think I am kidding, just look at Blair. She has her tits pressed in the window and her legs apart. Does it really seem like I am joking?” My Mom replied, sternly to Mandy. I was embarrassed to be held up as an example and at the same time happy I could be used to scare Mandy.

“Why don’t you do this to Julie too? She was just as shitty as we were!” Mandy threw her hands up in the air in frustration. I hadn’t thought about roping Julie into this. I had to admit that I liked how Mandy thought. She was going down and now she would drag her friend down with her.

“I don’t know Julie’s mother, but I would be happy to discuss the matter with her. As of right now, Julie is not your concern,” My Mom shut down Mandy just like that and continued with her rules.

“We know they are sexually active. We also know that without any limits or rules, they let boys have sex with them last night. The condom wrappers I’ve left on the ground are evidence of that. I am simply going to teach them the alternatives that involve giving pleasure without reciprocation and with no risk of pregnancy. That includes using other parts of their bodies,” My Mom made it sound very logical.

“Just don’t tell my husband. I only let him do anal on his birthday,” Liz joked. She had a lusty sense of humor when she was around other teachers, but she was all business at school. She asked my Mom if this was why she won that banana eating contest at Captain Hirams.

“Absolutely, I will teach both of them, but that will come after we work on the basics. If not, they will use those techniques to get what they want from men. I must first give them the right motivation and attitudes. This will be tough love all the way from the start,” My Mom promised.

Mandy’s face was full of anguish but she bit her tongue and waited to try to reason with her mother. I knew she was thinking of all the tactics I had already tried unsuccessfully to get out of this. The problem was Liz was probably a push over compared to my mom.

My Mom told Liz we would be strapped twice a day regardless of how we behaved in addition to spankings and punishments for misbehavior. She applied these maintenance beatings to Jenny and said they were not intended to punish her for things she may do in the future. These beatings were designed to keep her attitude in check and maintain a disciplined household. They were to remind her of the consequences of misbehavior.

“Let’s say that Mandy and Blair were for some reason perfect angels and did everything we told them to do without complaint,” My Mom explained hypothetically.

“I’d love to see that,” Liz admitted and looked at her daughter. Mandy rolled her eyes and sighed while folding her arms stubbornly.

“However, let’s say that once we got them in that mindset of perfect angels that we did not apply maintenance beatings, and they started to naturally revert to their crabby, selfish, controlling and lazy selves until they did something either by intention or subconsciously to trigger a punishment. The punishment would serve to put their attitude in check; however, they have to reach a point of disobedience first. We already know they need discipline. A maintenance beating twice a day will not be so frequent that they stop caring about getting punished because they are punished all the time anyway. At the same time the beatings will be consistent enough to keep their minds in the right submissive mindset reinforcing to them that they are under constant discipline and our watchful eyes,” My Mom explained.

Liz chuckled that her daughter was no angel and she just looked at me knowingly to imply that I obviously wasn’t.

“I understand that and I don’t think they will be perfect angels under any circumstances. We are past Pygmalion and turning them into proper little ladies. I am talking about a Slut Summer School where we take away their power to be lazy, vain, cruel, selfish, and controlling. Once we get them into the mindset of obedience then we can either way for the inevitable decline in behavior and rebellion or we can schedule maintenance beatings to keep them that way,” My mom made it sound like there was simply no other choice but to spank me twice a day.

Liz said she wasn’t sure she could do that but my Mom said that if she didn’t she’d be punishing Liz far more frequently after whatever mischief she caused was detected.

“It will be harder in the long run if you spare the rod,” My mom said. She promised “Once the daily pattern takes root they’ll grow to anticipate and expect it the way Jenny does as part of her regular daily routine. The girls will come to appreciate it and understand the reasons even if they don’t seem like it now.”

I definitely wasn’t going to appreciate being spanked whether I needed it or not. I could assure my mom of that but she didn’t want to hear my sarcastic comments so I bit my tongue and bided my time.

I had never listened to my mom explain why she beat Jenny twice a day before or felt the need to question it. I just liked the fact we got to beat Jenny twice a day to wipe the goofy smile off her face no matter what she did. I hated the fact that the maintenance beatings actually made sense on some level the way my mother was explaining it to have structure and routine in discipline and keep everyone in line. It had seemed like just another wicked chance to bully my cousin and my mom was ruining my fun by having it serve some purpose.

My Mom said we would both be shaving and have an entirely new hygiene regimen and be supervised in the bathroom. She said we would beg permission and be timed while we went to the bathroom. My Mom said that we would also receive enemas once per day and be inspected top to bottom frequently. She said we would take our meals on the floor like dogs.

I think Liz was enjoying this discussion but thought it was way too over the top. My Mom told Jenny to eat a bowl of Apple Jacks off the floor. Jenny prepared herself a bowl with milk and placed it on the floor then dutifully got on her hands and knees and slurped it up.

“Over time, she will be expected to eat faster and not spill the contents on the floor. Jenny is not being trained with the same techniques as Liz and Blair because of Jenny’s symptoms, and hard wiring is vastly different. She asked to be fed this way because Blair introduced her to it, and she found that the act of eating off the floor made her appreciate sitting at the kitchen table and using silverware.”

“The problem I have with all of this is when my husband comes home he is going to freak out. Even if I felt like I could be as strict as you, then I would have to deal with his comments. He’d think I was off my rocker,” Liz said. “Then there is her brother Gerald! He would have a field day with this,” she said. I forgot about Gerald. He was a Senior in High school, tall, dorky with a face full of acne. I could tell from Mandy’s startled reaction to even thinking about Gerald finding out she was in discipline she definitely didn’t want that. I would have to make it my mission to get word to him and invite him over if she ended up in discipline.

Liz also explained they had dogs and they would come sniffing around her butt as soon as she was on the floor.

I could almost sense Mandy’s look of smug satisfaction that I would be stuck here, and she would be let off the hook. I hated that idea.

“Liz, do you want your daughter to change, or do you want things to continue as they are?” My Mom made it very clear she wasn’t going to accept a vague answer at this point. It was either do this or don’t do it. There would be no joking, no fantasizing about what if. My mom made it clear she wanted to know if Mrs. Sonneborne wanted things to change.

Liz said that she wanted them to change but that she just didn’t think it would be possible. It wasn’t the answer my mom would have preferred. She wanted a definitive yes or no with no conditions. I knew my mom well enough to see that in her face.

My mom explained that modern parenting techniques just weren’t effective when dealing with snotty little sluts like us. “You think taking away her privileges to watch TV will change this? Be my guest. You want to give her a stern talking to? See if it works! I can promise you that you’ve tried it a hundred times before and another stern warning won’t do jack or squat. You say you want change, but you aren’t willing to do anything that would actually change her,” Mom looked disappointed but she would accept whatever Liz decided. She wasn’t pushing Liz. She was just telling her what I think Liz already knew but needed to hear someone else say.

“Look, I am as progressive as the next. I am the teacher who wears a thong to the beach even though I know some of my students and parents will see me. I don’t have a lot of hang-ups about the body, and while I have a lot of reservations about your techniques, I would be lying if I didn’t say I have seen what you did with Jenny and believe you know what you are talking about. I just don’t think I can do it,” Liz said somberly.

“I understand, and I respect your decision. I am always willing to help,” My Mom told Mandy she could take the soap out of her mouth and rinse her mouth out and she was free to step out of the corner.

I spat my soap out at my feet and spluttered the words “Waitthhh, one minute!” I probably sounded like Sylvester, the cat when he says, “Sufferin Succotash!”

“Blair, stop this outburst at once! Mandy may not be in discipline, but she is not your concern,” My Mom didn’t raise her voice, but her words shot right me through and made me cringe in fear for a moment.

“She is my concern, Ma’am. Please let me speak for one moment?” I begged in a very concerned tone. My Mom permitted me to continue, but with some apprehension in her voice.

“You say that Julie and Mandy are not my concern, but it was my nasty influence that gave them permission to act as they did. I was the one who invited them to the party,” I said. I had not wanted Mandy at the party, but I was trying to sell myself as accepting blame for my actions. I hadn’t tried this tactic yet, and I was doing my best to sound convincing.

“I will swear right now to accept all of the rules that you have made and apply myself fully to my re-education if you will let me try to fix my biggest mistake with my friends, please?” I pleaded. I knew my Mom was buying it because she wasn’t saying anything to stop me, and if she thought I was not sincere, she would have shot me down a long time ago.

I was quite certain at this point that regardless of what I did, my Mom intended to make me follow the rules she outlined. I thought the best thing I could do was to play this final card and drag Mandy into it with me.

“Let Mandy stay here with us. I will be the best possible role model for her and Jenny as well as my brothers on how to behave like a good slut. I swear to you! I want to undo my influence on Mandy. I’ve made her into a bad girl, and that damage cannot be undone with just being told to stay home on a Saturday night or a simple bar of soap. I know that you are right. Just tell her Dad she is at Summer Camp and she is going to come home with a new attitude! I feel so horrible about the things I’ve done to Jenny and to her! If she had never met me, she might not be such a miserable cunt!” I said. It felt good to be able to call her a cunt in front of her Mom and my Mom and mean it.

“I suppose you want me to call Julie’s mom and try to arrange for the three of you to train together?” My Mom asked. I had not expected that. Julie was an asshole and a bitch just like me. However, I didn’t want to get her in trouble. I didn’t want to be trained either, but I had just agreed to it in order to keep Mandy here.

“No, Ma’am, I am sure the house would be too crowded. I already feel bad asking you to let Mandy stay over to address my mistakes,” I quickly tried to backpedal.

“Mandy, how do you feel about staying here?” Liz asked her daughter.

“Are you serious right now?” Mandy was outraged and shocked. “It’s obvious that Blair is just saying this to get me in trouble,” Mandy was smart. She saw right through my lie. “You sent me to Catholic school to straighten me out. Now you think sending me here to be naked will?” Mandy was outraged.

“I don’t blame you for thinking that. It is something I would do Miss Mandy. I know my Mom and Mrs. Sonneborne must be thinking the same thing. I’ve been vindictive, cruel, and a terrible influence. The thing is I hate seeing you reflecting my face back at me. Every time I look at you, I only see myself, and that is why I’ve been such a cunt to you,” there was a nugget of truth to that lie. I was a cunt to her because she was a girl and a rival. However, she was very much like me. “If Miss Julie’s mom would let her come here then I will behave myself and tell her that I think it is the best thing for us,” I said as I faced forward looking out my window at our street in the distance past the driveway.

“Bullshit, in a day you are going to be crying that this is too hard and you don’t want to do it and then I will be stuck here naked like an idiot! This is one of your tricks,” Mandy insisted. It was one of my tricks, and in truth, I didn’t know where I was going with it. All I was trying to do was stick Mandy with the same rules I would be under. I wanted to know how she thought I could somehow twist things so that I got out of this in a day if there was a way to do that I would do it.

I asked her how she thought I would be able to do that, and Mandy said that I was conniving enough to find a way. That wasn’t any help to me.

“Mom? May I call you, Mom? or do I need to call you, Mrs. Connor?” I asked my mother. My Mom hadnt decided yet what I should address her other than as Ma’am. She said that was fine for now.

“Mom, would you be willing to give your word to Mrs. Sonneborne and Miss Mandy that if I complain even once or refuse to comply with your orders that she is free to go home and I will accept spending the next full school year in discipline and carry her books home from school as well as clean her room.”

I instantly regretted offering to do this for an entire year. I should have just said until Christmas break. However, at the time, I didn’t think I would complain or want to quit as long as I could ensnare Mandy in the discipline.

“I suppose if I complain or refuse to comply, then the same thing happens to me? That is what you want, isn’t it?” Mandy was really quick at figuring out my motivations. I would have loved for her to be stuck in humiliating discipline for a year carrying my books and cleaning my room too.

“What I want is to remove my influence from you. Once that stain is lifted, only our mothers can decide if a full year would benefit you. I wouldn’t hold you to the same commitment I am willing to make. My mother has made a strong case about the benefits of accepting her wisdom. She knows what is best for me. I can’t say what is best for you,” I said. I knew I had just spiked the volleyball back into her court, and she would not know what to say or do with my response.

“I would like to see how you both handle a week before you start making commitments to a year of obedience training. Your mother and I will evaluate you both next Saturday. If we feel it is worth continuing then at the end of the summer, I will decide whether you need discipline for a year or not. While I appreciate you volunteering for that Blair, I do not think you understand the full scope of what you will be expected to learn to make that kind of commitment,” My Mom said. She was clearly skeptical of my motivations to make such an offer. I was trying not to seem transparent but my mom is very observant.

“What you seem to be describing is a game of chicken where the first girl that blinks or hesitates is now going to have to serve even longer. I don’t think you understand that you are not dictating the rules and this not a game. I appreciate incentives to motivate you but I don’t intend to enforce your petty little rivalries,” My Mom rejected my suggested outright.

I hated that she could figure out my games so quickly.

“See?” Mandy said to her mother. “They are conspiring. Blair already made the deal, and now her mother is backtracking!” Mandy insisted. There was still hope that Mandy would take the bait and play this game with me. I would have to figure out how to spin the conspiracy angle to my advantage.

“I am in no way conspiring,” My Mom took offense to that accusation immediately. “I simply want what is best for you. If the two of you offer to train for the next twenty years and I have nothing left to teach you then that isn’t going to happen. You two are not creating the rules of your own training but I will meet you half way. If you learn all I have to teach this summer, then you will be free. However, since you insist on some assurance, then I will give you my word that the moment my daughter refuses to obey or tries to quit that I will release you of your obligation to stay. At that point, You can choose to stay until you are finished or you can return to your shitty little ways,” My Mom said with a solemn tone.

Mandy’s face suggested she was not done with her shitty little ways and would have a hard time giving them up. I respected her for that but she would need to be a better actress if she was going to trip me up.

“What good is your word if it is anything like your daughters?” Mandy asked angrily. I could tell she was trying to think of a reason not to take my mother’s deal. I was trying not to smile because it was like the two of us were able to read each other’s minds. Mandy probably knew I was secretly happy she was backpedaling now.

“Mrs. Conner is a lot of things, but she isn’t a liar,” Liz assured her daughter that my Mom would keep her word. I had to agree with that. My Mom has always kept her promises with me. It was the cornerstone of how she had raised me even if I seldom kept mine.

“Consequently, if you should disobey or refuse to continue training, then I would release my own daughter from her obligation to discipline. She would be free to continue, though voluntarily. You, on the other hand, will spend the next school year at your own home this way regardless of your father’s feelings. Liz, would we be able to arrange that?” My Mom asked Mrs. Sonneborne, Liz was reluctant and said she’d have to talk to her husband, but she thought Gerald would be ecstatic. She was clearly trying to get Mandy’s goat. I don’t think she was serious about talking to her husband about keeping her daughter in discipline. I think Mrs. Sonneborne just wanted to make us sweat over the possibility.

My mom on the other hand was as serious as a heart attack.

I liked that loophole. It meant that all I had to do was make Mandy quit, and I would be done with this entire business. I wasn’t sure how my mom would get us to obey an entire school year if we refused during the Summer, but I knew my mom could out-stubborn a mule when it came down to it and would probably find a way.

“You are going to make Julie do this too?” Mandy insisted on knowing whether or not Julie would also have to endure any of this before she would agree to it.

If Mandy wasn’t such a total bitch, we could probably have been friends. I had to respect the fact that when she was going down, she reached out to try to bring my friend Julie down with her.

“Yes, Mom, if Mandy and I can demonstrate the positive value of this training will you ask Julie’s Mom if she can stay too and make the same commitment? I would appreciate a chance to apologize to her mother because it is my fault Julie is such a cunt,” I admitted out loud.

It sounded strange to hear myself say it out loud, but I’ve always believed my friend Julie was a cunt. It was just one of the things I actually liked about her. I was a terrible influence on Julie, but she was already a twisted, selfish twat when I met her. I just helped to bust her self-esteem so she wouldn’t try to eclipse me

“I’ve already told you I will tell Julie’s parents about her role in the party and the events leading up to it. She is not welcome here unless they take drastic action to change her. I will not speculate further about that with you. We are talking about here and now. Mandy this Summer School is not conditional on Julie’s enrollment. Your mother has signed you up and that is the end of the story,” My Mom declared sternly.

“I agree,” Liz said skeptically. She looked at her daughter. “I’ve known Mrs. Conner for a really long time. I trust her with all of my secrets and she trusts me with hers. She is a lot of fun and a smart lady. We’ve discussed your behavior over drinks a lot in the past. This isn’t the first time I’ve considered disciplining you the way she described. This is however the first time I realized that it is long overdue and that I am not capable of providing it. I’ll check in on you frequently but you can do this. It is going to be hard. I want you to do everything that Mrs. Conner says and I want you to know I love you!” Liz told her daughter.

Mandy gave her mom puppy dog eyes and tried to guilt her into changing her mind. “I am so sorry Mom! I will never do this again!”

“Don’t give me the puppy dog eyes. I’ve already signed you up! All you are doing is proving to me that I can’t be the one to discipline you if I were to let you out of facing the music for what you did last night!” Liz told her daughter and put her foot down.

“Mom! It was just one party!” Mandy insisted that this was not the end of the world. I agreed but I kept my mouth shut. I’d happily let Mandy put her own foot in her mouth and keep talking.

“You’ve done a lot of bad things prior to this that I am not going to go into or I’ll be here all day. It was not just ONE party. It was a gang bang and there was booze, drugs and adults here. You trashed my best friend’s place and drew all over her walls. You are doing this and that is the end of it,” Liz insisted.

“Then it is settled. Liz, you are welcome to stop by at any time. Mandy can stay for the entire summer. Once that is over it will be up to you whether or not to continue at your house,” My mom said to her mother.

“I have a question, Ma’am,” Mandy could be very anal-retentive, and I was hoping she would dig herself further into a hole. I was surprised she had already shifted to calling my mother Ma’am. It seemed as though she realized she wasn’t going to get anywhere whining and needed a different approach.

Mandy had already basically agreed to humiliate herself in a contest of wills with me, and I was excited to make her regret that decision even if it would cost me my own dignity in the process. I can be very competitive, and so could Mandy. I could tell she was having second thoughts now that she was actually going to have to follow through with us.

“Will you be deciding which one of us learned the most at the end? Like a Slutadictorian or something?” Mandy made a play on the word Valedictorian. Mandy could barely hide how patronizing she sounded when she asked the question. My mom told her she didn’t have any such attention, and this was not a competition.

That was a surprising question. I wondered what her angle was? Was she going to try to be teacher’s pet? That was Jenny’s angle already and she had the position locked down tight.

“Okay, I understand Ma’am, you know best. I just know that when I have a goal that I can shoot for, and I know there is a consequence to failure and a reward for success I can focus more effectively,” Mandy sounded a lot more believable that time. I wondered what angle she was playing at.

“I’ll make sure to put two gold stars on your nipples if you are well behaved, how is that?” My Mom snickered with her wry wit.

“Sorry, I thought you were taking me seriously, Ma’am,” Mandy was good. My mom couldn’t resist asking her what she meant when she said that.

“I didn’t suggest meaningless gold stars. I meant something like whoever was the best over Summer was done with discipline but whoever wasn’t would have to continue,” Mandy pouted that last part. My mom didn’t see the point of that kind of incentive, and I still wasn’t sure what trick Mandy had up her sleeve.

“It is just that Blair may not quit. She may not resist your authority, but we all know she has a tendency to half-ass things and phone it in. If she can do the bare minimum and complete her training, then she would,” Mandy said. I started to see where she was going with her treacherous little idea.

“If she does the bare minimum, I will address it with her individually. It would not be your concern,” My Mom stated.

“I understand why you would protect her, Ma’am,” Dammit Mandy. That was brilliant. My mom didn’t even see it coming. Mom told her that she was hardly protecting me.

“I am sorry to interrupt, Ma’am,” I wasn’t sorry at all. I barged into the conversation to take over. “I think what Mandy is trying to say in a roundabout way is that she wants a contest as an incentive. The girl who tries the hardest is done and the one who doesn’t would be treated like she quit and have to continue in discipline,” I explained. I knew my mom would hate that idea because she wanted us to be judged on our own merits.

“I love it,” My mom smiled at both of us. “You are very competitive, and I love the creativity, but you must work together to get through this. I will add one stipulation. If one of you doesn’t pull her weight, then I will hold both of you back, and we will continue through Winter break. I’ll evaluate you both then. You are not in competition with one another. You are going to be working together to learn. Thank you, Mandy and Blair. I was starting to wonder if you were trying to manipulate me, but you genuinely seem to accept you both need education and want to make this work. I was not looking forward to the process until now,” My mom seemed genuinely electrified with creative energy.

“Liz, I will arrange for you to come over for a demonstration once they have been suitably disciplined and provide little progress reports as we go,” My Mom assured Mrs. Sonneborne. “At the end of the Summer, you and I will decide if they should remain in full discipline or not. I will however, also have a Slutedictorian ceremony for whichever one of you did the best. I think that is a fantastic idea, and I’ll find a suitable reward.”

“Wow, I can’t believe we are really doing this. I know we talked about it for weeks, but I didn’t think Mandy would actually agree to it. Do you want me to bring anything over?” Liz asked. Mandy looked surprised that her mom was okay with it. I think she was counting on her Mom to pull the rip-cord and eject the two of them out of this crazy house.

“No, I don’t believe she will need any clothes,” My Mom smirked like Samantha Stevens from Bewitched when she gets that twinkle in her eyes.

“I meant like toothbrush, or money or anything like that,” Liz said.

“I have to go shopping anyway and purchase some more soap. I’ll pick up everything we need,” Mom thanked Liz for the offer.

“Wow, I can’t believe we are really doing the nuclear option, Mandy I want you to obey Mrs. Conner, and you may as well undress right now,” she told her daughter.

“Can I at least take my clothes off in the bedroom instead of stripping in front of Buddy and Lewis?” Mandy asked.

“Mom said we don’t have any privacy, it isn’t anything they haven’t already seen obviously,” I said. I was still secured to the window pane.

Mandy stripped off her clothes. She took her sweet time taking off her jeans and shirt before removing her bra and panties. “Happy now, Mom?”

Liz didn’t say anything to respond. She did look like she was having her doubts but my mom appeared confident that this was the only way to address our behavior.

“In the future, it will be shoes, skirt, top in that order,” My Mom explained as she took the clothes and handed them to Liz.

“You probably need these in case Mandy needs to go out,” Liz offered to hand the clothes back to my Mom.

“No, she won’t be wearing jeans again. You can donate those to Goodwill. I suggest you go through everything in her room and donate the majority of it to charity. We are starting fresh, and we’ll build Mandy and Blair back up into good sluts. As of right now, Blair your old room is off limits to you. Everything in it now belongs to Jenny until further notice,” she said.

“Thank you, Ma’am,” I smiled my response but inside I wanted to scream my head off. That little fucker Jenny would reorganize all of my stuff. I didn’t want her touching any of my things. However, I pretended that made perfect sense, and I was happy to lose literally every possession in my entire world.

Jenny politely refused to accept the things in my room. I was hoping she was still afraid of my retaliation when this was over, and that was the reason. “I can hardly accept all of her things, but thank you, Ma’am,” she said to my Mom.

“The rules will be changing for you slightly Jenny. You will be permitted to sleep in the bunk bed, but you will be bound at night so that you cannot milk yourself. I will need your assistance while I re-educate Blair and Mandy,” she said.

“You are also going to re-educate Julie, right?” Mandy asked my Mom like her compliance was conditional on that. She wasn’t so smart after all because that was the wrong to play things with my Mom. Mandy was getting too greedy trying to bring Julie into this too. She should have just been satisfied having me on the hook with her for now. I knew that, but Mandy didn’t have the years of experience talking to my mom that I did.

“You will address me as Ma’am. I’ve already told you that Julie is not your concern. However, to answer your question yes I will be demonstrating the effectiveness of training to her mother, and if she agrees, then she will join you. I do not want to hear another word about Julie until I ask you a question about Julie. We have a lot to do, and we don’t have all day to do it, I am going to show you both how to shave your cunts,” My Mom said with a business like quality to her voice as she removed my bindings and removed the spreader bar.

“I already know how to shave, Ma’am,” Mandy said. That was strike two with my Mom for sure.

“You do not know how I want you to shave. You will unlearn what you think you know. You are a silly little bitch who thinks she knows everything right now. I will teach you the way I want you to do it,” My Mom said sternly.

She told Jenny to bring out a mirror and two warm bowls of water into the living room. My Mom brought out a pack of disposable razors and taught us to shave our pussies over a mirror in the living room. It was a prolonged humiliating experience involving pulling each other’s pussy lips apart and shaving the peach fuzz from each other’s asses. My Mom said that it was made intentionally tedious as a lesson in patience. She said we would learn to be a team that summer and work together. “You have been rivals, and that ends today. You are going to be trained to rely upon one another like sisters,” my Mom said.

I could tell from Mandy’s expression that she was thinking there was a fat chance of that happening just like I did, but we both smiled and pretended that was the best possible outcome. Mom left the curtains wide open in the living room for the rest of the summer.
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Chapter 2

Post by EddieDavidson »

Mandy and I were cleaning up the mess we made. My mother had supplied us with brushes and cleaning supplies, but we were doing it completely naked. Mandy kept glowering at me like this was my entire fault. I wasn’t the one who twisted her arm and made her come to my party. I wasn’t the one who made her strip naked. I wasn’t the one who left her here. I HAD been the one to lay it on nice and thick that I’d agree to all of my rules if she had to do them with me so I could be a good role model for her. I can’t see why she would blame me for that. Mandy was the kind of cunt who would have done the same thing if the shoe was on the other foot.

Jenny, Buddy, and Lewis were off on one of their twisted little adventures around the neighborhood. I knew they liked to play little tie-up games of Cowboy and Indians. Recently, when Jenny had told me she wanted to be a naked pony outside in front of her friends, I pretended to be excited for her. I supplied her with some old pom poms I had and told her to stick them up her butt like a tail. I also gave Jenny some big hoop clip-on earrings she could attach to her nipples. I thought it would be hilarious if she actually did it, but apparently, Lori and Crystal Donaldson did it with her and thought it was fun.

“So what is your game, cunt?” Mandy whispered to me. We were now completely shaved from the waist down and looked like overgrown little girls. It was quite humiliating to lose my pubes completely. It just wasn’t done in the 1980s even though now it is something that is pretty commonplace.

“My game is that I am so sorry I was so mean to you and that I was a bad influence. I want you to learn from my mistakes, and unfortunately, it is going to be a series of unpleasant lessons. I do hope you learn to appreciate them though,” I answered her while trying to suppress my condescending tone to a mildly annoying baby voice. I peppered my speech with some tripe my Mom had said to Jenny about learning from her mistakes and the unpleasant lessons ahead of her.

“Bullshit, you wouldn’t piss on me if I was on fire,” Mandy was right about that. “You think you got one over on me, don’t you? The joke is on you, though. I used to play all sorts of wicked dare games when I was at Catholic school. You think cleaning up in the nude is going to make me a better person?”

“No, I don’t. I think you are literal garbage and there is no way to polish a turd like you into anything approaching a person. However, I want to see you clean in the nude because you hate it,” I hated it too, but that was beside the point. I didn’t think cleaning up in the nude would change me either, and I didn’t want to change. At this point, it was about doing the least amount possible to satisfy my mother while making Mandy and Julie suffer. I hadn’t intended to get Julie involved, but now I was warming to the idea that if I had to go down, so did she.

“I love to strut around naked. I just can’t do it around my house because Gerald and his goofy friends are there. I can do whatever I want here,” Mandy smirked at me.

I hadn’t counted on her liking to be nude.

“Well, jokes on you because I like to go to nudist resorts,” I lied. I had heard there was one south of Orlando called Cypress Cove.

“Then we have that in common, don’t we?” she said her family was annual members. I had to give her credit that if she was a liar, she was a damned good one.

“If that is the case then why would you care what Gerald sees around the house?” I whispered back.

Mandy was thinking of some answer when my Mom stomped into the room and slapped our asses with wooden paddles. We tried to defend our butts but my mom brushed our hands aside like she owned us. In a way she did now, but just for the summer. I would get my revenge against her somehow. I was already thinking of ways to get even with her for this humiliation.

“There is no reason to talk right now while there is work to do. If you are going to talk, I don’t want you to whisper. It sounds like you are conspiring. Now, what were you two saying?” My mom demanded.

“Mandy was just telling me how nudity didn’t bother her since their family are annual members at a nudist resort,” I smiled. I knew I would be able to get Mandy in trouble for lying.

“Yes, Cypress Cove. They’ve invited me for years, but I assumed it would make you uncomfortable. I’ll ask Liz if we can all go this year,” my mom said. I was stunned - that backfired spectacularly. I definitely wouldn’t have wanted to go some creepy nudist resort and look at sweaty old man penis flopping around.

She turned to Liz and told her that the casual nudity of Cypress Cove is nothing like this training. “Everyone at the campground expects you to be naked. If you wear a bikini to the nudist resort people will stare at you awkwardly because you stand out. In the real world, it will be the opposite. After you finish with this, I am going to send you outside to wash my car to demonstrate. You will have nothing on but sponges strapped to your tits, ass, and cunts and you will rub your bodies all over my car until it is squeaky clean. You will engage anyone that wants to talk to you with a friendly smile and polite conversation. I’ll be drinking lemonade in the shade supervising to make sure of that.”

I could tell from Mandy’s expression that she didn’t like that at all.

“As you are quite used to nudity, I will have to find ways to keep you more exposed than you are used too. As an example, you won’t be permitted to close your legs when seated in public. You won’t be permitted to hold your skirt down on windy days,” My mom assured her.

“Actually, I haven’t been to the campground since I was little. It’s more of a thing that Mom and Dad like to do without the kids, Ma’am” Mandy admitted and tried to look innocent. I was happy to find out she had been bluffing.

“Those two rules will still stand,” My mom said sternly and looked around the house. “This couch is an absolute disaster, and I’ve no way to remove the graffiti from this drywall without wallpaper. I may call Jerry and let him take care of it,” she suggested. She knew her ex-boyfriend Jerry gave me the creeps. He worked with drywall and had been over at the house recently.

She told us we had one hour to tidy everything and then we could break for lunch, get our first beating of the day and use the restroom before washing the car.

Once she left us to our tasks, Mandy whispered: “What have you gotten me into Cunt witch?”

“Mom, Mandy keeps whispering to conspire with me. Would you mind doing our beating now?” I asked. I knew I would get the strap anyway sooner or later.

My mom calls the black leather strap her father gave her “Tyrone.” He had called it “Nigger.” She told me he was profoundly racist and I believed it. Just like my little brothers Buddy and Lewis I had received strappings. I haven’t been spanked for many years, but they were never hard enough to make me cry and always on my bare bottom. I had begun whipping Jenny hard under her legs so that I could hit her asshole and her penis with it when I was allowed to whip him. However, she never cried out in anguish or anything, so I really wasn’t afraid of Tyrone. It was so strange how I now considered Eddie a girl but I rarely thought of her as a him even though I knew she had a penis. Jenny’s transformation had been pretty remarkable and she really seemed to thrive that way.

I would have liked to see George turned into a silly girl. George definitely would have been funny to watch and he would have hated it. Jenny seemed to love the changes and the discipline at this point.

It was worth it to ask for punishment just to see a look of betrayal wash across Mandy’s face. She had to know we weren’t sisters or in this together at all. It was every bitch for herself.

“I am going to introduce you to the punishment position. It is what Jenny calls the thermometer position,” My mother demonstrated by standing with her legs apart, her butt stuck out, her shoulders back. She interlaced her fingers behind her head and stuck her chest out in the air.

I knew my mom had a boob job and her tits were spectacular but with clothes on you really couldn’t tell what a fine, well-muscled body she actually had.

We assumed the punishment position side by side in the living room where Jenny normally stood to get hers.

My mom adjusted the arch of our back and made us look straight ahead.

“I want to introduce you ladies to your new best friend and mentor Luther,” My mother had a wooden paddle in her hand. It was spiked on one side and flat on the other and it very heavy with leather wrapped around it.

Luther was definitely far more imposing and intimidating than Tyrone. “I went through my closet and found some of my old things. This brings back memories. Your grandfather used to call this his Pimp hand, but I think Luther is a better name for him, don’t you?” She swung it menacingly.

Mandy looked like she was ready to run away.

“Aww, Mandy are you ready to give up? I am sure a little spanking will do you some good. I know it will me,” I said. My mom didn’t make me refer to her as Miss Mandy, and I was thankful for that.

“I’ll do each of you one at a time, and you can watch the other receive her spanking. I want you to stand face to face with your nipples touching,” My mom said.

“I am not a lesbian, Ma’am,” Mandy said. She had definitely sucked on Julie’s tits last night, and when all the guys couldn’t get it up any longer, we all three made out in front of them to get them horny again. We were drunk, but I knew she remembered.

“I am not training you to be lesbian. I am training you to be obedient. If everything you did was what you like to do and enjoyed, then this would be far from a punishment. Look my daughter in the eye and mash your tits together or I will add ten additional strokes from Luther to both of you,” she promised.

We reluctantly moved and adjusted ourselves to face each other. It was hard not to start laughing as I looked at Mandy, and she looked at me. It did seem absurd to be naked in my own living room with my ass exposed and ready for a spanking while a girl I loathed had her tits pressed to mine.

Then I received Luther’s first kiss, and oh my god - it hurt so bad. I wanted to scream.

Mandy’s face exploded with delight, and she asked me if I wanted to quit already. She was truly enjoying my pain. The pain that began on my buttocks as they rippled went straight up the nerves all the way to my brain and then back again and was already throbbing.

“One! Oh God! Thank you, Ma’am,” I counted. I was used to watching Jenny count, but I had forgotten what it was like to hear yourself thank someone after a spanking. It was deeply humiliating.

“God has nothing to do with this,” My mom spanked me again. This time the shock wasn’t quite so bad but the look of anguish on my face deeply amused Mandy. It would soon be her turn but until then I had eighteen more of these to count out, and I did so bitterly through gritted teeth.

My mother has a tendency to ask what she calls affirmation questions during any sort of spanking. It was the worst time to be asked a question that you are expected to be honest and answer completely and explicitly because while you are receiving pain and humiliation at the same time, you cannot think or perhaps that is the reason she chooses then to ask.

You have to answer fully, or she will not count that stroke and start again or sometimes reset the count to zero. I’ve done it often enough to Jenny that I knew that was a real possibility.

The questions usually have to do with what you are learning and why you are learning it. They also address your shortcomings and how you might improve, or they are just an opportunity for you to thank the person applying the discipline. I had a collection of excellent questions I had heard my mother ask over the years that I had asked Jenny, and it was delicious, making her answer them to my satisfaction.

Now that the tables were turned though and it was my turn, I was not interested in answering these questions because I didn’t want to admit to anything. I could always lie, of course, but my mom had a way of sniffing out lies, especially while she was applying an affirmation.

She started asking around the fourth swat.

“Why do you think it is necessary for me to use Luther on you and Mandy?” she asked.

“Four Ma’am, thank you! I don’t know yet. It is too soon for me to answer any questions about what I am learning because I don’t know enough to make an intelligent guess,” I thought that was clever and a way for me to excuse myself from playing the affirmation game for a little while with my mom.

“I know you don’t know anything yet. You are still unlearning your bad behavior. You do have experience strapping Jenny, though. I am interested in hearing why you think I need Luther for you,” she said and hit me again across the butt.

“Five Ma’am, thank you! I think because Mandy has a huge ass and you don’t want me to feel left out with a smaller strap!” I joked. My mom’s next swing was no joke. I felt it, and my knees buckled. My eyes flashed wide, and my mouth popped open. What made it worse is Mandy’s grinning pumpkin face staring back at me as she pushed closer to breathe in my suffering.

“Six Ma’am, Oh thank you! I shouldn’t have tried to joke. I think you are using Luther because we are big girls and we need big girl punishments.”

“That is a good guess. I have a variety of training implements that I thought I wouldn’t have much use for in my bedroom that I’ll introduce you to this summer. She hit me again, and I counted. My mom has a cadence to her rhythm when she is spanking that never changes just like a drummer maintaining a beat on a drum. “Only I can use Luther. If Jenny gives you a beating, it will be with bare hands or Tyrone,” she said and hit me again.

“Eight Ma’am! Jenny can beat me?” That was news to me.

“It is Miss Jenny to you, and yes, she won’t have as much authority as you had, and she will definitely not babysit. However, at times, it may be necessary for her to discipline you. I trust that won’t be a problem?” my mom asked on the downblow to her next swing across my ass. My butt was heating up from the intense pain.

“Nine Ma’am, no problem, not at all,” I said with a smile. Jenny’s arms were wet noodles. If she gave me my punishment, I would barely feel it. I could endure Jenny getting her jollies hitting my butt cheeks if I got a very light spanking. My Aunt hit me again, and I counted.

“Naturally, Jenny isn’t very strong so she will be taught how to spank your cunts and tits,” My Mom said sternly as the paddle crashed into my ass.

I could see Mandy’s expression of hilarious laughter change to one of grave concern even though I had a similar pained expression on my face.

“Your cunts and tits are some of the most sensitive parts of your body. They are not off limits for use in punishing you. Don’t worry. Jenny can’t just play with your body. I’ll be going over her limits when she returns today.” My mom told me.

I was sweating from the pain. It was also sweltering in the Summer in Florida even with the air conditioning.

“Now, as to Buddy and Lewis, you will be polite to them. You will refer to them as Master Buddy and Master Lewis or Sir, and they will not be permitted to punish you or give you direct orders,” My Mom said as she hit me again.

I counted and said, I understood. She was using this affirmation period to hammer home new rules. She told me that I would be spending time with them and playing with them in the future as well. That didn’t sound so bad, so I was not worried about it. I always avoided my brothers before but considering the alternative might be cleaning or washing the car then watching TV or a game would be a good alternative.

“I am very proud of you for volunteering for this Blair. I thought I would have a difficult time with you this morning. However, you are handling this better than I thought you would,” My mom said and hit my ass again hard.

I counted and thanked her. A small tear rolled down my face. I didn’t always listen to my mother when she talked to me, but she rarely told me how proud she was of me and that felt really good. It isn’t’ that my mom is stingy with compliments. I am the one who is stingy with giving people compliments. It is just that I so rarely do anything my mom could legitimately be proud of and I had been okay with that for a long time. I think I forgot what it felt like for her to be proud of me so I didn’t think about it anymore until then.

“I am sorry it came to this. I should have taken action a lot sooner. I could have applied discipline in smaller doses, and then Luther would not be necessary,” My mom said as she spanked me. I counted and said, I understood.

I should have seized on what she said and told her that it was her fault and that this was extremely uncalled for however in the heat of the moment all I could do was gasp out my responses. She finished with twenty and then she put the paddle in my face and made me kiss it. That was something new.

My mom told me to open my mouth and kiss the paddle that had just warmed up my ass with my tongue. I did as she told me.

“I want you to appreciate Luther,” My Mom said. She put her fingers under my legs and felt my pussy. I was wet. There was no denying that the spanking had released adrenalin, and my knees felt they were going to buckle. “You took him better than I did the first time,” My mom smirked and went around behind Mandy for her turn.

Mandy’s face went pale, and the first time she was spanked, she lurched forward and nearly knocked me over.

The second time she was spanked, she immediately put her hands behind herself and tried to defend her ass. My mom warned her that she would cuff and bind her hands if she moved them again and on the third try, Mandy did it again.

My mom pulled some rope out of the same box that she pulled Luther out of and quickly tied Mandy’s hands behind her head and then ran the rope around her tits, between her legs and back around her again. My mom said it was called Shibari, and it reminded me of the macrame she often did. That was something that was popular in the 1970s where you wove or knotted cloth to make decorative things. The knot she used to tie up Mandy looked like the ones she used to in the planter that hung in the living room near the Mama San chair.

Mandy could not move her hands from behind her head no matter what she did.

My mom spanked her again, and this time, Mandy jumped and began to march with her feet each time. She barely counted. I was trying not to look as happy about her suffering as she had mine. Instead, I pretended to be concerned and moved quickly to help her recover so she could press her hard nipples to mine.

“You need to count and concentrate on why you are in training. You must focus on my questions when I ask them of you. I want complete and honest answers. If I ask you a yes or no question, I want you to explain why you have answered that way,” My Mom told Mandy as she struck her on the ass again.

“Yes, Ma’am, Uh, Seventeen?” Mandy groaned.

“Are you asking me if it is Seventeen or telling me?” My mom hit her again.

“Eighteen Ma’am, telling you that it is,” she grunted and recovered to hold the position.

“Then speak softly and submissively in a declarative and polite manner. Do not shout or rush your response. Give me the truth but do so with tact,” My mom hit her again.

“Nineteen Ma’am, I am sorry, I am not used to speaking politely,” Mandy said.

“That could be one of the first honest things you’ve said today,” My mom smirked playfully and hit her again one last time and let her count that one out too.

She let us shake out our legs, but she told Mandy that she wasn’t going to untie her hands until later. Mom expected Mandy to kiss the paddle as she had me, and then she felt between her legs. I could tell from my mother’s reaction that Mandy was wet too. There was no way you couldn’t get aroused from that much physical stimulation, even though it was painful. I was throbbing, and now I had a pleasant sensation wafting over me as I waited calmly for Mandy to receive her beating. Mandy was panting and looked completely destroyed by the spanking. I felt like I had “won” that competition between us.

“You will have three minutes to piss and shit,” My mom said as she walked into the kitchen. The bathroom was the other direction.

“That is okay Ma’am, I don’t have to go right now,” Mandy looked more compliant when she spoke. It was as if the beating had really knocked a little of the attitude out of her.

“You will go when you are permitted, and you will not get another opportunity until dinner,” My mom was dealing with some bowls.

“Yes Ma’am,” Mandy looked at her feet and acquiesced.

My mom put two large glass bowls on the floor we used for Popcorn. We loved Jiffy Pop popcorn.

“Face each other as you were earlier and squat, nipple to nipple, six inches above the bowl,” My mom said.

Mandy and I both looked at each other like this was too far. She looked at me as if she was inviting me to quit, and I did the same.

“You can’t be seriously expecting us to just go to the bathroom like this, Ma’am?” Mandy said. Her arms were still tied behind her head. There was nothing she could do if my mom drug her over there and made her squat.

“No, I am not expecting you to go to the bathroom at all, my dear,” My mom said with a sweet but sarcastic tone in her voice. “The bathroom is for people who get privacy. You will shit and piss here in the kitchen until you deserve the privilege of going to the bathroom. You have torn up my house and disrespected me. I am not in the habit of talking twice,” she said. I was so busy gloating about Mandy getting talked down to that I barely realized my mom was also addressing me. I quickly stood over the bowl and waited for Mandy.

“No offense, but this is just disgusting, Ma’am,” Mandy said as she stood over the bowl with her feet apart.

“Saying you do not intend offense doesn’t change the context of what you said. Yes, it is disgusting. If it was pleasant and enjoyable, then you would find it easy. Did you or did you not tell Jenny you wanted her to piss and shit outside like a dog last night?” My Mom reminded her as she forced us to get closer together where our tits were touching and then guided us down by pressing on our shoulders so that we were squatting with our knees touching and our legs spread wide. My mom told me to put my hands behind my head.

“Yes, Ma’am but I was only joking,” Mandy lied. She would have happily made Jenny piss and shit outside. I would have too. The only reason I did not was that I didn’t want Mandy to take credit for the idea if everyone else thought it was funny. I had no particular interest in watching him piss and shit. I had to stand in the bathroom while the little pervert sat on the bowl and make sure she wiped her ass.

“Lean forward and open your mouth, keep your eyes open,” My Mom made us French kiss and press our nipples together before she gave us permission to shit and piss. I had this strangely erotic and taboo feeling sweep over me like I should definitely not be doing this. I heard a trickle of piss come out of Mandy’s pussy as I kissed her. I hated Mandy, and yet she kissed very well for someone who hated me back. It was distracting.

“You both need to shit as well, tick tock, tick tock ladies. You have less than three minutes. You will be getting an enema later to knock most of this out of you, but I won’t be happy if I feel any turds in your ass when I inspect you,” My mom threatened.

I shook my ass, and a tiny turd ball plopped into the glass bowl containing a small amount of my piss. It was so disgusting and foul to be doing this in my own kitchen. Mandy farted, and I almost fell over, but I composed myself. It was so hard to keep my hands behind my head while I tried to strain one out in front of my mom and Mandy. It was more humiliating than gross and possibly one of the strangest things I’ve ever done in my life.

“Sometimes you’ll have your hands on your ass cheeks, other times you will be instructed to pull out your piss flaps or put your hands behind your head. You’ll obey whatever instruction you are given. I don’t want you to get too comfortable with the process, but you will always be timed and supervised is that understood?” My mom asked.

We both answered while continuing to kiss. It stunk in the kitchen from girl turds and my sour piss. I tried to think about anything else while I kissed Mandy until the time ran out.

My mom told us that our time was up and to stand up without bending at the knee and pick up the other girls piss and shit in the bowl. I was afraid with where this was going.

She led us into the bathroom where we were to dump it. She told us these bowls would be our food bowls and that we would be keeping them extra clean as a result as she instructed us to wash them in the sink. “You will be expected to clean them in here and return them to whoever supervised you for inspection,” she informed us of the new process.

“How will we know which one belongs to us, Ma’am?” Mandy asked.

“You won’t. You are a team. You fail to wash a bowl well, and it may be the one you eat out of, or it may be the one Blair eats out of,” she explained.

Mandy looked mortified and scrubbed extra hard on the glass bowl.

“How do we wipe, Ma’am?” I asked. I was feeling very crusty after pooping, and I wanted to wipe my ass.

“You aren’t ready for the way my father would have made you do it,” My mom laughed. My mind raced with how he could have found a way even to make that simple and mundane act more humiliating.

“You may each have three squares of toilet paper,” My mom said and made us pull three squares off the roll before informing us that we would wipe each other. “You are a team. If you fail inspection then you fail it together so make sure to get any dangles off your ass and dry each other,” my mom said.

Mandy folded her toilet paper sheets into a triangle and wiped my front then my back as I wiped her. We flushed the toilet paper and washed our hands.

Mom led us back to the living room with the bowls and said we were to stand there holding the bowls waiting for inspection. “You can wait for up to five minutes. If I am busy, then you can set them down and set about to cleaning or whatever chore I had assigned you previously,” My mom told us.

I could hardly believe she did this when she was my age. My mom didn’t seem to be making it up as she went as much as she was picking and choosing things she thought we could handle.

She looked over the bowls before setting them down. They were extra clean and shiny after we were told we would be eating from them. She ordered us into the punishment position but lined us up side by side. She inspected Mandy first. She looked in her ear, pulled her hair, looked up her nose, and stuck her finger in Mandy’s mouth. She noticed some cavities that needed filling and then pulled her tongue. “You need a good scraping. All this white stuff and not the good kind either,” my Mom chuckled wryly about the plaque coating Mandy’s tongue. Mom lifted Mandy’s boobs and yanked her nipples roughly after she finished inspecting her head. “Nice and hard. It is okay to have hard nipples for now. There will come a time though when I punish you for being aroused when you should have your mind on your duties. I don’t think you have the self-discipline to control yourself and you are getting used to being touched and handled. I want to be fair,” Mom said.

Fair? How was any of this fair I wondered to myself. My mom pinched Mandy’s clit and then pulled it out to inspect her. Mandy looked stunned like she couldn’t believe this was really happening. My mother inserted the fingers she used to inspect Mandy to sample the taste of her pussy. Once Mom was satisfied she put dirty fingers into Mandy’s mouth and made her lick them clean. “If you won’t taste your own pussy juices then you can’t expect anyone else to want to do it,” my mom smacked her lips as if savoring the taste of my friend’s pussy. I was so shocked that I couldn’t say anything or move. This was really happening! Then Mom stuck the same two fingers into Mandy’s asshole. I could tell from the goosed expression on Mandy’s face she wasn’t used to butt stuff. I liked to play with my ass when I masturbated though so I was not afraid. The part I wondered was whether my mom would stick her dirty fingers in Mandy’s mouth or use them on me? Or if she would wash her hands first.

My mom started to put her dirty fingers in Mandy’s mouth, and Mandy closed her mouth tightly.

“Don’t be a baby. It isn’t going to kill you. Do you know how many dicks I’ve sucked after I’ve been fucked in the ass? Open up,” My mom asked rhetorically and demanded Mandy allow her to stick her fingers in her mouth.

“Mom, didn’t you say the moment that Mandy disobeyed you would release me from my discipline, but I could continue voluntary?” I asked.

“You aren’t to speak until spoken to, and I am going to give you something else to call me besides Mom. I am still your mother, but it doesn’t seem fair that Mandy can’t call me Mom too. The answer to your question is yes, that is what I said,” My mom answered sternly.

Mandy opened her mouth and shut her eyes.

My mom told her to open her eyes and put her fingers in Mandy’s mouth and swished them around. “You aren’t eating an entire turd. It’s just a little sweaty, girl-goo from your behind. Every dildo, butt plug or sex toy I’ve ever owned has been mouth cleaned before I washed it. You don’t want to leave it sitting out overnight without at least a spit shine,” Mom explained.

It was so disgusting to hear her speak so casually about dildos.

My mom performed the same inspection on me. She started with my nose and looked up there. “Did you do cocaine last night?” she asked.

“I don’t know Ma’am,” I answered.

“It looks like you are a little bloody and inflamed, you would know if you did,” My mom asked.

“There was a man at the party who gave me a little. I didn’t know what it was, Ma’am,” I lied. I knew exactly what it was. My mom made me tell her about Blaze, and she knew exactly who he was. I was hoping he would get in trouble and I was happy to give her a good description. Mandy was too, and she said he tried to fuck her. I knew that was a lie. I had watched Jenny suck Blaze’s old man cock before he left with Betty Finch. I let it stand, but I was hoping I could find a way to catch her in the lie later if my mom confronted Blaze. My mom may have said this wasn’t a competition between us and we were working together but I knew Mandy didn’t believe it and neither did I.

My mom pulled my nipples and stroked them. “You have very long nipples,” she observed. I wasn’t sure whether to thank her or be offended. “Do you stretch them?” she asked me. She didn’t ask Mandy personal questions about her body.

“No, Ma’am,” I said. I thought it would be absurd to elongate my nipples intentionally. My mom took her top off and removed her bra in front of me. She tugged her nipple and coaxed it with her fingers until it was almost two inches long. “At one time, it was four inches long,” she told me that mine would get that long too. “It looks fantastic in a shirt with no bra,” My mom assured me that my two pokey nipples would be delightful as she tweaked them and put her shirt back on without putting her bra on.

She felt me up and made me lick my own pussy juice. I tasted like tuna fish and sweaty peppermint. I wondered how Jenny had stood eating me out for an hour the other night. I didn’t like my flavor. I was ready for the finger in the butt, but my mom inserted three, and she twisted them and explored. My eyes went wide, and Mandy laughed.

My mom smiled and said we would get used to being handled. You aren’t mannequins or robots. You can smile, and you can be casual, but I expect you to take your inspections formally. As you get better at this, I don’t want you to giggle,” she instructed us both as she brought her fingers to my mouth. I opened my mouth, and I was surprised that I didn’t taste anything at all. My pussy had tasted far worse.

“Now, let’s get you ready to wash the car, and we’ll go shopping after the others come home,” Mom said.

“Do we get to milk ourselves, Ma’am?” I asked. Mandy wasn’t sure what I meant, but my mom was. Jenny jerked off several times a day to get the dirty thoughts out of her head. If I was going to be disciplined, I thought it might only be fair to get a few minutes to clear my head and play with myself.

“You are on a different training path then Jenny. I take as much pleasure out of that process for her as I can. The only thing I could see you doing is spending five minutes playing with yourself and enjoying it,” My mom explained.

“Yes Ma’am, I just thought it might help alleviate some tension and keep us from being horny little perverts,” I said. I knew that is the primary reason that Jenny did it.

“I want you to be horny little perverts. You aren’t going to get to act on any of your desires. However, you are going to be good sluts. The only time you will be playing with yourself is in front of people for their amusement. If you are caught masturbating then I will punish both of you,” My mom said.

Both Mandy and I were upset at that.

“How many times must I tell you that you are a team. If you come to tell me that the other one is playing with herself, I’ll show leniency but if I catch one of you playing while the other is just standing by you will regret it. You are in this together. You have to build each other up and help reinforce the lessons you are learning. You don’t even know what those are right now and you are already trying to test your limits with me and waste my time with these questions!” Mom insisted.

She told us to stretch out and get limbered up in the living room while she put together some supplies for us.

“No, masturbation?” Mandy pouted.

“We are a team! You have to be a team,” I imitated my mother snarkily in a whisper.

“This is so crazy. If you had asked me this morning if I would be standing here naked with Blair Conner in her living room stretching my leg muscles after giving her a big kiss while she took a stinky shit I would have thought you were crazy,” Mandy said. I took offense to her saying I was the stinky one, but I liked her sense of humor. I still wanted to rub her nose in that stinky shit if I could metaphorically and literally, but I liked her sense of humor all the same.

“It is crazy. I let the party get out of hand last night, but my mom is totally overreacting. It was just one party, and she is turning my life upside down,” I whispered to Mandy.

“It wasn’t just one party. You have been sneaking boys in your house for months, and you DID cocaine for crying out loud,” Mandy reminded me.

“You did it too!” I said. I could see from the look on Mandy’s face she hadn’t.

“That guy Blaze wouldn’t even talk to me. I wanted to do coke. I wanted to be cool, but he was with that hot blonde. I am surprised he let you have any,” Mandy admitted. It was strange that she would admit weakness to me. I assumed it was some angle.

“He didn’t let me do coke. I stole it from him and did it in the bathroom with Julie. Coke made me so horny and so excited. I had never done it before. I thought I was being an adult. After I did the coke is when I started making Jenny do all that crazy shit,” I let my guard down a little too. I didn’t want to admit that I made Jenny do all that crazy shit because I just wanted the people at the party to like me and I wasn’t sure how to go about it.

“If I have to do this with anyone I think you are the cunt I want to do it with,” Mandy smiled at me.

“If I have to do this with anyone, I think Julie is the cunt I want to do it with, but you’ll do for now,” I joked with her and smiled.

“We totally have to make Julie do this with us,” Mandy whispered like she was willing to conspire with me to make it happen.

“Yes, for her own good, obviously,” I agreed and smiled.

“Oh, obviously,” Mandy smiled back wickedly.

I didn’t want to admit it, but I was starting to like Mandy.
All of my stories:
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Chapter 3

Post by EddieDavidson »

Mom strapped sponges to our naked bodies with rope tied around our bellies so that the largest yellow sponges hung down in front of our freshly hairless and slick cunts and another to barely cover our butt cracks. It looked like we wearing an absurd loincloth or a very chunky bathing suit from a distance.

Mom wrapped rope around the base of our tits and then around our back before wrapping it around the front and using it to tie two smaller sponges on our tits.

She said that duct tape would just come off and then tied one more cord around the sponges to secure them on our bodies. She tugged them to make sure they wouldn’t come off, but they did shift.

She made us carry buckets and wax outside to wash her car. My mom has an old Mercury Monarch. The car was massive, and the engine has a beastly sound because I think the muffler fell off a long time ago. The paint on our car had faded due to the sun, and it seemed pointless to wash it, but mom said that was the point we needed to learn. She said it was like breaking rocks in prison with a hammer. The lesson was in the labor not the outcome.

It didn’t make sense to me, but I had to do it anyway. She told us to dunk our asses in the water and put our tits right into the bucket and wash the car. She’d let us know when we could hose it down.

Mom sat down on a lawn chair in the front of the yard next to some plastic pink flamingos and sipped lemonade. She turned on the radio, so we had some cool music. My mom liked rock and pop, which was lucky for me. A Whitney Houston “I wanna dance with somebody” came on and Mandy and I pretended to sing it while we splashed.

Mrs. Hannigan came out of her house, almost immediately to complain about the noise. I hated that old bitch. She lived next door and collected the rent for the landlord. She acted like she owned the Duplex though.

“What in heaven’s name is all of this satanic music?” She asked my mom.

“I believe this is Whitney Houston,” my mom answered with a wry grin.

“These girls have next to nothing on,” Mrs. Hannigan wasn’t going to argue about the music after she noticed we were wearing nothing but sponges.

“They have on more than most at the beach, and they’d be happy to wash your car next when they finish with mine,” my mom smiled at her.

“Oh no, I won’t accept any labor in exchange for the rent which is due promptly on the first,” she reminded my mother.

“Completely free of charge just to be neighborly,” My mom offered our services to the mean old biddy. She always had her nose in everybody’s business.

Mrs. Hannigan seemed skeptical, but she wouldn’t pass up anything free.

“In fact, how much do you pay the lawn service to mow the yard?” My mom asked her as she sipped her lemonade.

Mrs. Hannigan told her she wouldn’t reduce the rent one penny if that is what my mom had in mind.

“I understand, I just thought they would be happy to do it for the summer for half of what you pay the service,” my mom smiled again.

“They would have to weed, edge, blow leaves, that is not work for girls,” Mrs. Hannigan insisted.

“If you don’t like the way they do it, then you don’t have to pay, how is that?” My mom continued to smile.

Mrs. Hannigan blustered and asked if we’d be wearing the sponges while we mowed the grass.

“No, but since it is summer they will be wearing bikinis,” My mom smiled. Mrs. Hannigan told us to see that we minded her radio antenna when we washed her car. “The colored boys at the car wash snapped it off and refused to admit they damaged it. If you damage it then I’ll add the cost to the rent,” she wagged a finger and reminded us that it was due promptly on the first.

My mom took a long sip of her lemonade while we watched Mrs. Hannigan walk away and then reminded us to get back to work.

“Sure, you want to do this, cunt?” I whispered to Mandy while I bumped into her and tried to knock her sponge off while making it look like an accident.

“Nope, do you?” Mandy tried to trip me so that I would fall face first on the hot metal hood of my mother’s car.

“Yeah, this is how I want to spend my Sunday, wiggling my ass outside. I’ve never washed a car before,” I said sarcastically.

“Maybe you should quit,” Mandy splashed me with soapy water.

“You would like that,” I said and splashed her back. She said she would, and before we knew it, we were fighting and splashing each other with water and having fun. It was quite unlike me to enjoy myself outside, especially with Mandy.

We only stopped when we noticed a creepy old neighbor standing nearby. He was watering his fence with his garden hose and had been for quite some time. He looked like Stan Lee, the guy who draws comic books of Spider-Man. He had grey hair and a mustache and was wearing foster grant sunglasses and wearing baggy shorts and a Hawaiian shirt. He looked like a typical “Snowbird,” which is our word for tourists that come down from the north to visit. They typically come down in Winter, but some of them retire to Florida and stay all year round. They are still snowbirds as far as we are concerned.

“Hello there,” he looked delighted we noticed him. It was obvious he was gawking at us. I would have shot him a bird if I wasn’t in training, but I could tell when I looked at my mom; she expected us to be polite.

“Hello Sir,” I said, and Mandy stopped splashing me to look at him too. I elbowed her, and she said, Hello Sir.

“Such polite girls, I couldn’t help but notice you were washing the car,” he said. I wasn’t sure what we were supposed to say to that. It was neither a question nor something interesting that we didn’t already know.

“Yes, we are sir,” Mandy said after waiting to see if he had anything else to say.

“My eyes are getting bad, and I am sure you have on swimsuits but every time you bend over I think you don’t,” he smiled at us hopefully.

“We have on swimsuits Sir, they are just H string bikinis,” Mandy turned around and bent over and mooned him and exposed her entire bare ass.

“H String Bikinis? I am afraid I haven’t heard of that,” he said.

“Yes Sir, it is like a G-string only one letter more because it was even smaller than a G-string. I would be crazy to come outside wearing just a sponge,” Mandy bounced up and made her tits bounce up as she popped out of the water and smiled at him. Mandy was a crazy bitch on some level but I have to admit that was a funny joke.

The neighbor continued to stare at us and let his garden hose run, but he had nothing to say. We told him we needed to get back to washing the car and turned around started working. I couldn’t help myself. I had to laugh. Mandy was pretty funny.

“That was fine girls because you were playful, but I expect you to be honest with your betters,” My mom came over to where we were and brought two tall glasses of cold water for us. I reached for it, and my mom poured it on my head and the other ice cold glass of water on Mandy. She smiled playfully and splashed us, and we splashed her back.

“I am not wearing a bikini! no fair,” My mom said playfully as she reached into the suds bucket and splashed us.

“Then go put on your h string and come join us,” Mandy laughed and picked up the hose and sprayed my mom down.

“I might just do that,” My mom rubbed some of the water off her pretty face and tried to wipe off her make up that was running. She laughed.

A van pulled up to where we were. It was Jerry, the guy who did drywall. He whistled and said we all looked pretty soaking wet.

My mom composed herself and invited Jerry in to look at some of the damage. She told us to continue washing both cars and then come back inside when we were done. Jerry leered at us creepily but kept his distance and followed my mom inside to look around.

“Jesus, your mom is so strange. One minute she is kicking our ass and the next minute she is playing around with us,” Mandy said.

“My mom has a playful and fun side. She loves me, doesn’t your mom love you, Mandy?” I knew that was mean.

“Yes, my mom loves me,” Mandy said it like that should be obvious.

“Well, they both have a wild side. I know my mom likes to party and she has been around long enough to be able to recognize a nose that had cocaine in it,” I said.

“Good point, yeah my mom had a wild side. Do you think your mom really was disciplined this way, or is she making it all up to do one of those scared straight things?” Mandy asked. She explained there were these after school specials where kids were sent to these camps to get tough love, and they had harsh conditions and labor and were yelled at all day.

I laughed at her for watching after school specials. However, I told her that I believed my mom had been disciplined this way. “Why else would she have all these paddles and know how to use them? I’ve never met my Grandfather, but my mom has a lot of stories about him. She said he had a warm and loving side but that if you got on his bad side, he would burn your entire world down. I know he had a tattoo of the letters L-O-V-E on each finger of his left hand and H-A-T-E on each finger of his right hand. I told her about a story my mom told me once where a hippy was hassling her father after he came back from Vietnam as a decorated war hero. The Hippy told my grandfather “Make Love Not War” and spit on him.

My Grandfather showed him his open hand with the tattoo that said LOVE on each finger and then his fist with the one that said Hate and asked him which one he wanted. The Hippy chose love, and so my Grandfather slapped the shit out of him with it.

Mandy laughed pretty hard at my joke. I wasn’t sure if she was genuinely amused or buttering me up. That was what I liked about Mandy. She was so much like me in a lot of ways. I also hated that about her.

We washed my mom’s car, and when we were satisfied with that, we moved on to Mrs. Hannagan’s big Lincoln Continental. We could finally talk a little while my mom was inside distracted with Jerry.

“What scares you the most about the rules?” Mandy asked me.

“Nothing, what scares you,” I lied. The entire thing scared me. Mandy said she thought the rules were too light.

“You are going to want to go home to mommy after two days here,” I assured her.

“Oh, that sounds like a bet?” Mandy said.

“I liked how you tried to trick my mom into deciding who was the best girl and then letting her duck out while the rest of us continue the training. I have been around her all my life. She is hard to manipulate,” I said.

“You noticed that, did you? Well, I’ll have to watch how you do it and take notes,” Mandy said.

I looked over my shoulder to see if my mom was watching from behind. She wasn’t, but that would have been funny if she caught me saying that.

I told her she had to be smarter if she was going to try to pull anything on my mom.

“We could work together,” Mandy said.

I agreed wholeheartedly. This would be a perfect way to get her to do something to get in trouble and take all the blame for it.

“What is the goal? To get Julie to have to do this? or to just get out of doing it entirely?” I asked.

“Do you think we can get out of doing it entirely?” Mandy asked me as we washed the car and ignored some local rednecks honking and yelling at us from their truck as they drove up and down our street.

“No, my mom is going to make us do it to the end,” I said. “We could probably get her to be less strict,” I suggested.

“I like that idea,” Mandy admitted.

“I thought you weren’t afraid of the rules,” I said.

“I am not. I was just thinking about your tender titties and how you would be afraid to get them all tugged and elongated,” Mandy reached under my sponges and twisted my nipples. I twisted hers, and we began to struggle and fight outside.

“Girls, girls, what are you doing?” Mrs. Hannigan stepped outside and caught us.

“Sorry, Ma’am, we were just goofing around,” I apologized.

“See that you finish washing my car. I need to do laundry, and I’ve got shopping to do,” she went back inside.

I wanted to go back to twisting Mandy’s nipples. It had actually felt good to have mine twisted, and I had enjoyed fighting with her. We continued to wash the car though until we thought we had done a nice enough job we could go inside.

We emptied the buckets and prepared to go inside my house after drying off with a towel. I said goodbye to the neighbor who lived next door that had been watching us all afternoon. I expected I would have to undress in front of Jerry, and he would get a huge thrill out of seeing my shaved cooter, but I knew that was something my mom would expect.

I didn’t see Jerry or my mom anywhere. I walked through the house, and then I knocked on my mom’s door. She opened the door. She stuck her head out of the door and noticed I had on clothes. “Strip naked at the door and wait in the punishment position in the living room until I finish paying for the drywall you damaged!” she slammed the door on me.

I went back and explained to Mandy, and Mandy asked me if they were doing what she thought they were doing (fucking).

“Sucking his dick? Probably,” I admitted. Mandy’s expression reflected her respect for my mom for just sucking some strange dudes dick like it was no big deal.

“Why is it okay for her to use her sexuality to get what she wants and not us?” she asked me as we undressed and stood side by side in the living room to wait for her. Mandy and I were not friends but I felt a sort of camaraderie with her in our shared situation that made me warm up to her. I still didn’t like her but I liked her if that makes any sense.

“I think the punishment position we have to face each other,” I told her. We awkwardly stepped close to each other nipple to nipple. “My mom has always had a do as I say and not as I do approach in her parenting. She could cuss, but no one else could. As I got older, she let me get away with cussing, but only because I was older,” I explained.

“Do you think we can use that against her? Get her to think that she needs re-education?” Mandy said.

I have to admit that I really liked that idea and I was curious about more. It sounded like she wanted to convince my mom that she needed discipline more than we did. I’d like to be in charge of her. I would definitely not be as forgiving or lenient as she was with us.

I didn’t get a chance to finish because Jerry came out of the bedroom with my mom. He was tucking in his shirt and had obviously just came.

“Wow, lovely Blair, and who is this young lady?” he asked of Mandy.

“Mandy, Sir,” she said and looked straight at me with a trace of a smile on her face.

“Your mom told me you were in some kind of punishment, but I didn’t believe it. She should have let me punish you all those years ago when I dated her and I bet you wouldn’t need all of this to get straightened out,” Jerry was so full of himself. He reminded me of a Rooster that was full of his own hot air. Strutting around with his chest puffed out, but inside, there was nothing.

I genuinely hated having to be on display before this creep. He really had tried to hit on me when I was much younger. He seemed to enjoy my discomfort way too much. I put his name on an imaginary shit list of people who I would get even with one day that I kept in my head at all times.

“Yes, but she didn’t, and now I need this, Sir. Did you work out the deal for the drywall?” I asked impatiently.

My mom smacked my butt with her hand when I spoke impolitely. She normally tolerated my sarcasm but she made it clear that was over now.

“Oh yeah, we worked it out. It’s going to take some materials and cost me some money, but I’ll get it looking like new in here. I’ll be back soon,” Jerry would have stayed around and made us uncomfortable, but he had clearly just creamed himself and had no desire to continue to parley with us.

“Did you suck his dick, Ma’am?” I asked.

“Yes, and you both will suck his cock before you are finished with your training. That is the cost of the damage you have done, and you are getting off lightly,” My mom said that we could thank her negotiation skills.

“We have to suck that guy’s dick? He is like your age!” Mandy laughed at how absurd that sounded.

“You won’t be sucking anyone’s dicks for a while. You’ll practice on dildos, cucumbers, carrots, hot dogs, and when I think you are ready you’ll pay for the damage you have done. When you are done with this training, you will understand that cock is a cock,” my mom explained. I didn’t understand her point. I had never seen my mother speak so plainly about oral sex. She made it sound little different than the chore of washing the neighbor’s car because perhaps that is how she viewed it at times.

“You were born without dicks. You have the female condition,” I had heard my mom explain this to Jenny before. “They say little boys are made of Snips and snails, and puppy dogs tails. They say little girls are made of sugar and spice and all things nice. What they don’t tell you is that when we grow up, we aren’t always sugar, spice and all things nice,” my Mom giggled and scrunched her nose at how cute that idea was.

She could see we were both confused. I just didn’t give a fuck really. I had heard her say stuff like this before but I didn’t pay attention to any of it. I wasn’t sure how any of these lectures or activities were making me a better person. If this is all there was to the training then it was going to be a pointless exercise as far as I was concerned. It was hard to suppress a sigh as I feigned interest in my mother’s explanations.

Mom told us there are certain expectations of men and women as they get older. The man is the breadwinner. The man gets to make certain decisions in a relationship. The man is going to be the one the waiter addresses first when you go out to dinner. This is the way it has always been. She explained that women are expected to be the nurturer, the homemaker, the one who raises the kids. She said because of these gender roles, there are certain things hard-wired into the way men and women think, and then there are certain things that are learned.

I had heard of all this before, and I knew she believed it was true. She told me we control the sex and they control the money. “If we want the money, then we give them the sex or the promise of it,” she said.

“The female condition though is that we are taught from the moment we are born that we are the weaker sex. That we need men to protect us and tell us what to do. We need them to scold us when we are bad. We are taught to deceive and soften our features with makeup. We are taught to pad our bras or get surgery to make our tits look bigger. We wear girdles to shape our waist. We wear heels to be taller. We put on a facade just in how we appear to men, and then we act dainty and petite, so they can feel like they have rescued us. We cannot help it because we are hard-wired this way. “There are some of us who have the self-discipline to remain ladylike and control our impulses to manipulate. However, there are some like you two who need discipline. You can’t do it on your own. You need someone to shape and control your impulses.”

“Can I ask Ma’am do you feel you can control your impulses? You just splashed around with us outside and then sucked a stranger’s dick for drywall?” Mandy said bluntly. I knew she was angling for the option we discussed about convincing my mother she needed discipline too.

“At times, I do need a reset to my bitch button, and I’ve learned ways to get it. That reset is far more advanced than anything I am going to teach you this Summer. You are going to find my training to be difficult, but there is no reason to pretend I am a Pollyanna. I am a good slut, and I like to suck cocks. I also like to play and have fun. Your mom does too, and maybe when you are older, we will take you out drinking with us,” she promised.

That was unexpected. I suddenly felt a little guilty for wanting to betray my mother and work with Mandy against her.

“So you are a good slut, and you are going to teach us to be good sluts?” Mandy seemed confused still.

“Yes, I’ve been trained. I’ve been where you are. Confused, naked, and thinking that there has to be something I can get from this training. I wondered how I could trick my dad. I am sure you and Blair came up with a dozen schemes when I was outside?” My mom was clever. I’ll grant her that.

Mandy pretended not to know what she was talking about, but my mom knew bullshit when she heard it.

“Look, I expect you little cunts are going to try to sneak out tonight. I bet you are going to go on a little raid in my bedroom and try to find something in there. Maybe you could hold it over my head? Maybe you could find a little bump of coke to snort? I expect you little cunts to turn on each other while pretending to be the best of friends. You think I was born yesterday and I think that is very offensive because I am obviously a whole lot smarter than you give me credit for. So how about we skip all the little games you think you are playing with me and get right to the part where you tell me what you want?” she said.

“We don’t want anything, Ma’am” I admitted politely.

“You’ve had three hours in discipline, and already you are as behaved as Jenny, what a miracle. Amen Hallelujah,” my mom said sarcastically. “I am giving you a chance. What is it you want? You two must have conspired outside,” she said.

“Well, Blair suggested we convince you that you need training and then we could take charge of you and march you around,” Mandy totally threw me under the bus.

“She did?” My mom wasn’t surprised nor did she think Mandy was blameless in that. “Okay, done,” My mom said.

“What do you mean, Ma’am?” Mandy seemed excited.

“If you two cuntlings think you can dominate me then I’ll let you. Is that all you want?” she asked us like it was nothing.

“Like right now?” Mandy started to pull away from me.

“No, not right now,” my mom pushed her towards me again. “You little twats finish the program to the satisfaction of your mother, and I and I will let you train me the same way for one week before school begins,” she promised.

“Everything? the bowls in the living room, Ma’am?” I asked.

“I’ll show you how a proper slut obeys and serves. All you have to do is drop the games and learn, is there anything else?” she asked us.

We said there wasn’t.

“So, you aren’t trying to rope Julie into this training?” My mom had figured that out as well. We had probably been pretty transparent about that.

We admitted we were.

“I’ll call her mother and tell her what happened. I’ll invite her over. Not tonight but in a few days. If she thinks it is for the best, then Julie will be able to stay. You don’t need to trick anybody into anything. I’ve been where you are. Any scam or con you think you are going to pull I’ve already tried in one form or fashion. Do you think Julie needs training or are you just ruthless cunts and misery loves company?” she asked.

“Both,” I giggled, and Mandy laughed too.
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Chapter Four

Post by EddieDavidson »

My Mom called Julie Simmon’s house while Mandy and I remained in the living room with our nipples touching, looking right at each other. I was having a staring contest with that stubborn bitch, and she refused to blink. It was so annoying! Mandy was almost as stubborn as me!

“Hello? Is this Mrs. Simmons? No? Well, would you please let me speak to her?” whoever was on the other end hung up on my mother.

She tried several times to reach someone, and each time a similar thing happened. I was getting impatient, but I wanted very much for Julie to be entangled in the same humiliating punishment I was facing. I hadn’t originally, but now it had been a cause united with Mandy, and I could see from the hopeful look on her face that she wanted the same fate for our mutual friend.

“Hello? No, my refrigerator is not running. That isn’t how the phone prank even works. I’ve called you. Please let me talk to one of your parents? It is important” My mom was getting frustrated, and I could tell she was about to give up when suddenly one of Julie’s parents must have answered the phone.

“Hello, this is Mrs. Conner, I am Blair’s mother,” My mom introduced herself. She had to explain that I was Julie’s friend. I guess Julie never talked about me. That wasn’t a surprise, really. I seldom talked about Julie to my mom, either. Still, I took it as something of an offense that she didn’t think enough of me to tell her parents.

“Yes, Julie was at a party at my home last night. I need to inform you that there was drinking, drugs, and sex last night. I wasn’t home, but I trusted my daughter to babysit. Your daughter and my daughter, as well as her friend Mandy Sonneborne, planned the party and then they trashed my home. No, I don’t want money. No, I am not going to call the law, listen to me, please? Could we talk in person?” They hung up on my mother. My mom was a little angry now. She didn’t expect a parent to hang up on her.

She called back and sternly explained that she wanted to meet with them and discuss addressing the issue. “It may be better if you came here so you can see the damage? I believe I have an appropriate response that will serve to teach the girls a lesson and prevent them from ever doing anything like this again. It will also make them less lazy, selfish, and manipulative. No, well I don’t mind but what I propose is of a sensitive nature, and I’d like to discuss it with you and your husband first before you make any decisions. Yes, I could be there, okay let me write down the address,” My mom took down the address and hung up the phone. “That woman sounds like she really doesn’t care what her daughter does. I doubt she will care enough to see that her daughter improves her behavior. Some kids are just going to grow up ruthless and bad. Sorry guys, it looks like it will be just us this summer,” My mom knew we wanted to ensnare Jenny. She had expected us to be vindictive cunts.

“You will still go out there and meet with them, Ma’am?” Mandy seemed hopeful.

“I will but not because it will amuse you if she gets punished. I will do it because I feel her parents need to know even if they don’t care. If they want me to address her behavior, I will do it for Julie’s benefit and not for your amusement. I don’t want you to do anything other than behaving yourself when we are there and be a good example. Don’t try and manipulate them or I will spank you on the spot, and you will ride home naked and gagged in the car,” My mom warned Mandy.

The front door swung open before she could agree to those terms. I thought it might be Jerry back to leer at our naked bodies and make rude comments. I was supposed to keep my head straight ahead and look at Mandy while I stood titty to titty in the living room with my ass stuck out.

I didn’t have to turn my head to know who it was. I could hear them laughing behind me, and my skin crawled with the indignity of being on display for my Cousin, Brothers, and the Redneck Donaldsons.

I had told Jenny she had to knock to come inside. However, she was treating my house like it was her home now. She was treating my room like it was HER room now. Mom told her she could just come in without knocking. I was sure she was stripping down to panties at the door like the Teacher’s Pet she was.

My brothers Buddy and Lewis ran in the house, making pony noises and galloping. I was sure they had played their little games out in the woods where they ran around naked themselves and pretended to be horses.

George Donaldson is a buck-toothed red-headed teenager a little older than me. If you’ve ever seen the movie Children of the Corn and know who Malachi is, then you know what George looks like.

“Damn, when Jenny told me Blair was butt naked she wasn’t lying. Holy crap, I never thought I would see the day,” George hyucked hyucked at my situation like he was watching his favorite episode of Hee-Haw on repeat.

Lori Donaldson is his chubby sister. She was in some classes with me, and just because we lived near each other, she thought she could be my friend. She was wrong, of course. I like my friends to be decent looking but not as hot as me. I don’t want to be seen as hanging out with fatties, but in a group of good looking girls, I want to be the hottest one. I don’t want guys to think I am too gross to get decent looking friends! And hanging out with Lori might give them that impression. It was nothing personal. If Lori wanted to hang out with me, all she had to do was lose weight and get a prettier face but not TOO pretty. She’d also have to do her hair, makeup and nails much better than she did now. She looked like a tom-boy, and so did her sister.

I don’t have any actresses I can think of off the top of my head from the 1980s she looked like as a description. Imagine a young Melissa McCarthy with red hair, a lot of freckles, big boobs, big butt, and a country accent.

Crystal Donaldson was about the same build and age as Jenny. She was lanky and had red hair down to her ankles. That was a style back then for trailer trash hillbilly bitches based on a country singer named Crystal Gayle. Jenny had a crush on Crystal, and I think Crystal liked my cousin. It was so disgusting to see the two of them swoon over each other.

It would be fairly easy to say she looks like a young Emma Watson, the actress that played Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter films just with freckles and long red hair.

“I believe you also know Mandy?” My mom introduced everyone to Mandy. They did know her from school. “She will be staying with us this summer, and the two of them are going to be in a special punishment similar to Jenny but quite a bit more advanced because of the damage they did to the apartment.

I could see Mandy’s face turn red when everyone saw she was naked. She told me she was a nudist and loved running around naked, but she was just as mortified as I was. I hoped I hid my embarrassment much better than Mandy did as I stuck my nose up in the air and acted like my shit obviously never stunk and that they were fortunate to be permitted to look upon my perfect, young body as opposed to shrinking in the corner and covering my shame with my hands like I wanted to do.

We had cleaned up a lot of the mess, but it was still a wreck. The couch had holes in it, and we had drawn graffiti all over the place.

“Does Blair have a penis on her head?” Lori giggled. I had forgotten Mandy drew that on my face last night. That bitch Mandy let me go around talking to people and didn’t even tell me to wash it off when we were outside washing cars!

My mom told me to turn around and face them. It was so humiliating to spin around, and they all stared right at my bald pussy and laughed.

“Oh my god, she is balder than a babies bottom!” Lori chuckled. She could see Mandy was too.

“They ain’t got not no pussy hair!” George was beside himself with laughter.

Crystal smiled at us, and Buddy and Lewis were obliviously off playing around the house. Jenny was standing off to the side in panties awaiting orders, but I could tell she was looking at my body too.

“What does it say on her face?” Lori stood up to get a better look at the words Mandy wrote on my face last night. My mother made me say it out loud.

“I’ve forgotten, Ma’am,” I lied.

“You wrote it. You tell them then, Mandy,” My mom said with a big smirk.

“It says Fart Face, Ma’am,” Mandy smiled when she said it and the Donaldson’s laughed and even Buddy and Lewis did too. They began chanting “Fart Face,” “Fart Face” over and over.

I couldn’t prevent myself from turning beet red. I can honestly say that it was a combination of equal parts rage and humiliation.

“I like that name. I think I will call you Fart Face for the summer, would you like that Fart Face?” My mom asked. She could tell I would not.

“I would Ma’am,” I lied.

“Are you sure? because you look like you don’t like it,” My mom was clearly having a laugh at my expense.

“I don’t like it, Ma’am,” I admitted through gritted teeth over the sobs of the Donaldsons laughter at my expense.

“I wish you would make up your mind,” My mom said. “Well, it hardly matters what you like. Fart Face it is,” My mom announced, and from that moment forward they began to refer to me as Fart Face more than they did Blair. I had to just take being called a name. That wasn’t how this was supposed to work. I was the one who called people names and they were the ones who had to take it. I didn’t like this shoe on the other foot business at all.

“Lori spanked Jenny today,” George told on his sister. My mom wasn’t upset and asked her why.

“She started with all this know-it-all talk about how horses are supposed to canter and trot and started making all these rules. I put her over my knee and played the bongos for a little while, was that wrong Ma’am?” Lori asked my mom.

“Not at all,” My mom told her sweetly and then asked Jenny to give her side of the story.

“I couldn’t help myself. I thought I was being helpful, Ma’am, and before I knew it, I was designing this game involving dressage. I set up a maypole line where the pony puts the rope in her mouth, and high steps around and around and that led to wanting to make more rules, and I appreciate Lori spanking me so I would shut my mouth and just have fun, Ma’am.”

My mom seemed pleased. I wasn’t sure if I loathed Lori more for being such a country bumpkin ass-kiss or if I hated how my brown nosing cousin could make being a know-it-all who got spanked for boring everyone with his tedious details into something that got him a pat on the head from my mother.

“Lori, I would like to ask if you could do me a favor?” My mom asked if Lori would babysit. I began to salivate at the trouble I could cause if my mom let Lori babysit me. Mandy and I would have to tag-team and find ways to torment Lori. I had already constructed a fairly elaborate plan where I would make it seem like Lori lost total control of the situation and let Buddy and Lewis trash the house while abusing her authority. I was already up to burning the whole house down and blaming it on her when my mom explained that obviously she wouldn’t throw Lori to the wolves and let her babysit two cunts like Mandy and me.

The Donaldsons chuckled, but my mom explained we were cunts and why that was an acceptable use of the word. “I hope that doesn’t offend you,” My mom asked them.

“I hope it doesn’t offend my mom that I would prefer you as my mom,” Lori smiled her response.

My mom said that obviously there are some unusual rules that Lori would need to enforce and she would need to get permission first from her mother to babysit. “I can’t pay you very much. I don’t know what would be fair?” Mom asked.

“Pay me? This is going to be fun! How long are you going to be gone for?” Lori was already on board, and she wasn’t going to charge any money.

“I need to visit the Simmons house and inform their parents about Julie’s role in the party last night. I doubt that will take very long since they don’t seem too concerned about it, but I feel it is my obligation. I’ve taken Polaroids of the damage. I also have to do a little shopping, but it won’t be very late. You would be welcome to any food we have in the fridge,” My mom said.

“Don’t say that! she’ll eat you out of house and home!” George chuckled.

“You are welcome to be here as well George, but I have a very serious no boys allowed rule in the house,” my mom explained that no other boys would be permitted.

“Don’t worry, George isn’t much of a man,” Lori insulted her brother playfully.

“I should ask if any of you were at the party last night?” My mom asked.

I was ready to pounce. I could tell my mother that Lori knew all about it but didn’t say anything!

“I wasn’t, but I knew about it. I am sorry I didn’t tell you. Julie told me about it, and I asked Blair if I could come. She said no. I asked her if you even knew about the party and she said of course not. I told her she should tell her you, but I didn’t think it was my place. I should have said something,” Lori admitted apologetically.

Dammit - she stole all the fire from my torch with that admission.

My mom asked me if that was what happened.

“I mean yes and no, Ma’am?” I said.

“Which was it, yes or no? You had boys you didn’t even know here,” My mom knew that much.

“Yes, it is true, but no, uh she shouldn’t have said anything, Ma’am?” I realized that made it sound worse.

“That makes no sense,” My mom stated the obvious. “Why didn’t you let Lori come to your party? You let boys you didn’t even know come to the party, and yet a neighbor girl asked to come, and you didn’t let her?” she asked.

“I didn’t want to get her in any trouble, Ma’am” I lied. I assumed Lori would back me up on that. It was a good answer.

“No, you said I was too fat, and I would disgust the boys and scare them off. You said you liked Julie and Mandy because they were okay looking but not hotter than you and you didn’t need any competition,” Lori told the truth.

Mandy glared at me. I could feel her eyes burning into my skin. I shrugged because I assumed she knew that was why I let her come to the party when I really didn’t like her. It should have been obvious.

“I just said that so you would not want to come and get in trouble,” I tried to save face and make my lie work.

My mom didn’t care about this detail.

“You will refer to Lori as Ma’am or Miss Lori at all times. You will apologize to her for calling her fat while I punish you,” Mom told me to get in the punishment position by myself for ten swats.

She asked Mandy if she said anything mean to Lori and Mandy admitted she said a lot of mean things in general but nothing in particular to Lori. Lori confirmed that. It would have been easier if I wasn’t being singled out to stand in the punishment position with my butt sticking out.

My mom pulled out Luther and spanked me ten times slowly across the ass. George and Lori laughed the entire time while I said things like “Two, Thank you, Ma’am! I am sorry, Miss Lori, for calling you fat. You are beautiful on the inside.”

“Three! Thank you, Ma’am, I mean you are beautiful on the outside as well. That came out wrong!”

“Four, Thank you, Ma’am, the next wild party I throw, I will invite you for sure.”

“Five! Thank you, Ma’am, I won’t throw anymore wild parties obviously at my mom’s house. I meant when we are over the drinking age, and I am living on my own, obviously,” I lied.

“Wow, can I use that tonight if I need to?” Lori asked while I kissed the flat blade of Luther that was still warm from my red ass.

“You won’t need to use Luther. That is reserved for cunts. I will let you apply Jenny’s maintenance beating if you want later tonight with Tyrone when I get home,” My mom explained like it was a trivial matter to whip Jenny’s ass.

“Fart Face, go stand in the window with your nose, toes, and nipples pressed into the window and hold your ass cheeks apart. You too Mandy, there is a window right next to her. You can snuggle up side by side,” Mom insisted. I knew that pervert George was taking snapshots of our bare asses with his mind as he watched us obey my mom.

Mom showed Lori how my cousin was to eat off the floor and the schedule for the evening. She discussed what she could and could not do and how his milking would work. “He can close the door for five minutes. If he brings you a sticky tissue, just tell him to throw in the trash. You don’t have to touch it at all. If he doesn’t have a sticky tissue, you can spank him and let me know when I get home. They go to bed at 9 pm. He can sleep in the bottom bunk of Fart Face’s old room but let me show you how to tie his wrists to the bedposts so that he doesn’t get tempted to play with himself. Why yes, you could tickle him a little if you want? just don’t go crazy...” I heard her say as she walked Lori around the house.

“Why are you doing this Mandy? You don’t even live here,” George asked Mandy. Mandy ignored him and stuck her pretty nose in the air. I liked Mandy some times. She reminded me of me.

George repeated his asinine question. I wanted to ask him why he even cared. I knew we were supposed to act like proper little sluts and speak politely but my mom was busy going over the expectations to babysit, and I didn’t want to give George the satisfaction of a response either.

“I am here because my Mom said I have to be, Sir,” Mandy finally replied.

“Why, though?” he asked. God, did this fool have no end of questions?

“My mom thinks it is going to help me a better person, Sir” Mandy groaned her answer like she didn’t believe it. I didn’t believe it either, but I pretended that I did to my mother.

“How does holding your ass cheeks wide open make you a better person? You are a living fly trap,” George made a buzzing sound and pretended to be a fly attracted to the smell of our asses that got caught in between our cheeks when they close.

“Can you please buzz around somebody else’s shit, Mister George?” Mandy said. I liked that come back. She even said it semi-politely.

“I am just wondering why you are doing something so strange if even you don’t think it will work,” George had a good question for a change. He was as annoying as an abscessed tooth, but he made me think about my situation.

On the one hand, I knew my mom would not be satisfied unless I went through the charade of her training. I didn’t want to change who I am. I like what and who I am, and I accept myself as a manipulative little bitch. I didn’t even believe that the training COULD change who I am.

On the other hand, I had seen a total transformation in Jenny, and my mom had so many stories about how, despite the hardship, pain, and humiliation she herself had been helped by it growing up under strict discipline.

If I had another hand to hold up, I would say that initially, I wanted to see Mandy get humiliated. I wanted to see that enough to play along with the training like it would help us both. However, that moment passed now that she was doing it. I had made a deal that if she wanted to quit, I would get let out of the training, and as far as I was concerned, my mission was to make her want to quit. The best way to do that was to ask for more humiliations and discipline. It would add more gravy to the sauce if we could trap Julie the same way because I knew I could manipulate her into quitting anytime I wanted to bail on this little game.

However, the final hand in this equation is that my mom had said that if we both finish the training and I assume that includes Julie, then she would spend a week being submissive. That final hand is what really puzzled me now because I wanted to see that. If that put me in charge, then I could party all week, and she couldn’t do jack squat about it either!

Naturally, I couldn’t tell George any of this or even Mandy. She thought like me and probably thought the same things that I did. Mandy may think like me, but she was the amateur hour when it comes to how clever and vindictive I can really be.

“We are doing it because we want to improve ourselves. We trust Mrs. Conner knows what is best for us. If she says that showing you our ass is going to help then you can have a good long look if you want, Mister George” Mandy said. I suspected she didn’t truly believe it, but it was a very convincing lie.

“I just want to stick my finger right up that pink poop chute of yours to the knuckle, do you think that would help you?” George hyucked like the redneck trash he is.

“It is Master George,” my mom walked into the living room and corrected Mandy. Neither of us wanted to call him Master.

“Yeah, I am your Master! Obey bitches!” George laughed.

“That isn’t why they refer to you as Master,” My mom told Jenny to fetch the dictionary. I was the one who used to bring things for my mom. I’d sigh and do it reluctantly, but it was my job. Now Jenny was dutifully running off after curtsying like a little sissy kiss-ass to do whatever she is told. It made me sick with envy.

My mom provided the dictionary examples of Master. There were several.

1. A man who has people working for him, especially servants or slaves.

2. A man in charge of an organization or group.

3. A skilled practitioner of a particular art or activity.

4. A person who holds a second or further degree.

5. Used as a title prefixed to the name of a boy not old enough to be called ‘Mr.’

“She means you are the boy who is not old enough to be called Mister, Dumbass” Lori laughed at her brother’s ignorance.

“It is nothing to be offended about. Your father is Mr. Donaldson. If one of the cunts need to refer to you by the first name, then it will be Master George until you are Mr. Donaldson. Does that make sense?” My mom asked, and George nodded he was happy with that explanation. Mom explained the differences between Mrs and Misses and then explained that for other girls, we would say, Miss Lori or Miss Crystal. She also explained why this formal speech was required. “I don’t want them to be on a first name familiar basis with their betters. This establishes instantly a distance where you are above them in the pecking order. They are giving you respect in how they address you, and this has to be consistent at all times, or they must be punished.”

“Now why do you want to stick a finger up Mandy’s asshole, George?” My mom asked very plainly like it was not that big of a deal.

“I was just joking,” George said.

“Ah, okay, that is fine,” My mom dismissed his comment. Mandy and I breathed a sigh of collective relief we wouldn’t be fingered in the butt by this annoying jerk.

“But can I?” George wouldn’t leave it alone.

“You would need to tell me why before I would consider the request, George,” My mom said.

“I mean, I am just curious?” George said, vaguely.

“Curious about what? How far you can stick it up there? It could go to the knuckle? About what is in there? I know you know what is in there, George,” my mom was smirking.

“I mean I am just curious how it feels to stick your finger in a butt,” George admitted sheepishly.

“You’ve got your own stinky butt hole to play with every night. Stupid” Lori teased him.

“I meant a girl’s butt and not your big old stinky hole. I’d lose my entire arm in there,” George chuckled playfully.

“if it will satisfy your curiosity, to get it out of your system, you can stick one finger up one of their butts. You have to get it wet first,” My mom told him he could put it in our mouth but he had already wet it with his own mouth.

“I can stick my finger up either hole?” George approached us. Do you know how tempting it is to turn around and knock someone’s block off when they are deciding whether or not to stick their finger in your waiting asshole? I just wanted to run away or at the very least stop holding my ass cheeks apart. I felt like a target practice dummy waiting to be chosen at the fair in one of those booths. “Throw a finger in the hole and win a prize!” some barking carnie might have tried to sell to passing fair visitors.

“Yes, either one George but please make up your mind,” my mom said as she looked at his fingernails and inspected them. “I see you bite your nails. You should probably clean them more frequently,” she said as she released his hand.

I heard a sound like ‘gloop,’ and I felt a feeling that I can only describe as ‘gloop’ as George Donaldson finger fucked my asshole with his pointer finger all the way to the first knuckle as I held my ass cheeks wide apart in my own living room.

“There you go. That is what it feels like. Was it enjoyable?” My mom asked him, and George said it was and thanked me.

“Don’t thank her. It was my decision,” My Mom told him, and he thanked her profusely even though it was MY asshole that he invaded. “You can wash your hands with soap or stick your finger in her mouth, and she’ll clean it,”

Everyone, even Jenny, thought that was disgusting. All except for Buddy and Lewis who were feeling validated considering all the disgusting toys and worms they probably put in their mouths.

“Really?” Lori asked.

“If I was kidding you would know it,” My mom explained and added that as part of our training we clean our own messes. “It’s just a finger,” My mom looked at his hand and noticed there was no speck of shit on his finger. It was still gross. He wiggled his finger in my mouth. I wanted to bite it off. It felt like an inch-worm trying to reach my tonsils as he made me clean my own ass sweat off his finger.

“This is the best day of my life,” George said.

I felt vindicated in some small way that the greatest accomplishment of this stupid country bumpkin’s entire life, according to him, was the day he stuck one finger up my ass and made me lick his finger. If I was that special to his life, then that made me a goddess by comparison. Naturally, I also felt deeply ashamed and disgusted with myself for having been put in a position where the stinky little troll was able to put his finger up my ass.

“Thank George for inspecting your ass and the opportunity to clean his finger, Fart Face,” my mom added more humiliation by making me thank him.

“Thank you, Master George,” the words were painful to me because I knew he considered himself a Master like a slave owner on Roots and not the Master like a boy. The only Master he would be doing is baiting as far as I was concerned. “I appreciate the opportunity to satisfy your curiosity about what it feels like to stick your finger up a pretty girl’s asshole, and I was flattered to provide the experience that is the highlight of your life,” I wanted to say ‘pathetic little life’ but I bit my tongue on the last part.

“I didn’t say PRETTY girl, but that was really cool how you said that,” George was flattered, but he shouldn’t have been. The dig about me not being pretty put him higher on my imaginary shit list for future retribution.

“Are you going to wash their mouths out with soap for saying the A-S-S-H-O-L-E word?” Lori asked.

“We’ve had to abandon some decorum here due to the changing circumstances. I started Sissy Summer Camp for Jenny, and I had to adapt to using terms like milking that I was uncomfortable with in general company. Now that I have Slut Summer Camp for Mandy and Blair I have to adopt new language standards as well,” My Mom explained.

“Slut Summer Camp? That sounds like fun,” Lori smiled playfully.

“It isn’t going to be,” My mom assured her. It would be fun for ME when my mother was my bitch for a week whether she knew it now or not. I planned to hold her to that promise she made to serve us and make her regret it soon afterwards!

My mom explained that we were cunts, and she would be calling us that. “If those aren’t assholes, you see between their cheeks then when is the word asshole ever applicable?” she asked.

“You could say buttholes or poop chutes, Ma’am” Lori had a tendency to call my mom Ma’am, even though she didn’t have to. I guess she was a little butt kisser like Jenny.

“I could, and that would be applicable as well if it makes you more comfortable to use those words. However, I expect Fart Face and Mandy to refer to their assholes as such. I expect them to say cunt when talking about their vagina. I expect them to say tits or boobs when talking about breasts. I want them to say it out loud and hear them speaking about their bodies out loud this way like good little sluts,” My mom explained. She added that we couldn’t call other people assholes or cunts. “The context matters. They must refer to themselves or their bodies this way. They may not use hurtful or vulgar language when talking about their betters.”

I instantly began plotting a nickname for Mandy that would stick. It hardly seemed fair I was to be called Fart Face if she was just Mandy. Piss-whore or Cuntess Mandy of House Sonneborne sprang to mind as options. I would have to noodle on something short, sweet, and devastatingly embarrassing if I wanted to even the playing field. The more I looked like being called Fart Face bothered me, the more I knew my mom would twist the knife and apply it to me. She was like me in that sense, and when I gave someone a disgusting nickname at school, it usually stuck with them.

“Why do they have to be good little sluts?” Crystal asked that question.

“They are selfish, cruel, manipulative, little bitches. They can’t become nice people like you and your sister very easily. They are already bad sluts who use their sexuality to control and get things from people. This summer, I am going to teach them to be good sluts who flirt, and are generous with their time, affection, and approval. The kind who would put a smile on George’s face just to see him smile and not because they wanted something in return from him,” My mom explained. It did sound like it made sense when she said it that way. It was a lot better than saying we had to show our assess because it was embarrassing, and we pissed her off by trashing her house and violating her trust.

“They threw a party and trashed your house, and you are giving them an education instead of punishing them?” Lori asked.

“I am punishing them, and I am educating them because what good is punishment without learning any lesson?” My mom said. Once again that made so much sense it belonged on a bumper sticker or a billboard somewhere. I hated the fact that it made sense when my mom said it. I hated the fact that my asshole felt greasy and slimy, and my pussy was dripping while I exposed myself to the Donaldsons and my entire family as they asked questions about what is best for me.

My mom told them she appreciated their questions and she’d be happy to discuss discipline all day but that there were things we had to get done. She let Jenny pick out our clothes. Mom stipulated it had to be a short skirt and a very simple tank top or tube top. She also let Jenny help us with our makeup. I was the one who TAUGHT Jenny to do makeup. I had intentionally taught her wrong so that she would look like a trashy little country whore with too much blue eye shadow and cherry-bubble gum lipstick. Now, I couldn’t argue when she insisted I do the same.

“Yes, Miss Jenny,” I had to thank her for her advice. I wanted to slap the snot out of Jenny and tell her that she had only been a girl for a week, and she was YOUNGER than me on top of that. I was born with a pussy. She was only pretending to have one.

Mom wouldn’t let us get dressed until we got to the door and she made us stand in the window to give some last minute peeping tom that happened to look up at our house from the road while he drove past a chance to see some naked skin in the window. I don’t think she cared if they saw or not as much as she wanted us to worry about being seen.

That little twat Mandy acted happy as a clam to finally put on clothes and thanked everyone before we left. She even curtsied. Mom hadn’t told us we had to. I tried to trip Mandy and she side stepped it and looked at me. “Nice try bitch, you have to work harder than that to trip me up. If there is a game to be played then I am going to win every time,” she whispered her warning.

It would have sounded a lot more ominous if she didn’t stumble over a rock right after that in the drive-way. The back of her short skirt flew up and exposed her entire butt. It was a perfect moment and it made me giggle. I wasn’t sure if I would learn anything on this exercise but at least I was able to laugh a little about it.
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Chapter Five

Post by EddieDavidson »

“Why didn’t you curtsy on the way out, Fart Face?” mom asked as she took us to the car. She had noticed my laughing when Mandy stumbled and looked angry.

“You didn’t tell me I had to curtsy, Ma’am,” I replied politely (as politely as I can. Polite and submissive isn’t a natural tone for me, so I have to fake it. I did my least sarcastic imitation of Jenny blowing smoke up my mom’s ass with her fancy talk).

“You know I make Jenny curtsy when she enters or leaves a room if her betters are in it,” Mom said.

“You said to unlearn everything I know and wait until you teach me, Ma’am,” I smiled. I knew that I had her on that one. I could have said something about how it was unfair to compare me to Jenny because she has had longer to practice this but I decided to play dumb instead.

“I want you to curtsy like Jenny. You will curtsy when taking orders and acknowledge them. You will curtsy when you are introduced to someone new. You will curtsy when you leave or exit a room with your betters in it. Failure to comply will result in punishment. Take your skirt off outside,” Mom said.

I didn’t have any panties on. It was almost dark, and there wasn’t anyone around in our drive-way, but I had just put the damned thing on. I was wearing short 2 inch heels and a tube top that didn’t match the pink skirt I had on.

“Yes, Ma’am,” I knew better than to argue with my mom on something like, and I started to slip it off and step out of it.

“No, pull it up and start over,” Mom insisted I bend over at the waist and pull it all the way down to my ankles before stepping out of it. Always face your ass towards the person who told you to undress unless you are instructed otherwise. Make sure to take your bottoms off first, then top then shoes,” she said.

I curtsied and tried to hide the grimace on my face as I bent over in an exaggerated manner and wiggled my butt while I shimmied out of my skirt for her. I took my time sliding it down my legs and stepped out of the short frilly skirt my cousin selected for me.

“Oh hello, Mr. Greenbaum,” My mom addressed the neighbor who had been outside watering his lawn. He was outside watering a different part of his lawn. He had seen everything that just happened, and now he could see everything between MY legs.

“Hello,” the old man said in response with a stunned expression on his face as I turned around and handed the skirt to my mother. He could easily see that I had no pubic hair and my entire pussy.

“I am sorry, I hope my daughter didn’t offend you. She embarrassed me just now by not demonstrating proper manners, and I meant to embarrass her,” My mom explained simply like it was fairly common to strip your teenage daughter at the car when she pisses you off. If it were, then there would be a whole lot more naked adolescent girls in parking lots!

“Oh, not offended at all,” Mr. Greenbaum was obviously a horny old pervert, and he was enjoying the show.

“Where are my manners? My name is Samantha Conner. I’ve been living next to you for several months, and I’ve seen you, but I’ve never introduced myself,” My mom approached him and told me to stay where I was. She shook his hand while I remained bent over.

I could see Mandy looking down at me. She stuck out her tongue slightly because she was enjoying my humiliation.

“Oh, yes, well, you obviously know my name. I just retired from Philly, and I thought I would come down here to Florida and enjoy the scenery, but wow, I never expected anything like this,” he said in a thick East Philadelphia accent.

“Girls, are you thirsty?” she asked us. I wasn’t sure what I should say, but I was thirsty. I tended to base my answers on what I thought my mom wanted to hear. I answered, Yes, Ma’am, and so did Mandy.

“I wonder if I could trouble you for a moment? I haven’t given the girls water in a while. Do you mind if they have a little sip from your garden hose?” she asked.

“Not at all,” Mr. Greenbaum was eager to see this new humiliating development unfold.

“Fart Face, Mandy, come here and have a drink from Mr. Greenbaum’s hose,” she said to us.

I stood up and walked over like it was normal to wear nothing but a tube top. I could see he was staring at my bald pussy, and my instinct was to cover my nudity with my hand and deny him a look. However, I knew I’d be slapped if I did.

“Fart Face?” Mr. Greenbaum chuckled.

“It’s my daughter’s nickname. This is Blair, and this is her friend Mandy,” my mother introduced us.

Mandy curtsied by lifting her short skirt slightly in a perfectly executed little pivot.

I quickly curtsied by lifting imaginary skirts and holding my bow a little more deeply.

“Better, but you should do it more fluidly. Don’t make a big production out of it Fart Face,” my mom said.

I was really hating Mandy for writing that on my face.

“Oh yes, I see it on her face,” Mr. Greenbaum finally noticed I had a face. I wanted to say that “my eyes were up here” and get him to stop looking at my pussy flaps.

“Mr. Greenbaum is a busy man, bend over and take a drink quickly,” My mom hurried us, and I bent over at the waist as I knew she expected without bending my knees. I began to take a long sip of the warm, garden hose water. My mom told Mandy to do it at the same time as me.

Mandy put her face right next to mine so that we were almost kissing and then we opened our mouths and drank from the hose. The hose that the old man was holding like it was his floppy, big green cock in his hands.

I didn’t know old men could get boners, but I swore I saw a bulge in his pants. I at least had the satisfaction of knowing I had been the highlight of this grumpy, lonely old man’s day as well. Even if I had to share the spotlight with Mandy.

Mom made us thank him and curtsy a goodbye before allowing us to sit in the backseat together. She took my skirt from me and put it in the front seat and told me that I would ride like that until I learn to curtsy every time.

“That was good practice. I’ll have to make it a point to introduce you to all the neighbors. It will be good for me as well to get to know them. I was so busy with school last year that I didn’t think about it,” she said as she started up the car and started to leave.

I was shocked Mrs. Hannigan hadn’t found a reason to shuffle out of her house to remind us about the rent once again. I saw her walk out of her door just a little too late to catch us as we were pulling away. My mom waved at her politely and drove down the street.

“Mom, you seem to be enjoying my training way too much,” I joked as she flipped on the radio.

“Do not speak until you are spoken too, Fart Face,” Mom told me. “I am still debating on whether or not to allow you to call me Mom during your training. I was thinking Mother, but that is too formal, and Mistress sounds too sexual,” Mom thought out loud.

“Mistress like a woman who cheats with married men, Ma’am?” I asked. Technically I had been spoken too so I could talk.

“Good one, but you will find that my allowance for your little jokes and barbs at my expense is going to be very minimal. I can make fun of you, but you cannot make fun of me. Yes, I’ve fucked married men and a lot of them. That is my business, not yours and you are certainly in no position to judge me,” she said.

“May I ask how you can expect us to respect you and see you as a role model if you don’t hold yourself to the same standards you set for us, Ma’am?” I thought that was a good point. My ass was sticking to the pseudo-leather seats in the back because the car had been baking in the hot sun all day.

“That is a fair question, and perhaps when I give you permission to ask questions, I will address it further. I don’t expect you to act like me at all. You don’t have the experience or the right to act like me. You have betrayed my trust. You have trashed my home. You have abused the authority I gave you. You have treated your brothers and your cousin like personal slaves. You have offended Lori Donaldson. You have hurt and manipulated people on a daily basis. You are a reflection upon me. I am not a reflection of you. That being said, I don’t like that reflection. I am going to change it. When you have reached the point I am in my life, you could judge where I am in it. Until then I need you to close your mouth, keep your hands to yourself and behave while I drive to your friend Julie’s house to have a word with her parents,” Dammit that was so well said that I didn’t have anything to say even if I dared to say it.

We drove in quiet for a long while. It was hard not to touch my smooth pussy. Now that it was shaved, it glistened slightly with wetness, and it itched already. I wanted to touch it, but I knew my mom would probably have handcuffs in her purse and not the toy kind that is easy to pop open either. If she caught me touching myself, I’d probably lose my top.

I used to ride home naked from the beach when I was a little girl just like Buddy and Lewis do now. I was caked in sand even after being washed off, and my suit was wet and gross. I would sit on a towel, and I enjoyed riding naked. I didn’t see it as humiliating because I didn’t know what that concept even was. I was older now, though, and the idea of having to be naked while the other two women in the car wore something made me feel inferior and humbled. I didn’t like that feeling. I wanted to be in control of myself at the very least. It was my body and my choice - letting my mom decide for me made me feel “submissive,” and I didn’t like that feeling. It made me feel powerless and less of a person.

Jenny, on the other hand, sat up straight now. After her initial shock and dismay at being naked, she would smile at people in the car next to us while we passed them on US-1. The people in the car could only see her bare shoulders and usually not inside the car. If mom took away my top and made me sit up, I would obviously be displaying my perfect tits to the world.

My tits weren’t huge, like Betty. They weren’t round and fake like moms. They were, however, a respectable 34b cup and perky. The only thing I didn’t like was that my nipples long, dark, and very puffy. I hoped as I got older, the areolas would flatten and look more like an adult and less like a little girl. My mom had pulled my nipple and stretched it in her finger, and when it gets cold out, they do pop up and look very pronounced. I was just fortunate that in Florida that doesn’t happen very often. If there was very a time I wanted to use them to get attention, all I had to do was grab a little ice and rub them and voila - instant attention-getting nips popping out of my shirt.

Speaking of which, My nipples were very hard as we flew down the highway listening to music. My mom believed in 255 A/C. That is where you roll down two windows and drive 55 mph. So the wind was in my hair as I reflected on my life and the decisions I had made.

I should have been regretting the party last night. I regretted getting caught. I regretted getting so drunk that I fucked every boy at the party and then lezzed out with Mandy and Julie to try to get the ones who hadn’t passed out hard enough to fuck us again. I didn’t even like sex normally, but when I drank, I became some kind of needy nympho that wanted to get fucked. I didn’t want to cuddle and lay there. I wanted to get fucked hard and rough.

Boys my age don’t fuck hard and rough though. At least, not the ones I had been with. They barely know how to thrust in and out of you in the missionary position. I knew there was more. I had watched porno when I was little. I caught Jerry watching it, and when I threatened to tell mom, he let me watch it. It was nasty. All I remember is this girl saying “I didn’t know you were an asshole man, Charlie” and then a fast cut of her sitting on a ball naked and looking completely loopy. I realized now she was high as a kite when she did that porno. The first time I started playing with myself in the bathtub was shortly after I watched that video and I would whisper, “I didn’t know you were an asshole man, Charlie.” It was so dirty to hear myself say those words as a little girl, and I began to finger my butt while I held my little pussy under the running water in the bathtub.

I wasn’t sure where we were going. Mandy lived pretty close to me, but Julie clearly lived out in the boonies. There was nothing but woods out where we were headed and a single lane highway. I had never been to Julie’s house. She usually spent the night at my house, and then I assumed her parents picked her up.

It was dark when we arrived at this dumpy little trailer park. The trailers were dirty and rusted out, and half of them looked like no one lived there. However, people did live there. There weren’t very many working street lights, so it was difficult to see the numbers on the trailers.

I didn’t know Julie was so poor. She acted like she was a rich bitch. As a child of a single mother that is a teacher, we aren’t rich, but I acted like a rich bitch too. We were definitely wealthy compared to the poor white trash that lived out here. There were three-wheel “ATCs” in yards and barking dogs yapping as we drove down the unpaved street that led up to her trailer. The park probably had about thirty or forty trailers in total.

When we pulled up in front of the yellow and brown single wide trailer I didn’t think this could be it. There were kids running around outside in the yard in diapers that were too old to be wearing diapers. There were broken toilets, and a broke down old Ford with missing tires and the hood up. The lawn was a mess, and the wooden deck leading to the trailer was busted.

My mom handed me my clothes and let me put the skirt back on before we left the car. I think she would have made me get out and put it on if it were quiet and deserted. People were outside on their patios drinking beer and smoking, and there were a few motorcycles and pick up trucks on the dusty old road.

We walked up to the wooden deck that led to the door. The stairs were busted, and we had to step over it. Mandy looked at me like she was afraid. I could tell Mandy hadn’t been here either and she was just as disgusted as I was.

The trailer smelled like mildew, cigarettes, and dirty ass. It looked that way too. The carpet was scummy and dirty, and the trailer was a mess. It wasn’t as bad as how we trashed my mom’s place, but it was definitely disgusting in there. The trash was completely full, and there were flies buzzing around in the kitchen.

Someone opened the door when my mom knocked and then ran away but left the door open for us. We walked inside cautiously. The TV was on, and there had to be at least a dozen people living here. I saw a chubby pregnant girl with long hair nursing a baby in the corner. She wasn’t much older than me. Two guys were fighting and arguing over some leftover pizza. I saw a couple girls who looked like Julie but were obviously her sisters. One of them was chasing her brother and throwing shoes at him for something awful he must have recently done to her. She had a towel wrapped around her like she just took a shower, but I felt like there was no way you could get truly clean in this place. The sink smelled like rotten eggs, and I saw little cockroaches emerge from the inside. The dishes were stacked high in the sink and had been there a long, long time. There was no food in the kitchen from what I could tell. I saw someone open the fridge and the light didn’t come on. A little boy put his hamster inside and closed the door. I don’t think it was even plugged in.

I wanted to shriek in horror.

Julie came out of a room and shut the door. She obviously shared it with several people.

She had light brown kinky curly hair and a slightly larger nose. The most accurate way to describe her is to compare her to Jenifer Grey, the actress that played Ferris Bueller’s sister in both her attitude and her appearance.

“What are you guys doing here?” she seemed surprised.

My mom said she was here to tell her parents about the party.

“Oh my god, why? It’s over, it wasn’t my fault anyway,” Julie seemed angry we had come over and invaded her personal space or privacy. She may have been embarrassed she was so poor.

Mandy and I looked at each other like hungry young sharks that wanted to tell the lone tuna fish to relax. We weren’t there to eat her as we sharpened our teeth.

We may have looked out of place in our tube tops and short skirts that didn’t match if several of the girls in the house weren’t dressed almost exactly like us.

Two boys chased each other as they ran past us. One was holding a lighter out and trying to catch him on fire. “Suck my dick!” one yelled. The other one yelled, “No, you suck my dick!” as they ran through the trailer like an overgrown version of my brothers Buddy and Lewis. They ran past us again and goosed Mandy by reaching under her skirt and pinching her pussy. My mom didn’t let Mandy do anything back. I wondered if they had goosed my mom if she would have smacked them into next week. I would have liked to have seen that.

“Where are your parents, Julie?” My mom looked mortified by the chaos. Julie pointed into the living room and said they were where they always were.

Mr. Simmons was reclining in a broken EZ-chair. He was wearing yellow underwear and a yellow stained tank top “wife beater,” and he had crumbs and wrappers from food all over his belly. He was fat, balding, and snoring. He was surrounded by empty Budweiser cans and filled ashtrays. There were Frito corn chips, Ho-Ho cakes and Ding Dongs snack cakes, and Moonpies all around him.

Mrs. Simmons was in a smaller, reclining chair. Her hair was in curlers. She was fat and pudgy but had Julie’s roman shaped nose. She looked completely stressed out like she had drunk way too much caffeine recently. She had bags under her eyes and wrinkles all over her face despite being about my mom’s age. She was wearing a robe and slippers and looked like she was ready to grab a broom at any moment and beat the snot out of one of the kids that were running around.

I should mention there were two skinny old men asleep at a table. One wasn’t wearing any shirt, and it looked like they had been drinking heavily. Neither of them had their false teeth in, and their jaws looked completely emaciated.

There had to be at least seventeen cats running around underfoot. It definitely smelled like twice that many in the living room.

“Hello, Mrs. Simmons? I am Blair’s mother. We spoke on the telephone?” My mom introduced herself.

Mrs. Simmons looked up at us and didn’t say anything.

“This is my daughter Blair,” she introduced me. I was thankful not to be called Fart Face. I assumed that my mom felt embarrassed about calling me that in front of another parent. I was embarrassed because I had to curtsy and I looked completely ridiculous doing it in a mini-skirt in the midst of all this chaos. She introduced Mandy, and she curtsied as well.

I started to feel sorry for Julie. I started to think perhaps her life is miserable enough that she shouldn’t be in my Mom’s summer school as well. I didn’t realize how GOOD I had it with only two chaotic little brothers. I used to think their constant disruption of my life was a big deal, but here I wondered how anyone ever got any sleep with all the noise and confusion. I looked at Mandy, and I could tell from the expression of concern on her face that she must have been thinking the same thing.

I felt guilty we had come here with the intention of roping her into our own personal little hell.

My mom carefully explained the events of the party, including all the rotten things we made Jenny do. She didn’t say that Jenny was originally a boy. Mrs. Simmons looked amused. She asked twice during the story, which of her kids was at the party.

“It was Julie,” My mom pointed to the girl standing right next to her.

“Okay, yeah, she is always up to no good. You want to call the law? We don’t have any money if that is what this is about,” Mrs. Simmons looked at us like we obviously wanted something. I noticed she was missing a lot of teeth, and every time she spoke, it smelled like rotten bologna.

“No, I wanted to inform you of this because it is serious and ask if you wanted to handle the matter,” My mom said firmly.

“Handle it. How?” Mrs. Simmons was more interested in the television program she was watching than listening to my mother.

“By disciplining her?” My mom said the words like that should be common sense. I am a brat, and I hate discipline, but even I knew that what we did required some kind of discipline or punishment. I thought my mom’s method was off the deep end, but I would have expected any parent, even a poor one to want to spank their kid or ground them.

“Okay, we’ll get to it,” Mrs. Simmons said and asked if there was anything else.

“I am going to discipline my daughter for the entire summer over this matter and teach her a lesson. I have agreed to let Mandy stay with us and treat her exactly the same. If you would like I can extend the same offer for Julie. It would not be a pleasant experience for Julie, and I can be strict. However, she would regret her actions and return to you far more obedient and considerate,” My mom said. I don’t think she wanted to suggest that but seeing that there was literally no boundaries in this chaotic household had made her concerned.

I was about to tell my Mom something about how Mrs. Simmons said she would handle the matter and that we should let well enough alone. It wouldn’t be any fun to make Julie’s life even more miserable than it already was now that I saw how shitty her life was at home.

“Oh, mom, can I go? can I go?” Julie was excited to get the fuck out of here. I couldn’t blame her for that, but she had no idea what she was agreeing to yet.

“Julie, you have no idea yet what this offer entails. You will be taught respect. You will eat when I say eat and how I say to eat. You will wear what I tell you to wear. You will be punished and on restriction the entire summer with Blair and Mandy,” my Mom had only scratched the surface of the expectations, but Julie was still excited and agreed to it all.

“That’s fine. I’ll do whatever they do! I’ll be good! I promise! Mom, can I?” Julie asked, hopefully.

Mrs. Simmons didn’t seem to care one way or the other. She was quiet and watching her TV show. She appeared to be chewing on a big wad of fat, or maybe it was chewing tobacco. “This gonna cost me any money?” she asked my mom.

“Not at all,” My mom assured her. “I know Mandy’s mother very well, and she understood the discipline program that I would enforce would be strict. Is there a way we can talk more privately about the expectations before you make your decision?” My mom wanted to discuss it, but kids were spinning out of control between our legs. They kept looking under our skirts as they slid under us rapidly.

“Don’t mind my little brothers, they are little horn dogs,” Julie threw a beer can at one of them and hit him in the head. He picked it up and threw it back at her. “Ow, you got me in the tit!” she shouted. She turned to us and begged to leave right now.

I could sense my mother’s frustration. She could be very eloquent when she wanted to speak, but if people weren’t listening to her, it was pointless. Mrs. Simmons didn’t seem very bright either so even if we had her full attention, there was a good chance she wouldn’t understand what was said.

“What do we get out of this?” Mrs. Simmons asked. I could picture what I may be like when I am that age if this had been my life wondering the same thing. I constantly ask myself, what do I get out of something.

“When your daughter returns at the end of the summer, she will be obedient, attentive, and far less trouble to manage. I assure you of that,” My mom explained.

“That’s good, but do we get any money or something?” Mrs. Simmons was far from tactful. She was basically asking for a bribe.

“I am certainly not going to pay you,” My mom started to say but then added “I will tell you what. I need to go to the store. How about I take Julie with us and discuss with her the rules and expectations. I’ll bring back some groceries for you since it looks like you are a little low,” My mom said politely. Their cupboards were barren. “If Julie decides to accept the challenge, then I will take her. Otherwise, I’ll leave the groceries and let you handle the matter as you said you would,” my mom said.

“I said I would do what?” Mrs. Simmons asked. She was barely paying attention to what my mom said.

“Discipline your daughter,” My mom said, and then without asking for further permission, she took Julie by the hand and led her out of the disgusting trailer.

Once we were outside of the trailer, my mom walked us over to the car.

“Julie, what you did was reprehensible. You betrayed my trust. You destroyed my things. You abused your authority over Jenny. I don’t know how much sex, booze or coke you did at that party and I don’t want to know. You need to understand that I take that very seriously and you are not welcome at my house unless things change drastically,” she said.

“That’s fine. I’ll do whatever! Let’s go,” Julie wanted to get in the car before her parents changed their minds. I doubted very seriously they would wobble their fat asses out of their chairs and come chase us down, but Julie couldn’t wait to leave.

“You have no idea what my expectations are, and I am not inclined to subject you to them without first discussing them with you. I tried to explain to your mother but she wouldn’t listen,” Mom said. Julie shrugged like that was expected.

“I am inclined to let parents deal with matters internally, and my offer to help you comes from a good place. You have been Blair’s best friend for several years. When she shit on all her other friends, you continued to stay friends with her. Why do you think that is?” My mom asked.

“I shit right back on her,” Julie smirked at me.

“You should know that both Mandy and Blair wanted you to be disciplined alongside them,” My mom told our secret plan to her. I guess I shouldn’t have been surprised by that. She said she wouldn’t manipulate Julie to get her to agree to this and I knew she meant it.

“Gosh, thanks guys,” Julie said sarcastically to us with a lemony smile on her face. “I’d want the same thing if I was in their shoes, I guess,” Julie admitted.

“Get in the car, and we’ll go shopping. Sit up front,” my mom told her.

“Really? I never get to sit in the front,” Julie was excited. She usually had to sit in the back with my brothers if my mom drove us anywhere.

I started to get into the car, and my mom told me to wait. “Are you forgetting something, Fart Face?”

Julie giggled that my mom had dared to call me that. The marker had faded a little, but it was still written on the side of my face.

“Here, Ma’am?” I asked.

“You sound like Jenny trying to question my orders. Yes, I told you until you can learn to curtsy when leaving and entering a room with your betters in it. Did you curtsy as you left the trailer? Did you curtsy when you entered?” she asked.

I had curtsied when I was introduced to Mrs. Simmons, but I knew that wouldn’t matter to my mother. I said I hadn’t and bent at the waist to shimmy out of my dress.

A bearded guy in a trailer over shouted “Full Moon tonight, Woooh!” and lifted his beer.

“Oh my gosh, Blair? Are you taking off your clothes? Why?” Julie asked as she saw me hand my skirt to my mother.

“That is part of the discipline, I have to obey my mom, and this is one of the lessons,” I said. I felt mosquitos biting my ass. In Florida, they were terrible. My mom swatted my ass and told me to get in the car while holding on to my skirt.

“Are you still open to discussing the discipline, Julie?” My mom asked her.

Julie got in the passenger side, sat down and shut the door as her response to my mother’s question.
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Chapter Six

Post by EddieDavidson »

My bare ass bounced up, and down on the back seat as we rode down the bumpy gravel road to leave Julie’s trailer park.

“So basically our punishment is like Jenny’s training?” Julie asked a little too enthusiastically. I was shocked she was considering this without putting up a fight or an argument. She is lazy, selfish, greedy, and generally just like me only not quite as good at it.

I would have slammed the door and walked back into that dump the moment I heard I had to take my skirt off if I were Julie. Well, I don’t know. That trailer was pretty wretched, and I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. I would wish a lot worse on my worst enemy. I’d wish that trailer on a bitch that pissed me off though. She had to be up to something, and I wondered what Julie’s angle could be.

In any case, my Mom explained that the training was not exactly like what Jenny was receiving. “It is a punishment for what you did. What you did is a symptom of who you have become. What I am talking about is an education,” My Mom said.

“I didn’t want to tell Blair, but I thought the training you were giving Jenny was fun,” Julie said. My Mom asked her why she wouldn’t tell me. I was curious about why, as well.

“I was afraid that if I told her it looked fun then if she got bored at the party after humiliating Jenny, then she’d make me do the same things,” Julie smiled.

“Bullshit, you slapped the snot out of Jenny!” I shouted from the backseat and reminded Julie that she ASKED if she could slap Jenny one afternoon.

“Yeah, don’t get me wrong that was fun, but I was kind of curious what it would feel like to get slapped. I was just too chicken shit to say anything to you. You might like slapping me so much you never stopped,” Julie said.

I told her damned right, I would.

My Mom stopped the car and reminded me that I was not permitted to speak impolitely to guests. I said that Julie was one of us, and she was in for discipline too. “She isn’t right now. You will call her Miss Julie until a decision has been reached, now get out of the car!” My Mom insisted.

I swallowed. I wouldn’t have put it past her to make me walk home completely naked from the woods. I was ready to tell her that it was simply too far, but she insisted I get out before she told me what was next.

She got out with me and made me put my hands on the roof of the car, spread my legs, and stick out my ass. She spanked me by hand ten times on the bare ass. Julie watched the entire time as I counted each one, and apologized for my outburst.

“Are you ready to be kept in a constant state of discipline where you may not speak out of turn or face a consequence like this one, Julie?” My Mom had used me as an example of what was in store for Julie, and to teach me a lesson at the same time. I rubbed my rosy red butt cheeks. I could feel my mother’s handprint on my ass as I got back in the car, and sat naked in the back seat. I folded my arms and sat quietly while pouting.

“I mean, not really. I thought this was like a dare game or something,” Julie looked confused. She had seen me naked in the back seat and assumed I lost a bet or a dare. She explained that Mandy, and her used to play dare games with other girls at a Catholic middle school they both attended. That is how they met. I assumed the Catholic school was for rich kids, but apparently, it was for bad girls.

“This is no game. There may be dares and incentives, but rest assured that the end result isn’t just to see you naked. I could not care less about what you have between your legs. I’ve seen more pussy, and cock than you’ll see in your lifetime,” My Mom assured her. I had never heard her boast about that before, but I didn’t doubt my Mom either.

“The core values I am teaching you are similar, and the basic protocols, but it is much more mature,” My Mom explained. She went over the female condition, and how we were manipulative, and that Jenny’s training was designed to address his shortcomings as a know-it-all, pervert who couldn’t stop jerking off. My Mom provided an example of a traditional punishment to take away her television privileges, and it would be far too little and have no effect at all on changing Julie.

“My Mom and Dad never stop watching TV long enough for anyone to watch anything else. The TV is always on, so I guess you are right there. I don’t think putting me on restriction would work either. They wouldn’t know if I was gone or not. I have never had to ask to spend the night at your house. I just go, and get someone to give me a ride home,” Julie said.

My Mom looked concerned. She thought Julie always had her parent’s permission to come over. My Mom went into a lengthy tirade about respect and how that would stop immediately.

I stopped listening to my Mother’s lecture and stared out the window at the dark Florida night sky. I started to finger myself quietly in the back seat because I knew my Mom wasn’t watching and focused strictly on Julie.

It was hard not to play with the only toy in the toy box, and sitting with my freshly shaved cunt in a dark car with nothing else to touch made it very tempting. All I had to do was keep it low-key so no one noticed and I could diddle myself to my heart’s content. I wasn’t going at it like a rutting pig or anything. I was so subtle even Mandy couldn’t tell.

“So you two are doing this? Mandy?” Julie turned around, excitedly.

“Yes, Miss Julie, I am. My Mom agreed that it was for the best,” she said.

“Are you playing with yourself, Blair?” Julie asked. She noticed. I thought she couldn’t see.

“No, Miss Julie,” I hated having to call my best friend Miss Julie, and I could tell she loved it.

“Let me smell your finger,” My Mom made me present both hands to the driver’s seat, and she smelled pussy on my finger.

“Take off your top, and hand it up here then put both hands behind your head, and sit up straight,” My Mom said to me. I obeyed.

“Oh wow, and just like that, you two are doing whatever she says? I think I’d rather stay Miss Julie, and kick your asses,” Julie chuckled.

“That isn’t one of the options,” My Mom assured her that this was the only option besides going back home.

“You guys have to be fucking with me? Where is the hidden camera? Where is Allen Funt?” Julie pretended to look for a camera.

“You will also not be permitted to use that kind of language. You will unlearn everything you know, and be educated all summer. Is that something that interests you? It will be grueling, humiliating, painful, and difficult. In the process, I am going to reset your bitch buttons, and make you appreciate what you have in life,” she said.

“If you can make me appreciate living in that trailer, then I am on board,” Julie was clearly joking.

Your trailer doesn’t look comfortable. I think this training will prepare you to consider even what little privacy you do have at home, as a blessing,” my Mom assured her.

“Oh, no, there is NO privacy in our trailer, none!” Julie replied. My Mom tried to explain that she was sure Julie would feel differently once she saw how she was going to live over the summer at our house and experience constant supervision.

Julie told us that there were holes in the bathroom so that the perverted boys could peep at any time when they took a shit or shower. I was shocked her parents hadn’t put a stop to it. When my mom asked why they didn’t block the holes she said that the boys would just find other ways to peep.

“Did you see my sister running around in a towel? She spent 15 minutes running around naked just to get that towel, and while she showered, not only did they take her clean clothes; they took ALL of her clothes! She literally just has that towel, and nothing else right now,” Julie told us like that was a fairly typical situation at her place.

“Who took the clothes?” My Mom asked.

“Everybody! We all did. We divvied them up,” Julie chuckled that this was just how the cookie crumbled.

“Are you ever abused there? Sexually? physically?” My Mom asked.

“I get my ass beat every now and then by my brothers. It’s usually for playing a prank on them. It isn’t serious or anything. We all kick each other’s asses. Living in that small a space you have to blow off a little steam now and then or we’ll all go crazy. I don’t know if you would call it abuse because usually, I’ve done something to deserve it. Someone has been jerking off in all of our shoes. The other day I figured out it was my Uncle, and the funny thing is he had been jerking off in his own shoes so that no one would guess he was the one doing it. I should have known though because he has a thing for shoes,” Julie admitted like her Uncle was just mildly eccentric and not kind of twisted.

“What did your parents do about it?” My Mom asked.

“What they always do,” Julie shrugged “Nothing.” She explained that with so many people sharing a place, and constant conflicts that it would be a full time, exhausting job to try to keep the peace on everybody. They all have to handle their own conflicts. “It’s probably why I am such a bitch, I guess. If I want something, I have to just take it. I’m sure Blair has told you about the shoplifting?”

The car stopped.

No, I had not told her about the shoplifting.

We had steadily been shoplifting from various stores around the area for a long time. It was a thrill. I didn’t really need the items so usually, I gave them to Julie. To me it was more about the power of being able to take something without paying for it. Once I got what I wanted, I didn’t want it any longer.

“Get out, and walk behind the car until I calm down,” My Mom told me. The veins in her neck were popping out. I was on a lone deserted dark road in the middle of nowhere. I stepped out of the car, and my Mom rolled it slowly as I followed in the nude. I could hear Julie explaining while I was outside the car in great detail how many times we planned our shoplifting sprees together, but that usually it was my idea. That was true, but how dare that cunt to throw me under the bus again? I had felt sympathy for her, but now I wanted her to be trained and disciplined.

A motorcycle flew past us, and I thought he would nearly skid off the side of the road when he saw the flash of my white ass behind the car as he passed us.

Killing a guy so enthralled with my nudity would have been another highlight for my day like it was making an old man, and George’s, life so special. I am being sarcastic, and he didn’t die anyway - he just ALMOST crashed.

My Mom once again shut off the car and stepped outside. She pointed to the roof of the car, and I put my hands on the roof like I was going to be frisked by a police officer. She spanked my ass ten times and made me count each time. It was so humiliating standing outside on an almost deserted road in the Florida summer night air in the nude with all the crickets chirping, and frogs croaking in the nearby swampland. It was even worse as she hit my ass and commented on how much it jiggled while I counted each stroke and thanked her for them.

My Mom let me back in but made me sit with my hands behind my head. I have to admit I no longer felt as testy or angry. It was almost like she sucked the fight right out of me for a minute or two.

“I think learning discipline would be a good thing for all three of us, Miss Julie,” I said very submissively.

“I told you she would say something like that when I let her back in,” My Mom said, and Mandy and Julie giggled.

“What? I am being serious,” I knew I had been caught in a lie, and I chuckled.

I had the impression that Mandy had taken Julie shoplifting too. I felt a little envious to have been left out of their shoplifting hijinks, but then I had been the one to say I didn’t want to hang out with Mandy so I couldn’t very well hold it over Julie’s head.

“You are all nasty, pretty, little liars, and thieves. You are cunts and manipulators. The thing is Julie, you aren’t my cunt and manipulator, and neither is Mandy. I’ve opened my door to her as a favor to her mother because Mrs. Sonneborne can’t or won’t do what needs to be done. She is also concerned about what Mandy’s father and brother would say if she were trained like she will be in Summer School around their house,” my Mom explained.

“Wait? I am going to be trained around my own house?” Julie was suddenly very skeptical about this entire thing. They would shit on her like nobody’s business if we turned her over to her family as a submissive servant.

“No, I am not saying that,” My Mom explained. She had to turn, so she took a natural pause to collect her thoughts.

“Originally, we agreed that if one of us tries to quit or refuses to obey then at the end of the summer, she would have to continue discipline until Winter Break, Miss Julie” Mandy explained.

“Then Mrs. Conner said that we were a team. We have to help each other want to finish the program and learn from it. She said she would pick the Slutdictorian who was the best, but that if we all meet all her expectations according to her and graduate her summer school program TOGETHER, then my then Mrs. Conner was going to obey for a week, and we get to boss HER around,” Mandy explained with a wry grin. Julie liked that idea a lot.

“Yes, but only as a demonstration of proper obedience, and to show you that I care enough to teach you through example. If you need an incentive, this is your incentive. You won’t be able to throw wild parties, do drugs, or make me spend money that week. There will be limits just as there are limits on what I can make you do,” My Mom said. That sucked because I had planned on doing all of that and partying for at least part of the Summer!

“Wow, there are limits? So you can’t just make us do anything?” Julie asked.

“There are always limits and boundaries. Obviously, right now this is so new that I have not spelled them out completely, but I will not push you so hard as to break you. I will change you. I will test you. I will stretch you. I will bend you. You will be naked at all times at home regardless of who is there. You will be fed from the floor. You will be wearing what I tell you, and that will seldom include panties or a bra. What you saw the girls wear to your trailer was as conservative as it gets. You will call everyone you meet Sir and Ma’am, and that includes your family when you go home,” My Mom explained.

“I can’t just stay with you guys?” Julie didn’t protest or question any of the expectations the way I thought she might. Instead, she just wanted to stay with us.

“I told Mrs. Sonneborne that if Mandy does not improve by the end of the summer, it would be my recommendation she remains in full discipline as she did at my house, and we have a conversation with her father, and brother about what to expect, and why. Just like Blair, even if she does well, there will be some limited discipline and supervision after the Summer. There is no returning to the way things were,” My Mom said, but she considered her next words more carefully.

“In your case, I can see how it is a free for all there, and if your parents are not going to enforce the discipline, then it would be pointless. In fact, it may be pointless to spend the summer in my slut summer camp only to be returned to an environment without any boundaries, and be expected to cope,” My Mom explained. She told her the story about how, when she was younger, it took her two months to be able to eat without being told what she could eat once she had gotten used to it.

“No, please,” Julie begged. “No way that Mandy and Blair get to do this, and I don’t! I am so down with it,” Mandy started to take her clothes off in the car.

“What are you doing? I haven’t given you the order to take off your clothes or told you that I accept the responsibility of disciplining you,” My Mom insisted she put on her clothes.

“Nope, already done,” Mandy threw her clothes out of the open window, and let them fly down the road.

“That was foolish. Now, what happens when I take you home? Your parents will think you were molested or something!” My Mom was startled.

“Do you want to make it one week as OUR slave, and one week as my PERSONAL slave if they don’t say one word when I walk in the house completely naked?” Julie grinned wickedly and put her hands behind her head. “Like this?” she asked if she was interlacing her fingers behind her head properly as she imitated the way I was sitting.

“You understand that if you disobey me, I will promptly return you to your parent’s house. You understand that if you sneak out, steal, engage in any misbehavior I am going to punish you, and I spank very hard,” Mom said.

“I doubt you spank harder than Uncle Frank,” Julie chuckled. He was also apparently the guy who jerked off in her shoes.

“We can make a personal bet on that one because I am sure it is a bet you are going to lose. I know how to do things to your body that you haven’t even dreamed about, and make you hurt in places you don’t know you have,” Mom said. She asked Julie if she would consider spending 24 hours in discipline and then getting to decide if this was something she saw a benefit from.

“It will take at least a week before any of you really begin to understand some of what I am telling you. You have to live it for a while consistently before it sinks in, and that is a painful lesson. I don’t want you to spend a week in training only to discover you can’t handle it,” My Mom said. She told Julie she would give her one day in Summer School as a trial, if her parents permitted it to decide if she could handle it and then after that a week to soak in the lessons before my mom would consider enrolling her permanently in her slut summer school.

This was starting to feel like a real “Summer program” and not just a joke my mom made out of my punishment.

“You didn’t give me a week to decide if I didn’t want to do this,” Mandy spoke up and forgot to say, Ma’am.

“That is because you are doing it. Your mother is the one who decided what was best for you. I am carrying that out,” my Mom explained.

“Nonsense, you told my Mom about the idea and convinced her it was for the best. Now you are giving Julie a rip-cord after one day to get out of this if she wants?” Mandy seemed angry.

“Mandy, get your clothes off and get out of the car. When you have calmed down I will explain to you why you are wrong,” My Mom said. Mandy begrudgingly stripped, and threw her clothes down in the car angrily. She stepped out and ambled behind the car as my mother crept forward so she could keep up with us. A truck passed us. I think my Mom was waiting for at least one car on this lonely highway to possibly see us to make us worry about being let back in. It definitely worked as motivation. I didn’t want to get put out of the car again.

My Mom stopped the car and got out. I heard ten swats, and some counting as she spanked Mandy’s ass outside as she had mine earlier.

“What is your deal, Julie?” I whispered.

“You can call me Miss Julie for now, Fart Face,” she giggled at me in the backseat.

“Hardee har har,” I whispered sarcastically. “I mean, what game are you playing right now with my mom?” I wanted to know what her angle was.

“I don’t know what you mean, Fart Face. I am not playing any game,” Julie was being coy, and it was pissing me off.

“My Mom is very serious about taking you home and training you under the same rules we have. If you think she was hard on Jenny, you haven’t seen anything yet. You can’t seriously be considering coming along voluntarily, so tell me what angle you are playing at or so help me when I am finally out of this stupid restriction I am going to kick your ass,” I gritted my teeth. We joked about kicking each other’s asses all the time, but Julie knew when I was being ruthless, and this was one of those times.

“I haven’t made up my mind yet what I want to do. Mandy and I used belong to a dare club in middle school. I never told you about it because if we started it up again, you would have probably made up dares even Mandy wouldn’t do,” Julie winked at me playfully. She was right. I would have probably taken over the club, and made the people who played do all sorts of humiliating things while I did nothing, but create the dares. I am kind of an alpha-bitch in that sense. I was always taking over my friend’s clubs when I was in elementary school, and then kicking them out when they did not like the changes I made.

That could be why most of these people don’t talk to me anymore.

I felt a little envious that my so-called best friend had this other friend. I understand friendship isn’t exclusive like steady dating, but I couldn’t help, but feel like Julie should be on my side, and not Mandy’s side.

When my mother finished spanking Mandy and let back in the car, she made her sit as I did with her hands behind her head, and her shoulders back. Mandy pouted but did as she was told.

“Good, all three cunts are naked. Are you ready to listen, Mandy?” my Mom asked.

“Yes, Ma’am,” Mandy pouted.

“If you had a choice between my training or returning to that trailer, what would you choose?” she asked. It was a rhetorical question because it wasn’t a natural choice.

“I want Julie to experience it before she signs on, and if she finishes, then I’ll serve all three of you for ONE week like a proper slut,” my Mom promised.

“Yeah, but you said I have to go home and serve my Dad, and Gerald if I drag ass, Ma’am. You won’t make her do the same as me,” Mandy had a fair point.

“True, but I think your Dad and Gerald will be reasonable,” My Mom explained.

“Gerald would make me do all kinds of nasty things for him and his friends!”

“That is reasonable. He is a high school boy, and you would be a slut in Summer School training. You will be doing all kinds of nasty things. Just instead of to amuse yourself, and get something out of it, you will be doing it to amuse your betters. You would obey him if your mother said you needed to do as he said. Have you not been paying attention today when George came over? Anything I let Lori or George do Gerald should be able to do if you don’t complete your training and it continues at your house. If anything, Gerald is far more responsible than George. The simple solution if you don’t want Gerald involved is not to drag ass, and to perform satisfactorily.”

My Mom explained the three phases of Slut Summer Camp:

The next two months would be hard training, and we would follow our current rules. Then she would evaluate and test us in front of Liz, and decide together on how well we did. Mom would select a “Slutdictorian” who did the best, and she said she was still deciding what they would win. She said that any of us who ‘graduate’ will go on to a lesser form of discipline she called “Graduated Slut.”

Mom said as Graduated Sluts we’d still have food, and clothing chosen for us, but we wouldn’t always be naked at home, receive maintenance beatings as often or eat off the floor. We would have privacy in the bathroom, but we’d still have to shave our pussies bald, and say Sir, and Ma’am even at school.

If we did not Graduate the program Mandy, and I would stay as we were, until Winter Break when we would be re-tested and evaluated. We would continue as we did in Summer school until we became graduated sluts. My Mom explained given that Julie’s home life has no structure, and there would be no enforced discipline that she could not see how that plan could be maintained in her trailer.

“It may even be harmful to train Julie for two months under strict conditions, and get her used to the regular rituals, and cadence of domestic discipline before dropping her back into her home life. It’s possible it would be like a rubber band where I pull her hard one way to straighten her out, and then release, and she swings hard the other way to become an even bigger monster.”

Julie asked my Mom to stop the car and got out. Julie was upset and in a huff. I felt my Mom had offended her by making fun of her family or something. Mandy stood behind the car completely naked. My Mom waited for her without pulling forward. Julie waited for a good long time. My Mom watched in the rearview mirror and commented that she was not going to get out and beg her to get back in. “I’ll give her five minutes, and then I am going to start driving!” she said before reminding us that we needed to keep our elbows raised up high.

Julie came back before the five minutes were up and sat down naked. She put her hands behind her head, which seemed like a good sign and sighed. “Are you ready to listen, Ma’am?” Julie asked my Mom, plainly. My Mom smirked because she did have a good sense of humor.

“Anything and I means ANYTHING that Mandy and Blair will do I will do. If you and Mrs. Sonneborne think I dragged my ass and didn’t behave I am willing to do you one better and beg Uncle Frank to keep me in whatever rules you have made up for us over the summer when I get home. I can say that with confidence because I know I am not going to drag ass. In fact, I think if you are looking for a prize to the Slutdictorian, then she should get one additional week of you personally serving her under the same rules!”

“Two weeks, huh?” my Mom considered this strange offer with a quirky grin on her face. “You would have to allow me to go to school for the final week, and do my pre-lesson planning, and prepare the classroom, but when I came home, then I would obey completely. Will that work for you girls or do I need to take off all of my clothes and stand behind the car first?” my mother joked.

I couldn’t believe she had so breezily accepted the concept that she would serve for one week if we all graduated together and she’d serve the Slutdictorian exclusively for another week. There had to be some catch she wasn’t telling me. I would be happy to turn the tables on her for one week but two weeks was impossible to resist. She had to have something up her sleeve!

“How do we know you are really going to do this for both weeks, Ma’am? I mean you and my Mom could just say we sucked at this, and then you are off scot free,” Mandy asked from the back seat skeptically.

I assumed my mom was bluffing so I didn’t even take the bait and ask for a guarantee. She wouldn’t serve us! She would find some technicality to get out of it. It was what I would do in her place.

“It depends on what kind of sucking you excel at,” My Mom smirked her joke before reminding Mandy this was not a discussion, and she was not invited to chime in. “I will keep my word. If you have done everything you were expected to do and learned from it, then I will obey all three of you for one week, and whoever your mother, and I choose as Slutdictorian for one week exclusively. You’ll all three be ready, and prepared to take charge of someone else because you will KNOW what it means to submit, and what it means to trust someone else with the responsibility to have authority over you. I will demonstrate to you how to be a good submissive. It won’t be easy for me, and I don’t take the commitment lightly. I spent many years in discipline, what is two more weeks? If you need an incentive to work together as a team, then I’ll consider it a blessing, and not a punishment that you learn your lessons,” My Mom said very eloquently. She added that she would spend the entire summer as our submissive if it would fix what is wrong with us.

“You have to understand that I am willing to go to great lengths for my daughter to not go down the wrong path. My mother once told me that the curse of a mother is to see all her own mistakes reflected in her children. I didn’t understand then, but I do now. I see Blair as a magnified version of the person I would have been if I didn’t receive strict discipline growing up. Liz is one of my best friends if not my very best friend. She has always been there for me and had my back through thick, and thin. I consider it a personal favor to her to see that you get straightened out too, Mandy,” my Mom addressed her.

“Julie, you are my daughter’s best friend. I see so much of you in her that is a bad influence, and I know you were a little bitch before you ever met her. If you weren’t, you wouldn’t have found each other, and fed off of each other. The problem I have is that I don’t know your parents and your home life, and I am concerned that I shouldn’t just take you off, and put you through a highly intense summer program, and then just drop you off back into their midst with no guidance. I am wrestling with that decision of what is best for you, and what if anything I should do to provide that,” My Mom said.

“My parents don’t give two shits about where I am,” Julie said. She continued to keep her hands behind her head. I don’t think my Mom would have said anything if she took them down.

“Yes, but you have other family. Surely, you have brothers, and sisters that would be concerned if you were gone all summer as well?” my Mom asked sympathetically.

“I’ve got a lot of step-brothers, and some of them are just relatives or friends staying there. We also have a few foster kids,” Julie didn’t answer the question.

“Foster kids? Why are they taking in foster kids if you don’t have enough room as it is?” My Mom asked.

“The state gives them money. It is their only income besides a welfare check, and food stamps,” Julie said. I felt sorry for her. I hated feeling sorry for her. I wondered if that was her angle. Was she trying to feed my Mom some sad sack story about her harsh life so we would give her money? We were getting close to the grocery store now. Surely, this couldn’t have all been just to get an extra couple bags of groceries by appealing to my Mom’s kind heart?

“I just find it hard to believe you would not be missed,” My Mom said.

“I bet that I can walk in the house tonight completely naked, and they won’t give a crap,” Julie assured her that her things were gone already anyway. “As soon as I walked out the door, my stuff was up for grabs.”

“So you are saying if we bring you back to the trailer you are going to stay naked anyway?” Mom asked.

“Hah, what would you give me if I did?” Julie chuckled at the idea.

“Nothing, this isn’t a dare game,” my Mom reminded her.

“Yeah, but you have to make things interesting. If there is something at stake, I work harder, but when there is nothing to prove, then I don’t bother,” Julie said. That was true. That was how she was with her school work. She was whip-smart on some subjects, but she didn’t do the work unless there was something in it for her at the end. It wasn’t just a good grade, either. If a teacher had a point system where you could trade them for prizes or something, she would drop her apathetic bad-girl act, and get into it.

“If I came walking into the trailer naked, then my pervy brothers and Uncles would notice, but my parents won’t say a word. If they did ask I would just tell them someone took all my stuff from my section of the dresser, and then I’d have to go steal it back later,” Julie said quite seriously.

“I can understand them not being shocked. Someone stole your clothes while you were changing or in the shower. I find it hard to believe they wouldn’t question why you came back from the grocery store naked with us,” My Mom said as we neared the parking lot. It was lit up, and there were plenty of cars as it was prime shopping time on Sunday night. I was worried people would see us topless. I tried not to look worried, though.

“What would you give me if they don’t?” Julie said. My Mom once again reminded her it wasn’t a dare game, but asked what would she want. I assume she meant money or food or something essential.

“You ride home naked like us,” Julie smirked. She was joking.

“I am the boss, I don’t have to ride naked,” my Mom shot her idea down.

“Ah, you are chicken, I get it, you wouldn’t dare be naked in a parking lot like this,” Julie snickered.

“My dear, you have no idea what I would dare, and what I wouldn’t,” My Mom repeated what was becoming her signature line. “Fine, after we finish shopping, I’ll ride the entire way naked to your house, and IF you end up coming with us, I’ll ride the entire way home naked too. However, I have one stipulation for you, and it is not negotiable if you accept,” my Mom said as she pulled into a parking space.

“Name it,” Julie was grinning ear to ear like she couldn’t believe my Mom was serious, but I knew my Mom was not kidding.

“You will walk into your trailer completely naked. We will all be dressed. You will walk up to your mother, and confess everything you have done. I want you to spend a full five minutes at least,” My Mom said.

“It might take me longer than five minutes to tell them everything, Ma’am,” Julie chuckled but asked her to continue.

“Good, you will call all women Ma’am, and all men Sir once you are inside. You will give them the HIGHLIGHTS including how you shoplifted, how you tore up my house, how you slapped Jenny around, how you drank and did cocaine if you did, and how at the end you had a gang bang on the floor with random boys,” My Mom insisted.

“They won’t give a shit about any of that, I can promise you, Ma’am,” Julie assured her they would not be shocked in the least. “I have one sister working at a titty bar in Daytona, and they call her the ‘good one.’”

“That’s fine, don’t cut me off until I finish,” My Mom clarified. “I want you to ASK them to let you come with me to be trained, and disciplined for the summer. I want you to tell them that you feel it will make you a better daughter, sister, friend, and person all around. I want you to tell them that when you return, you will be provided with further directions on how you are to behave, and they are to report any infractions or slippage in your behavior to me if they don’t wish to address it, and I will determine the appropriate next steps. That will include the possibility that you will be naked at all times in the trailer, and available as a housekeeper, cook, maid, and personal servant to them, and anyone else in the house. I need you to say that out loud so that they can hear it.”

I could see Julie’s confidence start to crack when there was mention of real work like housekeeping, and cooking. I looked at Mandy and smiled, and Mandy returned my wicked smile. I didn’t think Julie would take my Mom’s offer because there was nothing in this for her besides seeing my mom ride home naked, and who cared about that?

“You will also tell her that there will be corporal punishment including spankings on a regular basis, and those would continue when you get home with your Uncle Frank if they are unwilling to keep you in line. You will admit to being lazy, selfish, manipulative, cruel, and petty. You will say that you are tired of that and that you have voluntary enrolled yourself, but need their permission,” my Mom told her.

“What will you give me if my mom stops listening halfway in and ignores this, and doesn’t give me permission because she wasn’t listening?”

“I will give you three months of discipline if you ask the question unless she tells you no. I find it impossible to believe she wouldn’t have a reaction to something that unusual,” My Mom said.

“She will probably ask what is in it for her if she reacts at all. I appreciate you bringing groceries, but they may take your kindness for weakness, and expect you to bring them more stuff. My Uncle’s truck hasn’t been working great, and they’ll give you some sob story about wanting more food. They are just too lazy to get off their asses, and they’d rather trade their food stamps for cigarettes,” she said.

“I feel like Monty Haul on Let’s make a deal, Julie,” my Mom smirked. She did enjoy games even if she tried to remain serious. I could tell she was thinking about how to work things out for the best of everyone.

“If she doesn’t react or if she just asks what is in it for her,” My Mom was thinking of what to say when Julie interrupted her again.

“Then you serve the three of us for the entire summer!” she was joking.

My Mom reached over and slapped her hard across the face. Julie looked angry but didn’t do anything.

“You said you were curious what a slap felt like. Did you enjoy it?” My Mom asked.

“No, Ma’am,” Julie pouted.

“Interrupt me again, and see if you change your mind,” my Mom said. Julie remained quiet and let her finish. “If she and your father both react the way you say they will after you have said everything I have told you then you can tell them I will come back ONCE a week, and bring them some groceries, and ALL of us will clean their house top to bottom. You will be able to give them a report on your status,” my Mom said. Julie nodded and smiled, but didn’t say a word.

“If they express concern, have questions, have stipulations, or in any way seem like normal, reasonable human beings would react then I am going to offer them the groceries, but I will have you, and you alone return to clean the house top to bottom in the nude, and you will report on your status to them. I will take the other girls to the beach,” my Mom said and waited for a response from Julie.

Julie asked for permission to speak, and my Mom gave it. “If they say no, I am forbidden from coming over ever again, and no groceries, though?” she asked.

I recognized a guilt trip when I saw one. She was trying to make my Mom feel sorry for her.

“You won’t be permitted to come over until your behavior has changed. If you can change it on your own, you are welcome under certain conditions, and understand Blair will not be entirely off of her discipline even if she graduates. I’d love to help them out, but I am on a teacher’s salary. I was planning to make you girls mow lawns wash cars, and clean houses to earn the grocery money,” my Mom said.

“If I do this you are riding in the car naked with us, and at the end of the summer we get to own you for a week, and one of us gets to own you for an additional week?” Julie asked.

“That is the deal as long as you all three graduate the program together. If one of you bad apples spoils it for the others too bad so sad, tough titties” my Mom laid it out for her.

“Can I make you come, and clean our trailer that week if i own you?” Julie raised a curious eyebrow.

“As long as I can get a babysitter then I would go wherever you want me, and serve as long as it is a relatively safe environment. I am not easily broken. I am a tougher bitch than all three of you combined. You can bend me, but you won’t break me. Do we have a deal, Julie Simmons or am I going to grow old in this car?” my Mom snickered and twitched her nose in a funny way.

Julie shook her hand and agreed before returning to sit tits out, shoulder’s back and hands behind her head like the rest of us.

“You wait here, and we’ll be back with the groceries,” My Mom said, and locked the door, and rolled up the windows. Mandy and I were given permission to get dressed and left Julie in the car naked waiting for us with her hands behind her head. I waved goodbye to Julie and blew her a kiss. It would be a long wait in the nude in a well lit parking lot. I didn’t envy her one bit!
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Chapter Seven

Post by EddieDavidson »

“Okay, you cunts have clothes on now. Feel less naked?” my mom stalked across the parking lot quickly while walking in front of us.

“Not really, Ma’am,” Mandy admitted as we tugged our skirts down. Even though it was dark outside, the parking lot was well lit, busy, and windy.

“This is the most you are going to get to wear so you should learn to appreciate it. Once we are inside, I want all four of your grubby little hands on the shopping carts at all times. You take them off ONLY when I instruct you to pick up something. There won’t be any order. If it is on your side of the aisle and we need it, then you get it. If there are three items, you bend over or reach for each item separately. You will not crouch or bend your knees. You will keep your legs apart and bend at the waist if it is low. You will stand on tippy toes if it is high. You will smile and look pretty if you get lucky enough to select something from the middle of the aisle,” My mom assured us. She told us we would take turns getting whatever it was.

“I fully expect some heads will turn when we start this exercise. You are to smile and be polite. You are not to glare or give anyone the stink eye, is that understood Fart Face?” my mom asked me directly.

“Yes Ma’am, I won’t be giving anyone the stink eye,” I had to be explicit in my speech and not just answer yes or no to yes or no questions. It was something I had drilled into Jenny’s head the week before when she was in training, and now the tables had been turned, and it was being drilled into my head.

“If anyone talks to you then you will politely address them and talk for as long as they wish to talk. You will not try to disengage or hurry them along. You will look them in the eyes the entire time. You will address them with respect. If any of them point out that they can see right through your shirt or that you have no panties, then you will thank them for letting you know and apologize if appropriate but take no action to adjust your outfit unless I tell you,” my mom gave us last minute instructions as we entered the Publix. The grocery store was in a different plaza than the one we usually went to because it was north of where we lived. The good part about that was it was less likely any students from Vero Beach would be there to see me humiliated.

“What if it is the manager, and he is asking us to cover up or leave, Ma’am?” Mandy asked politely. It was appropriate for her to speak since mom was talking to us.

“I’ll be right there to address any complaints. This is the simplest of exercises and one you will frequently be doing. Do you have any other questions before we begin?” she asked us as we stood by the old style 25 cent kiddy-rides and bubble gum machines at the entrance.

“What do we say if anyone asks us why we are dressed this way or acting this way, Ma’am?” I asked.

A black woman with three kids walked past us in the entrance. She looked us up and down scornfully but said nothing.

“It is highly doubtful anyone will think you are anything other than two attention whores dressed like sluts who are acting like sluts. However, part of this exercise is that the two of you don’t know how to hold a polite, respectful conversation. You are so used to lying that you are asking me what cover story you should be using. You can tell them the truth. That your mother is teaching you a lesson and you have to speak respectfully and behave yourselves,” my mom said.

“What if they don’t understand, Ma’am?” Mandy followed up on my question. “There could be a preacher in there who wants to save our soul and he doesn’t think dressing like sluts will do the trick?” she said.

My mom smiled and almost laughed. “If there is a preacher here on Sunday night I’d wonder why he isn’t at the Church. However, I would leave that one to me. I told you I used to go flirty fishing with my mom and sister. We used to get that all the time from the people that looked down their noses at girls dressed like sluts. You will follow my lead and agree with whatever I tell you. If we meet a preacher in there and he feels compelled to come up to us because of your behavior, then you will have exceeded my expectations for this first lesson, and there will be ice cream for everybody,” My mom promised with a chuckle.

“I have one more question, Ma’am,” Mandy asked, and this was about Julie instead of the lesson at hand. My mom said she could ask politely while we walked in the store. Two teenage girls dressed in tube tops and mini-skirts with slutty makeup was pretty common in southwest Florida. So much so that if you didn’t see them in public, then you would be surprised. Two teenage girls dressed that way-side by side pushing a cart with both hands in front of them on the shopping cart handle was unusual. It wasn’t so weird that people dropped boxes or did double takes, but it raised a few eyebrows.

“I am just going to put it out there because I don’t know when I’ll get another chance to say it. I am here because my mom said I had to be. If she said I didn’t have to be then, I wouldn’t be doing this. I like you, and you seem cool. I totally get that you are trying to make me a better person and I can appreciate that. I totally get that you are pissed about what we did to your place and I should pay for that. However, if I could work in an ice cream stand this summer and give you the money to pay for the damages instead of this I would,” Mandy said.

My mom pointed to a coffee can in the middle shelf and Mandy put it in the cart.

“If Fart Face wasn’t expected to do this I don’t think she’d volunteer either,” she said. She looked at me, expecting me to say something. I remained quiet. My mom told me to get some cereal and pointed.

I bent over at the waist and picked it up. I knew part of my butt cheeks were exposed. I tried not to look behind me, but I noticed a little old lady looking up at me and shaking her head that I was a dirty girl. I smiled at her.

“I mean she does seem to enjoy it on some level,” Mandy swatted my butt with her hand playfully, and my mom allowed it. “However, I think you know she wouldn’t do this even for the chance to get you to serve us for two weeks on the condition she does what you tell her and learn what you taught her,” Mandy explained.

I definitely wanted to make my mom suffer for two weeks, but it was debatable whether I’d quit at this point. I can be stubborn once I really set my mind to something, but if I haven’t, then I can be temperamental and prone to being contrary and changing my mind on the flip of a dime.

“However, I don’t understand what’s going on with Julie. She wasn’t the most daring member of our dare club in middle school. She threw her clothes out in the middle of the road. She refused even to let you consider giving her a probationary period to change her mind. She made a bet with you to tell her parents and is outside waiting in the car naked. I’ve known Julie longer than Blair has, and something is off. She is a lying cunt and a bitch through and through,” Mandy said. My mom made her stand on her tippy-toes to get something high off the shelf. She had to stretch, and a few guys stared at her, but nothing fell out, they could see. It didn’t stop guys from watching to see what might pop out! Mandy had this mischievous look on her face the entire time because she knew they were watching and she liked teasing. My mom let Mandy continue the question as we went to another aisle picking up food at her direction.

“I was with her at the party. She was down to snort coke. She was down to suck cock. She was down to party with boys she didn’t know. However, you mentioned hard work like cleaning house, mowing lawns, washing cars and doing it naked and she still went for it when she doesn’t have too. Why?” Mandy said as she bent over for some pickles.

“I wondered that myself. You girls are not logical, but you do have patterns. I know what you are going to do before you do it most of the time simply because I ask myself what would I do if I were a sneaky little bitch,” my mom joked.

She was interrupted before she could continue. A nice old man approached my mom and said, “Ma’am, I hate to interrupt, but I noticed something, and maybe you should be aware,” he whispered something into my mother’s ear.

“Mandy, did you not wear panties into the store again?” my mom asked her sternly with her eyebrows knotted.

“No, Ma’am, I did,” Mandy lied.

“Turn around lift your skirt! Let me see!” my mom’s eyes flashed with anger, but there was a subtle hint she wasn’t serious. I noticed, but the old man didn’t.

Mandy lifted her skirt all the way in the back and revealed her bare ass, pussy lips exposed from behind and all. It was still red from the many spankings she had today.

“I don’t see any panties!” mom said.

“Whoops!” Mandy dropped her skirt and apologized to the man profusely. He left in a huff like he couldn’t believe her audacity, but he was smiling.

After he left, my mom said that was funny but that in the future she expected us to tell the truth when she asked a question. She was still smiling.

“I don’t know, Ma’am,” Mandy said that she thought that guy had a story now and no one would believe him when he told them. “A mother asked this daughter if she had panties on and then made her show them to me? And you know what? She didn’t have any on!” she imitated the gruff old man’s Jewish accent.

“I don’t want to encourage your deception and lies, but I will admit that was kind of fun. I will play along with little games like that as long as no one is harmed and the idea is that you are giving them a story that no one will believe,” My mom said. Then she said that she wondered if that was what Julie was doing. “She could be playing along with us to see how far I will push her as a goof. She may even be trying to shock her parents into giving a crap about her. It may take an extreme gesture to get noticed in a house with that many people in it. I grew up in a commune with a lot of families in a very tight space, and we had no privacy. We shared everything, and even when there wasn’t much, it was always reinforced that everyone had a part to play, and everyone received what we had equally. It isn’t like that at Julie’s house. It is Dog-eat-Dog. If there is a pork chop on the table then you better grab it before it is gone,” My mom said and told me to get a single cucumber and the most massive carrot I can find.

I had to walk up to the old Jewish man who was feeling cantaloupes. The same one who had told us about Mandy’s missing panties and asked if I could get past him to select the vegetables. He eyed me and assumed the phallic shaped vegetables were for pleasure, not eating.

My mom looked at him and then looked around to see if anyone else was looking. When she was sure they were not, she took the carrot and opened her mouth and then pushed the entire thing down her throat all the way to the stem. I could see it in her throat as she lifted her head and held her mouth open. She pulled it out and put it in the cart. Her eyes were a little watery, and she said, “I love carrots. This one will do, but I wish they had bigger ones,” she smiled at him, and we pushed the cart away with straight faces until we exploded in laughter once we were sure he couldn’t see us.

“Okay, that was funny,” my mom said with a smile. “I suppose he will have TWO stories that no one will believe,” she joked.

“You see Margaret,” Mandy made up an imaginary spouse as the man was telling the story to as she imitated his Jewish accent “The mom came up and she took the biggest carrot you have ever seen. I mean this carrot was big. She opened her mouth and made the whole thing disappear!”

It was pretty funny the way she said it, and we laughed. I asked my mom how she did what she did. She told me to try it.

It seemed gross since it had been in her mouth before, but I put the first few inches in and sucked it back and forth.

“Oh honey, is that what you’ve been doing for these boys? These poor guys. Yeah, we are going to work on that this summer,” my mom plucked the carrot from my mouth and tossed it into the cart. “I am doing any guy you meet after this a huge favor teaching you the proper way to suck a carrot. Go back and get a whole bunch of them,” she told me.

The man was there still in another part of the fruits and vegetable section. I picked up two bags of carrots and told him my mom wanted to try “other carrots” too.

He stood there stunned as I wiggled my butt while I walked away carrying the carrots I’d probably end up giving blowjobs to over the summer. It seemed so surreal that my mom was making me by vegetables to practice giving head. That would be a valuable skill. If I could learn to suck cock really well, then guys might treat me the way they treated Betty Finch.

“Maybe Julie wants to be a good cock sucker, did you ever think of that?” I said as I walked up to the cart.

What I didn’t realize was that black mother who passed us at the entrance and her five kids were within earshot of us on the other side of the aisle when I said it. I put my hand over my mouth and stifled a giggle.

“Girls, this exercise is supposed to humiliate you and not the customers,” Mom laughed a little. “Obviously, I underestimated your readiness for more advanced training. My mom adjusted our skirts by rolling the hem and pulling them up so that the bottoms of our ass cheeks hung out at all times.

“You get points now for every positive reaction you get. If a guy does a double take or falls into a stack of cans because he was looking at you instead of where he was going then you get double points,” my mom said. “Since you, little twats need incentives and like to compete, and since I am a teacher at heart I am going to have to come up with a grading system towards Slutadictorian,” she mused. “You were doing the bare minimum as an introduction, but now I expect you sluts to be creative,” mom said.

We wiggled and jiggled and hussied our way around the store as we purchased food for ourselves and the Simmons household.

Mom made sure to point out things like soap and clothespins would be used on us to train us. She opened the bag of clothespins and said that whoever came in second place in our little show tonight would be riding with a clothespin on her clit and nipples.

We were too busy trying to out-slut each other. We were bending over and exposing our entire ass and making it look like an accident to make a bag-boy have the show of his night instead of talking about why Julie had reacted as she had to mom’s offer. I think we both wondered but we were focused on the game at hand. I am intensely competitive and so is Mandy.

“Thank you, come again,” Mandy smiled at a bag-boy who nearly fell over trying to get a better look at her.

“Come here, Mandy,” Mom made us stop and walk back to the embarrassed bagboy. He was about our age and wore his black hair short and greasy. “Do you know Mandy? I see you were trying to get her attention?” she asked.

“Oh? No, I mean I may have seen her around. Sebastian County is a pretty small place. I was just uh,” he looked nervous. The store was busy, but no one was in his line to check out.

“Well, we are going to check out now, do you mind checking us out?” my mom said very seductively and ran her finger down his arm.

“No, I don’t mind. I mean, this is my cash register, but this is the express lane, and it is ten items or less,” he pointed out. We had a cart full of stuff.

“Oh, we don’t want to get you in trouble you or break any rules, C’mon girls” Mom’s voice was soft and smoky. It reminded me of a call-girl in a movie who was trying to seduce some wealthy gangster.

“No, I mean you can, I mean I don’t have anyone in the line, and you are already here, so I mean, you guys can use my line if you want?” he asked nervously. I could see the boner in his corduroys, and he was sweating.

“You don’t mind if we use your line? Oh, thank you so much, what was your name? Jay? That’s a sexy name,” Mom said as she read his name tag.

“Blair, did you remember to buy shaving cream?” she asked me in the exaggerated sexy voice but with a little more annoyance to her tone.

“No, Ma’am?” I wasn’t put in charge of remembering anything, and we had not bought any shaving cream.

“I explicitly told you to remind me to buy shaving cream! Do I have to spank you right here?” she asked in a sexy, playful but annoyed tone. I assumed she wanted me to play along, but I didn’t want to get spanked at the register of a busy cash register.

“No, Ma’am, maybe in the bathroom or the parking lot, please?” I asked. I was serious.

“Do you hear that? My daughter thinks she is too old for me to take her panties down right here in the store and give her a whooping. Can you believe that?” she turned to the cashier and said it in a sassy sort of sexy accent. The cashier didn’t know how to respond. He just smiled and kept checking out our groceries.

“Blair Conner, you bend over right now and lift that skirt! My goodness! If you are so concerned about your modesty, I’ll spank your bottom over your panties!” My mom said.

I knew I was supposed to play along. I smiled and said, “Yes, Ma’am.” I turned around and lifted my skirt all the way to expose my pussy lips and ass.

“Blair Conner! You don’t even have panties on after all! Did you forget them!” my mom spanked me hard.

“One Ma’am, no Ma’am, I just didn’t want to wear them!”

My mom spanked me again. The blood was starting to rush to my face. I could see the Jewish man as well as several other people in the store staring right at me. The women looked scornful, but most of the men and any kids my age were giggling.

“I know your sister Mandy is nasty, but I expected you to know better! You stop wiggling your little behind and trying to get away,” My mom hit me straight on my pussy even though I wasn’t wiggling at all. She shifted me forward so she could hit me there. I was very wet.

She gave me ten swats, and by the end, I was utterly humiliated from head to toe and gasping for air as I stood up.

“Well, we didn’t need shaving cream after all since you already shaved your little pussy,” My mom said as she paid cash for the groceries.

I left beet-red in the face and mortified.

Mandy couldn’t stop laughing and said that she supposed she would be the one with clothespins now. “I can’t really top what Blair did,” she laughed.

“You won the contest. The spanking wasn’t Fart Face’s idea it was mine. She didn’t even play along very well. I was giving her a chance for extra credit,” My mom told Mandy she won and that she thought I was a much better liar than that. “I guess I overestimated your ability to think on your feet and follow my lead,” she chuckled.

“No, Ma’am, it was just that I thought I was supposed to be obedient,” I said. That wasn’t an excuse it was the truth.

“Okay, that’s fair. I like what Mandy said about making somebody’s night and giving them a story no one will believe. I will have to come up with a signal I can give you to play along. Mandy won fair and square though. She was just a lot more generous and fluid with her movements. You were bending over, but you were doing it only if you had to. Don’t worry. You’ll have plenty of practice,” My mom opened a bag of clothespins and handed me three of them as we approached the car.

There was a black guy standing by the passenger side door just looking inside at Julie with a creepy expression on his face. He was tall and thin and clearly no threat unless he had a gun or something. He was wearing the Publix uniform. We had parked next to the cart return, and he was looking inside the car.

“May I help you with something?” Mom asked as she approached. He was staring at Julie in the car.

“Nothing, nothing,” the guy was in his early twenties, and he looked ashamed.

“No, if my daughter was bothering you, then I want to know about it,” she said. She had called Mandy her daughter during the little act before. It was annoying since I was her ONLY daughter and they were just two cunts along for the ride.

“No, she wasn’t,” the guy would have fled, but he had to stack carts, so he made it appear he was busy and moving on.

“Get out of the car right now, Julie” Mom insisted that Julie step out.

Julie did as she was told although she was shocked and nervous. She was naked, and the parking lot was well lit. It was still busy, but there was no one in cars right next to us that I knew about.

“Did you take off all your clothes again while we went shopping?” she asked Julie angrily.

Julie stood in stunned silence. She was unsure of what to say. Her mouth hung open.

The black guy looked over with interest as she stepped out naked and afraid on the parking lot pavement.

“This is why you were looking in the window? Julie has a habit of taking off all her clothes and trying to get strangers to look at her. Would you do me a huge favor?” my mom said like she needed his help but hated to ask him to do this.

“Sure,” the guy said, and he walked closer with a puzzled smile on his face.

“Just look her up and down? Like really look at her? If she doesn’t get it out of her system, she’ll just do this again when we go clothes shopping, and It is so embarrassing. I bet you threw your clothes away, didn’t you?” my mom asked Julie like she should be ashamed of herself.

“Yes, Ma’am, in the trash,” Julie played along. She was aware something was happening, and she was quick-witted.

“Well, go ahead and hold your arms out wide. I don’t want to stand here all night while you make this poor young man look at you. You are such an extroverted girl! This is why we can’t take you to the store with us. You’ll run down all the aisles naked and get us kicked out again,” My mom lied and told the black guy to get up as close as he can and really look. He had his nose just inches away from her pale white skin and sniffed.

“Now we’ve pestered him enough. Give him a hug and thank him and help us put these groceries away before you get us arrested,” My mom insisted.

Julie smiled at him and gave him a tight naked hug. He left with a big smile on his face and watched as the four of us put away the groceries. Julie remained stark naked even when a car passed by. The car stopped, and the driver looked over at us, but I think he assumed nobody would be outside in the nude and that she must have on a bikini. He kept going.

Julie asked what the heck that was all about.

“If I call one of you, my daughters when I am talking to a stranger, then you will know to follow my lead,” my mom explained. “We just made his night and possibly his entire week. We turned a very creepy and awkward situation into something fun. I don’t want you girls to lie when it matters. However, I am giving you permission to play along when I give you your cue. The goal is to give that person an experience that will make their entire day. A story that no one will believe happened to them,” My mom told Julie about the grocery store after we got inside the car.

My mother also said several times we were under no circumstances to “make anyone’s day” without her lead. I guess she didn’t want me crashing any motorcycles on lonely Florida roads by flashing my tits. I wasn’t prone to spontaneously putting smiles on people’s faces and giving them a thrill so there was little to no chance I would violate this rule at least.

She made us undress inside the car and turned around and told me to put the clothespins on. The two on my nipples bit into the puffy part of my areolas and felt mildly annoying. Mom adjusted it closer to the nub so that they stung constantly. I was afraid to put the clothespin on my clit. These were the kind of clothespins with metal springs that close tightly and pinch.

Mom picked up my clit hood and pulled my clit out. She tapped the tap of my clit until it got hard like she was an expert at wrangling pussy. She didn’t hesitate or look to me for approval. She just grabbed what I had and worked it until my clit was in the position she wanted. Mom attached the clothespin right on the center of my tender, wet clit. It fucking drove me bonkers. She smiled knowingly, but all Mandy and Julie could see was a look of quiet anguish and shame on my face as I tried to control the sensation of the clothespins.

What they did not know was the pain was doing something to trigger me to get very wet and turning me on while it hurt. I really hated it because I wanted to finger myself, and mom made me put my hands behind my head.

“How am I supposed to know you are playing along with me, Ma’am?” I said through gritted teeth. It wasn’t angry gritted teeth I was speaking through either. I was trying to not make little mewling sounds of ecstasy. I didn’t know what they would sound like if I did. I thought I might meow or coo or something. I took deep breaths as I tried to think about other things.

“When I call you Blair and not Fart Face,” my mom said as she pulled the car around to go back to Julie’s trailer.

“I still want to get you some bathing suits, but we can do that tomorrow,” Mom explained like it was an ordinary night out on the town. I felt this panic across my body as I quivered and rolled down the back window to get some air.

“Roll up the window, Fart Face,” my mom said.

“Can I call her Fart Face, Ma’am?” Julie asked while holding her hands behind her head, and my mom said everyone could.

“Will I get a cool nickname too?” Julie seemed excited.

“You think Fart Face is a cool nickname?” I asked with a lemony twitch to my nose as I tried to contain what I can only describe now as a small series of orgasms. They were the first orgasms I had ever had. I thought I had gotten off before from things that were pleasurable, but this was something else entirely. I want to call them tiny explosions of pleasure followed by lengthy waves of euphoria, but there was this guilt associated with it like I should not be feeling this from something that hurt.

“Yeah, don’t you, Mandy?” Julie asked her friend.

“No, I think it’s accurate though, just look at her,” Mandy chuckled and watched me squirm on the seat. I was leaving snail trails all over the back seat.

“A good slave pet name has to be organic and fit, but it also has to embarrass you on some level,” My mom explained.

it was the first time she called us slaves or used the term pet name.

“What was your slave pet name, Ma’am?” Julie asked.

“I will tell you that if you complete the training. The words still have the power to make me turn red in the face when I say it or answer to it,” my mom promised. I was going to get that bitch a fucking t-shirt with the words printed on the front AND the back when we graduate her program.

I said earlier that I was prone to being temperamental and changing my mind on a whim. However, when I make up my mind to do something, I could be stubborn about it.

The clit stimulation had jarred something loose in my brain, and I was agitated, but I had one thought and one goal now. My goal was finding out that name that made her cringe and feel small like Fart Face made me feel! I hated letting a word have power over me. I wanted one that had power over her to make her feel an emotion anytime she answered to it.
All of my stories:
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Chapter 8

Post by EddieDavidson »

The bumpy gravel road to Julie’s house was driving me crazy with the clit stimulation from the clothespin biting into my body. I had never felt such a precisely annoying yet stimulating pain. I wanted to yank it off, and at the same time, I was enjoying it, and I hated myself for liking it. I didn’t want to be turned on by the sensation of having my clit pinched hard to the point of anguish, but I was squirming and struggling not to play with myself openly. If I could just reach down and finger myself, then I could focus on that instead of the pain and I would have a more pleasurable orgasm. I knew it, and yet I had to keep my hands behind my head. I realized that submission involved doing things you didn’t always want to do, especially when I didn’t want to do them. I had drilled that into Jenny’s head over the past week when I ordered her around like she was a personal slave. It had been fun having a little puppet on a string. It was not fun being a puppet on a string though. I asked myself why anyone would put themselves through such a constant tease by voluntarily submitting to someone else’s whims. Jenny enjoyed it. I knew she wasn’t just pretending to get on my good side either. When I wasn’t bossing her around, she constantly asked me what she could do for me to the point of annoying me.

Now, I had to wear this infernal clothespin on my most private part. A part that I made boys struggle just to get a whiff of and now here I was sitting with my pussy lips on display and a clothespin all because I had been told I had to do it. I was just on the edge of a full-blown screaming orgasm and so close but so far away at the same time. It wasn’t fair!

I rode most of the way with my mouth hanging open and a little spit dripping down my chin as I tried to hide my orgasms. The pleasure-tingles only made me feel guiltier that I was even having them from this humiliating constant pinching sensation on my clit. Everyone in the car could smell my pussy scent and see from my reaction that I was over stimulated. Mom smirked and talked to Julie most of the way back.

“This is your last chance, Julie. I need to talk to you about this before we go in,” she told her when we entered the trailer park.

“I know Ma’am. I am going to walk in and tell her that I have no clothes and that everyone took my stuff. I am going to take five minutes to give the highlights of the things I’ve done wrong and apologize. I am going to ask her if she wants to punish me because if not, then I am coming with you for the Summer. I am going to say that when I get back, I’ll be a better daughter, sister, and friend and that I will have to abide by certain rules. I’ve been planning in my head how to say it, but it really isn’t going to matter because she is going to tell us that is fine,” Julie said. Then she reminded my Mom about the deal where we all clean and pick up her house and bring groceries if her Mom agrees to let her go without concerns. If her Mom DOES have questions or concerns, then it is just Julie who has to pick up the house when we bring the groceries. It seemed like an easy bet to win, but I didn’t know Julie’s Mom at all. She suckered all of us.

I had some thoughts about that. I didn’t want to pick up whatever mess those hicks throw all over the floor. The music was playing pretty loud. It was an old rock song by Don Felder called “Heavy Metal.” It was one of my Mom’s favorites, so she had turned it up. Her car was pretty loud, and she was focused on Julie.

I decided it was worth the risk to whisper to Mandy and see if I could improve our odds.

“Hey, there is a good chance her Mom isn’t going to give a shit, I don’t want to clean up after trailer trash week after week while they look at our butts. Do you?” I whispered.

“We aren’t supposed to be whispering. Your Mom calls it conspiring,” Mandy whispered back coyly but added that she didn’t either.

“When we get inside one of us has to talk reason to someone in there. If not her Father or mother then maybe that Uncle Frank guy. Do you think you could do that? All we need is someone to question what we are doing, and it is all Julie instead of us,” I whispered.

“Devilish plan, only one problem,” Mandy whispered and then I turned my head and saw that my Mom was looking at both of us. She had noticed us whispering, and she noticed me writhing on the seat.

My mother reached out and snatched me by my nose and pulled me toward her so she could look me right in the eye. She had stopped the car. Mom spoke in a very harsh and severe tone “You’ll wear that clothespin under your skirt inside their house and say nothing to anyone. I don’t care if some kid pulls your skirt all the way off. You will stand there and smile like a mannequin. On the way home, you will have a clothespin on your tongue. That should remind you about making plans, Fart Face.” my Mom released my nose.

I should have been eavesdropping on what Julie told my Mom when she asked her reason for accepting the offer even though no one was making her do it. I was still very curious about that. Julie obviously wasn’t backing down.

There was no driveway at the Simmon’s trailer. We had to park on the lawn. There were people shooting off fireworks down the block and several rednecks nearby.

Julie looked at us and back at my Mom and went, “I changed my mind. I can’t do it! What if someone sees me naked in the yard?” she sounded nervous.

We were surprised. “I knew you would chicken out,” I was already pulling off the clothespins from my tits to get dressed though. She’d still have to go in naked whether she liked it or not since she didn’t have any clothes.

“I am kidding,” Julie stepped out of the car and waved across the street at some rednecks.

“You naked?” they chuckled.

“Yeah, my sisters stole all my clothes again,” Julie waved at them. My Mom came behind her and slapped her butt and whispered in her ear.

“Yes, Sir, they stole all my clothes again,” she repeated carefully.

“Heard you the first time, why don’t you come over here! Me and Flick will give you a little ride, and I’ll let you wear some of my clothes in the morning,” the redneck had no sympathy in his voice for her situation. He was laughing at her.

“You would like that, wouldn’t you, Sir! But I am going to Slut Summer School for the next two months,” she shouted across the street.

“What Summer School?” the guy clearly didn’t like school, especially in the Summer.

“Go over and tell him. Don’t make him shout. Obviously, he is not shocked by your nudity. Do you make it a habit of walking around like this out here?” my Mom asked.

“Not usually, Ma’am,” Julie chuckled and walked over to him. We followed. I had the clothespin on my clit under my skirt. I was trying my hardest to keep a straight face as I followed my Mom and Mandy to the Carport where two young rednecks were.

“Damn girl, you look fine as hell! Who are these lovely ladies?” a redneck who wasn’t much more than 19 years old said. He had red hair and one of those pencil-thin mustaches that guys grow when they can’t grow a real man’s mustache. He was wearing a red hat and overalls. The guy next to him was maybe a little older than him, heavy set and had glasses.

“This is my friend Mandy, Fart Face and her mom Samantha, Sir” Julie introduced us.

She noticed Mandy, and I do a curtsy dip, and then Julie tried to follow suit without raising the imaginary skirt on the side. Rooster and Flick tried to contain their laughter but they couldn’t. They looked at us like we could not be serious.

“Damn, you high right now?” the redneck laughed and looked us up and down.

“No sir, I just wanted to say I will be gone for a few months, but I’ll be coming back once a week, and maybe I can see you then?” she said.

“Damn girl, you breaking up with me?” he seemed like he was joking, but he looked hurt.

“I am not breaking up with you Rooster, but you should know that I shoplift. I’ve stolen a lot of your mother’s things, and after I brought them to my trailer, my brothers or sisters stole them from me. I’ve cheated on you with Flick,” she motioned to the guy sitting next to him.

“Shit, I know about that! I dared you to fuck him,” he chuckled.

“Last night I went to a party, and I fucked so many guys I lost count. I did cocaine and got drunk, and I trashed the place, Sir,” she said.

“You didn’t invite me?” he wasn’t annoyed. She had a gang bang or did any of those things at all. He asked if we were there.

“Mandy and Fart Face was, Sir,” Julie said. I wished she would stop calling me Fart Face. Every time she did, I felt my asshole pucker up in anger.

“Damn, that is funny you dis your friend like that,” Rooster laughed at the name I was being called and asked why she was calling him Sir and acting like this.

“I’ve asked her Mom to discipline me for the next two months. She is going to teach me actual right from wrong. I’ve been running with the wrong people for so long that I don’t know what is right or wrong and I haven’t ever cared to find out. I am a hateful, lazy, shitty, manipulative little cunt. I don’t even have time to tell you all the guys I fucked since we have been dating. I just use you, and you just use me. I assumed that was how things are supposed to work for people like us. We use everyone around us, and they use us. I am going to be back every week, and if I can I’ll see you and let you know what I am learning, but yes, I guess I am breaking up with you,” she said before turning to my Mom and asking if she was allowed to do it.

“Yes, but keep in mind your mom could say you can’t go,” my Mom said somberly.

“What the fuck?” Rooster asked with chagrin. “What the fuck just happened?”

“You got dumped and I’ve got to go, Sorry Sir,” Julie said without any sympathy in her voice. I was shocked my mom didn’t make her act more politely.

We curtsied and left, but he cussed her as we did. “You’ll be back! You will come running when you fuck over these people, and they don’t want you anymore. You know where I am. I’ll be right here, baby,” he shouted across the street as we walked away.

He began to plead as he shouted across the street, “Look, come on back. Let’s talk this thing out. I’ll give you some clothes. You want something to eat? come on; don’t go away mad, baby!”

When we didn’t turn around, he yelled angrily, “Well fuck you then! Bitch! Nobody needs your stank ass anyway. Don’t go away mad; just go away!”

My Mom turned to Julie and kissed her on the forehead and said that must have been tough to break up with him.

“Yeah, I wanted to really hurt him and tell him I fucked his dad on his birthday in his bed, or stuff like I’ve been wiping my ass with his toothbrush since the day we met. I knew you’d be mad and punish me though so I just let him down easy,” she said.

“I meant that I thought it would be tough to admit the things you did wrong to someone you cared about and then to break up with him to come to my house,” My Mom explained. Even she looked shocked at how ruthless Julie could be. I know I was impressed. “Rooster and Flick are technically your betters while you are in training, but they really rub me the wrong way. There are times when there have to be exceptions to the rules, but I am proud of you for taking the high road and not twisting the knife to hurt him. He is still yelling at us from across the street,” Mom said.

“Yeah, he’ll call me all sorts of names, then apologize, then make promises, then be a sweetie-pie, then when I piss him off we start all over again. He doesn’t mean anything by it,” Julie said like it was normal to be this dysfunctional with your boyfriend.

I would have kicked that piece of shit to the curb a long time ago. If I knew Julie was dating him, I would have MADE her hurt him, and then I would have laughed about his tears. Julie had been fucking around with and flirting with lots of guys at my house for months. I didn’t think she was the type to have a steady boyfriend. We both played boys affections against them, and having a steady boyfriend would have put a cramp in our style. Guys like Jack may have thought they were my boyfriend, but that was their problem, not mine!

Mom told her not to hurt her parents intentionally but to be as honest with them as she was with Rooster. She gave Julie one more chance to change her mind.

“I need to tell you something,” My Mom said to Julie as we stood in their trashed yard in the darkness of the trailer park with just a few flickering street lamps and bug zappers to see with. “I am not happy with what you did to my place OR your behavior overall. I think you are a first class liar, a thief, and a cunt. However, you’ve demonstrated just by your willingness to approach this door that you want to change. I am not going to require you to follow through with your promises. I won’t stop you from being Blair’s friend. That would be wrong of me. As long as you are the way you are, you aren’t going to be welcome at my house, but I am not going to require you to go through this training just to prove you have changed. Mandy and Blair had no choice. They are enrolled in my Slut Summer School. You have a choice until you walk through that door and ask your mother. If she doesn’t tell you no, then you are mine for the Summer and will obey me. However, I need you to really think about the consequences of that decision. If you want to go inside and tell them some juice spilled on your clothes or nothing at all I am fine with it. If you want to call me in a week and ask to come train in the summer school after all, I am fine with that too. I don’t want to pressure you into a now or never decision. However, if you walk through that door and ask to come home with me and she lets you then it is a done deal,” My Mom said.

Julie shrugged and walked over the broken steps without answering.

“So, which is it?” My Mom asked.

“I am already naked, and you made a bet. You going to strip in my yard or be a big chicken and wait until you get in the car so Rooster doesn’t see you?” she smirked at my Mom bravely.

I could browbeat and intimidate Julie, but right now she seemed so in control of herself. She had this devil-may-care look on her face. I wasn’t sure if underneath she was a ball of nerves, but she wasn’t going to back down having come this far.

My Mom told her she hadn’t won the bet yet and she just wanted to make sure that Julie knew she had a choice before she pulled the trigger and didn’t have a choice to back out from Slut Summer School any longer.

Julie cleared her throat and pulled the door of their trailer open. The door fell off the hinges onto her, and Julie had to block it from falling with her hands. Julie looked mildly annoyed as she pushed it back up and over to the side.

“Who the fuck unscrewed the hinges again?” she yelled as kids scattered and dashed into hiding spaces within the trailer. My Mom smacked her bottom and said, “Do you need me to take you outside and give you an attitude adjustment, or do you want it right here in the doorway? Speak politely and calmly!” my Mom whispered. “You are not going in here guns blazing. You are not hurting anyone. You are going to be calm and polite. Calm your tits before I give you an attitude adjustment right here and now!”

“Oh, this was very funny. The hundredth time the door has fallen on me when I walked through the door,” Julie said sarcastically as she pushed the door up against the trailer and walked inside. Julie was trying to be as polite as she could but all she could manage was to joke that she thought the door falling on her was funny. I could relate because being polite was a difficult act to pull off.

“Haha, you are naked!” A little boy pointed and swung at Julie with a yellow whiffle ball bat.

She deftly kicked him aside and disarmed him. He grabbed her leg and hugged her like an alien trying to burrow his way inside her. She peeled him off and tossed him into a dirty pile of laundry thrown into the hallway.

“Sorry,” she apologized half-heartedly as she looked at my mother for approval.

True to her word, she walked through the trailer calmly and like it was fairly typical to enter the house naked even though it wasn’t.

There were kids with loaded diapers and nothing else on waddling around. There were also kids roaming around in just nightshirts. No one else but Julie was completely butt naked, and several of her siblings giggled and pointed, but no one offered her any clothes. Julie had said her Uncles, brothers, sisters, and whoever else lived there would stare, laugh and point, and she was right about that.

Her parents, however, didn’t look up from the television when she approached them.

Her Father appeared to be snoring in the same position we left him in. Her mother saw us and looked at her bitterly as she approached. She saw we had groceries in our hands and pointed to the table. She yelled loudly, “Rupert! Come get your pets out the fridge and plug it in!”

Then she addressed her daughter. “Where are your clothes, girl?” she asked.

The bet my mother made with Julie was that her parents would barely notice and not care about her naked. As far as I was concerned, Julie just lost the bet.

I smiled at Mandy because that meant we would not be back week after week to clean this dump of a trailer and it would just be Julie. That was, of course, assuming her mother let her come to our house after she told her what we would be doing.

I am not a “live and let live” kind of person. I tend to be someone who likes to hurt and fuck with people even when they leave me alone. I am one of the most apathetic and uncaring people I know. I can be vindictive and cruel just for the sake of it, and even I would be surprised if her mother didn’t have some concerns about this training.

“I threw the ones I had on out the car door, Ma’am” Julie explained.

“Well, serves you right then!” Her Mom spit tobacco into a coffee can and looked at the television as if the conversation was over. She didn’t say thank you to my Mom for bringing the groceries to her house either. Mrs. Simmons also didn’t offer to help or send anyone to help unload the rest of the groceries out in the car.

I am also one of the most ungrateful people I know, and even I was offended by that and knew it was wrong.

“Ma’am, I need to tell you something,” Julie said.

“Don’t go trying to butter me up calling me Ma’am. Whatever it is you want, the answer is no. I didn’t say I’d pay nothing for those groceries!” the mother looked at my Mom. “If you are going to bellyache your sisters took your clothes, then you shouldn’t have thrown away perfectly good ones. Get back in there and take them back. It isn’t my problem,” she said.

“Will you please listen, Ma’am? I have to confess some things I have done wrong,” Julie asked. She was getting frustrated, and she was clearly uncomfortable.

A boy came running through the living room chanting like an Indian just like Buddy and Lewis. He tagged Julie’s bare butt and then bounced around the living room like a pinball in a pinball machine until bouncing back through us and tagging all our butts with his hands. My Mom had instructed me not to smack away any hands that touched my ass so I had to stand there and let him hit my butt even though I could have smacked him into next week if I wanted too. I hated being powerless.

“What did you do this time? Why can’t you be more like your sister Nikki? She is the good one,”

“I am sorry. I am trying, Ma’am but I cannot do it on my own. If you let me go this Summer with Mrs. Connor, then she will work on my behavior,” Julie said, trying to ignore the chaos around her.

There were two old man drinking and leering at her at the table. One had his false teeth out and on the table, and the other only had his uppers in. He smiled at me, and I could see his ghoulish bottom gums. It was so gross. Both emaciated old men wore no shirts and were sitting in the kitchen in just stinky old underwear.

The rest of the family beside her parents had heard there was food and were descending on the initial bags we brought in faster than we could take them out of the paper bags. (No one asked if you wanted plastic to bag your groceries back then).

“Fine, go on then,” Mrs. Simmons had just permitted her to go without asking any questions. If I were judging this bet objectively, I would say that technically Julie had won. However, since I’d have to clean this shit hole if she did, then I would say she lost because her Mom did ask where her clothes were.

“I have to confess to everything I did and tell you what the training involves before I can go, Ma’am,” Julie said.

Her mother looked annoyed and yelled at the kids to stop fighting over the food. “Is there more groceries outside, or is this all you brought?” she asked my Mom. Mrs. Simmons looked annoyed as if she had expected us to bring too little, and she wasn’t going to waste gratitude on just a few bags of food.

“No, there is more, Mandy and Fart Face go bring in the rest while we finish here,” my Mom said.

I wanted to stay and listen to Julie eat crow as she went over her misdeeds. I heard her start on the shoplifting and the party as I walked out the open door to the trailer just as her mother said she heard all of this already.

While we were walking to the car Rooster and Flick shouted cat-calls from across the street.

“Hey, recently, single! I’ve got my own truck. I would give you a ride anywhere, cutie!” he shouted at both Mandy and me from across the street like a lovesick bumpkin.

“Do you think we’d get in trouble for flicking him off?” Mandy asked me with a mischievous grin.

“I think it would be worth it, don’t you?” I flipped him off with both fingers.

“Aww, don’t do me like that sweet cheeks! I am on the rebound, and I need someone to help me get over my broken heart!” Rooster yelled with the cocky swagger of someone who shouldn’t have any cocky swagger.

“Yeah, but your Mom is kind of on edge lately. She spanked you in front of a cashier at Publix to be NICE to him and made us put on a little show to amuse the old perverts at the store. Imagine what she’d make you do for this guy if you piss him off?” Mandy warned me. Anytime Mandy acted concerned for my well-being, I became suspicious that she was trying to manipulate me.

She did have a point, though. I ignored Rooster’s tirade of corny pickup lines and catcalls and carried in another couple bags of groceries. We both wiggled our asses as we went back inside, like cats that were taunting you because you couldn’t reach them to pet them when you want to pet them. We took our sweet time walking back in. There was no rush to get back into that chaos other than not listening to Rooster’s lame pick up attempts. It was a super low-class thing to do to try to date someone’s friends right after she breaks up with you, but this WAS a trailer park after all.

The first batch of food had already been divvied up by the time we returned. The only thing that no one took was the healthy stuff like Broccoli that nobody but my mother likes.

Julie had finished going over her confession. I think she had to summarize it because her mother had no interest. She was already into what we’d be doing to be better people.

“I am going to clean houses, mow lawns, wash cars whatever it takes to pay for the damage I have done and then anything left over we’ll bring over here for groceries, Ma’am” Julie was saying as we walked in. She was still naked as before. Her Father was awake and listening. He had managed to get some of the snacks we brought in the first wave of groceries and was munching on pretzels and drinking beer as he looked at his daughter’s bare butt while she faced her mother.

“Sounds good, but I’ll believe it when I see it,” he said.

“I’ll be under discipline at all times. I can’t leave when I want. I can’t smoke when I want. I can’t drink when I want. Sir” Julie turned to face him.

“You always find a way if you want to bad enough,” he said as he stuffed his face and looked up at her tits and not her face.

“We have to learn to call everyone Sir and Ma’am. We have to be polite. We can’t talk back. We can’t wear what we like. We can’t eat what we like. We are going to be under constant discipline, and if we fuck up we’ll be spanked or punished, Sir” Julie explained.

“Hell, you can do that here, turn around and I’ll spank you right now,” he chuckled.

I wanted to hear the rest, but my mother insisted we get the last of the groceries. Julie presented her butt for him to smack her, and he gave her one swat across the butt before getting self-conscious or lazy and saying “See? nothing works,” as we walked out the door.

“Do you want Julie to come with us?” Mandy asked me once we were alone again in the yard.

“I don’t think we have a lot of choice. That crazy bitch wants to have to do what my Mom tells her, and it looks like her parents are fine with it,” I knotted my brow in confusion.

“What if I am a crazy bitch who wants to do what your mom tells us and my mom is fine with it?” Mandy asked.

“You are a crazy bitch, but you don’t want to do what my mom tells us,” I corrected her.

We ignored Rooster. He was crowing like a Rooster over inside his Carport like that was going to impress us and make us want to fuck him or something.

“I don’t know anymore. I mean, at first, I hated this. Some of it was kind of fun though? I guess I also like being graded,” Mandy admitted to me. It seemed she was lowering her guard and offering a branch of friendship over our shared hardships. I knew it had to be a trick of some kind.

“You are a judgey bitch that likes to judge others, so you like to get judged. The only reason you like getting graded is my Mom said you won in Publix. It is your first day having to listen to her. Give it time, and you won’t feel that way,” I brought her back to reality.

“So you don’t get off on this on some level? Because the look on your face every time you walk is like you are having a huge orgasm and you were literally dripping wet all over the backseat. It’s like a pussy swamp in the back of the car now,” she chuckled. I was JUST getting used to the pain from the clothespin on my clit. Once she mentioned the clothespin, I was now instantly aware of the pain again. I could feel the thrillingly painful throbbing sensation like it had been freshly applied again on my clit, and it was sending pleasure and pain signals all over my body. I adjusted the clip under my skirt so that it wouldn’t fall off.

She was right, of course. I was curious about this new adventure, and my Mom was showing me a side of her that I didn’t know existed. There was a lot of things I didn’t enjoy about it, but there had been some things that I was learning about myself that were positive and constructive. The thing is I didn’t like positive and constructive things back then, and I hated myself for liking those things just as I hated admitting to myself I had just adjusted the clothespin to center it on my clit and keep it from sliding off.

“Yeah, I love being in a trailer park with no panties while I carry in groceries and mosquitos bite the shit out of my legs,” I slapped my legs hard.

“Come on over here, baby, and I’ll spray you with some DDT! and some of this big fat cock!!” Rooster shouted. Flick was more of his silent partner who sat there silently providing him moral support. I guess he thought he would get to fuck whichever one of us didn’t go for Rooster by default.

“I can’t go shove my foot straight up that dick heads ass right now because I am afraid that my mother will find out and make me lick my foot clean and then kiss the boo-boo on his asshole and apologize. Do you think I am happy about that?” I whispered angrily to Mandy as we got the groceries. We were in no hurry to get back inside.

“I think you are happy about it. You don’t like being a bitch. That redneck means nothing to you, and he is a little worm. If you kicked his ass, it wouldn’t make you happy or satisfied with your life, would it?” she asked me.

That was true. I had a feeling she knew this because she thought the same things I did.

“No, but it would make me happy for RIGHT now and shut him up!” I insisted.

“Yeah, but there will be another Rooster to take his place. The world is full of assholes and bitches. What if there were three fewer bitches and we tried to make it a better place?” she asked me.

“You are so full of shit,” I dismissed what she had to say.

“You are right,” she laughed wickedly as we walked back into the trailer with the final armload of groceries.
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Chapter 9

Post by EddieDavidson »

When Mandy and I went back in the house, things were pretty much wrapped up. All except for the part about who won the bet.

At that moment, a boy ran out of the bathroom, yelling “Dookie Volcano, Dookie Volcano!” He was naked too and looked like he had just finished taking a crap because his ass cheeks were glistening with brown.

“Get in there and unclog the goddamn toilet! I told you to stop throwing cherry bombs down there!” the woman threw a shoe at the boy.

Brown water seeped out from under the door of the bathroom onto the carpet.

“I am not going back in there!” the boy ran off into a bedroom and slammed the door.

“Well someone get in there, and god damned turn it off!” Mr. and Mrs. Simmons took no action to get up and deal with a plumbing emergency. It didn’t seem likely they would deal with their daughter’s situation either.

Eventually, someone did go in the bathroom, but after turning off the water, they shut the door and used a blouse to sop up the mess and block it from coming out from under the door. I had seen Julie wear that blouse before, and I knew it was hers.

I was ambivalent about whether Julie should join us at this point. On the one hand, if I was going down, then I wanted her to go down too.

On the other hand, her life was pretty shit at the trailer, and even I didn’t want to make it any worse than it already was.

Life at our house would be more structured. She’d definitely have food even if it wasn’t what she wanted or how she wanted to eat it. Julie had expressed a desire to change, but like Mandy’s desire to change, I still wasn’t sure how serious either of them was being. I certainly had no desire to change how I am. I assumed that since the other girls were bitches like me, they really didn’t believe this training would change them either and were lying to blow smoke up my Mom’s ass so she would hear what she wanted to hear.

The girls could have wanted to get even with my Mom and train her when this was over. That was still a strong motivator to me to endure whatever it took to graduate this program.

It didn’t seem to matter what I wanted for Julie though because the decision had been made and clearly her parents approved or at the very least didn’t care enough not to approve.

The only remaining thing to discuss was whether or not we had lost the bet my mother made on our behalf. I didn’t think it was entirely fair. My mother could make a bet on my behalf. Mom did get to decide what I did over the summer. I would have to grudgingly accept that the bet would stand if we lost.

“So then it is settled. She will come with me, and I’ll bring her back every weekend with more groceries,” my Mom summarized the decision.

“Yeah, we’ll see if you come back,” Mrs. Simmons was skeptical my Mom would put up with her daughter. She warned us that Julie would probably steal or eat us out of house and home.

“As we’ve explained, I’ve taken steps so that won’t be an issue, and I’ll report to you on her progress. I would also like to extend to you an offer to clean your house top to bottom and do yard work over the Summer,” my Mom said. She pointed out we’d probably make a day at the beach afterward if there was time and come over in our bathing suits to do the lawn work and wash outside if that was alright. My Mom smiled as she made the neighborly and very generous offer to help them without sounding like she was looking down her nose at them.

“Oh here it comes,” Mr. Simmons was annoyed. “Tell us how much money you want to clean the house and pick up the yard? I knew there was a catch. You can’t bullshit an old bullshitter,” he said.

“No catch, and no money. We’ll do it as practice and training to be better people and to do for others. The only thing is while we are here, she will be expected to be polite, obedient, and respectful at all times to everyone,” my Mom said.

Mr. Simmons began a low guttural belly-laugh like Jabba the Hutt the slime monster from Star Wars. His wife cackled more like a witch that just let two children walk into her candy house from the forest and shut the door on them.

“She’ll be polite, obedient, and respectful? Lady, you are crazy. I wish you luck, but god damned, Mandrell Sisters are on now, and I’d really like to watch this fucking program. I am tired of talking fantasies with you. You’ll be back by tomorrow to drop her trifling ass back off.” He said as he stared at the hot girls on the TV.

“You just like Irlene!” his wife sounded jealous.

“Who the fuck wouldn’t like Irlene? I like all three of them,” Mr. Simmons didn’t want to talk anymore. He drank his beer, lit his smoke, and watched TV.

“I just have one question for you,” Mrs. Simmons still had one question.

My Mom’s smirk suggested she was thinking, “Great! Finally, you have a question!”

“Why are you doing this for us?” Mrs. Simmons wanted to know what we would get out of it.

The one question she asked wasn’t about why her daughter was naked and hadn’t packed a bag. I didn’t hear everything my Mom and Julie talked about the training, but it sounded like they went into detail on how the sausage was made and explained about the spanking, protocols and the whole nine yards of what we would be doing. It was just was there some hidden agenda here.

“Julie pissed me off, tearing up my house, and she is a manipulative little bitch like my daughter. They are friends, and I would never stop them from being friends. I thought about it, but I realized that would only push them closer together and my daughter isn’t very likable so she really can’t afford to lose friends,” My Mom explained.

“Thanks, Mom!” I thought to myself, sarcastically. Mandy had a delighted look on her face at the burn my mother just made about me. Mom wasn’t wrong, though. I pushed away anyone before they could get close enough to betray me. The only reason Julie and I were friends was that she kept coming back after I betrayed her and we were both mean bitches.

“I see a lot of myself in Julie, and I am already helping my friend’s daughter...” My Mom started to explain, but Mrs. Simmons cut her off.

“Yeah, yeah, all that rah-rah stuff, you sound like a teacher,” Mrs. Simmons said.

“I am a Teacher at Vero High,” My Mom started to explain.

“I thought so,” Mrs. Simmons asked her question a different way. “What do you get out of this? You drive out here with your gas. You put food on our table. You want to make our daughter better. Nobody does that unless they are up to something,” she said.

I felt that was a valid point.

“I am so sorry we live in a world where it isn’t normal for someone to help people out. I don’t have to come out here and clean and bring groceries if you don’t want me to,” My Mom started to say.

“No, no, I didn’t say that now,” Mrs. Simmons backpedaled. “If you think you are better than us and that’s why you are doing this to get some pat on the back for helping us, then that’s fine by me,” she said. My Mom pretended not to take offense, but I could tell by the way her face twitched she wanted to give the woman a piece of her mind and thought better of it.

She added that she didn’t have any cleaning supplies though and looked at my mother expectantly. My Mom agreed to bring our own cleaning supplies when we visited these hillbillies to clean up after them.

Mrs. Simmons final concern wasn’t what her daughter was wearing to our house. It was to suggest we don’t bring vegetables next time.

“They’ll just go rotten and then stink up the trash,” she sneered at us like we should have known better and we had stuck her with stinky vegetables.

It really did seem that from Mrs. Simmons perspective, kindness was a form of weakness, and she didn’t understand why we would help her, but she didn’t care.

“Are you okay with her leaving like this?” My Mom asked in a tone that suggested our business was concluded, and the agreement had been made. Her parents had let her stand naked for the last 15-20 minutes in the living room and were clearly okay with partial nudity around the house. I don’t think they were okay with it as much as they hadn’t thought about what she needed to bring with her over the summer and didn’t care.

I wasn’t happy about coming back to this shit hole but the way my luck had been running lately, it seemed like I should have expected it to go this way.

“Well, I assume she’ll take whatever she needs. I ain’t kicking her out of the house naked if that is what you are implying. I can’t control everything her sisters do. If they rifled her closets then all she has to do is get back in there and rifle their’s back,” Mrs. Simmons implied that she was offended that my Mom would suggest she was a bad parent after all of this.

“No, it’s fine, I’ll go like this. I love you, Mom, I love you Dad, I’ll see you at the end of the week,” she hugged them even though she was in the nude and bent over enough we could see the wild hairs growing out of her pussy from behind.

“Okay,” Mr. Simmons said and waved goodbye.

I felt terrible for Julie as I was walking out of her busted door. Julie had a massive smile on her face like she faced a dragon and won the battle though.

A handsome boy a little younger than me I hadn’t seen before ran out of the back. He hugged his naked sister before she left and told her he loved her. I thought that was sweet until he reached between her legs from behind and goosed her so that she squawked.

“Jake, you asshole!” she smacked him in the arm playfully.

“It is Master Jake from now on,” my Mom instructed her that the rules were in effect immediately.

“Even Jake? but he is an asshole, Ma’am” Julie could clearly goof on her step-brother, and Jake didn’t take offense.

“That is true, but no bigger than yours!” Jake pointed at his sister’s butt with a self-effacing grin on his face.

“Even Jake. Everyone is your better besides these two sluts as long as you are in my summer school program,” my Mom said plainly in the doorway.

“Goodbye Master Jake. I’ll be back in a week, tell everyone to kiss my ass until I get back and when the summer is over I am taking back all of my clothes. Also, whoever took my best blouse and used it to clean up the bathroom, will you please break off a foot in their ass, Sir?” she said with a playful faux-formality that was hardly serious.

“Yeah, no, I won’t be doing any of that, and it was me who used your blouse,” he pinched her tit and ran off into the other room. “Smell you later, Julie!” he said as he ran off.

“Interesting family,” my Mom observed as we stepped out on the patio. I was just happy to get out of there.

“Yeah, I probably have lice now,” I said as I scratched my hair and itched my pussy under the skirt. I flicked my clothespin just a little to give myself a tiny thrill. It was starting to really hurt now though and feel like a dull sort of pain. I imagined taking the gripping teeth off my tender pussy flesh and putting it back on after the swelling went down would have felt so much better, but I didn’t dare tell my mother it felt good.

There was the humiliation of exposing my ass to strangers and being vulnerable and naked. It paled to the shame of anyone finding out that I had a heart and felt pity for Julie not being told by her parents they love her back. It broke my heart, but I didn’t want anyone knowing I was a softie. It also paled in comparison to the humiliation of anyone even me being aware that the stimulation from that fucking clothespin was making me horny enough to consider fucking even Rooster for a quick relief and then Flick afterward when Rooster failed to satisfy me. I would have even fucked Jake, and he was younger than me - which is saying a lot about how hard up I felt. I would have really enjoyed Jenny’s patient tongue circling my clit slowly while I diddled myself with a finger at that point though.

“I am just glad to get the f ... to get out of there, Ma’am,” Julie said it would take her a while to adjust to the new language requirements.

“Yes, and you’ll be punished every time to help you adjust. I hope you understand that” my Mom made it clear and I think she would have let Julie change her mind even at this point and go back inside if she wanted to do just that.

“Speaking of which are you going to undress right now or are you going to be a big old chicken and wait until you get in the car, Ma’am?” Julie rubbed her hands together like an evil genius whose plot had finally come to fruition, and she caught Mr. Bond in her elaborate trap. She smacked a mosquito on her tit. They were bad out here because we were in the boonies of Florida and it was mostly swamp and woods around us.

Rooster started cat-calling from across the way again when he saw us. He was trying to get my mother’s attention and sweet talk her. “Hey, pretty lady, why don’t you give me a sign? I’ll make you mine all mine!” he shouted.

“I’d like to give him a stop sign and shove it up his ass,” my Mom whispered.

“Now now, you told us that we have to be polite to everyone. Even Master Rooster, Ma’am,” Julie reminded my mother of the rule sweetly and then commented on how dumb the name “Master Rooster” sounded.

“You are correct, and I need to set a better example, thank you, Julie,” my Mom nodded in agreement. I could sense that Mandy didn’t like competition for teacher’s pet. Mandy had mentioned she liked being graded, and now she wasn’t getting all the attention. I would have to find a way to play Julie and Mandy against one another to make myself look better. “We may not like him, and he is a rude and annoying little man-child, but he is your better. We can all politely ignore him, and yes, I will be undressing inside the car. You’ve won the bet. As a teacher, I’ve met a lot of parents who take no interest in their kids. They see it as a chore to come in for a parent-teacher conference and assume we are there to talk about what their kid is doing wrong,” My Mom said.

“The only reason I got into the Catholic school was the judge said I had to go,” Julie admitted. We were about to leave, and we were doing a good job, ignoring Rooster when my mother noticed all our hubcaps were missing.

She walked all the way around the car twice as if perhaps the hubcaps would re-appear the second time she checked.

“Excuse me,” Mom said accusingly as she walked across the dirty gravel road to Rooster’s trailer. He had his feet up on a cooler and a beer in his hand. Keep in mind. The drinking age was still 18 back then, so that wasn’t illegal. He and his friend were sitting in a pair of folding chairs and smiling as she walked up as if they anticipated her being upset with them and didn’t care. “Have you seen my hubcaps?” she asked them.

“Nope,” Rooster looked at Flick and asked him. Flick shook his head no in silence. Rooster turned and asked if she had them when she came in the trailer park. “They could have flown off on all these potholes and bumpy roads. I could probably find a used set to sell you if you want them,” he offered like he was being helpful.

“You were out here this entire time, and you didn’t see anyone take my hubcaps?” my Mom put her hands on her hips. When Rooster smiled again, I could tell he was the one who took them, and he wasn’t afraid of my mother’s wrath. There wasn’t much she COULD do. Even if the police came out this far which they probably wouldn’t over some hubcaps there was nothing they could do. The hubcaps could be under this guys trailer or hidden someplace.

“Look, I am not sure what went on between you and Julie but taking my hubcaps won’t get her back. I am asking you nicely to return my hubcaps, please, Sir?” she asked him politely in a controlled manner.

I would have throttled him. I would have had my Mom’s back if she wanted to kick his ass. I may have wanted to humiliate my mother as revenge for putting me in training, but this fucker stole from US, and he was being a total douche bag about it. I was thankful for the distraction of the clit stimulation because it was all that was keeping me from jumping into this heated debate.

“I can’t give you what I don’t have. Now, if you want me to find you a set well you come on back tomorrow, and I am sure we can work something out,” Rooster said. He asked Flick what tire size our car looked like.

“That looks like a DR78-14 to me,” Flick spoke his first words.

“Fourteen inches? I bet you couldn’t handle nine inches, could you?” Rooster tried to sound seductive, but he only managed a hillbilly kind of creepy like someone from the movie Deliverance telling us we had ‘purty mouths.’

“You have nine inches?” my Mom smiled seductively back.

That was unexpected. What was her game?

Rooster looked impressed with himself. He sat up and said proudly “Nine and a half but you gotta measure from the asshole to the tip,” he smiled.

Julie made a “Pshhhaawww” sound of disbelief.

“She is just jealous,” Rooster smiled like he was George Michael himself come to sing “Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go.” He told my Mom that if money was a problem he’d be happy to let her take a ride with him and he’d see what he could find for hubcaps in his shed for us.

I couldn’t believe she was even considering this.

“I’d love to, but we have to be at a big gang bang tonight in Melbourne Beach,” my Mom said.

My eyes went wide. We were GOING to a gang bang? That was perfect. I wanted to get fucked after being teased all day. I could also tell her how hypocritical she was for being mad we were at a gang bang and then letting us go to one. I was hoping it wasn’t a bunch of old men with limp dicks, but I was down to go if she was serious.

“We are meeting a bunch of my girlfriends there. I could probably give you the address if you would install a set of used hubcaps on my car? I am a girl and don’t know how,” My Mom flirted so effortlessly that it barely sounded like total bullshit. What girlfriends? What gang bang? He had to give her the hubcaps to get the address? He would never buy that even as smooth as she was being about it.

“Yeah, I didn’t fall off the turnip truck yesterday,” he said as he sipped his Budweiser.

“When did you fall off the turnip truck then?” Julie couldn’t help herself.

“Excuse me, please? I need to get these bitches ready. I’ll be right back,” my Mom said seductively to him. Then she ordered Mandy and me to strip naked in the street. “I want you sluts ready to fuck when we get there. You can play with yourselves on the ride down there, so you are good and ready for all those big cocks!!!” Mom insisted.

I begrudgingly removed my clothes revealing the clothespin on my clit. It bounced back and forth between my legs as I stood there naked, holding my clothes. My Mom made us throw them in the car and then put all three of us against the car with our hands up like we were being frisked before she removed her own clothes.

She stood there naked in the street.

I should mention that while there was low street lights and porch lights, this wasn’t the only trailer where people were sitting outside and periodically cars were going past. It wasn’t just us out here, and anyone could see if they looked over at us with our hands up and spread against the car.

“We can always use two big dicks at the party. You say you have big cocks, well come over here and show me,” my Mom said seductively.

That got Flick and Rooster out of their chairs. She wagged her finger at them and said that she wanted the hubcaps back.

Rooster sent Flick to get the hubcaps as she stroked Rooster through his jeans while he looked at the four of us naked.

I had seen my mother naked before. We changed in front of each other casually, and she used to bathe with me when I was little before Buddy and Lewis came along. I never really noticed she had a few tattoos before. I couldn’t make out what they looked like, but I realized that my Mom probably had an exciting life after all and wasn’t making up the things she said. Tattoos were definitely a taboo bad-girl kind of thing on a girl back in the 1980s.

She also had a completely hairless and shaved pussy, which was something that, as I’ve mentioned was simply not the norm back then. The only girl who had a hairy muff was Julie, and she looked jealous when she noticed she had this big hair pie and we were all shaved bald.

It definitely caught the eye of Rooster and Flick who liked us shaved because they could see all of our pussy and ass from behind as we stood there.

My Mom gave him an address in Melbourne Beach where the gang bang was being held and asked for the hubcaps now.

“How do we know this is for real,” he asked.

“Do you think the four of us are going to play gin rummy tonight? You can follow our car if you like and fuck us when we get there, now can I have the hubcaps please?” she asked with her usual witty snark.

“How about we give them to you when we get there,” Rooster was skeptical and rightly so. This was a pretty low-grade scam as far as I was concerned. I felt I could have manipulated them faster than my Mom had.

“How about we have that gang bang right here, and I’ll toss them in for twenty bucks,” he said.

“How about you show me you both have nine-inch cocks, and I’ll fuck you right here and now. Then you can fuck my daughter and her friends if you can still get it up after I milk the cum out of your balls with this tight pussy,” my Mom said like she was boiling for him.

My head was facing forward, but my Mom had apparently presented her ass to him and bent over and winked her pussy at him. He was enthralled.

“You wouldn’t dare fuck us out here? Let’s go somewhere. My momma is inside the trailer, and I don’t’ want to wake her up,” he said.

“You have no idea what I would dare and wouldn’t dare,” my Mom had been so scary and stern when she said that before but now it was a playful offer to get wild with them. “We could invite your mom to play too?” mom pleaded flirtatiously, and it seemed like she was more enthusiastic about getting it on now than Flick or Rooster. They sounded like scared little boys.

I heard a zip of Roosters pants and Rooster started to groan.

“Throw the hubcaps in the car, baby,” my Mom told Flick in a lusty voice. “Then come over here and let me suck your cock. Where am I going to go?” she said. They were clearly having sex in the middle of the trailer park street! Flick brushed me aside and put the hubcaps in the backseat.

I turned my head and saw Flick with his pants down and my Mom was sucking his cock while bending over and letting Rooster fuck her from behind.

Rooster lasted about thirty seconds in total.

“Oh, oh, oh yeah!” he nutted in her and smacked her ass. My Mom rolled her eyes at me and looked bored. She had that cute smirk on her face she has when she is joking. My Mom had her hands behind her back holding her ass cheeks apart, and she was using just her mouth to coax Flick to orgasm. She brought him off effortlessly with a few quick ‘gurk’ gurk’ noises and then licked her lips and swallowed.

“Thank you, so much,” my Mom was being patronizing now. The two guys zipped their pants awkwardly after they were finished.

“You don’t want to fuck the other girls?” she asked them.

“Give us a few minutes. Baby” Rooster seemed exhausted even though he literally had done none of the work to fuck my Mom.

“Okay, let me just sit down after that amazing pounding you gave me,” I could tell my Mom was being facetious as she opened the driver’s side door and pointed for us to get in the car. She started up the engine.

“Hey, what about that gangbang,” Rooster looked angry and betrayed as my Mom smiled and turned the car around. He was still stunned from his orgasm.

“Oh baby, I appreciate you fingering me, but I was hoping you’d put your dick in me,” my Mom said as she looked out the window at the sweaty redneck trying to recover from his orgasm.

“That was my dick,” he said.

“Oh!” my Mom seemed surprised. “Well, the gang bang is still happening tonight. It is not quantity; it is quality, right?” My Mom repeated the address and said that the password was Lahmagray. “Just say that at the door, and they will know you are with me. Thank you for the finger fuck, baby” my Mom blew them a kiss and drove off while holding up her pinky finger like it was their dicks.

We all laughed at first for a good long while as we rode naked in the car. My friends had this crazy look of respect on their faces for my mother.

“Wait, wasn’t that dishonest, Ma’am? didn’t you just say that you were going to be respectful?” I brought it up, and the others stopped laughing and nodded their heads with me.

“There have to be exceptions to every rule, Fart Face. Put the clothespins back on your nipples now. You can remove the clothespin from your clit and wait until we get to McDonald’s to put it back on. You don’t want to cut off any blood flow until you get a little more experience with it,” my Mom instructed me.

I did as I was told, but she still hadn’t addressed my point.

“What do you girls want to do? You want me to stop the car and spank my ass? I am not infallible. I make mistakes. I get angry. I get cranky. I need maintenance discipline every 10,000 miles too,” she chuckled apologetically. “That was probably not the lesson to teach you on your first night of submission, but none of you are strangers to sex. He had it coming. I could have burned his trailer to the ground, but that could have hurt innocent people,” my Mom chuckled. “I just wanted to hurt two immature little man-boys,” she smiled.

“Yeah, but they both got to fuck you for some hubcaps, Ma’am,” Mandy said.

“True, but when they go to that address I’ll get even,” my Mom explained. She said that the address was in a really shady part of Melbourne where a Mexican drug dealer lived. “He has a boat and comes down to Captain Hiram’s all the time. The password I gave him is the word immigration in Spanish. When they knock on that door and say they are from immigration but are expecting a gang bang, it should be a fun night for them,” she smiled.

“How do you know they will go there tonight, Ma’am?” Mandy asked.

Mom looked in the rear view mirror and saw the truck off in the distance. “They are already on their way,” my Mom sped up so that they wouldn’t catch up to us and see we had headed the opposite direction.

“Okay, that is funny, thank you for that, Ma’am,” Julie said.

My Mom said that just as she would decide now and then to make somebody’s night with a story that no one would believe if they heard it, she would occasionally do the opposite to some asshole that absolutely deserved it.

“You girls don’t get to judge your betters. You haven’t earned that right, yet and you don’t know enough to know better. Case in point, Julie was dating that piece of shit that even Fart Face would have known was a loser,” my Mom teased us both. “However, at times I reserve the liberty to be the agent of karma, and when someone tries to fuck with us, or hurt you, or really annoys the piss out of me, then I may just pull a little shenanigan like that, and I’ll expect you to play along the way you did back there,” she said.

“How did you know they wouldn’t try to fuck all of us, Ma’am?” Mandy asked.

“I didn’t,” mom said as she rechecked the rear view mirror to make sure the truck was way behind us. “I have seen enough men to know who has a little dick based on how they compensate. That boy Jake has a huge pecker. I’d imagine,” my Mom said.

Julie smiled and said he did.

“That’s your step-brother! Gross!” Mandy told her.

“What? You have never seen Gerald’s dick?” she asked Mandy about her own brother.

“I have, but I don’t smile and get proud about it,” Mandy teased Julie.

“Hey, why is Julie still in the front seat anyway, Ma’am? isn’t she one of us cunts now?” I asked.

“You worry about Fart Face and your own situation. She is one of you cunts now. However, I’ll put all three of you in the trunk if that is how I want you to ride. I am hungry, and I want to eat before we go home,” my Mom said.

“So we are just going through the drive-through naked, Ma’am?” Mandy asked.

“Would you prefer to go inside and sit at a table naked?” my Mom smiled at her sarcastically with the rhetorical question.

“So we are going to fuck guys as part of this summer school, Ma’am?” Julie asked.

“You had all night to ask me questions about your expectations and you never once thought to ask if sex would be involved if you are trained in slut summer school before it began?” My Mom was amused by her question at this late stage. “You remind me of your mother. She only had one question, and that was why we were helping you,” my Mom said. She didn’t explicitly answer Julie’s question but she implied that the entire thing had to do with sex. That should have been obvious to Julie.

“Hey, that isn’t very nice, Ma’am” Julie teased back when she was compared to her mom.

“I am not very nice. You should know that by now,” my Mom said.

“You are fucking awesome,” Julie said with stars in her eyes in awe of my mom.
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