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Post by tim409 »

If you had to chose, If one of these became the law of the land. You have to vote for only one. (you can let us know if you are male or female) CMNF

CMNF where only females are nude while males are modestly dressed


CFNM where only males are nude and females are modestly dressed

Which would you chose? Both being nude is not an option.
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Re: Chose One! CMNF OR CFNM

Post by Emily »

CMNF. - I’m a female.

Even beyond sexual stuff, I absolutely love being naked and wouldn’t kind a world where I was always able to be naked.
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Re: Chose One! CMNF OR CFNM

Post by superevil7 »

CMNF for sure. I think women can still look classy without clothes, where as men kind of need to dress up in order to look presentable. Without a suit or proper work attire a guy will probably look goofy and not at all prepared for work, but that's just my opinion. Women are the more natural transition, as they already have the option to display cleavage, bare legs, etc, when they are working.
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Re: Chose One! CMNF OR CFNM

Post by TeenFan »

In almost every culture around the world, women are expected to be covered up.

In India it is the men who strip down to almost nothing, or fully naked, for ceremonial baths in the river.

During the Naked Festival of Japan, only the men run around acting goofy in their Fundoshi loin cloth.

In the US, during the 50s and 60s, boys had to swim naked at the pool at the YMCA or indoor school pools. Girls had to wear swimsuits at a
separate pool.

Lets face it...Tarzan is a lot closer to being naked than Jane.

Male nudity is more acceptable almost everywhere. Why fight it...I vote CFNM.
However I would have a physical fitness requirement. Older fat slobs must remain fully clothed, even to the beach.
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Re: Chose One! CMNF OR CFNM

Post by tim409 »

TeenFan wrote: Mon Jul 08, 2024 12:42 pm In almost every culture around the world, women are expected to be covered up.

In India it is the men who strip down to almost nothing, or fully naked, for ceremonial baths in the river.

During the Naked Festival of Japan, only the men run around acting goofy in their Fundoshi loin cloth.

In the US, during the 50s and 60s, boys had to swim naked at the pool at the YMCA or indoor school pools. Girls had to wear swimsuits at a
separate pool.

Lets face it...Tarzan is a lot closer to being naked than Jane.

Male nudity is more acceptable almost everywhere. Why fight it...I vote CFNM.
However I would have a physical fitness requirement. Older fat slobs must remain fully clothed, even to the beach.

You are correct about India. It is unheard of any female being nude in public. Males on the other hand are naked far more often. There is a sect where the women in it are fully dressed while the males do not even own a stich of clothing. They even go to girls schools naked. Like seen here:

There is an Oblation Run in the Philippines yearly where college males run naked through the streets with thousands of girls on the route they use watching them. There are many photos of this here:

Many areas in hot climates, the males are naked while women are only topless.

Many colleges still have customs where males get naked and women do not.

Yet there should be some compromise. Perhaps allowing women to be topless? Remember there are still strip clubs where women even get paid to be naked in front of men while women can see naked men for free in such places as the World Naked Bike Race where 90% of the nude folks are male and most of the women who undress are only topless. The same can be said for races like San Francisco's Bay to Breakers where it is mostly males who are totally nude.
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Re: Chose One! CMNF OR CFNM

Post by TeenFan »

speaking about San Francisco...
I have seen the videos made of the naked protest marches organized by Gypsy Taub.
These are the Psychedelic Medicine and Nude Summer of Love rallies.
Most of those who got naked are males, mostly older and not great to look at.

The son of Gypsy Taub sometimes participated in these protests, from age 11 through 16. Fully naked the boy is except for one year where
he was forced to keep his clothes on. This boy was exceptionally gifted. I think the father was a porn star.
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Re: Chose One! CMNF OR CFNM

Post by tim409 »

isn't Folsom Street in S.F. too? They have some very risky events for that.

I did a search for both sometime ago and CFNM got several times the number of results than did CMNF. I think women are just reluctant to be involve with things like CFNM events because of the image it might give them. To prevent that and to make women feel safe, most CFNM events are planed and presented by women and males have no say in the planning. They also want several times more women so women feel safe. Males have to be naked and they cannot touch women. In short, women have all the power as it should be. I also do not think these power dynamics should stop at the door but should carry on in every area and although many disagree, I think women should be in charge since women are superior to us males although there are exceptions.
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Re: Chose One! CMNF OR CFNM

Post by Freesub »

tim409 wrote: Sun Jul 07, 2024 11:31 pm If you had to chose, If one of these became the law of the land. You have to vote for only one. (you can let us know if you are male or female) CMNF

CMNF where only females are nude while males are modestly dressed


CFNM where only males are nude and females are modestly dressed

Which would you chose? Both being nude is not an option.
My vote is with CMNF...would be nice to see a reversal of traditional roles.
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Re: Chose One! CMNF OR CFNM

Post by tim409 »

Freesub wrote: Mon Jul 08, 2024 6:11 pm
tim409 wrote: Sun Jul 07, 2024 11:31 pm If you had to chose, If one of these became the law of the land. You have to vote for only one. (you can let us know if you are male or female) CMNF

CMNF where only females are nude while males are modestly dressed


CFNM where only males are nude and females are modestly dressed

Which would you chose? Both being nude is not an option.
My vote is with CMNF...would be nice to see a reversal of traditional roles.
Is not the males being nude a reversal of traditional roles? I remember a time when girls in many schools could see naked males for a few hours at a time simply by going to a swim meet. They were encouraged to attend by teachers and the school so it was sanctioned by the school for males to be naked and girls to see them. That was stopped and although there was never a time public schools put females on display, just go to a non clothing option beach , any public swimming pool and most water parks and you will see everything a female has except for a couple square inches of cloth. If you go to a clothing optional beach, the women are more covered up than at the public pools. Personally, I would love to get back to the nude male swim teams just like we had them one I was on one.
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Re: Chose One! CMNF OR CFNM

Post by Freesub »

tim409 wrote: Mon Jul 08, 2024 7:12 pm
Freesub wrote: Mon Jul 08, 2024 6:11 pm
tim409 wrote: Sun Jul 07, 2024 11:31 pm If you had to chose, If one of these became the law of the land. You have to vote for only one. (you can let us know if you are male or female) CMNF

CMNF where only females are nude while males are modestly dressed


CFNM where only males are nude and females are modestly dressed

Which would you chose? Both being nude is not an option.
My vote is with CMNF...would be nice to see a reversal of traditional roles.
Is not the males being nude a reversal of traditional roles? I remember a time when girls in many schools could see naked males for a few hours at a time simply by going to a swim meet. They were encouraged to attend by teachers and the school so it was sanctioned by the school for males to be naked and girls to see them. That was stopped and although there was never a time public schools put females on display, just go to a non clothing option beach , any public swimming pool and most water parks and you will see everything a female has except for a couple square inches of cloth. If you go to a clothing optional beach, the women are more covered up than at the public pools. Personally, I would love to get back to the nude male swim teams just like we had them one I was on one.
Males being nude is going back to traditional roles. Females being nude is reversing them.

Thearge difference is females always use this tiny pieces of cloth to cover their genitals, which males used to expose.

So I'd like to see a reversal of roles, where females expose their genitals for once
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