Going to the Halloween Party

Stories about boys ending up in compromising situations, preferably naked and embarrassed, as the name suggests.
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Going to the Halloween Party

Post by Datom »

Going to the Halloween Party

“But Kevin! You HAVE to go!”

Elizabeth was begging me to go with her to a Halloween party that some of the other seventh-grade kids in school were having.

“Aw, c’mon, Elizabeth!” I begged. "Please! I . . I have stuff to do! And anyway, I hate those parties!’

Elizabeth pouted. “Lani is going to be disappointed! She really wants me to bring you to the party,” Elizabeth started rubbing my arm. “I told her that I’d bring you!”

“Besides,” I pointed out, “I don’t have a costume.” And I’m not planning on getting into one either, I thought.

Elizabeth sighed. Then she played her trump card. “Kevin,” she said slowly,” I don’t want to have to share that video!”

That stumped me. Just before school started, two older girls had caught me in my swim trunks on the way home from the pool. One of them had held me while the other one pulled down my swimsuit and took a picture of me, including all my private parts. (See “Coming Home from the Pool: https://www.girlspns.com/viewtopic.php?t=4087 ). One of them had turned out to be Elizabeth’s cousin, and had sent the picture to Elizabeth. Instead of sharing the picture with all her seventh-grade friends, Elizabeth had used it to maneuver me down to the basement of her home, where I had been tied up naked, so that she could show me in the nude to each of her friends, for a small fee. The last two of her customers were older girls, who had milked me, and had videoed the whole process. (See “Going Back to School” viewtopic.php?t=4305 ) Elizabeth had gotten a copy of the video, but instead of sharing it all around, she was using it to blackmail me into doing whatever she wanted. Right now, what she obviously wanted was to make me agree to go with her to this party.

I sighed. “Do I have to have a costume?”

Elizabeth giggled. “Of course, Silly! It’s a Halloween party!” She patted my arm. “Don’t worry about the costume, though. I’ll help you with that.”

I can imagine, I thought. Something shirtless, no doubt. Not so! I’m going to find my own costume.

. . . . . . . . . . . .

I finally found the costume I wanted. It was a Darth Vader costume, and it was actually kind of cool. It had the cape, and all the gadgetry on the front, all in sinister black, of course. And it had the coolest mask, with the helmet and the mouthpiece. And best of all, I could afford it. Of course, I ordered it online right away. The Sky-Rite Costume Company of Hackensack, New Jersey immediately sent me a return email stating that they’d gotten my order, and assuring me that my costume would arrive on my doorstep by October 24, the day before the party. Good enough.

I told Elizabeth about it, about three days before the party, and I thought she’d be excited. Actually, she seemed kind of disappointed, and I asked her why.

“I’m sorry, Kevin, but you can’t wear that to this party,” she said, making big sad eyes.

“Why not?”

“See, Lani and Lindsay and I kind of decided that this was going to be a Disney-themed party. We’re all dressing up as Disney movie characters.”

“Awww! Fine time to tell me that!” I moaned. “Anyway, Star Wars is Disney now, so that should count.”

“No! Not that kind of Disney!” Elizabeth shook her head impatiently. “I mean, like, Lani has a Pocahontas costume, and Lindsay is coming as Ariel—you know, the Little Mermaid.”

“I suppose you’re going to be Princess Jasmine?” I could picture myself as Aladdin, with that bare-chested costume.

“No, darn it!” Elizabeth shook her head impatiently. “Jamie is already coming as Princess Jasmine.”

“You could come as Princess Leia,” I grinned, “in the Iron Bikini costume.”

Elizabeth rolled her eyes. “Ha! I don’t think so.” But she smiled, “I still have a couple ideas.”
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I got home from school that day and found mail in my inbox. It was from the Sky-Rite Costume Company, and it was titled: “Re: Your Order.”

Uh-oh! That didn’t sound good!

I read it:
Dear Mr. Ross,
This is to notify you that your order will be delayed due to supply-chain issues. The new anticipated delivery date is November 11th. Please let us know if you do not receive your order by that time.
Shipping Department
Sky-Rite Costume Company

Ho-boy! I gulped. What kind of costume comapny were they, anyway? What good is a costume going to do me after Halloween? And Elizabeth was going to be mad! I couldn’t go to the party, not without a costume! Well, maybe this was a good thing. Maybe this would get me out of going to the party.

I saw Elizabeth in school the next day and told her. “So,” I guess I can’t come with you to Lani’s party. Sorry.”

As I turned to leave, she grabbed me by the arm. “Oh, yes you are!” she almost chuckled.

“But how can I, without a costume?”

“Guess what?” Elizabeth grinned. “I’ve figured out my costume, and I think you’re going to like it.”


“I’m not telling you.” she said. “You’ll just have to be surprised. And,” she chuckled, “I’ll have a matching costume for you! Just come to my house at six thirty. I’ll get you all dressed up and we can walk over to Lani’s party.”

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I arrived at Elizabeth’s house at 6:30 as directed. Elizabeth answered the door.

“How do you like my costume, Kevin?”

Wow! She was dressed in an off-white top, short-sleeved, which just showed a couple inches of midriff. She had on a long blue skirt, down to her ankles. Her hair was pulled back into a single braid. She was wearing hoop earrings, and on her forehead was a little red dot, like women from India wear. I think they call it a bindi.

“You look beautiful!” was all I could say.

“Can you tell who I am?” she smiled.

“Ah, ah, gimme a minute,” I stammered. I’m not into all those Disney princess characters.

“I’m Shanti,” she smiled.

“Shanti who?” It didn’t sound familiar. Shanti Claus, maybe?

“Oh, Kevin,” she chuckled. “I have your costume right here,” she held up a plastic bag. “We can change you into it at Lani’s house.” She grabbed my arm. “We gotta go. We’ll just be on time.”

We walked the couple of blocks to Lani’s house. When we rang the bell, the door opened and Lani answered. She was wearing a brown sleeveless dress, knee-length, with frills at the bottom. Her hair was straight down, and she had on a blue headband with a feather sticking out at the back. Pocahontas, I guessed. Lani looked at Elizabeth, then at me.

Elizabeth grinned. “I know,” she grinned. “We have Kevin’s costume right here.”

I was getting curious as to what my costume was going to look like. Knowing Elizabeth, it would be something embarrassing. I also wondered what the other guys at the party were going to be wearing. And whether they were going to laugh at my costume.

Lani let us in. “You can use my bedroom to change him,” she said to Elizabeth. “Just don’t go in Keith’s room. He and his girlfriend are in there doing homework.” She chuckled. “Supposedly they’re chaperoning us.” Then she added apologetically, “Oh, could you two, ah, take off your shoes? My mom is fussy about our carpets.”

“Sure,” Elizabeth smiled. “My mom is the same way.”

After we left our shoes at toe door, Elizabeth led me down the hallway. We passed the bathroom, then went past a closed door. I guess that was Keith’s room, because I could hear a lot of chuckling and giggling coming from inside. Yeah, I thought—homework, right! The next doorway was open. Lani’s room.

We went in and Elizabeth shut the door. She turned to me. “Take off your shirt.”

Uh, okay. I pulled my shirt off over my head.

“Now your pants.”

“Say,” I hesitated. “What kind of costume is this?”

“You’ll see. Take off your pants,” she repeated.

I lowered my pants to my ankles and stepped out of them. Now I was down to my underpants.

Elizabeth knelt down in front of me, and slipped her fingers under the elastic. She pushed my underpants down to the ground, then grasped my calves, one at a time, and made me step out of my underpants. Now I was completely naked. “Hey!” I yelped. What are you doing?”

“Relax!” Elizabeth chuckled. “I’ve seen it all before, remember?” She cupped her fingers under my bare penis and held it, while she puffed her cheeks and blew on it. It made me tingle.

“Well, let’s get my costume on,” I said, impatiently.

Elizabeth reached into her bag and pulled out a strip of red material. It was a deep red cloth, about a foot and a half long, and about six inches wide. It was thin enough to fit around my boy-stuff without being uncomfotable. She reached behind me and slipped the cloth between my legs, covering my private parts.

“Hold this up,” she ordered.

I complied, holding the ends up infront of my stomach, and behind my back. Elizabeth reached back into the bag and pulled out a narrower strip of cloth, like a sash. She reached around me and pulled it around my body, just below my bellybutton, then tied it in front, so that it held the first cloth up. My boy-stuff was now covered, but the outer half of my butt-cheeks still showed.

“It’s a loincloth,” Elizabeth explained. “It looks cute on you.”

“Where’s the rest of my costume?”

“There isn’t any ‘rest of it.’” Elizabeth chuckled. “Like I said, I’m Shanti. You know, the girl at the end of the Jungle Book. The one that takes Mowgli to the Man-Village.”

“And I’m . . .”

“You’re Mowgli,” Elizabeth grinned. “All you wear is that little red loincloth.” She took my arm. “Let’s go show you to everyone.” And she opened the door and led me out into the hall. "There's refreshments, then we're going to play some games."
. . . . . . . . .
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Re: Going to the Halloween Party

Post by Jeepman89 »

Glad to see this story back. Can't wait to see what happens at the Halloween party.
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Re: Going to the Halloween Party

Post by TeenFan »

I love loincloth Halloween costumes. I used a Tarzan costume for a 13 year old in a Halloween story, so I'm happy with this choice.
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Re: Going to the Halloween Party

Post by Lola »

Omg!! This is so good. I loved when she blows on his penis. Can't wait to read more
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Re: Going to the Halloween Party

Post by NudeBaG »

Enjoying this
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Re: Going to the Halloween Party

Post by Datom »

Part II: Refreshments

(The author wishes to thank Lola for the whole idea of the Mowgli costume. This is turning out to be fun!)

As we walked down the hall, all I could thing was, what are the other boys at this party gonna thing of me? Are they gonna make fun of me? I’ll never hear the end of it! Or maybe they have to wear embarrassing costumes too. Or maybe . . .

Elizabeth guided me into the living room.

The guests all looked up and ooh’ed and aah’ed me, looking up and down at my bare body. Besides Lani in her Pocahontas costume, I saw Penny Watson—Penny was a sixth grader— dressed as Jasmine—long silky blue pajama bottoms, matching blue top with long puffy sleeves. Lindsay was there as Ariel the Mermaid—she had on a long narrow green skirt that came up to right below her bellybutton. The skirt had things on the bottom, I guess they were supposed to look like fins. Her top was just a tube top with pictures of seashells. Elise Burkhoff was there, looking kind of pretty as Belle, from Beauty and the Beast, white blouse, with blue vest over the top, and long blue skirt to match. And Latitia Monroe was there, as Moana, wearing an orange patterned tube top and an off-white wrap-skirt.

And no boys.

For a moment I was grateful that there weren’t any guys here to make fun of my costume. Then as I listened to all the ooh-ing and aah-ing, it hit me—my body was on display for an all-girl audience, with everything bare but my boy-parts.

Elizabeth chuckled. “Sorry, Kevin. I forgot to tell you. It’s an all-girls party.” She squeezed my arm. The girls all giggled.

“I want to go home right now,” I declared.

“Sorry,” Elizabeth continued, “You’re not in the Man Village, Mowgli! Welcome to the Woman Village!”

The girls all burst out laughing. Latitia whispered something to Lindsay. Lindsay giggled.

Latitia walked around behind me. “Hey!” she exclaimed. “He has a cute little ass!” She pinched my exposed butt cheek, and I lurched. That brought another round of laughter. She slapped my bare butt and I jumped. More laughter. “This is fun!” she chuckled, slapping me again.

I felt a hand on the back of my other leg. It started going up and down my calf, then gradually went up the back of my thigh. I turned and saw little Abby Thompson sitting on an ottoman. Abby was another girl in the sixth grade. She was wearing a blonde wig of hair that went down her back past her waist. Rapunzel, I guessed.

“I think he’s cute!” Penny came up to me and put her hand on my chest. Her index finger landed on my breast and she started moving her fingertip around, tracing little circles around my bare nipple. I shivered. Penny went up on tiptoe and kissed me on the cheek. I could feel the delicate fabric of her Jasmine costume fluttering against my bare skin. “Are you embarrassed of your body, Kevin?” she almost whispered. “You shouldn’t be ashamed of your body, you know.” She kissed me again. “You have a cute body.”

Another round of laughter from all the girls.

Elizabeth announced, “Time for refreshments, everyone. In the dining room.” She motioned with her hand. “We can play with Mowgli after that.”

The girls all headed for the dining room. A long table was set with two chairs on each side, and two more on the end. The girls all went in and grabbed seats. On one side were Ariel and Rapunzel, and on the other were Jazmine and Pocahontas. Moana was at the far end and Shanti at the near end.

“Where am I supposed to sit?” I asked.

“You stand next to me,” Shanti gestured, grinning.

The refreshments were on the table. There was some kind of cherry drink in large plastic cups, and an assortment of pastries, including cupcakes with white icing. The girls all started helping themselves. They all started talking about a bunch of girl stuff, evidently ignoring me.

Then I felt a hand on the back of my leg. Shanti was sliding her hand up the back of my bare thigh. Her fingers sloid up to my butt cheek, and squeezed me. She glanced at me and smirked.

Then I felt Pocahontas’s hand sliding up my other leg. It slid up the outside of my leg, up over my sash, and up to my waist, then around to my bare back. She looked up at me and giggled. Then she looked at Shanti, and they both giggled.

“Are you having a good time, Mowgli?” Shanti chuckled.

Shanti stuck her finger in her drink, and swooshed it around. Then she pulled out her wet finger and reached over to my stomach, and rubbed her wet fingertip on my bellybutton, around and around. Her fingertip was cold from the drink, and made me shiver.

Rapunzel was sitting on the other side of Shanti. She was watching the whole process. “He sure has a cute little belly button,” she giggled.

“I think he’s ticklish,” Shanti giggled. She stuck her finger back in her drink, and re-wetted it. Then she tickled me again. A trickle of cold cherry drink was starting to drip from my bellybutton.

Suddenly Pocahontas’s hand around my back pulled me over to her. She pulled me so my stomach was right in front of her face. She pushed her head onto me, and began licking the cherry drink off my belly. I shivered as I felt her wet tongue wiggling on my bellybutton.

By now, all the girls were watching me, and they all laughed. Pocahontas pulled back her head and chortled, “Yummy!” They laughed again.

Shanti chuckled. “Who else wants a taste?”

Jasmine and Rapunzel both raised their hands.

Shanti reached over to her cupcake and ran her finger through the icing. Then she reached up and put a little dab of icing on each of my nipples. “There!” she chortled. “I frosted him for you!”

Rapunzel got up from her chair and came around to me. She leaned forward, her face right in front of my bare chest. Her hand grabbed my arm. Then I felt her mouth on my chest, and felt her tongue flitting back and forth over my nipple, licking off the icing. I shivered.

“He likes it!” Moana shouted. They all laughed.

When Rapunzel was finished with me, Jasmine came over. She slipped her hand onto my side, and slid her left hand down to my waist, her fingers starting to play with my sash. Her right forefinger touched my nipple on the side that Rapunzel had just finished with. “You liked that, didn’t you, Mowgli?” she asked. I realized that my nipple had gotten hard and erect. “Can you make the other one hard, just for me?” And with that she started licking the icing off my other nipple.

Jasmine’s tongue moved slower. It made slow circles around my nipple, as she carefully licked off the icing. Then she flitted her tongue quickly across my nipple several times. I realized that that nipple had gotten hard too.

I looked up and realized that all the girls were watching and giggling at me. I felt like a toy, with various girls taking turns playing with me.

Then Pocahontas announced, “Let’s go back to the living room, everyone. We can play with Mowgli some more there. I have a couple of fun games lined up.”
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Re: Going to the Halloween Party

Post by Lola »

I gave Datom a suggestion for a story and he made a master piece out of it! i'm loving every single words. My heart was beating fast as i was reading. So Exciting, so thrilling, so arrousing! can't wait to know what kind of games they gonna play
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Re: Going to the Halloween Party

Post by Jeepman89 »

Very exciting.
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Re: Going to the Halloween Party

Post by TeenFan »

Pre-teens can be tasty treats, just like older teens. However, they are often not very creamy, due to being under ripe.
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Re: Going to the Halloween Party

Post by Datom »

Pocahontas led the way back to the living room. She indicated that the girls should sit down. Ariel, Jasmine, and Moana sat next to each other on the couch. Belle and Rapunzel sat down on a long upholstered thing, like a couch with no back. Or maybe it was a footrest. Ot a bench, I don’t know. Anyway, they sat on it, and Pocahontas sat down next to them.

Shanti took me by the shoulders and led me into the center. She turned me so I was facing Ariel’s team. I could hear Pocahontas’ team pulling the bench thing up closer behind me.

“Okay, so here are the rules,” Shanti announced. “We have two teams, Ariel, Jasmine, and Moana are Team One. Pocahontas, Rapunzel, and Belle are Team Two. I’m the moderator.”

I could hear Team Two scooting the bench up closer behind me.

“I’ll pick a card from this deck” Shanti held up a deck of cards that she’d gotten from some kids’ quiz game someplace. “I’ll ask the question, and Team One will answer it. If they get it right, they get to give Mowgli’s loincloth a little tug. If they get it wrong, someone from Team Two gets to tug Mowgli’s loincloth. Then Team Two tries to answer another question, and so on.”

Yikes, I thought. So, Mowgli loses either way.

“Now remember, Shanti cautioned. “It has to be a little tug—not a big one.” The girls all giggled.

Shanti pulled a card out from the deck. She studied it for a second, then read: “In what country is the Eiffel Tower?”

“That’s easy,” Jasmine yelped out. The three girls whispered to each other, then Belle looked up and said, “France.”

Right!” Shanti said. "So, now one of you gets to tug on Mowgli’s loincloth.

“You got the answer, Jasmine! You do it!”

Jasmine sat up and reached toward my crotch. As she slipped her fingers to grasp the front of my loincloth, I could feel the back of her fingers rubbing against my penis through the fabric. She looked up at me and giggled, then gave my loincloth a little tug, so it was now hanging down a little more in front.

“Now, Team Two,” announced Shanti. She picked another card, studied at it for a second, then read it out: “Whiat kind of word describes a noun?’

Belle started to speak, “An adjec . . .” and was stopped by the other two.

I heard whispering behind me, then a giggle. The Ariel answered, “An interjunction!”

“Interjunction!” Ariel snorted. “That’s not even a word!”

Shanti peered at the back of the card. “The answer is . . . an adjective!” So Team One gets to pull on Mowgli’s loincloth.”

This time Ariel reached out. Her little hand slipper under the front of my loincloth, and very deliberately rubbed against my penis through the cloth. She giggled. “I think he likes this!” she tittered, as I felt the gentle pressure against my penis. She pulled, and about another inch of loincloth slid from back to front.

“Our turn again!” clamored Moana and Jasmine.

“Okay, then,” Shanti reached for another card. “What common substance is made of hydrogen and oxygen?”

The two of them nodded to Moana, who promptly responded, “Water!”

“Right!” And Moana reached for my crotch and grasped my loincloth. Once again, I could feel the back of her fingers against my penis. Moana, though, kept her hand in place for a moment, and rubbed the back of her fingers very deliberately against me. Then she grasped the loincloth and tugged gently on it several times. I felt the loincloth sliding gently back and forth over the bottom of my testicles. Now, even more of my loincloth was in front of me, and less covering my behind.

The girls behind me giggled. “Our turn!” they clamored.

Shanti read the next card: “What city is the capital of the United States?”

“Columbus!” Pocahontas yelped out.

“Wrong! The answer is . . . Washington!” proclaimed Shanti.

The girls all giggled. Ariel slipped her fingers under my loincloth again. “It’s getting bigger down here!” she giggled, caressing my penis with the back of her finger. Then she pulled again, about an inch and a half.

Ariel was right. I realized that my penis had grown and gotten stiffer from all the nudging.

I heard tittering coming from behind me. “Look at that little tush!” “It’s so cute!” I felt a thumb and finger pinch my butt cheek. Then more giggling and then a slap. Then another hand rubbing me.

I realized what was happening. While the girls on Team One had been getting the right answers and having fun with my penis, the girls on Team Two were throwing the game. So my loincloth kept moving toward the front, leaving my behind completely naked for the enjoyment of the girls on Team Two.

Suddenly Team One realized what was going on. “Hey! Shanti!’ Ariel yelped. “The other team is cheating!”

“Are not!” protested Rapunzel.

“They are so!” Moana cried. “They’re getting answers wrong on purpose so that they can see Mowgli’s bare ass!”

“Yeah?” Belle jumped in. “Well, you guys are playing with his little pickle every time!”

“Okay, then,” Shanti announced. “That’s the end of the game.”

Pocahontas got up. “The next game is called ‘Belly Button.’”

Oh, brother! I thought.

“Here’s how you play it. Mowgli knells down and we put a blindfold on him. Then one girl stands in front of him, and he has to kiss her belly button. Then he has to tell which girl he kissed.”

There was giggling through the room. I looked around quickly and studied the girls’ costumes. Only Shanti, Jasmine, and Ariel had costumes that showed their bellybuttons. I could tell Jasmine’s bellybutton, because it had a little outie thing in the middle of it. Also, she had on those puffy pajama-like long pants on. Ariel had on that fish tail thing, and her bellybutton was kind of like a slit, not very big from top to bottom. Shanti had a round, deep bellybutton.

“What happens if he guesses wrong?” Belle asked.

“Then that girl gets to pull on Mowgli’s loincloth.” They all laughed

As Shanti put her hands on my shoulders and steered me to the center of the room, all the other girls surrounded me. Pocahontas came up behind me and reached around my head. I felt a mask, like a sleep mask, being slipped over my head, over my eyes. I felt Shanti’s hands steering me over in front of the couch, then turning me around.

“Kneel down now,” she commanded.

I knelt. Then I felt the presence of one of the girls in front of me.

“One of the girls is in front of you now, Mowgli. You have to kiss her on her belly button.”

I felt a pair of hands behind my head. Gently they pushed my head forward until my mouth was pressed against the girl’s bare stomach. I opened my mouth and started kissing. As I did, my tongue started moving across her bellybutton, exploring. I thought I felt a little outie thing. That would be Jasmine, I guessed.

I heard a giggle. The bellybutton wiggled.

As I drew back, my hand brushed against her leg and I felt the light material from her pants. Yep, I thought.

I pulled pack. “That was Jasmine,” I announced. “Right?”

The girls all clapped. “Yay, Mowgli! You got it right!”

“Here’s the next one,” Shanti announced.

Once again, I felt hands pressing my face against a stomach. I smelled something kind of faint plastic-y odor, like a recently unwrapped costume might smell. I kissed the bellybutton, and my tongue felt around. It was a pretty small bellybutton.

Again, I heard a giggle, and a high-pitched squeal, “It tickles!” Everyone laughed.

I backed my head. Again, my hand brushed against her leg. I felt smooth slippery material.

“That’s Ariel!” I said, confidently.

“Yay, Mowgli!” the girls all cheered. That’s two for two!”

“Just one more,” Belle said, “then we’ll go on to another game, maybe.”

Once more, I felt my head pressed against a bare stomach. This time, I felt material tickling the top of my head. This has to be Shanti, I thought. She’s the only one left with an exposed bellybutton. And she has that top. She must have pulled it up, to give me more exposed stomach.

I put my lips on her belly and started feeling around with my tongue. That was odd!—it felt like another outie. Shanti didn’t have an outie. I must be mistaken. I licked her bellybutton again, and head a giggle.

“Hey, Mowgli!” one of the girls called out. “Is it yummy?” The all laughed.

Embarrassed, I felt around again with my tongue. I still felt like it was an outie, but I may have been mistaken.

Another giggle, and her belly began to shiver. I must have been mistaken, I thought.

I pulled back, and as I did, I announced, “I think that’s Shanti.”

All the girls laughed. As they did, someone pulled the mask off my eyes, and I could see the girl in front of me.


She was standing there grinning at me, holding her dress up, exposing her belly.

“I fooled you, Mowgli,” she chortled. “I fooled you, and now I get to pull on your loincloth!”

Shanti and Belle, gripped me by the shoulders and stood me up. Pocahontas reached town to my dangling loincloth and started pulling on it slowly. The girls all started humming, “La-la-laaaah, la-la-laaaah.” Then someone started singing “Trust in meeeee, just in meeeee,” interrupted by an occasional giggle.

Meanwhile Pocahontas was slowly pulling on my loincloth. I felt the back come loose from the sash and drop between my legs. Rapunzel giggled. Pocahontas kept pulling on the loincloth slowly. It pulled loose of the sash in front, and came off in her hand. She held it up triumphantly.

"Ooooh!" Rapunzel cooed, staring at my penis. "Look at that!"

"It's cute! Moana reached toward my crotch and tickled my penis with her finger.

"It's getting nice and stiff," Belle observed. "That means he likes us!"

There I was, in the midst of a bunch of little princesses, with my private parts hanging out in full view, for all of them to see and enjoy.

“Now for the real fun!” Shanti announced, as they backed me up toward the bench.
Last edited by Datom on Wed Jul 17, 2024 6:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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