Taylor's humliation. part 1

Stories about girls getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated by anyone or anything.
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Taylor's humliation. part 1

Post by everlight »

School holidays had started for Jane and Kerry as they stood on the front porch of the house with their father enjoying a glass of homemade lemonade looking at the black car that was about to pull up at the house. Jane and Kerry knew this day was coming for the past six weeks and weren't looking forward to having their distant cousin stay at their house.

Both sisters were one year apart in age from each and lived alone with their father and Kerry being the oldest at fifteen years old often took control of most situations and they were close sisters and best friends so to hear that they had to share the same room together and the new gil would have Jane’s old room took a bit of getting used to.

“What do you think she's like?” Jane asked curiously as they looked in anticipation at the black car waiting for their cousin to get out.

“I don't know but I'm sure I won't like her and I overheard dad saying on the phone to someone last night that Taylor's parents were being investigated by the police and Taylor would be safe here. Anyway we will find out soon though.” Kerry replied, finishing her lemonade and putting the glass on the small wooden patio table.

“I wonder what they did but it must be serious,” Jane said.

:I don't know but do you remember our friend that lived near them? Well, I will get back in touch with her and see what she knows”.

As the back door opened on the car, Taylor stepped out looking around at her new surroundings and smiling at everyone as Jane and Kerry’s parents stepped off the porch and greeted her with a hug each.

Taylor’s parents were in some sort of trouble with the police so Jane and Kerry's father offered to have her stay at the house until things settle down. Jane and Kerry looked over Taylor’s petite small body frame thinking to each other how small she was for her age.

As the black car drove off Taylor stood in front of everybody as the girls curiously admired her shoulder length straight blond hair, light brown eyes and petite skinny body frame. Wearing a light blue sundress with two thin straps that held the dress up on her shoulders and no bra so they could make out the shape of Taylors two small AA cup tits under her dress and thought that she's got small tits for her age then they looked at each other and giggled under their breath.

After the greetings were over Jane and Kerry took Taylor's bag to her room and once settled in showed her around the house that was situated just out from the edge of town and backyard then they showed her some of the forest area that their backyard backed on to. Then Taylor went to her room to have a nap on her bed which gave Jane and Kerry a plan chance to be alone and talk knowing that Taylor would be around them all the time especially during the school holidays so they both agreed that there should be a pecking order and Taylor should be on the bottom so they talked some more then agreed to a plan.


It was seven o'clock in the morning and Taylor had just finished her morning shower and headed down to the kitchen in her white cotton nightie and her dressing gown which covered her legs right down to her ankle’s to get some breakfast, finding Jane and Kerry already sitting at the Kitchen table looking on their laptop computer while waiting for her to arrive.

Taylor sat across from the girls and said “I can't get used to these early mornings, I don't usually wake up until at least nine o'clock.”

“You're living here now so get used to getting up early. Replied Kerry then continued to say "dad gets up a lot earlier than you for work and he starts work in the city at nine o'clock so he has to catch the train every morning at seven and he doesn't arrive beck here until six o’clock at night so think yourself lucky you don't have to get up that early” Kerry replied to her comment.

“Jane is going to cook eggs and bacon but we need to have a talk and set some house rules first and then we can have some breakfast.” Kerry said to her.

Curious to hear what the rules of the house were, Taylor sat quietly and listened to what Kerry had to say even though she never had to do chores or things like that where she used to live.

Jane looked at Taylor sitting across from her then looked at Kerry smiling and then back to Jane again then started to ask her a question. “It's been two days living here and we were just wondering how you like it so far, I mean it's properly not what you are used to.”

“Taylor thought what a weird question to ask then answered “yes i like it..”

“That's good but before breakfast I want to show you something on my laptop.”

Thinking that Kerry’s laptop had a list of her chores and things she turned the laptop to a position so as she could see the screen but could only see the front screen picture and wondered what she was looking at.

“Looking puzzled, Taylor said what am I supposed to be looking at? I can just see the front page, some games and some folders on it.”

“There's a folder we want you to look at and we need to give you a list of your new chores and rules for while you are living here so you will have to pitch in and do your part” replied Kerry then she clicked the mouse pointer on a folder to open it up and show Taylor.

As the folder opened on the laptop Taylor looked at it puzzled and asked what she was looking at.

Remember Cassie the girl that lived near you where you used to live and her mum worked closely with your father. We got in contact with her and had a good chat and she sent this folder to us. Well apparently your dad was doing some bad things like stealing a lot of money from bad people and to make things worse your father was making unwanted advances with Cassie's mother so just before the police raided the house she took a lot of incriminating evidence home with her and we have a copy of it now.” Kerry said to her then continued to say to bad if this is sent to the police now isn't it.”

Realizing what was just said Taylor pleaded for them not to send anything fearing her father would go to jail for a long time. “ please don't, i will give you one hundred dollars i have in my room if you don't.”

‘You keep your money we don't want it but we need to put you in your place and you will have to do everything we say while you are here and there's rules and chores you need to do and if you follow them exactly then we won't need to send anything. Kerry said to her then waited to see the response on her now red shocked face.

“Not knowing exactly what Jane and Kerry wanted her to say she thought about it and realizing she didn't have much of a choice in her current situation she replied “yes” and sat their wishing today had never started.
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Re: Taylor's humliation. part 1

Post by student »

No humiliations in the first chapter? I almost feel cheated because "immediate gratification takes too long." :D

I'll have to stay tuned for at least two more chapters to see what comes next. Washing dishes is ENF? :lol: Maybe making beds while wearing a Mother Hubbard. ;) Or will Taylor have to dress like a nun and go swimming in an 1890 swimming costume?

Oh, wait--she has to wear a mascot's costume while doing housework--a full-coverage tiger suit! No skin showing. :P
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Re: Taylor's humliation. part 1

Post by mikewozere »

Is Taylor younger or older than her cousins?
Hopefully she'll be 'exposed' to the local boys 😉
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Re: Taylor's humliation. part 1

Post by everlight »

Taylor is younger than the other girls. i think she will be exposed to the boys soon.
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