SadieZay wrote: Surprised At Ballet Class by SadieZay
I was just a normal 14 year old girl with long, brunette hair, blue eyes, and fairly average sized breasts. I guess you could consider me pretty-ish. I had nice grades, a nice house, nice clothes, and definitely nice popularity. One day I was getting dressed for my after school, 3 hour ballet class when a my phone lit up with a text message displayed on the screen:
"Can't wait to see ya at ballet Sadie!"
From Layla. Layla? Why Layla, of all people? She envied me from day one. She never smiled at me, never congratulated me, but always tried to get ahead and better than me. My fingers hovered above the screen for a minute before I finally typed,
"You too" .
After a 10 minute drive to the studio, I kissed my mom bye and hopped out of our luxurious car. Opening the door of the studio, a knot started to form in my stomach and a lump appeared in my throat. I got that feeling, you know, when you feel like something real bad is about to happen. I looked around before cautiously creeping up the staircase to the dressing room. There in the dressing room was a pretty much all the girls in my whole ballet class; Bella, Charlotte, Jen, Katie, Sarah, Lauren, Daliyla, and Emma. The only three missing were Celeste, Olivia, and of course, Layla. I stepped into the dressing room but not after Jen announced, apologetically, it was too crowded. I raised an eyebrow and walked to the next dressing room.
There, of course, was Celeste, Olivia, and Layla all smirking at me as I opened the lousy door. Layla gave me a pathetic little wave as Celeste and Olivia grabbed my shoulders and slammed me to the ground. I was too late to let out a yelp before all I saw was the plush purple of the carpet. I heard the door shut behind me and whispers from the girls as Olivia held me down with her body weight. Finally I was spun around with a hand slapped on my mouth to keep me from speaking. Layla stood there with an evil grin on her face while Celeste and Olivia held me down.
"Listen here, Miss Tramp. We are going to be your instructors for now on. If you cooperate, you'll be humiliated. If you don't, you'll be even more humiliated. Nod your head."
I hesitated to move my head but with a flip of her blonde hair and fiery green eyes I obeyed. She grinned evilly.
"First things first, I think we need a more......comfortable position. Don't you agree girls?" Layla said as Celeste and Olivia agreed.
They jerked me up from the floor and shoved me onto the carpeted bench by the windows. While Layla pulled the curtains to block out the outside, Celeste and Olivia pulled my legs apart into a full split. I cringed from the pain, since I didn't even stretch before I came. Fighting againsts their strong hold on me, they pulled out some pink ballet ribbons from a mysterious black bag and tied my legs to the posts. Then the girls yanked my arms all the way to my legs and tied them together. I was left in an extremely uncomfortable position with my head hanging outwards. The nasty girls stepped back and admired their work.
After staring for a moment, Celeste and Olivia stood in opposite corners of the room, watching me like a hawk. Layla then strolled over to the front of the doorway, where my dance bag sat. She snatched it and plopped it in the middle of the room, right in front of my face.
"Before we start class, I think we need to fully inspect our student's belongings." She said with a devilish tone. I whined in protest and squirmed in my bondage but Olivia marched over and slapped my face. I was shocked at the gesture as my cheek stung badly. Layla grinned ear to ear as Olivia marched right back.
"Now, let's get started...."
Layla first pulled out ALL my leotards, tights, ballet slippers, pointe shoes, and extra pants, shirts, and unfortunately, a bra and panties. She snickered at the clothing and I blushed deeply. Then she pulled out my phone and wallet. Emptying out the rest of my bag, which was just a few nickels and wrappers, Layla tossed my bag to Celeste. Then Layla looked up at me with her chin held high. She snapped her fingers and Olivia grabbed the mysterious black bag. Layla reached her hand in and grabbed........
To be continued!!!!
Hey guys! So I'm thinking of making this story a pretty divided up story with a lot of awesome parts and stuff. Please leave suggestions in the comments! I would appreciate it
Love, Sadie
SwimKid wrote: I want more by SwimKid
I want a looooot more of this.
Jakethepake wrote: Re: Surprised At Ballet Class by Jakethepake
I want more! I can't wait to see what's gonna happen to this girl!
SadieZay wrote: Surprised At Ballet Class PART 2 by SadieZay
.....Layla snapped her fingers and Olivia grabbed the mysterious black bag. Layla reached her hand in and grabbed scissors! I couldn't even believe my eyes. What was she going to do with them? My eyes widened in fear but I remained still as I remembered Olivia's harsh slap.
"Oh don't worry honey, I won't cut you if you're good. I do like some of these clothes although...." Layla said as she sorted my clothes into two piles. A few of my favorite tank tops went into one pile. Then I saw her dividing my expensive leotards into the piles and I couldn't take the wait any longer.
"I really like these. I think I'll keep them." Layla gestured toward the pile of clothes with several of my expensive leotards and a few pairs of shorts and jeans,
"These are too fugly for me though." She said as she glared at the pile of clothes with my favorite tank tops. Layla showed me one of my tank tops and asked,
"You like this?" I nodded my head slowly.
"Okay!" Layla said as she snipped the tank top into shreds. I started at the mess in distraught and anger as Layla continued to ruin 4 of my leotards and the rest of my tank tops. I held back tears once she was done, Celeste and Olivia rushed to collect the pieces of my clothing. Layla shoved the other, non-touched pile into her bag.
"Alright, next....A phone?!" She snatched me phone and furrowed her brow in frustration.
"You have a password on this?" She questioned as I nodded my head.
"Well, what is it dumbass?!!" Layla snapped. I gulped and remained silent. I had practically my diary in there. I didn't even erase my search history, and she would see ALL of my contacts and messages.
"Tell me right now you skank." Layla growled. I kept my stare at her and didn't say a word.
"Well.....I guess we need to punish you then!" Layla decided. I soon realized what that could mean and I shouted,
"Shhhh!!!!" Celeste ordered.
"That's the last of your opinion." Said Olivia as she slapped some duct tape over my mouth. I squealed but it only got me another slap on the cheek. This one stung even more and I cringed. Then the two sidekicks untied me but held me still as I awaited my punishment.
"I think our student deserves a good spanking, don't you girls?" Layla said, eyeing me. I almost gasped but realized I had duct tape on. My eyes widened in fear as they spun me around and pushed me onto the bench again, on my stomach. Layla straddled me and I pounded my fists, trying to escape however I could.
"If you struggle it will be worst." Layla reminded me.
I awaited the first spank and bit my lip. Layla raised her hand and brought it down to my ass quick. I squealed with the pain but the girls just laughed. Then Celeste took her turn and gave me a hard slap on the other cheek. I yelped again. Then Olivia spanked me and it hurt as bad as the others. They kept alternating and each one got worse. Even with my leotard and tights on it felt like hell. Layla was the last to slap me, giving me a painful burn. Then they let me get up but not before they tied me up again. My ass stung like crazy and with my hands bound I couldn't do anything about it.
"I hope you learned your lesson." Layla said. "Now, give me the password. NOW." I couldn't take another punishment so I decided to tell them -- wait. With duct tape over my mouth? I made a sound in my gag and they quickly realized what I needed. Celeste ripped the tape off and I let out an ow.
"It's 1274." I coughed up. Layla smirked and browsed through my business. She made snarky remarks like,
"Ooh, who's this Chris dude with a heart? And this Sarah girl with a knife? Not so perfect after all huh?"
"Omg what the hell were you watching, you PERV!"
"What kind of selfie is this?" As she roared with laughter. I felt my cheeks burn with embarassment. Finally, Layla threw my phone into my bag.
"Now I have real good pictures of you and your perverted phone, tramp." She cackled.
After a few whispers exchanged between the girls, Layla, Celeste, and Olivia told me to be here tomorrow early or else.
What were they going to do? I could only imagine....
Hai there! I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far. I'm going to be posting some new stories quite soon so check them out please! <3
Love, Sadie
Anonymous wrote: part 5 by Anonymous
When are we getting part 5?
Anonymous wrote: wondering by Anonymous
When are we getting part 5?
Anonymous wrote: more by Anonymous
Where is part 5?