The Unraveling (New 9/03)

Stories about girls getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated by anyone or anything.
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Re: The Unraveling (New 6/10)

Post by Horn-eman000 »

Did Riley and Lily leave the Cosmetology school without putting their pants back on? Lol.
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Post by Emily »

Chapter 19

They walked quickly to Lily's car, both of them trying to avoid making eye contact with anyone. When they reached the car, Lily unlocked it and they climbed inside. The air inside the car felt thick with tension as they sat there, staring ahead at the dashboard.

"Okay," Riley finally said, her voice barely above a whisper. "Let's do this." She glanced over at Lily, who nodded slowly in response. They both took a deep breath and looked at the list again, their eyes falling on the next task: "Drive back to the dorm and throw your bras out the window on the way there."

They both felt a sense of relief as they read the task. With the bras already off, this task seemed much less daunting than the others. As they pulled out of the parking spot, Riley glanced at Lily out of the corner of her eye. She noticed that Lily was gripping the steering wheel tightly, her knuckles white. "You okay?" she asked, her voice soft and concerned.

Lily let out a shaky breath before responding. "Yeah, I'm fine.'s been a weird day, you know?" There was an awkward silence as they drove, each lost in their own thoughts about what they had just done and what was yet to come.

As they neared the dorm, Riley glanced out of the window, scanning the side of the road for a suitable spot to throw their bras. "There," she said, pointing to a grassy area beside the road. She leaned out of the window and held her bra up, taking a deep breath before letting it go. The bra fluttered through the air and landed with a soft thud in the grass.

Lily followed suit, tossing her bra out the window as well. It sailed through the air, spinning lazily before landing in a nearby bush. They both watched as their undergarments disappeared from view, feeling a mixture of relief and exhilaration wash over them. "Wow," Lily said, shaking her head, "I can't believe we just did that."

"Me neither," Riley replied, still staring out the window. "But at least it's done now, right?"

Lily nodded in agreement, but couldn't help but feel a twinge of nervousness. They still had three more tasks left, and she had no idea what they might entail. "So, what's next?" she asked, glancing over at the list.

Riley took a deep breath before reading the next task aloud: "Go to the bathroom in the dorm and take a shower together. Clean each other. You cannot clean yourselves." She swallowed hard, feeling a mixture of embarrassment and anticipation.

As they exited the car, Lily shot Riley a nervous smile. "You know," she said, trying to lighten the mood, "at least we've already seen each other naked today." They both laughed awkwardly, trying to ignore the butterflies in their stomachs as they made their way to the dorm.

“Let’s stop by our rooms first and grab towels and soap," Riley suggested, her voice still shaky from the events of the afternoon. Lily nodded in agreement, feeling a wave of relief wash over her as they made their way down the hall to their respective dorm rooms.

Inside her room, Riley quickly gathered a towel and a bar of soap, stuffing them into a small gym bag. She paused for a moment, taking a deep breath to steady her nerves. When she emerged from her room, Lily was already waiting for her outside the bathroom, a small towel and a travel-sized bottle of soap in hand. They exchanged nervous glances before Riley reached out and opened the bathroom door.

The bathroom was empty and quiet, the only sound the gentle hum of the ventilation system. The air was warm and slightly moist, with the faint scent of chlorine lingering in the air. Riley hesitated for a moment before stepping inside, her heart racing. "Okay," she said, her voice barely above a whisper, "let's do this."

Lily nodded, taking a deep breath to steady her nerves as well. They both approached one of the shower stalls and carefully opened the curtain, revealing the private area inside. The stall was equipped with a built-in showerhead and a small shelf for towels and personal items.

They both began to undress. Riley took off her sweater, revealing her naked torso, before carefully sliding down her jeans and stepping out of them. Lily followed suit, shedding her top and bottoms to stand before her friend completely naked.

By this point, Riley and Lily were both surprisingly at ease with one another's nudity. As they stood there in the bathroom, their bodies bared to each other, they couldn't help but marvel at how far they'd come since the beginning of the day. The initial shock of seeing each other naked had long since faded, replaced by a newfound sense of acceptance and trust.

They stepped into the shower stall and turned it on, the warm water cascading down over their skin. The sound of the running water filled the small space, creating a soothing, intimate atmosphere. Riley reached out and took the bar of soap from her gym bag, handing it to Lily. "Do you want to start?" she asked.

Lily nodded, taking the soap and beginning to lather it up in her hands. She reached out and gently rubbed the soap over Riley's shoulders, feeling the smooth skin beneath her fingertips. Riley let out a small sigh of pleasure, leaning into Lily's touch. "Your shoulders are really tense," Lily said, her voice concerned. "Do you want me to do your back next?"

Riley hesitated for a moment, then nodded. She turned around and faced the shower wall, leaning forward slightly, her body exposed to Lily. Lily began to wash her friend's back, moving slowly and methodically over every inch of her skin. She could feel the warmth of Riley's body and the movement of her muscles beneath her fingertips. It was a strange sensation, but also somehow intimate and comforting.

As Lily moved lower, she found herself at Riley's butt. She reached out, careful not to touch too roughly, and began to wash the soft, supple skin between Riley's cheeks. She moved her hands up and down, soaping the crack of Riley's ass, feeling the warm water rush over her fingers. She could see the soapy water collecting in the valley between Riley's buttocks, swirling and pooling as it ran down her perineum. The sight was both innocent and erotic, and it sent a shiver down Lily's spine.

Riley let out a small gasp as Lily cleaned her more intimate areas, her body tensing for a moment before relaxing again. She leaned back against the shower wall, feeling the water cascade down over her back and buttocks. The sensation was incredibly relaxing, and she couldn't help but feel a newfound sense of trust and closeness to Lily.

Riley turned around in the shower stall, feeling a mixture of anticipation and nervousness as she faced Lily. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, bracing herself for the inevitable contact between their bodies. As Lily began to wash her chest and stomach, Riley let out a small sigh of relief. It wasn't as bad as she had imagined it would be. In fact, it felt kind of nice to have Lily's hands on her skin, soaping her up and rinsing her clean.

Lily moved lower, kneeling in front of Riley as she reached up and gently cupped her friend's sex. The warm water flowed over Riley's inner thighs and the lips of her sex, making her shiver slightly. Lily washed her in slow, deliberate strokes, taking her time to make sure every inch of her was clean. Riley bit her lower lip, trying to control her breathing as she felt Lily's touch. It was incredibly intimate, and at the same time, it was strangely comforting.

As Lily finished washing her front, she moved back to stand beside her. They both stood under the cascading water, their bodies pressed together, the warmth of their skin mingling with the sensation of the water. There was a brief moment of silence before Lily finally spoke. "Well," she said, her voice a little shaky, "that was...different."

Riley nodded, her cheeks flushed. She reached out, taking the soap from Lily and turning back to face the shower wall. "Yeah," she murmured, running her hands over her body as she began to wash Lily. "Different."

Her hands were gentle as they slid up and down Lily's arms, washing away the last of the soap. She moved to her chest, cupping her friend's breasts in her hands and gently soaping them, careful not to be too rough. Lily let out a soft sigh, leaning into the touch as Riley cleaned her. It felt strange but somehow right.

As Riley moved lower, she found herself more hesitant. Her hands trembled slightly as she reached between Lily's legs, cupping her hip and gently washing her thigh. She took a deep breath, steeling herself for what she was about to do, and then slowly began to clean Lily's sex. Her touch was light, almost reverent, as if she were afraid that if she pressed too hard or moved too fast, she would break something.

Lily let out a soft moan, the sound vibrating against Riley's arm. She leaned into the contact, arching her back slightly. It was an invitation for Riley to go deeper, to explore further, but Riley remained hesitant. She continued to wash Lily, feeling the wetness between her fingers as she moved back and forth, trying to clean every inch of her friend's intimate area.

The water streamed down their bodies, washing away the last of the soap and any remaining awkwardness. Riley could feel the heat rising in her cheeks as she realized how close they were, how intimate this moment had become. Her heart raced in her chest, and she could feel the pulse in her neck throbbing as she focused on the task at hand.

Gently, she turned Lily around, her hands moving to cup her friend's hips. Lily leaned back against her, their bodies flush from front to back. She took a deep breath, steadying herself before reaching around to run her soapy hands over Lily's back. The skin was smooth and warm under her touch, and she felt a wave of tenderness wash over her as she began to wash away the dirt and sweat.

Her hands moved lower, skimming over Lily's rounded buttocks, feeling the softness of her skin as she cleaned the creases between them. The muscles beneath her touch tensed and relaxed as Lily shifted her weight, and Riley found herself becoming more aware of the intimacy of the situation.

As she finished washing Lily, Riley stepped back, taking a deep breath to steady herself. She reached out, turning off the shower and watching as the water streamed down their bodies, taking with it the last remnants of their old lives. She turned back to face Lily, their bodies still pressed together, and felt a shiver run down her spine at the closeness of it all.

Riley reached for a towel, feeling a sense of relief wash over her as the warm terrycloth pressed against her skin. She looked at Lily, who was already drying off, and for a moment, they shared a look that conveyed more than words ever could. It was a look of understanding, of acceptance, of shared experience.

"So," Riley finally said, her voice soft and hesitant, "what's the next thing on the list?"

Lily took a deep breath, trying to steady her racing heart. She looked into Riley's eyes, and saw nothing but trust and understanding there. "Well," she began, grabbing the list. “It says to go back to your room. Not to bring any clothes or towels. And to wait there for Ellie, Aria, and Claire."

Riley felt a shiver run down her spine as she heard Lily read the instructions. It seemed like just yesterday that she had been here, sneaking through the dorm hall in nothing but a towel. And now she was about to do it again. Naked. Her heart raced in her chest, and she struggled to calm her breathing. She glanced at Lily, who looked as nervous as she felt.

“Hey, we’re in this together.“ Lily whispered as she reached out and squeezed Riley's hand. It was a small gesture, but it made them both feel a little less alone. As they both stepped out of the shower area, their bodies were on full display. The air was thick with tension and anticipation, but there was also an undeniable sense of trust and understanding between them.

“Okay. Let’s do this.” Riley took a deep breath and slowly pushed open the bathroom door. The hallway beyond was dimly lit, the scent of disinfectant mixing with the sound of distant laughter from other rooms. She felt a jolt of nervous energy course through her as she stepped out, barefoot and naked, her heart hammering in her chest. Lily followed close behind, their bodies pressed together as they moved as one.
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Re: The Unraveling (New 6/14)

Post by Emily »

I hope you all are enjoying reading this story as much as I’m enjoying writing it! Feedback and comments are always appreciated! :)
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Re: The Unraveling (New 6/14)

Post by computerphoto »

task list so far

1. hold hands and walk to the library and go to a private conference room

2. get undressed and strip naked

3. pull up link on the phone and cast to TV and watch the video

4. Reenactment to video and Riley must reenact what Lily did on video, so Riley masturbates, and Lily must record the entire thing.

5. "Get dressed in everything except for your underwear. You may use your panties to clean up any wetness."

6. “The next task is to find a boy and give him your panties. We can't just give them to anyone, though. We have to find someone we don't know, and we have to be brave enough to approach them and hand them our underwear."

7. go to this address and say that Claire sent them.

8. "Drive back to the dorm and throw your bras out the window on the way there."

9."Go to the bathroom in the dorm and take a shower together. Clean each other. You cannot clean yourselves."

10. “It says to go back to your room. Not to bring any clothes or towels. And to wait there for Ellie, Aria, and Claire."


Just have to wait to see what else they need to do before the video gets deleted but they now have a video of Riley masturbating at the library. I can't wait to see what happens next this just keep getting better and better.

This is a great story so far, keep up the great work.
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Re: The Unraveling (New 6/14)

Post by computerphoto »

This been a great story, and also it just shows how obedient Riley is and how she does what she is told by Ellie, Aria, and Claire no matter how embarrassing it is for Riley, and she doesn't even question any of them and so far she lost what 2 full outfits of clothes.
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Re: The Unraveling (New 6/14)

Post by TLN »

Emily, you are a great writer and I can’t wait for the next installment. You can really tell this subject is something that you’ve got some experience with. Perhaps a new character named Emily can be introduced who has been down this path and can share some of her adventures with the girls and the readers. Maybe she’s a senior in the dorm and sees what the girls are going through and can sympathize.

Some small ideas:
Follow up on the guy from a few parts back
Introduce a shy guy in their situation perhaps a pledge in a fraternity?
Perhaps they go to a water park with some faulty bikinis ?
Maybe the bullies want some nude waitresses or servants for bachelor party or for their own fun?

Keep up the great work!
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Re: The Unraveling (New 6/14)

Post by Skylar21 »

Great story, gets better with each installment. :)
Riley and Lily should be pretty much bonded by now. Could this change the nature of their tasks?
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Post by Emily »

Chapter 20

The two naked girls crept down the hall, their bodies pressed together as they navigated the dimly lit corridor. Riley felt a sense of detachment from the situation, as if she were watching it all unfold from afar. She could feel Lily's breath on her neck, the gentle rise and fall of her chest against her back. The air was thick with anticipation, and every step they took seemed to bring them closer to whatever fate awaited them.

As they rounded a corner, they heard a door open further down the hall. Their hearts skipped a beat, and they instinctively pressed themselves against the wall, trying to become one with the shadows. They heard footsteps approaching, and their breathing grew shallow, their bodies tense. It was then that they realized they were holding hands, their fingers intertwined in a desperate show of solidarity.

The footsteps grew louder, and a figure emerged from the darkness: a tall, athletic girl with short-cropped hair and a confident stride. She glanced in their direction, her eyes widening as she took in the sight of the two naked girls pressed against the wall. For a moment, there was silence, and then she let out a low, throaty laugh.

Riley and Lily exchanged nervous glances. The girl walked over to them, her eyes lingering on their bodies before meeting theirs. "Well, well, well," she drawled. "Looks like we've got ourselves some of the unlucky freshmen.”

"Um, hi?" Riley said, trying to sound confident despite her nerves.

"Well, hello there," the older girl said, stepping closer. "You must be the freshmen I've heard so much about." She smiled, and there was something predatory in the expression. "You know, I was sort of hoping I'd get the chance to meet some of you. You see, I'm a little bit of a... leader around here. And it's important for me to know everyone who's new."

Riley glanced at Lily, feeling a mixture of fear and confusion. "Um, yeah. Hi," she managed to say. "We just wanted to find our room."

The older girl laughed, a cold, cruel sound that sent shivers down Riley's spine. "Oh, I'm sure you did," she said, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "But you can’t be walking around here like this, can you?" She gestured toward their naked bodies, and Lily let out a shuddering breath.

The girl stepped even closer, her face just inches from Riley's. "Now, I could just turn you over to the dean and have you both punished," she whispered, her hot breath tickling Riley's ear. "But that seems like such a waste. You're both so... young and fresh. And I'm feeling a bit generous today." She smiled, her lips curling into a predatory sneer.

Lily swallowed hard, her eyes fixed on the older girl's face, darting back and forth between her piercing gaze and her full, pouty lips. "Um, okay..." she managed to say.

The older girl stepped back, her posture shifting as she assumed a more dominant stance. Riley felt a mixture of fear and arousal course through her veins as she watched the girl's every move. The older girl pointed toward a nearby wall, her expression stern. "Bend over," she commanded.

Riley's heart raced, but she obeyed, her body tensing as she leaned forward. Lily hesitated for a moment, glancing between the older girl and Riley, but when the girl gave her a warning look, she too bent over.

The older girl walked around them, her fingers trailing across their exposed bottoms as she searched for the perfect spot to spank them. "Ah, here we go," she murmured, pressing her palm against Lily's soft, round cheek. There was a loud slap as she connected with Lily's flesh, making her yelp in surprise. Riley bit her lip, her own bottom tensing in anticipation of what was to come.

The older girl spanked them both hard and fast, each smack echoing through the hallway. Riley's bottom felt like it was on fire, and she was sure she could feel the imprint of the older girl's hand on her skin even after the spanking had stopped. She struggled to breathe through the stinging pain, tears streaming down her face.

Lily let out a muffled sob with each spank, her body trembling from the shock and the ache. The older girl seemed to grow more and more aggressive with each strike, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she punished them. It felt like an eternity before the spanking finally stopped, leaving both girls gasping for air and struggling to regain their composure.

The older girl stepped back, her chest heaving as she watched them try to catch their breath. "There," she said, her voice still cold and cruel. "That should teach you a lesson." She gestured for them to stand up, and they both slowly rose to their feet, rubbing their burning bottoms.

As they stood there, naked and humiliated, the older girl regarded them with a mixture of amusement and contempt. "Now get out of here," she snapped. "And don't let me catch you two in this kind of situation again." Her words hung in the air like a threat as she turned and walked away, leaving the two girls alone once more.

Riley and Lily exchanged a shaky glance, their bodies still tingling from the pain of the spanking. They both knew that they had been lucky; the older girl could have easily done far worse to them. They silently made their way down the hall to Riley's room, their steps slow and uncertain.

When they finally reached the door, Riley's hand trembled as she reached for the knob. She glanced over her shoulder, half expecting the older girl to appear and scold them again. But the hallway was empty. She turned back to Lily, who was watching her with wide, frightened eyes.

"Are you okay?" Riley asked, her voice barely a whisper. Lily nodded, but she still looked shaky. Riley opened the door and they both slipped inside, closing it quietly behind them. The familiar scent of Riley's room was a welcome relief after the cold hallway air.

They both collapsed onto Riley's bed, breathing heavily. Lily curled into a ball, her arms wrapped around her knees, as if trying to protect herself from the world. Riley lay on her back, staring up at the ceiling, her heart racing. The pain from their spankings throbbed in time with their heavy breathing.

After a few moments of silence, they finally heard the sound of the door opening. They both turned their heads to see Ellie, Aria, and Claire enter the room. The girls exchanged worried glances as they took in the sight of Riley and Lily curled up on the bed, their bottoms still stinging from the spanking.

"Hey, what happened?" Ellie asked, her voice low and concerned. "Did you two get in trouble?"

Riley and Lily exchanged glances, their faces flushing with shame. Riley swallowed hard before speaking. “Some older girl caught us walking back to our room... She spanked us both for it. It really hurt." Her voice broke on the last word, tears beginning to well up in her eyes.

“Who?” Ellie asked, her eyes narrowing in anger. Riley looked at Lily, who was still sniffling, and nodded at her to explain.

"She was... tall," Lily started, her voice shaky. "And athletic. Really strong. She had short hair." Riley and Lily glanced at each other, remembering the way the older girl had spanked them, the pain radiating through their bottoms like fire.

Ellie's expression darkened. "That sounds like Sarah," she muttered under her breath. Aria and Claire exchanged worried glances. They knew who Sarah was; she had a reputation for being mean and bullying the younger girls.

"Well, we can't just let her get away with that," Ellie said, her voice determined. "She's going to pay for what she did to you two." The other girls nodded in agreement.

"But how?" Lily asked, her voice still shaky. "She's so much stronger than us."

Ellie nodded, but her expression was determined. "We can think of something. We'll come up with a plan."

“In the meantime, how did your tasks go today, Lily and Riley?" Claire asked, trying to distract them from their worries about Sarah. Riley and Lily looked at each other, then back at Claire.

"Um, they were okay," Riley said. "We managed to get them done."

"Come on, spill the details," Aria prodded, her eyes glinting with mischief. "We want to know everything."

Riley took a deep breath and began recounting the events of their day, starting from their daring adventure in the library to the nerve-wracking waxing session. She felt a blush creep up her neck as she described the intimate moments they shared, but she forced herself to continue. Lily nodded along, adding her own details here and there, filling in the gaps for their friends.

As they spoke, Ellie's eyes gleamed with excitement, while Aria looked intrigued and Claire seemed amused. They listened intently, hanging on to every word, as Riley and Lily described their day in vivid detail. The room felt electric with the thrill of their adventure, and for a moment, it was almost as if they were reliving it themselves.

“Now stand up so we can all see your new hairless pussy, Riley," Ellie said, grinning wickedly. Riley blushed even deeper, but did as she was told. She stood up, her heart pounding in her chest as she revealed her bare, smooth mound to the group of girls.

"Oh my god, it's so smooth!" Aria exclaimed, reaching out to touch it. Her fingers traced over Riley's pink lips, and Riley couldn't help but shiver at the sensation. "It's like touching velvet."

"I can't believe you actually did it," Claire said, a mix of awe and amusement in her voice. "You were really brave." She gave Riley a proud smile.

“You two did a fantastic job today," Ellie assured them, a note of admiration in her voice. "Not only did you complete your tasks, but you also faced some real challenges and came out on top." She glanced at each of them in turn, a look of genuine pride on her face.

“We have one more task for you two," Claire announced, a glint of mischief in her eye. "And it's the most difficult one yet. It's a challenge that will push you both to your limits.”

“If you do well, it could have some very nice rewards," Claire continued, her voice lowering to a seductive purr. "But if you fail, the consequences will be... severe." She paused dramatically, letting the weight of her words sink in.

“You may get dressed for now. Meet us in this room tonight at eight o'clock sharp," Claire said, her voice steady despite the excitement she felt. "And remember, this is the most important task yet. The stakes are higher than ever before. You must be prepared to face any challenge that comes your way."
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Re: The Unraveling (New 6/17)

Post by computerphoto »

Can't wait to see what the next task they going have to do is.
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Post by Emily »

Chapter 21

Ellie and Aria nodded in agreement before following Claire out of the room, leaving Riley and Lily to their thoughts. The door clicked shut behind them, and the two friends remained on the bed, their hearts racing from the adrenaline of the day. The silence was heavy, filled with the unspoken tension of what they had shared and what was yet to come.

Finally, Riley got out of bed and made her way to her dresser, her mind still racing with thoughts of their adventure. She opened the top drawer and began rummaging through her clothes, searching for something that Lily might be able to wear. After a moment, she found a pair of black yoga pants and a loose tank top that would fit her friend. Smiling, she held the clothes out to Lily, who was still sitting on the bed, looking a little lost.

“Here, you can borrow these clothes for tonight," Riley offered, handing Lily the black yoga pants and tank top. "They should fit you okay." Lily nodded gratefully. “Can I borrow some panties too?" she asked shyly. Riley smiled and rummaged through her underwear drawer, pulling out a fresh pair and handing them to Lily.

Riley grabbed a pair of black running shorts and a loose-fitting, light blue T-shirt from her dresser, tossing them onto the bed for herself. She then reached into her underwear drawer, pulling out a comfortable bra and a new pair of panties, which she also placed on the bed. As she was dressing, she couldn't help but feel a mix of anticipation and nervousness about what lay ahead. She glanced over at Lily, who was still sitting on the bed in her bare skin, looking uncertain.

Finally, Lily got up and began to dress in the clothes Riley had given her. The black yoga pants felt soft against her skin, and the loose tank top hung comfortably off her shoulders. She slipped her feet into a pair of white socks that Riley had set aside, feeling a sense of relief at being able to cover up her bare feet. As she stood in front of the mirror, she couldn't help but smile at the way Riley had taken care of her.

“Let’s get out of here and go get some food," Riley suggested to Lily, excitement and anticipation building in her chest. "There's this amazing little diner down the street that serves the best burgers and fries." Lily nodded, still feeling a bit overwhelmed but grateful for the distraction.

They left the dorm, stepping out into the warm afternoon sun. The air was filled with the sounds of birds chirping and the distant hum of traffic. Riley led them down the street, weaving through the bustling crowd with ease. They finally arrived at the diner, a small, quaint establishment with a vintage neon sign that read "Betty's Diner" in cursive script. The smell of burgers and fries wafted out, making Lily's stomach growl.

Inside, they found a cozy booth in the corner, the red vinyl seats creaking softly as they sat down. The waitress, a woman in her fifties with a warm smile and a red-and-white checkered apron, approached their table. Riley ordered them both a burger and a side of fries, and Lily couldn't help but feel a wave of contentment wash over her.

The next few hours passed pleasantly, as Riley and Lily ate their burgers and fries, laughing and chatting like old friends. The diner was quiet, with a vintage jukebox playing classic rock songs softly in the background. As they ate, Riley filled Lily in on her life at college, describing her classes, her friends, and the various extracurricular activities she was involved in. Lily, in turn, shared stories about her life back home, her family, and her high school experiences.

The conversation flowed effortlessly, and Lily found herself losing track of time as she became more comfortable with Riley. She couldn't help but notice the way Riley seemed to light up whenever she talked about her interests, her passions shining through in her words and gestures. It was infectious, and it made Lily feel more at ease.

As they moved from the diner to the common area of the dorm, they settled into a cozy corner on a plush couch, their feet propped up on a low coffee table. A group of girls sitting nearby glanced their way, then quickly returned to their conversation and whatever they were doing on their laptops. Lily felt a small thrill of excitement at being a part of this scene, even if only for the evening.

Eventually, it was time for them to meet the others. Riley checked the time on her phone and stood up, offering Lily a hand as she did the same. Their nervous energy was palpable as they made their way through the bustling common area and down the hall to the dorm room. As they approached the door, Riley took a deep breath and knocked. There was a muffled sound from within, and then the door swung open.

Ellie answered the door, her eyes narrowing as she took in Riley and Lily standing on the other side. She stepped back, gesturing for them to enter. “I want you both to stay calm. This next part is going to be intense, but I know you can handle it. Just follow my lead and trust me, okay?”

“O-okay.” Riley and Lily exchanged glances, their hearts pounding in their chests. They stepped inside the room, their shoes sinking into the plush carpet as they moved further in. The air was thick with anticipation, and they couldn't help but feel a mixture of nervousness and excitement.

Riley gasped as she noticed the two boys standing in the middle of the room. They were completely naked, their bodies bared to the world. Their eyes were covered by blindfolds, and they wore noise-canceling headphones, blocking out any sounds from the outside world. It was a surreal sight, and for a moment, she and Lily were frozen in place, unsure of what to say or do.

“This is Ethan and Carter. We owe them a big favor, and this is how they want it repaid. Just... follow my lead and trust me, okay? It's going to be okay. You'll see." Ellie's voice trembled slightly, but she managed to maintain her composure.

Lily swallowed hard, her heart still racing as she took in the sight before her. She glanced at Riley, noticing the way her friend's cheeks flushed and her breath hitched. They both nodded, their expressions determined.

“Your final task is to make one of the boys cum. The first person to succeed wins. You can use your hands, mouths, or any other part of your body. Just be creative and don't hold back.” Ellie said with a smirk. “Take your time, and make it good for them. Lily, you’re with Carter, and Riley, you have Ethan. Remember, they can't see or hear anything, so they're completely at your mecry.”

“There will be a clear winner and a loser tonight, ladies. The winner will be free to go for the rest of the night. The loser will be exposed and will have to take orders from the boys. It's up to you to decide how you want this to go down. Now, get to work.." Ellie's words hung in the air as she watched Lily and Riley approach their assigned partners.

Riley had never seen a naked boy before, let alone one whose body was completely exposed for her to explore. As she gazed at Ethan's relaxed form, she noticed his limp penis, still soft and flaccid. It lay lifeless on his smooth pubic mound, contrasting with the rest of his toned and muscular body. His testicles hung low, heavy and relaxed. Despite the intimidating situation, she found herself curious and drawn to his vulnerable state.

His penis hung limply between his legs, and she could feel the heat rising in her cheeks at the thought of touching it. Taking a deep breath, she kneeled down before it and reached out tentatively and wrapped her hand around the base, marveling at the soft, warm skin beneath her fingertips.

Ethan jolted slightly at her touch, and she could feel him begin to grow harder in her hand. As she stroked him, she could see the muscles in his abdomen tense and relax, and she felt a surge of power and control course through her veins.

Her other hand moved to cup his balls, rolling them gently between her fingers. She could feel the heat radiating off of his body as he stood there, completely at her mercy.

Riley glanced at Lily as she watched her friend lean in closer to Carter, her lips parting ever so slightly as she tentatively wrapped them around his shaft. The sight sent a thrill of anticipation coursing through Riley's veins. She could feel herself growing wet between her legs as she stroked Ethan's hardness, her grip firm yet gentle as she guided him toward his peak.

Her thoughts racing, Riley knew that if she wanted any chance of winning this twisted game, she would need to be bolder, more daring. She had never done anything like this before, but she had seen enough movies and heard enough stories to know that a blowjob could be incredibly effective.

With her heart pounding in her ears, she knelt before Ethan and took a moment to appreciate his now fully erect penis. She licked her lips nervously, then took him into her mouth, her eyes squeezed shut tightly. The sensation was strange at first, but she quickly found a rhythm, her tongue swirling around the tip as she took more of him in.

Ethan's breathing grew heavier, and his hips began to thrust gently in response to Riley's movements. She could feel his cock pulse in her mouth, and she knew she was getting closer to her goal. Riley's mind raced with thoughts of winning the challenge and escaping the humiliation she had endured throughout the day.

With renewed determination, she increased her pace, her cheeks hollowing as she sucked and swirled her tongue around him. She could feel the muscles in her jaw begin to ache, but she ignored the discomfort and focused on bringing him to climax.

Ethan groaned, his hips bucking wildly as Riley's mouth and tongue drove him closer to the edge. His cock throbbed in her mouth, and she could taste the precum as it dripped down her throat. She felt his hands grip her hair, pulling slightly, and she knew she was doing something right.

With a final thrust, Ethan came. The first shot of Ethan's cum hit the back of her throat, causing Riley to gag reflexively. She coughed and pulled away from him, spitting the hot, salty liquid onto the floor. His cock twitched, spraying more cum across her face and chest. Her eyes widened in surprise as she felt the warmth spreading across her skin.

She looked over to Lily, a mix of shock and horror registering on her face. Her friend's cheeks were flushed and her eyes glazed over, cum slowly dripping down her chin. Riley's stomach lurched as the realization sank in: Lily had won. And she hadn't even noticed.

“Lily just barely beat you, Riley. You did great for your first time, and you still have so much to learn.” Aria's words hung in the air as Riley wiped the remaining cum from her face. She wanted nothing more than to curl up in a ball and disappear, but she forced herself to stand tall.

“Lily, you are free to go. You've done what we asked, and you've proven yourself quite... capable," Aria said with a sly smile, her voice dripping with satisfaction.

Lily nodded, unable to meet any of their eyes as she hurried out of the room, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment and triumph.
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