The Unraveling (New 9/16)

Stories about girls getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated by anyone or anything.
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Re: The Unraveling (New 6/08)

Post by Revengedpirate »

Were you in the library? Did you do it in a public place? You can only experience what Riley is going through if there was an element you could get caught.
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Re: The Unraveling (New 6/08)

Post by computerphoto »

task list so far

1. hold hands and walk to the library and go to a private conference room

2. get undressed and strip naked

3. pull up link on the phone and cast to TV and watch the video

4. Reenactment to video and Riley must reenact what Lily did on video, so Riley masturbates, and Lily must record the entire thing.

5. "Get dressed in everything except for your underwear. You may use your panties to clean up any wetness."

6. “The next task is to find a boy and give him your panties. We can't just give them to anyone, though. We have to find someone we don't know, and we have to be brave enough to approach them and hand them our underwear."



So they both still have their bras to get rid of before we find out what they must do to lose the rest of their clothes before the video gets deleted but they now have a video of Riley masturbating at the library. I can't wait to see what happens next this just keep getting better and better.

This is a great story so far, keep up the great work.
Last edited by computerphoto on Mon Jun 10, 2024 3:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Unraveling (New 6/08)

Post by Emily »

I might try and write the next part today.

I’d love some additional ideas for tasks for them to do!
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Re: The Unraveling (New 6/08)

Post by Emily »

Revengedpirate wrote: Sun Jun 09, 2024 9:17 am Were you in the library? Did you do it in a public place? You can only experience what Riley is going through if there was an element you could get caught.
I was not. I’ve got a decent amount of ENF experience but nothing in public like that. I’m not sure I’m that brave.
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Re: The Unraveling (New 6/08)

Post by TLN »

How about introducing a boy in the same position as Riley and Lilly? Shy, embarrassed virgin but perhaps like the girls, has no reason to be so shy.
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Re: The Unraveling (New 6/08)

Post by Revengedpirate »

Are you sharing real life through Riley, or are your experiences different. If so how are they different? Sorry I’ve never known a writer to be a doer. It just fascinates me that your experiencing what your writing
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Post by Emily »

Chapter 18

They looked down at the list, reading the next task. It gave them an address and said to go there and say that Claire sent them. Riley felt a mix of anticipation and nervousness course through her veins. This task seemed a lot easier than the last one, but she still wasn't quite sure what they were getting themselves into.

“We can take my car.” Lily offered, already walking briskly towards the parking lot. Riley nodded, hurrying to catch up with her. They arrived at Lily's beat-up old Toyota Corolla, unlocking it with a click of the remote. Riley climbed into the passenger seat, buckling her seatbelt as Lily started the car.

As they drove, the silence between them was almost deafening. It was the kind of silence that made Riley feel like she could reach out and touch it, it was so thick. She glanced over at Lily, who was staring out the window, lost in thought. She knew exactly how she felt. They were both still reeling from the embarrassment of the past week, trying to process everything that had happened.

“I’m sorry you got caught up in all of this.” Riley finally broke the silence. Her voice sounded small in the confined space of the car.

Lily glanced over at her, a small smile playing at the corners of her lips. "Thanks. I'm sorry you did too. I never thought it would get this bad." She paused for a moment, then added, "You know, if you ever need someone to talk to about it...I'm here for you. Even if it's just to vent or something."

The sincerity in Lily's voice made Riley feel a little less alone. "Thanks, Lily. I appreciate it." She paused, then continued, "So, about yesterday. Have you ever done that before?" Riley blushed, feeling her face heat up as she asked the question.

Lily blushed at the question, feeling a mixture of embarrassment and curiosity. "No," she answered honestly, "I haven't. It was...different than what I expected. But it felt really good. I mean, I'd heard about it, of course, but it was...intense. And I didn't know what to do or how to react sometimes."

Riley nodded, feeling a little relieved to hear that she wasn't the only one who hadn't been quite sure what to expect. "Yeah, me neither. It was like my body just took over, and I couldn't think about anything else." She paused, thinking back to the night before. "Do you think it counts as losing our virginity?"

Lily shrugged. "I don't know. I mean, we didn't technically have sex, right? I guess it's different for everyone. Some people might think it counts, and some might not." She glanced over at Riley, studying her face. "What do you think?"

Riley thought about it for a moment. "I don't know. It's felt like we crossed a line, you know? Like we shared something really intimate." She paused, then added, "Maybe it's not about losing our virginity. Maybe it's about losing our innocence."

Lily considered this for a moment before nodding. "That makes sense. I guess it's different for everyone, and it's up to each of us to decide what it means for us." She glanced over at Riley, her expression softening. "No matter what you decide, Riley, I'm here for you. And I'm sorry about what happened."

The words made Riley's heart ache a little less. It was nice to know that she wasn't alone in feeling confused and overwhelmed by everything that had happened.

As they pulled up to the address, Riley couldn't help but feel a twinge of surprise as she saw that it was a cosmetology school. She glanced over at Lily, who seemed equally taken aback. "Are you sure this is the right place?" she asked, her voice tinged with doubt.

Lily nodded, her expression serious. "Yeah, this is it. The address matches what's on the list." She hesitated for a moment before continuing, "I'm not sure what to expect, but let's go inside and see what's going on."

They climbed out of the car and approached the front door of the building. Lily took a deep breath, squared her shoulders, and pushed it open. The smell of hair spray and disinfectant hit them immediately as they stepped inside. A young woman with her hair pulled back into a tight bun looked up from the reception desk and offered them a bright smile.

“Hi. We’re supposed to let you know that Claire sent us. " Riley spoke up, her voice sounding a little hesitant as she glanced over at Lily. The receptionist smiled and nodded, gesturing for them to follow her.

They were led through a series of doors and down a long hallway, the sound of chatter and the whir of hairdryers filling the air. The walls were lined with posters of different hairstyles, models with their tresses styled in elaborate up-dos and cascading waves. As they walked, Riley couldn't help but feel a bit out of place in her jeans and sweater, while everyone else seemed to be dressed more...professionally.

Finally, they arrived at a set of double doors with a sign that read "Private Room." The receptionist smiled at them and nodded before stepping aside, revealing a young woman standing behind a makeshift desk, her hands folded in front of her. She looked up as they entered and gave them a reassuring smile.

"Hello, I'm Jessica. I'm so glad you could both make it. Please, have a seat." She gestured to a pair of comfortable-looking chairs facing her desk. As Riley and Lily sat down, Jessica pulled out a chair and sat across from them. "Now, before we get started, I just want to make sure that you both understand what's going to happen today. We're going to be waxing your bikini area."

Riley glanced at Lily, who looked a bit taken aback. "Waxing?" she repeated.

Jessica nodded. "Yes, we'll be using hard wax for the demonstration. It's a bit less messy and more comfortable than soft wax, but it still gets the job done." She paused for a moment before continuing. "Now, as for why you two are here... You see, we have a new group of students starting their training in a few weeks, and we want to make sure they feel comfortable and confident when they begin working with clients. You both are going to serve as demonstration subjects for them."

Riley felt a mixture of surprise and nervousness. "Demonstration subjects?" she repeated, glancing at Lily, who seemed equally unsure about the whole thing.

Jessica nodded. "Yes, we want our students to have a real-life experience before they start working with clients. We'll be using your bodies to show them how to properly wax a bikini area. Of course, we'll take every precaution to make sure you're comfortable and that your privacy is respected."

As she spoke, Riley couldn't help but feel a mixture of surprise and unease. She glanced at Lily, who seemed to be wrestling with her own thoughts. Jessica noticed their hesitation and smiled reassuringly. "Don't worry, we've done this countless times before. We are well-trained and follow strict guidelines.

“Now follow me.” Jessica led them through a set of swinging doors into a larger room, the walls lined with sinks and cabinets. Four young women, wearing aprons and gloves, stood off to the side, nervously glancing between each other and their clipboards. Jessica paused and turned to face them. "Alright, class, this is Riley and Lily. They're going to be your demonstration models today. Remember what we've gone over in class, and make sure to take notes as we go along. Any questions?"

Riley and Lily exchanged glances as they followed Jessica over to a low table in the center of the room. The table was covered with various jars of wax, strips of fabric, and tubs of hot water. Jessica motioned for them to sit down on a couple of stools in front of the table. "Has either of you ever had a bikini wax before?"

"Um, no," Lily replied, a hint of nervousness in her voice.

Jessica nodded understandingly. "Well, then, let me walk you through the process. First, we'll make sure your skin is clean and free of any oils or lotions. Then, we'll apply the wax to the area you want to have waxed. After that, we'll let the wax harden for a few seconds before removing it. It may feel a bit cold or sticky at first, but it shouldn't hurt too much."

“First things first, let’s make sure you both feel comfortable with the process. Take a deep breath and relax your muscles as much as you can. It will help make the experience much more bearable," Jessica said, motioning for them to lie down on their backs.

As Riley and Lily lay on the table, Jessica and her students circled around them. The students seemed a bit nervous themselves, shuffling their feet and occasionally glancing at each other. Jessica, on the other hand, was calm a reassuring. She began by carefully explaining each step of the process again, making sure that everyone understood.

“Now let’s have you both pull down your pants for me, please. This will give us a clear view of the area we need to work on. Just take a deep breath and relax, everything will be fine. You're in good hands here," Jessica said, maintaining eye contact with Lily as she spoke.

As Lily and Riley slowly lowered their pants, revealing their most intimate areas to the group, Jessica and her students couldn't help but notice the slight differences in their anatomy. Lily's foliage was completely shaved, while Riley's red curls were on full display. The contrast was striking, and Jessica found herself momentarily transfixed by the sight. She quickly pulled her gaze away and focused on explaining the next step.

“Now unfortunately since Lily's hair isn't quite long enough, we can't go through with a full bikini wax today. However, that doesn't mean we can't learn anything from this experience," Jessica explained, her voice soft and reassuring. "We can use her to compare and contrast with Riley, who does have hair. That way, everyone can see the difference between a shaved bikini area and a waxed one."

The students nodded in understanding, their eyes darting between Lily and Riley's exposed skin. Jessica motioned for them to gather around the table. "Alright, so let's start by applying some wax to Riley's hair," she said, reaching for a jar of wax. "This will help us see the difference more clearly."

As Jessica spread a thin layer of wax onto Riley's pubic hair, the students crowded in closer, their curiosity and anticipation palpable. "Now, Riley, can you scoot down just a bit so we have a better view of the area?" she asked gently.

Riley felt her face flush even deeper as she complied, exposing more of herself to the group. She closed her eyes tightly, trying to block out the sense of embarrassment that was washing over her. She could feel the other students' gazes on her skin, and it was like a million tiny needles piercing her flesh.

Jessica, however, seemed remarkably calm and professional. She continued to spread the wax over Riley's pubic hair, making sure to pay attention to the details. "Now, Riley, let's try to relax your muscles as much as possible. Take a deep breath in, and then let it out slowly. This will help make the process less painful."

Riley tried her best to obey Jessica's instructions, taking deep breaths in and out. But no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't shake the feeling of shame and embarrassment that was coursing through her veins. Her heart raced, and she could feel the heat rising in her cheeks. She wanted nothing more than to disappear from the room, to be anywhere but where she was right now.

As Jessica finished applying the wax to Riley's pubic hair, she stepped back and motioned for her to raise her hips slightly. "Okay, Riley, now we're going to remove the wax. This might sting a little, but it's perfectly normal. Just try to relax and bear with it." Riley nodded weakly, her eyes squeezed shut as she braced herself for the inevitable pain.

The other students in the class watched intently as Jessica began to remove the wax from Riley's hair, carefully and methodically. As she did so, Riley let out a small, involuntary yelp with each tug. "It's okay, Riley, you're doing great," Jessica assured her, her voice soothing. "Just try to breathe through it."

The sensation of the wax being ripped from her skin was excruciating, but Riley did her best to focus on Jessica's words and the gentle encouragement in her voice. "You're almost done," Jessica continued. "Just a few more pulls."

Riley let out a shaky breath as Jessica yanked the last of the wax from her hair. The burning sensation subsided slightly, and she could feel the cool air brushing against her newly-exposed skin. She let out a shuddering sigh of relief, her entire body feeling limp and exhausted.

"Okay, everyone, take a look at the difference," Jessica said, gesturing for the students to gather around. As they crowded in closer, Riley felt a wave of self-consciousness wash over her once again. She wanted nothing more than to hide herself from their gazes, but she knew she had to be brave and go through with it.

“Lily, spread your legs a little wider for us to get a better comparison between the two methods," Jessica said as she gestured to the other student. Lily obliged, parting her legs slightly more, revealing her smooth, shaved pubic area. The students in the class crowded in closer, examining the difference between Lily and Riley's hair removal methods.

“Any questions for before we move on to the next part of the lesson?" Jessica asked, looking around the room. There was a brief moment of silence before one of the students raised their hand.

"Um, Jessica?" the student hesitantly began. "I noticed that Riley's, um, down there is a bit wet. Is that normal after the waxing?"

Jessica glanced over at Riley, her expression momentarily surprised before she quickly regained her composure. "Oh, that's just a natural reaction," she assured them. "It's nothing to be concerned about. Sometimes, the sensation can cause a bit of natural lubrication. It's perfectly normal."

Riley felt her face burning red as she listened to Jessica explain, her heart racing with embarrassment. She wished she could disappear into the floor, but she knew she had to face this and not let it get to her.

“Alright then.” Jessica nodded, her expression still calm and reassuring. “Let’s move on then. For the next part of our lesson, we will be focusing on the removal of hair from the buttocks area. As you all know, some people prefer to keep their butts hairless, while others leave it natural. The choice is entirely up to you. But for those who do want a smoother, hair-free butt, I will show you how to do it properly and safely. Now, Lily and Riley, if you could please turn around and bend over at the waist for me, I will guide you through the process step-by-step."

Riley hesitated for a moment, feeling her cheeks flush with embarrassment. She glanced over at Lily, who seemed just as nervous as she was. They exchanged brief, nervous smiles before turning around and bending over at the waist. Jessica placed a hand on each of their hips, steadying them as she began the process.

"First, I want you both to part your cheeks a little so I can get a better view," Jessica instructed. Lily and Riley obeyed, feeling the warm air brush against their exposed skin. Jessica ran her hands over their buttocks, feeling for any rough patches of hair. "Lily, you've done a great job shaving here. Your skin is smooth and even." She paused for a moment, her fingers trailing lightly over Lily's flesh. "Now, Riley, you've got a little bit of hair here, so we'll need to remove it."

Riley felt her heart racing as Jessica's hands traced the outline of her buttocks. She couldn't help but squirm slightly under the attention. "Take a deep breath," Jessica reassured her, "and try to relax. This may sting a bit, but it'll be over quickly."

As Jessica positioned the wax strips, Riley steeled herself for the inevitable pain. She gritted her teeth and closed her eyes, waiting for Jessica's signal. "Okay, on the count of three," Jessica began, "you can take a deep breath and hold it." Riley nodded, feeling the tension in her body growing tighter with each passing second.

On the count of three, Riley took a deep breath and held it, bracing herself as Jessica pressed down on the wax strips. There was a sharp sting, and she bit down on her lip to keep from crying out. Jessica peeled the wax away quickly, and Riley let out a shaky breath. "It's all gone," Jessica announced, examining the smooth skin beneath. "You did a great job."

Riley exhaled shakily, feeling a mixture of relief and embarrassment wash over her. She glanced over at Lily, who offered her a reassuring smile. "You can turn around now," Jessica said, "and you can use the restroom to clean up if you need to."

As Riley stood up, she noticed that the other girls in the class were watching her intently. She felt a blush creep up her neck and onto her face, but she forced herself to maintain her composure. She walked to the bathroom and examined her smooth, hairless buttocks in the reflection of the mirror. "I can't believe I just did that," she muttered under her breath.

Lily followed her into the bathroom. They were both quiet for a moment, each lost in their own thoughts about what had just happened. Riley felt a mix of relief and embarrassment wash over her as she stood at the sink, looking at her newly smooth behind in the mirror. She glanced over at Lily, who seemed just as unsure about how to react.

"I can't believe we just did that," Riley finally said, breaking the silence.

"Me neither," Lily agreed, "but it's done now, right?"

As they washed their hands and got dressed, they glanced at each other in the mirror. They both seemed to be deep in thought, trying to process what had just happened. The air in the bathroom was thick with an awkward silence, and neither girl knew quite how to break it. Finally, Lily mustered up the courage to speak. "I guess we should probably get out of here," she said softly.

They both nodded, and Lily opened the bathroom door. As they left the cosmetology school and stepped out into the sunlit street, Riley couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions washing over her. She was relieved that it was over, but at the same time, she felt embarrassed and a little bit ashamed.
Last edited by Emily on Fri Jun 14, 2024 4:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Unraveling (New 6/08)

Post by Emily »

Revengedpirate wrote: Mon Jun 10, 2024 8:08 pm Are you sharing real life through Riley, or are your experiences different. If so how are they different? Sorry I’ve never known a writer to be a doer. It just fascinates me that your experiencing what your writing
My own ENF experiences are much different. Most of my teenage years, I would do naked bets and dares with my sister. A lot of what I write is based on how I felt doing some of those things, but a lot is just based on fantasy and things I’d want to do.
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Re: The Unraveling (New 6/10)

Post by Revengedpirate »

What’s the worst naked bet you did? But only if you don’t mind sharing. What things would you want to do?
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Re: The Unraveling (New 6/10)

Post by TLN »

Another great installment. It feels like Lilly is sort of higher on the totem pole than Riley. She performed on camera instead of in person and was pre shaved. Riley took the brunt of the embarrassment.

I’d love to hear more about your adventures.
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