Vignettes of Californium, Part X -- The Rules

Stories about boys ending up in compromising situations, preferably naked and embarrassed, as the name suggests.
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Vignettes of Californium, Part X -- The Rules

Post by ogden_edsl »

NOTE: This story includes a depiction of sexual intercourse (between consenting adults).

Alana Townsend was sitting at her desk in her and Adam Langford’s apartment, working on a homework assignment. She was alone; Adam, who had graduated, was off at work, while she finished up her senior year of college, She interrupted her thoughts on the homework to lift up her left hand and gaze at it for a while, thinking about what led up to it.

The night before, Adam and Alana were standing together in front of their bathroom mirror, preparing for bed, where they could both view the contrasts in their sleepwear: Alana’s a full-length, long-sleeved nightgown, and Adam’s total nudity.

Looking in the mirror at Adam’s naked body, Alana thought back to how it had all began for them. From the very beginning, she had made it clear that CFNM would be a pillar of their relationship, a lifestyle his ex-girlfriend Lizette and her family had been slow to embrace. (Eventually, Lizette and her family did come to embrace it, although only after she and Adam had broken up.)

Overall, the power in their relationship could have been considered more or less equal. When it came to individual aspects, though, there were few in which they agreed that the power should be split 50-50. For example, when it came to planning dates and deciding where to go, they both believed that Adam, as the man, should generally be the leader.

But when it came to matters of clothing and personal appearance, Alana was absolute ruler.

When the two of them had first moved in together, about a year and a half earlier, one of the first things that Alana had done was to hand Adam a list. At the top it was titled simply THE RULES. She had originally gotten it off the Internet, making some custom modifications to make it more to her liking. The web page was sub-titled SUGGESTED RULES FOR A POST-REVOLUTIONARY RELATIONSHIP. She didn’t tell him that following these rules would be a mandatory part of their relationship, but she didn’t say that it wouldn’t be either; when he just nodded, then as far as she was concerned they had been enacted.

The Rules started off by saying that CFNM ought to be the standard 24 hours a day, and that the flame of a relationship would burn most intensely if the man was kept, visually speaking, in a state of near-perpetual hunger. Accordingly, it said that while her access to see his body undressed should be free and unlimited, his access to hers should be kept under strict control at all times. It was then followed by a numbered list:

1. The Man must never see the Woman in any state of undress, unless he is completely naked.

2. If the Woman is behind a closed door, the Man shall knock and get her permission before entering. If permission is subsequently terminated, the Man shall immediately leave the room.

3. As part of strict control, the Woman should tightly limit the amount of time that the Man can see her in an undressed state, especially naked or topless.

4. When the Man is wearing clothing, he must obey any command from the Woman to remove it, including in public, except when doing so is prohibited by the rules of that location.

5. The Man shall not make any significant change to his appearance except by direction and approval from the Woman.

There were some additional rules at the bottom, which the two of them were about to carry out.

Hardly had Adam received THE RULES when it had been brought home emphatically to him how much different life with Alana would be from being with Lizette.

On that afternoon, he had intended to come into their bedroom when he found the door shut. Unthinkingly, he opened the door and walked in. Alana was at her makeup table, not wearing anything above the waist. He had seen Lizette in that sort of state on multiple occasions, and she really didn’t care. However, it was the first time, other than during sex, when he had ever seen Alana topless. And her reaction was completely different.

Hearing the door open, then seeing him come in, she stated sternly, “You forgot rule #2. The door was closed, but you did not ask permission to enter. Go out, close the door, and try again.” Her voice had been stern, flat, and expressionless, quite unlike how he was used to her sounding.

After a moment, he did go out. Closing the door behind him, he called out in a voice that he was sure would be loud enough to hear, “I request permission to enter.”

“Are you naked?” Having seen him a moment earlier, she already knew that he was, but it was what she would have asked if he had followed The Rule. And besides, there had been a couple of times, before she had handed him The Rules, that he had not been naked in similar circumstances. It was time, she thought, to drill it into his head.


“Then you may come in,” she replied. Upon seeing him walk in, she said “Remember, strict control. I see you are indeed naked, so you may stay – briefly.”

Only a few minutes later, she called out “OK, time is up for you to be able to see me this way. You have to leave the room now.” What happened next was something he would look back on as “What was I thinking?” Instead of leaving, he just stood there. “Maybe you didn’t hear me” she said after a short pause. Then more loudly she repeated “Time is up for you to be able to see me this way. You have to leave the room now.”

Still he did not move to leave.

Suddenly, she leaped up from her chair, rushed over to where he was standing, and pushed as hard as she could. He outweighed her by some thirty pounds, but was caught completely by surprise. Although, he thought to himself later, even if he had not been caught by surprise he would still have been best off not resisting. Shoving him out of the room, she slammed the door shut.

It took Adam a few moments to grasp what had just happened. He walked over to where a copy of The Rules lay, and read it more closely than he had before. Only now did it truly begin to sink in how different living with Alana was going to be from his time with Lizette.

Some time went by before she opened the door again, only to go briefly into a different room than the one he was in, returning briefly into the bedroom and closing the door again.

A short time later, the door opened and she called out to him “Come in here now.”

When he went in, she was fully dressed. In her hand was a ping-pong paddle. Her face wore a look of distinct displeasure. When she spoke, it was in a voice that was even sterner than before, one he had never heard from her until then.

“Strictly controlled,” she began, “means strict. Not lenient. I told you twice that you had to leave. Both times you ignored me. That broke rule number two. Again. That cannot be allowed to pass without consequence.” Looking at the paddle for a moment, she added “I am not into this. I do not want to cause pain. I am not all that strong, anyway. But, I bet that I can make it sting. I believe that you will remember better if the butt remembers as well as the brain.”

And so saying, she told him to lean forward and put his hands up against the wall. Then she whacked him with the paddle five times on the rear. Pausing, she then did it three more times.

“I hope I won’t have to do that again,” she said, throwing the paddle down.

“I promise,” he replied after a few seconds, “that you will never have reason to do that again.”

With that, her stern expression broke, and she smiled. “Now, let’s make some better memories” she said in the warm voice that he was used to. Her pink-tinted nails caressed the same part of him that she had smacked just a short time before. And despite the loss of the visual freedom that he had with Lizette, a part of Adam was telling himself that this was really the way it ought to be.

He had kept his promise. The fourth rule had only really come up once, mostly because most of the time he was already naked. But one afternoon they had gone to a place where he was dressed because it was a “no-nudity” establishment. But almost immediately upon exiting it, he heard from just behind him her voice speak a single word: “Strip”. He did so immediately. When he was finished, she kissed him on the cheek and said “Thank you for being so prompt.”

The fifth rule hadn’t really come up at all. And while the other rules were all one-way streets, this was one where she stated there would be some reciprocation: she did not intend to change her appearance in a way that he did not like either.

As for the first three rules, he accepted that he should not be allowed more than the brief and sporadic looks of her in state of undress or under-dress that she gave him. Even when they had sex, his ability to see her undressed would still be, as at other times, strictly controlled.

Now looking at their reflections in the mirror, Alana's hand reached over and began gently fondling Adam's naked body. A preview of what was to soon come.

Once through in the bathroom -- and after Alana had drawn back her hand -- they climbed into bed together and quickly locked in embrace, their lips in near-constant contact during what was to follow. Adam kept one arm underneath her to be able to lift her up towards him while Alana wrapped both of her arms over him. Adam’s penis quickly began to stiffen with the feeling of her long nightgown against his bare skin.

Alana’s hands moved down, began to explore his naked body, softly and gracefully back and forth over his torso and back. Neither of Adam’s hands did likewise, for a Rule stated that the Man not touch the Woman’s breasts, even clothed, at that point.

Now her hands moved further down; one began fondling his genitals and the other his buttocks. Now at last, the Rule allowed him to put his hands on her (still covered) breasts.

Through it all, a part of Adam’s was moving along the same path that his father Jeff traversed each night when he and his mother made love: revisiting his recent CFNM experiences, all of the times that he had seen himself and his fellow males naked while the females were fully clothed, taking in how Alana had free access to his body while his access to hers was kept under “strict control”, savoring the wide difference that had opened up in treatment and behavior of the two sexes, imagining what it was probably like for other couples, especially those he knew. (He had no idea how many were living by “The Rules”, but by that time it would indeed be hard to find any couples in Californium not living a CFNM lifestyle.) This translated into a reaction in his body, as an additional surge of lust ran through him and his penis further stiffened and jerked upward in Alana’s hand.

Those feelings continued to course through him through the several minutes before Alana began undoing some of the buttons on one side of her nightgown, and here she put another RULE into effect, and why she preferred gowns with a zipper or button all the way down one side or nearly so: even during sex, CFNM would be preserved throughout, as she would never be totally naked in his presence. She would not remove the nightgown completely, but rather just open it up. It would still be the under “strict control” one of the very limited opportunities he would have to see her body in an exposed state, and the only one without a strict time limit.

And those same feelings continued to course through him when she finally pulled down her panties, and then their bodies were joined.

When they physically separated, the first thing that Alana did was to close up her gown. And while he spent the rest of the night in bed naked (along with all of the other times that he was naked), he would not see her again in any state of undress until the next time that they made love.

The next day, Alana got the following email from a married female friend of hers:

Thanks for sending me "The Rules"! I put them into effect in my marriage, and now I’ll never go back to the way things were before.

By now, there was one more rule added to the list:

In any disagreement, the Man shall, to the extent possible, defer to the Woman.

Alana lifted up her left hand to gaze at it one more time. The Rules, she was convinced, and everything in their relationship that had manifested itself from them, were a big reason that it was she, and not Lizette, who was wearing Adam’s engagement ring.
Last edited by ogden_edsl on Mon Jul 15, 2024 8:28 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Vignettes of Californium, Part X -- The Rules

Post by tim409 »

Love the rules and the total control the women have over the males. I assume this even gives young girls a lot more control over adult males too, after all they would be fully dressed while the adult males are naked.

I love that even in a committed relationship the male has very limited to see her nude. All these rules show that women are indeed superior to the males but than again, most males know that deep within, especially when the male is always naked (as they should be) and the women are fully clothed. That is why I Love pure CFNM relationships as it lets us males know our place, and the relation in Californium is a pure CFNM

My guess is that in sex education classes, the girls see actual naked males while the males get those old diagrams which leave more questions than it give answers.
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Re: Vignettes of Californium, Part X -- The Rules

Post by Skylar21 »

tim409 wrote: Sat Jun 08, 2024 10:35 am Love the rules and the total control the women have over the males. I assume this even gives young girls a lot more control over adult males too, after all they would be fully dressed while the adult males are naked.
Indeed, in such a CFNM situation, even young girls would have control over older males. This is how it should be because having such control gives girls confidence for relationships later. Girls need to learn when young how to control the men in their lives.
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Re: Vignettes of Californium, Part X -- The Rules

Post by tim409 »

Skylar21 wrote: Sat Jun 08, 2024 8:06 pm
tim409 wrote: Sat Jun 08, 2024 10:35 am Love the rules and the total control the women have over the males. I assume this even gives young girls a lot more control over adult males too, after all they would be fully dressed while the adult males are naked.
Indeed, in such a CFNM situation, even young girls would have control over older males. This is how it should be because having such control gives girls confidence for relationships later. Girls need to learn when young how to control the men in their lives.
I agree because even as a male I believe there is way too much evidence that shows women are superior to males and even young girls are superior to most males and even adult males. I saw a woman at a major mall who wore a shirt that said "His testicles belong to me" and his shirt said "My testicles belong to her" We knew she had him by his balls both figuratively and probably literally quite often

I think she should give lessons to all the women how how to do both. You know the old adage, If you have him by his balls he will follow you (and obey you) So if a man does not listen to a woman, she should smack his balls to get his attention LOL (My wife does that in front of her girlfriends but I am often naked when she does it.
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Re: Vignettes of Californium, Part X -- The Rules

Post by ogden_edsl »

Skylar21 wrote: Sat Jun 08, 2024 8:06 pm
tim409 wrote: Sat Jun 08, 2024 10:35 am Love the rules and the total control the women have over the males. I assume this even gives young girls a lot more control over adult males too, after all they would be fully dressed while the adult males are naked.
Indeed, in such a CFNM situation, even young girls would have control over older males. This is how it should be because having such control gives girls confidence for relationships later. Girls need to learn when young how to control the men in their lives.
I expect this to manifest itself, at least to some extent, in part XII.
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Re: Vignettes of Californium, Part X -- The Rules

Post by ogden_edsl »

A short addendum that is a prelude to part XII.

“There’s a new practice that I want to add into our relationship,” Alana told Adam one day. “Vanessa has been doing it with Clayton since back when they were both still in high school.”

“What is it?” asked Adam.

“I’ll show you tomorrow.”

The following morning, Adam awoke to find Alana had already arisen and left the bedroom. Intending on taking a shower, he headed into the bathroom. Being already naked, there was nothing for him to remove first. There he found Alana, clad in one of her modest one-piece bathing suits.
“Come on in,” she said. “Today, you are going to shower in a new way. Which is, I am going to wash you. This will not be a two-way process. You are not going to wash me, nor will I permit you under The Rules to watch me wash myself.” She directed him where to stand. “Now, just stand there and relax.”

After Adam did so, Alana turned on the shower. Standing next to him, she began to work her way with the soap down his body, slowly, caressingly, pausing now and then to spank him on his bare butt, the latter action not just being playful but also to reinforce the theme of her having full control over his body. Once she reached his groin area, she worked most slowly and thoroughly of all, repeatedly working on his penis (and balls, and buttocks) until it was rock-hard and pointed straight out. Not until she had soaped his entire body did she begin the rinse process.

A good fifteen minutes passed after she first turned on the water before she told him to step out of the shower.

About a month later, Laura Langford told her husband Jeff, “There’s a practice that I want to add into our relationship. Alana has been doing it with Adam…”
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Re: Vignettes of Californium, Part X -- The Rules

Post by tim409 »

but also to reinforce the theme of her having full control over his body.

I was at a major mall one day when I saw a young couple who really caught my attention, She had a tee shirt on that said: "His testicles belong to me" His tee shirt said: My testicles belong to her" The above statement reminds me of these tee shirts as she clearly had full control over this male's body as she had him by his balls most likely figuratively and literally. I wanted to ask her if she gave lessons to women as to how to have their male by his balls and if she didn't she should. Maybe she could teach it to to high school girls starting in 9th grade :D

Alsways look forward to new chapters in this story to see how the ladies take even more control over their males.
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