The Family Tradition: Picture Day (2m - January 26th)
Re: The Family Tradition: Picture Day (2f - March 25th)
Cue Queen's "Bicycle Race:"
- mars357
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Re: The Family Tradition: Picture Day (2f - March 25th)
Oh wow. What an incredibly hot chapter! I absolutely love how you build the heat up "brick by brick", each new moment adding just a little something that helps us imagine Jules more embarrassed, more horny, more... everything. Some of the cute details and the humorous elements, like the tinsel on her butt and in her butt crack really add to the sense of realism/aliveness of it all.
Now, getting Katelyn angry and turning a day of chilling out at home into a solo naked bike ride definitely ups the ante. Again, the set-up for the next chapter is just outstanding. Julia naked, but with a childish helmet, shoes, and knee protectors on. Making her feel ever so little and immature. I know you've only just posted the last chapter but I already can't wait for the next---this is definitely a story to keep an eye on!
Now, getting Katelyn angry and turning a day of chilling out at home into a solo naked bike ride definitely ups the ante. Again, the set-up for the next chapter is just outstanding. Julia naked, but with a childish helmet, shoes, and knee protectors on. Making her feel ever so little and immature. I know you've only just posted the last chapter but I already can't wait for the next---this is definitely a story to keep an eye on!
A kinky, pervy dreamer who occasionally feels creative. I love and appreciate comments and encouragement and I'm also open to suggestions!
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Re: The Family Tradition: Picture Day (2f - March 25th)
BRILLIANT! I am absolutely thrilled with the rivalry between Katelyn and Julia. The interaction between the two is superbly written. I hope this continues for many more chapters.
- perseus
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Re: The Family Tradition: Picture Day (2f - March 25th)
Another amazing chapter! This is quickly becoming one of my all time favorite stories! I can't wait to see what happens during the bike ride!
- superevil7
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The Family Tradition: Picture Day - Chapter 2g
“Hey you! Girl! Hey, you, get back here! I want to talk to you!” Many of our neighbors were none too pleased to see me out and about, riding my bike in my birthday suit. Their expressions would shift from shock, to outrage, to anger, in the span it would take me to ride past their yards. The mother's with children, particularly male children, seemed to be especially annoyed by my naked presence. I wasn't going to dare to stop and chat with them, though. Not when I could see how pissed off they were at me, and all my bare skin. I just kept peddling on, leading the way for my brothers and cousins, and the other boys too.
Josh had told me to ride in front, so that he could keep an eye on me, but I think he really wanted to give himself and the other boys the opportunity to look at my naked backside more! Whatever the reason, it meant that I was separated from the pack by a few seconds. I wondered if the neighbors even knew I was with the boys and Katelyn as I rode ahead of them, or if they just thought that I had attracted a group of hanger-ons to follow me, with my naked beauty.
Not all the neighbors we passed got pissed at me. Some of the males had enough time to get over their shock at seeing a naked girl riding a bike to get some enjoyment out of the situation. Most who did would just smile in appreciation at me, but some would also give me encouraging words. Others were a lot more forward, yelling propositions at me. “Hey baby! Come over here, and I'll give you a real good time!” I remember a boy who looked to be in high school yelling at me from his open garage. Just as he did, my bike rode over a large bump in the road, and my horny pussy received a very sudden, but pleasant jolt! My clit even bumped into the plastic of the seat because of it. Even if his words were pleasant for me to hear, I didn't dare stop, as I wasn't close to prepared to know what older boys do with naked girls. I just kept peddling.
As I continued this naked biking excursion of mine, I was learning something about my anatomy that I hadn't realized. My pussy was in direct contact with the seat of my bike. More than that, my outer lips had spread open, almost hugging the seat in between them, and forming a bit of suction down there from my wetness. I guess I had never noticed while wearing clothes, but now that I wasn't, every vibration my tires made as they glided over the road was traveling up my bike, through the seat, and into my horny pussy! The bumps in the road would especially send a shockwave of pleasure into my vagina and through the rest of my body as I rode over them! My bare nipples even felt like they were tingling pleasantly every time I did! Part of what kept me going, instead of turning back around to return home in humiliation, was the amazing feeling in my private parts as I kept peddling. I knew if I kept going, then I was pretty sure I was going to get off! If I wasn't so horny, and didn't have that to focus on, then I'm sure I would have been scared out of my mind to be so naked in public, but thank God I had this to distract me from my worries.
Before I could really use the vibrating road to my advantage, and finally get off, we had reached the end of the line. The farthest end of my neighborhood was butted up against a wheat farm, and that was as far as you could go, unless you wanted to go through the field and out on the old highway, but that was not a safe place for kids riding their bikes. Instead, when we would reach this far, we would usually turn around and head back through the neighborhood, which all the way on the other end was the park my cousin Luke had talked about earlier. Here, at this end, was a big sign blocking the road, saying that it was a dead end, with a large barricade marking the end of the road and the start of the farmland, with a few feet of pavement in between.
Knowing that no cars could come down this little section of road, it had become a popular spot for kids and teens to play and hang out, and today was no exception. As we approached, I could see a few kids passing around a ball to one another, a few girls and a lone boy. It looked like it was one of those all white soccer balls, or maybe a volleyball. Either way, I finally stopped as I reached the dead end sign, thankful that not too many kids were around at the moment. The group had yet to see me, and I wanted to avoid that if at all possible.
“Come on, Julia!” Katelyn yelled, as she blew right past me and the sign, riding straight for the group! Worse, her yelling had alerted them to our presence, to my presence! I should have known she would do something like that!
“Julie?!!!” The lone boy spotted me, and I suddenly realized that they were not a group of elementary school kids, they were my peers from school! And that boy was Peter Michaels!!
I was only standing about 20 feet away from him and the girls, so it didn't take him long to rush over and get a good look at me. I was flustered and petrified, and still straddling my bike, holding on to the handle bars with a tight grip, probably even tighter as Peter came near me, so I didn't even think to cover up my naked body in front of him. I'll always remember his face as he got a clear look at my naked body, as he seemed to move in slow motion for me. He started out surprised like all the others, but then his face shifted to one of joy and excitement. He had realized that I was naked! He took a few steps closer, to get a better look, and then I saw the amusement start in his eyes. He knew it wasn't right for me to be naked out here, in public, and that something interesting must be going on, for me to be like this, and I could see his demeanor shift. He was going to take advantage of this situation! “It is you, Julie, and without a stitch of clothes! What a pleasant surprise!”
I could do nothing but blush at the boy I had a crush on, opening and closing my mouth like a fish out of water! Like I said, I hadn't even thought of covering up my naked body with my hands! “Hey, Pete! You remember my cousin Julie, and what I was telling you about her very special picture day she does every year.” Luke came up behind me, and placed his hand on my shoulder. I'm sure it looked comforting from the outside, but by the tone of his voice, I could tell that he was enjoying showing me off totally naked to a boy classmate of ours!
“She really spends the whole day naked, huh?” Peter put his hand on his chin and looked me up and down, studding me like I was a fine piece of art!
“You told him!?” I was finally able to make some words, and I yelled at my cousin with outrage! By the time I was through, Katelyn and the other girls had come over too, and they were all watching me like I was the most incredible thing in the world.
“Hi Julia!” Penelope, a redheaded girl from my class, sang my name, and then giggled along with the other girls at my expense. “Cute outfit! It really shows off your complexion well!” The girls went from giggling to full-blown laughing at me! The boys started laughing at me too, unable to contain themselves at the sight of me blushing about their laughter.
“Luke was just telling me that today is Julie's picture day.” Peter explained to the girls, though he kept his eyes locked on mine as he spoke. Only once he finished his sentence, his eyes roamed up and down my naked body again, and he got this totally satisfied smirk on his lips! My knees were starting to get weak! “You know, we've all heard the rumors about you, but honestly I never believed them until now!” His eyes roamed my naked front again, stopping for a few moments when he spotted my wet pussy, with the bike seat still sandwiched in between my outer lips! I could see the pleasure growing on his face at this new discovery! “But here you are, wearing nothing but a bike helmet, knee pads and elbow pads. You must really enjoy being naked!” He winked with amusement at me, and the three girls behind him all started giggling. He was a pretty smooth operator, having most of the girls from school swooning over him, and I was no exception! My heart raced as he winked at me, thinking that maybe I stood a chance with him. Hey, what other girls had gotten naked in front of him? That had to count for something!
I was now giggling at him too, blushing hard. I made a little scoff noise at him and said, “I mean, yeah. It's no biggie…” I was trying to impress him and look cool, and my crush on him had just made me forget about my naked shame for the moment. My hormone rattled mind was thinking that I could use my nakedness to get him to like me. Peter was a handsome young man, and I couldn't help getting lost in his beautiful blue eyes.
“Really?” Peter beamed a smile at the other girls, who all swooned and giggled for him. “Want to join our four square game then?”
“Yeah! For sure!” I said excitedly, dropping my bike to the road. Unfortunately for me, there was a little popping noise as the seat came away from my horny pussy, and even more shamefully, a string of juices from my pussy down to my soaking wet seat! I stopped in my tracks, when I heard the noise, my only movement was to look down at my horniness, before looking back up at everyone. Everyone else had heard the noise too! I could tell by the looks on their faces! My female classmates all started chortling hard at me, and then the rest of them did too, causing my face to start burning once again! I was too embarrassed to even move!
“Maybe Julia needs to do something else before she plays with you.” Katelyn was eyeing my horny, wet pussy with delight, as I still had my legs spread. They were even more spread now, with my bike lying flat on the ground below me, and forcing me to spread my legs more. I was giving everyone, including my crush Peter, an unprecedented look at my most private of private parts! And all while I was super horny and wet!
I had a good idea what Katelyn was about to suggest, and I wanted to get in front of her before she said the words. “No, no! Let's just play four square!” I said, stepping over my bike towards my classmates, and moving my hands together to clasp them. I was trying to strategically block their view of my bare, horny pussy, without making it obvious that's what I was trying to do.
“Do you really want to play with us?” Penelope giggled in my face. “You look like you'd rather play with something else!” She smirked down at my hands, which were now over the top of my wet slit. Obviously, my plan hadn’t worked! Feeling shame, and not wanting to look like I was touching my privates in front of them, I quickly got my hands out of the way! Peter and the three girls were now staring directly at my naked pussy! I could feel my legs and arms squirming, as I fought everything inside myself not to cover it up again!
Peter was grinning big, knowing that he was seeing something that he was not normally meant to see. I also saw the tent forming in his pants, and my knees went weak! I was actually causing Peter Michaels to get an erection, and I couldn't help taking pride in that! “Yes, I want to play!” I said, answering Penelope's first question, before I realized that my answer made me sound like a floozy when paired with her second suggestion! I started stammering and blushing as everyone burst into laughter at me again! The shame was too much, and I locked my hands together in front of my pelvis again, as my subconscious mind was still trying to hide how horny I was, even if I knew they had all already seen.
Big brother Josh came up behind me, and wrapped a comforting arm around my shoulder, and pulled me into his side. I could tell he was trying to help me get over some of the embarrassment I was feeling at that moment. As we stood side to side, he whispered in my ear. “You probably should play with yourself in front of everyone, Jules.” I looked over at him with shock and outrage. I was about to start yelling at him, and hitting him in anger, but he continued before I got the chance. “Remember what dad said. I can make you do it whenever I want. You'll be embarrassed about it, sure, but I also know you have a big crush on Peter Michaels.” I looked at him with surprise. How did he know?! “If you really want to impress him, you should do this in front of him. No way a boy would ever be able to resist a girl that's played with her pussy in front of him.” I considered his idea for a moment, thinking that he was either out of his mind, or probably exactly right. He was a boy, after all, and that probably gave him a better perspective on boys than I had. I slowly nodded my head at him, half aware of what I was agreeing to do. Was I really about to play with my pussy in front of Peter Michaels!?!
Josh smiled at my nod, and took the lead. “Alright everyone! Gather around here, closer to Jules. What she's about to do could get her in big trouble if anyone else were to see, so we need to block the view of her as much as possible.”
“Oh my God! Is she really going to do it!?” One of my female classmates giggled with delight, and she and the others all gathered around in a semicircle in front of me. I could feel my heart racing as they did! What was I about to do!?
“You’re one confident chick, Julie.” Peter said, taking up the position directly in front of me! He was going to have a front row view of me masturbating! Despite how nervous and embarrassed I felt, I couldn't help swooning over his words. It was actually working! I was impressing him with my bravery to do this in public! The handsome and dreamy smile he was giving me was helping me get over any shame I felt for what I was about to do, too!
“Skank is more like it!” Leave it to cousin Katelyn to try and ruin my image to Peter! “Only a skank would get so excited while riding her bike naked in public! And, not to mention, want to play with her pussy in front of the boys and girls from her class! And don't forget, her brothers are here to see too! She really is a total skank, isn't she!?” Katelyn made a very evil, cackling laugh at me, and the other girls started laughing at me too, nodding their heads in agreement with my wicked older cousin! I hung my head in total shame, no longer quite in the mood to do what I was about to do.
“Hey, Katelyn, shut up!” My big brother came to my defense, causing all four of the other girls to snap their jaws shut and stop laughing at me, from the angry, frightening tone of his voice. “I think we all know that the sexual organs of the body respond all on their own, without anyone having any control over how they react. Yes, Jules' pussy is very wet, but she doesn't have control over that, and that doesn't make her a skank.” I know he was just trying to help, but my shame was going into overtime as he brought up how wet I was! Without even realizing it, my hands had clamped over my pussy lips in order to try and hide that from them! “And before any of you go judging Jules for what she's about to do, you should all know that she has no choice. Our father has given me permission to have her masturbate any time I want today. She's not going to do this because she wants to, but because she has to.” I don't know if telling them that made it better or worse for me, but I could see the twinkle in the eyes of the girls from my class, as they all looked at one another with open-mouthed shock about what my brother had just explained to them. Peter, too, seemed to get a very amused twinkle in his eyes, as he looked directly at me! Then his eyes shifted down to look at my bare boobies and pink nipples, and in response, I moved one of my arms to cover up those too, while keeping my other hand firmly over my wet slit!
“Oh, that's cute. She's getting shy now!” Peter chuckled at me, which caused the other girls to giggle along with him again.
My brother, who was still by my side, grabbed a hold of my wrists and forced my hands away from my naked body. I did try to struggle with him for a moment, but I knew it was moot. He was way stronger than me. I just sighed, staring up at the big blue sky, since it was too shameful to look at everyone watching me, and let him move my hands out of the way of my private parts. Then he made quick work of taking the safety equipment off me. He tossed the elbow pads, knee pads, and bike helmet towards the closest grass lot as he continued. “No covering on picture day, Jules. Everyone here wants to enjoy the total beauty of your naked body, and I think everyone is enjoying how horny you are getting about showing it off.” I bashfully blushed even more, as even if my privates had been uncovered most of this time, it still felt like he was undressing me in front of everyone in a way. “Save for Katelyn, it seems.” He said, sticking his tongue out at her. She just blew a raspberry right back at him. “But she's just jealous about all the attention you get for it.”
“I am not!” Katelyn yelled back at him with outrage, but it was obvious from the big blush she got on her cheeks, it was totally true. Now everyone was laughing and giggling at her, including me!
“It's as plain as the nose on your face, Katelyn, or as plain as the pretty pink perky nipples on Jules' tantalizing tiny titties.” Now I was blushing again, as Josh brought all the attention back to me with his alliteration, and my perky nipples and titties! Did he really have to call them tiny!? They weren't that small anymore! “Alright, Jules, you better get started.”
“What? Right now? Just like that?” I was totally caught off guard by his abruptness, and my face started burning, as I thought about what he was telling me to do! I couldn't really go through with it, could I?
“Yeah, Jules. The sooner, the better. The longer you're out here, the more likely it is that someone else is going to happen by.” He explained, and I mentally kicked myself for not thinking of it sooner! More people could come by at any moment, and catch me in my birthday suit out here! Maybe even other classmates of mine! I had to get home, and fast!
Despite wanting to get home, I still shook my head at him, too petrified of the label skank sticking to me if I really played with myself in public like this. “Now, Jules, you know you don't have a choice.” Big brother scolded me, but I just doubled the rate that I was shaking my head at him. “Fine, I'll give you a spanking in front of everyone for refusing me, and then I'll just have you play with your pussy in front of them too, anyway.”
My eyes went totally wide! “You wouldn't dare!”
“Mom and Dad put me in charge of your spankings for a reason. Do you really want to try me?” The boys and girls all giggled at me for this new revelation, and once again, my face was left burning like mad! I certainly didn't want Josh spanking me out in public, in front of my classmates, or above all, in front of Peter, so reluctantly, and slowly, I brought my hands over to my pussy. With my legs spread, I used my left hand to open my pussy lips, and used my index finger on my right to tease my erect little clit ever so slightly. It was like I was hit by a bolt of lightning! I let out an anguished cry of pleasure, and my knees almost buckled! I was actually touching myself in front of everyone in public! Most importantly of all, my crush, Peter!!
“That a girl! Keep going.” Josh gave me a smile when I looked over at him, and then my eyes roamed over every face in the crowd watching me. The younger boys were all excited and intrigued about watching a girl pleasure herself, while my cousin Luke had a pretty smug grin on his face as he watched me. I could tell he was never going to let me live this down! My female classmates all kept giggling and whispering to one another about what I was doing, and I knew my naked picture day and what I was doing out here was going to be the topic of the school gossip mill for years! Peter would not take his eyes off of my leaking, and now spread open, pussy, practically salivating about it. Katelyn just stood there, amused, with her arms folded, as if to say she knew what a big skank I was. And my big brother just kept giving me smiles of encouragement. I had hardly even touched myself, as the first little touch had caused such a large shockwave to move throughout my entire body, but now I made another little swipe on my clit through its hood.
My reaction was immediate! “Oh my God!” I gasped harder than I ever had in my life! It had never felt this intense before! I tried another quick swipe and was forced to get up on my tippy-toes or fall over! “Oh my fuck!...” I tried to gulp down air, as my audience made their own gasps at me. I looked Peter right in the eye, and he did back at me, and then I made one more touch on my clit. Suddenly I was seeing stars! I furiously rubbed my clit with my index, middle, and ring finger all at once, and it was like the world went black! I was cumming hard, but I didn't want the pleasure to end! I ended up down on the ground, while my fingers kept frantically grinding on my pussy and clitoris! I couldn't stop! It felt too good! It felt incredible!
“Holy fuck!”
“Look at her go!”
“What a skank!”
“I can't believe she's doing this in public!”
“Look! Her little pussy hole and butt hole are winking at us!”
“Fuck, this is the hottest thing I've ever seen in my life!”
I could hear every single thing they were saying about me, but that was only working to add to the pleasure of my orgasm! My eyes finally adjusted, and I was looking up at them all, from between my own legs, seeing them watching my hand working my pussy in between! They were all seeing me cum, naked on the ground, not a part of my body was a secret to them, not even my asshole anymore apparently, as one of them said! And certainly not what I look like when I'm cumming! They'd all seem me naked and horny, embarrassed and ashamed, shy and bashful, and now in the throes of the most powerful orgasm in my life! They all now knew how I masturbated! How I looked when I touched myself privately! And I doubted that I would ever get to see any of them in the same position. They were all dressed, covered appropriately, the girls in skirts and blouses, the boys in pants and shirts, and their bodies would probably remain a mystery to me and each other forever, like they were supposed to be! My body was the only one that was bare and available for anyone to look at! The thought of just how unfair that felt to me sent me over the edge once again, right into another powerful orgasm before the first one even stopped, and I continued to writhe around on the ground in pleasure in front of them! Totally naked, ashamed, and in pleasure!
Josh had told me to ride in front, so that he could keep an eye on me, but I think he really wanted to give himself and the other boys the opportunity to look at my naked backside more! Whatever the reason, it meant that I was separated from the pack by a few seconds. I wondered if the neighbors even knew I was with the boys and Katelyn as I rode ahead of them, or if they just thought that I had attracted a group of hanger-ons to follow me, with my naked beauty.
Not all the neighbors we passed got pissed at me. Some of the males had enough time to get over their shock at seeing a naked girl riding a bike to get some enjoyment out of the situation. Most who did would just smile in appreciation at me, but some would also give me encouraging words. Others were a lot more forward, yelling propositions at me. “Hey baby! Come over here, and I'll give you a real good time!” I remember a boy who looked to be in high school yelling at me from his open garage. Just as he did, my bike rode over a large bump in the road, and my horny pussy received a very sudden, but pleasant jolt! My clit even bumped into the plastic of the seat because of it. Even if his words were pleasant for me to hear, I didn't dare stop, as I wasn't close to prepared to know what older boys do with naked girls. I just kept peddling.
As I continued this naked biking excursion of mine, I was learning something about my anatomy that I hadn't realized. My pussy was in direct contact with the seat of my bike. More than that, my outer lips had spread open, almost hugging the seat in between them, and forming a bit of suction down there from my wetness. I guess I had never noticed while wearing clothes, but now that I wasn't, every vibration my tires made as they glided over the road was traveling up my bike, through the seat, and into my horny pussy! The bumps in the road would especially send a shockwave of pleasure into my vagina and through the rest of my body as I rode over them! My bare nipples even felt like they were tingling pleasantly every time I did! Part of what kept me going, instead of turning back around to return home in humiliation, was the amazing feeling in my private parts as I kept peddling. I knew if I kept going, then I was pretty sure I was going to get off! If I wasn't so horny, and didn't have that to focus on, then I'm sure I would have been scared out of my mind to be so naked in public, but thank God I had this to distract me from my worries.
Before I could really use the vibrating road to my advantage, and finally get off, we had reached the end of the line. The farthest end of my neighborhood was butted up against a wheat farm, and that was as far as you could go, unless you wanted to go through the field and out on the old highway, but that was not a safe place for kids riding their bikes. Instead, when we would reach this far, we would usually turn around and head back through the neighborhood, which all the way on the other end was the park my cousin Luke had talked about earlier. Here, at this end, was a big sign blocking the road, saying that it was a dead end, with a large barricade marking the end of the road and the start of the farmland, with a few feet of pavement in between.
Knowing that no cars could come down this little section of road, it had become a popular spot for kids and teens to play and hang out, and today was no exception. As we approached, I could see a few kids passing around a ball to one another, a few girls and a lone boy. It looked like it was one of those all white soccer balls, or maybe a volleyball. Either way, I finally stopped as I reached the dead end sign, thankful that not too many kids were around at the moment. The group had yet to see me, and I wanted to avoid that if at all possible.
“Come on, Julia!” Katelyn yelled, as she blew right past me and the sign, riding straight for the group! Worse, her yelling had alerted them to our presence, to my presence! I should have known she would do something like that!
“Julie?!!!” The lone boy spotted me, and I suddenly realized that they were not a group of elementary school kids, they were my peers from school! And that boy was Peter Michaels!!
I was only standing about 20 feet away from him and the girls, so it didn't take him long to rush over and get a good look at me. I was flustered and petrified, and still straddling my bike, holding on to the handle bars with a tight grip, probably even tighter as Peter came near me, so I didn't even think to cover up my naked body in front of him. I'll always remember his face as he got a clear look at my naked body, as he seemed to move in slow motion for me. He started out surprised like all the others, but then his face shifted to one of joy and excitement. He had realized that I was naked! He took a few steps closer, to get a better look, and then I saw the amusement start in his eyes. He knew it wasn't right for me to be naked out here, in public, and that something interesting must be going on, for me to be like this, and I could see his demeanor shift. He was going to take advantage of this situation! “It is you, Julie, and without a stitch of clothes! What a pleasant surprise!”
I could do nothing but blush at the boy I had a crush on, opening and closing my mouth like a fish out of water! Like I said, I hadn't even thought of covering up my naked body with my hands! “Hey, Pete! You remember my cousin Julie, and what I was telling you about her very special picture day she does every year.” Luke came up behind me, and placed his hand on my shoulder. I'm sure it looked comforting from the outside, but by the tone of his voice, I could tell that he was enjoying showing me off totally naked to a boy classmate of ours!
“She really spends the whole day naked, huh?” Peter put his hand on his chin and looked me up and down, studding me like I was a fine piece of art!
“You told him!?” I was finally able to make some words, and I yelled at my cousin with outrage! By the time I was through, Katelyn and the other girls had come over too, and they were all watching me like I was the most incredible thing in the world.
“Hi Julia!” Penelope, a redheaded girl from my class, sang my name, and then giggled along with the other girls at my expense. “Cute outfit! It really shows off your complexion well!” The girls went from giggling to full-blown laughing at me! The boys started laughing at me too, unable to contain themselves at the sight of me blushing about their laughter.
“Luke was just telling me that today is Julie's picture day.” Peter explained to the girls, though he kept his eyes locked on mine as he spoke. Only once he finished his sentence, his eyes roamed up and down my naked body again, and he got this totally satisfied smirk on his lips! My knees were starting to get weak! “You know, we've all heard the rumors about you, but honestly I never believed them until now!” His eyes roamed my naked front again, stopping for a few moments when he spotted my wet pussy, with the bike seat still sandwiched in between my outer lips! I could see the pleasure growing on his face at this new discovery! “But here you are, wearing nothing but a bike helmet, knee pads and elbow pads. You must really enjoy being naked!” He winked with amusement at me, and the three girls behind him all started giggling. He was a pretty smooth operator, having most of the girls from school swooning over him, and I was no exception! My heart raced as he winked at me, thinking that maybe I stood a chance with him. Hey, what other girls had gotten naked in front of him? That had to count for something!
I was now giggling at him too, blushing hard. I made a little scoff noise at him and said, “I mean, yeah. It's no biggie…” I was trying to impress him and look cool, and my crush on him had just made me forget about my naked shame for the moment. My hormone rattled mind was thinking that I could use my nakedness to get him to like me. Peter was a handsome young man, and I couldn't help getting lost in his beautiful blue eyes.
“Really?” Peter beamed a smile at the other girls, who all swooned and giggled for him. “Want to join our four square game then?”
“Yeah! For sure!” I said excitedly, dropping my bike to the road. Unfortunately for me, there was a little popping noise as the seat came away from my horny pussy, and even more shamefully, a string of juices from my pussy down to my soaking wet seat! I stopped in my tracks, when I heard the noise, my only movement was to look down at my horniness, before looking back up at everyone. Everyone else had heard the noise too! I could tell by the looks on their faces! My female classmates all started chortling hard at me, and then the rest of them did too, causing my face to start burning once again! I was too embarrassed to even move!
“Maybe Julia needs to do something else before she plays with you.” Katelyn was eyeing my horny, wet pussy with delight, as I still had my legs spread. They were even more spread now, with my bike lying flat on the ground below me, and forcing me to spread my legs more. I was giving everyone, including my crush Peter, an unprecedented look at my most private of private parts! And all while I was super horny and wet!
I had a good idea what Katelyn was about to suggest, and I wanted to get in front of her before she said the words. “No, no! Let's just play four square!” I said, stepping over my bike towards my classmates, and moving my hands together to clasp them. I was trying to strategically block their view of my bare, horny pussy, without making it obvious that's what I was trying to do.
“Do you really want to play with us?” Penelope giggled in my face. “You look like you'd rather play with something else!” She smirked down at my hands, which were now over the top of my wet slit. Obviously, my plan hadn’t worked! Feeling shame, and not wanting to look like I was touching my privates in front of them, I quickly got my hands out of the way! Peter and the three girls were now staring directly at my naked pussy! I could feel my legs and arms squirming, as I fought everything inside myself not to cover it up again!
Peter was grinning big, knowing that he was seeing something that he was not normally meant to see. I also saw the tent forming in his pants, and my knees went weak! I was actually causing Peter Michaels to get an erection, and I couldn't help taking pride in that! “Yes, I want to play!” I said, answering Penelope's first question, before I realized that my answer made me sound like a floozy when paired with her second suggestion! I started stammering and blushing as everyone burst into laughter at me again! The shame was too much, and I locked my hands together in front of my pelvis again, as my subconscious mind was still trying to hide how horny I was, even if I knew they had all already seen.
Big brother Josh came up behind me, and wrapped a comforting arm around my shoulder, and pulled me into his side. I could tell he was trying to help me get over some of the embarrassment I was feeling at that moment. As we stood side to side, he whispered in my ear. “You probably should play with yourself in front of everyone, Jules.” I looked over at him with shock and outrage. I was about to start yelling at him, and hitting him in anger, but he continued before I got the chance. “Remember what dad said. I can make you do it whenever I want. You'll be embarrassed about it, sure, but I also know you have a big crush on Peter Michaels.” I looked at him with surprise. How did he know?! “If you really want to impress him, you should do this in front of him. No way a boy would ever be able to resist a girl that's played with her pussy in front of him.” I considered his idea for a moment, thinking that he was either out of his mind, or probably exactly right. He was a boy, after all, and that probably gave him a better perspective on boys than I had. I slowly nodded my head at him, half aware of what I was agreeing to do. Was I really about to play with my pussy in front of Peter Michaels!?!
Josh smiled at my nod, and took the lead. “Alright everyone! Gather around here, closer to Jules. What she's about to do could get her in big trouble if anyone else were to see, so we need to block the view of her as much as possible.”
“Oh my God! Is she really going to do it!?” One of my female classmates giggled with delight, and she and the others all gathered around in a semicircle in front of me. I could feel my heart racing as they did! What was I about to do!?
“You’re one confident chick, Julie.” Peter said, taking up the position directly in front of me! He was going to have a front row view of me masturbating! Despite how nervous and embarrassed I felt, I couldn't help swooning over his words. It was actually working! I was impressing him with my bravery to do this in public! The handsome and dreamy smile he was giving me was helping me get over any shame I felt for what I was about to do, too!
“Skank is more like it!” Leave it to cousin Katelyn to try and ruin my image to Peter! “Only a skank would get so excited while riding her bike naked in public! And, not to mention, want to play with her pussy in front of the boys and girls from her class! And don't forget, her brothers are here to see too! She really is a total skank, isn't she!?” Katelyn made a very evil, cackling laugh at me, and the other girls started laughing at me too, nodding their heads in agreement with my wicked older cousin! I hung my head in total shame, no longer quite in the mood to do what I was about to do.
“Hey, Katelyn, shut up!” My big brother came to my defense, causing all four of the other girls to snap their jaws shut and stop laughing at me, from the angry, frightening tone of his voice. “I think we all know that the sexual organs of the body respond all on their own, without anyone having any control over how they react. Yes, Jules' pussy is very wet, but she doesn't have control over that, and that doesn't make her a skank.” I know he was just trying to help, but my shame was going into overtime as he brought up how wet I was! Without even realizing it, my hands had clamped over my pussy lips in order to try and hide that from them! “And before any of you go judging Jules for what she's about to do, you should all know that she has no choice. Our father has given me permission to have her masturbate any time I want today. She's not going to do this because she wants to, but because she has to.” I don't know if telling them that made it better or worse for me, but I could see the twinkle in the eyes of the girls from my class, as they all looked at one another with open-mouthed shock about what my brother had just explained to them. Peter, too, seemed to get a very amused twinkle in his eyes, as he looked directly at me! Then his eyes shifted down to look at my bare boobies and pink nipples, and in response, I moved one of my arms to cover up those too, while keeping my other hand firmly over my wet slit!
“Oh, that's cute. She's getting shy now!” Peter chuckled at me, which caused the other girls to giggle along with him again.
My brother, who was still by my side, grabbed a hold of my wrists and forced my hands away from my naked body. I did try to struggle with him for a moment, but I knew it was moot. He was way stronger than me. I just sighed, staring up at the big blue sky, since it was too shameful to look at everyone watching me, and let him move my hands out of the way of my private parts. Then he made quick work of taking the safety equipment off me. He tossed the elbow pads, knee pads, and bike helmet towards the closest grass lot as he continued. “No covering on picture day, Jules. Everyone here wants to enjoy the total beauty of your naked body, and I think everyone is enjoying how horny you are getting about showing it off.” I bashfully blushed even more, as even if my privates had been uncovered most of this time, it still felt like he was undressing me in front of everyone in a way. “Save for Katelyn, it seems.” He said, sticking his tongue out at her. She just blew a raspberry right back at him. “But she's just jealous about all the attention you get for it.”
“I am not!” Katelyn yelled back at him with outrage, but it was obvious from the big blush she got on her cheeks, it was totally true. Now everyone was laughing and giggling at her, including me!
“It's as plain as the nose on your face, Katelyn, or as plain as the pretty pink perky nipples on Jules' tantalizing tiny titties.” Now I was blushing again, as Josh brought all the attention back to me with his alliteration, and my perky nipples and titties! Did he really have to call them tiny!? They weren't that small anymore! “Alright, Jules, you better get started.”
“What? Right now? Just like that?” I was totally caught off guard by his abruptness, and my face started burning, as I thought about what he was telling me to do! I couldn't really go through with it, could I?
“Yeah, Jules. The sooner, the better. The longer you're out here, the more likely it is that someone else is going to happen by.” He explained, and I mentally kicked myself for not thinking of it sooner! More people could come by at any moment, and catch me in my birthday suit out here! Maybe even other classmates of mine! I had to get home, and fast!
Despite wanting to get home, I still shook my head at him, too petrified of the label skank sticking to me if I really played with myself in public like this. “Now, Jules, you know you don't have a choice.” Big brother scolded me, but I just doubled the rate that I was shaking my head at him. “Fine, I'll give you a spanking in front of everyone for refusing me, and then I'll just have you play with your pussy in front of them too, anyway.”
My eyes went totally wide! “You wouldn't dare!”
“Mom and Dad put me in charge of your spankings for a reason. Do you really want to try me?” The boys and girls all giggled at me for this new revelation, and once again, my face was left burning like mad! I certainly didn't want Josh spanking me out in public, in front of my classmates, or above all, in front of Peter, so reluctantly, and slowly, I brought my hands over to my pussy. With my legs spread, I used my left hand to open my pussy lips, and used my index finger on my right to tease my erect little clit ever so slightly. It was like I was hit by a bolt of lightning! I let out an anguished cry of pleasure, and my knees almost buckled! I was actually touching myself in front of everyone in public! Most importantly of all, my crush, Peter!!
“That a girl! Keep going.” Josh gave me a smile when I looked over at him, and then my eyes roamed over every face in the crowd watching me. The younger boys were all excited and intrigued about watching a girl pleasure herself, while my cousin Luke had a pretty smug grin on his face as he watched me. I could tell he was never going to let me live this down! My female classmates all kept giggling and whispering to one another about what I was doing, and I knew my naked picture day and what I was doing out here was going to be the topic of the school gossip mill for years! Peter would not take his eyes off of my leaking, and now spread open, pussy, practically salivating about it. Katelyn just stood there, amused, with her arms folded, as if to say she knew what a big skank I was. And my big brother just kept giving me smiles of encouragement. I had hardly even touched myself, as the first little touch had caused such a large shockwave to move throughout my entire body, but now I made another little swipe on my clit through its hood.
My reaction was immediate! “Oh my God!” I gasped harder than I ever had in my life! It had never felt this intense before! I tried another quick swipe and was forced to get up on my tippy-toes or fall over! “Oh my fuck!...” I tried to gulp down air, as my audience made their own gasps at me. I looked Peter right in the eye, and he did back at me, and then I made one more touch on my clit. Suddenly I was seeing stars! I furiously rubbed my clit with my index, middle, and ring finger all at once, and it was like the world went black! I was cumming hard, but I didn't want the pleasure to end! I ended up down on the ground, while my fingers kept frantically grinding on my pussy and clitoris! I couldn't stop! It felt too good! It felt incredible!
“Holy fuck!”
“Look at her go!”
“What a skank!”
“I can't believe she's doing this in public!”
“Look! Her little pussy hole and butt hole are winking at us!”
“Fuck, this is the hottest thing I've ever seen in my life!”
I could hear every single thing they were saying about me, but that was only working to add to the pleasure of my orgasm! My eyes finally adjusted, and I was looking up at them all, from between my own legs, seeing them watching my hand working my pussy in between! They were all seeing me cum, naked on the ground, not a part of my body was a secret to them, not even my asshole anymore apparently, as one of them said! And certainly not what I look like when I'm cumming! They'd all seem me naked and horny, embarrassed and ashamed, shy and bashful, and now in the throes of the most powerful orgasm in my life! They all now knew how I masturbated! How I looked when I touched myself privately! And I doubted that I would ever get to see any of them in the same position. They were all dressed, covered appropriately, the girls in skirts and blouses, the boys in pants and shirts, and their bodies would probably remain a mystery to me and each other forever, like they were supposed to be! My body was the only one that was bare and available for anyone to look at! The thought of just how unfair that felt to me sent me over the edge once again, right into another powerful orgasm before the first one even stopped, and I continued to writhe around on the ground in pleasure in front of them! Totally naked, ashamed, and in pleasure!
Re: The Family Tradition: Picture Day (2g - May 9th)
This May 9th posted chapter was very enjoyable. Thank you, superevil7.
- perseus
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Re: The Family Tradition: Picture Day (2g - May 9th)
Incredible chapter! I absolutely love how Julie is made to go out in the neighborhood naked! It's especially nice that she's wearing all that protective gear and nothing else! This is definitely my favorite year for picture day so far!
- superevil7
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The Family Tradition: Picture Day - Chapter 2h
After the fourth or fifth orgasm, I honestly lost count, I was finally able to stop touching myself. I was spent and exhausted, lying on my back, on the hard pavement of the little offshoot of blocked off road at the end of the neighborhood. Three of my female classmates had all watched me play with myself uncontrollably, along with my cousins Katelyn and Luke, both my brothers, my younger brother's friends, and most importantly, and most shamefully, my crush and other classmate, Peter Michaels!
The boy of my dreams came closer, to offer me a hand to get back to my feet. Only, instead of being a dream, it was like a nightmare, since I was totally naked in front of him and the others, save for the shoes on my feet. Only thing was, this was real life! I was naked in front of my crush, and three of the most gossipy girls from my class! I'd never be able to live any of this down! Knowing that I had just gotten myself off in front of them was giving me humiliation like I'd never felt before! The only thing I could think of doing now, was getting home so that I could die of embarrassment, alone and in peace, where no one would ever find me again. “Well… um… I better get going…” I was surprised that I was able to stammer out even those short little words, as I felt totally ashamed to even exist at the moment.
“What do you mean? You can't leave now, skank! We just got here, and you promised everyone that you'd play a game of four square with them.” Always looking for a way to humiliate me more, my older cousin wasn't about to let me leave yet.
“Katelyn, stop calling me that!” I whined, as tears were stinging my eyes. It wasn't so much that she was calling me that herself, but I didn't want the others, most of all Peter, thinking of me as such a skank, even if I was, for touching myself so freely in front of them…
“Alright… I'll stop calling you a skank…” Katelyn smirked, amused that her words were hurting me so well. “... Jezebel Julie!” She exclaimed, and burst into laughter. “Jezebel Julie! How have I never thought of that one before!?” She kept laughing at me, while I just pouted and sulked.
“Your older cousin's right. You promised to play a round with us…” my classmate Penelope said, and then added, “Jezebel Julie!” Great, the name was already spreading!
“Please don't call me that…” I said in a soft voice, almost begging, feeling like I was on the verge of tears. The part that was bothering me the most, was to think that it was a perfect description of me, and my behavior just a few minutes ago. I really did feel like a Jezebel, a skank, and a slut, for what I had just done in front of them so publicly.
“Why not?” Another girl classmate of mine, Cynthia, teased. “I think it's cute!”
I was about to burst out crying, but then Peter spoke up. “I do too. Almost as cute as Julie looks without any clothes.” He gave me another warm, dreamy smile!
“You do?” I suddenly swooned again, moving my arms behind my back and puffing out my chest for him a little more. I saw him look at my exceptionally pointy pink nipples and perky boobs, and his smile grew even bigger. I was actually impressing him! “Well, if you think it's cute, then I guess it's alright if everyone calls me that…”
“Jezebel Julie. It really does roll off the tongue!” He grinned and winked at me, and my heart fluttered in my chest!
“It does!” I moved in front of him, and spread my legs too, while keeping my hands behind my back, just to be sure he could see my whole naked body. “So, do you want to play four square with me, Peter?” I even batted my eyelashes for him!
“Of course, I do. How often do you think I get a chance to play with a naked girl?” He chuckled. “Jezebel Julie.”
I giggled at him using my new nickname. “Probably not too often, but I bet you're enjoying the chance!” I lifted my heels up and down a few times rapidly, balancing on the balls of my feet, knowing that would make my little boobies shake for him. He couldn't keep his eyes off them while I did!
“Hey, Jezebel! Stop stealing all of Peter's attention!” Cynthia complained, folding her arms and staring at me like she wanted to do bad things to me. Then she pouted at Peter. I could tell all three of my girl classmates were getting annoyed by all the attention he was giving me instead of them, but I didn't care! Peter was going to become mine! I was sure of it! If I got nothing else out of being naked for picture day, getting Peter to like me would be worth it!
“If you girls want my attention, you could try getting naked like Jezebel Julie here.” Peter said to them with a wink and a chuckle. I started giggling like mad at what he said, but I could tell the three 13-year-old girls were outraged at the idea.
“I second that!” My cousin Luke added, and the other boys all started agreeing too! I was having a heck of a good time, watching as my girl classmates started squirming with fear at the idea of being naked in front of the boys like me!
“Oh, hell no! It'll be a cold day in hell before I get naked like Jezebel here!” The redhead, Penelope, declared with her hands on her hips, like I'd never heard her speak before.
I tapped Peter on the shoulder to get his attention again. “I guess all the other girls here are all a bunch of babies, and not fearless like me to be naked.” I put my hands on my hips and twisted my torso back and forth for him. I was pleased to see him talking a few long looks up and down my exposed body, before smiling at me again. “Don't worry, Peter, you can look at my naked body any time you want to.” I encouraged him, loving how he couldn't keep his eyes off of my naked breasts for long.
“Are you serious about that, Julie?” He asked, and I nodded at him. “Then could I get a picture of the two of us together, with you naked?”
“Huh?” My mouth fell open, as I wasn't expecting him to request that at all. “I mean, I…” I was left stammering again! Part of me wanted to do it, enjoying how much attention he was paying to me, but another part of me was worried about letting him have a totally naked picture of me! I might have been trying to act confident in front of him, but that didn't mean I wanted him showing others my naked pictures! I got enough of that from Luke already!
“What's the matter, Jezebel Julie? Don't you enjoy being naked for Peter any longer?” The third female classmate of mine, Irene, teased.
“I just mean, it is picture day, right, and you just said you don't mind showing yourself to me naked anytime I want. This way I could just look at your pictures, any time I want to see you naked.” Peter explained, but I could see he had a look of question on his face, like he was starting to doubt me.
“Oh, that's a wonderful idea, Jezebel Julie! How about Luke and I send Peter, and all of your friendly classmates here, your naked pictures from today, too!?” Katelyn said excitedly. “Then they can see what picture day is really all about!” She cackled with glee. Then she held her hand up to the side of her mouth, and spoke like she was telling Peter a secret. “Which is really all about Jezebel Julie being naked for our entertainment, but I think you get that already.” She made it sound like she was whispering, but everyone was able to hear every single word she said.
Peter grinned at me. “That alright with you, Jezebel Julie?”
“Well, ummm….” I twisted my sneaker back and forth bashfully. I really didn't want any of them to have naked pictures of me, but what could I say? “Um, I guess?...”
“Great! I'll get a picture of Julie with each of you, and then one with all four of you and the naked Jezebel together!” Katelyn said, moving Peter into position next to me, and quickly whipping out her phone! Before I could even blink, she had snapped a picture of the two of us together! “Luke, you have Peter's number? Text it to me!” She said, continuing to position all of my classmates with me. Pretty soon, she had photos of each of them with me, along with a group photo of all of us together! And in each of them I was totally, bare naked! At least in the final group shot, Peter placed his arm around my shoulder, and I couldn't help almost melting at his touch! I know it was a total accident, but his fingers even brushed up against my nipple when he went to move after the picture was taken! My nipple tingled like mad! Peter Michaels actually touched my nipple!!!
Soon, my cousin was punching in their numbers, and the buzzing and dinging of phones was making me feel sick to my stomach! I felt like I could trust Peter, but what were Penelope, Cynthia, and Irene going to do with the naked pictures of me?! They now held total blackmail material over me, and it got even worse as my wicked older cousin promised to send them my pictures from this year and last year as soon as she could!
Peter came over and lifted my chin softly with his hand, as I was starting down at my feet with worry. “Don't worry, I'll make sure these three only show your naked pictures to people that we trust.” He explained, letting his fingers trail down my chest and in between the tiny bit of cleavage that I had! He couldn't have touched me that way on purpose, could he have?
“Um, alright…” I sighed and tried to relax, though I still felt a little worried about it. He smiled his dreamy smile at me, and then shocked me when he pinched my nipple playfully, and further, tickled his fingertips on my closed outer pussy lips! “Peter!!” I jumped back, more out of shock than anything.
He chuckled at me, like he believed that he had done nothing wrong. “What's the matter, Jezebel? I know you've been dreaming about me touching you like that ever since you arrived here naked.”
The girls all giggled at me too. “Yeah, what's the matter, Jezebel? Aren't you going to let Peter enjoy your naked body, like the younger boys got to do back at your place earlier when they gave you a bath?”
“What?!” My eyes went wide, as I looked at my younger brother and his friends. “Who told them!? Did you tell them!?” I could feel the confidence draining from my body, as it became clear that my crush now knew that I was bathed earlier by a bunch of younger boys like a little kid!
“I told them.” Katelyn just cackled. “I told you I was going to get you back, Jezebel Julie, and I'm just getting started!”
“Back for what?” My older brother finally said something.
“Nothing!” Katelyn quickly replied.
“Back because I accidentally pulled her skirt down while momma was giving me a spanking earlier, and daddy saw her pussy, shaved and all!” I knew I probably shouldn't have said it quite like that, even before the words left my mouth, but I just couldn't help trying to get back at my wicked older cousin, a little! I was more focused on trying to embarrass her about her baring than worried about my own shame.
“Momma? Spanking!?” The girls all giggled at me, and I started blushing. I could see from the looks on their faces that they were really amused that I had gotten a spanking earlier, and that my plan had backfired. Even Peter was chuckling to himself at my expense!
All the while, I could see Katelyn was getting fuming mad with me for trying to embarrass her! “Oh, you're going to get it now, skank!” She started marching towards me, which had me shaking in my shoes! She was so much bigger than me! Meanwhile, everyone else was just watching, curious about what was going to happen between us!
My big brother stepped in front of her, thankfully. He put a hand on her shoulder to stop her from getting anywhere closer to me. “Katelyn!...” He warned.
“She's trying to humiliate me! I’m not a little skank like her! I'm 16 years old! I shouldn’t have to face such humiliation, especially from her! She pulled down my skirt, and panties I might add, on purpose! How do you pull down panties on accident, huh? She needs to be punished!”
“You've already done enough, Katelyn!” Josh fired back.
“Oh no! She needs to feel the humiliation I felt in front of Uncle Markus! She should have to masturbate her pussy in Peter's face, or let him play with it himself! And you should give her another spanking!”
“Katelyn, that's enough!”
“It is not! She should have to let her crush play with her pussy any time he wants!”
I gasped loudly, as my evil older cousin let my secret out to the world, and right in front of Peter too!!
“You have a crush on me?” Peter looked me in the eye, and raised his eyebrows. Then his eyes swept over my naked body once again.
I made a big gulp at him. “Ummm, yes…” I admitted, feeling my heart racing and my head go light. Would he…? Could he…? I had to know! “Peter, do you think?... Does that mean?... Would you like to?...” I asked, hoping with all the hope in my heart.
Suddenly, Peter burst into laughter at me! “What makes you think I'd ever want to be with such a Jezebel like you, Julie?” He kept laughing, while my heart broke into a million pieces! “You're a little skank that likes to be naked and play with your pussy in public! Like hell, I'd ever be with a girl like you! Plus, everyone in class is going to see you naked when the girls share your pictures with everyone, and I'd never have a girlfriend that everyone has seen naked. Now Penelope and Cynthia are more my type. They only show me their pussies in private.”
“Peter!” Penelope complained, but I was already having trouble holding back my tears.
The last thing I was able to see was him wrapping an arm around Penelope's shoulder, and leading the girls away, before my tears clouded my vision completely. “Come on, girls.” He said. “We'll be seeing you around, Jezebel Julie! Hopefully you'll be naked again next time too!” He called, while I just sobbed.
Eventually someone put a comforting hand on my shoulder, and I collapsed into his chest, hysterically crying. It was my big brother, and he held me in his arms with a tight embrace. “There, there, Jules… I’m sorry…”
“Oh, stop your blubbering! It’s not like you ever stood a chance with him anyway!” That could only be one person! Who would say something so incredibly insensitive at a moment like this?!
Katelyn, that bitch, had just broken the last straw! “Blubbering!!!” I turned to shout at her, snapped out of my anguish. I was seeing red!! I’d had all I could take of her today, and then some!! “None of this would have happened if it wasn’t for you!!” I marched right up to her, glared at her dead in the eye, grabbed her skirt and panties firmly, and yanked them as hard as I could down to her ankles! Katelyn was now as bare as me from the waist down!!
Katelyn’s eyes went wide, and her face turned red, but instead of turning red because she was embarrassed like I was expecting, she was turning red with anger at me! “Oh, now I’m going to give you something to blubber about!!” Instead of backing down, she seemed to double down! Suddenly, she grabbed my wrist, twisted me around so that she could catch my torso underneath one of her arms and bend me over, and started raining down smack after smack on my already sore, bare bottom!!!
“Owe! Katelyn, stop! Ow! I’m sorry!!!” I was already mortified by the events that had led me to this moment, but this was the topper! This was the most shameful thing to happen to me this year! I was being spanked by my older cousin in public and begging her to stop like a petulant child! I know now that it is impossible to die of embarrassment, because if it were possible, it would have happened right here! To have Katelyn, of all people, spanking me, was the most humiliating thing I could ever think of, because I know she will never let me forget it!
I was surprised, then, that the blows to my bare behind suddenly stopped. At least until I looked back and found that Josh had caught Katelyn’s spanking hand by the wrist. “That’s enough, Katelyn! You don’t have permission to spank my little sister!”
“Let me go!” Katelyn tried to struggle her hand free for a moment, but found, much like me, that it was pointless to try. She let out an annoyed groan at him, “Fine! Whatever!” and then pushed me towards him with an air of defiance.
As I stood up straight in Josh’s arms, the other boys all gathered around, giving Katelyn death glares for what she had just done to me. “That was mean, Katelyn, even for you!” Even Luke was standing up for me!
“Julie, we all think you’re really pretty and awesome for being naked. Don’t listen to what that boy said. He’s an idiot!” Dewey turned to me, along with Simon and my younger brother, Toby, all trying to help me get over what Peter had said to me.
“Thanks guys.” I smiled at them. “I think I’m over him now. Peter Michaels turned out to be a real jerk!” I was not over him, but I did get over him eventually. The teenage heart is much more resilient than most realize.
“I don’t see why you’re all taking her side! I mean, do you see the way she's been trying to disrespect me all day!?” Katelyn complained, since everyone was back to paying me the most attention.
“Yeah, I can certainly see something…” Big brother smirked at her. “Shaved bare is really a good look for you, Katelyn. I mean, unless, you haven’t started growing any hair down there yet?”
The boys all started chuckling at her, as they turned to stare at her too. She was just standing there, looking incredulous at all of us, with her hands on her hips, apparently oblivious to the fact that her skirt and panties were still down around her ankles! We all started laughing at her pretty hard! “What?... What!?” Josh pointed, and she finally looked down, discovering that her pussy was out, flapping in the breeze! She turned white as a ghost as soon as she discovered her exposure, clamped her hands over her pussy, and then spun around on the spot! Either she must not have been thinking, or she just didn’t realize what kind of show bending forward at the waist would give us, but that’s just what she did, as she reached down to pull her panties and skirt back up! Without even realizing it, she had opened her legs, and that meant that the boys and I all got an eyeful of Katelyn’s pussy and butthole from behind!!
“Hey, Katelyn! Cute butthole, but it’s not as cute as Julie’s!” Cousin Luke teased his big sister, and the boy’s laughter just about doubled! My laughter, on the other hand, was replaced by a great big blush, as I realized it had to have been Luke that had called me out about my holes while I was cumming! It was a weird feeling to know that my cousin found my butthole of all things cute!
If I was embarrassed by his words, Katelyn was even more humiliated. I could just see her face peeking in between her legs to look up at us, as she was bent at the waist trying to pull up her skirt, and her face was turning bright red! She seemed to be panicking about what we could see! She first reached both of her hands in between her legs to cover up her butthole, but then realized that we could still partially see her pussy! She then covered her pussy, but noticed that left her butthole on show!! She went back and forth a few times, before realizing that her best move was to just bare everything down there to us for a few moments while pulling up her skirt with both hands! It was really quite amusing!!!
After so much embarrassment today, both of us girls just wanted to get back to the safety of my house. So, Josh helped me to put the pads and the helmet back on, and helped me back onto my bike, and we rode home. The ride back didn’t seem to be quite as eventful as the ride there, or maybe I was just getting used to all the shocked faces when they saw what I was wearing, or lack thereof. Either way, we made it home without anything more exciting happening. Little did we know, but all the excitement was waiting for us back at home. Both for me, and my evil older cousin, Katelyn!
The boy of my dreams came closer, to offer me a hand to get back to my feet. Only, instead of being a dream, it was like a nightmare, since I was totally naked in front of him and the others, save for the shoes on my feet. Only thing was, this was real life! I was naked in front of my crush, and three of the most gossipy girls from my class! I'd never be able to live any of this down! Knowing that I had just gotten myself off in front of them was giving me humiliation like I'd never felt before! The only thing I could think of doing now, was getting home so that I could die of embarrassment, alone and in peace, where no one would ever find me again. “Well… um… I better get going…” I was surprised that I was able to stammer out even those short little words, as I felt totally ashamed to even exist at the moment.
“What do you mean? You can't leave now, skank! We just got here, and you promised everyone that you'd play a game of four square with them.” Always looking for a way to humiliate me more, my older cousin wasn't about to let me leave yet.
“Katelyn, stop calling me that!” I whined, as tears were stinging my eyes. It wasn't so much that she was calling me that herself, but I didn't want the others, most of all Peter, thinking of me as such a skank, even if I was, for touching myself so freely in front of them…
“Alright… I'll stop calling you a skank…” Katelyn smirked, amused that her words were hurting me so well. “... Jezebel Julie!” She exclaimed, and burst into laughter. “Jezebel Julie! How have I never thought of that one before!?” She kept laughing at me, while I just pouted and sulked.
“Your older cousin's right. You promised to play a round with us…” my classmate Penelope said, and then added, “Jezebel Julie!” Great, the name was already spreading!
“Please don't call me that…” I said in a soft voice, almost begging, feeling like I was on the verge of tears. The part that was bothering me the most, was to think that it was a perfect description of me, and my behavior just a few minutes ago. I really did feel like a Jezebel, a skank, and a slut, for what I had just done in front of them so publicly.
“Why not?” Another girl classmate of mine, Cynthia, teased. “I think it's cute!”
I was about to burst out crying, but then Peter spoke up. “I do too. Almost as cute as Julie looks without any clothes.” He gave me another warm, dreamy smile!
“You do?” I suddenly swooned again, moving my arms behind my back and puffing out my chest for him a little more. I saw him look at my exceptionally pointy pink nipples and perky boobs, and his smile grew even bigger. I was actually impressing him! “Well, if you think it's cute, then I guess it's alright if everyone calls me that…”
“Jezebel Julie. It really does roll off the tongue!” He grinned and winked at me, and my heart fluttered in my chest!
“It does!” I moved in front of him, and spread my legs too, while keeping my hands behind my back, just to be sure he could see my whole naked body. “So, do you want to play four square with me, Peter?” I even batted my eyelashes for him!
“Of course, I do. How often do you think I get a chance to play with a naked girl?” He chuckled. “Jezebel Julie.”
I giggled at him using my new nickname. “Probably not too often, but I bet you're enjoying the chance!” I lifted my heels up and down a few times rapidly, balancing on the balls of my feet, knowing that would make my little boobies shake for him. He couldn't keep his eyes off them while I did!
“Hey, Jezebel! Stop stealing all of Peter's attention!” Cynthia complained, folding her arms and staring at me like she wanted to do bad things to me. Then she pouted at Peter. I could tell all three of my girl classmates were getting annoyed by all the attention he was giving me instead of them, but I didn't care! Peter was going to become mine! I was sure of it! If I got nothing else out of being naked for picture day, getting Peter to like me would be worth it!
“If you girls want my attention, you could try getting naked like Jezebel Julie here.” Peter said to them with a wink and a chuckle. I started giggling like mad at what he said, but I could tell the three 13-year-old girls were outraged at the idea.
“I second that!” My cousin Luke added, and the other boys all started agreeing too! I was having a heck of a good time, watching as my girl classmates started squirming with fear at the idea of being naked in front of the boys like me!
“Oh, hell no! It'll be a cold day in hell before I get naked like Jezebel here!” The redhead, Penelope, declared with her hands on her hips, like I'd never heard her speak before.
I tapped Peter on the shoulder to get his attention again. “I guess all the other girls here are all a bunch of babies, and not fearless like me to be naked.” I put my hands on my hips and twisted my torso back and forth for him. I was pleased to see him talking a few long looks up and down my exposed body, before smiling at me again. “Don't worry, Peter, you can look at my naked body any time you want to.” I encouraged him, loving how he couldn't keep his eyes off of my naked breasts for long.
“Are you serious about that, Julie?” He asked, and I nodded at him. “Then could I get a picture of the two of us together, with you naked?”
“Huh?” My mouth fell open, as I wasn't expecting him to request that at all. “I mean, I…” I was left stammering again! Part of me wanted to do it, enjoying how much attention he was paying to me, but another part of me was worried about letting him have a totally naked picture of me! I might have been trying to act confident in front of him, but that didn't mean I wanted him showing others my naked pictures! I got enough of that from Luke already!
“What's the matter, Jezebel Julie? Don't you enjoy being naked for Peter any longer?” The third female classmate of mine, Irene, teased.
“I just mean, it is picture day, right, and you just said you don't mind showing yourself to me naked anytime I want. This way I could just look at your pictures, any time I want to see you naked.” Peter explained, but I could see he had a look of question on his face, like he was starting to doubt me.
“Oh, that's a wonderful idea, Jezebel Julie! How about Luke and I send Peter, and all of your friendly classmates here, your naked pictures from today, too!?” Katelyn said excitedly. “Then they can see what picture day is really all about!” She cackled with glee. Then she held her hand up to the side of her mouth, and spoke like she was telling Peter a secret. “Which is really all about Jezebel Julie being naked for our entertainment, but I think you get that already.” She made it sound like she was whispering, but everyone was able to hear every single word she said.
Peter grinned at me. “That alright with you, Jezebel Julie?”
“Well, ummm….” I twisted my sneaker back and forth bashfully. I really didn't want any of them to have naked pictures of me, but what could I say? “Um, I guess?...”
“Great! I'll get a picture of Julie with each of you, and then one with all four of you and the naked Jezebel together!” Katelyn said, moving Peter into position next to me, and quickly whipping out her phone! Before I could even blink, she had snapped a picture of the two of us together! “Luke, you have Peter's number? Text it to me!” She said, continuing to position all of my classmates with me. Pretty soon, she had photos of each of them with me, along with a group photo of all of us together! And in each of them I was totally, bare naked! At least in the final group shot, Peter placed his arm around my shoulder, and I couldn't help almost melting at his touch! I know it was a total accident, but his fingers even brushed up against my nipple when he went to move after the picture was taken! My nipple tingled like mad! Peter Michaels actually touched my nipple!!!
Soon, my cousin was punching in their numbers, and the buzzing and dinging of phones was making me feel sick to my stomach! I felt like I could trust Peter, but what were Penelope, Cynthia, and Irene going to do with the naked pictures of me?! They now held total blackmail material over me, and it got even worse as my wicked older cousin promised to send them my pictures from this year and last year as soon as she could!
Peter came over and lifted my chin softly with his hand, as I was starting down at my feet with worry. “Don't worry, I'll make sure these three only show your naked pictures to people that we trust.” He explained, letting his fingers trail down my chest and in between the tiny bit of cleavage that I had! He couldn't have touched me that way on purpose, could he have?
“Um, alright…” I sighed and tried to relax, though I still felt a little worried about it. He smiled his dreamy smile at me, and then shocked me when he pinched my nipple playfully, and further, tickled his fingertips on my closed outer pussy lips! “Peter!!” I jumped back, more out of shock than anything.
He chuckled at me, like he believed that he had done nothing wrong. “What's the matter, Jezebel? I know you've been dreaming about me touching you like that ever since you arrived here naked.”
The girls all giggled at me too. “Yeah, what's the matter, Jezebel? Aren't you going to let Peter enjoy your naked body, like the younger boys got to do back at your place earlier when they gave you a bath?”
“What?!” My eyes went wide, as I looked at my younger brother and his friends. “Who told them!? Did you tell them!?” I could feel the confidence draining from my body, as it became clear that my crush now knew that I was bathed earlier by a bunch of younger boys like a little kid!
“I told them.” Katelyn just cackled. “I told you I was going to get you back, Jezebel Julie, and I'm just getting started!”
“Back for what?” My older brother finally said something.
“Nothing!” Katelyn quickly replied.
“Back because I accidentally pulled her skirt down while momma was giving me a spanking earlier, and daddy saw her pussy, shaved and all!” I knew I probably shouldn't have said it quite like that, even before the words left my mouth, but I just couldn't help trying to get back at my wicked older cousin, a little! I was more focused on trying to embarrass her about her baring than worried about my own shame.
“Momma? Spanking!?” The girls all giggled at me, and I started blushing. I could see from the looks on their faces that they were really amused that I had gotten a spanking earlier, and that my plan had backfired. Even Peter was chuckling to himself at my expense!
All the while, I could see Katelyn was getting fuming mad with me for trying to embarrass her! “Oh, you're going to get it now, skank!” She started marching towards me, which had me shaking in my shoes! She was so much bigger than me! Meanwhile, everyone else was just watching, curious about what was going to happen between us!
My big brother stepped in front of her, thankfully. He put a hand on her shoulder to stop her from getting anywhere closer to me. “Katelyn!...” He warned.
“She's trying to humiliate me! I’m not a little skank like her! I'm 16 years old! I shouldn’t have to face such humiliation, especially from her! She pulled down my skirt, and panties I might add, on purpose! How do you pull down panties on accident, huh? She needs to be punished!”
“You've already done enough, Katelyn!” Josh fired back.
“Oh no! She needs to feel the humiliation I felt in front of Uncle Markus! She should have to masturbate her pussy in Peter's face, or let him play with it himself! And you should give her another spanking!”
“Katelyn, that's enough!”
“It is not! She should have to let her crush play with her pussy any time he wants!”
I gasped loudly, as my evil older cousin let my secret out to the world, and right in front of Peter too!!
“You have a crush on me?” Peter looked me in the eye, and raised his eyebrows. Then his eyes swept over my naked body once again.
I made a big gulp at him. “Ummm, yes…” I admitted, feeling my heart racing and my head go light. Would he…? Could he…? I had to know! “Peter, do you think?... Does that mean?... Would you like to?...” I asked, hoping with all the hope in my heart.
Suddenly, Peter burst into laughter at me! “What makes you think I'd ever want to be with such a Jezebel like you, Julie?” He kept laughing, while my heart broke into a million pieces! “You're a little skank that likes to be naked and play with your pussy in public! Like hell, I'd ever be with a girl like you! Plus, everyone in class is going to see you naked when the girls share your pictures with everyone, and I'd never have a girlfriend that everyone has seen naked. Now Penelope and Cynthia are more my type. They only show me their pussies in private.”
“Peter!” Penelope complained, but I was already having trouble holding back my tears.
The last thing I was able to see was him wrapping an arm around Penelope's shoulder, and leading the girls away, before my tears clouded my vision completely. “Come on, girls.” He said. “We'll be seeing you around, Jezebel Julie! Hopefully you'll be naked again next time too!” He called, while I just sobbed.
Eventually someone put a comforting hand on my shoulder, and I collapsed into his chest, hysterically crying. It was my big brother, and he held me in his arms with a tight embrace. “There, there, Jules… I’m sorry…”
“Oh, stop your blubbering! It’s not like you ever stood a chance with him anyway!” That could only be one person! Who would say something so incredibly insensitive at a moment like this?!
Katelyn, that bitch, had just broken the last straw! “Blubbering!!!” I turned to shout at her, snapped out of my anguish. I was seeing red!! I’d had all I could take of her today, and then some!! “None of this would have happened if it wasn’t for you!!” I marched right up to her, glared at her dead in the eye, grabbed her skirt and panties firmly, and yanked them as hard as I could down to her ankles! Katelyn was now as bare as me from the waist down!!
Katelyn’s eyes went wide, and her face turned red, but instead of turning red because she was embarrassed like I was expecting, she was turning red with anger at me! “Oh, now I’m going to give you something to blubber about!!” Instead of backing down, she seemed to double down! Suddenly, she grabbed my wrist, twisted me around so that she could catch my torso underneath one of her arms and bend me over, and started raining down smack after smack on my already sore, bare bottom!!!
“Owe! Katelyn, stop! Ow! I’m sorry!!!” I was already mortified by the events that had led me to this moment, but this was the topper! This was the most shameful thing to happen to me this year! I was being spanked by my older cousin in public and begging her to stop like a petulant child! I know now that it is impossible to die of embarrassment, because if it were possible, it would have happened right here! To have Katelyn, of all people, spanking me, was the most humiliating thing I could ever think of, because I know she will never let me forget it!
I was surprised, then, that the blows to my bare behind suddenly stopped. At least until I looked back and found that Josh had caught Katelyn’s spanking hand by the wrist. “That’s enough, Katelyn! You don’t have permission to spank my little sister!”
“Let me go!” Katelyn tried to struggle her hand free for a moment, but found, much like me, that it was pointless to try. She let out an annoyed groan at him, “Fine! Whatever!” and then pushed me towards him with an air of defiance.
As I stood up straight in Josh’s arms, the other boys all gathered around, giving Katelyn death glares for what she had just done to me. “That was mean, Katelyn, even for you!” Even Luke was standing up for me!
“Julie, we all think you’re really pretty and awesome for being naked. Don’t listen to what that boy said. He’s an idiot!” Dewey turned to me, along with Simon and my younger brother, Toby, all trying to help me get over what Peter had said to me.
“Thanks guys.” I smiled at them. “I think I’m over him now. Peter Michaels turned out to be a real jerk!” I was not over him, but I did get over him eventually. The teenage heart is much more resilient than most realize.
“I don’t see why you’re all taking her side! I mean, do you see the way she's been trying to disrespect me all day!?” Katelyn complained, since everyone was back to paying me the most attention.
“Yeah, I can certainly see something…” Big brother smirked at her. “Shaved bare is really a good look for you, Katelyn. I mean, unless, you haven’t started growing any hair down there yet?”
The boys all started chuckling at her, as they turned to stare at her too. She was just standing there, looking incredulous at all of us, with her hands on her hips, apparently oblivious to the fact that her skirt and panties were still down around her ankles! We all started laughing at her pretty hard! “What?... What!?” Josh pointed, and she finally looked down, discovering that her pussy was out, flapping in the breeze! She turned white as a ghost as soon as she discovered her exposure, clamped her hands over her pussy, and then spun around on the spot! Either she must not have been thinking, or she just didn’t realize what kind of show bending forward at the waist would give us, but that’s just what she did, as she reached down to pull her panties and skirt back up! Without even realizing it, she had opened her legs, and that meant that the boys and I all got an eyeful of Katelyn’s pussy and butthole from behind!!
“Hey, Katelyn! Cute butthole, but it’s not as cute as Julie’s!” Cousin Luke teased his big sister, and the boy’s laughter just about doubled! My laughter, on the other hand, was replaced by a great big blush, as I realized it had to have been Luke that had called me out about my holes while I was cumming! It was a weird feeling to know that my cousin found my butthole of all things cute!
If I was embarrassed by his words, Katelyn was even more humiliated. I could just see her face peeking in between her legs to look up at us, as she was bent at the waist trying to pull up her skirt, and her face was turning bright red! She seemed to be panicking about what we could see! She first reached both of her hands in between her legs to cover up her butthole, but then realized that we could still partially see her pussy! She then covered her pussy, but noticed that left her butthole on show!! She went back and forth a few times, before realizing that her best move was to just bare everything down there to us for a few moments while pulling up her skirt with both hands! It was really quite amusing!!!
After so much embarrassment today, both of us girls just wanted to get back to the safety of my house. So, Josh helped me to put the pads and the helmet back on, and helped me back onto my bike, and we rode home. The ride back didn’t seem to be quite as eventful as the ride there, or maybe I was just getting used to all the shocked faces when they saw what I was wearing, or lack thereof. Either way, we made it home without anything more exciting happening. Little did we know, but all the excitement was waiting for us back at home. Both for me, and my evil older cousin, Katelyn!
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