Touring the Chocolate Factory_New May 18

Stories about boys ending up in compromising situations, preferably naked and embarrassed, as the name suggests.
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Touring the Chocolate Factory_New May 18

Post by TeenFan »

Author's Note:
This story is the ENM focused parts of the larger story "The Chocolate Factory Fiasco", which is more focused on the female characters that
win the Golden Tickets. This other story is already well in progress and can be seen at:


Touring the Chocolate Factory
Chapter 1. Mike Teevee Takes a Bath.

Mike Teevee is not the most well behaved kid, far from it. Except when he's focused on one of his favorite programs on television one can't get
him to shut up. He's always yap yap yapping like a poodle provoked by a marauding squirrel digging in the front yard. Most of the time Mike
is telling his mom, or anybody who will listen, what he just saw on tv.

It's 1971, and most houses in London only have the one telly, usually sitting in the living room. The Teevee household has a tv in the living room
of course, as well as one in the kitchen, and even a small one sitting on a corner stand in the bathroom. Even though Mike is twelve years old
his mother often has to bath him. You see, if Mrs. Teevee got her son plopped down into the tub and then came back a half hour later, Mike
would just be sitting and soaking in the water with not an inch of his body scrubbed. That boy will sit there for hours staring at the screen,
even as his butt gets all wrinkly like a prune.

Mike's favorite type of show is the American Western, both movies and tv shows like Gunsmoke and Rawhide. But the best of the best is when
the cowboys do battle with the American Indians, especially the Comanches or the Sioux. Mike fantasizes about being a cowboy, dresses like
one, carries two silver six guns on him at all times, a holster at each hip. Even when taking a bath Mike won't leave his trusy pistols behind.
Even when taking a bath, even when being bathed by his mother, Mike will stand up in the tub during the exciting action of fierce battles.
Mike will point both pistols toward the tv set, blasting away at them blasted Injuns, hardly noticing his nakedness. A few times he was so excited
by the ferocious fighting on the tv screen Mike didn't realize his little pistol had gotten erected and was pointing at his mum's face!

"I'm gonna find a way to get your attention someday," Mrs. Teevee told her son. "You are getting to old for me to be giving you a bath every
night and making your dinner just so you can watch tv all day and all night. Something's gotta change young man."

Things changed a lot in 1971, starting with the announcement on tv that the famous Willy Wonka is putting Golden Tickets in his Wonka Bars.
The finder of a Golden Ticket...and there are only five of them out there...will entitle the finder and one other person to join a tour of the
fabulous factory.

The kids went crazy, buying up all the candy bars they could afford. Some kids took to theft, stealing bars off the shelf and sneaking out of the
stores with them. Mike became a bandit, a big city version of a highway robber.

Mike watched the front of The Candy Corner, a small confectionary located on a street corner. He ignored the large groups of boys going in and
out. He waited and waited and when a young girl, probably the same age as he is, came out of the shop alone with a Wonka Bar in her hands,
Mike followed the girl. As soon as she rounded the corner, was walking down a less trafficked side street, Mike went into action.

First he put his bandana over his mouth and nose, just like they do it in the movies. He yells for the girl to stop and turn around. Mike walks
up to the scared and shaking girl, a pistol drawn, the hammer cocked.

"Give me your knickers or your Wonka Bar," Mike shouts at the girl.

The girl has on the typical skirt with a blouse and a sweater. The girl is definitely frightened. Who wouldn't be when a crazed kid shows up
with a pistol drawn.

"Come on, hand it over," the overanxious bandit says, waving his free hand about, as he takes a look around to make sure nobody is coming.

To Mike's surprise the girl, holding one hand up high holding onto the candy bar, bends lower to reach under her skirt. The girl removed her
panties, held them out to Mike. Wow...given the choice the brave girl would rather go home minus her panties than go home without the
Wonka Bar. Actually having little interest in having the girl's panties, wanting to merely use a variation of the cliche "Your money or your life",
Mike tossed the panties to the ground, then reached over to swipe the Wonka Bar from the girl's other hand.

A half hour later, while sitting on the front steps of his apartment building, Mike unwrapped the Wonka Bar to discover a Golden Ticket.
The next day Mike was interviewed on tv, which he barely participated in since his favorite western was showing and he would only answer questions during the commercial breaks, much to the annoyance of the tv reporter.

Several days passed and nightly Mike and his mum watched the evening news for news about the whereabouts of the other Golden
Tickets. When they had all been found a date was announced for the tour. The night before this once in a lifetime opportunity Mrs. Teevee
wanted her son to be thoroughly washed and ready for the next day. She had little time to spare since she too was going on the tour and she
needed more time to do her hair and get things ready. Knowing she could not give Mike the time and attention needed, Mrs. Teevee set up a
special arrangement to get Mike good and clean for his showdown with Willy Wonka. It was also an arrangement that would teach the lithe
little lad a lesson.
Last edited by TeenFan on Sat May 18, 2024 5:22 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Touring the Chocolate Factory

Post by Themarble »

Can't wait to read more about Mike and his erected pistol!!!
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Re: Touring the Chocolate Factory

Post by TeenFan »

Touring the Chocolate Factory
Chapter 2. Ambushed at Home

It's 6:00 the evening before the big tour of the Willy Wonka Chocolate Factory, and Mike is dressed for his bath. Unlike the typical boy who
gets ready for a bath by taking everything off, Mike first takes everything off and then he gets partially dressed. First he puts on his favorite
cowboy hat among those that are water resistant. Then Mike puts his double pistol holster belt around his waist and buckles it on, puts his
two silver six shooters in the holsters and he's ready...well, not quite ready. Mike runs around the apartment as if he's part of a posse of
hard nosed, tough skinned, rough and rowdy sheriff's deputies out on the trail in search of bandits.

Pistol in his right hand, Mike shouts out as he runs, "Bang bang bang. You're dead you varmint."

Whooping and hollering, the twelve year old cowboy runs from room to room. It's a scene his mother has seen a dozen times before, but this
time she has a surprise for her son. While Mike was at one end of the hallway by the bedrooms Mrs. Teevee opened the front door. When Mike
came storming back into the living room he suddenly slams on the foot brakes, nearly tumbling over. Mike stops and stares at something he's
never encountered in his home before, something probably no other boy in London has ever seen before either.

Three tall girls, each one dressed in an Indian Princess costume, stand by the front door. Each one has on a brown fake buckskin costume with
full length sleeves and a skirt, beads and feathered headbands completing the costumes. Mike isn't sure if these Indians are Cherokee or Mohawk
but they definitely are not Apaches. What he does recognize is it's Bonnie and Natalie, sisters who live on the floor below, along with Ankha, a
dark haired cutie from Turkey who lives on the floor above. All the girls are either fourteen or fifteen years old.

Coming across three hot denizens of the untamed wild wild west, three Indian teenage girls, is something any young and horny cowboy would
love to encounter. But not the naked twelve year old Mike Teevee. He looked at the girls like he'd just come across a raging war party of vicious
warriors turned crazy with White Man's firewater. Mike's mom is standing right there next to them. Did she just let them inside? His mom is
smiling. All the girls are smiling.

"What are they doing here?" Mike shouts out as he slams his hands over his exposed boyhood.

"I don't have time to mess with you tonight. I hired these three young Indian maidens to take care of all your needs tonight. They are going
to bathe you, fix your dinner, and put you to bed. I have to get myself ready tonight for the tour tomorrow. I'm going down to the hair salon
and get all this gray washed out of my hair. Then I'm going to pick out a nice dress to look good in. Not going to let Mr. Wonka see me in a housedress that's five years old."

Mike stands there unmoving, stunned by this development. The three girls move in unison, as if some remote control just turned them on and
set them into motion. Mike sees them coming closer and his fight or flight instinct kicks in, which is an instinct all good cowboys must have to
survive. Mike turns, and he runs into the hallway, heads for his bedroom. If he can get there in time he might find a place to hide. The three
Indian maidens run after Mike, giggling and whooping, and the sound of Mrs. Teevee's laughter can be heard all the way down the hallway.

Mike is ahead of the Indians, as he is much faster than they are, but he's quickly running out of running room, and there is another problem...
the bedroom door doesn't lock.
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Re: Touring the Chocolate Factory_New April 27

Post by Jeepman89 »

Loving this story! Mike is in for an interesting experience at the hands of these 3 squaws who will have a good time at his expense.
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Re: Touring the Chocolate Factory_New April 27

Post by Themarble »

A nice chase scene will ensue. I cannot wait to see what happens now. Hopefully we will hear more about his other pistol firing like we did in the end side of the story. Hopefully it's coaxed out of him by the girls!
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Re: Touring the Chocolate Factory_New April 27

Post by TeenFan »

Touring the Chocolate Factory
Chapter 3. Getting Mike to Shut Up

Mike hurries down the hall, the whoops and war chants echoing off the walls. The three Indian girls are right behind him. Mike thought a boy's
apartment was his own fort, a safe place from marauders, renegades and all types of warriors. He never suspected his most trustworthy
companion, his own mum, would turn traitor and let enemies into the fortress. How could she let girls in?!

Girls are sneaky creatures, full of mischief and deception. Well, his momma is a girl, a grown girl and she just tricked him and it's not even that proves all girls are rotten to the core. However, having an understanding of the devious nature of the fairer (yeah right my
ass...fairer) sex, doesn't help Mike get out of this unforeseen and most dangerous predicament.

Upon reaching his bedroom, and shutting the door behind him, Mike scans the room for a place of safety. He can run into the closet, but that
would be too obvious. That's the first place they'll look. Mike considered crawling under the bed, but that too is a place that will be checked
immediately. There just isn't any other place to hide.

Mike sees the dresser. Its got three drawers in it and each drawer isn't too loaded down with clothes and stuff. Most of Mike's shirts, western
shirts mostly, are hanging in the closet. If he moves quickly, he might be able to move the dresser in front of the door. Mike grabs hold of the
dresser and pushes with all his might. The dresser does move. Yes, he can get it to move...a few inches at a time with each shove. No sooner
had he shifted the dresser six inches, the length of a gunfighter's pistol barrel or the size of a pistoleer's penis, that the war party swooped in.
The door swings open and the three tall girls decked in buckskin, their faces painted with red and black stripes, complete their kidnapping raid by grabbing their prey.

If Mike's silver six shooters had been real it would have been a different story. Mike Teevee can draw a gun and blast away with the best of them,
even The Rifleman. Before Mike can draw and fire a shot he is grabbed and wrestled down to the ground. The holster belt is removed and his hands held behind his back, and Mike is a prisoner of war. Mike is lifted up to his feet, disarmed, disrobed, and disgusted.

"Who's the big tough guy now?" asks Bonnie, who is fifteen and is a member of the first volleyball team for girls in the city. At Five Foot Eight
inches she towers over the cowboy and his hat.

"Where are your britches, little cowboy?" asks Bonnie's younger sister Natalie, who is not as tall, but is stronger and stockier because she is
on the gymnastics team, much more verbose in her teasing. "Didn't your mum teach you some manners? Your weenie is showing. Riding a horse with no clothes on...isn't that rough on your balls? Put callouses on your ass cheeks?"

"His mom didn't tell us he'd be naked. What a surprise?" says the middle eastern girl from Turkey. Ankha is the youngest of the three girls,
recently turned fourteen, and she held back during the taking of the captive, mainly letting the bigger sister duo do the dirty work. Ankha is
not a physical marvel like the other girls, but being darker of skin tone with long straight black hair she looks the part of an Indian much
better. "You know...he really is cute in that hat," the naturally beautiful and normally demure girl says.

If there is anything Mike Teevee is good at doing, besides watching tv, is using his mouth. "You won't get me to cooperate. I'm not taking a bath.
And I'm not going to eat dinner with you either. I don't care what my mother said. She can get captured and turned into a Squaw for all I care.
You bitches can't make me behave. You are nothing but cannon fodder. Wait till the cavalry comes to rescue me."

The girls smirk and laugh at Mike's delusions of rescue as if he expects The Lone Ranger to come around the bend on Silver the white horse.

"Someday I'm gonna whip your asses till you are too sore to even ride side saddle," Mike adds to his reputation as a cantankerous cowpoke.

"You got a real dirty mouth," Bonnie says and she gets a wicked gleam in her eyes. Bonnie looks around the room, spots one of Mike's well-worn
dingy socks lying on the carpet. She picks the sock up and slips her hand into it like a sock puppet. "Turn the captive around. Face him
that way."

Ankha finally puts her hands on the prisoner, and she and Natalie get the prisoner facing away from the third Indian Princess.

"Now bend him over and hold him still," Princess Bonnie orders.

Mike gets bent over at the waist, and he must have been wondering what that is all about. Soon he has an idea for the purpose of the position,
as Bonnie sticks the sock covered fingers of her hand up Mike's butt crack. Natalie laughs out loud and Ankha gasps. Mike gasps too in a different
manner. Bonnie really digs her fingers into that crack, pressing in and sliding the sock up and down. Then the pressure is gone from Mike's

"Turn the Cowboy Mike my way again," Bonnie orders.

Mike gets turned around, Natalie holding one arm, Ankha the other. Bonnie strips off the sock from her hand, taking care not to touch the
toes section.

"I say again, you have a dirty mouth and I'm gonna prove it," Bonnie says. Holding the sock in her right hand, she uses her left to grab and
twist one of Mike's nipples.

Mike shouts out in surprise and pain. As he expresses his displeasure at the treatment of his poor exposed nipple Bonnie shoves the sock into
the cowboy's mouth.

"Hrrmmph" is all Mike can say, as the sock gets shoved in deeper and Bonnie releases the sore nipple to hold the dirty, smelling like ass crack
sock in place like a gag.
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Re: Touring the Chocolate Factory_New May 10

Post by TeenFan »

This short clip shows why Mike's mum is fed up with him, and shows just how annoying and bratty the kid is.
That mouth is loud, obnoxious, high pitched, and needs a good cleaning.
Other than that, he really is cute in that hat.

Will Mike be gagged the whole time? Nope, he needs to get himself into trouble a few more times by pissing off his captors.
You can imagine how I might reimagine the Wonka Vision scene in the second half of the movie.
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Re: Touring the Chocolate Factory_New May 10

Post by TeenFan »

Touring the Chocolate Factory
Chapter 4. Insults Galore

Standing just inside the bathroom door, a red faced Mike mumbles his protests. "Mmmmphhh Pharrrmmph". His three captors, the three lovely
Indian maidens named Bonnie, Natalie, and Ankha laugh at the little twelve year old wearing nothing but a gag and a cowboy hat. Natalie and
Ankha are still holding his arms since Mike continues to struggle.

"What's the matter Mikey. All your tv shows show the cowboys winning the battles. Ain't you ever heard of the Little Bighorn? Colonel Custer
got himself killed there." Natalie continues with her sarcastic rant against all folks cowboy, or military, or male. Perhaps she's been picked on
in the past and is now relishing the opportunity for a little payback

Bonnie tickles and teases Mike, her fingers poking the naked boy in the belly. "We'll call you Colonel Cockster, and you just lost the battle of the
Little Bigboy. For a little boy he has a surprisingly large caliber of pistol. What were those things called?"

The girls laugh and Mike makes extra harrumphing sounds through his gag. It seems obvious Mike wants to say something. Bonnie pulls the tape
off from Mikes mouth, pulls the gag out. She tosses the disgusting ass-wiped sock, now icky with saliva, into a corner.

Mike spits a couple times then in his usual loud and high-pitched voice he lobs a threat, "They used the Colt .45 and it has six rounds so I could
shoot each of you two time in each tit."

Bonnie gives Mike a warning, "I'm glad to find a cowboy who can count, but are you gonna play nice? I can shove that gag back in your mouth."

Mike shakes his head vigorously back and forth, obviously not wanting a repeat of tasting the combination of dirty sock with stinky ass.
It might be the first time he ever answered a question silently.

"The cowboy has a titty fetish. I bet he's never seen a real girl before," Natalie chides him.

Surprisingly, it's Ankha who comes up with an interesting observation, "He says his pistol can fire six times. I think he's too young for that."

"Yeah...I don't think our Colonel Cockster can shoot. I bet this whiner with the silly willy can't shoot at all," Natalie says, bending over to poke
Mike's balls.

"It doesn't stay little. It gets bigger when I - -", Mike breaks a hand free from Ankha's grip, places the hand over his mouth having realized he
just said a word or two too many.

Bonnie smiles at the captive, "Can you believe that? He's bragging about how much bigger he gets. What do you do to make it bigger? Huh little cowboy."

Mike keeps his mouth shut. Bonnie laughs and she turns toward the bathtub. She turns the hot and cold water nobs and the tub begins filling.

"Natalie, you get the water nice and warm. I'm gonna make sure our naked buddy here brushes his teeth. His breath smells like his ass."

Bonnie grabs Mike by the arm, drags him over to the sink. "Now brush your teeth good. I don't see how anyone can kiss that mouth of yours."
Bonnie looks at the toothbrush holder on the back corner of the sink. It has three brushes in it. She asks about the three brushes.

"My mom uses one for her lower teeth and a brush for the ones she has up top, when she pulls the false teeth out."

"So...your momma has dentures. I suppose she has fake boobs too and wears a wig," Natalie says, and all the girls cackle again, and Mike
turns red, wondering why the girls are making fun of his momma when they are getting paid by her.

Mad enough to make his head steam, Mike stays quiet as he brushes his teeth. After several minutes with that horrible sock gag Mike was happy
to brush his teeth, something his momma normally had to plead with him to do before going to bed. He brushes thoroughly as Bonnie monitors

Teeth brushing done, Mike looks longingly at the open door to the hallway. If he ran he could probably get out of the room, but since he has
no clothes on he can't skedaddle for the front door and run down the street. Bonnie places a hand on both shoulders, and she pushes him toward the tub. Natalie turns the water off.

"Time for the cowboy to get cleaned up. He sure looks dirty and smelly after that long cattle drive."

After sitting down in the warm water Mike reaches over to grab the soap from the soap dish.

"Put that soap down. Touching yourself is a bad habit. I'm not even going to let you soap yourself up. Natalie and Anka will help me scrub
you down. Just relax and enjoy it. We'll do a good job of getting every nook and cranny on your scraggly body. Nobody ever said the three
Indian maidens didn't do a thorough job when we put our minds...and our hands to it."

Mike cowers down into the water, probably wishing he could just slink down the drain and disappear, as the big girl reaches over him to grab
the soap off the dish.
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Re: Touring the Chocolate Factory_New May 15

Post by TeenFan »

Touring the Chocolate Factory
Chapter 5. Cleanest Gun in the West

"Ouch...ohhhh....not so hard. That hurts."

Rub a dub dub three Indian maidens wash one lone but not lonely cowboy in a tub. Cowboys, especially during the late summer cattle drives
in Texas and Oklahoma, often get very red necks from the burning sun. It's what gives them the nickname Rednecks. The first thing that turned
red on Mike Teevee was his face. But before long the cute little lad was red from front to back, from nose to toes, as the three babysitters
scrubbed every inch of Mike's tender white skin.

The three buckskin dress clad Indians, Bonnie and Natalie plus Anka, raided the bathroom cabinet to find several more washcloths. Each taking
a spot and going to work, they ignored Cowboy Mike's pleas for mercy.

"Such a dirty boy you are," Bonnie teases. "You must have been out here on the range for weeks without a bath. You have grime built up upon
gunk...especially here on your junk."

Bonnie wasn't washing Mike's genitalia, not yet, but she gave a foreshadowing of it as she holds and inspects the cowboy's main piece of
equipment. Natalie pauses her scrubbing on Mike's underarms to bend down and take a look for herself.

"That doesn't look like a Colt .45 to me. It's more like a snub nosed type of pistol, maybe a Derringer."

"Mike does what he can to defend his honor, "My dick does not look like a Derringer. Those things can't shoot for shit and have no aim. You can't
compare me to that."

"Well maybe if it has a longer barrel. Let's see how big this cowpoke gets," Bonnie says, and she grabs Mike's personal pistol and begins to
stroke it. "I thought so. A little squeezing here and some tickling there. It's starting to stick up."

For about a minute or two Mike squirms as Ankha does his back with a washcloth, but the other two Indians take turns keeping their hands on
the handgun.

"Wow, look at that. He's poking out like a fence post, sticking straight up. He could rob a bank with that thing," Natalie adds more creative commentary. "He just walks into the bank with a sack in one hand, his pistol in the other, and a big pointy thing sticking out his britches. 'Hand over the money or I'll blast ya', he tells the bank teller."

Even Mike laughs a little at that one. Normally he's the one making all the silly sarcastic jokes that make most adults cringe or roll their eyes.
This time he's not the only one with a gift for the gab.

"But when the posse catches him are they going to hang him by the neck or by the balls?" Bonnie asks.

Ankha stops scrubbing, and she looks around Mike's body to see the super hard and throbbing, nearly five inch hot branding iron like poker,
pointing upward toward Bonnie's face.

"They hanged boys by their balls?" the shocked young Turkish girl says with a gasp, followed by a giggle as Bonnie takes hold the dangling ballsack
to give it a squeeze.

Bonnie feels the balls with her thumb, rolls them back and forth, "There is a Clint Eastwood movie called "Hang Em High. But with little Mikey
here we'll hang em low...but only if he gives us any trouble."

Mike hardly said a peep since bathtime began, after his initial caterwauling and crying didn't do any good. After letting him soak in the tub
for no more than a minute, Mike was dragged up to his feet and he's been enduring a very thorough cleaning.

"I'm done with his back, but what about his butt?" Anka wants to know. "Do I use this same cloth? I'm not sure I want to touch him there."

Bonnie turns and she moves over to the sink. She opens the medicine cabinet above the sink, looks around and grabs the tube of toothpaste.
Next she grabs all three brushes that stick out of the toothbrush holder on the sink. Bringing these back to the tub, Bonnie has a new
plan of action.

Handing a toothbrush to each girl, Bonnie instructs, "I'm gonna get this cowboy's back end clean. You two, ahhhh, how about you two get
his nipples. I read that boy's nippies are just about as sensitive as ours. I want to see how he likes all this attention."

Bonnie puts some toothpaste on the brush, then she hands the tube over to Natalie. Both Natalie and Ankha gets some paste on a brush and
on the count of three all brushes go to work. Bonnie cleans the crack in the back, the bristles gliding up and down the canyon, sliding down
far enough to bump up against Mike's balls, then pulling up through the canyon again.

"Ooooh ooooh....aaaahhh aaahhh", and a shiver runs through Mike's body.

Meanwhile, back at the chest, Natalie and Ankha happily scrub their toothbrushes over Mike's nipples. There is no way to know which
sensation is causing the most quivering and vocalization. Suffice it to say, perhaps no cowboy in the history of wild wild west television has
ever endured such a torture. If the Indians were looking for information Mike would have spilled his guts. He's only feeling like he's going to
spill something else.

"Okay, enough of this. Time to change targets," Bonnie says and she comes back around to the front side. "I think there is room for all three
brushes on his hardon. Let's get this cowboy's gun cleaned so it's nice n shiny."

Mike Teevee is in a bad spot. It's not quite as bad and painful as being tied down naked over an ant hill, something the Apaches were known
to do to their captives, but this unique torture was most effective in getting results. Bonnie's brush focused all around the ridge of Mike
dickhead. She put an extra dose of toothpaste on before she started the scrub attack. Natalie used her brush to get the shaft, brushing the
several inches of throbbing dick up and down and tried to get the topside as well. Ankha got the balls with her brush. Before long the cowboy's
cock n balls is a mass of foamy toothpaste suds.

"I think something's happening," Mike says, and his body stiffens.

Bonnie tells the other girls to stop. Cupping her hands with water she rinses off most of the white suds. She then rinses her brush off completely
in the tub's water. Returning to the boner brushing she rubs the bristles up over the top of the glans. In a little circular motion the brushhead
rubs the sensitive dickhead. Mike is groaning, his face turning even redder. He's a redhead as well as a redneck now.

Mike's body trembles again and his well polished gun goes off. A small oozing of mostly clear gunk slips out of the pee slit, goes oozing down the
upright shaft, which is spasming up and down like a bucking bronko. This isn't a full-on orgasm with cumshot, but it certainly isn't a dry run. Technically it isn't a dud, but this shows Mike's pistol needs some maturing before it can fire real bullets.
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Re: Touring the Chocolate Factory_New May 18

Post by Jeepman89 »

Love this story!
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