Dare Me (new 7/29)
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Dare Me - Chapter 17 - Little Sister, Big Sister (Part 18)
After dipping into the tub for a little more lotion, I moved my hands back into position. But this time, I narrowed my focus. I made sure that, no matter where my hands roamed, I was always touching some part of her breasts. My fingers explored them from every angle. She stayed silent - too shy to admit what my talented hands were doing to her. But when I reached a certain spot on the outer edge of her right boob, an extra puff slipped into the steady patterns of breathing she had been trying to maintain.
Even though it had only been a subtle sniff, almost unnoticeable, it had not escaped my attuned senses. My experience suggested I might have found a spot on her breast that contained a higher concentration of nerve endings. Naturally, I wasn't about to move on without exploring that spot.
Have you ever seen someone make glasses of water sing? They don't have to press very hard. They simply have to move at precisely the right frequency to produce a feedback loop of vibrations that eventually get loud enough to be heard by humans.
That's kind of what I did on Hanna's breast, only my feedback loop was arousal, not sound waves. Pressing into her flesh a little more firmly with just the tip of my index finger, I made a slow, lazy circle right on the spot I suspected. She held out as long as she could, but eventually proved my theory when an involuntary, high-pitched sound formed in the back of her throat and snuck out between her formerly pursed lips.
Proud of myself for having successfully teased out her first true whimper of need, I took note of the sensitive spot on her breast and moved on. If her body was built anything like Lucy's, I shouldn't have any trouble locating others.
Sure enough, I found the next spot on the underside of her left boob. I didn't even have to do my circle trick this time. As soon as my fingertips touched her there, she rewarded me with another sexy whimper. Eagerly, I added that place to my pleasure map of her chest and kept searching. Gradually losing her battle with her bodily urges, she gave up being quiet and offered me mews of encouragement whenever my fingers found another bundle of joy.
Even after Lucy's apparently glowing endorsement, I doubt Hanna really expected a massage from a teenage boy would be so mind-blowingly erotic. Even I admit I had no business being this good at it. Just being in the presence of a topless girl, most boys my age would have turned into blubbering idiots. I should have been fumbling around her chest at a complete loss how to bring her pleasure. But instead, thanks to all the practice my sister had given me, I knew exactly what to do every step of the way.
Once I had catalogued all her buttons and nerve bundles, I proceeded to play her like a sexy little musical instrument. She resorted to meowing like a kitten, as I worked closer and closer to my ultimate goal. But when I sensed I had reached the outer edge of her areolas, I unexpectedly halted my progress and made my fingers come to a stop. This was the most sensitive area of a girl's chest, and by now I knew exactly what Hanna was anticipating. But if Hanna wanted me to keep going, she was going to have to work for it. This was always my favorite part.
I sat there, my cupped hands softly squeezing her small breasts, just to let her know my hands were still there, and waited for her to notice that I had stopped moving. When she did, she let out a pitiful whimper of complaint. But even her sexy, little audible encouragements were not enough to convince me to proceed. Within seconds…the squirming started.
When my fingers refused to stimulate her like she was hoping, she arched her back and thrust out her little chest adorably. Keeping my hands in place with a light grip, I could feel her nascent mammary glands shift beneath the springy layer of skin covering them. With the agility of a young cheerleader and the motivation of a horny, thirteen-year-old girl, she twisted and flexed her upper body in every direction as far as she could while still remaining seated.
But thanks to my sister, I had so much more practice at this game of teasing cat and horny mouse, and could easily counter every attempt she made to stimulate her nipples. With each failed effort, she grew increasingly agitated. Her whimpers morphed into grunts to express how badly she needed me to release the tingling pressure building up in her neglected nipples. I let her squirm and whimper, giving her hope by occasionally squeezing her breasts in encouragement, but never letting her aching nipples reach my fingers for the pressure they so desperately craved.
I found Hanna's writhing to be every bit as determined and forceful as Lucy's. In fact, the way she twisted and turned her upper torso with all her might caused her hips to rock back and forth even more than Lucy's usually did. When I sensed her bottom unintentionally rubbing the underside of my cock through my boxers, it took an incredible amount of both willpower and concentration on my part not to react or get distracted.
Hanna was too shy to communicate her needs in anything beyond embarrassed grunts and whimpers. She held her tongue much longer than Lucy ever had. But eventually all that fruitless squirming drove her to say something.
"Yes?" I answered with a hint of elation seeping into my voice. This was usually the part where Lucy would start complaining about my teasing game and insist I knock it off. You wouldn't believe how sexy it is to hear a topless, aroused girl break down and beg you to massage her aching nipples! I gave Hanna another playful squeeze around the meatiest part of her perfect orbs in anticipation of what I thought she was going to ask. But though she had the floor, she said nothing.
Through the palpable silence, I cradled her tender treasures, feeling her squirming slow as she tried to recompose herself. I could feel her heart continue to pound in her chest as her uncooperative body did not comply with her request to become completely still. But I couldn't figure out what had given her pause.
Waiting patiently while she subtly squirmed for a long minute, I gave it coin flip odds that she was having second thoughts. Was she about to chicken out and cancel the rest of the massage? She seemed to be having a good time. But maybe it was getting too good? I understood why she might want to stop now before she lost control and had an orgasm in front of a member of the opposite sex. It's kind of a long story, but unfortunately, I know what that experience is like firsthand! Trust me, it's scary and more than a little embarrassing.
I resolved to accept whatever she said next. Even if we stopped now, I could be happy with the memories of what she had already allowed me to do with her. When she did finally speak, it wasn't to back out. But neither did it make much sense to me.
"...so....um...my bottom is kinda sore."
Why had she brought that up? Yes, she had been squirming a lot during her massage. And while I had gently spanked her bare bottom several times the day before, I couldn't imagine those handful of uninspired swats spread out over the course of an entire day would cause any lasting soreness - nothing that would make it difficult to sit still the next morning. Still, I saw no harm in offering an apology.
"Yeah, um, sorry about that," I replied with genuine regret and a little confusion. Then, hoping there was still a chance I could influence her coin flip decision to my advantage, I added, "ready to keep going?"
When she did not answer right away, I started to get nervous. But that was nothing compared to the nerves I felt when she did answer.
"...actually, I was wondering if you....could...massage it too?"
Even though I felt my mouth go dry for some reason, I managed to gulp out an "olgkay". I immediately regretted it. Letting go of her chest, I leaned back a bit and looked down at her dainty bottom wrapped in pretty, white panties...and felt sick. What had I just done? I didn't know the first thing about butt massages! What the hell was I thinking?!
Knowing I could never match what I had done with her chest, my mind rushed to figure out how I was going to pull it off. The bar was impossibly high, and the logistics alone were leaving me stumped. With her seated between my legs, I wouldn't be able to give her a very effective massage - or even reach very much of her bottom. My harried, improvised plan was to spread a little lotion around the exposed edges of her rump, just outside her panty line, and hope I didn't come across as totally incompetent in the process. As I was reaching for the tub, she unexpectedly stood up.
"Your, uh, shorts....were a little scratchy," she said, her voice trembling like I had never heard before, "you could maybe, um, take them off...if you want."
I blinked in confusion a few times before, suddenly, it clicked. I must be the stupidest, most clueless boy who has ever lived! Asking for a bottom massage was just an excuse so she could take off her panties. And since that would leave her completely naked, she had also come up with an excuse for me to join her. That could only mean one thing.
Until that exact moment, it never once occurred to me that everything we were doing together was mere foreplay for something much bigger and more significant. I swear, I really did think she was just there for a nice, relaxing massage. Because her indecent proposal to get naked together had broken my brain, I didn't respond to her request. And because I wasn't saying anything, she stood up and turned around to see why.
She stood topless with her hands at her waist - poised and ready to lower her panties, but only if I signaled that I was willing to join her in undressing.
Instantly, my eyes locked onto her candy red nipples which I had only briefly glimpsed the day before, and everything else faded in importance. Her tender, young breasts had passed the pokey, sloping phase of development, and were rounding out nicely on her chest. Though not as big as Lucy's, they were a good fit for her smaller frame. While massaging them, I had found them plentiful enough to make excellent targets of my affection.
Squirming under my hungry gaze, she made a soft, anxious sound, and I realized I had been staring rudely at her naked chest instead of doing whatever it was she had asked of me. Then I remembered what she had asked! When the reality struck me that I was about to engage in real sex for the first time in my life, my heart tried to pump all the blood in my body in one gigantic, alarmingly heavy beat. Then it took a break for several in a row. When it did resume pumping, it was at least triple its former pace and somewhat irregular.
Feeling my cock surge to its full size in my boxers reminded me that I was supposed to take them off to signal to her my willingness and desire to proceed with this activity. As intimidated as I was to get naked in front of a pretty girl, another stab of fear also made me glance at my closed door and wonder, did Lucy know Hanna was in here?
I thought back to when Hanna had woken me up. She had barely spoken above a whisper and crept quietly into my room. She had also made sure to close my door after arriving but had done it softly.
All signs pointed to Hanna sneaking around without Lucy's knowledge or consent. After so adamantly insisting I stay away from her friends, Lucy would not be happy to find out what was happening just down the hall from her bedroom. Although it wasn't fair, I knew, if Lucy caught the two of us completely naked in my bed, even though Hanna had initiated everything, she would still blame it all on me.
That matter of Lucy's feelings did give me pause. But you're crazy if you think it was enough to stop me from proceeding. Ever since I was old enough to understand the concept of sex, I had been fantasizing about this moment. A beautiful, willing partner was literally within my grasp. Do you really think I would waste such an opportunity just to honor my little sister's unreasonable demands?
Swallowing a mixture of self-consciousness and giddiness, I reached for the elastic waistband of my boxers and rose slightly off my mattress to slide them off. Following my lead, Hanna's dainty fingers grabbed the delicate waistband of her panties and began to strip them off her mildly rounded hips. Bending toward me to push her last remaining scrap of fabric further down her legs put her in an unexpectedly sexy pose.
With her panties no longer needed, she slipped her feet through the holes - leaving them pooled and forgotten on the ground - and stood up. About the same time, my boxers hit the floor, and I sat.
She tried to look at my face but couldn't keep her eyes from darting down between my legs now that my privates were no longer hiding beneath my final piece of clothing. She and Lucy had poured over the male anatomy diagrams in their health textbooks, and I bet she had also studied Lucy's drawing of my solider boy standing fully erect and at attention - the drawing that, as far as I knew, still hung on the wall in the girl's locker room.
But there is a big difference between a sketch of something on a piece of paper, and seeing it in the flesh, bobbing and flexing in a potent display. What impression did her first, real-life penis make? Was she surprised, impressed, disappointed? Who cares! I was too busy studying her freshly revealed body to wonder what she thought of my horny, dancing cock.
She tensed her shoulders and turned her knees slightly inward. Though she seemed to want to, she did not back away from me or move to cover herself. Clasping her hands across her stomach, she let me appraise her. She had made herself vulnerable by removing her clothes and was anxious to learn whether I approved of her intimate gift or was repulsed by it. I'm sure my dumb, slack-jawed expression was not what she had been hoping to illicit.
Three distinct colors, red, white, and green, filled my impression of the trembling vision of youth and beauty on display before me.
I gazed in awe at her glowing nipples - two beautiful circles of red to join her ruby lips and shockingly shaded hair. The tiny bullets, bursting with arousal, tilted ever so slightly upward as if proud of how much depth and dimension they had managed to add to her little, rounded breasts. The alien green coating on the rest of her chest had turned pale and was already disappearing as the remnants of Dave's arousing lotion either got absorbed into her body or evaporated.
Her cheeks were flushed. I didn't know how to measure her arousal levels like I could so easily with Lucy. So, I could not say how much of her blush was due to arousal and how much was bashfulness about standing completely naked in front of a boy. She seemed to be feeling a healthy mixture of both.
Her wide, innocent eyes sparkled with green as she darted them back and forth between my throbbing manhood and my blank, hard to read expression. The way she bit her bottom lip with her gleaming white, front teeth peeking out added to her worried expression.
The rest of her flesh was covered in flawless, white porcelain. Her naked, angelic body glowed from the light shining in through the window. Unable to resist her exhibition, my eyes were drawn between her legs to the apex of her blossoming womanhood.
The lips of her porcelain pussy were naturally puckered, just like the ones on her mouth. It would appear she had kept up the routine after Lucy had taught her how to shave it at camp. Having never seen red pubic hair before, I would have savored the chance. But seeing the way her smooth, perfectly formed mound glittered with a telltale coating of moisture convinced me that I preferred her shaved. It was also good to see that Dave's lotion and my foreplay were having the desired effect on her little, inexperienced diamond factory.
While her athletic legs did have muscles, her young thighs were so taut and trim that the gap, which started just below her pussy, extended in an elongated triangle all the way down to her knees.
Taking one more look at my precious babydoll, I looked up to gaze adoringly into her big, green eyes and grinned. My unrestrained cock communicated affirmation in its own way. It pointed excitedly toward the ceiling, flexing wildly to the beat of my thumping heart.
Seeing my approval, a look of relief washed over her and her shoulders visibly relaxed. She matched my smile with a beaming one of her own, flashing all her teeth in the process and stretching her blushing cheeks to their limit.
As my desire for her surged, I rushed to make a spot for her to sit between my legs. But that's as far as I got. Reaching for the tub of lotion, I remembered that I didn't have any previous bottom massaging experience and didn't know how this was supposed to play out. How much lotion should I use? She said she was sore. Did that mean I was supposed to be extra gentle? What if I was too gentle and she didn't feel it? Where were my hands even supposed to go down there? Her former, seated position wouldn't provide much access to her bottom anyway.
Apparently, Hanna had already been thinking about the logistics of a bottom massage and had worked out her own creative solution to the problem of access. Having faced away from me for her breast massage, her solution was to simply turn around and face the other way to receive a bottom massage. I guess it makes sense if you think about it.
Completely flustered and in over my head, I was relieved when she took charge of the situation. With a mischievous smile on her face, she relieved my trembling hands of the tub of lotion, setting it on my bed but off to the side. Then, bending over, but without breaking eye contact, she placed a hand on each of my knees. While my hands had become intimately familiar with her breasts, this was the first time she had ever initiated contact with me. My eyes grew wider when her fingers and palms gently, but firmly drew my knees closer together.
Once they were close enough to touch each other, she stood up and climbed onto the bed...and into my lap! Placing her knees on either side of me, she scooted closer and closer. She didn't stop until her pussy, laid open like a butterfly, was pressed against the base of my cock. The rest of my shaft got sandwiched between our stomachs.
Then she took my hands in hers and guided them around her waist, placing them directly on her ass. My hands easily cradled her bottom, my fingers able to touch across the small expanse of her seat. Now in prime massaging position, she gazed up at me with those big, green, adoring eyes of hers, and made two slow, flirtatious blinks.
Even though it had only been a subtle sniff, almost unnoticeable, it had not escaped my attuned senses. My experience suggested I might have found a spot on her breast that contained a higher concentration of nerve endings. Naturally, I wasn't about to move on without exploring that spot.
Have you ever seen someone make glasses of water sing? They don't have to press very hard. They simply have to move at precisely the right frequency to produce a feedback loop of vibrations that eventually get loud enough to be heard by humans.
That's kind of what I did on Hanna's breast, only my feedback loop was arousal, not sound waves. Pressing into her flesh a little more firmly with just the tip of my index finger, I made a slow, lazy circle right on the spot I suspected. She held out as long as she could, but eventually proved my theory when an involuntary, high-pitched sound formed in the back of her throat and snuck out between her formerly pursed lips.
Proud of myself for having successfully teased out her first true whimper of need, I took note of the sensitive spot on her breast and moved on. If her body was built anything like Lucy's, I shouldn't have any trouble locating others.
Sure enough, I found the next spot on the underside of her left boob. I didn't even have to do my circle trick this time. As soon as my fingertips touched her there, she rewarded me with another sexy whimper. Eagerly, I added that place to my pleasure map of her chest and kept searching. Gradually losing her battle with her bodily urges, she gave up being quiet and offered me mews of encouragement whenever my fingers found another bundle of joy.
Even after Lucy's apparently glowing endorsement, I doubt Hanna really expected a massage from a teenage boy would be so mind-blowingly erotic. Even I admit I had no business being this good at it. Just being in the presence of a topless girl, most boys my age would have turned into blubbering idiots. I should have been fumbling around her chest at a complete loss how to bring her pleasure. But instead, thanks to all the practice my sister had given me, I knew exactly what to do every step of the way.
Once I had catalogued all her buttons and nerve bundles, I proceeded to play her like a sexy little musical instrument. She resorted to meowing like a kitten, as I worked closer and closer to my ultimate goal. But when I sensed I had reached the outer edge of her areolas, I unexpectedly halted my progress and made my fingers come to a stop. This was the most sensitive area of a girl's chest, and by now I knew exactly what Hanna was anticipating. But if Hanna wanted me to keep going, she was going to have to work for it. This was always my favorite part.
I sat there, my cupped hands softly squeezing her small breasts, just to let her know my hands were still there, and waited for her to notice that I had stopped moving. When she did, she let out a pitiful whimper of complaint. But even her sexy, little audible encouragements were not enough to convince me to proceed. Within seconds…the squirming started.
When my fingers refused to stimulate her like she was hoping, she arched her back and thrust out her little chest adorably. Keeping my hands in place with a light grip, I could feel her nascent mammary glands shift beneath the springy layer of skin covering them. With the agility of a young cheerleader and the motivation of a horny, thirteen-year-old girl, she twisted and flexed her upper body in every direction as far as she could while still remaining seated.
But thanks to my sister, I had so much more practice at this game of teasing cat and horny mouse, and could easily counter every attempt she made to stimulate her nipples. With each failed effort, she grew increasingly agitated. Her whimpers morphed into grunts to express how badly she needed me to release the tingling pressure building up in her neglected nipples. I let her squirm and whimper, giving her hope by occasionally squeezing her breasts in encouragement, but never letting her aching nipples reach my fingers for the pressure they so desperately craved.
I found Hanna's writhing to be every bit as determined and forceful as Lucy's. In fact, the way she twisted and turned her upper torso with all her might caused her hips to rock back and forth even more than Lucy's usually did. When I sensed her bottom unintentionally rubbing the underside of my cock through my boxers, it took an incredible amount of both willpower and concentration on my part not to react or get distracted.
Hanna was too shy to communicate her needs in anything beyond embarrassed grunts and whimpers. She held her tongue much longer than Lucy ever had. But eventually all that fruitless squirming drove her to say something.
"Yes?" I answered with a hint of elation seeping into my voice. This was usually the part where Lucy would start complaining about my teasing game and insist I knock it off. You wouldn't believe how sexy it is to hear a topless, aroused girl break down and beg you to massage her aching nipples! I gave Hanna another playful squeeze around the meatiest part of her perfect orbs in anticipation of what I thought she was going to ask. But though she had the floor, she said nothing.
Through the palpable silence, I cradled her tender treasures, feeling her squirming slow as she tried to recompose herself. I could feel her heart continue to pound in her chest as her uncooperative body did not comply with her request to become completely still. But I couldn't figure out what had given her pause.
Waiting patiently while she subtly squirmed for a long minute, I gave it coin flip odds that she was having second thoughts. Was she about to chicken out and cancel the rest of the massage? She seemed to be having a good time. But maybe it was getting too good? I understood why she might want to stop now before she lost control and had an orgasm in front of a member of the opposite sex. It's kind of a long story, but unfortunately, I know what that experience is like firsthand! Trust me, it's scary and more than a little embarrassing.
I resolved to accept whatever she said next. Even if we stopped now, I could be happy with the memories of what she had already allowed me to do with her. When she did finally speak, it wasn't to back out. But neither did it make much sense to me.
"...so....um...my bottom is kinda sore."
Why had she brought that up? Yes, she had been squirming a lot during her massage. And while I had gently spanked her bare bottom several times the day before, I couldn't imagine those handful of uninspired swats spread out over the course of an entire day would cause any lasting soreness - nothing that would make it difficult to sit still the next morning. Still, I saw no harm in offering an apology.
"Yeah, um, sorry about that," I replied with genuine regret and a little confusion. Then, hoping there was still a chance I could influence her coin flip decision to my advantage, I added, "ready to keep going?"
When she did not answer right away, I started to get nervous. But that was nothing compared to the nerves I felt when she did answer.
"...actually, I was wondering if you....could...massage it too?"
Even though I felt my mouth go dry for some reason, I managed to gulp out an "olgkay". I immediately regretted it. Letting go of her chest, I leaned back a bit and looked down at her dainty bottom wrapped in pretty, white panties...and felt sick. What had I just done? I didn't know the first thing about butt massages! What the hell was I thinking?!
Knowing I could never match what I had done with her chest, my mind rushed to figure out how I was going to pull it off. The bar was impossibly high, and the logistics alone were leaving me stumped. With her seated between my legs, I wouldn't be able to give her a very effective massage - or even reach very much of her bottom. My harried, improvised plan was to spread a little lotion around the exposed edges of her rump, just outside her panty line, and hope I didn't come across as totally incompetent in the process. As I was reaching for the tub, she unexpectedly stood up.
"Your, uh, shorts....were a little scratchy," she said, her voice trembling like I had never heard before, "you could maybe, um, take them off...if you want."
I blinked in confusion a few times before, suddenly, it clicked. I must be the stupidest, most clueless boy who has ever lived! Asking for a bottom massage was just an excuse so she could take off her panties. And since that would leave her completely naked, she had also come up with an excuse for me to join her. That could only mean one thing.
Until that exact moment, it never once occurred to me that everything we were doing together was mere foreplay for something much bigger and more significant. I swear, I really did think she was just there for a nice, relaxing massage. Because her indecent proposal to get naked together had broken my brain, I didn't respond to her request. And because I wasn't saying anything, she stood up and turned around to see why.
She stood topless with her hands at her waist - poised and ready to lower her panties, but only if I signaled that I was willing to join her in undressing.
Instantly, my eyes locked onto her candy red nipples which I had only briefly glimpsed the day before, and everything else faded in importance. Her tender, young breasts had passed the pokey, sloping phase of development, and were rounding out nicely on her chest. Though not as big as Lucy's, they were a good fit for her smaller frame. While massaging them, I had found them plentiful enough to make excellent targets of my affection.
Squirming under my hungry gaze, she made a soft, anxious sound, and I realized I had been staring rudely at her naked chest instead of doing whatever it was she had asked of me. Then I remembered what she had asked! When the reality struck me that I was about to engage in real sex for the first time in my life, my heart tried to pump all the blood in my body in one gigantic, alarmingly heavy beat. Then it took a break for several in a row. When it did resume pumping, it was at least triple its former pace and somewhat irregular.
Feeling my cock surge to its full size in my boxers reminded me that I was supposed to take them off to signal to her my willingness and desire to proceed with this activity. As intimidated as I was to get naked in front of a pretty girl, another stab of fear also made me glance at my closed door and wonder, did Lucy know Hanna was in here?
I thought back to when Hanna had woken me up. She had barely spoken above a whisper and crept quietly into my room. She had also made sure to close my door after arriving but had done it softly.
All signs pointed to Hanna sneaking around without Lucy's knowledge or consent. After so adamantly insisting I stay away from her friends, Lucy would not be happy to find out what was happening just down the hall from her bedroom. Although it wasn't fair, I knew, if Lucy caught the two of us completely naked in my bed, even though Hanna had initiated everything, she would still blame it all on me.
That matter of Lucy's feelings did give me pause. But you're crazy if you think it was enough to stop me from proceeding. Ever since I was old enough to understand the concept of sex, I had been fantasizing about this moment. A beautiful, willing partner was literally within my grasp. Do you really think I would waste such an opportunity just to honor my little sister's unreasonable demands?
Swallowing a mixture of self-consciousness and giddiness, I reached for the elastic waistband of my boxers and rose slightly off my mattress to slide them off. Following my lead, Hanna's dainty fingers grabbed the delicate waistband of her panties and began to strip them off her mildly rounded hips. Bending toward me to push her last remaining scrap of fabric further down her legs put her in an unexpectedly sexy pose.
With her panties no longer needed, she slipped her feet through the holes - leaving them pooled and forgotten on the ground - and stood up. About the same time, my boxers hit the floor, and I sat.
She tried to look at my face but couldn't keep her eyes from darting down between my legs now that my privates were no longer hiding beneath my final piece of clothing. She and Lucy had poured over the male anatomy diagrams in their health textbooks, and I bet she had also studied Lucy's drawing of my solider boy standing fully erect and at attention - the drawing that, as far as I knew, still hung on the wall in the girl's locker room.
But there is a big difference between a sketch of something on a piece of paper, and seeing it in the flesh, bobbing and flexing in a potent display. What impression did her first, real-life penis make? Was she surprised, impressed, disappointed? Who cares! I was too busy studying her freshly revealed body to wonder what she thought of my horny, dancing cock.
She tensed her shoulders and turned her knees slightly inward. Though she seemed to want to, she did not back away from me or move to cover herself. Clasping her hands across her stomach, she let me appraise her. She had made herself vulnerable by removing her clothes and was anxious to learn whether I approved of her intimate gift or was repulsed by it. I'm sure my dumb, slack-jawed expression was not what she had been hoping to illicit.
Three distinct colors, red, white, and green, filled my impression of the trembling vision of youth and beauty on display before me.
I gazed in awe at her glowing nipples - two beautiful circles of red to join her ruby lips and shockingly shaded hair. The tiny bullets, bursting with arousal, tilted ever so slightly upward as if proud of how much depth and dimension they had managed to add to her little, rounded breasts. The alien green coating on the rest of her chest had turned pale and was already disappearing as the remnants of Dave's arousing lotion either got absorbed into her body or evaporated.
Her cheeks were flushed. I didn't know how to measure her arousal levels like I could so easily with Lucy. So, I could not say how much of her blush was due to arousal and how much was bashfulness about standing completely naked in front of a boy. She seemed to be feeling a healthy mixture of both.
Her wide, innocent eyes sparkled with green as she darted them back and forth between my throbbing manhood and my blank, hard to read expression. The way she bit her bottom lip with her gleaming white, front teeth peeking out added to her worried expression.
The rest of her flesh was covered in flawless, white porcelain. Her naked, angelic body glowed from the light shining in through the window. Unable to resist her exhibition, my eyes were drawn between her legs to the apex of her blossoming womanhood.
The lips of her porcelain pussy were naturally puckered, just like the ones on her mouth. It would appear she had kept up the routine after Lucy had taught her how to shave it at camp. Having never seen red pubic hair before, I would have savored the chance. But seeing the way her smooth, perfectly formed mound glittered with a telltale coating of moisture convinced me that I preferred her shaved. It was also good to see that Dave's lotion and my foreplay were having the desired effect on her little, inexperienced diamond factory.
While her athletic legs did have muscles, her young thighs were so taut and trim that the gap, which started just below her pussy, extended in an elongated triangle all the way down to her knees.
Taking one more look at my precious babydoll, I looked up to gaze adoringly into her big, green eyes and grinned. My unrestrained cock communicated affirmation in its own way. It pointed excitedly toward the ceiling, flexing wildly to the beat of my thumping heart.
Seeing my approval, a look of relief washed over her and her shoulders visibly relaxed. She matched my smile with a beaming one of her own, flashing all her teeth in the process and stretching her blushing cheeks to their limit.
As my desire for her surged, I rushed to make a spot for her to sit between my legs. But that's as far as I got. Reaching for the tub of lotion, I remembered that I didn't have any previous bottom massaging experience and didn't know how this was supposed to play out. How much lotion should I use? She said she was sore. Did that mean I was supposed to be extra gentle? What if I was too gentle and she didn't feel it? Where were my hands even supposed to go down there? Her former, seated position wouldn't provide much access to her bottom anyway.
Apparently, Hanna had already been thinking about the logistics of a bottom massage and had worked out her own creative solution to the problem of access. Having faced away from me for her breast massage, her solution was to simply turn around and face the other way to receive a bottom massage. I guess it makes sense if you think about it.
Completely flustered and in over my head, I was relieved when she took charge of the situation. With a mischievous smile on her face, she relieved my trembling hands of the tub of lotion, setting it on my bed but off to the side. Then, bending over, but without breaking eye contact, she placed a hand on each of my knees. While my hands had become intimately familiar with her breasts, this was the first time she had ever initiated contact with me. My eyes grew wider when her fingers and palms gently, but firmly drew my knees closer together.
Once they were close enough to touch each other, she stood up and climbed onto the bed...and into my lap! Placing her knees on either side of me, she scooted closer and closer. She didn't stop until her pussy, laid open like a butterfly, was pressed against the base of my cock. The rest of my shaft got sandwiched between our stomachs.
Then she took my hands in hers and guided them around her waist, placing them directly on her ass. My hands easily cradled her bottom, my fingers able to touch across the small expanse of her seat. Now in prime massaging position, she gazed up at me with those big, green, adoring eyes of hers, and made two slow, flirtatious blinks.
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Re: Dare Me (new 4/25)
Oh my god, that prose is beautiful. Hanna is an incredible temptress, and very confident and assertive! Surely there's no way Mikey could resist such a beautiful and naked girl sitting on his lap?!
Lucy, I love you, but please stay asleep!
Lucy, I love you, but please stay asleep!
- perseus
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Re: Dare Me (new 4/25)
Mikey is out of his league.
Will he rise to the occasion?
Chapter 18 made my Thursday!
Will he rise to the occasion?
Chapter 18 made my Thursday!
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Re: Dare Me (new 4/25)
Wowza!! As was said that prose was fantastic! I was so immersed in the story I could almost feel her little titties in my hands.
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Re: Dare Me (new 4/25)
I hope Mikey finally gets what he wants without Lucy getting too upset!
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