Catwalk (Chapter 5 Posted 1-28-2025)

Stories about girls getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated by anyone or anything.
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Catwalk (Chapter 5 Posted 1-28-2025)

Post by edithdick »

The following story is entirely fictional. Before we begin, I want to emphasize that I know nothing about the Fashion Industry or modeling, so any similarity to the characters' experiences in this story and those of actual models or others in that industry are purely coincidental.
Just a quick note from the author.
This story has a particularly long introduction to character development. I realize that some of you dear readers prefer the narrative too (in the words of Monte Python) ‘get on with it’. For those of you who want to fast-track into the narrative, I’ve provided a summary of this first chapter below. My only ask is that if you decide to jump ahead, please click the thumbs-up button so I know how many of you prefer the shorter path. For those of you who want to take the long road, please do the same on this chapter.
Thanks: Edith.
Jump ahead here:

Chapter 1
Chapter 2 - viewtopic.php?p=24020#p24020
Chapter 3 - viewtopic.php?p=24052#p24052
Chapter 4 - viewtopic.php?p=24290#p24290
Chapter 5 - viewtopic.php?p=33047#p33047

The fashion industry churns out hot young models and uses them up like toilet paper, disposing of them once it’s done covering them in shit. But Cat wasn’t like those other hussies. She was the hottest model the industry had seen in decades. Her career would be long and glamorous; from New York to London to Milan. Cat was world famous.

The crowd cheered as she strode down the runway in an elegant floor-length gown by a Japanese designer hot on the fashion seen just this year. They said her wearing the dress would make the entire show profitable for the designer.

As she walked down the aisle, she could hear them chanting her name, “Cat, Cat, Cat.”

“Catherine! Are you awake?” Mrs. Binter said, slapping her hand on her desk.

Cat was jarred back to reality. Her teacher was staring at her. The rest of the class burst out laughing as they realized she was daydreaming again.

“Yes.” Cat answered.

“Yes, what?” Mrs. Binter asked.

“Yes, Mrs. Binter.” Cat responded.

With a sigh, “Yes you are awake or yes to the question?”

“Question?” Cat fumbled for information, but nothing came to her.

Suddenly, a snide priss of a prep student, Alisha Gunter, standing a couple of feet to Mrs. Binter’s right chimed in, “The senior class is putting on a fall fashion even for the entire school. We are looking for models.” Somehow her tone sounded more stuck up with each word.

In half a heartbeat, the question sunk in. “YES!” Cat shouted. “I’ll model.”

Alisa sniffed.

“Fine, fine, there is a permission slip on my desk. Bring it in tomorrow with your parent’s signature and you’ll be excused from your classes Thursday and Friday afternoon for rehearsal and the show.

Alisha left, gifting a rueful glare at Cat before she was out of sight. Cat didn’t care what that snob thought of her though. She had dreamed of becoming a model since she was 6. There were several tryouts available growing up, but her parents never had the time or money to take her. This time, they couldn’t refuse, since it cost nothing and it was happening at school.

Cat was correct, she got her mom to sign the slip without really doing much more than glance. Cat really sold her on the fact that it was a school activity and didn’t cost anything to participate.

The week drug on, but when Thursday came around she almost couldn’t contain herself waiting until after lunch. Finally, Cat followed a group of other juniors and seniors who had signed up to participate.

She knew the other girls, the school wasn’t that big. But when Cat entered, the one girl who took her attention was Alisha. “You’re serious? You are not model material. Maybe we’ll let you clean up the auditorium when the show is finished.”

“Fuck you, bitch. You don’t own this activity.” Cat said.

“No, but my uncle Renalt is the designer. Renalt Caisse! He’s the one lending us the dresses for the show.” Alisha said.

Cat was flabbergasted.

“Yes, Alisha. That is true. But he is lending them to the school, not to you specifically.” Mrs. Alexander said smoothly, stepping between them.”

“I just don’t think Uncle Danny will have anything that will fit this gawky tree.” Alisha said.

Cat was tall. Not, ‘tall for a girl’, she was 6’1” and bone thin. Models are supposed to be tall and thin, and she got both in ample measure.

“I’m quite certain we can make this work. Let’s begin.” Mrs. Alexander said and then to the room yelled, “Have a seat ladies.”

All of the girls took seats near the stage. “Okay Ladies, tomorrow evening we will be holding a reenactment of the Caisse Fashion Show that was performed a month ago in London. I am looking to select eleven models who can replicate the precise style of the models who did the original.”

Cat began mentally counting, there were easily over 30 girls sitting in the auditorium. This realization swept through the room which resulted in a soft sound of girls whispering to each other about the discrepancy.

“Don’t worry girls. You have all volunteered and will all take part in the fashion show. Those of you who can master one of the various walking styles will be our models. The rest of you will help with make-up, costumes, lighting, and music.” Mrs. Alexander said smoothly.

The whispering was silenced when she had finished speaking.

“Lights!” Mrs. Alexander said to someone in the rear of the room. She then walked over to the side of the stage as the lights went out and a large screen television that was on a mobile TV stand in the center of the stage.

The girls watched a promo video from the original fashion show. It was a video collage featuring each of the 11 models, plus a special appearance by famed Japanese performance artist Teisha. Teisha began as a runway model but eventually went on her own to perform in film and television. For the fact that she was able to convincingly emulate all of the top supermodels’ walks, turns, and poses, Cat had been enamored with the performer and had spent years practicing everything Teisha had ever done.

By the end of the video, all 30+ girls were cheering excitedly. “Glad you are all excited, ladies. Please come up on stage for some demonstrations.”

Cat raced to be first onto the stage. She was barely beaten by Alisha.

“You two seem eager.” Mrs. Alexander commented. “Alisha, I know you have modeling experience. Cat, have you ever modeled?”

“No, Mrs. Alexander.” Cat said sadly. “But I’ve been practicing!”

“Practicing? What for? The only runway you belong on belongs to the airport!” Alisha injected.

Laughter erupted.

“Alisha, stop it.” Mrs. Alexander chided. “Let’s see what you two can do.”

She then played the next video. It was a 30-second shot of model Heidi Jennings from 2023 NY Fashion Week. Cat immediately recognized the show and had even practiced this in her room at the time it originally aired.

After playing the video through twice, Mrs. Alexander asked. “Who thinks she can walk like that?”

Cat and half a dozen of the girls raised their hands. “Okay, Alisha. You can demonstrate it for us.”

Alisha calmly strode to the end of the stage, made a 90-degree turn, and then took three more steps, made a 270-degree turn in the other direction, and returned. Cat was disappointed, as Alisha did the stride and turns just perfectly.

“Whose next?” Mrs. Alisha asked.

Next was Connie Apollo. She simply walked to the end of the stage, turned left, walked three steps, turned around, and walked back. It was quite pathetic.

Two more girls, Shana Blake and Stephanie Shoe went without much better results. Finally, “Okay, let’s see your stuff, Cat.”

Cat had studied every move from every current model. She practiced them because she wanted to be able to perform them one day on stage. This was just a rehearsal, but for some reason, she was especially nervous. She suddenly realized that she had never modeled in front of anyone except for her parents, and that was when she was 6.

Taking a deep breath, Cat strode as naturally as ever. She made the first turn as gracefully as she ever had in practice. When she did the 270 turn, she even emulated Heidi’s trademark flourish before striding back. When she reached Mrs. Alexander back at the starting point, the other girls were actually cheering for her. All except for Alisha, who was openly glaring at her.

“I think we have some contenders!” Mrs. Alexander announced delighted.

For the next two hours, they went through sample videos from all eleven models from the London fashion show. Each time, Cat was able to demonstrate how well she had mastered the various walks, turns, poses, and strides. Everything from the high-stepping showgirl walk of Megan Thorn to the graceful glides of models like Aggie Burns and Charlot Grant, who would model floor-length gowns and walk in a way that made it look like they were floating across the floor. Cat mastered all of them. Even Alisha was only really proficient at 4 of the 11 examples.

By the end, Alisha had stopped glaring at Cat. She even cheered at some of the more difficult poses Cat was able to demonstrate. “You are amazing, Cat.” Mrs. Alexander said at one point. “Don’t you agree, Alisha?”

Taken aback, Alisha nodded. “She reminds me of Teisha!”

Mrs. Alexander looked appalled when Alisha said that, but after a moment she gave Cat a considering glance. “I don’t know if…”

“I’m just saying.” Alisha cut her off. “I’m not saying you should do that.”

Mrs. Alexander shook her head. “Okay ladies, I want each of you to think of the three models you think you know best. Line up, and I will call each one out.”

Mrs. Alexander walked to the far end of the stage and produced a video camera that had been just off stage. She turned it on and focused it toward where the girls were all standing. “Alisha, which three models will you model?”

Alisha named her best three.


With that, Alisha did her best performance of the day, walking the length of the stage, making specific turns, and returning. Three times, emulating the different models.

“Stephanie, your turn.”

Stephanie called out three names before giving her demonstration. All the way through the line, Mrs. Alexander called out the girls' names and they all gave their best performance. Cat decided to select the same names as Alisha, just to make it a head-to-head competition.

When they were done, Mrs. Alexander announced. “Okay ladies, I will study the video I took and make my decision by tomorrow. You are dismissed.”
Last edited by edithdick on Wed Jan 29, 2025 3:25 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Catwalk

Post by edithdick »

Summary Version of Chapter 1. If you already read the first chapter, feel free to skip this.

Cat, short for Catherine, is a 16-year-old High School girl with dreams of becoming a supermodel. She has spent her early life obsessing over fashion shows and teaching herself to walk, turn, and pose like every famous model she can find on the internet. Her only regret in life so far is that she has never been able to try out for any modeling gig.

Alisha is the niece of a famous designer who had recently made waves with a London Fashion Show. Alisha is a senior at the same high school as Cat. She manages to convince both her uncle and the drama teacher, Mrs. Alexander, to perform the same fashion show here at the high school as a Senior Project. The only problem is, that there are not enough seniors interested in the show, so they open it up to juniors as well.

Cat jumps at the chance and gets her parents to sign the permission slip for her to try out. At the Thursday tryouts, Cat discovers that her self-taught modeling skills are as good as any, even compared to Alisha, who has done some modeling for her uncle in the past. Mrs. Alexander filmed the tryouts and will announce which girls from the tryout will be models, and which will take the other roles used in the fashion show.
Last edited by edithdick on Tue Apr 23, 2024 11:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Catwalk

Post by edithdick »

Cat could hardly sleep that night. Her dream of finally modeling was about to come true, even if it was just for her stupid school, she would get to show off the skills she had been practicing for years. The next day was even more excruciating, as she had to sit through classes from morning to lunch.

When she finally walked into the Auditorium, Mrs. Alexander had set up a whiteboard with the names of the girls and their assignments. Cat skipped the list of make-up artists, costume assistants, and stage crew, jumping straight to the list of models.

Slowly she scanned for her name. A wave of disappointment rolled over her when she discovered her name was not listed. She read through the list two more times slowly, but it just name wasn’t there. By the time she had finished, tears were streaming down her face. Fully defeated, she started reading through the other assignments to see where she would be working for the show.

“Cat, I need to speak with you.” Mrs. Alexander said from the other end of the stage.

“Ya-ya-yes Ms. Ale..” was all she managed through her tears. She slowly walked across the stage feeling shame and disappointment like she had never felt before.

“What’s wrong?” Mrs. Alexander asked.

“Th-tha…” Cat pointed back toward the board.

“Oh, dear. I didn’t put your name there because I have a special assignment for you.” Mrs. Alexander said.

“Bu-ut I wanted to model.” Cat said, but then asked, “Special assignment?”

“Oh, you get to do more than that. I needed to get permission to add this to the show, but you will be performing Teisha's role from the London Fashion Show.” Mrs. Alexander said with a beaming smile.

“Teisha’s role? Me? Really!?!” Cat exclaimed. “She’s amazing!”

“Well, you were very impressive in your audition. Do you understand what I am asking you to do?” Mrs. Alexander asked.

“She does runway model performance art. I’ve seen a ton of her shows on YouTube.” Cat said excitedly.

“Did you see this year’s London performance?” Mrs. Alexander asked slowly.

“No.” Cat said. “But I know I can do it. I know all her moves!”

“You have the moves, it’s basically what you demonstrated yesterday. It’s just..” Mrs. Alexander began but was interrupted by Stephanie. “Mrs. Alexander. I don’t want to do the stage management. Can I do make-up instead?”

Three more girls came and complained about their assignments and Mrs. Alexander was quickly pulled away. Cat didn’t care. She was getting to play Teisha’s role. She was ecstatic.

All of the girls went back to their seats and Mrs. Alexander laid out what was going to be happening for the next few hours. Three more adults whom Cat didn’t know were on the stage with Mrs. Alexander.

“Ladies, these are Mr. Stevens, Ms. Jacobson and Mrs. Jenner. For those of you in stage management, you will follow Mr. Stevens. Costumes will go with Ms. Jacobson and Make-up will follow Mrs. Jenner. Models will stay here for rehearsal.” Mrs. Alexander announced.

With that, there was controlled chaos, as the various girls went with their assigned adults, except for Cat and the other models.

On stage, there was a yellow line that went from the stage-left entry to the front of the stage where the line became a box, then the line continued back to the stage-right. There was also a second red line that made an arch from the front left of the stage to the right side, and crossed the path of the yellow line twice. That was Cat’s line.

Today’s rehearsal went considerably smoother than yesterday’s tryouts. Each girl would spend the first hour practicing their walk, one by one, in the order they were to appear on stage, they would walk from the left, do their turns and poses in the box, and then exit on the right.

Cat’s job was to walk at a pace similar to the model back and forth across the stage, emulating the same walking style and turns that the model was making. When it was explained to her, she thought that it would be easy. She knew the styles better than the girls who were doing the modeling, except for maybe Alisha. But each girl walked at a slightly different pace. Cat had to remember to slow down and speed up based on the girl she was emulating. Half the time she couldn’t even see the girl, so she needed to commit each one to memory.

After several severe mess-ups. Mrs. Alexander finally had Cat walk alongside each girl several times until she got their pacing down. Once she had memorized it, they went on to the show’s finale, when all of the girls were on stage at the same time.

Mrs. Alexander tried to explain what Teisha had done during the finale of the event. “She does a mashup of all of the other styles, but in two and three step incriments.”

Cat tried doing it, but it never came out correctly. “Try again. No… that’s not right. Maybe this is a mistake.” Mrs. Alexander said.

“I can do it, I know I can.” Cat insisted. “Maybe if I watch the original, I can see what you are talking about.”

“You didn’t see the show?” Mrs. Alexander asked.

“No, I tried, but it wasn’t available.” Cat said, showing Mrs. Alexander her cellphone. “It says ‘Content blocked.’”

Mrs. Alexander nodded. “Here, watch it on my phone.”

“Excuse me ladies.” Came a the deep voice of the school’s principal, Mr. Shephard. Everyone looked to the entrance of the auditorium where he had entered. “I just wanted to let you know that tonight’s Fashion Show will be broadcast on the school website. Your parents will be receiving a link to the event in their email.”

There was a sudden giddiness that they would get to perform for a wider audience than just their classmates.

“Can we forward the link?” Alisha asked.

“I don’t see why not.” Mr. Shephard said. “Who do you have in mind?”

“Just other family is all.” Alisha said. Everyone knew she wanted to send it to her uncle.

Cat was getting excited as Mrs. Alexander finally handed over her phone. She pressed play at the same song, “Hot in Herre” by Nelly began to play. Strobe lights started playing and Teisha walked out on stage. Cat’s jaw hit the floor. Teisha was wearing a wide-brimmed hat, a gold necklace, and high heels. Nothing else. No wonder the content was blocked. Cat wondered what she would be wearing instead.

She watched the video from beginning to end and then replayed the finale four more times. Once she was certain that she understood how it was supposed to go, she handed the phone back.

Mrs. Alexander then brought all of the girls to the left side, just off-stage.

“Okay Cat, you’ll go on first. I’ll give you your cue.” Mrs. Alexander said. Then she shouted to someone in the stage crew, “Start.”

Suddenly, the music kicked in, and Mrs. Alexander tapped Cat on the shoulder to begin. Even in the dark room, occasionally lit by the strobe light, Cat had no trouble finding her line. She did just like the earlier practices. They ran through the entire show, and when it came to the finale, Cat got her steps perfectly.

“Great job, Cat!” I think we have this.

After rehearsal, they went into the cafeteria and were given pizza. None of the models ate anything, but the rest of the crew ate and they all sat around talking. “What do you think they are decorating for?” Cat asked, pointing out that some people were hanging up streamers and putting glitter boards up on the walls.

“There’s an after-party, of course.” Stephanie told her.

“You didn’t know?” Asked another senior named Tania.

“No she doesn’t know. She’s just a junior. This event isn’t even for her.” Alisha said.

“Oh right, you weren’t part of the planning committee. Well, after the show we are having a party.” Stephanie told her.

They had 10 minutes before they needed to get ready for the show. Cat stepped out to make a quick call on her cell.

“Hi Cathy, what’s up?” Said her mom.

“Hi, mom. I’m good. We’re going to be getting ready for the show in a few minutes.” Cat responded.

“I’m sorry that your dad and I can’t be there tonight.” Her mom told her. “You know his back has been acting up, and I really don’t like driving after dark.”

“I know, mom. It’s okay. I just wanted to let you know that after the show, the school is holding a party, so I’ll be a bit late.” Cat said.

“That’s okay, dear. Its Friday. Do you have homework this weekend?” She asked.

“Naw, they let us off because of the show. Did you get the link the school sent out?” Cat asked.

“Yea, I forwarded it to your grandma and your brother in college. I’m really proud of you, hon.” Her mom told her.

“Okay, mom. Gotta go.” Cat said before hanging up the phone. She then headed back to where the girls were already sitting down for their makeup and hair.

As she walked in, Mrs. Alexander took Cat aside and asked her, “Are you sure you want to do this? I mean, everyone you know will be watching this.”

Cat was shocked at the question. “It’s all I’ve ever wanted in my whole life.” She said. Cat thought she must be under a lot of pressure. She had heard that the event was being sponsored, and the proceeds were going to fund the drama department for an entire year. “Don’t worry, I won’t let you down.” Cat assured her.

Suddenly there was a shriek “Yiiiiiii!”

Mrs. Alexander and Cat went back to see what was the commotion.

Alisha was jumping up and down holding up her phone. “We’re gonna be of Fashion TV!” She screamed.

“What?” Asked Mrs. Alexander.

“I forwarded the link to my uncle Renault. He made some calls and now they have embedded out link into the Fashion TV webpage. Look, there’s even a banner!”

“That’s wonderful!” exclaimed Mrs. Alexander. All the girls were suddenly giddy. They were about to be famous!

Mrs. Alexander smacked her hands together to get everyone’s attention. Clap! Clap! Clap!

“Okay, ladies. Back to it. Cat, go with Analise. She will take care of your hair and makeup.” Mrs. Alexander said. “Costumes, go get everyone prepped.”

Analise was in the same grade as Cat. They weren’t exactly friends but were at least friendly. Cat followed her out of the main staging area where there was a make-up table set up. One of the seniors, Beth, followed them in and handed Cat a garment bag with her name on it. “Here. Put your cloths in the bag, when make-up is done with you, I will give you the rest of your outfit.”

Cat looked around. There was not a lot of privacy here. “Is there a changing room?” Cat asked.

“No, everyone just needs to get ready. Don’t worry, no boys allowed back here anyway.” Beth said.

Cat quickly stripped down to her bra and panties, feeling a bit embarrassed by being the only one in their underwear.

“I’ll need the rest before you go up.” Beth said.

Cat folded her shirt and jeans up neatly and placed them inside the garment bag. She noticed that the bag actually had the name and logo for Renault Caisse Fashion on it. This was really happening! She was so excited.

“Now?” She asked.

Beth nodded.

Reluctantly, Cat unhooked her bra and let it fall off of her shoulders. She slipped her panties off and placed them in the bag. “You’ll get these back after the show.” Beth told her and walked out of the make-up area.

“This is so exciting!” Analise exclaimed.

“I know! I always wanted to model.” Cat said softly, feeling a bit skittish at being naked in front of her classmate.

“Did you know Mrs. Jenner is a professional make-up artist?” Analise said. “She works the New York Fashion circuit and makes up real life models!”

Cat took a seat. That was awesome… She was about to have an actual make up artist work on her! Well, her understudy would do the work, but surely Mrs. Jenner would be the one to finalize the effects.

There was a printout of Teisha from the day of the London show. It gave Cat just a bit of comfort seeing another naked woman in the room with her. It was just a picture, but there was comfort just the same.

Analise was really amazing, Cat had no idea how talented she was with hair and make-up. After about 30 minutes, Mrs. Jenner came in to check on them. She looked at the photo of Teisha and then looked Cat up and down. She gave a loud *Sniff but finally gave an approving nod to Analise. “A bit more body glitter, it won’t work in the dark with such a small amount. Otherwise, you did well.”

Analise smiled in satisfaction, and then applied two more coats of body glitter.

Turning to Cat Mrs. Jenner said, “Stand, girl.”

Cat stood for a full inspection.

“I don’t know what *THIS* is supposed to be.” Mrs. Jenner said, drawing an imaginary circle in the air in front of Cat’s pubic hair.

“I… just never…” Cat sputtered. She hadn’t really thought about it before.

“It must go.” Mrs. Jenner said, ignoring Cat’s stammering. “Come with me.”

Mrs. Jenner pulled Cat by the arm out to where the other girls were getting ready. “Up. Up.” She said, motioning toward a hard metal table. Cat climbed up and on her direction laid back.

“Hot wax!” Mrs. Jenner yelled to someone Cat didn’t see. She had always imagined hot wax as a relaxing experience, like hot tea with honey or a steam bath.

“Ouch!” Yelled Cat. Mrs. Jenner had just spread a generous portion of some green sticky wax that must have been 200 degrees! “It burns.”

“Hold still.” Mrs. Jenner warned her. “This is be a sharp pull.”

“A wha- YIKES!” Cat screamed.

“Here, this gel will cool it down and keep it from turning bright red.” Mrs. Jenner said. She had slipped a pair of latex gloves on and began rubbing a cooling gel on Cat’s cat. It worked very quickly, as the burning from the wax was suddenly gone. Nobody had ever touched her there before. Suddenly, Cat felt something moving inside her vagina. Not really moving, but flowing. She was getting wet. She felt a wave of pleasure roll through her which caused her back to arch a little.

“Easy, girl. You’re not my type. Get up.” Mrs. Jenner told her. Cat was still trembling as she stood. “It will do.” Mrs. Jenner said, finalizing her inspection of Cat’s nude body.

“Thank…” Cat started, but Mrs. Jenner had walked away, cutting off Cat’s offer of appreciation.

“We’re ready.” Analise said. The other girls were still getting ready. Cat was relieved that she wasn’t the only naked person here, even though most of them were already starting to get their dresses pulled on. “Here, I think you go on first.”

“Thank you!” Cat said. She was so excited she spontaneously wrapped her arms around Analise giving her a massive hug. Analise pushed away causing Cat to remember that she was still naked. Cat flushed with embarrassment. “Sorry, I just…” and then she hugged her again. This time Analise didn’t pull away, though she didn’t hug back either.

“Places!” Came Mrs. Alexander’s booming voice. “We’re about to go on.”

Cat jumped. She hadn’t even gotten dressed yet. She quickly ran to the front of the line, looking frantically for Beth. “Mrs. Alexander, I need my outfit.”

Mrs. Alexander stopped in front of Cat. “You look perfect.” She said. “Beth, costume.”

In a moment, Beth was standing at Mrs. Alexander’s side looking furious at Cat. “There you are. Here.” She held out the bag. Mrs. Alexander reached in and pulled out a pair of red 3” heels, a gold chain and a wide-brimmed hat.

She placed the chain around Cat’s neck. It was long and fell between her breasts with a medallion that hung down to her navel. She then adjusted the hat. “Quickly, the shoes.” She instructed.

Confused, Cat slipped into the shoes.

Mrs. Alexander looked her up and down. “Perfect. Are you nervous?”

“Mrs. Alexander, where is my dress?” Cat asked. By now the rest of the girls were fully clothed and only Cat was standing there butt naked.

She appeared not to have heard the question as she had already moved on to inspect the rest of the models.

One of the stage manager girls, whose voice Cat didn’t recognize yelled into the staging area, “Five minutes.”

“Okay girls, line up!” Mrs. Alexander said.

“Mrs. Alexander? Where is my dress?” Cat repeated.

“This is what Teisha wore, remember?” Mrs. Alexander told her calmly. “I showed you the video.”

“Yea, but… I’m a high schooler!” Cat protested.

“So are half the models you’ve ever heard of.” Mrs. Alexander assured her.

“Won’t I get expelled if I walk out there like… THIS?” Cat insisted.

“It’s fine. I checked with the superintendent. There are no rules against this.” Mrs. Alexander told her.

“bu-bu-but… My parents! They’re gonna see this!” Cat protested.

“It’s okay. Remember? They even signed the permission slip.” Mrs. Alexander said cooly.

Some of the other girls started chiming in, “Come on Cat! You can do it.” Or “Cat, we’re about to be famous! You look amazing!”

Cat was dumbfounded. This was her dream. This was everything she wanted and more. She was about to be broadcast all over the world. How could she not do this???

Slowly, Mrs. Alexander and Beth somehow managed to guide her to the edge of the entrance. The stage lights were down, but the strobe lights had already started. She could see around the curtain that the auditorium was completely full. Her heart was pounding in her chest.

“I… I…” Cat looked around frantically. She needed to find a way out of this. All of her classmates were just on the other side of the curtain.

Suddenly, the music kicked in, and Mrs. Alexander tapped her on the shoulder to begin. Hesitantly, Cat took a step and was suddenly walking onto the stage… it had begun.
Last edited by edithdick on Wed Apr 24, 2024 8:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Catwalk

Post by student »

PLEASE LET THERE BE MORE! Don't leave off here. There's the actual show, how Cat feels about her once chance at modelling, the fact that her parents and everybody else is watching. Then Cat gets to go home without her clothes. Will she be grounded?? Will Cat become famous but from now on her school uniform is a decorative chain and expensive shoes?

The world wonders.
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Re: Catwalk chapter 3

Post by edithdick »

As Cat stepped onto the stage, she grew anxious. The only thing that kept her going was the muscle memory from the rehearsal and the fact that she had nowhere to run to, other than off the stage and into the crowd of students who had filled the auditorium.

The lights were shut down, and other than the strobe lights, she was walking on stage in pitch blackness. By the time she had found her spot on the red line, enough light had hit her body that some of the girls in the front noticed that she was on stage naked.

To Cat’s surprise, instead of mocking her, there was an abrupt, high-pitched cheer from the girls. After a second, the guys who had taken their seats in the rear of the auditorium managed to focus on her, and the crowd completely erupted.

Nervously, Cat found her footing and made her strides. Half a second behind her was Connie, who was first in line. They matched each-others steps in both pace and style. Connie made her way to center stage, did a pirouette turn and headed off toward the left. Cat got to the far right of the stage, right up to the edge where she could see a couple of familiar faced laughing and cheering for her. She matched Connie’s pirouette before repeating the arch and landing on the far left of the stage.

Her classmates had now all caught onto the fact that Cat was modeling in nothing but a hat, necklace and a pair of high-heel shoes. She’d hope that in the darkness, maybe they wouldn’t know it was her, but by the time she had completed her second turn, they had begun chanting her name to the music. “CAT! CAT! CAT!”

The song that was playing was the same one they had practiced. It was a remix of the song by Nelly, ‘Hot in Herre’. Cat tried not thinking about the words to that song as she continued her path. Next was Alisha. Cat switched from a stride to the elegant glide that Alisha was performing. The two girls nearly brushed as they passed one another in precision step.

Cat appreciated how well Alisha’s steps made it look as though she were riding on wheels rather than walking. The illusion was lost when Cat did the same steps sans clothing. For the time she spent walking, posing and making her turns, she had gotten so caught up in the process, remembering which step/pose/turn was next, she had completely forgotten that she was walking around her high school stage almost entirely naked.

The cheers of the crowd, in her mind, were for her performance, not an appreciation that she was showing off her naughty bits for the world to see. Cat thought about the website for a moment and nearly stumbled. It wasn’t just her classmates watching. Alisha said that this was being broadcast on Fashion TV. Later she discovered that it was only on their website, but just the same, anyryone in the world could be watching this!

Far closer to home, her family. At least her parents, and probably her little sister and little brother were watching. Maybe her older brother in college and her grandma, if she managed to figure out how to open a link without signing up for a reverse mortgage. Everyone who mattered to Cat was now seeing her live both her dream and her nightmare simultaneously.

The remix of this song was over fifteen minutes. It was enough time for each model to have two additional costume changes. By the time they reached the finale, even the exuberant crowd had started to calm down. At the end, she followed as the girls exited stage right. The crowd found their voice again in a standing ovation.

“Are you okay?” Mrs. Alexander asked Cat who was now covered in sweat. She was unable to speak, freaked out by what she had just done. “You were amazing, by the way.”

Several other girls chimed in congratulating Cat on keeping up so well. “I never could have done that.” Brittany said. “You are so brave for going out there and for so long.” Said Connie.

Even Alisha gave her a congratulatory hug before mentioning, “The crowd is getting pretty rowdy out there. Should we give them an encore, Mrs. Alexander?”

She agreed and lined the girls back up. This time Cat would enter last. One by one the girls walked out onto the stage, using the specific walking style that they had performed for the show. Only Cat and Mrs. Alexander walked out normally, holding hands and making it to the center of the group.

The difference was, now the auditorium lights were turned back up. Cat was standing center stage and fully illuminated. As soon as she and Mrs. Alexander reached the center, the cheers grew to the loudest they had been all night.

1-2-3 Mrs. Alexander and all the girls all bowed. They exited stage left this time and headed back toward the dressing room. There were hugs all around, and before she knew it, Cat was standing side by side with Alisha. “Ready?” Alisha asked.

“Ready for what? Aren’t we done?” Cat asked, confused.

“The party, silly.” Alisha said. “You really were amazing out there.”

“But don’t we change first?” Cat asked, horrified. “I can’t go out there like this!”

“You just did.” Alisha said cheerfully. “That was the hard part. Everyone wants to see us in our costumes.”

Before she could say anything else, Alisha had her locked arm in arm and was escorting her to the cafeteria. Everyone was already there. Streamers, balloons, food and drinks. When Cat and Alisha walked in, another round of cheers for Cat began.

“Oh my god! Cat, you are awesome!” Said a freshman boy whose name she didn’t know. Suddenly Cat was the most popular girl in school. They had even set up a photo booth, so the students could have their photo taken with one of the models. Cat was quickly ushered there, and soon there was a line of 100 people who wanted to get a selfie with Cat.

Some of the boys were making obscene gestures, but the photographer refused to take the picture until they stopped. “Alisha, these won’t be in the yearbook, will they?” Cat asked worryingly.

“Probably. Smile!” Alisha said.

After a bunch of photos had been taken, they started doing group shots to make the line go quicker. Pretty soon, some of the boys moved the lunch tables together into a line. The crowd started chanting again, “Encore! Encore!”

“Cat, your fans await.” Alisha said with a sinister grin. “Here, I’ll hold your shoes.”

Cat reluctantly slipped out of her shows and a couple of football players lifted her up, setting her at one end of the long make-shift runway. Cat slowly began walking the length of the line of tables. As she walked, the chants of “Cat! Cat! Cat!” resumed. Pretty soon, her reluctance left and she was back striding and gliding and strutting down the runway. Her classmates cheering her on as she went.

When she had made her forth return, she saw Beth standing at the end staring daggers into Cat’s heart. Cat reached Beth and slid off of the table.

“There you are! I’ve been looking all over for you. These need to go back to New York tonight!” Beth said in a fury. She then snatched the hat and necklace off of Cat and stuffed them into the box she was holding. “Shoes?” Beth said, holding out her free hand.

Alisha handed the shoes over to Beth who dropped those in and left in a rush. “What about my clothes?” Cat yelled after her, but Beth was gone.

Cat scanned the room frantically. She saw Connie over by the punch bowl. She had already changed back into her own clothes. She looked again. All of the girls had changed back except for… “Alisha, why didn’t you change back?”

“This is my dress.” Alisha said with satisfaction. “My uncle gives me clothes from his collections whenever I ask.”

Cat’s jaw dropped. She was standing in the cafeteria, with all of her classmates, and she was naked. For no reason, she was just here naked! Worse, now she didn’t even have the hat or necklace, it was 100% nude!

Cat sprung into a sprint, exiting the cafeteria and headed back to the auditorium. She made it up onto the stage and into the staging area where she had taken her clothes off in the first place. There were still a few girls there helping clean up the make-up area and put things away.

“Has anyone seen my clothes?” Cat asked in a panic. She didn’t see any of the clothing bags from earlier.

“What did they look like?” Asked Stephanie.

“They were in one of those Caisse garment bags.” Cat said hopefully.

“All those got loaded onto the truck a few minutes ago.” Stephanie responded.

“What truck?” Cat asked.

“In the parking lot… some courier. They said they have to go back to New York tonight.” Stephanie said. Cat’s jaw dropped. Her clothes were being shipped to New York.

“What’s wrong, Cat? Why aren’t you dressed?” Mrs. Alexander asked, looking a bit taken aback that Cat was standing there butt naked. Not everyone in the cleanup crew was a girl either. Some of the boys had volunteered to help, plus the school janitor was there to sweep up afterwards.

“Do you know where my clothes are?” Cat asked, helplessly.

“You didn’t get them back from Beth?” Mrs. Alexander replied.

Cat shook her head in defeat.

“Maybe you can still catch the truck. Let’s go.” Mrs. Alexander took Cat by the hand and the two of them sprinted out of the auditorium, through the school halls and out the door. They could only watch as they saw clearly the courier van was just pulling out of the parking lot and onto the street.

“Beth.” Mrs. Alexander said, seeing that the girl was still walking back to the school. “Did Cat’s clothes go on the truck?”

Beth cocked her head. “I only put the Caisse garment bags and boxes onto the truck. Why?”

“Cat, where were your clothes?” Mrs. Alexander asked.

Speaking to Beth, Cat said, “You had me put my clothes into one of those garment bags.” Tears began streaming down Cat’s cheeks. “Are my clothes gone?”

Mrs. Alexander gave a loud sigh. “Let’s go inside and sort this out.”

Cat was frozen. She was naked in school. Her clothes were who-knows-where. Her parents were going to be furious with her. After a minute, Beth and Mrs. Alexander each took one of Cat’s arms and escorted her back into the school. The other students cheered when they walked in, but Cat was numb.

Suddenly a deep voice rang through the hallways. “Catherine Beaumont! What do you think you’re doing?”

Principal Shephard was walking toward them. Panic set in, as Cat had been scolded by Mr. Shephard previously. Beth disappeared as soon as she heard his voice. Even Mrs. Alexander took a couple of steps away from Cat as Mr. Shephard approached.

“In my office, both of you!” Mr. Shephard said before leading Cat and her teacher through a walk of shame.

It took a few minutes after arriving at Mr. Shephard's office to sort out the particulars of how Cat ended up wandering the halls of the school naked. Mr. Shephard finally gave her a look of sympathy before saying, “I’ve already called your parents when I heard you had been parading around the cafeteria without a stitch of clothes on.”

“My parents?” Cat asked.

“Yes, your parents. I’m obligated to inform them when you do anything this unusual. You may wait outside my office until they arrive.” He said. “Mrs. Alexander, stay here. I have words for you as well.” Cat stepped out of the office and took a seat at one of the chairs that were normally reserved for the kids waiting to see the principal.

As numb as she was from the experience, now that she was out here alone, a new chapter in tears and sobs began pouting out of her. Some boys had taken notice that she was just sitting there. Because of her crying, they didn’t approach her, but they were definitely staring. Subconsciously, Cat’s hand moved up to cover her small breasts.

“Where are your clothes, young lady?” Asked Cat’s father from down the hall. His voice boomed and was nearly as deep as Mr. Shephard’s. Both of her parents walked briskly, ferociously towards her. “Answer your father!” Her mom demanded.

“I do-don’t know.” Cat sobbed. “New York I th-think.”

“Do not sas-mouth me young lady. You are in a world of trouble!” Her mom said. Just then, Mrs. Alexander exited the principal’s office and Principal Shephard came out as well. Mrs. Alexander was downcast and walked away without saying anything.

“Mr. and Mrs. Beaumont.” Principal Shephard said.

Cat’s father turned his attention to the principal, “Where do you get off letting my daughter wander around here without any clothes?” Her father demanded, fury turned toward the principal instead of Cat. It didn’t help with the tears or the sudden trembling that she was now experiencing.

Cat’s parents disappeared into Principal Shephard’s office and closed the door behind. For a few minutes, she could hear her father continuing to shout at Mr. Shephard. For about another minute, she heard Mr. Shephard shouting back. Finally the conversation quieted down to a muffle that Cat couldn’t make out.

Several minutes later, the door opened and Cat was invited in by her mom. There were only three seats in the room, counting Mr. Shephard’s so Cat was forced to stand by the desk.

“What’s the point in covering yourself now, Cathy? It’s not like the whole world hasn’t already seen your flaunting yourself tonight.” Her mom said sarcastically.

“Good point.” Her dad said. “Arms down!”

Cat dropped her arms to her side. She somehow felt more exposed than she was when she was on stage with cameras rolling.

“So Principal Shephard told us you volunteered for this fashion show.” Her dad said. “Why weren’t we informed?”

“Mom signed the permission slip.” Cat said defensively.

“Well, you didn’t say anything to me about going on stage naked!” Her mom said, equally defensive.

“Young lady, you are lucky not to be expelled for this!” Her dad told her.

“Well actually.” Mr. Shephard began. Cat’s jaw dropped as she braced for the worst news of all. Continuing, “It’s not exactly against the rules for students to be naked anymore. Or anyone for that matter.”

“What’s that supposed to me?” Cat’s mom asked, astonished.

“It’s just as I said. Last year, new federal regulations required all public buildings to convert their restrooms and locker facilities into gender neutral.” Mr. Shephard said.

“And?” Asked Cat’s father. “I don’t see…”

“Let him speak, dear.” Cat’s mom said.

“Well, that’s just it. It didn’t make sense to expect people to shower together in public locker rooms, and then arrest them for public decency if they did the same thing outside. So it was really a law change, but more that the anti-nudity laws are now moot, since they can no longer be enforced.”

“So you’re saying this” {pointing toward Cat} “isn’t even illegal?” Cat’s dad asked.

“Not even breaking a rule.” Mr. Shephard said.

“Well, she’s breaking MY rules.” Cat’s dad said before turning to Cat. “Do you think this is funny?”

“Na-no, daddy.” Cat said through sobs.

“Why are you laughing then?” her mom asked.

“I’m not… I-I’m crying.” Cat said.

“Unconvincingly.” Her mom concluded.

Her dad had started to regain his composure. “You know what… Kids misbehave, it’s part of growing up. I sure did. When I got caught smoking a cigarette, my dad made me smoke a whole carton. I was sick for a week, but I never smoked again.”

“I’m surprised you didn’t get addicted, dear.” Cat’s mom said.

“You’re missing the point. Our daughter wants to walk around naked, let’s apply the same principal.” Her dad said.

“What? I don’t want to walk around naked.” Cat said. “I just…”

“That’s what I told my dad too. I don’t want to smoke daddy.” Her dad said. “Since you wanted to be naked, you can be naked until you learned your lesson!”

Cat was horrified. She can’t stay naked, she just wants to go get her clothes back and have this over with. “H-h-how long?” She asked.

“Hmmm I don’t know. How many cigarettes are in a pack?” Her dad asked no one in particular.

“Ah, twenty.” Mr. Shephard offered.

“Okay, twenty days.” Her dad said.

“Twenty days??? I can’t go twenty days without clothes!” Cat said.

“Aren’t there ten pack in a carton?” Her mom added.

“Oh, right. So… well, it’ll be mid-summer before you get your clothes back.” Her dad corrected. “200 days. I’ll have to get a calendar.”

“NOOOOOOOOO!!!!” Cat yelled. “DADDY, NOOOO!”

“Not another word from you, or I’ll make this punishment apply at school as well as home.” Her dat said cooly.

“Daddy, please don’t do this.” Cat continued.

“You heard me young lady.” He said.

His words had not sunken in and she continued wailing, “no, daddy, please noooo”

“That’s it. Your punishment applies both at home and now at school as well.” He said.

“Wait, you mean it was just going to be at home?” Cat asked finally.

“Not anymore. When we get home, we’ll box them up and put them into storage.” Her mom said firmly.

Cat wanted to argue, but finally she realized that was just making it worse. Her mouth kept opening, but she managed to keep sound from coming out.
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Re: Catwalk (Chapter 3 Posted)

Post by student »


How will Cat handle her bushel of lemons dumped on her by infantile parental units acting out their hurt feelings? Potentially, Cat has a lucrative career opportunity. :lol:

No laws were broken in the production of the school fashion show. Priceless! :D
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Re: Catwalk (Chapter 3 Posted)

Post by Hooked6 »

What a great story! Though this is a logical end-point for a short story, I hope it doesn't end here as I like to see how our favorite model fares as her ordeal continues.

I must say I have read several of your works and your writing style is wonderful. You have a way with using words to create vivid scenes in your reader's minds allowing us to feel like we are there observing the action. You do this regularly and your talent is well appreciated, and although some stories contain more detail than others, your stories are always a delight to read.

Thank you for sharing your talent and I look forward to reading more.

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Re: Catwalk (Chapter 3 Posted)

Post by edithdick »

Hooked6 wrote: Fri Apr 26, 2024 9:19 am What a great story! Though this is a logical end-point for a short story, I hope it doesn't end here as I like to see how our favorite model fares as her ordeal continues.

I must say I have read several of your works and your writing style is wonderful. You have a way with using words to create vivid scenes in your reader's minds allowing us to feel like we are there observing the action. You do this regularly and your talent is well appreciated, and although some stories contain more detail than others, your stories are always a delight to read.

Thank you for sharing your talent and I look forward to reading more.

Thank you for such a ringing endorsement. I’m not sure if I deserve such high praise from someone who is so respected on these boards. I truly appreciate your words of encouragement. I have not entirely decided whether to continue with this story.

It started as a distraction while I puzzle out what I do next with Annie/Sophie. My original ending was just her walking onto the stage. I added the third part due to “student” asking for it.

Hooked6, I realize that ENM is not your thing, but I am trying my hand at it. It is very female focused, even told from the perspective of a middle aged woman. I am curious of your opinion, if you have a few minutes:

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Re: Catwalk (Chapter 3 Posted)

Post by Hooked6 »

edithdick wrote: Fri Apr 26, 2024 11:22 am

Hooked6, I realize that ENM is not your thing, but I am trying my hand at it. It is very female focused, even told from the perspective of a middle aged woman. I am curious of your opinion, if you have a few minutes:

I would be happy and most honored to read your ENM story in the link above. As a side note, I actually have published many ENM stories on several sites. When time permits, you may want to check out some of my work in this genre on one of the sites that still operates:

Most of the stories (but not all) at that site are ENM in nature and you may get some ideas or style material from my stories there that may also be of help. My story "The Punishment Jar" comes to mind

Thanks for your kind words.

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Re: Catwalk (Chapter 3 Posted)

Post by Luca »

Nice story, congratulations.
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